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Django Jane
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Table of Contents

The background lore for the world of Persia draws its many pearls from myths and legends -- both historical and GM created -- and partly from our own ancient history. Players are advised to use the provided text as a resource as they create characters and stories of their own. Players are welcome to create their own lore, given that it does not conflict with the information already presented here. Player lore can be submitted here for GM approval.

Here is a table of contents to navigate the lore:

  1. The Persian Empire
  2. Persian Society
  3. Recreation
  4. Organizations
  5. Conquered Lands
  6. Arabia
  7. Greece
  8. Turkey
  9. Egypt
  10. Punt
  11. Outliers
  12. The Nubians
  13. Imperial Resources
  14. Beasts of the Empire
  15. Power of the Empire
  16. New Horizons

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Golems (pictured left) - There can be no reasoning with these beasts of land. A menace to both humans and animals alike, golems are a budding diaspora throughout the Empire, belonging to every sort of biome imaginable. Though they may differ in appearance based on local flora, all golems consist of a rocky, four-limbed build, and most tower anywhere between twelve to fifteen feet over their enemies. They harbor immense strength and are fiercely territorial. The only ways to get through golem land is to sneak through...or destroy them.

Drakes (pictured right) - The devils of the sands. These wingless beasts may not be anywhere near as large as their mythical winged cousins (bearing only the size of a small horse) but they are dangerous in their own right. The treacherous reptiles possess the same ability to breathe fire, and they are fast, quick to chase after whatever they deem are viable prey. The Ghulams of Arabia have done well to keep their numbers down, and drakes have largely retreated to the outskirts of the peninsula.

Rasps - These massive lizards are the Africans' answer to the Persians' famous griffins. Measuring just about the size of a large horse, rasps are domesticated mounts that are perfect for traveling rocky, desert terrains, as well as crossing water due to their innate ability to swim. They are notoriously difficult to train, and finding a skilled rasp rider outside of the southern continent is about as rare as finding their trained companions.

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Sirens - The demonic songstresses from Greece are scattered all along the coastlines of the Mediterranean. The feminine figures are beautiful from afar but quickly turn hideous and horrifying upon drawing close to them. Their songs cause all men to fall under their hypnotic lullaby. It would be prudent for sailors who spot the scaled women from afar to quickly deafen their ears, lest they fall victim to a watery grave.

Leviathan - No one has ever laid eyes on the Leviathan and lived to tell the tale. Residing somewhere in the murky depths of the Mediterranean Sea, scholars can only assume that it is a sea monster of immense size - entirely shattered ships remain evidence of its handiwork. Few are unfortunate enough to encounter it, but it is rumoured that the beast only surfaces during storms. A curse, then, that the Mediterranean is prone to so many in the fall season.

Nymphs - These gorgeous, female spirits of the seas are the benevolent sisters of the dangerous Sirens. Playful and childlike, the nymphs are prone to appear in shallow lakes and rivers. A nymph's skin mirrors whatever body of water they inhabit, and their eyes are large and black, like that of an insect. They enjoy interacting with whatever humans come their way, but one must be careful; the fickle creatures are quick to run at the first sign of danger, and their teal bodies easily become one with the currents and waves of the sea. It is thought that nymphs understand human languages; it is also thought that the insolent creatures choose - more often than not - to ignore them.

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The Djinn


They exist in the fabric of shadows and slivers of light, ever-present in the peripheral of one's eyes. Ethereal beings placed amongst men, the infamous djinn are as intrinsic to the natural Arabian landscape as the people themselves. They are tied to the spirit of Mother Earth; their variants - and dwellings - lie in the elements they are connected to, whether that be earth, air, water, or fire. The element from which they are born defines them: essence-wise, ability-wise, and personality-wise. Being a creature of nature renders them wholly unpredictable, and all those who encounter the strange elemental peoples are warned to treat them with caution.

