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  2. Female
  3. Primarily Prefer Female
The Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse, originally starting off as nothing but social constructions, within the minds of humanity with only one true purpose... The Apocalypse, an event that would ensure the destruction of all humanity and begin a new era on Earth.

Then 'Death' began to grow a consciousness, exploring the heights and depths of humanity; Pestilence followed in Death's footsteps, discovering he had the freedom to discover his own version of 'self'. Soon after, 'Famine' and 'War' become their own personalizations. While they were still 'The Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse', however, they now had freedom to live they wished.

Death, Famine, Pestilence, War, now wished to preserve and protect humanity from itself, wishing to live amongst humanity despite being immortal. Eventually Death become the leader of them. Soon he founded his own domain, where his ' brothers' helped warden over it, with him. As other worldly-beings started to find their way into all four corners of their homes. (they have their own ruling style, I'll get to that later.)

I see this story, as a gothic, dark fantasay, slice of life drama. I've been working on this story since I was 12, (36 currently) and am aware this story of mine has tons of plot hole issues. I DON'T CARE! They make me happy!

The Four Horseman found their daily routines. Then one day, Death was hit with a worry about his job, and their realm. " what if I go missing?" Or cease to be?
(as the universe is known for being unforgiving and fickle.) As he was aware he ended up creating a domain, for other beings, a safe place. (in his pursuits to be more human) he had responsibility now, they all did. He ended up taking an apprentice. (unaware his Apprentice caught ' feelings' for him)

Death ends up falling in love with mortal sorceress, named Haruna. She was actually next on his list. (my mother and father showed me Death's takes a holiday, during the early stages of my story. AS I HAD NO IDEA of this story. I didn't care) It seemed Death was interested in this woman. And the poster child for a poor little rich girl.

Who secretly hide her sorcery from her abusive father, and betrothed. (But being Death, he had a basic file on her, but never would he pry, even if he could) He arrived a few months prior, to the date of her death. He saw the act she put on, the broken kowtowing girl, who was just here for man's amusement, he knew she was plotting something. But what? She just one of many, caught in his own social experiments. Exploring humanity, and all that. And in his human disguise, it didn't take long till he caught her eye.

As time grew on, personally, he wanted to be a friend. He saw how she was troubled, a clever girl born into gilded cage. It sadden him knowing, her life was still fresh, soon it would be snuffed out. Knowing! She didn't have much time life, he didn't care how Society would view her, intacting with another man not her promise. And, he did see Haruna didn't care either. He let her set the pace.

Soon realizing he had made mistake. He got to close. It wasn't long till she told him her secrets, hers wants, needs, desires. These were things you only tell your closes of friends. They knew eachother for a few months.
It was becoming hard to be alone with her, a stange feeling was eating at him. He did enjoy seeing her true colors shine with him. How she could confend in him. A Woman opening up to Death, if only she knew. He thought. He knew he was falling in love with her. He knew had fucked up. He returned home, to regroup.

Till he checked his books, seeing there was an update. She was to die in fire. (He knew the reasons leading to anyone's death, just end game. So when the time was to come, he arrived a bit earlier than expected, to see it all unfold.)
It seemed, it was one of her own spells gone wrong.
She was acting in haste, and from what he saw, she had been crying, and still was. She wasn't thinking sharply.

One needs be the correct headspace before casting. Her father and to be husband was banging on herbedroom door, sounding angry.

Still hiding in the shadows, he got closer. He saw her face was bruised. He was putting together the story now. And he wanted kill, those two at this point. And it wasn't just because he was hopelessly in love with Haruna at this point, just one should never does such things. She must have have fought back, of some reason. Or they caught on, to what she was.

As he listened in. It was 2nd, she was foundout, and now was acting in defense,. With her mind still not thinking, she ended messing up her defese spell, awaiting them as they broke down the door. In her fear, rage, she menfested fire instead. Setting the room ablazed. And Haruna took the pose, either way. Trying to look like she meant what she casted. Now choosing to play this by ear.

