HOLOTAPE DATA Letter's Characters and Blank Character Sheet

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Letter Bee

Original poster
Invitation Status
  1. Not accepting invites at this time
Posting Speed
  1. One post per day
Online Availability
Between 6 AM to 9 - 10 PM, Philippine Time, most days.
Writing Levels
  1. Beginner
  2. Elementary
  3. Intermediate
  4. Adept
  5. Advanced
Preferred Character Gender
  1. Male
Fantasy, Sci-Fi, Modern, Medieval

Nicknames/Titles/Alias(es): (Name Here)

Origin: (Refer to the Origin of Life section for reference; what type of person are you playing? Human? Ghoul? Synth?)

Age: (Include a perceived age if playing an Origin with an extended lifespan.)

Appearance: (A brief description of what they look like and any other distinguishable features they may have.)

Faction: (Where does your character's allegiance lie? Give a brief description on how they joined their faction (and/or how they fled it) and what kind of choices and actions they made during their tenure.)

Character Audit: (A 1-2 paragraph character pitch that enlightens us on who they are, what they do, their drives, motives, and fears, how they protect themselves in the Wasteland (if they're out there), personality quirks, and key moments in their past that's made them who they are today.)


*At creation you'll have 21 points to distribute between the seven traits that make you special.*

With that being said, however, all A Requiem for Spring players may add an additional 15 points to their character sheets, as I want them to be established within the surrounding world before we begin.

Feel free to put as much or as little thought into this as you'd like! Not only are they visual at-a-glance descriptors for your character and what makes them unique, but also a way for me (and other GMs) to balance, craft, and gauge the difficulty of encounters we're planning.

Strength: 1
Perception: 1
Endurance: 1
Charisma: 1
Intelligence: 1
Agility: 1
Luck: 1

[ 21 + 15 + the six 1s already there = 42 total points ]

[ Stats max out at 10 ]

[ 5 = a little more than average ]

A Note to GMs: While free to alter the number of points one can distribute at character creation for your own games and plots therein, I recommend you stick close to the number 21 unless you're looking for an extra gritty feel for your narrative.

Fun (But Optional!) Additions //

While I would love to see these bits filled out, I realize character creation is not for everyone. What's below can be briefly mentioned in the character audit if it inspires you, but don't feel obligated to elaborate if it's sapping your creativity.

Caps: (You have two options for starting wealth: F:R default of 850 caps OR roll 10d100s. Big risk, big rewards.)

Inventory, including Weapons & Armor: (Vault 120 dwellers will receive a specific array of equipment, but they're free to grab any additional items from around the vault they have access to. Players from different factions may have different equipment — Only the strongest of Raiders have access to Power Armor, while almost every member of the Defiant Sisters do. Likewise, the Children of the Fen downright refuse to use ballistic weapons and instead focus on an overwhelming offensive assault in cleverly laid traps, all while the Sons of the Machine use laser weapons exclusively.)

Fighting Style: (Guns or blades? Ballistics or lasers? Plasma? Machetes and daggers? Baseball bats?)

Companion: (Vault 120 dwellers will not have access to a companion at character creation (though the option to persuade or purchase one's service will be on the table at a later date), but those who've grown up in the Wasteland are free to create such a character— with the understanding that they're "side-characters" first and foremost, meant to aid the forward momentum in the characters and narrative. Their Origin of Life may be any of the ones listed, as well as an animal* or perhaps one of General Atomics' line of multipurpose Mister Handy robots.)

Miscellaneous: (Optional. Anything else that doesn't fit into the above.)
Name: Andrew Rivers

Nicknames/Titles/Alias(es): N/A

Origin: Human

Age: 20


The brown-haired soldier on the left

Faction: New California Republic's 10th Infantry Corps.

Andrew joined the NCR Army in Baja for the educational opportunities, for the chance to serve his country and see the world, and of course, the cash, now that the NCR's currency was regaining respect as legal tender again. He was genuinely committed to humanitarian missions and causes, helping friendly and allied settlements and scorning tribals less than other faction members. However, when faced with real, implacable enemies, he was also quick to shut out all mercy, seeing sniping enemies with his Service Rifle as akin to a game.

Eventually, he and his partner (and boyfriend) Leonid Tannhauser, were sent to accompany a naval expedition to what was once the Panama Canal, where they found a thriving merchant settlement on the canal zone. The NCR was greeted as partners and potential customers at first, then they discovered that the merchants ran a slaving society that traded in slaves from all over two continents. Even then, the expedition prepared to return to Baja while trying to hide their hostility to slavery but were suddenly ambushed by the locals, many of whom had old but well-maintained suits of Power Armor from the ancient US military bases in the Canal Zone.

Many of them were killed; others, such as Andrew and Leonid, were taken prisoner and then sold on the slave market. After being forced to work for a variety of masters, the two, who had somehow contrived to remain together for the entire time of enslavement, were bought by a Trade Baron from Florida who was 'collecting exotic slaves', including every remaining man and woman of the NCR Panama Expedition.