Unfortunately, a multitude of souls have sought the creatures out for their one tantalizing power: manifest. Since ancient times, stories have been told about the djinn's magnificent power to grant a man's wishes. Inexplicably tied to the forces that mold the Earth, the djinn have the ability to bring one's desires to fruition. It is nature's way of balancing the chaotic nature so intrinsic to itself, as fulfilling a wish represents order and balance. But a djinn, being a spirit of nature, loathes the idea of service to another. Quite often the djinn will twist the wish upon its users, and in so doing believe to both bring order and fulfill their selfish desires to retain freedom over their powers. In so doing, the djinn formed for themselves a doomed path.

Many a fool has sought love and fortune through them. A growing number of Arabians have a distinct hatred for the twisted creatures - as evidenced by the Ghulams ( see "Conquered Lands - Arabia") and their campaigns against them. Trapping them, enslaving them, killing them - any way the creatures could be harmed, the Ghulams invested in it. Due to their ruthless efforts, the djinn have significantly dropped in numbers. It is estimated that only a few hundred remain scattered throughout Arabia. However, it is quite possible that more live amongst the humans in disguise, hiding in plain sight.

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More than blind luck played a hand in the marching conquest of the Persian army. They propagated themselves as wine-loving pacifists of the East, fooling even their sister nation Arabia. But the Persians are far from peaceful, and the weapons inherent to their nation have come to conquer lands in spades.


The most treasured individuals of Persian high society. There are three castes of powers when it comes to the rare few who have been blessed by Ahura Mazda:
  • Restore
  • Warp
  • Invade

Restore - Considered the kindest of the endowed castes, this highly sought after skill allows users to heal the damage rendered to others through touch. Damage is healed instantly, but in steps - users are bound to whatever surface they touch, and prudent healers will do well to follow the natural anatomy of the body, thereby healing the body in its proper layers. Most healers are encouraged to go to both private study for the Endowed as well as medical school in order to better hone their skills in the field.

There are limits to this ability. To restore is to use one's own energy, just like any other muscle. Healers must build up stamina for healing multiple wounds in one sitting, and the longer damage takes to heal, the more energy that drains out of the healer. In addition, those with the ability to restore have what is colloquially called "the curse of empathy": they feel - though in far lesser degrees - the pain originally wrought to the subject's body. It has made bringing back those on the verge of death nearly impossible for some less experienced healers.

Warp - Famed champions of old were thought to have this ability. To warp is to adversely affect the structural integrity of both an inanimate object and a living being. This power does not require touch; however, a person's proximity to their target - in addition to their own experience and prowess - determines the amount of strength their warping will have on the intended person or object. It displays itself in two ways: break and decay. To break is to bend a portion of or the entirety of a certain subject. Powerful warp users can break bones from afar or bend the metal of a structure in a way they see fit, working at the subject for as long as their body can sustain the use.

To decay is self-explanatory: they can cause a material or living cells to deteriorate faster than naturally normal, subsequently weakening the target area. To decay requires far more skill and power than to break, and only self-proclaimed masters of warping have been able to achieve such deadly use in modern days. Like healing, warping requires stamina. Unlike healing, warpers do not fall prey to the same psychological bond that ties healers to their patients, and these members of the Endowed must be careful not to let their power go to their heads.

Invade - Despite being gifted by Ahura Mazda Himself, it is considered the most nefarious and insidious of the three power castes. To invade is to reach within a person's psyche and render temporary control, whether in the form of manipulation, subjugation, or hallucination. Manipulation involves forcibly swaying an individual to think or believe one way when in fact they do not. Subjugation is the complete domination over one's mind, the invader commanding the subject to do as they ask and the victim having no choice but to comply. Hallucination, the most dangerous of the invader's skillset, is to control their victim's senses and make them feel, see, and hear whatever the controller wishes. It is rumoured that Invaders that specialize in hallucination are employed by the shadowy Headmen and District Overseers to interrogate and torture dissenters.

