STORAGE TESTING Mellon Collie and the Infinite Experiments

  • So many newbies lately! Here is a very important PSA about one of our most vital content policies! Read it even if you are an ancient member!


Gondal Dreams (She/her)
Original poster
Invitation Status
  1. Looking for partners
Posting Speed
  1. Slow As Molasses
Online Availability
Right now I'm not online to rp much as I'm finishing my PhD dissertation and then moving over the summer, but I'll likely be more active in late July
Writing Levels
  1. Intermediate
  2. Adept
  3. Advanced
  4. Adaptable
Preferred Character Gender
  1. Female
  2. Nonbinary
  3. No Preferences
Fantasy, horror, monster, witchy, romcom, and historical AUs are my favorites, but I'm always open to new ideas
New to coding and I suck at it, so don't expect to see anything fancy here. I'm just trying to figure this out so I can transfer my OC forms over from Quotev eventually
Same box with margin and padding
Box in a box
Now it's centered-ish
Use RGB codes to alter text color and opacity simultaneously
Let's see if this works

Gettin' ballsy now. Next to figure out how to center everything nicely and add scrolling

← click for cute cottagecore vibes

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    Honest people don't hide their deeds
    Name: Emily Jane Brontë
    Age: 24
    Birthday: July 30th
    Birthplace: Thornton, Yorkshire, England

    Appearance: Emily has mousy brown hair that is fairly long, hanging down to the small of her back when left loose, but she usually only lets it down to sleep, and during the day keeps it either in braids pinned at the nape of her neck or a bun. Her hair is often a bit windswept, particularly on days when she's gone out wandering. Her skin is sickly pale and almost translucent because she spends most of her time indoors and is often unwell, and her eyes are a striking ocean blue color that stands out in sharp contrast to the rest of her features. Her features are all quite soft and girlish, and her lips are naturally a peachy-pink color. Her style can, at kindest, be described as matronly and she almost always wears oversized turtleneck sweaters paired with long wool skirts with very little variety in her style, and she can be found with a book in her hands at almost all times, whether it's a novel or her diary. She values modesty and comfort above all else and cares very little for her appearance, so she tends to look pretty frumpy most of the time, even in a professional setting, so if she is ever to dress more professionally for work, someone will have to make her do it. It will also take almost an act of God to convince her to wear a skirt that goes above her ankles since she prefers to hide her body, but she also refuses to wear trousers because she finds them uncomfortable. She tends to wear boots as her shoes on a daily basis since that's what she was used to wearing at home for her walks on the moors, and she can't walk in heels because she's not strong enough. She's in general quite pretty, albeit in a fragile and tragic sort of way, but her clothes are meant to hide that she's extremely skinny because of her illness. Prior to being forced into the Guild, she was at a weight on the low end of healthy for her size (about 126 pounds or 9 stone or 57 kg), but now she only weighs about 98 pounds (roughly 7 stone or 44.5 kg). She is also the tallest of the Brontë girls, standing at 5'6" (about 168 cm). She always carries a handkerchief with her to clean herself up when she overworks herself and ends up coughing up blood. The only major blemish she has is a scar on her right hand where she was bitten by a rabid dog once and treated the injury herself by burning it down to the bone. She never wears makeup, but if she were ever made to for any reason, she would prefer it to be very natural, "no makeup" makeup because she hates standing out.

    Voice Claim: Noto Mamiko as Morioka Moriko from Netojuu no Susume

    Affiliation: Armed Detective Agency (Currently)
    The Guild (Formerly)
    The Order of the Clocktower (Formerly)

    Ability: Wuthering Heights - This illusion type ability allows Emily to inflict anything she is capable of personally imagining on anyone within her line of vision. This can be the infliction of pleasurable visions on someone for calming purposes, but more often it is visions of incredibly brutal and violent things. Whatever she inflicts on a person can be felt and manifested physically but only the victim is capable of "seeing" what is happening to them. This ability can be used to wound so severely as to kill, and Emily's imagination is remarkably vivid so she is able to use this ability very creatively, but it also takes a heavy toll on her body because she is physically so frail, so it is difficult for her to use her gift frequently and tends to be used more as a last resort because she goes into a coughing fit almost every time she uses her gift. She is only able to use it on people she can actually see, however, and the illusion is weaker and less effective when she can't see someone clearly or in detail (for example, if they're far away). She also tends not to use her ability unless she has to because, similarly to John Steinbeck, she believes it's a damning sin to have an ability at all. Using her ability to do harm tends to do her more physical harm than using her ability to do good for someone, but ultimately how self-destructive the results of a session of using her ability are depend heavily on how much guilt Emily feels, and how much she beats herself up for it. The most common way that Emily uses her ability is to create a pack of hunting dogs that tear her enemies to shreds or can encircle and trap them, or the ghost of a young woman named Catherine who can psychologically torment her enemies. It takes much more concentration for her to use her ability in non-harmful ways, but when she does so, she generally imagines up some of her favorite places or moments from her childhood.
    Never love an anchor
  • NAME
    kiss me whenever you want
    - Ability stuff?
    Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Fusce eget sodales libero, nec mollis tellus. Pellentesque et fermentum massa. Proin vitae laoreet nibh, id porta arcu. Cras ut libero erat. Vestibulum lorem ligula, pretium at pharetra luctus, convallis a magna. Suspendisse et ex vulputate, tempus turpis mattis, mattis orci. Pellentesque laoreet imperdiet aliquet. Nullam in ante vel odio cursus ullamcorper sed consectetur libero. Nullam et pretium elit. Phasellus aliquet ipsum non nunc interdum eleifend. Nunc quis fringilla velit.

    Fusce aliquet libero arcu, vitae interdum urna rutrum a. Integer at urna ac lectus ornare scelerisque id vitae purus. Aenean volutpat orci sit amet consequat rutrum. Aliquam lacinia interdum magna nec accumsan. Orci varius natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Pellentesque ut finibus dolor, at consequat ante. Mauris quam eros, eleifend pulvinar ante non, feugiat tempor leo. Suspendisse potenti. Sed nec finibus tellus. Vivamus tempus ullamcorper justo, id tincidunt leo laoreet ut. Donec quis purus non nisl congue lobortis.

    Pellentesque rhoncus risus fermentum, maximus neque non, accumsan sem. Nulla a nisi quam. Sed congue lorem est, nec ultricies erat pulvinar ac. Praesent sed enim dictum, suscipit neque vitae, porta nisl. Ut fringilla lacus tincidunt tellus luctus tempus. Fusce facilisis facilisis urna eget interdum. Sed auctor quis odio in cursus. Proin volutpat enim orci, sit amet accumsan magna tincidunt in. Integer felis mi, eleifend vitae lectus sed, pretium dignissim sem. Ut tempor elementum nunc ac dictum.

    Donec enim est, rutrum eu rhoncus ut, tincidunt in nibh. Maecenas nec cursus lectus. Donec in massa in eros pellentesque placerat in et augue. Vivamus mattis, sapien tempor aliquam lobortis, ligula dui ornare lacus, ut blandit mi nunc nec nunc. Donec venenatis erat eu lobortis interdum. Integer at gravida lacus, quis tincidunt nisl. Nam at faucibus mauris. Sed vitae tortor convallis, semper dolor eget, rhoncus leo. Donec sollicitudin quam id dignissim volutpat. Vestibulum ullamcorper ultricies sodales. Phasellus lobortis in urna et laoreet.

    Proin et pulvinar est. Aliquam ac pellentesque dui. Vestibulum et neque neque. Cras quis ullamcorper eros. Duis ut magna sit amet leo commodo cursus ut faucibus purus. Proin cursus orci pretium tortor mollis, at luctus mi ornare. Nulla eu neque est. Nullam sit amet lectus pharetra, tempor est quis, placerat urna.
    je te laisserai des mots
  • NAME
    kiss me whenever you want
    - Relationships?
    Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Fusce eget sodales libero, nec mollis tellus. Pellentesque et fermentum massa. Proin vitae laoreet nibh, id porta arcu. Cras ut libero erat. Vestibulum lorem ligula, pretium at pharetra luctus, convallis a magna. Suspendisse et ex vulputate, tempus turpis mattis, mattis orci. Pellentesque laoreet imperdiet aliquet. Nullam in ante vel odio cursus ullamcorper sed consectetur libero. Nullam et pretium elit. Phasellus aliquet ipsum non nunc interdum eleifend. Nunc quis fringilla velit.

    Fusce aliquet libero arcu, vitae interdum urna rutrum a. Integer at urna ac lectus ornare scelerisque id vitae purus. Aenean volutpat orci sit amet consequat rutrum. Aliquam lacinia interdum magna nec accumsan. Orci varius natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Pellentesque ut finibus dolor, at consequat ante. Mauris quam eros, eleifend pulvinar ante non, feugiat tempor leo. Suspendisse potenti. Sed nec finibus tellus. Vivamus tempus ullamcorper justo, id tincidunt leo laoreet ut. Donec quis purus non nisl congue lobortis.

    Pellentesque rhoncus risus fermentum, maximus neque non, accumsan sem. Nulla a nisi quam. Sed congue lorem est, nec ultricies erat pulvinar ac. Praesent sed enim dictum, suscipit neque vitae, porta nisl. Ut fringilla lacus tincidunt tellus luctus tempus. Fusce facilisis facilisis urna eget interdum. Sed auctor quis odio in cursus. Proin volutpat enim orci, sit amet accumsan magna tincidunt in. Integer felis mi, eleifend vitae lectus sed, pretium dignissim sem. Ut tempor elementum nunc ac dictum.

    Donec enim est, rutrum eu rhoncus ut, tincidunt in nibh. Maecenas nec cursus lectus. Donec in massa in eros pellentesque placerat in et augue. Vivamus mattis, sapien tempor aliquam lobortis, ligula dui ornare lacus, ut blandit mi nunc nec nunc. Donec venenatis erat eu lobortis interdum. Integer at gravida lacus, quis tincidunt nisl. Nam at faucibus mauris. Sed vitae tortor convallis, semper dolor eget, rhoncus leo. Donec sollicitudin quam id dignissim volutpat. Vestibulum ullamcorper ultricies sodales. Phasellus lobortis in urna et laoreet.

    Proin et pulvinar est. Aliquam ac pellentesque dui. Vestibulum et neque neque. Cras quis ullamcorper eros. Duis ut magna sit amet leo commodo cursus ut faucibus purus. Proin cursus orci pretium tortor mollis, at luctus mi ornare. Nulla eu neque est. Nullam sit amet lectus pharetra, tempor est quis, placerat urna.
    je te laisserai des mots
  • NAME
    kiss me whenever you want
    - Background?
    Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Fusce eget sodales libero, nec mollis tellus. Pellentesque et fermentum massa. Proin vitae laoreet nibh, id porta arcu. Cras ut libero erat. Vestibulum lorem ligula, pretium at pharetra luctus, convallis a magna. Suspendisse et ex vulputate, tempus turpis mattis, mattis orci. Pellentesque laoreet imperdiet aliquet. Nullam in ante vel odio cursus ullamcorper sed consectetur libero. Nullam et pretium elit. Phasellus aliquet ipsum non nunc interdum eleifend. Nunc quis fringilla velit.

    Fusce aliquet libero arcu, vitae interdum urna rutrum a. Integer at urna ac lectus ornare scelerisque id vitae purus. Aenean volutpat orci sit amet consequat rutrum. Aliquam lacinia interdum magna nec accumsan. Orci varius natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Pellentesque ut finibus dolor, at consequat ante. Mauris quam eros, eleifend pulvinar ante non, feugiat tempor leo. Suspendisse potenti. Sed nec finibus tellus. Vivamus tempus ullamcorper justo, id tincidunt leo laoreet ut. Donec quis purus non nisl congue lobortis.

    Pellentesque rhoncus risus fermentum, maximus neque non, accumsan sem. Nulla a nisi quam. Sed congue lorem est, nec ultricies erat pulvinar ac. Praesent sed enim dictum, suscipit neque vitae, porta nisl. Ut fringilla lacus tincidunt tellus luctus tempus. Fusce facilisis facilisis urna eget interdum. Sed auctor quis odio in cursus. Proin volutpat enim orci, sit amet accumsan magna tincidunt in. Integer felis mi, eleifend vitae lectus sed, pretium dignissim sem. Ut tempor elementum nunc ac dictum.

    Donec enim est, rutrum eu rhoncus ut, tincidunt in nibh. Maecenas nec cursus lectus. Donec in massa in eros pellentesque placerat in et augue. Vivamus mattis, sapien tempor aliquam lobortis, ligula dui ornare lacus, ut blandit mi nunc nec nunc. Donec venenatis erat eu lobortis interdum. Integer at gravida lacus, quis tincidunt nisl. Nam at faucibus mauris. Sed vitae tortor convallis, semper dolor eget, rhoncus leo. Donec sollicitudin quam id dignissim volutpat. Vestibulum ullamcorper ultricies sodales. Phasellus lobortis in urna et laoreet.

    Proin et pulvinar est. Aliquam ac pellentesque dui. Vestibulum et neque neque. Cras quis ullamcorper eros. Duis ut magna sit amet leo commodo cursus ut faucibus purus. Proin cursus orci pretium tortor mollis, at luctus mi ornare. Nulla eu neque est. Nullam sit amet lectus pharetra, tempor est quis, placerat urna.
    je te laisserai des mots
Last edited:
Fucked up the tabs somehow and can't figure it out so trying again

    Honest people don't hide their deeds
    Name: Emily Jane Brontë
    Age: 24
    Birthday: July 30th
    Birthplace: Thornton, Yorkshire, England

    Emily has mousy brown hair that is fairly long, hanging down to the small of her back when left loose, but she usually only lets it down to sleep, and during the day keeps it either in braids pinned at the nape of her neck or a bun. Her hair is often a bit windswept, particularly on days when she's gone out wandering. Her skin is sickly pale and almost translucent because she spends most of her time indoors and is often unwell, and her eyes are a striking ocean blue color that stands out in sharp contrast to the rest of her features. Her features are all quite soft and girlish, and her lips are naturally a peachy-pink color. Her style can, at kindest, be described as matronly and she almost always wears oversized turtleneck sweaters paired with long wool skirts with very little variety in her style, and she can be found with a book in her hands at almost all times, whether it's a novel or her diary. She values modesty and comfort above all else and cares very little for her appearance, so she tends to look pretty frumpy most of the time, even in a professional setting, so if she is ever to dress more professionally for work, someone will have to make her do it. It will also take almost an act of God to convince her to wear a skirt that goes above her ankles since she prefers to hide her body, but she also refuses to wear trousers because she finds them uncomfortable. She tends to wear boots as her shoes on a daily basis since that's what she was used to wearing at home for her walks on the moors, and she can't walk in heels because she's not strong enough. She's in general quite pretty, albeit in a fragile and tragic sort of way, but her clothes are meant to hide that she's extremely skinny because of her illness. Prior to being forced into the Guild, she was at a weight on the low end of healthy for her size (about 126 pounds or 9 stone or 57 kg), but now she only weighs about 98 pounds (roughly 7 stone or 44.5 kg). She is also the tallest of the Brontë girls, standing at 5'6" (about 168 cm). She always carries a handkerchief with her to clean herself up when she overworks herself and ends up coughing up blood. The only major blemish she has is a scar on her right hand where she was bitten by a rabid dog once and treated the injury herself by burning it down to the bone. She never wears makeup, but if she were ever made to for any reason, she would prefer it to be very natural, "no makeup" makeup because she hates standing out.

    Voice Claim: Noto Mamiko as Morioka Moriko from Netojuu no Susume

    Armed Detective Agency (Currently)
    The Guild (Formerly)
    The Order of the Clocktower (Formerly)

    Wuthering Heights - This illusion type ability allows Emily to inflict anything she is capable of personally imagining on anyone within her line of vision. This can be the infliction of pleasurable visions on someone for calming purposes, but more often it is visions of incredibly brutal and violent things. Whatever she inflicts on a person can be felt and manifested physically but only the victim is capable of "seeing" what is happening to them. This ability can be used to wound so severely as to kill, and Emily's imagination is remarkably vivid so she is able to use this ability very creatively, but it also takes a heavy toll on her body because she is physically so frail, so it is difficult for her to use her gift frequently and tends to be used more as a last resort because she goes into a coughing fit almost every time she uses her gift. She is only able to use it on people she can actually see, however, and the illusion is weaker and less effective when she can't see someone clearly or in detail (for example, if they're far away). She also tends not to use her ability unless she has to because, similarly to John Steinbeck, she believes it's a damning sin to have an ability at all. Using her ability to do harm tends to do her more physical harm than using her ability to do good for someone, but ultimately how self-destructive the results of a session of using her ability are depend heavily on how much guilt Emily feels, and how much she beats herself up for it. The most common way that Emily uses her ability is to create a pack of hunting dogs that tear her enemies to shreds or can encircle and trap them, or the ghost of a young woman named Catherine who can psychologically torment her enemies. It takes much more concentration for her to use her ability in non-harmful ways, but when she does so, she generally imagines up some of her favorite places or moments from her childhood.
    Never love an anchor
    Honest people don't hide their deeds
    Emily's personality is a bit difficult to discern, particularly because she is a recluse, more or less, and has a habit of only associating with or speaking to her sisters, so her elder sister, Charlotte, often acts as spokesperson for her and has a tendency to smokescreen Emily's true personality because Emily unnerves her a bit. Charlotte would say that Emily has a tendency toward seclusion and, though she generally has no ill-will toward the people around her, she is entirely unsociable and will not speak to anyone, though she knows a lot about everyone she's ever met. Charlotte also thinks that Emily may be insane. In reality, Emily is shy to the extreme and only has a desire to communicate with her family, whom she is very close to, because of this. She is incredibly observant, despite being reclusive, and has a remarkable memory for details, so once she has learned information about a person or met a person, she will never forget that person or the information she has learned about them. Once coaxed out of her shyness, Emily is a very warmhearted and kind person, for the most part. The easiest way to see the soft side of her is through her love of nature and animals. She has a particular soft spot for stray dogs and strolling through the moors near her childhood home, despite how dangerous they are. She tends to keep to herself, however, and got her scar from an incident in which she was bitten by a rabid dog while trying to help it, but instead of telling her family about the incident she took a hot poker and burned the wound down to the bone herself to treat it and only revealed how she got such a scar when it was accidentally noticed by one of her sisters. Emily is always off in a fantasy world in her head which keeps her entertained, and she calls this world "Gondal." Though she is painfully shy, she shows what her sisters have described as "Spartan-like courage" when it comes to physical dangers. She also has a strong desire for independence and liberty and does not do well with taking strict orders or keeping a strict schedule if it does not suit her whims. She can be extremely stubborn and unyielding, and when she feels insulted or is trying to hide her discomfort in front of people she doesn't trust, she tends to resort to biting sarcasm. There are few people she truly loves and cares for because her trust is extremely hard-won, but she is undyingly loyal to those few people.

    Physical Health:
    Chronic Illness - Emily has had a chronic and debilitating illness that is symptomatically similar to tuberculosis ever since she was a teenager. Or rather, the more obvious symptoms affecting her health began manifesting then, but the underlying problem began when she was a child and the illness simply progressed silently and insidiously without her noticing it for a long while. The primary symptoms of her illness are uncontrollable coughing fits which often bring up blood, a perpetual low-grade fever that gets higher after every coughing fit, difficulty breathing especially with physical exertion, general malaise, chronic pain (mostly chest pain, but she also gets joint pain now thanks to having lost so much weight), extreme weight loss and muscle atrophy, frequent chills (which is why she always wears sweaters and wool skirts even in the summer), loss of appetite and nausea, and night sweats. She almost never feels hungry enough to eat food and subsists mostly off of tea, which does not tend to help her symptoms, which can often render her bedridden especially after using her ability. Her illness is directly related to her ability and it began when she first began rejecting her ability as a child when she was told at the boarding school she attended that it was evil. Her rejection of it has grown stronger over time, as has her ability, and so with her constant internal struggle, she also struggles to control her ability and it takes a heavy toll on her body, which is where her illness comes from. Fukuzawa's ability takes some of that strain off of her and she is able to slowly start recovering because of that, but if anyone were to ever realize that her illness stems ultimately from her rejection of her own ability and were to help her find a way to accept it and recognize that neither she nor her ability are evil, it would definitely speed the recovery process along, especially if she were made to start taking better care of her body along with that.

