ALWAYS OPEN PARTNER REQUEST F x M Morgan's 1x1 original roleplay partner search (❁´◡`❁)

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Original poster
Invitation Status
  1. Looking for partners
Posting Speed
  1. Multiple posts per day
  2. 1-3 posts per day
Writing Levels
  1. Elementary
  2. Intermediate
  3. Adaptable
Preferred Character Gender
  1. Female
Romance, thriller, smut
My name is Morganite, but Morgan works too! I'm a 20-year-old roleplaying newbie, but I've been writing stories for years, especially romance and thrillers (my current favorites!). I tend to be a descriptive writer, averaging 2-3 paragraphs per message, and I'd love to find a partner who enjoys similar detail (single-line replies aren't really my thing).

I'm searching for 18+ roleplayers since I'm not comfortable roleplaying with minors. I enjoy exploring dark themes in my roleplays (e.g. obsessive/yandere behavior, horror, etc.), forbidden romances, historical settings, dark romances, and many more!

For now, I only play female characters opposite male characters. While I don't mind my partner's gender identity, I do need them to play male characters for our roleplays. However, my NPCs are of various genders, and I like fleshing out my roleplays with them.

As a writer, I'm more of a "go with the flow" type. I don't usually plan stories or characters in extreme detail beforehand. This flexibility allows me to tailor my OCs and plots to my partner's preferences, but I do expect the same in return.

While I might not have a ton of pre-made plots, I do have some favorite tropes and pairings (listed below in no particular order). Please keep in mind that there's no need to include all of them in the roleplay, 1-2 of them are fine! I'm always open to brainstorming and bouncing ideas – that's one of my favorite parts of writing!

Please note that the amount of asterisks indicates my current cravings, but I'm still willing to roleplay anything on this list.

  • Arranged marriage ****
  • Torn Between Duty and Desire **
  • Enemies to lovers ****
  • Forbidden love ****
  • Fluff
  • Slow burn ****
  • Opposites attract
  • Stalker romance ****
  • Marriage of convenience ****
  • Dark Romance ****
  • Forced proximity **
  • Yandere romance ****
  • Mafia romance
  • Pirate/seafaring romance ****
  • Exploring faraway galaxies and planets **
  • Crash-landing onto an unknown planet **

  • Kidnapper/Stalker x Victim ****
  • Husband x Wife **
  • Bodyguard x Heiress/Client/Princess *
  • Popular x Loner
  • Hitman x Target
  • Obsessed x Object of Obsession ***
  • Knight/Guard x Princess ****
  • "Duke of the North" x impoverished daughter of a baron *
  • Prince x Princess **
  • Pirate x sailor
  • Shipwreck survivor x shipwreck survivor/islander
  • Mob Heir/Boss x Heiress
  • Royal x Servant ***
  • Bad Boy x Good Girl
  • Awkward x Nurturing *
  • Astronaut x Astronaut **
  • Alien x Astronaut *

As for plots, I don't have a ton of them right now, but here are some ideas that have been on my mind for a while now. Please note that Character A is my female OC, and Character B is my partner's male OC.

Born into a life of luxury and prestige, Character A has always felt constrained by the rigid expectations of her noble birth. When she reaches her breaking point, she boldly decides to forge her own path and abandon the suffocating traditions of high society. But her rebellious spirit and unorthodox choices attract unwanted attention - namely, from the mysterious Character B.

Character B is captivated by Character A's free spirit in a way that borders on obsession. As he inserts himself into her life and she unwittingly returns his intense feelings, their relationship spirals into dark places neither could have foreseen.

Princess Character A has spent her life in a fog of amnesia after an accident caused her to forget her memories of her childhood and most of her adult life, living as a shadow of her former self. When the neighboring kingdom attacks, she's forced into a marriage with the ruthless prince—Character B—a man she loathes yet cannot escape. As they navigate their new life together, a strange familiarity nags at her. Who is he truly, and why does his touch feel like a memory? Amidst the turmoil of war and desire, Princess Character A must uncover the truth behind her past and the accident that changed everything. And who knows, maybe Character B has the key to all her doubts...

Once a powerful and feared mafia boss, Character B's world came crashing down after a devastating betrayal. Now a lone wolf in self-imposed exile, he struggles to maintain his sprawling isolated estate alone. With the manor falling into disrepair, he begrudgingly hires a maid, Character A, wanting only the basic services.

Character A finds her new employer cold and distant due to his traumatic past. But she is determined to bring the estate back to its former glory. What begins as a simple business arrangement evolves into something more as these two broken souls find solace in one another.

When her quiet village is attacked by pirates, Character A is devastated by the kidnapping of her loved one. Seeking vengeance and rescue, she turns to a mysterious mercenary for help. But Character B may have ulterior motives that Character A cannot foresee. As they embark on a dangerous journey across the ocean, Character A begins to realize that nothing is as it seems - and she just might be sailing straight into greater peril.

I'm a busy university student with a part-time job, so potential partners can expect a few messages daily, or if I have a particularly hectic schedule maybe a few messages every few days. In case I forget to reply, please nudge me and I'll get back to you asap.

Ultimately, I'm here for fun and collaborative storytelling! I believe the best roleplays stem from open communication and bouncing ideas back and forth. So, don't be shy about bringing your thoughts to the table – I'm always happy to discuss anything and everything related to our characters and the plots we're creating together. The plots are not set in stone, I'd be happy to tweak them to your preferences.

I won't be replying to messages that say "hi wanna rp" or something similar. That aspect is non-negotiable. Instead, I'd prefer if potential partners could introduce themselves and state which plotlines they are interested in or specify the tropes/pairings they'd like to roleplay. This will make it easier for us to come up with a plotline that we both enjoy.

If you've made it this far and are interested in roleplaying, feel free to contact me here in the thread or via PM!

That would be all from my side! Have a nice day/night!
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Hello! Im Faye, 22 and an avid roleplayer. Your post piqued my interest as I feel like we have many common preferences.
I'd just like to confirm whether you're alright with doubling up?
As for plots or the tropes - a mix of dark romance (mafia) with a brooding obsessive male love interest thrown in and elements of forbidden love 🤌🏻
Hello! Im Faye, 22 and an avid roleplayer. Your post piqued my interest as I feel like we have many common preferences.
I'd just like to confirm whether you're alright with doubling up?
As for plots or the tropes - a mix of dark romance (mafia) with a brooding obsessive male love interest thrown in and elements of forbidden love 🤌🏻
Hello, thanks for the reply! I've never tried doubling before so I would prefer to stick with 1x1 parings for the moment. But I'm open to try it out and see if that format works for me, but please be aware that I'm super new to roleplaying in general.

If you're still open to roleplaying, feel free to shoot me a message, and we can discuss further details ^^
Hello! This is quite interesting to me, the one that catches my eye the most is the alien x astronaut as I have both an Alien and astronaut character! I am Cat! Im 19! And ill respond quickly- Im so bored!!
Hello! This is quite interesting to me, the one that catches my eye the most is the alien x astronaut as I have both an Alien and astronaut character! I am Cat! Im 19! And ill respond quickly- Im so bored!!
Hello, thanks for the message! Alien x astronaut has been a craving of mine recently haha ^^ please don't feel pressured to reply immediately, your private life comes before Iwaku. Feel free to send me a private message and we can discuss plot lines, characters, etc.
Forgot to add a plot yesterday lol, but there's a new plot called "Historical Dark Romance Yandere Marriage of Convenience Plot" in the list!
Hey! I saw some of your interests and thought we may be a good match. I'm a sucker for a mafia romance plot.
hello, thanks for the message! Feel free to send me a PM and we can discuss further details :)