Invaders are the rarest of the Endowed. To become a skilled invader takes years of practice. Minds are not as easy to control as one might think. Ones with strong-willed psyches could potentially oust an Invader from their mind, and many a would-be Controller has found themselves breaking out of the hold to be at the end of a blade - or worse. Invaders must also hold the added caveat of not allowing their own minds to get muddled up with ones they are attempting to affect. In so doing, they could lose themselves - permanently.
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Aspect Clans

Hate and prejudice may follow in their hooved or clawed footsteps, but there is no denying the uniqueness of the powers granted to their scattered members. Every member of the Aspects is subject to inheriting one single trait from their sister animal. Each clan of the aspects have abilities inherent to their race, and the clans are as follows:
  • Pig
  • Lion
  • Goat
  • Bird
  • Lizard

Pig - Sturdy, industrious, shrewd; despite being one of the more homely aspect clans, the pigmen are easily the most valued of their animal contemporaries. There are several traits available to be gleaned from their farm-raised ancestors. Some are intrinsically intelligent, making them one of the more memorable scholars to have etched their names into the history books. Their iron stomachs are world-renowned; they are seemingly able to digest anything, and the strength of their guts renders them wholly immune to poison. Despite his nation's growing resistance to Aspects, the sultan of Arabia keeps on retainer a pig woman to taste his meals for poison before he partakes.

Lion - The heart of a lion embodies strength, and so does its Aspect clan. A strong, passionate peoples, Lion aspects are defined by both strength of body and character. A good number are blessed with enhanced strength, varying in levels among their communities - a trait which has made opponents more wary of them. In addition, others can use their presence to instill an involuntary fear in weaker creatures and cause them to flee. Others still retain the hearty roars of lions, a heightened battle cry that instills temporary deafness in enemies in their vicinity.

Goat - Who better to climb the indomitable mountains and heels of the north than the hardy goat aspects? Called satyrs by the Greeks, goat aspects have curried unusual, and at times begrudging favour amidst their human neighbors, including even the staunchly prejudicial Turks. Often employed to guide parties across rocky terrains and treacherous mountains, all goats are equipped with sturdy hooves that allow them sure-footing across these dangerous surfaces. Their renowned hard skulls make them infamous for deadly headbutts - one wouldn't want to lock horns with them. And the stamina of goatmen rivals that of a camel. Some are able to go long lengths of time without food or water, making them the most valued pick to guide tricky adventures.

Bird - While flight - the most recognized trait of their namesakes - eludes the Bird Aspect clans, most are endowed with wings about their bodies. Depending on their size, it can allow them to pick up air beneath their feathers and glide. Some are more likened to macaws than others, and this gives them the ability to perfectly mimic the sounds they hear, whether it be human, aspect, or entirely machine. And while others may see their light, thin-boned bodies as weak copies of humans, a small fragment of the community have been able to use this to their advantage. Their speed in running and movement allows them to keep pace with a galloping horse - a trait that has often come in handy for some when evading pursuers.

Lizard - None appear as untrustworthy as the snake-eyed, shifty lizardmen. And yet with all things under Ahura Mazda, the scaled creatures hold their own valuable weight in gold. Very few can purport to have the natural armored skin that lizardmen so proudly boast. Tough and scaled, it can endure far more force than that of a human's, and the clans make for fine defenders of the Empire when effectively used. The tough aspect clan is also prone to having an extreme heat tolerance, something that has worked remarkably in their favor while traversing the treacherous Sands of Arabia. A marked few of them have the ability to breath underwater; a trait no doubt garnered from their amphibian cousins.
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Forbidden Arts

In the eyes of the people, magic in its entirety stands as a farce. Magic exists as a literary instrument to beguile children, to explain away the unexplainable, to correct what has once been wronged. A pretty white lie harmless in its spoken application.

To those who know the truth, magic is a dangerous cautionary tale.

Early Arabian court was the first harbinger of this knowledge. Fueled by envy of the djinn's supposed power, a wish was made by the king's brother to tap into this power, the power they drew from the realm beyond human reach. Power directly supplied to them from the gods and Mother Earth herself - a thing never meant for humans.