    Mental Health:
    Agoraphobia - As an agoraphobe, Emily is terrified of going out into public, particularly in places where a lot of people will be, which means that being in a big city like Yokohama is hellish for her. She even feels anxious being in the office with everyone else, and tends to panic easily. She has been an agoraphobe for most of her life and agoraphobia is incurable, though frequently exposing oneself to the places that cause fear and anxiety can help prove to an agoraphobe that they're actually safe, so she will eventually be able to become accustomed to going in to the office over time. She will always be anxious about leaving home or leaving work once she gets there, though, and public transportation will tend to make her panic, even when accompanied by someone she trusts. She will, in fact, almost always need someone she trusts to help her get around the city simply so that she feels like someone is there to help her and keep her safe if she does ever have a panic attack.

    Social Anxiety - Emily also has social anxiety comorbid with her agoraphobia, which is fairly common. Like her agoraphobia, this began when she was a child, in particular while she was in boarding school, which was the first time she ever had a panic attack due to the intense bullying her sisters and she received both from the teachers and other students. Because of her social anxiety, she tends to avoid social situations like the plague and hates meeting new people. This, combined with her agoraphobia, was also why she was never able to complete her schooling and remained self-taught all her life. Her social anxiety is so intense that she is extremely attached to her sisters as the only people she trusts, and when she is apart from them and forced to be around strangers, she gets so intensely homesick that she becomes physically ill. She sometimes experiences brief depressive episodes thanks to her anxiety as well, particularly when she's feeling especially inadequate and is under more stress than usual.

    Both of these disorders are able to be treated with talk therapy and, in cases as severe as her, probably also anxiety medication as well. However, she grew up in an extremely rural area and had an extremely conservative upbringing and will resist strongly if anyone in-roleplay tries to make her go to therapy because she already has a complex about being "broken" mentally and going to therapy will feel to her like admitting defeat, since she doesn't know much about mental health and believes that a mentally ill person can never be cured, nor have relief from their symptoms. It will take a lot of convincing for her to ever seek treatment.

    - Animals (particularly stray dogs) - She loves all animals, though, and had quite a menagerie of pets in Yorkshire. She prefers big dogs to small dogs because she feels that small dogs are usually poorly behaved and difficult to train
    - Nature - She's a country girl at heart and hates being in places without a lot of greenery. In Japan, if it weren't for having to take public transportation to get there, she would really like places like shrines with their peaceful and natural atmosphere and forests, either of trees or of bamboo
    - Freedom - She hates being tied down, and if she feels like her freedom is being compromised, she will generally rebel
    - Learning - She's an avid and dedicated learner and tends not to back down from intellectual challenges
    - Writing in her diary
    - Playing piano - She's an excellent pianist
    - Tea - She loves tea and considers it her favorite food. If anything is ever wrong with her or anyone else, her treatment of it is generally a cuppa. She likes strong black teas, taken with no cream or sugar, but with floral notes, like Lady Grey
    - Quiet and solitude
    - Her family - She is extremely loyal to her family and also quite dependent on them. She values them more than her own life.
    - The moors - The moors of her homeland is her absolute favorite place in the world, and is the scenery of most of the illusions she casts with her ability.
    - Ginger (especially in sweets) - Ginger is a common ingredient in Yorkshire, so it's a nostalgic flavor for her and she's more likely to eat ginger-flavored things. Her two favorites are non-alcoholic ginger beer (which is like ginger ale but with a stronger ginger flavor) and parkin which is a dense, sticky cake made with treacle and ginger common to Yorkshire, especially around the holiday season.

    - Doctors - She hates being vulnerable, especially in front of people she doesn't trust, so of course she can't stand doctors, who one is required to be vulnerable in front of just by nature of the profession
    - Society and socializing
    - Strict rules
    - Authority figures
    - Having her picture taken - She doesn't like her appearance or herself in general, so she doesn't want it to be recorded
    - The Port Mafia - Mostly, they just scare her and she hates all ability user organizations
    - F. Scott Fitzgerald, Lucy Maud Montgomery, and John Steinbeck - These three were most responsible for taking her sisters away from her. She is determined to get revenge against them
    - Organizations for ability users
    - Big cities
    - Small spaces - This goes along with her agoraphobia, but also stems from having been locked in a closet as punishment when she was in boarding school

    - She's very sickly and not physically very strong because of that
    - She fears being left completely alone without her family
    - She has a hot temper when it comes to her family and tends not to think logically when they're in danger
    - She's a recluse and often has to be physically forced to leave her home
    - She can be quite impatient once she's made up her mind to do something
    - She has a slight sadistic streak born of her constant state of fear and hating being made to feel that way
    - She is extremely stubborn
    The Willow Maid
    Honest people don't hide their deeds
    Love Interest: Kunikida Doppo
    Relationship with Love Interest:
    While in the Guild - He was just a name to her at this point. She was made to memorize data on all of Yokohama's registered ability users, and she would be able to recognize him on sight because of this, but her feelings were entirely neutral. Upon encountering him with Steinbeck and Lovecraft while the three of them attempted to capture Naomi and Haruno, she became frightened by him pointing his gun at her and used her ability against him, leaving him with several non-fatal but extremely painful injuries.

    Right After Joining the Armed Detective Agency - He's an overbearing coworker to her at this point, although she can't quite even bring herself to consider him or any of the others in the office to be coworkers since the organization feels more like a prison to her than anything else. She isn't fluent in Japanese and is mostly illiterate in it, so she feels like he's picking on her every time he points out all of her mistakes in her paperwork and makes her restart it all from the beginning. There's a lot of tension between them and she doesn't think very highly of him, trying to avoid him as much as possible so as to avoid more criticism. She doesn't hate him, but there is some resentment there for how much he nitpicks her work and her habits. She is also afraid that he holds a grudge against her for using her ability against him when they first met, which makes her wary of him.

    Once She's Been with the Armed Detective Agency for a While - After she gets a little more comfortable with her role in the agency, she'll warm up to him a little more, though it'll probably be something that he forces to happen rather than her initiating it. She prefers to observe people from afar rather than actively interacting with them, and he's no exception. Through her people watching habits, she'll come to have a pretty good understanding of his personality and ideals, and she'll have seen how the others are so flippant about them, especially when it comes to his feelings about senseless deaths, so she'll develop a bit of sympathy toward him. She probably still won't talk to him much without him initiating it or them being forced to work together.

    As Friends - In a friendlier relationship, she'll still be cautious with him, but be a little more willing to talk to him and actually hold conversations, even if they're brief. She tends to express her affections through actions, so when she feels he's overworking himself and needs to take a break, she'll often do things like bringing him a cup of tea and quietly setting it down on his desk for him, or even going as far as asking him to help her find a certain place (even though she rarely ever actually wants or needs the help) to force him to take a break. She still won't be very willing to disclose much information about her past to him, though, nor about the state of her health if he has even noticed at this point. She may also start being a little more verbally affectionate and use casual pet names like "love" or "sweet" or "duck" mixed in with her speech, in English, of course.

    As Lovers - Emily has never even considered a relationship before, so it'll definitely be tense and awkward at first, with her extremely hesitant and unsure of what to do or how things should go. If it's not made explicit what sort of relationship they're in, she'll stress over it a lot and never know how to act around him. At least at first, she'll need permission from him, explicitly, of what she is and isn't allowed to do with regards to physical affection. Once she's more comfortable in the relationship, though, she'll be very cuddly at least in private, and likes to hold hands with him a lot, whether in public or in private. She'll also progressively be more willing to tell him about herself and her worries as she grows to trust him more. She'll feel unfulfilled if she feels like he's being too overbearing and is making her receive too much in the relationship without being able to give anything, since she's very much naturally predisposed to be a giver. She also won't hesitate as much to call him out when she sees him doing something wrong, like yelling at his coworkers for not meeting his ridiculously high standards, especially when he takes it too far. She'll also want to start calling him by his given name at this point if he'll allow it since it's uncomfortable with the culture she was raised in to keep calling him by his surname, though the pet names will continue to be a thing with her.

    Patrick Brontë - Age: 59 (at the time of his death) - Ability: Winter Evening Thoughts
    Born in Drumballyroney village, County Down in Northern Ireland as Patrick Brunty, he was the eldest of ten children born to a pair of farm laborers. He changed his surname to Brontë later when he became an adult, though it is pronounced basically the same way. At 25 years old, after a series of failed apprenticeships in his homeland, he became a teacher and moved to England where then studied theology in Cambridge and following that was ordained a deacon of the Church of England and then later entered the priesthood. While being moved around the country from parish to parish, he met his soon-to-be wife Maria and the pair were married within the year, when he was 35 and she was 29. He did not react well to his wife's death, and after several failed attempts at dating afterward, he gave up on the idea of remarriage and devoted himself wholeheartedly to his work. When not doing his work for the church, he was extremely reclusive and hardy left his study. Emily inherited a lot of her personality traits from him, as well as his accent, because as a child she'd often sit in his study and read quietly alongside him if she wasn't with her siblings. They weren't exactly close, but she does have some fond memories with him. Charlotte and Branwell inherited their poor eyesight from him.

    Maria Branwell Brontë - Age: 35 (at the time of her death) - Ability: The Advantages of Poverty
    Born as the eighth child to a successful merchant in Penzance, Cornwall, England, she was one of only six out of twelve children in her family to survive to adulthood. Her family was responsible for forming the first Methodist church in Penzance, as a fairly prominent Methodist family, with some of her brothers serving as ministers. She was devoutly religious and much of her life centered around religion, so it only made sense that she marry a clergyman. Which she did when she met Patrick at age 29 while visiting her aunt and uncle in Yorkshire after the death of her parents and two other family members all within the same year, since her family was extremely close even with extended family. The couple fell in love at first sight and married within the year, and they had their first daughter a year after their marriage. She developed ovarian cancer shortly after the birth of her youngest daughter and suffered with insufficient treatment of it for seven and a half months before ultimately dying from it. Emily has almost no memories at all of her mother, since she was only two years old at the time of her death, but she has seemed to have inherited her mother's gentle nature and her sense of the value of family.

    Maria Brontë - Age: 11 (at the time of her death)
    The eldest of the Brontë children, Maria was from a very young age grave, thoughtful, and quiet far beyond her years. She was the most mature of the children, and was the closest to their father out of all of them. As a child, she was already proficient enough at reading to read the daily newspapers and report on them to her family members at the breakfast table daily. Her father often boasted that he could speak with her about any topic as fluently as an adult due to her extreme intellect and excellent memory. She had her mother's gentler personality paired with her father's reclusive tendencies, much like Emily, but was also extremely quick-witted and untidy in the way that may extremely intelligent people are. She could speak English and some French, but was never particularly skilled with geography or history, though she was very proficient at writing and other linguistic tasks. Even the teachers at the boarding school she and her sisters were sent to acknowledged her intelligence and extraordinary talent. However, her life was cut short when she fell ill in a typhoid epidemic that spread through the school thanks to its poor living conditions, and she died after being sick for several weeks. Emily's only real memory of her is of seeing her corpse lying in bed when Charlotte discovered her in the boarding school dormitories.

    Elizabeth Brontë - Age: 9 (at the time of her death)
    The second child of the Brontë family, Elizabeth was never as exceptionally gifted as her siblings. She was particularly bad with mathematics, but also didn't dedicate as much time and attention to reading as her siblings did either. She did enjoy creative pursuits and writing in particular, as it was a family habit to make up little stories for one another, and her father acknowledged that she had a lot of common sense and a good head on her shoulders in that regard. She also fell ill during the typhoid epidemic that struck their boarding school, and had been sharing a bed with her sister Maria the night she died, also ill. She was sent home, sick, along with Charlotte and Emily who were still well, and she died at home six weeks later. Emily also has no real memories of her except from her funeral.

    Charlotte Brontë - Age: 26 - Ability: Jane Eyre
    As the third child of the family, and the eldest to survive past childhood, Charlotte is definitely the mature and responsible one. She essentially serves as the mother of the family now, especially since their aunt left them, and is the sole reason the family has been able to survive this long. She's extremely smart and practical to a fault, almost to the point of being callous. She had to grow up too quickly and is somewhat resentful of her sisters for it, though this mostly comes out in the form of her being very strict with them. Regardless, even she can't really function separately from the family and is just as dependent on her sisters as they are on her. She tends to have a maudlin and gloomy atmosphere about her, much like Emily, and most people dislike her. She is a fairly unhappy person in general, and it shows. But regardless, she does her best to take care of her sisters in their poor health and she does so without complaint. She and Emily have never been as close as Emily is with Anne, and they sometimes butt heads, particularly because Charlotte believes that there is something fundamentally wrong with Emily, particularly with her mind. There was also one incident in which Charlotte read Emily's diary and Emily caught her at it for which she still hasn't completely forgiven Charlotte. In spite of all that, though, she is still a fundamental part of Emily's world, and Emily is still fiercely attached to her. She tends to do most of the cleaning in the family's home and Emily handles the cooking. Charlotte is the only healthy member of the family.

    Patrick Branwell Brontë - Age: 17 (at the time of his death) - Ability: And the Weary are at Rest
    Branwell was the fourth child of the family and from a young age was the black sheep. As the wild child and the only son, he had a boastful and arrogant personality that he never learned how to temper, so many people tended to find him obnoxious, particularly in how hard he tried to fit in with the men of the nearby city and of the village they lived in. He tried in his early-to-mid teens to gain himself a position as editor of his favorite magazine, but his arrogantly-worded suggestions that he take the former editor's place were consistently ignored. From the earliest age possible after these rejections, he began seeking out masculine company at bars in an attempt to prove himself, and quickly developed alcoholism. He also became addicted to nonprescription opioid drugs. His life from that point was a constant downward spiral with his behavior becoming more impossible to deal with and more embarrassing to the family. He was a violent drunk and often went after his sisters for real or imagined wrongs after nights of drinking, and his younger sister Anne was his most frequent victim. On one occasion, he even lit his own bed on fire and nearly killed himself, from which point onward his father made him share a bed with him for everyone's safety. He also developed an obsession with a married woman fifteen years his senior and was threatened by her husband when he found out about the boy's pursuits which Branwell claimed had become a physical affair, though he was boastful enough that no one was really ever sure if he was being truthful or not. He ultimately died from a probable drug overdose when he was 17 years old. He and Charlotte were always the closest out of the family, and even in his worst moments she would be the one to take care of him, so she found his body when he died. Emily was never very close to him, but when they were young, before he began his life of debauchery, he would sometimes take her out onto the moors to hunt wild birds with him and he taught her how to shoot a gun, which she is now quite good at though she was always too gentle to actually kill any birds. Beyond that, the only thing she got from him, and most of what she remembers, is a reinforcement of her fear of men and drunk people, and he is why she won't drink alcohol, because she's afraid she'll become violent like he did.

    Anne Brontë - Age: 22 - Ability: The Tenant of Wildfell Hall
    Anne is the youngest of the Brontë family and is Emily's favorite sibling. The two are inseparable, to the point that people have mistaken them for twins in the past for how close they are to one another. Anne is quite opposite in personality to Emily, however, precocious and determined to make the best of any situation. In contrast to Emily and Charlotte, Anne is the sole optimist of the family. But she is also quiet and gentle, and that tenacity of hers is usually kept to herself and shown in action rather than words. She is quick-witted and when inclined to do so around people she is familiar with, can easily make jokes. She has said on multiple occasions that without Emily she would die, and Emily feels much the same about her. She is the only person Emily trusts enough to allow to read her diary, and is the person Emily can spend the most extended amounts of time with without getting tired. She is more religious than Emily but less so than Charlotte and has had her faith shaken on occasion, much to Charlotte's dismay. She and Charlotte aren't exceptionally close, but they're closer than Charlotte and Emily are, and Anne is really the one who keeps the peace in the family. She is also typically attracted to older men, but prefers to pine for them from afar without ever acting on her feelings. She is skilled at sewing and also enjoys photography. Like Emily, she has a chronic illness with similar symptoms, although hers is treatable with antitubercular drugs, unlike Emily's.

    Edgar Allan Poe
    They met during their time in the Guild when she happened to stumble upon his room while she was in search of a place to hide shortly after being forced into the Guild. He was initially offended and trapped her in one of his stories, but she swiftly solved the mystery and complimented his description as she came back into the real world, so between that and how quickly she befriended Karl, he had no choice but to accept her, and it wasn't long before the two became friends. Their personalities are fairly similar, though her sadistic streak is less obvious than his, and there were many days that they spent together, he writing and she reading his works. She often served as editor and critic for him as he continued working on stories in preparation for his battle of wits with Ranpo. He was the one who introduced her to the Armed Detective Agency after the fall of the Guild upon realizing that he was simply not able to locate her sisters on his own power but perhaps Ranpo could, especially with the resources that the agency has access to that he does not. She still tries to remain in touch with him, though that can be difficult when he gets distracted by his writing and doesn't answer her calls. She's always delighted when he shows up at the office to visit Ranpo, though.

    Haruno Kirako
    Out of everyone in the office, Emily is most likely to become comfortable with Haruno first, if not Kunikida. At least in the office, Haruno tends to be the most normal and reliable person and is able to be more patient with Emily and her agoraphobia than most of the others. Emily tends to work mostly with the secretaries after initially joining the Armed Detective Agency anyway because they have more time to be able to give her the practice she needs with written Japanese than the more active members would with their paperwork. Haruno helps guide Emily and show her the ropes with her work, and is much better about giving her positive feedback and wording corrections more gently than the others in the office, so as not to set off Emily's anxieties. She is also an animal lover like Emily, and she likes Emily for being a good listener, so a lot of their conversations are about Haruno's cat, Mii.

    Yosano Akiko
    Things will always start off rocky between these two despite them being the closest in age. Emily dislikes doctors, and Yosano tends to be overbearing, so the combination isn't desirable and they will likely have some disagreements at first. Emily will allow her to experiment on her with her ability, and Yosano will get annoyed that she doesn't react very strongly to the pain like the others in the office do because Emily's chronic illness gives her an extremely high pain tolerance. But eventually they'll be able to work out their differences and Yosano will become someone that Emily can confide in and ask advice from, particularly about her health and her relationships within the office, since she's not used to having friends and isn't always entirely sure how she ought to behave. They share a love for sweets and will likely bond over that since Emily won't drink alcohol.

    Tanizaki Naomi
    An unlikely pair, certainly, but Emily and Naomi will tend to bond over their almost obsessive, bordering on unhealthy love for their siblings. Of course, Emily's love and codependence on her sisters is very different from the more illicit love between Naomi and Junichiro, but Naomi probably won't see it that way and Emily is too timid to correct her. Naomi is also very outgoing and will likely become Emily's voice within the office, sticking up for her if the others seem to be picking on her or are being too harsh with her. In spite of Emily being quite a bit older than Naomi, Naomi will act as if it's the other way around since Emily is so timid. Out of everyone in the office, though, she can most understand Emily's motivation and desperation to find her sisters, even when it drives her to do irrational things or put her life at risk, because Naomi would do exactly the same thing in her situation.

    Fukuzawa Yukichi
    Initially, Emily will be afraid of him, like everyone else in the office, and not want anything to do with him. She believes that all ability user organizations are the same, and will expect him to be the same sort of greedy, self-serving, narcissistic person as the types who have run the other organizations she's either been part of or has been harassed to join over the years. On his end, in spite of his concern for her and her situation because he's a kindhearted man, there will also be caution because she was once part of the Guild and did harm some of the members of the agency in that time, and he will give the members of the agency in charge of supervising her orders to kill her if she seems to be a danger to the agency, much like what was done with Dazai. Over time as they have to spend more time together, though, especially when she brings him tea if the other secretaries are busy, they'll talk more and build a little more trust. She's observant and will almost certainly notice his love for cats quickly, which will likely give them more things to talk about since she's an animal lover herself, and his concern for her and her family will likely put her more at ease. On his end, she has a gentle personality and really just needs guidance more than anything, so he'll take her under his wing and take on a fatherly role for her. He will probably start asking Kunikida to bring her along for their matches of Go after work, even though Emily doesn't know how to play, just to make sure she's included and feels like people want her around to help boost her self confidence.

