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I think I'm a lot funnier than I probably am
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Fantasy, LitRPG
  • Name: Mahin Attar.
    • She has also arabicized her name, for when that might be appropriate, to Mahin ibnat Mah al-Tehrani.
  • Age: 35.
  • Gender: Female.
  • Race/Nationality: Human / Persian.
  • Occupation:
    • Magus of the Zoroastrian faith.
      • She specifically holds the rank of Dastur, a high-priestess.
    • Member of The Shah's Order.
  • Personality: It was once said by a member of the Shah's court that Mahin Attar was "a most humourless soul," and that observation is quite true. She is a woman hewn from the bones of the earth, as blunt and to-the-point as a block of stone.

    Mahin does not mince her words, nor does she waste time on pleasantries. She observes the proper etiquette in court and in the presence of her betters, but only to the strictest adherence of the written procedure. She does not flatter and she does not exaggerate, and no small amount of courtiers have found themselves annoyed by her by-the-book nature.

    She is entirely dedicated to the Shah, and to her faith. Her service to her lieges of both the material and spiritual realms make up the entirety of Mahin's day. She does not partake in recreation, at least none that other members of the Shah's Order have seen-- though none have ever particularly asked after her to do so.

  • Biography: Mahin, like all members of her Order, never knew her parents. The Children of Mah, the Zoroastrian sect to which Mahin was born, emphasized the importance of the moon in their worship. All of them were the progeny of the moon, and to know one's parents would disrupt that connection.

    From an early age, Mahin was seen as a prodigy. A soul blessed by Mah, a chosen child of Ahura Mazda, and as such she received an extensive education. Reading, writing, history, mathematics and the sciences, alongside extensive tutelage in the scripture of her sect, and other sects of Zoroastrianism, as well as other faiths of the region.

    But her sect was not just focused upon learning. The Children of Mah are, and have always been, an order of warrior-priests, and Mahin received her training in the arts of war as surely as more learned pursuits. In this tutelage she found her calling, and in the exertion of battle she saw her faith blossom. To Mahin, the highest praise to the Lord of Wisdom was found as the blood cooled from the heat of battle, as muscles ache and adrenaline pulses. She came to know God in the moments between the sweeps of her axe, and the sting of an enemy's blade drawn across her flesh.

    By the time she came into the Shah's service, Mahin had been wandering on her own for several years. She has not divulged what became of the Children of Mah, but none save for Mahin have been seen for many years. Regardless of the fate of her sect, if it even still exists, she is recognized as a Dastur by other Zoroastrians, her very flesh acting as scripture. She has tattooed the words of the Avesta upon her body, from the crown of her head to the tips of her toes.

  • Abilities:
    • Master-at-Arms: Mahin is exceptionally skilled in combat, particularly with the long-handled tabarzin she favours. She wields the axe with peerless proficiency, and her skill with weapons extends beyond the axe, from daggers to swords to spears, it seems that the moment Mahin picks up a weapon, she knows exactly how to wield it.
  • Inventory / Possessions:
    • A mastercraft tabarzin axe, its entire surface decorated with scripture from the Avesta and reliefs of scenes from it.
    • Twin scimitars, as befits a member of The Shah's Order.
    • Two daggers, a pesh-kabz and a khanjar, for backup.
    • A physical copy of the Avesta, and any materials she requires for services whilst travelling.
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  • Name: Abrar ibnat Fajr al-Dawla
  • Age: 49.

  • Gender: Female.
  • Race: Zuhri - passes herself off as an Endowed.
  • Nationality: Arabian.
  • Occupation: Advisor to the Sultan, Agent of the Ghulam.
  • Personality: A healthy knowledge of the ways of the Court is the key to survival, and none are so well versed in the ways of the Aristocracy as Abrar al-Dawla. Raised in the shadow of the Sultan's court all her life, it is said that Abrar was born shrewd, that as soon as she left the womb she began to plot.

    Incredibly intelligent, which more than makes up for her physical shortcomings, Abrar seems to have an ear to every wall and a finger in every pie. She is a woman of good humour, with a deceptive cunning just beneath the surface, glimpsed in the way she maneuvers every conversation to in some way benefit herself or her goals.

    One learns early to watch their words around her. While her friendly demeanor is evident, those who know Abrar, the real Abrar, are wary of her perceptive eyes and ears.

  • Biography: The daughter of Fajr ibnat Jazibiyya al-Dawla, and the next in a long line of advisors to the Sultan, long has her family served dual roles. Advisors, and the hunters of monsters. Abrar, passing herself off as Endowed as her foremothers before her, is in fact a Zuhri-- the mortal progeny of a djinn and a mortal.

    Abrar was a premature child, and her mother died in childbirth, leaving her in the care of the court. She was always small, and sick, but there was a tenacity to that tiny thing. A tenacity that allowed her to pull through, even though she would never quite be on the physical level of her peers.

    She learned from the journals of her mother, and her mother's mother, and her mother before her. Abrar learned to control her abilities, learned how to navigate the court of the Sultan, and how to make herself a valuable asset. Now, nearly five decades later, Abrar is a facet of life in the court of Agrabah.

  • Abilities:
    • Magic: The daughter of a powerful djinn, such a lineage passed down to Abrar a distinct list of advantages. Her grasp of magic is second only to her grasp of politics. Her capabilities span wider than the proclivities of the Endowed, and as such she only displays one of her many skills. Her offencive magic is the stuff of local myth. Roaring flames, frigid water and lashing wind, all this and more rests within her portfolio, as well as a firm grasp of defencive wards and healing magics.

    • Longevity: Ancient and powerful are the djinn, and some of that was passed to Abrar. She has aged normally only because she desired it so. It would have aroused suspicion, were the fifty year-old Abrar to not appear a day over twenty-five.

    • Intellect: Abrar has an appetite for knowledge to rival the greatest scholars of any age, past or present, and her mind moves at the same pace as the greatest minds of her generation.
  • Drawbacks:
    • Iron: Abrar, as her djinni kin, is burned by the touch of iron. She avoids it at all costs.

    • Salt: Abrar cannot cross an unbroken threshold of salt.

    • Physical Condition: This is a wholly mortal condition. Born premature, Abrar is small and physically frail. She requires the use of a cane and a complex mechanism of leg braces to support her weakened limbs. This prevents her from doing anything particularly physically arduous, like running, jumping, or lifting heavy objects.
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