ALWAYS OPEN PARTNER REQUEST Looking for a non specific rp with my oc

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Fluffy Dancer
Original poster
Invitation Status
  1. Looking for partners
Posting Speed
  1. Slow As Molasses
Online Availability
Random but usually frequent
Writing Levels
  1. Adaptable
Preferred Character Gender
  1. Primarily Prefer Male
Sci-Fi fantasy
Basically what the title says. I'm looking for anyone who has plots but doesn't have a partner. I'm down to do almost any plot or AU as long as I can us my oc because I have not used him in ages.

if you read his backstory (i doubt you fully will and also if you don't wanna read it the random facts are at the bottom) you'll see he has a boyfriend. But in RPs he gets deleted. That's for story jackal, I don't use story jackal in RPs

Edit: UA Is a personal creation for this world and has mostly nothing to do with RP jackal. So if you're confused, ignore it


name: jackal River (Jackalyn Tanaka)

nickname: Bumblebee. Stripes. Honeypot.

age: 18

gender: male

species: half wood elf

sexuality: homosexual

personality: snappy, Easily irritated, sarcastic, horny, sometimes very silly, mildly insane, gets excited when he gets to show off his skills.

likes: making puppets, Coffee, Cooking, Gardening, crafting poisons, making traps, reading,

dislikes: bugs, weed killer, bland food, overly chatty people, people who don't respect boundaries, people in general honestly.

favorite color: lavender or lilac and black

favorite food: anything spicy really but beef, chicken, lamb, venison, any meat really. And tomatoes.

height: 4'10

fear: storms, the dark, his hallucinations

mental illness or any other kind of illness: depression and anxiety


His house burned down at the age of 5, unknown to everyone else he was the one who had set the fire.

He always had an odd fascination with fire and no one knew why. His reason for burning the house down wasn't clear but his biological parents were both trapped in the burning house and inevitably died. The police arrived after the neighbors noticed the burning house, but by the time they were there, jackal was already gone. He had wandered off into the woods by himself and somehow the search party that went to look for him completely lost his trail. There were no signs that he had anything to do with the fire and they assumed his body had just been covered in a flammable fliud and burned to the point of cremation.

Jackal on the other hand was perfectly healthy and found his way to a house in the woods. Here, he met what would soon be his two adoptive mothers. They attempted to take him to the police after seeing him by himself which resulted in a flurry of cries and protests until they dropped the idea entirely. He didn't put up much of a fight when they too him home however.

He was a quiet kid and spent most of his time coloring on some books they bought him. They weren't sure what to do with him but eventually decided it would be best to have him stay until his parents came looking.

Being so far away from civilization, the news of the fire hadn't gotten to them. They were unaware of the entire situation and since jackal was ruled out as dead, no one was looking for him.

After months of him staying with them, the idea of his parents coming to find him slowly faded away as they began seeing him more and more as their own kid. Jackal mostly kept to himself but occasionally would find his way to them to show off a new drawing he made or to watch them cook. They assumed he was afraid of the police because he didn't want them to take him home, which worried them.

The bruises they noticed only a few days after they took him in did nothing to calm their nerves. They kept from bringing it up and only kept an eye on his behavior to confirm what they already thought was abuse.

Tho nothing seemed out of the ordinary with his behavior and he took to them very quickly, calling them mom and expressing the want for physical affection almost immediately.

As he grew up, he only became more attached to them. Trying to get him to stay in his own room or leave the house was a hassle. The only time he wanted to leave was when both mothers were outside gardening.

At the age of ten, while getting his hair brushed they began to notice blonde strands in his hair. Initially, they thought it was gray and assumed he was stressed out because of school, which made them quickly pull him out until months later when what they thought was gray turned out to be a honey blonde that covers most of his head. The change seemed to stop, leaving him with two toned hair along with lightening his eyes ever so slightly.