    Tayama Katai
    Honestly Emily will be surprised when she first finds out Kunikida has any friends outside of the Armed Detective Agency's immediate office group since she's never heard him talk about anyone else, and she'll be pretty nervous the first time he brings her with him to visit Katai--and also confused as to why he'd arm himself with cleaning supplies and groceries just for a visit to see a friend. Of course, the confusion will clear up pretty quickly when she gets a look at the state his apartment is in. They're pretty similar people in a lot of ways, so while Katai may not be able to speak directly to Emily at first due to how bad he is with women, even though she's not his type at all, they'll end up getting along pretty well, if only because they can understand each other's reclusive tendencies and shared affection for Kunikida. It's also likely that Katai will make attempts here and there to tease Kunikida about his relationship with Emily since he's never had that opportunity before, but those attempts are likely to end with him getting either yelled at or hit unless he does so while they're both drunk. On Emily's end, how messy his apartment always is will frustrate her, somewhat in the way it does Kunikida since she's also pretty big on cleanliness, but more than anything she'll enjoy coming with Kunikida to visit Katai just because it makes her happy to see him relaxed--or as much so as someone like him can be--and spending time with a friend, even if she does end up having to clean up after them when they're drunk. She'll also be pretty impressed with and fascinated by Katai's ability since she's terrible with technology herself, and he may be able to teach her a little about how certain basic technologies like cell phones and computers work.
    Inkpot Gods
    Honest people don't hide their deeds
    Early Life - Emily was born in Thornton village in Yorkshire, in North England to Patrick and Maria Branwell Brontë as their fifth of six children. They remained in Thornton until two years later, when Anne was born, at which point Patrick was offered the position of perpetual curate of St. Michael's and All Angels Methodist church in Haworth, Yorkshire. There Maria Branwell died of ovarian cancer after an excruciating seven and a half month struggle. She was only 37 years old at the time. Following her death, Maria Branwell's sister, Elizabeth, who had been helping with things anyway during Maria Branwell's struggle against cancer, moved in with the family and remained with them to care for the children until Charlotte was legally an adult. Patrick threw himself into his clergy work instead, spending most of his time away from the house doing work on the church or visiting the poor, and when he was home, he was completely reclusive and spent very little time with his children.

    Childhood - When Emily was six years old, she, Maria, Elizabeth, and Charlotte were all sent to the Clergy Daughters' School at Cowan Bridge in Lancashire, England. This was an all-girls boarding school run by Reverend Carus Wilson, who was a Calvinist Evangelist, meaning that he believed in predestination and, consequently, the fact that the majority of souls were doomed to Hell regardless of what they did in life. These beliefs were heavily reflected in his running of the school and the treatment of the girls. Emily was the youngest boarder at the school at the time. At the school, the girls lived in dormitories with all of the other girls, and were made to sleep two to a bed with their heads propped up and without pillows. There was no heat or air conditioning in the building, and that part of England gets extremely cold all year round, so most mornings when they were forced to perform their morning ablutions well before dawn out of water basins that they shared with at least six other girls, as there was also no running water, the water was more often than not frozen over. Following that, they were required to make their beds and get dressed in their uniforms, which were designed to humiliate them, and then they made their way downstairs into the school for an hour and a half of prayers before breakfast, which was generally burnt porridge and a frozen glass of water. Their lessons went from half-past nine until noon, followed by a few minutes of recreation before lunch, which was often little more than a slice of bread. Lessons began again as soon as they were done eating and lasted until at least 5 p.m. every evening. They then had another break for a slice of stale bread and a small cup of coffee and then recreation, but this lasted only another half hour before they continued their studies late into the night. Their evening ended with another small glass of water, an oatcake, and evening prayers before bed. On Sundays, they were made to walk for three miles (about 5 km) to the nearest church, often in the snow, and remained there all day until the evening services were also over, only being allowed a half slice of bread with rancid butter as their sole meal for the day before walking back to the school in the dark. Punishments were doled out for every small offence and included deprivation of food and recreation time, corporal punishments by beating with a belt or a rod, humiliation punishments like being made to sit on a stool for hours wearing a dunce cap and not allowed to move, and psychological tortures such as being locked in a closet with rats.

    Emily was very frequently the subject of punishment both because of her stubbornness and her ability. As a child, she tended to use her ability uninhibited to amuse her siblings and herself, as almost every member of the family had an ability and they all used them for creative purposes. She continued doing this at school for the other girls if they could ever get through her shyness, but one of the teachers caught her at it and reported her to the Reverend. Following that time, she was nearly daily told by the Reverend and all of her teachers and most of the other students who knew better than to go against the flow that she was sent from Hell, the Devil's bride, an evil creature, Satan's child, a demon herself, or any other variation along the similar theme that her soul was not one of the predestined ones and that her ability and, by extension, she herself was evil. This is really the sole reason why her self-esteem is so nonexistent now and a large contributing factor to why her natural shyness became agoraphobia and social anxiety. There were several occasions when she was locked in the closet and left for two or three days on end and bitten by the rats, or beaten until she couldn't stand by the Reverend if she was caught using her ability. Though she and her sisters were only at the school for two short years, they all greatly devolved in this time, physically and emotionally. Maria fell sick first due to a typhoid epidemic from the unsanitary living conditions. She died in the school and Charlotte was the one who found her body almost frozen in bed. Shortly after that, Elizabeth, Charlotte, and Emily were brought back home, but Elizabeth had already fallen ill as well and died shortly after they got back home. From that point on, the remaining children were homeschooled, and largely taught themselves out of their father's books. This experience has somewhat turned her off of religion and she does question her faith, but she still goes through the motions.

    Teen Years and Early Adulthood - Emily lived much more contentedly in complete social isolation with her sisters and brother for several years after being brought back from the boarding school. In that time, she read every book in her father's collection, regardless of topic, and she also taught herself to play the piano, which she was found to be quite good at--good enough that any time her father or aunt would go into the city, they would bring her back new sheet music to practice off of, usually German symphonies. She also taught herself how to draw and write poetry, which she would frequently do with the family's pets or the natural landscape of the Yorkshire moors, which she loves dearly, as the subject matter. Things started going sour when Branwell took to drinking, however, and then later to opioid drugs. She and her sisters lived in constant fear of his returns home from nights of drinking as his drinking and drug use habits got more and more extreme, and Emily and Charlotte would often have to pull him off of Anne who tended to be the one with the misfortune of becoming the target of his violence while drunk. When he died, presumably of a drug overdose although his death certificate called the cause of death bronchitis, Charlotte was, again, the one who found his body collapsed on the floor of his bedroom. After his funeral was when Emily began to have symptoms of her current illness, when she was about 16. This was also around the time that ability-user organizations from around Europe began harassing the sisters to join them, hoping to gain control of their powerful abilities and, in particular, Emily's. Charlotte went off to university that year, and Emily tried to follow her the year after, going in early, but she only lasted a semester before returning home, unlike Charlotte, because she got so homesick that she became physically ill. At eighteen she started teaching private piano lessons as her profession and Anne started working as a nanny to a wealthy family in a nearby city while Charlotte was in school getting her degree in education. During this time, Emily also taught herself to speak, read, and write in German using her father's books. Their father died when Emily was nineteen years old.

    The Guild - The arrival of the Guild marked the end of Emily's happy, peaceful life with her sisters. They attacked one day while Emily was on one of her customary walks on the moors. She ran back home when she heard all the commotion, of course, but it was already too late. She'd had a huge mastiff named Keeper as a pet, and he had tried to defend her sisters, but Fitzgerald shot him dead and his body was the first thing Emily saw when she arrived, and then the signs of the struggle her sisters had put up. She, enraged and terrified, tried killing Fitzgerald, since he seemed to be in charge, but was restrained by Steinbeck's ability and very nearly drawn and quartered by him in that way for the struggle she put up. She was forced into an agreement that her sisters would be kept alive and eventually returned to her if, and only if, she cooperated completely until Fitzgerald achieved his goal of getting the book he wanted that he suspected was in Japan, so with no other option left to her, she was forced to join the Guild. She was treated very poorly by everyone in the Guild with the exception only of Edgar Allan Poe and Herman Melville. She was also placed under Steinbeck's supervision and he would bully her as often as possible, and so she would often get fed up with it and pick fights with him, which usually ended with her getting hurt since her illness was getting worse with overuse of her ability and she couldn't really do anything to hurt any of the Guild members without risking her sisters' safety.

    - Her former profession was as a music teacher because she is quite proficient at playing the piano
    - Usually the only times she leaves her home willingly are to go to church, to take her walks outdoors, or if she is forced to for work, and when she does leave home she'll often have panic symptoms or panic attacks if she's not accompanied by a family member or someone she trusts
    - She is the type of person who animals are very attracted to and they tend to follow her around. She is also the type of person who really needs to have a pet, not so that there's something that depends on her to make her feel good about herself, but because she needs the companionship and she needs the security of having something she can love unconditionally without fear of being abandoned, and something that loves her in return. She's also a bleeding heart when it comes to animals and she'd gladly take in every stray she encountered were it not for pet limits in apartment buildings. She likes all animals but has a preference for large breeds of dogs.
    - She keeps a diary almost religiously but most of it is filled with her daydreamings about her fantasy world, Gondal, or poems she writes. This is a link to a small Pinterest board I made of a few things that were in the real Emily's diary or related to her life, if you want a feel for what her diary is like.
    - She was formerly a member of the Order of the Clock Tower, a British gifted organization, but only because she had hoped joining an organization would offer her family protection from other groups seeking their power.
    - If someone wants her to leave her home to do something, even if it's work, he or she will almost certainly have to physically come to her home to force her out of it, due to her reclusive tendencies
    - Her handwriting is very, very tiny and the messiest of all her sisters'
    - She and all of her sisters speak with a Northern Irish Brogue rather than a Yorkshire accent because they were so isolated as children and their father was from Northern Ireland. Out of all her family, however, Emily's accent is the thickest because she was the most isolated and it even shows through a bit in her Japanese.
    - She speaks English and German fluently, and is also literate in both languages. She can speak enough Japanese to get by, but barely knows any of the written system.
    Irish Eyes
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Idea for this template as a Tokyo Ghoul form with some modifications. Will play with it later

Asahina Yume
Asahina Yume

Asahina Yume (Japanese-style)/ Yume Asahina (Western-style)

Yu-chan (by Itori)
Nee-chan (by Hinami)
Mademoiselle Papillon (by Tsukiyama)
Fairy (by Uta sometimes)

15 October

21 (when she first comes to Anteiku, about 3 years before Kaneki)
24 (Until a little before the operation to rescue Kaneki from Aogiri Tree/Jason)
25 (At the time of the rescue operation)

Yume has medium-length hair that goes down to just a bit below her shoulders when left down and is dyed a royal blue shade and generally worn up in a chopstick bun unless she's at home. Her eyes are naturally a warm brown similar to the color of coffee unless her kakugan is showing, and she likes to wear layered clothing as much as she can. She always wears a fitted black hooded jacket with lots of pockets and when it's colder, she wears a larger, heavier black jacket over that. Her build is slender and feminine, but toned although not as muscular as most ghouls', and her skin is intentionally kept very, very fair. Her tendency to wear baggy clothes hides it and makes many people think she's very flat chested, but she's actually a C-cup. She also likes to keep her nails long and filed into almond shapes to make her fingers look longer and slimmer, and she always has them painted black. To sleep, she wears a form-fitting black long-sleeved shirt and black sweatpants because she's perpetually cold. She is also a fair bit underweight and her ribs are slightly visible when she's not clothed.

Voice Claim:
Shindou Naomi as Shindou Ayaka from Kyoukai no Kanata (0:00-0:05, 0:09-0:20, 0:45-0:49)


If OC is a ghoul:
- Kagune: a defense-type Koukaku that looks like the wings of a blue mountain swallowtail butterfly
- Mask: A black half-face mask like this one, but without the feathers.
- Alias: Mariposa
- Rank: C (Would be a B-rank in strength if she ate consistently instead of starving herself)

Yume is almost always cheerful, ever the optimist, even in situations that seem bleak to others. Her real strength is in her ability to lift other people's spirits and to care for them. She lived in hiding among humans for a long time and even believed she was one at one time when she was a child, so she tends to act more on her human side rather than the more animalistic one that many other ghouls seem to favor. Despite her kindliness, or perhaps because of it, she's a horrible coward and can't stand fighting or conflict. She's a peacemaker and so the fighting between the ghouls and humans and the ghouls and other ghouls really tears her apart. She is also fiercely loyal and protective of people she cares about, even going so far as to set aside her fear to protect the ones she loves, whether it means putting herself in danger or not, though once the danger has passed she goes back to her usual, somewhat fearful self. Her first instinct is to nurture and protect. She can often come across as being distant or spacy and it seems like she daydreams a lot, but in reality she's usually just very tired.

- Small children - Yume loves kids and is usually pretty good with them. She desperately wants a family one day and would love to have a couple of kids, preferably ones she gives birth to herself, but she would happily adopt as well.
- Coffee - She's a ghoul, so coffee is really the only food she can have other than human flesh. However, beyond being a comfort food for her, she also likes it because her sense of smell is so powerful that it can get overwhelming sometimes, and the smell of coffee is so strong that it temporarily dampens her sense of smell and gives her a little bit of a break.
- Reading - When she was a child, stories were the only way she could escape her bedroom, and books have always held a special place in her heart. She collects old books now, partly for the joy of reading them over and over again, and partly because she likes the way very old books smell
- Humans - Yume loves humans, and not as food. She sees humans and ghouls as one in the same aside from their diet and a few internal organs that ghouls have and humans don't. She firmly believes that without the fearmongering of the CCG, it would be a simple matter for humans and ghouls to coexist peacefully.
- Going on walks at night - As long as no one is around to bother her, nighttime is Yume's favorite time. She loves the quiet of it and the sense of solitude one has a night. It's a good time for thinking, according to her.
- Hot baths - Yume loves taking baths, and tends to take hers at a temperature that almost anyone else would consider too hot. She also likes taking baths together with Yomo if he'll allow it once they're a couple, though she'll make sure the water isn't so hot if they ever share a bath together. It isn't a sexual thing for her rather than something intimate and comfortable where, she hopes, they can both relax a little.
- Rainy weather - Rainy weather makes her sleepy, but she likes the sound of the rain and watching the raindrops make tracks on the window panes. She gets contemplative and nostalgic when it's rainy.
- Cuddling and kisses - Yume is very affectionate, and these are her two favorite forms of affection to give or receive. She does try to tone down the affection a bit in public if she feels like she's embarrassing Yomo, though
- Electric blankets - She has an extremely low metabolism and gets cold very easily, so electric blankets are what she considers to be one of the best inventions in the world since they get extra warm. It's hard to get her out from under one once she wraps up in it. Same goes for if she's ever somewhere with a kotatsu.


- Conflict and fighting - Yume is a peacemaker through and through and she dislikes any forms of conflict, verbal or physical. She also hates fighting and sees it as pointless when it would be easier and less destructive to just talk things out
- Seeing children or people she believes to be strong crying or in pain
- Alcohol (so, fermented blood) - She has only a slightly higher tolerance to fermented blood than Yomo does (she can have a small glass before getting drunk, rather than a sip or two like him) and when she's drunk, she tends to have a harder time controlling her emotions. Normally this means that she cries, usually out of guilt for all the lives she's taken, and then later she'll fall asleep. She also gets nauseous from the smell of it.
- Killing - She hates killing and refuses to do so unless she has to. All life is sacred and precious to her and she won't take a life needlessly. Any time she does kill, she feels immensely guilty for it afterward.
- The smell of blood - The smell of any kind of blood nauseates Yume, as a remnant from her many, many years of starving herself. Ghouls' blood makes her more nauseous than human blood, but they're all bad in her book. She's better at hiding this now than in the past, but it will still distract her in a fight.
- Cannibals - Yume is terrified of cannibals. She's been attacked by them a few times in the past, and was nearly killed by some when she first met Yomo. She knows about his past as a cannibal, and initially was a little wary of him for it (which only lasted a day or two, really) but now she accepts that it's in the past and isn't something he's likely to do again.
- The CCG - She sees the CCG as nothing but fearmongers spreading hatred senselessly. If she gets roped into a fight with one, she'll always try to talk some sense into them, but it never works. She's convinced that they're all brainwashed into hating ghouls with no reason to, which doesn't seem to be too far off the mark.
- The Clowns - She also hates the Clowns for stirring up so much trouble. Since she doesn't like needless conflict, they're a direct threat to her peaceful ideals. Her dislike and distrust for this group also extends to Uta and Itori, even though they used to all be friends and even though she knows how much Yomo still cares for those two. She tries to hide it and won't talk much about those two if she can get away with it.

- Hurting someone she loves
- Not being strong enough to protect people important to her
- Losing control
- She's weak in combat
- She hates the thought of having to eat human flesh to live and will sometimes intentionally starve herself if no one checks to make sure that she's eaten
- She can't hold her alcohol at all
- The smell of any kind of blood makes her feel sick but ghoul blood in particular makes her violently ill
- Her control over her kagune isn't very good
- She's quite slow in terms of her movements and running, in part thanks to being a kohaku ghoul.

Waitress at Anteiku

Love Interest:
Yomo Renji

Relationship with Love Interest:
As Friends - They've been friends for several years by the start of the series, so they're quite close. They know each other well and so there really isn't much conflict between them, except for as relates to Yume's eating habits. Even then, it isn't necessarily conflict more than that he worries about her and has to remind her or convince her to eat, which she may resist until she reaches the point in starvation that she can't anymore. They serve as an emotional refuge for each other, and being with him is a safe space for Yume, since she knows that he's not going to hurt her and he's not going to ridicule her for anything she might tell him. She normally won't sleep with other people around, but she likes to take naps using his lap or shoulder as a pillow, because she knows he'll make sure she stays safe and because she finds his scent comforting. In fact, she's so familiar with his scent that she can pick up on it from literally blocks away which she is not able to do with other scents, in spite of how strong her olfactory sense is. They still train together periodically because he worries that Yume won't be able to defend herself if she gets into a fight when she's alone, and she comes with him for most of his visits to Helter Skelter to see Itori and Uta. If Itori makes him drink blood wine on those visits, she always tries extra hard to make sure that she stays completely sober so that she can make sure they both get home safely, and she's had him stay over with her a few times when he's really had too much to drink. She's also the only one out of the three of them who will actually listen to him and keep up a conversation when he starts drunkenly rambling. He knows some things about her past and why she doesn't like to eat people, and in turn he's told her a little of his own past, including how he and Uta met after his sister was killed. They're so close that they can often communicate without words, and Yume has a tendency to stand much closer to him than is considered normal for a non-couple, so they're often mistaken for a couple around people who don't know them, and sometimes get teased about it by people like Nishiki. She's had feelings for him since about six months after they met, which both Itori and Uta know about, but she's sworn them to secrecy. It annoys Itori that she won't just go ahead and confess, though, since she values his friendship too much to risk losing it.

