HOLOTAPE DATA Lyrikai's Wasteland Collection

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Scatterbrain Incarnate
Original poster
Invitation Status
  1. Looking for partners
Posting Speed
  1. 1-3 posts per week
  2. One post per week
  3. Slow As Molasses
Online Availability
Every day
Writing Levels
  1. Intermediate
  2. Adept
  3. Advanced
  4. Adaptable
Preferred Character Gender
  1. Male
  2. Female
  3. Primarily Prefer Male
Fantasy, Sci-Fi, Horror, Romance, Supernatural
Last edited:
  • According to Plan
Reactions: rissa
Name: Lawrence Rapture
Nicknames/Titles/Alias(es): Law
Origin: Synth Gen III
Age: Appears around 30

Appearance: Height: 5'9'' Weight: 130-140lbs
Lawrence has long red hair that reaches well past his shoulders that he takes better care of than pretty much anything else. Far be it from a good idea to frequently bathe in dirty water soaked in radiation (or full of mirelurks), but he can often be found in water as clean as he can find and hoarding an ample supply of purified water to wash up and keep his hair and body as nice as possible. He's pretty obsessed with bathing and tries to be so clean. He tries extremely hard. In fact, he could possibly be in the running for the "Cleanest Person in the Wasteland" if such a contest existed.

He has a fit, athletic body, and, for what he lacks in big muscles, he makes up for with speed and agility. He's fast and he's flexible and, at least to some who would think so, he's rather pretty as a nice plus and tries to use it to barter his way out of trouble. It's probably from the obsessive washing of his body and hair and some striking emerald eyes that do it.

Faction: None

Character Audit: Even in the nitty gritty dirt and dust of the wasteland, Law prides himself on trying to look at least reasonably presentable. He has a major phobia of germs, bugs, gross sticky things, and has just a general dislike of being dirty... which works out quite terribly in places where fresh water is near nonexistent and sand and grime and rubble are all the eye can see for miles. As long as he's been able to remember he's been afraid of creepy crawly critters and thick, clinging mud and gunk. Mostly he puts up with it if he seriously doesn't have a choice, but he's prone to occasional panic attacks... especially if there's critters and creatures coming at him that get too close... which is why he often prefers to fight from a distance. As far away as he can get while still being able to rely on a good rifle's aim.

Law's been a synth for as long as he's been able to remember, but he's never felt quite "right". Or safe. Seeing the fear and the way they can be treated (and the way they can treat others), he tends to do his absolute best to hide who and what he is. He longs to just be a normal human, wishes he was one, and introduces himself as one. He loathes what he is and he's terrified of himself and fellow synths that he meets; part of him worrying that he's somehow defective because of this fear and unease.


Strength: 2
Perception: 10
Endurance: 3
Charisma: 9
Intelligence: 4
Agility: 9
Luck: 5

Caps: 492

Inventory, including Weapons & Armor: Lightweight armor that's hopefully not too dirty, a gas mask, a plasma rifle and ammo, soap whenever he manages to find some, and a lot of purified water

Fighting Style: Sniper, uses primarily plasma or laser weapons

Companion: N/A

Miscellaneous: N/A
Last edited:
  • Wicked
Reactions: rissa

Name: Morgan Tovias
Nicknames/Titles/Alias(es): None
Origin: Human (Wastelander)
Age: 34

Appearance: Height: 5'8'' Weight" Around 160-170lbs.
Morgan has short, dark brown hair and dark brown eyes to match. He's more on the muscular side which goes well with a habit of liking to brute force problems instead of trying to think them out. He has a few scattered scars all over his body from fights he's been in, a broken bone or two that he's had to set on the fly lest they heal crooked. He's no stranger to being hurt and bloodied, and he's fine with it so long as he knows the other guy came out even worse and Morgan is the survivor of the encounters.

In the wasteland, it doesn't matter what scraps of clothing you wear because you'll never look nice again, though Morgan sometimes tries. If he can at least keep smears of dirt and blood off his face at any given time, then it's a good day. Of course, sometimes he rather likes the blood and the grime. Looking like he's survived about a dozen heavy scuffles can be great at keeping people away from him. Looking menacing and angry with a near constant scowl on his face does well to keep away anyone he doesn't want to put time into talking to.

Faction: None

Character Audit: Morgan is a garden variety rough and tumble wastelander. He's tough, he's dirty, he's used to skirmishes and seeing all sorts of unsavory folks. He's fought with raiders, battle radioactive mutated everything. Very little disturbs or surprises him anymore. He's seen it all and lives for the thrill of a sudden danger dropping in on him. In fact, the only thing more disturbing than stumbling into a super mutant lair or a deathclaw nest is... well nothing. Literally nothing. He's more afraid of a calm walk through the wastelands with nothing popping out at him. He'd find himself looking over his shoulder every few feet, worrying what might be lurking and why it hasn't lunged at him yet. The silence and the calm are disturbing to Morgan. It isn't right. Not in this world.

He can deal with people in the calm, safe environment of a humble settlement. There he can officially and actually relax and get some rest, tend to his wounds, and replenish supplies before he ventures out again. Honestly, the sooner the better. Dealing with people can be a... chore sometimes. Morgan isn't all that used to friendly interactions with others. His demeanor easily comes off as cruel, rude, or simply disinterested, but he isn't always so against it. He wears a hard mask of emotion to keep himself from getting hurt, but, if one looks the right way... he can crack a smile, offer his best stocked food to someone else in need, or will go out of his way or put himself at risk to assist someone in peril. He'd never DARE consider himself anything remotely close to a hero and, hell, doesn't even think of himself as a "good" person, but he would never turn down someone who needed help or just simply.... wanted a friend. Morgan wants friends, too, he just mostly forgot how to show it.


Strength: 9
Perception: 4
Endurance: 8
Charisma: 3
Intelligence: 3
Agility: 8
Luck: 7

Caps: 687

Inventory, including Weapons & Armor: A barbed baseball bat, several grenades, a few rations and some water that's reasonably safe to drink. Morgan doesn't usually go overboard with heavy armors and keeps either lightweight leather armor or a thick black coat.

Fighting Style: Melee fighter, fond of both knives and bigger blades as well as the occasional blunt object like a hammer or baseball bat (preferably wrapped in something sharp like barbed wire)

Companion: N/A

Miscellaneous: N/A
  • This Gives Me Plot Bunnies
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