ALWAYS OPEN PARTNER REQUEST A x A looking for some roleplay partners!! (1x1, doubling up)

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sam ✸ 25 ✸ est ✸ she/her
Original poster
Invitation Status
  1. Looking for partners
Posting Speed
  1. One post per week
  2. Slow As Molasses
Writing Levels
  1. Intermediate
  2. Adept
  3. Adaptable
Preferred Character Gender
  1. Female
  2. No Preferences
hello everyone! i have updated my main fandom listings hence why i'm posting again! but my name is sam (25, she/her, est) i am a quality over quantity roleplayer, though my average minimum tends to be between 900-1000 words per each side of a reply. that being said, i merely just write until i feel i have a good enough reply (which can be quite literate)! i also am going through a transition in life so im more active on the weekends for writing compared to during a typical week, though i am also on to plot and send headcanons back and forth! we would also be doubling up !

here is my writing sample !

interested in roleplaying the following:
⭐attack on titan
-levi ackerman

one piece (live action specifically)
- buggy the clown

star wars
- poe dameron
- din djarin / the mandalorian

the umbrella academy (mainly season 1/2 as thats what im caught up on!)
- diego hargreeves

harry potter
- golden trio era: george weasley or fred weasley
- marauders era: remus lupin

- i mainly stick to live action media so just ask!

additional fandoms:
hetalia (i'm currently reworking my very old oc so that will be with the warning of a please be patient)

soul eater (same as above for hetalia!!)

┊┊. if you are interested in roleplaying with me, please let me know !!
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i have updated the list to include more fandoms !
hii would u be down to do harry potter or dc rp, depending on what media you've watched ? :0
i would be more inclined for a harry potter roleplay at the minute if that's alright !