As Lovers - Their relationship really won't change too terribly much once they become romantically involved, since they were so close before. Yume will be much, much more physically affectionate with him once they get together, but will respect his shyness and save anything other than hand holding or the occasional hug for when they're in private, so as not to embarrass him. Once they're in a romantic relationship with one another, there's really nothing that's off-limits to him, as far as Yume is concerned. If they've committed themselves to each other, she's confident that it's going to be for as long as they're both living, so she has no physical or emotional boundaries that she won't let him cross, because they've known each other for a long time and she knows that he's loyal to an absolute. This means that beyond hugging and kissing and the like, she would have no problems with having sex right away either, because she trusts him not to break her heart. In fact, she'd probably be pretty quick to start talking about wanting to have a family with him, though she wouldn't be so impatient that they'd have to act on it right away; it's just something that's important to her and that she would want to make him aware of early on in the relationship so that if he were in disagreement, they could talk through it, or if he were in agreement, they could decide when the best time to start would be. When it comes to sex, any mouth-to-skin contact is a huge turn-on for her, including kissing, licking or, in particular, biting as long as it doesn't draw blood. She also would love it if she were ever able to make him feel good enough to vocalize his pleasure, either with a moan or a grunt or what have you. She'd only like positions where she's able to look at him and touch him as well during sex, though, so nothing too weird. She's quite a romantic but respects his shyness, so she tries to keep the bulk of her affections for him for when they're in private, but sometimes if there aren't many people around or if it's only people they know, she'll give him a little peck on the lips or cheek as she passes by, or if he seems stressed or upset, she likes coming up behind him and giving him kisses on the nape of the neck or massaging his shoulders. If she's feeling playful, she'll nibble on the skin along his jaw or his earlobe, though definitely not hard enough to hurt. Their ideals and goals are so similar that they'll rarely fight, and if they do touch on a topic on which they disagree, they're usually good at talking it out calmly and rationally, and then making sure there are no hard feelings between them afterward.

Early Childhood
Yume was born to two full-ghoul parents, but she has no memories of them. When she was only four years old, her parents, who were peaceful ghouls like herself, were sold out by their neighbors and their home was invaded by the CCG. Her father held them off in the main room of the apartment while Yume's mother escaped with the toddler Yume. However, the Doves made quick work of her father and soon went after her mother. Yume's mother managed to hide her under someone's combustible trash and told her not to move or come out, just before the Doves came and killed her. Yume remained there for several hours before eventually coming out at dawn, only to find that her mother was gone, as well as her father when she tried to go back to their old apartment. She wandered the streets for about a week after their deaths before she was discovered by a human man who took her into his home. Upon finding that she had no parents and no families seemed to be looking for her, he and his family took her in. However, they didn't know she wasn't human, and she had no idea there was a difference between humans and ghouls, so she quickly fell ill due to lack of nutrition. They took her to doctors, but no one was able to find the cause of her sudden illness, and no one would suspect a little girl of being a ghoul, especially since by the time she was taken in for help, her RC count was so low due to starvation that she passed for a human who just had an RC count on the high end of normal. An old ghoul woman who had been a friend of her parents' found out where she'd been taken to after about two months, however, and at that point came by about once every week or two with home-cooked meals that looked innocuous enough but were actually made of human flesh. This was the only reason Yume survived her childhood.

Teens and Early Adulthood
However, that old woman died when Yume was 16, probably killed by Doves although Yume was never able to find out, and she quickly regressed again and became bedridden. After about a month and a half of not eating and vomiting up anything her adoptive parents gave her except for coffee, and then eventually becoming unable to keep coffee down as well, she finally lost control and attacked her foster mother in a fit of ghoulish hunger. She got one small bite in before the taste of the blood brought her to her senses. The woman wasn't injured very badly, but Yume was terrified of her own self and fled. From that time until she was 21, she lived alone, mostly on the streets since she was unable to settle down anywhere for long thanks to her being a weak ghoul who was easy for other ghouls to take advantage of. Learning the ways of ghouls was an extremely sharp learning curve for her, starting with learning about what ghouls had to eat. Then she learned about ghouls having territories, and quickly learned to identify different territories by smell. She usually scavenged for the leftovers of other ghouls' meals, since she couldn't bring herself to kill, which meant that most of the time she was going weeks at a time on maybe a mouthful or two of food. This kept her weak and made keeping herself safe and moving difficult. She didn't first manifest her kagune until she was 17, which is very late for a ghoul but completely due to her malnutrition. She was entirely unable to control it, however, and had such a hard time producing it in the first place due to her lack of RC cells from her malnutrition that she never learned how to use it properly. If she were to be caught in a situation that was going to end in a fight, she simply ran away, and that was how she survived her teen years.

When she was 21, she got cornered while in the 21st Ward one night by a small gang of cannibal ghouls. They were threatening to take turns feeding off of her body while the others held her down so she couldn't fight back, out of curiosity for whether she would taste more like a ghoul or a human with her low RC count. She fought back as best she could, but one had already stabbed her through the stomach with his kagune to keep her from running by the time Yomo arrived. He only saw her as someone in need, and the ghouls assaulting her as deviants who needed punishment, which he dealt out swiftly and sent them away. Upon seeing that her injury wasn't healing like it ought to have, however, and then being presented with the evidence of her being a ghoul in the form of her double kakugan, he made the decision to take her to Anteiku. There, he fed her and tended to her wounds while Yoshimura spoke with her and heard about her situation. It was then and there, after hearing that she just wanted to live in peace, with harmony between ghouls and humans, that Yoshimura decided to take her in as part of his staff. But first, she had to recover, and so after they had gotten her to eat as much as she was willing to, she slept for a couple of days while her injuries healed and regenerated before beginning her training as a waitress at Anteiku. She was extremely nervous and wary around her coworkers for the first few weeks, unused to being around other ghouls who didn't want to kill her, but once she got to know them, she warmed up to the community quickly. Upon realizing that she had no idea how to fight or use her kagune, however, Yoshimura assigned her to go and train under Yomo, as he was their best martial artist. Since being rescued by him, she hadn't had much interaction with him at this point, since he worked to gather food at night rather than working in the café with customers like her. She was nervous around him at first like with her other coworkers, but it only took a few training sessions for her to start picking up on his mannerisms. Within a few days, she was able to tell when he was worried, and that she made him anxious, and even sometimes when he seemed to be struggling with what to say to her, so she broke the ice by mentioning it and suggesting that they start over with their relationship, from the very beginning. It was awkward going at first, but something with the two of them quickly clicked, and with Yume's better social skills to help it along, they became fast friends. He was soon the one she went to when she had questions about ghoul life, and until she could find her own apartment to live in and had to live at Anteiku instead, she'd always come down to visit him after he was done working once she started recognizing his scent when he'd return from collecting bodies. Little by little, they both started opening up to each other, and he began to bring her with him on his visits to Helter Skelter to see Itori and Uta. The first time she saw him drunk came as quite the surprise, and he was extremely embarrassed afterward, but at that point she started making an effort to verbalize her care for him and how much she valued him and his friendship. They've been near inseparable ever since then, and a lot of her life revolves around him because he's her anchor, the one constant in her life that she can always trust to be there for her. Now, she makes a point of stopping to talk to him every time he comes to Anteiku when she's there, and she also tends to meet up with him on her days off, even if it's just to go on a walk together and spend time enjoying each others' presence rather than for any actual reason.

- She's friends with Itori and Uta, though she's wary of them at times
- She tries to avoid drinking fermented blood because she doesn't have a very high alcohol tolerance and she tends to cry a lot when she's drunk, not necessarily because of being emotionally unstable but rather because it makes it more difficult for her to hide the amount of pain starving herself causes her.
- She tries to avoid fights at all costs and generally runs away from them if she can
- She's very good at blending in with humans, but has almost starved herself to death on a couple of occasions because she gets attached to them. She feels extremely guilty about having to eat humans, and will often intentionally push herself as far as she can go before the hunger is enough to make her mind break before eating unless she's made to eat sooner. Only Yomo and Yoshimura know about this for certain, however other people who know her could probably guess it but she'd never confirm it if someone asked.
- She tends to mimic Yomo's fighting style since he's the one who taught her, although she has some problems with it because he's much stronger than her and, as an ukaku ghoul to her koukaku, he's also much more agile.
- Though she is physically very weak, she has an extremely strong sense of smell, which often helps her escape before any Doves or other ghouls can find her. She also has a lot of emotional fortitude.
- As a product of her self-enforced starvation, her body temperature is lower than it should be and her hands in particular are always quite cold. This worsens as she goes longer and longer without food, however, due to the effects on her metabolism, so when she's nearing her limits her hands will be icy cold no matter what temperature her environment is and her fingers start to turn blue around her nail beds. She's good at hiding when she's pushing herself too far, but someone who knows her well would be able to tell because she tends to seem even more laid-back than usual almost to the point of being dazed and her hands get so cold.
- She can't use any products with artificial scents because they give her terrible headaches due to her uniquely strong sense of smell. As such, she tends to just smell like coffee and old books, since she doesn't use scented soaps or perfumes.
- She's not big on using honorifics, at least with her friends, and tends to call them all by their given name, with no honorific. She usually doesn't give people nicknames, but Yomo is the exception and she'll affectionately shorten his name to "Ren" instead of "Renji" sometimes.
- Her favorite song is "Misty Blue" by Buck-Tick
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Jubjub Bird

Looks 24 (actually 140)

Cis woman

Absinthe Baskerville

Grace Larkins (formerly)


The Green Fairy (another name for the spirit absinthe; mostly used by Break if he wants to tease her)

Jubjub Bird


Appears to be about 24 (is actually somewhere between 130 to 140 years old but she won't tell anyone exactly what her age is)


Absinthe is of approximately average height at around 5'4" (or roughly 165 cm) and she has long, curly hair that hangs down roughly to the small of her back at its longest points and is teal in color. She generally can't be bothered with wearing it up and only tucks it back behind her ears if it gets in her way, or cuts off the longest curls around her face so that it's at a short enough length that it can't get in her way. Her eyes are nearly the same color as her hair but with silvery grey flecks in them if one looks closely, and rimmed with very long, thick lashes. She generally wears no makeup and has extremely pale skin, almost pure white. Her lips are also fairly small and an extremely pale shade of pink. She tends to favor dark clothing and always wears Victorian dresses, usually with full skirts. Normally, they are in all black, in the style of Victorian mourning gowns, as she is still mourning Levi Baskerville's death, but on rare occasions (usually balls) she will also wear color and in those cases she normally sticks to green or blue hues. She's fairly busty at what would be roughly a G-cup in modern American and European sizing, and that is only emphasized by the corsetry that comes along with the territory of wearing Victorian clothes, but she favors high collars, so she is almost always fully covered up to mid-neck, at least, except for if she ever must wear a ball gown. Her build otherwise is very dainty and slender, although it might be a little difficult to tell under her heavy skirts. She carries a black lace parasol around with her at all times, saying it's to preserve her pale skin from being sunburned, though it actually contains a weapon of her own invention. On her left breast, over her heart, is the mark of her contract with her Chain, but as a Baskerville, there are no hands on the seal counting down her time left in the world.

Voice Claim:

Shizuka Itou as Kujo Sakurako from Beautiful Bones: Sakurako's Investigation


Humanoid (she's a Baskerville)

Chain Traits:

A massive bird with black and red plumage and a curved beak (sort of like the one from Tim Burton's Alice in Wonderland, which is what the picture is). He wears a blindfold over his eyes as they're sensitive to light, but he seems not to need them to be able to navigate anyhow. His wingspan is roughly 13 feet (or about 396 cm).

- Chain Name:

Jubjub Bird

- Chain Abilities:

- Flight, neutralization of other chains' powers (doesn't destroy them, they just don't affect Jubjub himself), manipulation of wind. With his wings, Jubjub can change the direction of the wind in the area immediately surrounding him for about 150 feet or so. This means both pushing things back as well as drawing them in, and he can even do more complex things like creating a small version of a whirlwind with his wings if given enough space to do so. He is large enough for Absinthe and a couple of other passengers to be able to ride on him if needed.

- He can speak in the human language, but tends to choose not to except around Absinthe and a select few others.

- Voice Claim:

Yasumoto Hiroki as Hijikata Toshizo from Drifters (0:57-1:19)


Absinthe is extraordinarily calm, no matter what sort of situation she's in. She tends to act fairly mature, though she also has a love for playing jokes on people. More to the point, she is almost always silently watching and judging others she's around, so most people see her as mature until she opens her mouth to speak to them. She can be extremely sadistic and this trait of hers is generally something that frightens her peers, however she tends to prefer inflicting emotional or psychological discomfort rather than physical. She is very ladylike and proper though she is also strong-willed and will not tolerate being looked down upon or being mistreated. She is almost obsessive about hoarding information, though she's not at Duke Barma's level yet, and she tends not to share this information unless she deems it necessary. She's, in spite of her own emotional detachment from most of the world, good at reading people and tends to find out about people's secrets fairly quickly. In general, something about her makes people uncomfortable around her though no one can ever seem to decide upon exactly what it is. She, for her part, doesn't care if people are uncomfortable as long as she gets to watch them suffer. She has about as much presence as a ghost and often goes unnoticed when she comes into a room unless someone happens to catch sight of her out of their periphery. However, in spite of the mature personality she typically puts on, Absinthe is extremely socially stunted after a lifetime of abandonment and isolation and can actually be very childlike when she lets her guard down. She struggles to understand or express her own emotions appropriately, and can become clingy and jealous with what few people she does come to like and trust. She also has trouble understanding other people's emotions as well, to the point of being needlessly blunt and cruel at times. She struggles to understand most forms of humor, and jokes typically fly right over her head.


- Tea (particularly robust black teas, like English breakfast tea)

- Savory foods

- Reading

- Gathering information

- Teasing her friends

- Watching people struggle

- Jubjub Bird (and other birds, but mostly Jubjub)

- Gardens

- Science


- Sweets

- Laziness

- Cats (especially Cheshire)

- Following orders (unless they come from Levi)

- Dealing with incompetent people

- Any Glen that isn't Levi

- Science to some degree (it's a love/hate thing, due to Levi's experiments on Lacy)

- The taste of alcohol (though she can tolerate the effects of it just fine)

Fears/ Weaknesses:

- She's secretly terrified of letting someone truly get to know her because she has a fear of rejection

- While she likes inflicting pain on others her tolerance for it is very low so she prefers to avoid getting injured since it slows her down for a while until her injuries heal. Out of all the Baskervilles, she heals the most slowly.

- It doesn't take much to make her cry if someone manages to find something she cares about, but she always hides it on the rare occasions this does happen

- She has a habit of getting too enthusiastic and drinking her tea while it's still too hot, often resulting in her burning her tongue

- She has a complex about being unwanted mostly thanks to Levi, so she can be quite needy in relationships

- She isn't particularly good at emoting

- She has a hard time understanding jokes because she's too logically minded

Love Interest:

Xerxes Break

Relationship with Love Interest:

Upon First Meeting - Absinthe won't regard him any differently than anyone else except maybe to find him obnoxious. She'll probably try avoiding him for a while, just because he interferes with her observations and makes it difficult to keep records of everything that's going on, particularly surrounding Oz and Alice. She won't care about anything about him except that his Chain is the Mad Hatter.

As Acquaintances - Absinthe's perception of Break as an annoyance will only intensify, especially as he starts pestering her more. She'll actively ignore him at times in an effort to get him to go away and leave her alone, and might occasionally get annoyed enough by his antics to actually show it for once, though any display of emotion she has will be brief. She'll also notice his failing health at this point, though, and because she doesn't think anyone deserves to suffer a slow and painful death she'll start taking a slight interest in him as a person, if only in terms of his symptomology. She'll probably start trying to develop a medicine to help relieve his symptoms at this point though it'll take a while before she can make any successful medicines.

As Friends - Absinthe takes a while to warm up to anyone, but he's heavy-handed enough that she'll eventually be forced to give in and at least accept his friendship eventually, although she's probably going to suspect it's some sort of plot or scheme on his part for a while, and at least at first it probably will be. Any acts of kindness or chivalry toward her from him will still surprise her at this point, but she'll stop calling him by his Chain's name and start using his own name to address him, like she does with Duke Barma and with the other Baskervilles. Once she reaches a point where she doesn't think he'll kill her for it or tell the people at Pandora about it, she'll reveal to him that she's a Baskerville, though she probably still won't explain to him the whole truth of the Tragedy of Sablier, out of concern for affecting his safety since the other Baskervilles don't remember what happened either. She'll still often act annoyed with him, since he does tend to be rather obnoxious, but in spite of her annoyance she'll be more tolerant of him and will care more about his wellbeing, even to the point of occasionally getting involved in fights that she'd normally stay out of, just to try to help him avoid having to use his Chain and damage his health further.

As Lovers - It will probably be difficult for outsiders to notice when their relationship changes, because she won't act any differently toward him in public. The changes in her behavior in private might be a little subtle, since she tends not to be openly affectionate, but she'll start visiting him of her own accord more often, even if it means just sitting silently in the same room as him while he does other things. She wants to feel wanted and may get jealous of his attention at times, especially if she feels like he's been too preoccupied with other things for too long, and to get his attention might do things like taking away Emily or his candies until he pays attention to her, or by coming up near him and resting her chin on his shoulder or, if she's feeling extra needy, sitting in his lap until he pays attention to her. Although, of course, she'll deny it if he ever tries to tell any outsiders to their relationship about it. She likes being given kisses, but she'll still always complain about his lips tasting too sweet from all the candy he eats every time he does kiss her. Once she trusts him enough, she might allow herself to take naps in the same room he's in, or share a room with him to sleep if she needs to stay the night at the Rainsworth manor for any reason, as a sign of trust. Jubjub Bird will also (grudgingly) start talking to him in the human language at this point, though he'll always be keeping a watchful eye out for any signs that Absinthe is just being used, like with Levi. She'll be even more worried about his health at this point, and if she hasn't already created a successful medicine for relieving at least the most painful side effects of his body's slow death, she'll work even harder on it until she creates a successful medicine, though she'll still feel guilt over not being able to cure him completely. She still won't be particularly emotive, but she'll let him see more changes in her facial expressions than others, and he may even occasionally be able to get her to smile or laugh. She can also be convinced to give him her real name, at this point, and he'll be the only person she allows to call her Grace, but only in private.


Childhood and Pre-Tragedy of Sablier

Before being formally adopted by the Baskervilles in her late teens, Absinthe--or at the time, Grace--was born the daughter of a doctor for a small city. Her mother died of an illness when Absinthe was about fifteen years old, and her father tried to preserve her mother's body with the use of a Chain in a typical case of science gone wrong. The Chain that possessed her mother's body (at least for a few weeks before it had rotted too much to be used) would often talk to Absinthe through the corpse to tell her about the Abyss, as even as a young child she had been able to see the golden lights in the air that other Baskervilles could see and was always curious about the Abyss's powers. She inherited her methodical nature from her father and from watching his experiments.

Of course, once her mother's body had rotted away into uselessness, the contract was over and her father was sucked down into the Abyss, which she witnessed. She was cast out of the city she was born in afterward, since no one wanted to take her in with the stigma of what had happened to her parents, and so, taking nothing with her except her father's research notes, she wandered alone for a couple of years or so, often living out of abandoned houses in the slums or even sometimes sleeping in mausoleums in cemeteries. During this time, she frequently dissected small animals and kept careful notes and diagrams of all their inner workings, which formed the base of her current anatomical knowledge, although since then she has had a few opportunities to dissect human corpses as well.

At the end of her wandering, when she was about nineteen, she came across Levi, who had recently become Glen, on the Baskervilles' property. He took her in after a lengthy conversation with her about who she was and what she was doing there, and about a year later the Baskervilles formally adopted her. She began forming her bond and contract with Jubjub Bird another year or two after that. In her time with the Baskervilles, she served as a research assistant to Levi, more or less, and she also had the opportunity to pursue her scientific studies further thanks to the expansive library that they had. Through this, she was able to teach herself about medical compounding, more anatomy, and a little bit of engineering. She also became an even more meticulous note-taker and started her habit of carrying around a notebook at all times to record daily goings on in.

When Oswald took over as Glen, she was the only person who remained devoted to Levi and she stayed constantly by his side to care for him in his final weeks of life. He was angry about his situation and how his body was falling apart while his mind was fully intact, and often took this frustration out on her both physically and verbally, but she stayed with him regardless. In his final days, she never left his side at all, even though he told her to leave him alone, and at the moment he died, she was there with him and swore to him that she'd see his experiment through to the end--even though he'd already, in her opinion mistakenly, entrusted it to Jack. Her greatest regret is that she didn't have enough knowledge of medicines at the time to be able to help ease his suffering, and she devoted herself even more wholeheartedly to her studies after that. She also took to dressing for mourning, even though the others were celebrating the new Glen.

