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Original poster
Hi I'm cc I'm 20 and I'm still a bit new here on this site but I'm looking for some roleplay partners! I did take a long break from roleplay but I'm looking to get back into roleplay! Just a few disclaimers first I do work so my responses aren't going to be a lot when it's my work week but I'm hoping you'll understand that. I'm also wanting my roleplay partner to be 18+ please.

~what I'm looking for~
So I'm not really into any fandoms right now, so I am looking for some non fandom roleplays where it would just be ocxoc and we just come up with a plot line and make our own worlds together! I would love if we really talk and brainstorm what we would like to do in the story we are creating together I'm always open to talking about ideas and things we might like to do for a roleplay! I do already have a few plots I'm more than willing to pitch to you but that's if you don't have anything in mind already or you just want to see what I have but yea I have lots of ocs and plots ready! Also I do like to match my roleplay partners on there writing so I have experience doing 5 paragraphs to just a few paragraphs per response but we can talk more about response length once we start getting a roleplay together.

~Parings I do~
I mainly do mxm or fxf but I do fxm sometimes I have a few roleplay plots and ocs that can go with fxm so just let me know what kind of paring your wanting to do so I know what kind of plots to pitch and what ocs to use for the roleplay. Now onto the plots and tropes I usually do
I have experience in all kinds of things and just love doing all kinds of worlds so here are some things I looking to do
-vampire and human
-vampire and vamp hunter
-vampire and werewolf
-cyberpunk worlds
-mermaid and human or pirate
-siren and pirate
-prince and dragon shifter
-hero and villain
-villain and villain
Does are the things I already have plots and ocs for but I'm open to you pitching another kind of paring I'm always open to any kind of ideas

Anyways I thinks that's all for now I hope to hear back from someone soon replying to this thread is fine or just giving me a DM is fine too and I'll get back to you as soon as I can! Thanks for reading all of this and I hope this catches someone's interest!