The three of them started to stuggled, calling her slurs. She managed to wiggle away, feeling for one of her hat pins, stabbing her father through the hand, pinning him to floor.
For moment it seemed the three had forgotten the room was a blaze. Till a huge beem fall, sadly not her father. (After all this wasn't time) Her father struggling, screaming in pain, the other man aided her father, till they feld. Haruna on the other hand was trapped, by the beem.

Death finally spoke to her, she knew who's voice spoke to her. She quickly wiped her face, trying to collect herself, to speak to him. "I wonder when you would appear" Shocking Death. Which was a first... She knew all along. She knew by his silence, she stunned him.

"of course, magically inclined. At first I though you were merely playing with me...." She went on looking through flames for him, now fully trapped in her bedroom. "...Then I though you were pitying me....wanting to give me a friend, in my final days...Good memories..." She took a few steps back, her back was met by his chest. He reached down with his skeleton hands, frimly gripping her shoulders. Haruna looked up with a wide smile, without fear. "...It never was pity"

He simply answered "No" His bony hands holding her bruised face, turning her head furtherback to his gaze, as he lend down further. His touch had always felt warm to her, even now. Not the cold embrace of Death as poets spokeabout. Haruna was ready to go. She gave a content sigh as he held her. She accpet her fate.

....Imagine her surprise when she found herself waking up, face to face with Pestilence calling to Death shesawake. He was fixing and bandaging her burns. (Pest is medcial one of the group)She was very confuse, looking around. She blotted up, bad idea. She held her now spinning head. Pest playfully scolded her telling her she needs to rest, pushing her back down.
Yes! Death cheated himself, to let Haruna live. (what a paradox) Fasting forward a bit, after Haruna gets over the fact where the she is...She and Death had some proper time alone together. It doesn't take long of them to both admit feelings, and how she would be happy here with him. (War and Pest spying, destorying the mood, when they tumbled out of a tree, in front of them)

So now it had become the Horseman plus 1# Haruna blended in quick enough. But his love sick Apprentice wasn't happy. Even fall out trying to kill her! Telling Death how he loves him all that, she bewitched him. Safe to say Death banished him, if he dare return, he will regret it.
Once everything had clam down, it return to same old, same old. That was until, something strange had occurred. Haruna was pregnant. DEATH MAKING LIFE! What did he say before, universe loved playing games. So the child(Flamette) brought a new entertainment to all 5 of them.
Around Flamette's 4th B-day guess he returned, Death's XApprentice, and he wasn't alone! He had others, who also had dislike of Death and the others. And full out war to protect his home, and family raged. This time, his xApprentice managed to kill Haruna, but not before promising his daughter would be next. Death and the others were closing in so he had to flee.

Death since that day had been onedge for his daughter's safety. Realizing he got cocky with Haruna, who dare would go against Death. Over time it subsided, as she grew into her own. And such as good with her scythe as her father. He wanted to know how to protect herself, and by default she was now his heir.

But since that day, it brought Pest, Fam, War close to Death. It was for Flamette, in sense. They aided in protecting and rising her, for griving man. Intime she refered to them as her "uncles"

TODAY! It seems his xApprentice is nonesxited. Death may act unphased, but he has too or else he will go insane. He always watching and waiting.

My story, as a bit of Taboo bent too, as as Flamette gets older she and Pest fall in love have secret thing going on.
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The first of the Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse. As well as a alchemist, and Botanist. (Who is also obsessed with cooking, since it's just editable alchemy) An acting Warden, to one of the four main parts of Death's domain. (The Other three being ruled over by Death, Famine, War)
He is a chaotic neutral and follows his owns whims. He represents true freedom from both society's restrictions and a do-goober's zeal.