Post-Tragedy of Sablier

Absinthe spent about 100 years wandering through the Abyss after the Tragedy of Sablier. She was the first of the Baskervilles to find her way back out, thanks to help she received from Jubjub Bird. She emerged from the Abyss from the Barma dukedom's door to the abyss, however, which generated some issues. They had a confrontation, and she was held as a prisoner for a few months within his household. She quickly realized his thirst for knowledge and information, however, and began using that against him, bartering information for her freedom. This is generally how their relationship works now, trading each other for information that they want. Barma has kept her as a member of his household simply so that he can keep an eye on her actions, since she has told him that she's a Baskerville.

She currently works for Barma, and over the years they have become something that is not quite friends but also not quite enemies. Their relationship is both mutually beneficial and a mutual annoyance. The benefit comes from the exchange of information, but the annoyance comes from their similarities in personality that cause them to simply not get along very well while also understanding each other a little too well for comfort. Absinthe spends most of her time going around the various dukedoms and observing what is going on, particularly with regards to Pandora's moves, now that she knows that it is an organization created by Jack Vessalius in yet another of his efforts to slander the Baskerville name. She doesn't tend to associate much with the other Baskervilles because she remembers what happened during the Tragedy of Sablier and they don't, so their goals are different. She only remembers because she kept meticulous notes of the goings on that night, however. She is not actively antagonistic, but she also isn't very likely to help if things go badly in the world unless they're going to affect Levi's final experiment, Alice. She's simply an observer and does not tend to join in on the fighting for any reason except for out of self-defense in the case of a personal attack.

Her role as a servant of Barma is somewhat ambiguous, if only because she's so strong-willed that he learned quickly she wouldn't follow all of his orders. Because of that, she has a pretty high degree of freedom in what she can do, as long as she periodically does the things Barma asks of her. Normally, these requests include delivering love letters to Lady Rainsworth or stalking observing Lady Rainsworth's schedule for him, since she does tend to go unnoticed. She and Reim get along well and will sometimes have afternoon tea together when she happens to be at Pandora for her personal investigations. She likes that he's easy to manipulate and tease for her own amusement, but he seems not to notice her doing it most of the time. She also thinks his Chain is interesting, but tends to treat him like a child, since he is one, compared to her. Once Oz is brought back out of the Abyss and has made his contract with Alice, her attentions will focus more on the pair of them instead of Pandora as a whole. Her interest in Oz is due to him being the vessel for Jack Vessalius's soul and her waiting until the optimal moment to dispose of him. Her interest in Alice is, of course, because she is Levi's daughter and because she promised to see his experiment through until the end (and while she won't admit to it, she also cares for Alice, even if looking at someone with an appearance so similar to her rival for Levi's affections pains her). She will also take a slight interest in Gilbert, just because he was a former candidate to be Glen and she's looking to see if he still is one or not, but she and Vincent despise each other, and as the only two people left who have memories of the Tragedy of Sablier but with differing goals, they're constantly at each other's throats and would gladly kill each other if given the opportunity.


- She has stopped aging since making her contract with Jubjub Bird. He is more like a friend to her than how most people treat their Chains, and she can sometimes be found having conversations with him. She treats most Chains this way, and as she prefers Chains to humans (because they're more interesting) she will often refer to people by their Chain's name rather than their own name, unless she's friends with the person, like Duke Barma.

- She found out early on that Leo was the next Glen, but decided not to tell anyone because she thought it would be best for people to find out about Jack on their own (and also because she thought it was funny to watch them scrambling around helplessly). She also wanted to observe Elliot for as long as possible because of the Humpty Dumpty situation, as she's been searching for Levi in his Chain form ever since he died.

- Absinthe is actually just a nickname but she won't tell anyone what her real name is. Levi told her once that she's like absinthe (a very strong alcohol with a greenish tint) because she can only be pleasant in small servings, and even then only with something to add sweetness to her personality. This was a criticism, as he was often very harsh to her for his own amusement due to her feelings for him, but ever since that day she has gone by the name Absinthe.

- There is a rapier hidden in the handle of her parasol and she keeps a pair of revolvers in the folds of her dress in case of emergency, though she's not very accurate with the guns. She doesn't fight unless she absolutely has to, but she is extremely skilled at fencing and is also very nimble and fast. She has enough knowledge of human anatomy that usually she ends her fights in one strike, always slipping her rapier through the ribs to puncture a vital organ.

- Levi was her first love, though it was unrequited. However, he was aware of it and often teased her, especially when he was "experimenting" using Lacie. Xerxes Break reminds her a lot of Levi, which may be some of the reason why she is simultaneously drawn to him and irritated by him.

- She joined the Baskervilles during Levi's time as Glen (she is one of the oldest remaining Baskervilles) and is still fiercely loyal to him, even in death. She has no respect for the Glens who have followed him, believing them all to be weak and too focused on insignificant things. She still serves them, because it is her duty, but she does not like them and is often criticizing them.

- Many people assume that she has strange means of transportation like Break, since she seemingly shows up out of nowhere. In reality, she just walks very quietly and enters like a normal person but people tend not to notice her until she's been there for a while. She thinks it's a waste of energy to have to explain it, so she tends to just let people continue believing that she has some sort of supernatural transportation route instead.

- While she cannot physically disobey Glen's orders, as a Baskerville, she does have a strong enough will that she can ignore his orders once or twice with him repeating them before she has to act on them. This was never an issue with Levi, of course, but she did do this to Oswald during the Tragedy of Sablier and will do it to Leo in the future.

- Although she would deny it if anyone asked, she does actually care deeply for the Baskervilles as she has a strong sense of loyalty. This, however, is something she will most likely not realize for herself until Fang's death. She often bickers with the other Baskervilles, especially Lottie and Lily, but they're the closest thing she's ever had to a family and at her core, she's really just an abandoned child seeking love and belonging.
Beware the Jabberwock, my son, with jaws that bite and claws that catch

Beware the Jubjub Bird and shun the frumious Bandersnatch
code by MaryGold
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Modify Emily's form for Murasaki and then Kanoko, for continuity

    No art or learning is to be pursued halfheartedly
    Name: Emily Jane Brontë
    Age: 24
    Birthday: July 30th
    Birthplace: Thornton, Yorkshire, England

    Emily has mousy brown hair that is fairly long, hanging down to the small of her back when left loose, but she usually only lets it down to sleep, and during the day keeps it either in braids pinned at the nape of her neck or a bun. Her hair is often a bit windswept, particularly on days when she's gone out wandering. Her skin is sickly pale and almost translucent because she spends most of her time indoors and is often unwell, and her eyes are a striking ocean blue color that stands out in sharp contrast to the rest of her features. Her features are all quite soft and girlish, and her lips are naturally a peachy-pink color. Her style can, at kindest, be described as matronly and she almost always wears oversized turtleneck sweaters paired with long wool skirts with very little variety in her style, and she can be found with a book in her hands at almost all times, whether it's a novel or her diary. She values modesty and comfort above all else and cares very little for her appearance, so she tends to look pretty frumpy most of the time, even in a professional setting, so if she is ever to dress more professionally for work, someone will have to make her do it. It will also take almost an act of God to convince her to wear a skirt that goes above her ankles since she prefers to hide her body, but she also refuses to wear trousers because she finds them uncomfortable. She tends to wear boots as her shoes on a daily basis since that's what she was used to wearing at home for her walks on the moors, and she can't walk in heels because she's not strong enough. She's in general quite pretty, albeit in a fragile and tragic sort of way, but her clothes are meant to hide that she's extremely skinny because of her illness. Prior to being forced into the Guild, she was at a weight on the low end of healthy for her size (about 126 pounds or 9 stone or 57 kg), but now she only weighs about 98 pounds (roughly 7 stone or 44.5 kg). She is also the tallest of the Brontë girls, standing at 5'6" (about 168 cm). She always carries a handkerchief with her to clean herself up when she overworks herself and ends up coughing up blood. The only major blemish she has is a scar on her right hand where she was bitten by a rabid dog once and treated the injury herself by burning it down to the bone. She never wears makeup, but if she were ever made to for any reason, she would prefer it to be very natural, "no makeup" makeup because she hates standing out.

    Voice Claim: Noto Mamiko as Morioka Moriko from Netojuu no Susume

    Armed Detective Agency (Currently)
    The Guild (Formerly)
    The Order of the Clocktower (Formerly)

    Wuthering Heights - This illusion type ability allows Emily to inflict anything she is capable of personally imagining on anyone within her line of vision. This can be the infliction of pleasurable visions on someone for calming purposes, but more often it is visions of incredibly brutal and violent things. Whatever she inflicts on a person can be felt and manifested physically but only the victim is capable of "seeing" what is happening to them. This ability can be used to wound so severely as to kill, and Emily's imagination is remarkably vivid so she is able to use this ability very creatively, but it also takes a heavy toll on her body because she is physically so frail, so it is difficult for her to use her gift frequently and tends to be used more as a last resort because she goes into a coughing fit almost every time she uses her gift. She is only able to use it on people she can actually see, however, and the illusion is weaker and less effective when she can't see someone clearly or in detail (for example, if they're far away). She also tends not to use her ability unless she has to because, similarly to John Steinbeck, she believes it's a damning sin to have an ability at all. Using her ability to do harm tends to do her more physical harm than using her ability to do good for someone, but ultimately how self-destructive the results of a session of using her ability are depend heavily on how much guilt Emily feels, and how much she beats herself up for it. The most common way that Emily uses her ability is to create a pack of hunting dogs that tear her enemies to shreds or can encircle and trap them, or the ghost of a young woman named Catherine who can psychologically torment her enemies. It takes much more concentration for her to use her ability in non-harmful ways, but when she does so, she generally imagines up some of her favorite places or moments from her childhood.
    Never love an anchor
    No art or learning is to be pursued halfheartedly
    Emily's personality is a bit difficult to discern, particularly because she is a recluse, more or less, and has a habit of only associating with or speaking to her sisters, so her elder sister, Charlotte, often acts as spokesperson for her and has a tendency to smokescreen Emily's true personality because Emily unnerves her a bit. Charlotte would say that Emily has a tendency toward seclusion and, though she generally has no ill-will toward the people around her, she is entirely unsociable and will not speak to anyone, though she knows a lot about everyone she's ever met. Charlotte also thinks that Emily may be insane. In reality, Emily is shy to the extreme and only has a desire to communicate with her family, whom she is very close to, because of this. She is incredibly observant, despite being reclusive, and has a remarkable memory for details, so once she has learned information about a person or met a person, she will never forget that person or the information she has learned about them. Once coaxed out of her shyness, Emily is a very warmhearted and kind person, for the most part. The easiest way to see the soft side of her is through her love of nature and animals. She has a particular soft spot for stray dogs and strolling through the moors near her childhood home, despite how dangerous they are. She tends to keep to herself, however, and got her scar from an incident in which she was bitten by a rabid dog while trying to help it, but instead of telling her family about the incident she took a hot poker and burned the wound down to the bone herself to treat it and only revealed how she got such a scar when it was accidentally noticed by one of her sisters. Emily is always off in a fantasy world in her head which keeps her entertained, and she calls this world "Gondal." Though she is painfully shy, she shows what her sisters have described as "Spartan-like courage" when it comes to physical dangers. She also has a strong desire for independence and liberty and does not do well with taking strict orders or keeping a strict schedule if it does not suit her whims. She can be extremely stubborn and unyielding, and when she feels insulted or is trying to hide her discomfort in front of people she doesn't trust, she tends to resort to biting sarcasm. There are few people she truly loves and cares for because her trust is extremely hard-won, but she is undyingly loyal to those few people.

    Physical Health:
    Chronic Illness - Emily has had a chronic and debilitating illness that is symptomatically similar to tuberculosis ever since she was a teenager. Or rather, the more obvious symptoms affecting her health began manifesting then, but the underlying problem began when she was a child and the illness simply progressed silently and insidiously without her noticing it for a long while. The primary symptoms of her illness are uncontrollable coughing fits which often bring up blood, a perpetual low-grade fever that gets higher after every coughing fit, difficulty breathing especially with physical exertion, general malaise, chronic pain (mostly chest pain, but she also gets joint pain now thanks to having lost so much weight), extreme weight loss and muscle atrophy, frequent chills (which is why she always wears sweaters and wool skirts even in the summer), loss of appetite and nausea, and night sweats. She almost never feels hungry enough to eat food and subsists mostly off of tea, which does not tend to help her symptoms, which can often render her bedridden especially after using her ability. Her illness is directly related to her ability and it began when she first began rejecting her ability as a child when she was told at the boarding school she attended that it was evil. Her rejection of it has grown stronger over time, as has her ability, and so with her constant internal struggle, she also struggles to control her ability and it takes a heavy toll on her body, which is where her illness comes from. Fukuzawa's ability takes some of that strain off of her and she is able to slowly start recovering because of that, but if anyone were to ever realize that her illness stems ultimately from her rejection of her own ability and were to help her find a way to accept it and recognize that neither she nor her ability are evil, it would definitely speed the recovery process along, especially if she were made to start taking better care of her body along with that.

    Mental Health:
    Agoraphobia - As an agoraphobe, Emily is terrified of going out into public, particularly in places where a lot of people will be, which means that being in a big city like Yokohama is hellish for her. She even feels anxious being in the office with everyone else, and tends to panic easily. She has been an agoraphobe for most of her life and agoraphobia is incurable, though frequently exposing oneself to the places that cause fear and anxiety can help prove to an agoraphobe that they're actually safe, so she will eventually be able to become accustomed to going in to the office over time. She will always be anxious about leaving home or leaving work once she gets there, though, and public transportation will tend to make her panic, even when accompanied by someone she trusts. She will, in fact, almost always need someone she trusts to help her get around the city simply so that she feels like someone is there to help her and keep her safe if she does ever have a panic attack.

    Social Anxiety - Emily also has social anxiety comorbid with her agoraphobia, which is fairly common. Like her agoraphobia, this began when she was a child, in particular while she was in boarding school, which was the first time she ever had a panic attack due to the intense bullying her sisters and she received both from the teachers and other students. Because of her social anxiety, she tends to avoid social situations like the plague and hates meeting new people. This, combined with her agoraphobia, was also why she was never able to complete her schooling and remained self-taught all her life. Her social anxiety is so intense that she is extremely attached to her sisters as the only people she trusts, and when she is apart from them and forced to be around strangers, she gets so intensely homesick that she becomes physically ill. She sometimes experiences brief depressive episodes thanks to her anxiety as well, particularly when she's feeling especially inadequate and is under more stress than usual.

    Both of these disorders are able to be treated with talk therapy and, in cases as severe as her, probably also anxiety medication as well. However, she grew up in an extremely rural area and had an extremely conservative upbringing and will resist strongly if anyone in-roleplay tries to make her go to therapy because she already has a complex about being "broken" mentally and going to therapy will feel to her like admitting defeat, since she doesn't know much about mental health and believes that a mentally ill person can never be cured, nor have relief from their symptoms. It will take a lot of convincing for her to ever seek treatment.

    - Animals (particularly stray dogs) - She loves all animals, though, and had quite a menagerie of pets in Yorkshire. She prefers big dogs to small dogs because she feels that small dogs are usually poorly behaved and difficult to train
    - Nature - She's a country girl at heart and hates being in places without a lot of greenery. In Japan, if it weren't for having to take public transportation to get there, she would really like places like shrines with their peaceful and natural atmosphere and forests, either of trees or of bamboo
    - Freedom - She hates being tied down, and if she feels like her freedom is being compromised, she will generally rebel
    - Learning - She's an avid and dedicated learner and tends not to back down from intellectual challenges
    - Writing in her diary
    - Playing piano - She's an excellent pianist
    - Tea - She loves tea and considers it her favorite food. If anything is ever wrong with her or anyone else, her treatment of it is generally a cuppa. She likes strong black teas, taken with no cream or sugar, but with floral notes, like Lady Grey
    - Quiet and solitude
    - Her family - She is extremely loyal to her family and also quite dependent on them. She values them more than her own life.
    - The moors - The moors of her homeland is her absolute favorite place in the world, and is the scenery of most of the illusions she casts with her ability.
    - Ginger (especially in sweets) - Ginger is a common ingredient in Yorkshire, so it's a nostalgic flavor for her and she's more likely to eat ginger-flavored things. Her two favorites are non-alcoholic ginger beer (which is like ginger ale but with a stronger ginger flavor) and parkin which is a dense, sticky cake made with treacle and ginger common to Yorkshire, especially around the holiday season.

    - Doctors - She hates being vulnerable, especially in front of people she doesn't trust, so of course she can't stand doctors, who one is required to be vulnerable in front of just by nature of the profession
    - Society and socializing
    - Strict rules
    - Authority figures
    - Having her picture taken - She doesn't like her appearance or herself in general, so she doesn't want it to be recorded
    - The Port Mafia - Mostly, they just scare her and she hates all ability user organizations
    - F. Scott Fitzgerald, Lucy Maud Montgomery, and John Steinbeck - These three were most responsible for taking her sisters away from her. She is determined to get revenge against them
    - Organizations for ability users
    - Big cities
    - Small spaces - This goes along with her agoraphobia, but also stems from having been locked in a closet as punishment when she was in boarding school

    - She's very sickly and not physically very strong because of that
    - She fears being left completely alone without her family
    - She has a hot temper when it comes to her family and tends not to think logically when they're in danger
    - She's a recluse and often has to be physically forced to leave her home
    - She can be quite impatient once she's made up her mind to do something
    - She has a slight sadistic streak born of her constant state of fear and hating being made to feel that way
    - She is extremely stubborn
    The Willow Maid
    No art or learning is to be pursued halfheartedly
    Love Interest: Kunikida Doppo
    Relationship with Love Interest:
    While in the Guild - He was just a name to her at this point. She was made to memorize data on all of Yokohama's registered ability users, and she would be able to recognize him on sight because of this, but her feelings were entirely neutral. Upon encountering him with Steinbeck and Lovecraft while the three of them attempted to capture Naomi and Haruno, she became frightened by him pointing his gun at her and used her ability against him, leaving him with several non-fatal but extremely painful injuries.

    Right After Joining the Armed Detective Agency - He's an overbearing coworker to her at this point, although she can't quite even bring herself to consider him or any of the others in the office to be coworkers since the organization feels more like a prison to her than anything else. She isn't fluent in Japanese and is mostly illiterate in it, so she feels like he's picking on her every time he points out all of her mistakes in her paperwork and makes her restart it all from the beginning. There's a lot of tension between them and she doesn't think very highly of him, trying to avoid him as much as possible so as to avoid more criticism. She doesn't hate him, but there is some resentment there for how much he nitpicks her work and her habits. She is also afraid that he holds a grudge against her for using her ability against him when they first met, which makes her wary of him.

    Once She's Been with the Armed Detective Agency for a While - After she gets a little more comfortable with her role in the agency, she'll warm up to him a little more, though it'll probably be something that he forces to happen rather than her initiating it. She prefers to observe people from afar rather than actively interacting with them, and he's no exception. Through her people watching habits, she'll come to have a pretty good understanding of his personality and ideals, and she'll have seen how the others are so flippant about them, especially when it comes to his feelings about senseless deaths, so she'll develop a bit of sympathy toward him. She probably still won't talk to him much without him initiating it or them being forced to work together.

    As Friends - In a friendlier relationship, she'll still be cautious with him, but be a little more willing to talk to him and actually hold conversations, even if they're brief. She tends to express her affections through actions, so when she feels he's overworking himself and needs to take a break, she'll often do things like bringing him a cup of tea and quietly setting it down on his desk for him, or even going as far as asking him to help her find a certain place (even though she rarely ever actually wants or needs the help) to force him to take a break. She still won't be very willing to disclose much information about her past to him, though, nor about the state of her health if he has even noticed at this point. She may also start being a little more verbally affectionate and use casual pet names like "love" or "sweet" or "duck" mixed in with her speech, in English, of course.

