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Django Jane
Original poster
Posting Speed
  1. One post per day
  2. 1-3 posts per week
  3. One post per week
Writing Levels
  1. Intermediate
  2. Adept
  3. Advanced
  4. Prestige
  5. Adaptable
Preferred Character Gender
  1. No Preferences
Fantasy, Sci fi, Romance, Historical, Modern, Supernatural
filler post for a table of contents
Zola Biobaku
Name: Zola Biobaku
Age: 18
Sex: Female
Race/Nationality: Human/Nubian
Occupation: Bonded Handmaiden


A phoenix's blazing rebirth could not have produced a more fiery individual than the famously sharp-tongued handmaiden to Princess Teja. Words, unlike punches, are seldom pulled, even at the princess's behest; Zola is of a mind to speak what her heart declares, and she does so with the passion and verve befitting a woman sworn to give her life and soul in service to the throne. She is quick to act when needed, and her loyalty, once earned, is unbreakable. Beneath the ferocity of the handmaiden is a soft kindness that a scant few are privy to witness. She loathes the idea of appearing weak in front of her betters, but every now and then, a sliver of her more gentler, kinder side shines through.


It was decided upon her sixth birthday that she would belong to Princess Teja-Soueriosi. Her family had no qualms about their then youngest daughter being bonded; indeed, it was a great honor for the fringe nobility of House Biobaku to once more inch, if only a little, into the inner court that so many nobles and royals graced within Good Father. Court officials came for her on a quiet midsummer evening; by morning, she was at the capital, stumbling through the grand streets of Ubasa into the city palace, where an equally bleary-eyed princess was presented to her. The ritual took place, the appropriate titles given to royal and bonded alike. Cheek to cheek, and kiss to hand.

And so, Princess Teja's shadow took on a form.

Naturally, Zola did not spend every waking moment with her charge. Her training and upbringing mirrored Teja's, though of course, there were modifications. For every lesson her friend took, Zola was expected to learn it better. For every blow Teja took in sparring class, Zola was expected to block each and every one. The bonded could not afford to be a burden to those they served; she had to be better, faster, stronger. Where Teja failed, the expectation in turn for her was to succeed. She would be the crutch upon which her closest friend could lean on, and Zola took it as a personal challenge to be the greatest handmaiden one could possibly be to the future Queen.


Excelling at various weaponry comes naturally to Zola. Like all children raised in the palace, she received rudimentary training in the way of the sword and shield, bow, and spear. The woman claims she has no preference for any weapon, but it is a blatant lie. Those who know Zola or have had the misfortune of sparring with her are aware that she is monstrously talented with the spear. Her prowess allows her to utilize it in both close and long range combat, and only a fool thinks that they can overwhelm her with numbers in a tight environment.


Zola owns a massive, albino ball python by name of Enyi. When the beast is not coiled around her shoulders like a scaled cloak, Zola leaves her beloved pet in her private chambers. On journeys, Enyi travels in a basket attached to her rasp, horse, or camel. She does not like others asides from Teja to hold Enyi.

For all her gruff, Zola is, at heart, a hopeless romantic. She is well aware that her prospects of finding love with so dutiful yet restrictive a role is slim to none. But, ah - a girl can dream.

  • Spicy
  • This Gives Me Plot Bunnies
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