PUBLIC SERVICE ANNOUNCEMENT Moderation Requests and You: Moving, Archiving and Deleting Content on Iwaku

  • So many newbies lately! Here is a very important PSA about one of our most vital content policies! Read it even if you are an ancient member!

    A site made for roleplay is way cooler we promise <3


honey believe me, ill have your heart on a platter
Original poster
Invitation Status
  1. Looking for partners
Posting Speed
  1. 1-3 posts per week
  2. One post per week
  3. Slow As Molasses
Writing Levels
  1. Adept
  2. Advanced
  3. Adaptable
Preferred Character Gender
  1. No Preferences
Romance, modern, comedy, post-apocalyptic, slice of life.
☆ Moderation Requests and You ☆
Moving, Archiving and Deleting Content on Iwaku

Hello hello, it's me Pav, back at it again with a PSA on moderation requests, a handy tool for staff and members alike! On Iwaku, there might be times when you want an old post of yours deleted, maybe you realized you put it in the wrong section or maybe it was archived a while ago and you'd like it back. The way to solve any of these issues is through a moderation request!

What is a moderation request and where can I submit one?
A moderation request is a form that you fill out in order to request mod action on a post or a thread. Mod actions include: moving a thread into a different section (ex. from Partner Connections to the Redstar Partner Connections), moving a thread in or out of the archives, deleting a single post or even setting restrictions ChatRP rooms intended for Bluestar or Redstar members (keeping them safe and divided between age groups if necessary). Non-staff users on Iwaku do not have the ability to move their threads willynilly or delete posts for the sake of staff having logs of such actions AND to make sure that things that shouldn't be moved stay where they belong!

In order to submit a moderation request, all you need to do is scroll to the bottom of the page anywhere on Iwaku and find the Useful Links section, where the form is the 4th option, specifically named Moderation Requests.


What information do I need to fill out a moderation request and how long will it take for the request to be completed?
Below is an image of the moderation request form! Here are some important things to note about it:
  • You MUST be the original poster (OP) in order for us to delete or move content or else we will message the OP to verify that you have their permission, which can delay the process (since we have to wait for their response.)
  • We can delete unwanted posts from your threads, however, only if the post does not have any content (aka: character sheets, roleplay posts, etc.)
    • Ex. You have a search thread where you tell people to ONLY message you and not to post in the thread but someone still posted 'hey are you still searching?' There is no content in this message, so we on staff can delete it for you if it bothers you. (As a note, if you are a donating member, you are also able to lock your thread if you would like in order to stop others from being able to post in your thread in the first place!)
  • Typically requests won't take longer than 1-2 days to be dealt with, unless we have to wait on a response from the OP or something happens. Please be patient though and don't expect your request to be done 10 minutes after submitting the form though!
  • You might have noticed recently that you can see red placeholders for deleted posts in your threads. You can request to have soft delete placeholders removed from your threads as long as the post in question is not part of an active security case (cases of rule breaking or anything else that is currently being looked at by Security Staff!)
    • 1682896844235-png.238738
If you have any further questions about moderation requests, feel free to reach out to me or anyone else on staff for more information. Hope y'all found this helpful!

Have a great day <3