    As Lovers - Emily has never even considered a relationship before, so it'll definitely be tense and awkward at first, with her extremely hesitant and unsure of what to do or how things should go. If it's not made explicit what sort of relationship they're in, she'll stress over it a lot and never know how to act around him. At least at first, she'll need permission from him, explicitly, of what she is and isn't allowed to do with regards to physical affection. Once she's more comfortable in the relationship, though, she'll be very cuddly at least in private, and likes to hold hands with him a lot, whether in public or in private. She'll also progressively be more willing to tell him about herself and her worries as she grows to trust him more. She'll feel unfulfilled if she feels like he's being too overbearing and is making her receive too much in the relationship without being able to give anything, since she's very much naturally predisposed to be a giver. She also won't hesitate as much to call him out when she sees him doing something wrong, like yelling at his coworkers for not meeting his ridiculously high standards, especially when he takes it too far. She'll also want to start calling him by his given name at this point if he'll allow it since it's uncomfortable with the culture she was raised in to keep calling him by his surname, though the pet names will continue to be a thing with her.

    Patrick Brontë - Age: 59 (at the time of his death) - Ability: Winter Evening Thoughts
    Born in Drumballyroney village, County Down in Northern Ireland as Patrick Brunty, he was the eldest of ten children born to a pair of farm laborers. He changed his surname to Brontë later when he became an adult, though it is pronounced basically the same way. At 25 years old, after a series of failed apprenticeships in his homeland, he became a teacher and moved to England where then studied theology in Cambridge and following that was ordained a deacon of the Church of England and then later entered the priesthood. While being moved around the country from parish to parish, he met his soon-to-be wife Maria and the pair were married within the year, when he was 35 and she was 29. He did not react well to his wife's death, and after several failed attempts at dating afterward, he gave up on the idea of remarriage and devoted himself wholeheartedly to his work. When not doing his work for the church, he was extremely reclusive and hardy left his study. Emily inherited a lot of her personality traits from him, as well as his accent, because as a child she'd often sit in his study and read quietly alongside him if she wasn't with her siblings. They weren't exactly close, but she does have some fond memories with him. Charlotte and Branwell inherited their poor eyesight from him.

    Maria Branwell Brontë - Age: 35 (at the time of her death) - Ability: The Advantages of Poverty
    Born as the eighth child to a successful merchant in Penzance, Cornwall, England, she was one of only six out of twelve children in her family to survive to adulthood. Her family was responsible for forming the first Methodist church in Penzance, as a fairly prominent Methodist family, with some of her brothers serving as ministers. She was devoutly religious and much of her life centered around religion, so it only made sense that she marry a clergyman. Which she did when she met Patrick at age 29 while visiting her aunt and uncle in Yorkshire after the death of her parents and two other family members all within the same year, since her family was extremely close even with extended family. The couple fell in love at first sight and married within the year, and they had their first daughter a year after their marriage. She developed ovarian cancer shortly after the birth of her youngest daughter and suffered with insufficient treatment of it for seven and a half months before ultimately dying from it. Emily has almost no memories at all of her mother, since she was only two years old at the time of her death, but she has seemed to have inherited her mother's gentle nature and her sense of the value of family.

    Maria Brontë - Age: 11 (at the time of her death)
    The eldest of the Brontë children, Maria was from a very young age grave, thoughtful, and quiet far beyond her years. She was the most mature of the children, and was the closest to their father out of all of them. As a child, she was already proficient enough at reading to read the daily newspapers and report on them to her family members at the breakfast table daily. Her father often boasted that he could speak with her about any topic as fluently as an adult due to her extreme intellect and excellent memory. She had her mother's gentler personality paired with her father's reclusive tendencies, much like Emily, but was also extremely quick-witted and untidy in the way that may extremely intelligent people are. She could speak English and some French, but was never particularly skilled with geography or history, though she was very proficient at writing and other linguistic tasks. Even the teachers at the boarding school she and her sisters were sent to acknowledged her intelligence and extraordinary talent. However, her life was cut short when she fell ill in a typhoid epidemic that spread through the school thanks to its poor living conditions, and she died after being sick for several weeks. Emily's only real memory of her is of seeing her corpse lying in bed when Charlotte discovered her in the boarding school dormitories.

    Elizabeth Brontë - Age: 9 (at the time of her death)
    The second child of the Brontë family, Elizabeth was never as exceptionally gifted as her siblings. She was particularly bad with mathematics, but also didn't dedicate as much time and attention to reading as her siblings did either. She did enjoy creative pursuits and writing in particular, as it was a family habit to make up little stories for one another, and her father acknowledged that she had a lot of common sense and a good head on her shoulders in that regard. She also fell ill during the typhoid epidemic that struck their boarding school, and had been sharing a bed with her sister Maria the night she died, also ill. She was sent home, sick, along with Charlotte and Emily who were still well, and she died at home six weeks later. Emily also has no real memories of her except from her funeral.

    Charlotte Brontë - Age: 26 - Ability: Jane Eyre
    As the third child of the family, and the eldest to survive past childhood, Charlotte is definitely the mature and responsible one. She essentially serves as the mother of the family now, especially since their aunt left them, and is the sole reason the family has been able to survive this long. She's extremely smart and practical to a fault, almost to the point of being callous. She had to grow up too quickly and is somewhat resentful of her sisters for it, though this mostly comes out in the form of her being very strict with them. Regardless, even she can't really function separately from the family and is just as dependent on her sisters as they are on her. She tends to have a maudlin and gloomy atmosphere about her, much like Emily, and most people dislike her. She is a fairly unhappy person in general, and it shows. But regardless, she does her best to take care of her sisters in their poor health and she does so without complaint. She and Emily have never been as close as Emily is with Anne, and they sometimes butt heads, particularly because Charlotte believes that there is something fundamentally wrong with Emily, particularly with her mind. There was also one incident in which Charlotte read Emily's diary and Emily caught her at it for which she still hasn't completely forgiven Charlotte. In spite of all that, though, she is still a fundamental part of Emily's world, and Emily is still fiercely attached to her. She tends to do most of the cleaning in the family's home and Emily handles the cooking. Charlotte is the only healthy member of the family.

    Patrick Branwell Brontë - Age: 17 (at the time of his death) - Ability: And the Weary are at Rest
    Branwell was the fourth child of the family and from a young age was the black sheep. As the wild child and the only son, he had a boastful and arrogant personality that he never learned how to temper, so many people tended to find him obnoxious, particularly in how hard he tried to fit in with the men of the nearby city and of the village they lived in. He tried in his early-to-mid teens to gain himself a position as editor of his favorite magazine, but his arrogantly-worded suggestions that he take the former editor's place were consistently ignored. From the earliest age possible after these rejections, he began seeking out masculine company at bars in an attempt to prove himself, and quickly developed alcoholism. He also became addicted to nonprescription opioid drugs. His life from that point was a constant downward spiral with his behavior becoming more impossible to deal with and more embarrassing to the family. He was a violent drunk and often went after his sisters for real or imagined wrongs after nights of drinking, and his younger sister Anne was his most frequent victim. On one occasion, he even lit his own bed on fire and nearly killed himself, from which point onward his father made him share a bed with him for everyone's safety. He also developed an obsession with a married woman fifteen years his senior and was threatened by her husband when he found out about the boy's pursuits which Branwell claimed had become a physical affair, though he was boastful enough that no one was really ever sure if he was being truthful or not. He ultimately died from a probable drug overdose when he was 17 years old. He and Charlotte were always the closest out of the family, and even in his worst moments she would be the one to take care of him, so she found his body when he died. Emily was never very close to him, but when they were young, before he began his life of debauchery, he would sometimes take her out onto the moors to hunt wild birds with him and he taught her how to shoot a gun, which she is now quite good at though she was always too gentle to actually kill any birds. Beyond that, the only thing she got from him, and most of what she remembers, is a reinforcement of her fear of men and drunk people, and he is why she won't drink alcohol, because she's afraid she'll become violent like he did.

    Anne Brontë - Age: 22 - Ability: The Tenant of Wildfell Hall
    Anne is the youngest of the Brontë family and is Emily's favorite sibling. The two are inseparable, to the point that people have mistaken them for twins in the past for how close they are to one another. Anne is quite opposite in personality to Emily, however, precocious and determined to make the best of any situation. In contrast to Emily and Charlotte, Anne is the sole optimist of the family. But she is also quiet and gentle, and that tenacity of hers is usually kept to herself and shown in action rather than words. She is quick-witted and when inclined to do so around people she is familiar with, can easily make jokes. She has said on multiple occasions that without Emily she would die, and Emily feels much the same about her. She is the only person Emily trusts enough to allow to read her diary, and is the person Emily can spend the most extended amounts of time with without getting tired. She is more religious than Emily but less so than Charlotte and has had her faith shaken on occasion, much to Charlotte's dismay. She and Charlotte aren't exceptionally close, but they're closer than Charlotte and Emily are, and Anne is really the one who keeps the peace in the family. She is also typically attracted to older men, but prefers to pine for them from afar without ever acting on her feelings. She is skilled at sewing and also enjoys photography. Like Emily, she has a chronic illness with similar symptoms, although hers is treatable with antitubercular drugs, unlike Emily's.

    Edgar Allan Poe
    They met during their time in the Guild when she happened to stumble upon his room while she was in search of a place to hide shortly after being forced into the Guild. He was initially offended and trapped her in one of his stories, but she swiftly solved the mystery and complimented his description as she came back into the real world, so between that and how quickly she befriended Karl, he had no choice but to accept her, and it wasn't long before the two became friends. Their personalities are fairly similar, though her sadistic streak is less obvious than his, and there were many days that they spent together, he writing and she reading his works. She often served as editor and critic for him as he continued working on stories in preparation for his battle of wits with Ranpo. He was the one who introduced her to the Armed Detective Agency after the fall of the Guild upon realizing that he was simply not able to locate her sisters on his own power but perhaps Ranpo could, especially with the resources that the agency has access to that he does not. She still tries to remain in touch with him, though that can be difficult when he gets distracted by his writing and doesn't answer her calls. She's always delighted when he shows up at the office to visit Ranpo, though.

    Haruno Kirako
    Out of everyone in the office, Emily is most likely to become comfortable with Haruno first, if not Kunikida. At least in the office, Haruno tends to be the most normal and reliable person and is able to be more patient with Emily and her agoraphobia than most of the others. Emily tends to work mostly with the secretaries after initially joining the Armed Detective Agency anyway because they have more time to be able to give her the practice she needs with written Japanese than the more active members would with their paperwork. Haruno helps guide Emily and show her the ropes with her work, and is much better about giving her positive feedback and wording corrections more gently than the others in the office, so as not to set off Emily's anxieties. She is also an animal lover like Emily, and she likes Emily for being a good listener, so a lot of their conversations are about Haruno's cat, Mii.

    Yosano Akiko
    Things will always start off rocky between these two despite them being the closest in age. Emily dislikes doctors, and Yosano tends to be overbearing, so the combination isn't desirable and they will likely have some disagreements at first. Emily will allow her to experiment on her with her ability, and Yosano will get annoyed that she doesn't react very strongly to the pain like the others in the office do because Emily's chronic illness gives her an extremely high pain tolerance. But eventually they'll be able to work out their differences and Yosano will become someone that Emily can confide in and ask advice from, particularly about her health and her relationships within the office, since she's not used to having friends and isn't always entirely sure how she ought to behave. They share a love for sweets and will likely bond over that since Emily won't drink alcohol.

    Tanizaki Naomi
    An unlikely pair, certainly, but Emily and Naomi will tend to bond over their almost obsessive, bordering on unhealthy love for their siblings. Of course, Emily's love and codependence on her sisters is very different from the more illicit love between Naomi and Junichiro, but Naomi probably won't see it that way and Emily is too timid to correct her. Naomi is also very outgoing and will likely become Emily's voice within the office, sticking up for her if the others seem to be picking on her or are being too harsh with her. In spite of Emily being quite a bit older than Naomi, Naomi will act as if it's the other way around since Emily is so timid. Out of everyone in the office, though, she can most understand Emily's motivation and desperation to find her sisters, even when it drives her to do irrational things or put her life at risk, because Naomi would do exactly the same thing in her situation.

    Fukuzawa Yukichi
    Initially, Emily will be afraid of him, like everyone else in the office, and not want anything to do with him. She believes that all ability user organizations are the same, and will expect him to be the same sort of greedy, self-serving, narcissistic person as the types who have run the other organizations she's either been part of or has been harassed to join over the years. On his end, in spite of his concern for her and her situation because he's a kindhearted man, there will also be caution because she was once part of the Guild and did harm some of the members of the agency in that time, and he will give the members of the agency in charge of supervising her orders to kill her if she seems to be a danger to the agency, much like what was done with Dazai. Over time as they have to spend more time together, though, especially when she brings him tea if the other secretaries are busy, they'll talk more and build a little more trust. She's observant and will almost certainly notice his love for cats quickly, which will likely give them more things to talk about since she's an animal lover herself, and his concern for her and her family will likely put her more at ease. On his end, she has a gentle personality and really just needs guidance more than anything, so he'll take her under his wing and take on a fatherly role for her. He will probably start asking Kunikida to bring her along for their matches of Go after work, even though Emily doesn't know how to play, just to make sure she's included and feels like people want her around to help boost her self confidence.

    Tayama Katai
    Honestly Emily will be surprised when she first finds out Kunikida has any friends outside of the Armed Detective Agency's immediate office group since she's never heard him talk about anyone else, and she'll be pretty nervous the first time he brings her with him to visit Katai--and also confused as to why he'd arm himself with cleaning supplies and groceries just for a visit to see a friend. Of course, the confusion will clear up pretty quickly when she gets a look at the state his apartment is in. They're pretty similar people in a lot of ways, so while Katai may not be able to speak directly to Emily at first due to how bad he is with women, even though she's not his type at all, they'll end up getting along pretty well, if only because they can understand each other's reclusive tendencies and shared affection for Kunikida. It's also likely that Katai will make attempts here and there to tease Kunikida about his relationship with Emily since he's never had that opportunity before, but those attempts are likely to end with him getting either yelled at or hit unless he does so while they're both drunk. On Emily's end, how messy his apartment always is will frustrate her, somewhat in the way it does Kunikida since she's also pretty big on cleanliness, but more than anything she'll enjoy coming with Kunikida to visit Katai just because it makes her happy to see him relaxed--or as much so as someone like him can be--and spending time with a friend, even if she does end up having to clean up after them when they're drunk. She'll also be pretty impressed with and fascinated by Katai's ability since she's terrible with technology herself, and he may be able to teach her a little about how certain basic technologies like cell phones and computers work.
    Inkpot Gods
    No art or learning is to be pursued halfheartedly
    Early Life - Emily was born in Thornton village in Yorkshire, in North England to Patrick and Maria Branwell Brontë as their fifth of six children. They remained in Thornton until two years later, when Anne was born, at which point Patrick was offered the position of perpetual curate of St. Michael's and All Angels Methodist church in Haworth, Yorkshire. There Maria Branwell died of ovarian cancer after an excruciating seven and a half month struggle. She was only 37 years old at the time. Following her death, Maria Branwell's sister, Elizabeth, who had been helping with things anyway during Maria Branwell's struggle against cancer, moved in with the family and remained with them to care for the children until Charlotte was legally an adult. Patrick threw himself into his clergy work instead, spending most of his time away from the house doing work on the church or visiting the poor, and when he was home, he was completely reclusive and spent very little time with his children.

    Childhood - When Emily was six years old, she, Maria, Elizabeth, and Charlotte were all sent to the Clergy Daughters' School at Cowan Bridge in Lancashire, England. This was an all-girls boarding school run by Reverend Carus Wilson, who was a Calvinist Evangelist, meaning that he believed in predestination and, consequently, the fact that the majority of souls were doomed to Hell regardless of what they did in life. These beliefs were heavily reflected in his running of the school and the treatment of the girls. Emily was the youngest boarder at the school at the time. At the school, the girls lived in dormitories with all of the other girls, and were made to sleep two to a bed with their heads propped up and without pillows. There was no heat or air conditioning in the building, and that part of England gets extremely cold all year round, so most mornings when they were forced to perform their morning ablutions well before dawn out of water basins that they shared with at least six other girls, as there was also no running water, the water was more often than not frozen over. Following that, they were required to make their beds and get dressed in their uniforms, which were designed to humiliate them, and then they made their way downstairs into the school for an hour and a half of prayers before breakfast, which was generally burnt porridge and a frozen glass of water. Their lessons went from half-past nine until noon, followed by a few minutes of recreation before lunch, which was often little more than a slice of bread. Lessons began again as soon as they were done eating and lasted until at least 5 p.m. every evening. They then had another break for a slice of stale bread and a small cup of coffee and then recreation, but this lasted only another half hour before they continued their studies late into the night. Their evening ended with another small glass of water, an oatcake, and evening prayers before bed. On Sundays, they were made to walk for three miles (about 5 km) to the nearest church, often in the snow, and remained there all day until the evening services were also over, only being allowed a half slice of bread with rancid butter as their sole meal for the day before walking back to the school in the dark. Punishments were doled out for every small offence and included deprivation of food and recreation time, corporal punishments by beating with a belt or a rod, humiliation punishments like being made to sit on a stool for hours wearing a dunce cap and not allowed to move, and psychological tortures such as being locked in a closet with rats.

    Emily was very frequently the subject of punishment both because of her stubbornness and her ability. As a child, she tended to use her ability uninhibited to amuse her siblings and herself, as almost every member of the family had an ability and they all used them for creative purposes. She continued doing this at school for the other girls if they could ever get through her shyness, but one of the teachers caught her at it and reported her to the Reverend. Following that time, she was nearly daily told by the Reverend and all of her teachers and most of the other students who knew better than to go against the flow that she was sent from Hell, the Devil's bride, an evil creature, Satan's child, a demon herself, or any other variation along the similar theme that her soul was not one of the predestined ones and that her ability and, by extension, she herself was evil. This is really the sole reason why her self-esteem is so nonexistent now and a large contributing factor to why her natural shyness became agoraphobia and social anxiety. There were several occasions when she was locked in the closet and left for two or three days on end and bitten by the rats, or beaten until she couldn't stand by the Reverend if she was caught using her ability. Though she and her sisters were only at the school for two short years, they all greatly devolved in this time, physically and emotionally. Maria fell sick first due to a typhoid epidemic from the unsanitary living conditions. She died in the school and Charlotte was the one who found her body almost frozen in bed. Shortly after that, Elizabeth, Charlotte, and Emily were brought back home, but Elizabeth had already fallen ill as well and died shortly after they got back home. From that point on, the remaining children were homeschooled, and largely taught themselves out of their father's books. This experience has somewhat turned her off of religion and she does question her faith, but she still goes through the motions.

    Teen Years and Early Adulthood - Emily lived much more contentedly in complete social isolation with her sisters and brother for several years after being brought back from the boarding school. In that time, she read every book in her father's collection, regardless of topic, and she also taught herself to play the piano, which she was found to be quite good at--good enough that any time her father or aunt would go into the city, they would bring her back new sheet music to practice off of, usually German symphonies. She also taught herself how to draw and write poetry, which she would frequently do with the family's pets or the natural landscape of the Yorkshire moors, which she loves dearly, as the subject matter. Things started going sour when Branwell took to drinking, however, and then later to opioid drugs. She and her sisters lived in constant fear of his returns home from nights of drinking as his drinking and drug use habits got more and more extreme, and Emily and Charlotte would often have to pull him off of Anne who tended to be the one with the misfortune of becoming the target of his violence while drunk. When he died, presumably of a drug overdose although his death certificate called the cause of death bronchitis, Charlotte was, again, the one who found his body collapsed on the floor of his bedroom. After his funeral was when Emily began to have symptoms of her current illness, when she was about 16. This was also around the time that ability-user organizations from around Europe began harassing the sisters to join them, hoping to gain control of their powerful abilities and, in particular, Emily's. Charlotte went off to university that year, and Emily tried to follow her the year after, going in early, but she only lasted a semester before returning home, unlike Charlotte, because she got so homesick that she became physically ill. At eighteen she started teaching private piano lessons as her profession and Anne started working as a nanny to a wealthy family in a nearby city while Charlotte was in school getting her degree in education. During this time, Emily also taught herself to speak, read, and write in German using her father's books. Their father died when Emily was nineteen years old.