He is individualist first and last. He values his own liberty but doesn't strive to protect others' freedom. Unless their love ones. He avoids authority, unless it's Death himself. (He's a rather scared of Death's wrath. Ever since Death caught him having a sexual liaison, with his daughter much later in the story)

He resents restrictions, and challenges traditions. He may, or may not intentionally disrupt an event, activity, or process. To do so, he would have to be motivated either by good (and a desire to liberate others) or evil (and a desire to make those different from himself suffer). Remember he maybe unpredictable, but his behavior is not totally random. He is not as likely to jump off a bridge as to cross it. But he may just, he loves to switch it up, so he's not always predicable to friends,family, enemies.
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  • Nice Execution!
Reactions: Wordsmith
I love these characters, you have a gorgeous artistic style, and I must say it inspires ideas for a great story.
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Reactions: QueenObscure
I love these characters, you have a gorgeous artistic style, and I must say it inspires ideas for a great story.
THANK YOU! I just realized forgot to tag my friends!
They did the art for me am just writer <3

The character line ups are by Vi Vi (@skekiv_the_pathfinder) • Instagram photos and videos
The ones of Flame and Pest is Monster Lover ♡ (@moe_machine) • Instagram photos and videos
and the one with them in the woods Caitlín (@the_lady_lin) • Instagram photos and videos
I love these characters, you have a gorgeous artistic style, and I must say it inspires ideas for a great story.
am working on their playlist as you see
Well cheers to your amazing friends too!
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Reactions: QueenObscure
Well cheers to your amazing friends too!
Am guessing you read my long write up? lol I plan to make roleplay listing for them soon..
Iwould not call it long! It was entertaining.
  • Like
Reactions: QueenObscure
Iwould not call it long! It was entertaining.
Thank you! Am working on Death, Pest, Fam, War domain write ups too right now
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Reactions: Wordsmith
I am SO here for this!
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Reactions: QueenObscure
Pestilence Domain, the 3nd realm among the Four Horsemen territories under Death's vast jurisdiction, is a breathtaking paradox. ( despite his reputation as the harbinger of disease, Pestilence's realm is far from bleak) Is an ever-changing tapestry of verdant landscapes, ranging from lush meadows to dense forests, from rolling hills to serene rivers. The air is thick with the scent of blooming foliage, and the symphony of chirping birds, rustling leaves, and babbling brooks provides the soundtrack to this living tapestry.

The domain is divided into several distinct regions, each reflecting Pestilence's diverse interests and passions. His land is known for its lush vegetation, diverse wildlife, and a harmonious coexistence between the supernatural inhabitants and the ethereal elves who reside there.

Pestilence's rule is both orderly and chaotic, a reflection of his own personality. While he held ultimate authority, he preferred to let his subjects govern themselves, stepping in only when necessary to maintain balance. It was said that the harshest punishment for those who transgressed was to be transformed into fertilizer, nourishing the very earth they sought to harm.. And yet, despite the somewhat terrifying nature of his rule, the people held a certain fondness for their enigmatic ruler. They respected him, feared him, and in some cases, even loved him.
Over the course of eons, the domain had attracted a peculiar population – Ethereal Elves who found solace in its flourishing landscape. Initially, Pestilence welcomed them merely to observe their interactions with the otherworldly beings already residing there. However, as time passed, he grew increasingly fond of these celestial creatures and their rich cultural heritage.Overwhelmed by curiosity, he allowed their customs to seep into the fabric of his realm, adopting and embracing their beliefs wholeheartedly.

In fact, he went so far as to adopt their fashion sense, draping himself in garments reminiscent of their style. His domain became a stage for the ethereal elves' ceremonies and festivals, which Pestilence attended and eventually began to host. Through this immersion, he developed a profound understanding and admiration for their way of life, weaving their traditions seamlessly into his own. Despite the integration, he ensured that his sovereignty remained undisputed, serving as a gentle reminder of who truly held the reins.

The village square serves as the gathering point for the ethereal elves and other dwellers of the realm, where they exchange stories, goods, and knowledge. Every corner of his domain is alive with activity, from the bustling marketplace to the peaceful riverbanks, where visitors can be seen fishing, or rowing boats. The atmosphere is one of harmony and camaraderie.

Over looking the village is Pestilence's grand estate, a charming manorsque cottage. Nestled amidst a sea of vibrant foliage, and enormous magical tress. Inside his cottage, Pestilence runs a self-operated apothecary, offering remedies and potions to those who dare to venture near. he practices a bartering system, exchanging his creations for goods or services that pique his interests.