The man got his wish. He gained the ability to mimic through spells the powers of endowed and djinn alike, and soon he wanted more, yearned for more. Power, once having taken root in your soul, inevitably corrupts, and his maddening hunger for more only expedited the process. But soon, he found out the harsh lesson that all humans on his path would come to know: not only does magic corrupt, it warps. Mentally, emotionally, physically. Like a dark poison, the magic bent his being into something wholly unrecognizable. For the price of momentary godhood, he became a monster, and soon the power grew out of his control, consuming him.

Those who know of his tale worked hard to conceal him, rendering him a nameless figure even in ancient folklore. There are unfortunately those who still wish to carry on his work and make magic a veritable source of power for non-Endowed humans. They often work alongside the Foosla, and the Ghulam are working hard to eradicate them as well.


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From the blistering winds and jagged mountains of the North, beyond the balmy sands of Greece and the wooded wild of the Badlands, there rises the wintry kingdom of Ɖein. Covered from mountaintop to hidden valley in snow, the perpetually cold nation is not for the faint of heart. Many have tried and failed to conquer its reaches only to meet their fate against the elements. Its borders remain undefined; at the very Northern edge rises a massive dividing wall of fog that few are brave enough to traverse. It is called Skym by the natives, and it is synonymous with their afterlife or certain death. None who have passed through the fog have ever returned.

To the South, the country, while still harboring the same frigidity, remains more habitable. Summer and spring paint the cold landscapes in transient warmth, and it is in those scant months that the people and flora of Ɖein find reprieve for the coming winter. Most of the terrain is covered in mountain ranges and dense forests. The villages of Ɖein exist within the valleys, although the main exception to this tradition is Yaggr Hall, a massive building carved from the very side of the mountain, resting above the icy Oyl river. Enacted as a neutral territory between warring chieftains, it is here that tribal leaders can meet and communicate without fear of breaching disputed territory. Barring this, it is an oasis of warmth in the center of the land; all are welcome to take shelter here, even outsiders.

Ɖein remains as of yet ungovernable. The harsh environmental divides between territories has isolated the majority of the tribes of the nation; unification, as of yet, is impossible. There are nine total tribes in the country, and within these tribes smaller pockets of towns and villages grow and flourish wherever they can. Agricultural resources are the most fiercely coveted things in Ɖein; without the protection of numbers or a tribe, a man or woman can quickly find everything belonging to them seized by someone with superior strength and forces. Some have sought out the assistance of the Iqinile, a tiny community of North Africans whose strength have made them formidable foes to contend with. This is not something that can be counted on forever. They say the Iqinile are dwindling in number, and no one is really sure why...

Due largely in part to the land's unforgiving climate, Persia's relationship with the Northern country is almost nonexistent. To try and integrate their peoples into the Empire is considered a task of mammoth proportions; the Persians themselves show little desire to pursue it, and Ɖein is quite content to remain unbothered politically. In the past, some of the most egregious Persian criminals have been exiled there. It was said that if they reached Yaggr Hall in the center of the country, then their sentence would be rendered "commuted" and they could return to Persia within five years.

The majority never made it past the first mountain range.

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People of Ɖein

As fierce and hardy as the windy bluffs of their nation, Ɖeinians have managed to make the harsh landscape of Ɖein their own. Ɖeinian – also known as Pales – are remarkable in appearance. Naturally tall and strong, the exceedingly pale nativemen are often decorated in various tattoos and warpaint; typically a man or woman's tattoo will signify their tribe and chosen trade. Out of the nine main tribes of Ɖein, only three occupy the land north of Yaggr Hall, the center fixture of the nation. Known as the Elder tribes, they are considered the oldest of the tribes and as such are still deeply tied to Ɖeinians' old ways. There are roughly 400-800 people within each Elder tribe:
  • Ölmur - known for their forges
  • Mysnfelt - known for their pelts and traps
  • Logra - known for their stone masonry