    The Guild - The arrival of the Guild marked the end of Emily's happy, peaceful life with her sisters. They attacked one day while Emily was on one of her customary walks on the moors. She ran back home when she heard all the commotion, of course, but it was already too late. She'd had a huge mastiff named Keeper as a pet, and he had tried to defend her sisters, but Fitzgerald shot him dead and his body was the first thing Emily saw when she arrived, and then the signs of the struggle her sisters had put up. She, enraged and terrified, tried killing Fitzgerald, since he seemed to be in charge, but was restrained by Steinbeck's ability and very nearly drawn and quartered by him in that way for the struggle she put up. She was forced into an agreement that her sisters would be kept alive and eventually returned to her if, and only if, she cooperated completely until Fitzgerald achieved his goal of getting the book he wanted that he suspected was in Japan, so with no other option left to her, she was forced to join the Guild. She was treated very poorly by everyone in the Guild with the exception only of Edgar Allan Poe and Herman Melville. She was also placed under Steinbeck's supervision and he would bully her as often as possible, and so she would often get fed up with it and pick fights with him, which usually ended with her getting hurt since her illness was getting worse with overuse of her ability and she couldn't really do anything to hurt any of the Guild members without risking her sisters' safety.

    - Her former profession was as a music teacher because she is quite proficient at playing the piano
    - Usually the only times she leaves her home willingly are to go to church, to take her walks outdoors, or if she is forced to for work, and when she does leave home she'll often have panic symptoms or panic attacks if she's not accompanied by a family member or someone she trusts
    - She is the type of person who animals are very attracted to and they tend to follow her around. She is also the type of person who really needs to have a pet, not so that there's something that depends on her to make her feel good about herself, but because she needs the companionship and she needs the security of having something she can love unconditionally without fear of being abandoned, and something that loves her in return. She's also a bleeding heart when it comes to animals and she'd gladly take in every stray she encountered were it not for pet limits in apartment buildings. She likes all animals but has a preference for large breeds of dogs.
    - She keeps a diary almost religiously but most of it is filled with her daydreamings about her fantasy world, Gondal, or poems she writes. This is a link to a small Pinterest board I made of a few things that were in the real Emily's diary or related to her life, if you want a feel for what her diary is like.
    - She was formerly a member of the Order of the Clock Tower, a British gifted organization, but only because she had hoped joining an organization would offer her family protection from other groups seeking their power.
    - If someone wants her to leave her home to do something, even if it's work, he or she will almost certainly have to physically come to her home to force her out of it, due to her reclusive tendencies
    - Her handwriting is very, very tiny and the messiest of all her sisters'
    - She and all of her sisters speak with a Northern Irish Brogue rather than a Yorkshire accent because they were so isolated as children and their father was from Northern Ireland. Out of all her family, however, Emily's accent is the thickest because she was the most isolated and it even shows through a bit in her Japanese.
    - She speaks English and German fluently, and is also literate in both languages. She can speak enough Japanese to get by, but barely knows any of the written system.
    Irish Eyes

    You've got to balance pleasure with pain in this life
    Name: Emily Jane Brontë
    Age: 24
    Birthday: July 30th
    Birthplace: Thornton, Yorkshire, England

    Emily has mousy brown hair that is fairly long, hanging down to the small of her back when left loose, but she usually only lets it down to sleep, and during the day keeps it either in braids pinned at the nape of her neck or a bun. Her hair is often a bit windswept, particularly on days when she's gone out wandering. Her skin is sickly pale and almost translucent because she spends most of her time indoors and is often unwell, and her eyes are a striking ocean blue color that stands out in sharp contrast to the rest of her features. Her features are all quite soft and girlish, and her lips are naturally a peachy-pink color. Her style can, at kindest, be described as matronly and she almost always wears oversized turtleneck sweaters paired with long wool skirts with very little variety in her style, and she can be found with a book in her hands at almost all times, whether it's a novel or her diary. She values modesty and comfort above all else and cares very little for her appearance, so she tends to look pretty frumpy most of the time, even in a professional setting, so if she is ever to dress more professionally for work, someone will have to make her do it. It will also take almost an act of God to convince her to wear a skirt that goes above her ankles since she prefers to hide her body, but she also refuses to wear trousers because she finds them uncomfortable. She tends to wear boots as her shoes on a daily basis since that's what she was used to wearing at home for her walks on the moors, and she can't walk in heels because she's not strong enough. She's in general quite pretty, albeit in a fragile and tragic sort of way, but her clothes are meant to hide that she's extremely skinny because of her illness. Prior to being forced into the Guild, she was at a weight on the low end of healthy for her size (about 126 pounds or 9 stone or 57 kg), but now she only weighs about 98 pounds (roughly 7 stone or 44.5 kg). She is also the tallest of the Brontë girls, standing at 5'6" (about 168 cm). She always carries a handkerchief with her to clean herself up when she overworks herself and ends up coughing up blood. The only major blemish she has is a scar on her right hand where she was bitten by a rabid dog once and treated the injury herself by burning it down to the bone. She never wears makeup, but if she were ever made to for any reason, she would prefer it to be very natural, "no makeup" makeup because she hates standing out.

    Voice Claim: Noto Mamiko as Morioka Moriko from Netojuu no Susume

    Armed Detective Agency (Currently)
    The Guild (Formerly)
    The Order of the Clocktower (Formerly)

    Wuthering Heights - This illusion type ability allows Emily to inflict anything she is capable of personally imagining on anyone within her line of vision. This can be the infliction of pleasurable visions on someone for calming purposes, but more often it is visions of incredibly brutal and violent things. Whatever she inflicts on a person can be felt and manifested physically but only the victim is capable of "seeing" what is happening to them. This ability can be used to wound so severely as to kill, and Emily's imagination is remarkably vivid so she is able to use this ability very creatively, but it also takes a heavy toll on her body because she is physically so frail, so it is difficult for her to use her gift frequently and tends to be used more as a last resort because she goes into a coughing fit almost every time she uses her gift. She is only able to use it on people she can actually see, however, and the illusion is weaker and less effective when she can't see someone clearly or in detail (for example, if they're far away). She also tends not to use her ability unless she has to because, similarly to John Steinbeck, she believes it's a damning sin to have an ability at all. Using her ability to do harm tends to do her more physical harm than using her ability to do good for someone, but ultimately how self-destructive the results of a session of using her ability are depend heavily on how much guilt Emily feels, and how much she beats herself up for it. The most common way that Emily uses her ability is to create a pack of hunting dogs that tear her enemies to shreds or can encircle and trap them, or the ghost of a young woman named Catherine who can psychologically torment her enemies. It takes much more concentration for her to use her ability in non-harmful ways, but when she does so, she generally imagines up some of her favorite places or moments from her childhood.
    Never love an anchor
    You've got to balance pleasure with pain in this life
    Emily's personality is a bit difficult to discern, particularly because she is a recluse, more or less, and has a habit of only associating with or speaking to her sisters, so her elder sister, Charlotte, often acts as spokesperson for her and has a tendency to smokescreen Emily's true personality because Emily unnerves her a bit. Charlotte would say that Emily has a tendency toward seclusion and, though she generally has no ill-will toward the people around her, she is entirely unsociable and will not speak to anyone, though she knows a lot about everyone she's ever met. Charlotte also thinks that Emily may be insane. In reality, Emily is shy to the extreme and only has a desire to communicate with her family, whom she is very close to, because of this. She is incredibly observant, despite being reclusive, and has a remarkable memory for details, so once she has learned information about a person or met a person, she will never forget that person or the information she has learned about them. Once coaxed out of her shyness, Emily is a very warmhearted and kind person, for the most part. The easiest way to see the soft side of her is through her love of nature and animals. She has a particular soft spot for stray dogs and strolling through the moors near her childhood home, despite how dangerous they are. She tends to keep to herself, however, and got her scar from an incident in which she was bitten by a rabid dog while trying to help it, but instead of telling her family about the incident she took a hot poker and burned the wound down to the bone herself to treat it and only revealed how she got such a scar when it was accidentally noticed by one of her sisters. Emily is always off in a fantasy world in her head which keeps her entertained, and she calls this world "Gondal." Though she is painfully shy, she shows what her sisters have described as "Spartan-like courage" when it comes to physical dangers. She also has a strong desire for independence and liberty and does not do well with taking strict orders or keeping a strict schedule if it does not suit her whims. She can be extremely stubborn and unyielding, and when she feels insulted or is trying to hide her discomfort in front of people she doesn't trust, she tends to resort to biting sarcasm. There are few people she truly loves and cares for because her trust is extremely hard-won, but she is undyingly loyal to those few people.

    Physical Health:
    Chronic Illness - Emily has had a chronic and debilitating illness that is symptomatically similar to tuberculosis ever since she was a teenager. Or rather, the more obvious symptoms affecting her health began manifesting then, but the underlying problem began when she was a child and the illness simply progressed silently and insidiously without her noticing it for a long while. The primary symptoms of her illness are uncontrollable coughing fits which often bring up blood, a perpetual low-grade fever that gets higher after every coughing fit, difficulty breathing especially with physical exertion, general malaise, chronic pain (mostly chest pain, but she also gets joint pain now thanks to having lost so much weight), extreme weight loss and muscle atrophy, frequent chills (which is why she always wears sweaters and wool skirts even in the summer), loss of appetite and nausea, and night sweats. She almost never feels hungry enough to eat food and subsists mostly off of tea, which does not tend to help her symptoms, which can often render her bedridden especially after using her ability. Her illness is directly related to her ability and it began when she first began rejecting her ability as a child when she was told at the boarding school she attended that it was evil. Her rejection of it has grown stronger over time, as has her ability, and so with her constant internal struggle, she also struggles to control her ability and it takes a heavy toll on her body, which is where her illness comes from. Fukuzawa's ability takes some of that strain off of her and she is able to slowly start recovering because of that, but if anyone were to ever realize that her illness stems ultimately from her rejection of her own ability and were to help her find a way to accept it and recognize that neither she nor her ability are evil, it would definitely speed the recovery process along, especially if she were made to start taking better care of her body along with that.

    Mental Health:
    Agoraphobia - As an agoraphobe, Emily is terrified of going out into public, particularly in places where a lot of people will be, which means that being in a big city like Yokohama is hellish for her. She even feels anxious being in the office with everyone else, and tends to panic easily. She has been an agoraphobe for most of her life and agoraphobia is incurable, though frequently exposing oneself to the places that cause fear and anxiety can help prove to an agoraphobe that they're actually safe, so she will eventually be able to become accustomed to going in to the office over time. She will always be anxious about leaving home or leaving work once she gets there, though, and public transportation will tend to make her panic, even when accompanied by someone she trusts. She will, in fact, almost always need someone she trusts to help her get around the city simply so that she feels like someone is there to help her and keep her safe if she does ever have a panic attack.

    Social Anxiety - Emily also has social anxiety comorbid with her agoraphobia, which is fairly common. Like her agoraphobia, this began when she was a child, in particular while she was in boarding school, which was the first time she ever had a panic attack due to the intense bullying her sisters and she received both from the teachers and other students. Because of her social anxiety, she tends to avoid social situations like the plague and hates meeting new people. This, combined with her agoraphobia, was also why she was never able to complete her schooling and remained self-taught all her life. Her social anxiety is so intense that she is extremely attached to her sisters as the only people she trusts, and when she is apart from them and forced to be around strangers, she gets so intensely homesick that she becomes physically ill. She sometimes experiences brief depressive episodes thanks to her anxiety as well, particularly when she's feeling especially inadequate and is under more stress than usual.

    Both of these disorders are able to be treated with talk therapy and, in cases as severe as her, probably also anxiety medication as well. However, she grew up in an extremely rural area and had an extremely conservative upbringing and will resist strongly if anyone in-roleplay tries to make her go to therapy because she already has a complex about being "broken" mentally and going to therapy will feel to her like admitting defeat, since she doesn't know much about mental health and believes that a mentally ill person can never be cured, nor have relief from their symptoms. It will take a lot of convincing for her to ever seek treatment.

    - Animals (particularly stray dogs) - She loves all animals, though, and had quite a menagerie of pets in Yorkshire. She prefers big dogs to small dogs because she feels that small dogs are usually poorly behaved and difficult to train
    - Nature - She's a country girl at heart and hates being in places without a lot of greenery. In Japan, if it weren't for having to take public transportation to get there, she would really like places like shrines with their peaceful and natural atmosphere and forests, either of trees or of bamboo
    - Freedom - She hates being tied down, and if she feels like her freedom is being compromised, she will generally rebel
    - Learning - She's an avid and dedicated learner and tends not to back down from intellectual challenges
    - Writing in her diary
    - Playing piano - She's an excellent pianist
    - Tea - She loves tea and considers it her favorite food. If anything is ever wrong with her or anyone else, her treatment of it is generally a cuppa. She likes strong black teas, taken with no cream or sugar, but with floral notes, like Lady Grey
    - Quiet and solitude
    - Her family - She is extremely loyal to her family and also quite dependent on them. She values them more than her own life.
    - The moors - The moors of her homeland is her absolute favorite place in the world, and is the scenery of most of the illusions she casts with her ability.
    - Ginger (especially in sweets) - Ginger is a common ingredient in Yorkshire, so it's a nostalgic flavor for her and she's more likely to eat ginger-flavored things. Her two favorites are non-alcoholic ginger beer (which is like ginger ale but with a stronger ginger flavor) and parkin which is a dense, sticky cake made with treacle and ginger common to Yorkshire, especially around the holiday season.

    - Doctors - She hates being vulnerable, especially in front of people she doesn't trust, so of course she can't stand doctors, who one is required to be vulnerable in front of just by nature of the profession
    - Society and socializing
    - Strict rules
    - Authority figures
    - Having her picture taken - She doesn't like her appearance or herself in general, so she doesn't want it to be recorded
    - The Port Mafia - Mostly, they just scare her and she hates all ability user organizations
    - F. Scott Fitzgerald, Lucy Maud Montgomery, and John Steinbeck - These three were most responsible for taking her sisters away from her. She is determined to get revenge against them
    - Organizations for ability users
    - Big cities
    - Small spaces - This goes along with her agoraphobia, but also stems from having been locked in a closet as punishment when she was in boarding school

    - She's very sickly and not physically very strong because of that
    - She fears being left completely alone without her family
    - She has a hot temper when it comes to her family and tends not to think logically when they're in danger
    - She's a recluse and often has to be physically forced to leave her home
    - She can be quite impatient once she's made up her mind to do something
    - She has a slight sadistic streak born of her constant state of fear and hating being made to feel that way
    - She is extremely stubborn
    The Willow Maid
    You've got to balance pleasure with pain in this life
    Love Interest: Kunikida Doppo
    Relationship with Love Interest:
    While in the Guild - He was just a name to her at this point. She was made to memorize data on all of Yokohama's registered ability users, and she would be able to recognize him on sight because of this, but her feelings were entirely neutral. Upon encountering him with Steinbeck and Lovecraft while the three of them attempted to capture Naomi and Haruno, she became frightened by him pointing his gun at her and used her ability against him, leaving him with several non-fatal but extremely painful injuries.

    Right After Joining the Armed Detective Agency - He's an overbearing coworker to her at this point, although she can't quite even bring herself to consider him or any of the others in the office to be coworkers since the organization feels more like a prison to her than anything else. She isn't fluent in Japanese and is mostly illiterate in it, so she feels like he's picking on her every time he points out all of her mistakes in her paperwork and makes her restart it all from the beginning. There's a lot of tension between them and she doesn't think very highly of him, trying to avoid him as much as possible so as to avoid more criticism. She doesn't hate him, but there is some resentment there for how much he nitpicks her work and her habits. She is also afraid that he holds a grudge against her for using her ability against him when they first met, which makes her wary of him.

    Once She's Been with the Armed Detective Agency for a While - After she gets a little more comfortable with her role in the agency, she'll warm up to him a little more, though it'll probably be something that he forces to happen rather than her initiating it. She prefers to observe people from afar rather than actively interacting with them, and he's no exception. Through her people watching habits, she'll come to have a pretty good understanding of his personality and ideals, and she'll have seen how the others are so flippant about them, especially when it comes to his feelings about senseless deaths, so she'll develop a bit of sympathy toward him. She probably still won't talk to him much without him initiating it or them being forced to work together.

    As Friends - In a friendlier relationship, she'll still be cautious with him, but be a little more willing to talk to him and actually hold conversations, even if they're brief. She tends to express her affections through actions, so when she feels he's overworking himself and needs to take a break, she'll often do things like bringing him a cup of tea and quietly setting it down on his desk for him, or even going as far as asking him to help her find a certain place (even though she rarely ever actually wants or needs the help) to force him to take a break. She still won't be very willing to disclose much information about her past to him, though, nor about the state of her health if he has even noticed at this point. She may also start being a little more verbally affectionate and use casual pet names like "love" or "sweet" or "duck" mixed in with her speech, in English, of course.

    As Lovers - Emily has never even considered a relationship before, so it'll definitely be tense and awkward at first, with her extremely hesitant and unsure of what to do or how things should go. If it's not made explicit what sort of relationship they're in, she'll stress over it a lot and never know how to act around him. At least at first, she'll need permission from him, explicitly, of what she is and isn't allowed to do with regards to physical affection. Once she's more comfortable in the relationship, though, she'll be very cuddly at least in private, and likes to hold hands with him a lot, whether in public or in private. She'll also progressively be more willing to tell him about herself and her worries as she grows to trust him more. She'll feel unfulfilled if she feels like he's being too overbearing and is making her receive too much in the relationship without being able to give anything, since she's very much naturally predisposed to be a giver. She also won't hesitate as much to call him out when she sees him doing something wrong, like yelling at his coworkers for not meeting his ridiculously high standards, especially when he takes it too far. She'll also want to start calling him by his given name at this point if he'll allow it since it's uncomfortable with the culture she was raised in to keep calling him by his surname, though the pet names will continue to be a thing with her.

    Patrick Brontë - Age: 59 (at the time of his death) - Ability: Winter Evening Thoughts
    Born in Drumballyroney village, County Down in Northern Ireland as Patrick Brunty, he was the eldest of ten children born to a pair of farm laborers. He changed his surname to Brontë later when he became an adult, though it is pronounced basically the same way. At 25 years old, after a series of failed apprenticeships in his homeland, he became a teacher and moved to England where then studied theology in Cambridge and following that was ordained a deacon of the Church of England and then later entered the priesthood. While being moved around the country from parish to parish, he met his soon-to-be wife Maria and the pair were married within the year, when he was 35 and she was 29. He did not react well to his wife's death, and after several failed attempts at dating afterward, he gave up on the idea of remarriage and devoted himself wholeheartedly to his work. When not doing his work for the church, he was extremely reclusive and hardy left his study. Emily inherited a lot of her personality traits from him, as well as his accent, because as a child she'd often sit in his study and read quietly alongside him if she wasn't with her siblings. They weren't exactly close, but she does have some fond memories with him. Charlotte and Branwell inherited their poor eyesight from him.

    Maria Branwell Brontë - Age: 35 (at the time of her death) - Ability: The Advantages of Poverty
    Born as the eighth child to a successful merchant in Penzance, Cornwall, England, she was one of only six out of twelve children in her family to survive to adulthood. Her family was responsible for forming the first Methodist church in Penzance, as a fairly prominent Methodist family, with some of her brothers serving as ministers. She was devoutly religious and much of her life centered around religion, so it only made sense that she marry a clergyman. Which she did when she met Patrick at age 29 while visiting her aunt and uncle in Yorkshire after the death of her parents and two other family members all within the same year, since her family was extremely close even with extended family. The couple fell in love at first sight and married within the year, and they had their first daughter a year after their marriage. She developed ovarian cancer shortly after the birth of her youngest daughter and suffered with insufficient treatment of it for seven and a half months before ultimately dying from it. Emily has almost no memories at all of her mother, since she was only two years old at the time of her death, but she has seemed to have inherited her mother's gentle nature and her sense of the value of family.

