ALWAYS OPEN PARTNER REQUEST looking for 1x1 rp partner !!

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quotev refugee ✧ 24 ✧ she/her
Original poster
Invitation Status
  1. Looking for partners
Posting Speed
  1. Multiple posts per day
  2. 1-3 posts per week
Writing Levels
  1. Intermediate
  2. Adept
  3. Advanced
Preferred Character Gender
  1. Male
  2. Female
  3. Nonbinary
hi !! my name is lapsi and i am 24. unfortunately, i'm more or less a 10+ year veteran when it comes to quotev. i've been rping for the same amount of time , and with what has been going on with quotev , i'm searching for new connections and roleplay partners !!

my style of rping is more leaning towards world building ( even with fandoms ) and there isn't exactly a must for adult content as it's not exactly something i heavily focus on , even then , i have to get to know someone before treading on plots with adult content. that being said , minors please don't interact. i am an adult and don't feel comfortable with minors interacting even if it's just innocent chatting / rping.

i mainly do canonxoc since , to me , it gives more freedom to plot without too many problems arising. i'm okay with canonxcanon , although, i have recently become a sucker for crossover canonxcanon. regardless , plotting !! is !! key !! also world building is something that is huge for me and lets me and my rp partner engage and plot a lot more.

i am a huge sucker for angst— especially the kind that's hurt and comfort type. as for sensitive themes , i understand some ocs / canons do have questionable backstories and intricacies that tie into who they are , so long as i'm warned ahead of time , i am completely a-okay with that. it adds in more depth and i appreciate that , adds more " flavor " to the roleplay in my opinion. that , and i too have some ocs / canons that have sensitive themes. take my naruto interps , i go more of a realistic setting that adds in questionable backgrounds as well as things such as torture , trauma , and killing. i know it's not everyone's cup of tea and that is completely okay !!

i lean more towards long / descriptive roleplay and i do prefer my partners try to match what i respond with. not to mention i do quite enjoy crossovers of fandoms that can lead into the most random pairs thought of.

i also prefer rping on discord as it helps me keep track of what i have to reply to as well as being alerted when i have something to respond to. i understand that not everyone is up for using discord to roleplay , so i am also open to doing a thread on here and doing it that way. but !! i also have work that goes from 3pm - 12:30am monday - thursday cst time !! and on friday's and sometimes saturday i can work from 3pm - 2:30am !! but majority of the time i do have the weekends off. a big reason i prefer using discord !! so please , don't spam me for replies. there are times where i will get burnt out but that's because of work and adult stress. reminding me every couple of days is okay , but not every single day.
꧁ fandoms ꧂

jujutsu kaisen
one piece ( just now started watching )
genshin impact
honkai: star rail
avatar the last air bender / legend of korra
attack on titan
demon slayer
steven universe
( more to be added eventually )
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