To the South of Yaggr lies the remaining six tribes. Scattered roughly throughout the forests and valleys – with one exception dwelling in a cave – these tribes, while warring occasionally for supplies and territory, have a kinship and relationship void from their ties to their Northern brethren. Outsiders are more welcome here, and trade even more so. The average number for each tribe to South is roughly 300-600 persons:
  • Allfar - known for their sheep and livestock
  • Vilkas - brother tribe to Trilkas. Fishermen of the east
  • Trilkas - brother tribe to Vilkas. Fishermen of the south
  • Auður - known for their orchards
  • Jarnarys - known for their bows and slings
  • Grunnar - a cave-dwelling tribe known for mining

There is a unique ability inherent to Ɖeinians that cannot be shared or replicated by others. The Pales have naturally developed the ability to project: that is, the ability to share their voice within another's mind. They cannot read another man's mind, nor can they grant their subject to do the same to them. By projecting, the Ɖeinian's words automatically translate to the target's native language, thus crossing language barriers. Most Ɖeinians utilize this gift while hunting or eluding dangerous predators out in the wild. Those who take the time to hone this gift are capable of projecting their voice into multiple target's minds at once.


Roughly translated from Xhosa as "the stalwart," the Iqinile are, as their name suggests, exceptionally suited for the hostile environment of Ɖein. The small clan of North Africans originally lived in West Nubia hundreds of years ago amongst the natives. A diaspora, they were never quite considered one with the peoples of Nubia, and soon growing resentment at their numbers and climbing strength sparked a genocidal campaign against them. While the Iqinile were indeed stronger, they were vastly outnumbered; the ensuing war ended in their bloody defeat, and the small remnant fled north, seeking refuge where no one else dared to reside. They quickly found respite with the tribes of Ɖein, who welcomed their strength and numbers against enemy tribes and dangerous fauna.

The Iqinile possess an extraordinary strength to their bodies. Their bodies are exceptionally durable, with the average iron blade unable to cut their granite-like skin. The Iqinile attribute this power to Qamata, alleging that He took pity upon their former weakness millenia ago and forged them with bodies like the weapons they so desperately desired. A quiet, dignified peoples, the Iqinile are scattered throughout the Southern tribes of Ɖein. Many often lend their services as mercenaries to smaller villages with no protection. The amount of Iqinile, however, has dwindled throughout the years.
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Neither ally nor enemy sits to the rear of the Persian Empire. The massive peninsula of Woki-Tal is home to a dense population of both people and fauna, the former of which being more than pleased to share their unique land with the latter. While not an official division, a prevailing consensus among the natives is that the land can in fact be separated into two parts: Greater and Lesser. Greater Woki-Tal lays claim to a biome as of yet encountered by others: almost seventy percent of the country is swathed in swamps and scattered prairies. Here the great scaled Wompas can be found resting among the mud-saddled ponds and rivers, and just beyond them, bold villagers make their homes in the shade. Out in Greater Woki-Tal – also known as the Flatlands – most are at the mercy of the fickle elements. Forced to contend with the vicissitudes of the rain season, a prudent Talki lives in a pile dwelling high above the damp undergrowth.

At the very Northeastern edge of the country is a small portion of hills and woodlands, which is approximately thirty percent of Woki-Tal's territory. This is referred to as Lesser Woki-Tal. Protected by trees, the weather is less tumultuous here, allowing for the farming and cultivation of precious resources like spices, herbs, and the highly valuable silkworm caterpillar. The famed Silk Road ends here at the city of Homep-Tal; here the king and queen make their home, as well as most other government officials and nobility. Most of the king's decisions are aided by his elite Council, a group of sixteen officials appointed by the citizens to guide the king during his monarchy. The Council is on equal political footing with the king; at times, they are even called to overrule some of his judgements, a move that does not fare well with royalists.

This form of government is new to Woki-Tal. For hundreds of years, the kingdom of Woki-Tal had no name. Dozens of Oriental tribes had carved the massive peninsula into fractured territories, and they warred endlessly for territory and resources. It came at a steep cost. With continuous warfare erasing all but four of their respective tribes, each chieftain came together in a pact to consolidate what was left of their nations. As a result, modern day Talkis are a diverse mixture of Indo-Aryans, Chinese, Mongols, and Dewas. After dealing with a tyrannical dictator, the Talkis instituted both a monarchy and a council to keep said monarchy in check. The system is not without its flaws, but the people seem content for the time being with the order of the day.