They found it weird because it didn't at all seem dyed or anything. And the color never faded. That was odd enough until they also noticed strange things with their plants. They were growing faster and bigger then normal and would even begin rapidly moving anytime jackal stepped near them

It didn't take long to connect the dots, after all anomalies were rather well known at this point, they just weren't treated very well in society. They sat him down and explained to him the situation, requesting him to try and control whatever ability he had since UA had been taking children who were considered anomalies and never returning them.

He..understood to an extent. He was homeschooled after that and spent the rest of his childhood years tending to small animals and learning how to whittle.

At age 14, he began experimenting more with wooden puppets that he could control and showed off to kids at the library whenever he went. He thought it was harmless since they were little, but... a librarian saw him, and he was reported to UA for a large sum of money.

While out for a walk, he was grabbed and knocked out.

When he woke up,

He was tied down to an operating table and surrounded by docters in uniforms that he did not recognize- they wore the typical cloth masks that docters usually did and seemed to be talking but.. his foggy mind couldn't make out any of the words.

He only snapped out of his haze when he felt a sharp pain in his arm, he was being cut with a scalpel but with what little he could see, the wound closed up almost immediately.

He was both relieved and horrified but the pain still lingered..

The rest of the day was a blur of chatter and being moved around. His body felt numb and he was mostly dragged around as they ran various tests on him.

He felt anxious and even began to see people when he was by himself.

He was drugged, not that he had noticed. The general idea was to keep him calm and non reactive but that plan unfortunately backfired.

He was forced the stay in the lab for a year. After his first day he was assigned to a room with another patient named Noah. He couldn't remember much of his time with him but he knew he found his presence comforting.

Noah had apparently been there since he was 4 and filled him in one what was going on.

Jackal was still really drugged up which made most things harder.

Again, with his brain being foggy he couldn't make out much, but he remembered a docter coming in and explaining that the drug he was given was untested and they would frequently check in on him for results.

His time there was a mix of painful but relatively ok tests, bland food and sleepless nights. He hated every second of it. He missed his moms and he wanted to go home. The only bright side was that he learned more about his abilities as he was able to practice with them.

He had a healing ability which made him heal from almost any injury.

That explained his wound healing up so fast.

Noah tried to be friendly but jackal was distant and often wanted to be left alone.

The final straw was when he was brought in for what would be the last test they would ever run.

He woke up strapped down again like he was when he arrived. But when he awoke he immediately felt a sharp pain going down his stomach. Except this time, the wound didn't close up.

He felt dizzy but the pain kept him awake. He wanted to scream or cry but it was like his entire body was shut off.

He could feel blood pooling out of his stomach and he could see the docters scramble around as he was quickly sewed back up.

The test went on for hours, his stomach still mostly healed faster then normal a human's and they seemed disappointed at that.

The room cleared out and he was stuck there for while, unmoving and unblinking.


He finally fell asleep.

He woke up, alarms blaring and people running around outside of the room he was in. The first thing he noticed, was that he had a pain shooting up his entire body.

The second thing he noticed, was that his restraints were now gone.

The lab was dark aside from the flashing red lights and the door to his room was wide open.

He could leave.

He could finally get out!

Or so he thought. As he sat up, he discovered that the pain shooting up his body, was due to the fact that he was now missing a leg from the knee down.

Before he could panic, he was quickly grabbed by someone and was shoved back down with a hand over his mouth

The power in the lab had been shut down, and noah came to grab him and get him out.

But he needed to be silent, so he bit his lip and held on as best as he could.

The escape was a blur of gunshots, shouting and noah trying to keep him awake, fearing he wouldn't survive if he closed his eyes.

They were some of the few that actually got out and after what felt like hours, probably even more to noah since he was carrying jackal, they stopped just outside of a city.

Noah was afraid he would be reported to the police since his appearance wasn't normal.. and said his goodbyes to jackal who was barely conscious at that point.

He hadn't realized he had passed out again until he woke up in a hospital, an actual hospital. He had already been patched up by the docters and he was told by the nurses that his parents were on their way.