Now the two, along with their compatriots, are forced to work as hired thugs by this very rich plutocrat, who promised them their freedom and enough cash to return to the NCR through the Panama Canal if they do his bidding...

Character Audit: Born in The Boneyard to an NCR Soldier and a Follower of the Apocalypse, Andrew learned how to switch between two mindsets, the one that demanded violence and the one that demanded peace, with ease, but as he grew up, he found himself gravitating towards the Followers' mindset but needed to join the NCR for the cash. He managed to resolve these contradictions by adopting a policy of 'nonviolence first, violence later', a policy which has lapsed in his ordeal of enslavement, where the need to survive, to avoid humiliation and abuse, and finally, the desire to earn his freedom had eroded some of his morals.

But if he can afford to help others, he would. Nor can he be forced to kill an innocent, as many of his' and Leonid's masters have found out. This firm personal creed has helped him find meaning and solace in the Wasteland, even as he enforces the will of the Trade Barons as someone with formal military training could.

As for his boyfriend, Leonid Tannhauser, Andrew knows Leonid can take care of himself, and is glad that the two managed to stay together despite every threat of separation. He hopes the two can return to the NCR and start a family with an adopted son or daughter...


42 points this time, but I am going to leave Luck at 1 to give the GMs something to RP out.

Strength: 5
Perception: 8
Endurance: 5
Charisma: 7
Intelligence: 7
Agility: 9
Luck: 1

Caps: 591

Inventory, including Weapons & Armor:

- Slave Collar (Shock, Not Explosive)
- Chinese Assault Rifle.
- 10mm Pistol.
- Hunting Rifle with Scope with the NCR two-headed bear painted on.
- Combat Armor with a Gas Mask and Helmet.
- Switchblade.
- 2x Stimpak
- 1x Rad-X
- 1x RadAway
- NCR Dogtags.

Fighting Style:

Guns, but capable of Melee and Unarmed Combat.

Companion: N/A

Miscellaneous: N/A
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Name: Leonid Tannhauser

Nicknames/Titles/Alias(es): N/A

Origin: Human

Age: 20


The silvery-haired soldier on the right

Faction: New California Republic's 10th Infantry Corps.

A boy born in The Boneyard, Leonid was well-educated, being the son of an NCR Politician and his trophy wife. Desperate to escape the drought and his strict parents, Leonid joined the military without his parents' consent, forging documents and medical records to do so. This was discovered when he was already in the Baja, and more importantly, performed with valor against a band of raiders (Baja Bandits) on a mission to smoke out their lairs. Nevertheless, he was sent home, but his parents learned a new respect for him and let him join the military at sixteen, the legal age for military service.

Leonid proved to be a competent soldier once more when he had legally joined. Loyal to his commanding officers and loyal to the rules and regulations of the NCR, he earned a reputation for being a 'sourpuss' when he chose to stay in barracks and read books and only drink a little alcohol. Of course, he also had a minor reputation for saving his fellow soldiers from pickpockets, footpads, and other people who sought to take advantage of them when their guard was down.

It was during a routine patrol that he met Andrew. It was when the patrol was attacked by a band of local raiders that Leonid and Andrew saw how skilled each other was. Then they decided to be friends. Then they realized they both liked boys as well as girls and when the call-up to the Panama Expedition came, both of them signed up for the chance to spend a longer time with each other.

Needless to say, this did not turn out as planned, as the expedition's Anti-Slavery views led to the NCR expedition being ambushed and massacred on their way out, with the survivors being deprived of everything they had before collars were clamped around their necks. The captivity that followed tested Leonid to the brink of his endurance, as he and Andrew were... He does not want to talk about it.

Either way, at 20, the remaining members of the NCR Panama Expedition, including him and Andrew, were bought by a Florida Trade Baron who also shelled out the cash needed to buy back their precious dog tags; important for proving their identity if they successfully returned. Now he and his boyfriend seek to earn their freedom and find a way home...

Character Audit: Leonid strives to do right more than he wants to be right, strangely enough. To him, kindness is nothing without action; compassion needs to be backed up with more than words. Despite his belief that people are naturally selfish and out for themselves, including him, Leonid has found the strength to forgive them and himself for that and strive to be good and help others. Of course, he does this in a sour and backhanded manner that causes him to come off as someone self-righteous and in your face. And he's not so cold that he does not care about that at all, but as long as he has people with him who support him, and he does his duty, well, all's well with the world.


42 points this time, but I am going to leave Luck at 1 to give the GMs something to RP out.

Strength: 5
Perception: 5
Endurance: 8
Charisma: 9
Intelligence: 7
Agility: 6
Luck: 1

Caps: 509

Inventory, including Weapons & Armor:

- Slave Collar (Shock, Not Explosive)
- Chinese Assault Rifle.
- 10mm Pistol.
- Broad Machete with the NCR Two-headed Bear painted on.
- Combat Armor, Combat Helmet, and Gas Mask.
- Combat Knife.
- 2x Stimpak
- 1x Rad-X
- 1x RadAway
- NCR Dogtags.

Fighting Style:

Guns, but capable of Melee and Unarmed Combat.

Companion: N/A

Miscellaneous: N/A
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