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Mars Walker

Not all who wander are lost, but I sure am.
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Available as all hell, but intensely paralyzed by ADHD
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  3. Primarily Prefer Female
High Fantasy, Modern/Urban Fantasy, Sci-fi, Historical
(insert spooky Howdy here)

I see y'all've taken a wrong turn and ended up here in my funky little corral! You can browse, of course, but don't steal! If you see somethin' you like, give me a holler! Notifications give me serotonin and I'm disgustingly bored, so I promise I'll answer sickeningly fast. But I'll give y'all a fair warning and be honest- my codes are almost always broke as hell and I only sometimes understand what I did to make it work.

Happy Hauntings!

Love, Mars


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Sefira Stoker

Nickname(s)/Titles: Sef // The Wildfire Meister
Age: 20
Birthday: October 666th
Birthplace: London, England

Classification: Meister

Soul Description: A sunset orange ball of flame-like energy, burning bright like a wildfire. The scar she has over her chest is also visible upon her soul.

Appearance: Sefira sports charcoal-black hair with a naturally occurring white streak. Her skin is light, and would be unblemished if not for the 7-pointed star-shaped scar marring her chest, right over her heart. She's 5'7, and has an athletic build. She dresses in dark clothes, and always wears her favorite leather jacket and a pair of combat boots.

Sexual/Romantic Orientation: Hetero

Partner: Diana Agni is the only Weapon that Sefira ever considered partnering with, and they've fought comfortably, and remarkably well together for several years now.

Abilities: Sefira is somewhat famous for her insane versatility in battle, especially with Diana in hand. Skilled in close, mid, and long range fighting styles, she is a force to be reckoned with, taking after her mother's ferocity in the heat of the moment. Her speed and endurance are a big part of what make her so formidable, and even among most meisters she's known to be more advanced in these two specific skills. She's never had to really bother with using the Soul Menace technique, but she can use it.

Vibe Check: Sefira is well known for her fiery temper, as well as unapologetically being herself. She has strong opinions and thoughts, and isn't afraid to make them known. Though she is an incredibly intense and passionate person, she's not incapable of being gentle. Recently, following a tragic accident involving her and another meister-weapon duo, Sefira's psyche has suffered a blow, and she does something now that she's never done before— She hesitates.

Death's Gift: A pair of goggles that, when worn over her eyes, highlight the bodies of her enemies in red, this helps her direct herself better in battle, and prevents her from accidentally slicing open a comrade in close-range melee attacks.
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Diana Agni

Nickname(s)/Titles: Di // The Everbright Flame
Age: 20
Birthday: October 666th
Birthplace: London, England

Classification: Demon Weapon

Soul Description: A calm light pink ball of fire-like energy, and a scar matching the placement of the one over her left eye.

Appearance: Diana Agni is notably tall, standing at 6'2. Her skin is warm, and where her left eye would be is instead a scar, shaped like a 7-pointed star. Her body is slender, with a slight build of muscle. Her eyes are a rich chocolate brown, her hair an inky black and often kept in a variety of braided styles. She likes bold patterns with rich colors, and often wears pants or overalls with some kind of shirt underneath, and a pair of durable boots.

Sexual/Romantic Orientation: Bisexual

Partner: Sefira Stoker. Diana knows how to temper Sefira's energy with her own in a way that doesn't dim Sefira's wildness, but rather directs it evenly.

Abilities: Diana Agni is a special kind of demon weapon, able to shift into three completely different forms.

In Twin Blade form, Diana takes the form of a matching pair of swords that are incredibly light, yet durable and precise. Wielded by Sefira, this is considered to be Diana's most volatile form, as they sweep across the battlefield in a tornado of pink, orange, and white flame.

The hilts of Diana's twin blade form can merge together to create a long double-bladed staff that works for mid melee range.

Diana's third form is that of a bladed longbow, with a bowstring made up of concentrated energy. Together, Diana and Sefira create fiery arrows composed of both their energy, and they can create different effects with different arrows.

Currently, they have been known to fire off three kinds of arrows. Somewhat normal arrows, which are simply made of flaming energy. The next kind are explosive arrows, which pierce the opponent and explode into a twisting fiery and floral display, effectively leaving their opponent burned up from the inside out. Last, but not least, And the more difficult kind of arrow to produce, is one that is more akin to a beam of burning white light that leaves the target momentarily paralyzed. They call this one the Soul Piercer, and typically only use it when in dire need of an opening to attack— it's somewhat like a flashbang to the soul.

Vibe Check: Diana is the calm to Sefira's wildness. She's a kind soul, but that is not to be mistaken for weakness, not in the slightest. She tends to be on the quieter side, but not because of shyness— she just likes to observe and listen. Diana rarely, if ever, lets people know when she's angry, but if she's pushed over the edge and becomes downright furious, you'd best get the hell out of her way. She's usually right, but isn't afraid to admit when she's in the wrong, and has a strong moral compass that she rarely strays from. The recent incident involving her, Sefira, and two other people have left Diana working harder than ever to be better, so that it doesn't happen again.

Death's Gift: A luck charm in the shape of a four leaf clover, made of jade and set in gold. Always passively active, but can be Awakened twice a day to give the user a guaranteed Bullseye.

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