They had put out posters and been asking around since he left about him, so when he was found they were contacted immediately.

He was questioned about what had happened but he stayed mostly quiet until he was allowed to go home.

The only time he spoke to the policeman was when he asked if they had found another boy with him, to which they replied no.

The transition back into his normal life was stressful as he struggled with nightmares and the lingering effects of the drug he was given.

He was more cold and distant then ever and absolutely refused to leave the house, which.. didn't bother his parents.

At least one of them would be home at all times while the other worked. They didn't wanna leave him by himself and feared he would disappear if he was by himself.

He began stress eating and gained weight which only stressed him out more.

He was given a prosthetic leg that he quickly replaced with one of his own making, it somehow worked and moved more naturally then the original.

For 2 months straight things were like this,

Until they had a visitor.

His mother's were unsure of who he was, but jackal almost immediately booked it to him when he saw who it was.

It was nosh. He looked a bit different, his wings and horns along with his tail were gone but he knew it was him.

Jackal sort of half explained who he was and how he knew him, which his parents were ok with.

Noah had been staying with a lady who took in escaped UA patients secretly and was taught how to mask his appearance.

Not that jackal cared. He was just happy to see him.

He was still very anxious and after awhile he began clinging to his mom's like he did when he was ten.

Noah frequently visited and they slowly but surely transitioned from a close friendship to a loving relationship.

After about a year or two his anxiety calmed down and he went into the process of losing weight again.

He figured learning to use other aspects of his ability would be good to start.

And as he got better markings slowly began appearing on his body.

By this point that was the least weird thing that had happened to him, and he was confident that of he were ever tracked down by UA, he could probably get away.

So after noah got into high-school, he begged and pleaded until his parents enrolled him in the same school.

The two were and still are inseparable.

His parents bought land and he and noah helped build a house.

His parents were aware of noah being an anomaly so his uncanny strength and portals didn't bother them.

Within 3 months they had built a far bigger house then anticipated and jackal still wanted to build floors under the house so he continued to work on it with Noah while his moms took care of other stuff around the house.

Even two more years later they still stayed together.

Jackal's parents adored noah and even now they still work on the house

Random facts: jackal cannot donate blood or organs due to his biology being far different from a normal humans.

He isn't aware if this, but depending on any really strong emotion he's feeling, he coul release a posion or an aphrodisiac via scent.

He's technically considered a plant, and by animals a poisonous one.

Being half wood elf he doesn't only control plants, but can control fungi as well. He just has less practice with that.

His abilities are different from other half wood elves because of a mutation in his DNA, so some of his abilities are unknown to UA.

He can grow plants directly from his body and blood.

The only reason his leg never healed properly was because an acid originally meant to be a weed killer was used on the knife that cut his leg off.

He picked up cooking very quickly from his moms and now always helps out with that.

Bugs will steer clear of whatever plants he grows with his ability for some reason. They're safe to eat however

The drugly he was given is based on the angels trumpet which causes fever, delirium, hallucinations, agitation, and persistent memory disturbances. UA turned this into a drug and decided he would be one of the first test subjects. The drug never fully left this system so he still suffers some of the effects.

He can regenerate organs, skin, bone, and entire limbs. Even cutting his head clean off won't kill him unless the acid used to remove his leg is used, any discarded body parts will rapidly decay after he's regrown them.

Being half wood elf and by that logic basically being half dragon, humans are included in his diet.

He has roots planted around his house that stretch for miles. Any plants connected to these roots, he can see out of. So if it seems like a plant is staring at you, it likely is.

His eyes are black but turn gold whenever he's using his power. Because of his leg, he's almost never not using it.

Because he's biologically a plant, he has no finger prints and thus no way to trace him back to a crime. His DNA is also different so a DNA test wouldn't work either

@Alexitheslayer03 and this is my gf. Thought yall should know that (tagging her because i need her approval on everything i do)
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