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People of Woki-Tal

Unified though they may be, the peoples of Greater and Lesser Woki-Tal could not be any more different in creed, culture, and style. Collectively referred to as Talkis, Talkis are a varied amalgamation of ancient Oriental tribes; as such, each region, town, and family carries its own set of values and traditions, and to each mutual respect is given. Sixty percent of Talkis live in the wetlands or the Greater portion; the rest can be found in the hilled woodlands referred to as Lesser Woki-Tal. There is a mild vein of contempt held by Talkis against those that live in the Lesser region. While valued, they are considered weak and pompous for being unable to contend with the elements out in the wetlands. Despite holding the capital city, the majority of council members are Talkis from the Greater regions, and it is their voices that hold the most sway over how government is run.


Last but certainly not least, the Northeastern region is the final stop on an adventurer's journey through Woki-Tal. Here the capital city of Huang-Shi lies, humble yet resplendent, buoyed by its profitable epicenter of silk trade. The king and his council reside in the center citadel. There is a river that encircles the wooded metropolis like a natural divider between common and royal land, and with tall, broad-leaved trees serving as a natural buffer, most of the denizens of Lesser Woki-Tal will never have to suffer the mercurial temperament of the Talki sky.

There is a robust silk worm farming profession here to keep most of the poorer folk occupied. Hunting, too, is a veritable trade, with many a six-pronged deer to keep many idle hands busy. Many archers come to Land's Fall, a secluded monastery to the north, to train and hone their skills, with some even going as far as Isfahan to outsource their abilities. Huang-Shi attracts the greatest minds of Woki-Tal to study and learn from its sole college; however, with the increasing exposure to Persian influence, many aspiring scholars have been lured away by the promise of knowledge in Isfahan, Tehran, and even Cairo.

The people of Lesser Woki-Tal -- while numbering far less than their greater region -- are a respectable, if not dignified culture. Their farming of silk has resulted in resplendent, colorful silk robes that shine in the light and soothe the skin. Men and women alike are partial to hanging jewelry and chains, with many women adorning their hats, hair, and veils in tasseled feathers with jewels. Such wear would be entirely impractical in Greater Woki-Tal, and a prudent Talki knows for every trip beyond the forest line, one must leave the finery at home.


Lofty canopies and twisted spires may paint Lesser Woi-Tal's sky, but the glory of the swamplands is the beautiful foundation that Greater Woki-Tal finds pride in. Here the land, largely running in stretches of bogged ground, ponds, and prairies, goes as far as the horizon beckons, intermittently interrupted by hills and rivers and blossoming crags. True, there is an inherent wildness to Greater Woki-Tal missing from its sister region, but where others find danger in the looming plants and mushroom patches, the Talkis find homes.

The clusters of civilization scattered throughout the swamplands are hardly considered cities by Persian standards; still, they carry all the imposing character and density of even minor Persian cities. Traditionally, it is custom to name a city by what spurred its creation, the language chosen entirely dependent on the whim of its people. For example, Deshima, a bustling mass of pile-dwellings stippled over the hills, was named for the wet seasons that come and go through their hardy city like the winds of fall. Due to massive reaches of Woki-Tal, most stay in communities whenever possible. Until Woki-Tal is completely explored, no one can say for certain what lies beyond the known corners of the swamplands.

Due to weather and circumstances, most Talkis choose to wear more climate forgiving wear, such as animal skins, furs, and reptile scales. A small profession known as scalers earn their keep by farming Wompa scales. The massive lizards, while amicable, are known for having hardy, impervious scales; a skilled scaler can glean 10-15 scales from an adequately fed and distracted Wompa, give or take. These are then sold to blacksmiths to then be made into armor, or kept to be used as hats.

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