    Maria Brontë - Age: 11 (at the time of her death)
    The eldest of the Brontë children, Maria was from a very young age grave, thoughtful, and quiet far beyond her years. She was the most mature of the children, and was the closest to their father out of all of them. As a child, she was already proficient enough at reading to read the daily newspapers and report on them to her family members at the breakfast table daily. Her father often boasted that he could speak with her about any topic as fluently as an adult due to her extreme intellect and excellent memory. She had her mother's gentler personality paired with her father's reclusive tendencies, much like Emily, but was also extremely quick-witted and untidy in the way that may extremely intelligent people are. She could speak English and some French, but was never particularly skilled with geography or history, though she was very proficient at writing and other linguistic tasks. Even the teachers at the boarding school she and her sisters were sent to acknowledged her intelligence and extraordinary talent. However, her life was cut short when she fell ill in a typhoid epidemic that spread through the school thanks to its poor living conditions, and she died after being sick for several weeks. Emily's only real memory of her is of seeing her corpse lying in bed when Charlotte discovered her in the boarding school dormitories.

    Elizabeth Brontë - Age: 9 (at the time of her death)
    The second child of the Brontë family, Elizabeth was never as exceptionally gifted as her siblings. She was particularly bad with mathematics, but also didn't dedicate as much time and attention to reading as her siblings did either. She did enjoy creative pursuits and writing in particular, as it was a family habit to make up little stories for one another, and her father acknowledged that she had a lot of common sense and a good head on her shoulders in that regard. She also fell ill during the typhoid epidemic that struck their boarding school, and had been sharing a bed with her sister Maria the night she died, also ill. She was sent home, sick, along with Charlotte and Emily who were still well, and she died at home six weeks later. Emily also has no real memories of her except from her funeral.

    Charlotte Brontë - Age: 26 - Ability: Jane Eyre
    As the third child of the family, and the eldest to survive past childhood, Charlotte is definitely the mature and responsible one. She essentially serves as the mother of the family now, especially since their aunt left them, and is the sole reason the family has been able to survive this long. She's extremely smart and practical to a fault, almost to the point of being callous. She had to grow up too quickly and is somewhat resentful of her sisters for it, though this mostly comes out in the form of her being very strict with them. Regardless, even she can't really function separately from the family and is just as dependent on her sisters as they are on her. She tends to have a maudlin and gloomy atmosphere about her, much like Emily, and most people dislike her. She is a fairly unhappy person in general, and it shows. But regardless, she does her best to take care of her sisters in their poor health and she does so without complaint. She and Emily have never been as close as Emily is with Anne, and they sometimes butt heads, particularly because Charlotte believes that there is something fundamentally wrong with Emily, particularly with her mind. There was also one incident in which Charlotte read Emily's diary and Emily caught her at it for which she still hasn't completely forgiven Charlotte. In spite of all that, though, she is still a fundamental part of Emily's world, and Emily is still fiercely attached to her. She tends to do most of the cleaning in the family's home and Emily handles the cooking. Charlotte is the only healthy member of the family.

    Patrick Branwell Brontë - Age: 17 (at the time of his death) - Ability: And the Weary are at Rest
    Branwell was the fourth child of the family and from a young age was the black sheep. As the wild child and the only son, he had a boastful and arrogant personality that he never learned how to temper, so many people tended to find him obnoxious, particularly in how hard he tried to fit in with the men of the nearby city and of the village they lived in. He tried in his early-to-mid teens to gain himself a position as editor of his favorite magazine, but his arrogantly-worded suggestions that he take the former editor's place were consistently ignored. From the earliest age possible after these rejections, he began seeking out masculine company at bars in an attempt to prove himself, and quickly developed alcoholism. He also became addicted to nonprescription opioid drugs. His life from that point was a constant downward spiral with his behavior becoming more impossible to deal with and more embarrassing to the family. He was a violent drunk and often went after his sisters for real or imagined wrongs after nights of drinking, and his younger sister Anne was his most frequent victim. On one occasion, he even lit his own bed on fire and nearly killed himself, from which point onward his father made him share a bed with him for everyone's safety. He also developed an obsession with a married woman fifteen years his senior and was threatened by her husband when he found out about the boy's pursuits which Branwell claimed had become a physical affair, though he was boastful enough that no one was really ever sure if he was being truthful or not. He ultimately died from a probable drug overdose when he was 17 years old. He and Charlotte were always the closest out of the family, and even in his worst moments she would be the one to take care of him, so she found his body when he died. Emily was never very close to him, but when they were young, before he began his life of debauchery, he would sometimes take her out onto the moors to hunt wild birds with him and he taught her how to shoot a gun, which she is now quite good at though she was always too gentle to actually kill any birds. Beyond that, the only thing she got from him, and most of what she remembers, is a reinforcement of her fear of men and drunk people, and he is why she won't drink alcohol, because she's afraid she'll become violent like he did.

    Anne Brontë - Age: 22 - Ability: The Tenant of Wildfell Hall
    Anne is the youngest of the Brontë family and is Emily's favorite sibling. The two are inseparable, to the point that people have mistaken them for twins in the past for how close they are to one another. Anne is quite opposite in personality to Emily, however, precocious and determined to make the best of any situation. In contrast to Emily and Charlotte, Anne is the sole optimist of the family. But she is also quiet and gentle, and that tenacity of hers is usually kept to herself and shown in action rather than words. She is quick-witted and when inclined to do so around people she is familiar with, can easily make jokes. She has said on multiple occasions that without Emily she would die, and Emily feels much the same about her. She is the only person Emily trusts enough to allow to read her diary, and is the person Emily can spend the most extended amounts of time with without getting tired. She is more religious than Emily but less so than Charlotte and has had her faith shaken on occasion, much to Charlotte's dismay. She and Charlotte aren't exceptionally close, but they're closer than Charlotte and Emily are, and Anne is really the one who keeps the peace in the family. She is also typically attracted to older men, but prefers to pine for them from afar without ever acting on her feelings. She is skilled at sewing and also enjoys photography. Like Emily, she has a chronic illness with similar symptoms, although hers is treatable with antitubercular drugs, unlike Emily's.

    Edgar Allan Poe
    They met during their time in the Guild when she happened to stumble upon his room while she was in search of a place to hide shortly after being forced into the Guild. He was initially offended and trapped her in one of his stories, but she swiftly solved the mystery and complimented his description as she came back into the real world, so between that and how quickly she befriended Karl, he had no choice but to accept her, and it wasn't long before the two became friends. Their personalities are fairly similar, though her sadistic streak is less obvious than his, and there were many days that they spent together, he writing and she reading his works. She often served as editor and critic for him as he continued working on stories in preparation for his battle of wits with Ranpo. He was the one who introduced her to the Armed Detective Agency after the fall of the Guild upon realizing that he was simply not able to locate her sisters on his own power but perhaps Ranpo could, especially with the resources that the agency has access to that he does not. She still tries to remain in touch with him, though that can be difficult when he gets distracted by his writing and doesn't answer her calls. She's always delighted when he shows up at the office to visit Ranpo, though.

    Haruno Kirako
    Out of everyone in the office, Emily is most likely to become comfortable with Haruno first, if not Kunikida. At least in the office, Haruno tends to be the most normal and reliable person and is able to be more patient with Emily and her agoraphobia than most of the others. Emily tends to work mostly with the secretaries after initially joining the Armed Detective Agency anyway because they have more time to be able to give her the practice she needs with written Japanese than the more active members would with their paperwork. Haruno helps guide Emily and show her the ropes with her work, and is much better about giving her positive feedback and wording corrections more gently than the others in the office, so as not to set off Emily's anxieties. She is also an animal lover like Emily, and she likes Emily for being a good listener, so a lot of their conversations are about Haruno's cat, Mii.

    Yosano Akiko
    Things will always start off rocky between these two despite them being the closest in age. Emily dislikes doctors, and Yosano tends to be overbearing, so the combination isn't desirable and they will likely have some disagreements at first. Emily will allow her to experiment on her with her ability, and Yosano will get annoyed that she doesn't react very strongly to the pain like the others in the office do because Emily's chronic illness gives her an extremely high pain tolerance. But eventually they'll be able to work out their differences and Yosano will become someone that Emily can confide in and ask advice from, particularly about her health and her relationships within the office, since she's not used to having friends and isn't always entirely sure how she ought to behave. They share a love for sweets and will likely bond over that since Emily won't drink alcohol.

    Tanizaki Naomi
    An unlikely pair, certainly, but Emily and Naomi will tend to bond over their almost obsessive, bordering on unhealthy love for their siblings. Of course, Emily's love and codependence on her sisters is very different from the more illicit love between Naomi and Junichiro, but Naomi probably won't see it that way and Emily is too timid to correct her. Naomi is also very outgoing and will likely become Emily's voice within the office, sticking up for her if the others seem to be picking on her or are being too harsh with her. In spite of Emily being quite a bit older than Naomi, Naomi will act as if it's the other way around since Emily is so timid. Out of everyone in the office, though, she can most understand Emily's motivation and desperation to find her sisters, even when it drives her to do irrational things or put her life at risk, because Naomi would do exactly the same thing in her situation.

    Fukuzawa Yukichi
    Initially, Emily will be afraid of him, like everyone else in the office, and not want anything to do with him. She believes that all ability user organizations are the same, and will expect him to be the same sort of greedy, self-serving, narcissistic person as the types who have run the other organizations she's either been part of or has been harassed to join over the years. On his end, in spite of his concern for her and her situation because he's a kindhearted man, there will also be caution because she was once part of the Guild and did harm some of the members of the agency in that time, and he will give the members of the agency in charge of supervising her orders to kill her if she seems to be a danger to the agency, much like what was done with Dazai. Over time as they have to spend more time together, though, especially when she brings him tea if the other secretaries are busy, they'll talk more and build a little more trust. She's observant and will almost certainly notice his love for cats quickly, which will likely give them more things to talk about since she's an animal lover herself, and his concern for her and her family will likely put her more at ease. On his end, she has a gentle personality and really just needs guidance more than anything, so he'll take her under his wing and take on a fatherly role for her. He will probably start asking Kunikida to bring her along for their matches of Go after work, even though Emily doesn't know how to play, just to make sure she's included and feels like people want her around to help boost her self confidence.

    Tayama Katai
    Honestly Emily will be surprised when she first finds out Kunikida has any friends outside of the Armed Detective Agency's immediate office group since she's never heard him talk about anyone else, and she'll be pretty nervous the first time he brings her with him to visit Katai--and also confused as to why he'd arm himself with cleaning supplies and groceries just for a visit to see a friend. Of course, the confusion will clear up pretty quickly when she gets a look at the state his apartment is in. They're pretty similar people in a lot of ways, so while Katai may not be able to speak directly to Emily at first due to how bad he is with women, even though she's not his type at all, they'll end up getting along pretty well, if only because they can understand each other's reclusive tendencies and shared affection for Kunikida. It's also likely that Katai will make attempts here and there to tease Kunikida about his relationship with Emily since he's never had that opportunity before, but those attempts are likely to end with him getting either yelled at or hit unless he does so while they're both drunk. On Emily's end, how messy his apartment always is will frustrate her, somewhat in the way it does Kunikida since she's also pretty big on cleanliness, but more than anything she'll enjoy coming with Kunikida to visit Katai just because it makes her happy to see him relaxed--or as much so as someone like him can be--and spending time with a friend, even if she does end up having to clean up after them when they're drunk. She'll also be pretty impressed with and fascinated by Katai's ability since she's terrible with technology herself, and he may be able to teach her a little about how certain basic technologies like cell phones and computers work.
    Inkpot Gods
    You've got to balance pleasure with pain in this life
    Early Life - Emily was born in Thornton village in Yorkshire, in North England to Patrick and Maria Branwell Brontë as their fifth of six children. They remained in Thornton until two years later, when Anne was born, at which point Patrick was offered the position of perpetual curate of St. Michael's and All Angels Methodist church in Haworth, Yorkshire. There Maria Branwell died of ovarian cancer after an excruciating seven and a half month struggle. She was only 37 years old at the time. Following her death, Maria Branwell's sister, Elizabeth, who had been helping with things anyway during Maria Branwell's struggle against cancer, moved in with the family and remained with them to care for the children until Charlotte was legally an adult. Patrick threw himself into his clergy work instead, spending most of his time away from the house doing work on the church or visiting the poor, and when he was home, he was completely reclusive and spent very little time with his children.

    Childhood - When Emily was six years old, she, Maria, Elizabeth, and Charlotte were all sent to the Clergy Daughters' School at Cowan Bridge in Lancashire, England. This was an all-girls boarding school run by Reverend Carus Wilson, who was a Calvinist Evangelist, meaning that he believed in predestination and, consequently, the fact that the majority of souls were doomed to Hell regardless of what they did in life. These beliefs were heavily reflected in his running of the school and the treatment of the girls. Emily was the youngest boarder at the school at the time. At the school, the girls lived in dormitories with all of the other girls, and were made to sleep two to a bed with their heads propped up and without pillows. There was no heat or air conditioning in the building, and that part of England gets extremely cold all year round, so most mornings when they were forced to perform their morning ablutions well before dawn out of water basins that they shared with at least six other girls, as there was also no running water, the water was more often than not frozen over. Following that, they were required to make their beds and get dressed in their uniforms, which were designed to humiliate them, and then they made their way downstairs into the school for an hour and a half of prayers before breakfast, which was generally burnt porridge and a frozen glass of water. Their lessons went from half-past nine until noon, followed by a few minutes of recreation before lunch, which was often little more than a slice of bread. Lessons began again as soon as they were done eating and lasted until at least 5 p.m. every evening. They then had another break for a slice of stale bread and a small cup of coffee and then recreation, but this lasted only another half hour before they continued their studies late into the night. Their evening ended with another small glass of water, an oatcake, and evening prayers before bed. On Sundays, they were made to walk for three miles (about 5 km) to the nearest church, often in the snow, and remained there all day until the evening services were also over, only being allowed a half slice of bread with rancid butter as their sole meal for the day before walking back to the school in the dark. Punishments were doled out for every small offence and included deprivation of food and recreation time, corporal punishments by beating with a belt or a rod, humiliation punishments like being made to sit on a stool for hours wearing a dunce cap and not allowed to move, and psychological tortures such as being locked in a closet with rats.

    Emily was very frequently the subject of punishment both because of her stubbornness and her ability. As a child, she tended to use her ability uninhibited to amuse her siblings and herself, as almost every member of the family had an ability and they all used them for creative purposes. She continued doing this at school for the other girls if they could ever get through her shyness, but one of the teachers caught her at it and reported her to the Reverend. Following that time, she was nearly daily told by the Reverend and all of her teachers and most of the other students who knew better than to go against the flow that she was sent from Hell, the Devil's bride, an evil creature, Satan's child, a demon herself, or any other variation along the similar theme that her soul was not one of the predestined ones and that her ability and, by extension, she herself was evil. This is really the sole reason why her self-esteem is so nonexistent now and a large contributing factor to why her natural shyness became agoraphobia and social anxiety. There were several occasions when she was locked in the closet and left for two or three days on end and bitten by the rats, or beaten until she couldn't stand by the Reverend if she was caught using her ability. Though she and her sisters were only at the school for two short years, they all greatly devolved in this time, physically and emotionally. Maria fell sick first due to a typhoid epidemic from the unsanitary living conditions. She died in the school and Charlotte was the one who found her body almost frozen in bed. Shortly after that, Elizabeth, Charlotte, and Emily were brought back home, but Elizabeth had already fallen ill as well and died shortly after they got back home. From that point on, the remaining children were homeschooled, and largely taught themselves out of their father's books. This experience has somewhat turned her off of religion and she does question her faith, but she still goes through the motions.

    Teen Years and Early Adulthood - Emily lived much more contentedly in complete social isolation with her sisters and brother for several years after being brought back from the boarding school. In that time, she read every book in her father's collection, regardless of topic, and she also taught herself to play the piano, which she was found to be quite good at--good enough that any time her father or aunt would go into the city, they would bring her back new sheet music to practice off of, usually German symphonies. She also taught herself how to draw and write poetry, which she would frequently do with the family's pets or the natural landscape of the Yorkshire moors, which she loves dearly, as the subject matter. Things started going sour when Branwell took to drinking, however, and then later to opioid drugs. She and her sisters lived in constant fear of his returns home from nights of drinking as his drinking and drug use habits got more and more extreme, and Emily and Charlotte would often have to pull him off of Anne who tended to be the one with the misfortune of becoming the target of his violence while drunk. When he died, presumably of a drug overdose although his death certificate called the cause of death bronchitis, Charlotte was, again, the one who found his body collapsed on the floor of his bedroom. After his funeral was when Emily began to have symptoms of her current illness, when she was about 16. This was also around the time that ability-user organizations from around Europe began harassing the sisters to join them, hoping to gain control of their powerful abilities and, in particular, Emily's. Charlotte went off to university that year, and Emily tried to follow her the year after, going in early, but she only lasted a semester before returning home, unlike Charlotte, because she got so homesick that she became physically ill. At eighteen she started teaching private piano lessons as her profession and Anne started working as a nanny to a wealthy family in a nearby city while Charlotte was in school getting her degree in education. During this time, Emily also taught herself to speak, read, and write in German using her father's books. Their father died when Emily was nineteen years old.

    The Guild - The arrival of the Guild marked the end of Emily's happy, peaceful life with her sisters. They attacked one day while Emily was on one of her customary walks on the moors. She ran back home when she heard all the commotion, of course, but it was already too late. She'd had a huge mastiff named Keeper as a pet, and he had tried to defend her sisters, but Fitzgerald shot him dead and his body was the first thing Emily saw when she arrived, and then the signs of the struggle her sisters had put up. She, enraged and terrified, tried killing Fitzgerald, since he seemed to be in charge, but was restrained by Steinbeck's ability and very nearly drawn and quartered by him in that way for the struggle she put up. She was forced into an agreement that her sisters would be kept alive and eventually returned to her if, and only if, she cooperated completely until Fitzgerald achieved his goal of getting the book he wanted that he suspected was in Japan, so with no other option left to her, she was forced to join the Guild. She was treated very poorly by everyone in the Guild with the exception only of Edgar Allan Poe and Herman Melville. She was also placed under Steinbeck's supervision and he would bully her as often as possible, and so she would often get fed up with it and pick fights with him, which usually ended with her getting hurt since her illness was getting worse with overuse of her ability and she couldn't really do anything to hurt any of the Guild members without risking her sisters' safety.

    - Her former profession was as a music teacher because she is quite proficient at playing the piano
    - Usually the only times she leaves her home willingly are to go to church, to take her walks outdoors, or if she is forced to for work, and when she does leave home she'll often have panic symptoms or panic attacks if she's not accompanied by a family member or someone she trusts
    - She is the type of person who animals are very attracted to and they tend to follow her around. She is also the type of person who really needs to have a pet, not so that there's something that depends on her to make her feel good about herself, but because she needs the companionship and she needs the security of having something she can love unconditionally without fear of being abandoned, and something that loves her in return. She's also a bleeding heart when it comes to animals and she'd gladly take in every stray she encountered were it not for pet limits in apartment buildings. She likes all animals but has a preference for large breeds of dogs.
    - She keeps a diary almost religiously but most of it is filled with her daydreamings about her fantasy world, Gondal, or poems she writes. This is a link to a small Pinterest board I made of a few things that were in the real Emily's diary or related to her life, if you want a feel for what her diary is like.
    - She was formerly a member of the Order of the Clock Tower, a British gifted organization, but only because she had hoped joining an organization would offer her family protection from other groups seeking their power.
    - If someone wants her to leave her home to do something, even if it's work, he or she will almost certainly have to physically come to her home to force her out of it, due to her reclusive tendencies
    - Her handwriting is very, very tiny and the messiest of all her sisters'
    - She and all of her sisters speak with a Northern Irish Brogue rather than a Yorkshire accent because they were so isolated as children and their father was from Northern Ireland. Out of all her family, however, Emily's accent is the thickest because she was the most isolated and it even shows through a bit in her Japanese.
    - She speaks English and German fluently, and is also literate in both languages. She can speak enough Japanese to get by, but barely knows any of the written system.
    Irish Eyes