PARTNER REQUEST Looking for Lisa Frankenstein, but will roleplay anything on my fandoms list for your end if needed (Canon X OC)

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Spellbinding Flower . 23 (Temp Hiatus)
Original poster
Invitation Status
  1. Looking for partners
Posting Speed
  1. One post per week
  2. Slow As Molasses
Online Availability
Sometimes it can take me a while to respond. You're free to send me a reminder every 1-2 weeks.
Writing Levels
  1. Intermediate

  • Intro
    Hello there! My name is Angela, and I go by she/her pronouns. I've been roleplaying for nearly ten years and I enjoy every minute of it! When I'm not roleplaying, I would either play The Sims 4 or GTA 5 on my computer, draw, or watch TV/play video games with my family. While I like to respond as soon as I get the response, sometimes it could take me weeks or months to respond depending on my real-life schedule or if I need to rest my right hand for a while. As of right now, my family needs to move by the end of next month, so that would take priority. I'm hoping to be more consistent after the move, but I can't make any promises. About 90% of the time, however, I'll always be interested so if you're looking for a long-term partner, I'm the person for you!
  • Rules
    #1. I'm not a minor, so I ask that you're at least 18+ if you want to roleplay with me. If you need to know my age to see if we're a good match, I'm currently 23.

    #2. I go by line count, so my minimum is 5 and my maximum is around 12-15 desktop. I can either write in one giant paragraph or separate the response in multiple paragraphs.

    #3. I personally like adding gifs/visuals in my responses, but it's optional.

    #4. My triggers are rape, suicide, self-harm, seizures, and extreme detailing of gore.

    #5. I always roleplay fandoms, and I do OC X Canon. However, if your OC has an OC crush, I won't mind portraying them for you.

    #6. I prefer mxf, but I don't mind any other pairing.

    #7. Just in case this is important, all my ocs are females who have male crushes.

    #8. If there's only one crush for that fandom, that means that it's the only love interest I got. However, we can do an alternate universe where we both have the same crush, but our OCs never meet.

    #9. In order to not burn myself out of the fandom or roleplaying in general, I'll only take a small handful of roleplays for the fandoms I'm interested in. The roleplays are first come, first serve.
  • Looking For
    Currently, the only fandom I'm interested in is Lisa Frankenstien. I finished making an OC for that film, and I really want to use her! Her crush is The Creature.

    I'm looking for three people to roleplay this movie with. I know I'll add more fandoms I want to do in the future but until then, this rp request will be closed once all three slots are filled. (0/3 filled)
  • Fandoms List
    If you don't mind roleplaying what I want on my end, I don't mind roleplaying any fandom you want to do for your side as long as I know of it. Here's where you can check out my fandom list. If you want to do a fandom that is striked out, message me anyways so we can talk about it!
  • In Conclusion
    If you're interested, please send me a message! Please include what you were preferring to be called by, your pronouns, your triggers, whether or not you want to include gifs/visuals, the fandom or fandoms you would like to do, your crushes, and your form if you have one. I look forward to roleplaying with you! Have a wonderful day!😁
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