STORAGE TESTING ocean swells, champagne glamour and concealed candour

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glacial waltz
Original poster
Invitation Status
  1. Looking for partners
Posting Speed
  1. 1-3 posts per week
  2. One post per week
  3. Slow As Molasses
Writing Levels
  1. Adept
  2. Advanced
Preferred Character Gender
  1. Male
  2. Female


made by zenith
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Reactions: zenith

"Sed ut perspiciatis unde omnis iste natus error sit voluptatem accusantium doloremque laudantium, totam rem aperiam, eaque ipsa quae ab illo inventore veritatis et quasi architecto beatae vitae dicta sunt explicabo. Nemo enim ipsam voluptatem quia voluptas sit aspernatur aut odit aut fugit, sed quia consequuntur magni dolores eos qui ratione voluptatem sequi nesciunt. Neque porro quisquam est, qui dolorem ipsum quia dolor sit amet, consectetur, adipisci velit, sed quia non numquam eius modi tempora incidunt ut labore et dolore magnam aliquam quaerat voluptatem. Ut enim ad minima veniam, quis nostrum exercitationem ullam corporis suscipit laboriosam, nisi ut aliquid ex ea commodi consequatur? Quis autem vel eum iure reprehenderit qui in ea voluptate velit esse quam nihil molestiae consequatur, vel illum qui dolorem eum fugiat quo voluptas nulla pariatur?"

made by zenith
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  • Love
Reactions: zenith

Elynas Seraphim
Elynas Seraphim

Height; 5'11
Race; Elf
Elynas' porcelain skin free of any blemishes as well as his powdery white locks that fall in gentle waves make for a striking appearance to many, even among the unique characters of the world. Along with the youthful air surrounding him, it often seems like he's glowing from the sheer luminosity of his appearance.
If the numerous pieces of eccentric jewellery he adorned on his digits and ears weren't eye-catching enough, the amber eyes nestled between his snowy lashes often allure and captivate those who are lucky enough to catch a glimpse.
He is a man of slightly above-average height with a rather lean and lithe build. His slender wrists and nape make for a deceptively frail appearance and as such, he is often perceived to be an unusually tall but delicate young woman. He frequently outfits himself in long, flowing robes for sake of ease and comfort, further concealing his toned body.

Elynas is a playful person at heart and his primary philosophy lies in wanting to spend his life in bliss without much intention to achieve great or world-changing things. His day is made when he's able to enjoy a hearty laugh at something. This tendency to seek entertainment above all else is often the cause of his frequent proclivity to teeter on the edge of expending others for a misplaced joke which he views as "a useful way to determine the character of somebody."
Elynas is also quite an inquisitive person who adores finding new and interesting things or in some cases, people, to play around with. His extrovert personality lends itself to his chatty nature which makes Elynas seem like he's loose-lipped but if one were to carefully follow their conversation, it's clear that Elynas has the other party spilling everything about themselves while revealing little about himself. As such, people tend to trust him more than they realistically should and end up falling victim to his pranks as Elynas chuckles away.
He isn't entirely heartless, however. He always tries to pull up the individual who was tricked and lend his support, which does help his reputation. He's aware that unnecessarily causing excess trouble to the wrong people will ultimately impede his wishes of blithely partaking in the pleasures of life and thus takes care to pick suitable victims. At least, most of the time.

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Atlantis Valor Aegeus
Atlantis Valor Aegeus

Atlas, Valor
Age; 90, physically late-twenties human male
Height; 10ft as a merman, 6ft 4 as a human
Race; Merman
The long dark waves cascading off Atlas' toned back are soft and fine, reminiscent of the sleek, flowing tentacles of a deep-sea squid. The scales adorning his tail are laid rather smooth, appearing almost as if they are absent. The deep-sapphire tail is long and serpentine with a darkening hue developing near its end that add to the dark mystique of his form. In the darkness of his dwelling, only his slightly luminescent ivory skin tinged with cobalt is visible as his tail is obscured amidst the shadows of the depth where the light does not shine.
He has a set of dark navy ear fins which can be retracted to hide in his hair.
The light powdering of lapis and amaranth around his eyes are adaptations of his ancient siren heritage that has long turned obsolete over the many generations past. Atlas' gaze can be described as a numbing yet hypnotic look, the aegean blue of his eyes captivating onlookers into senselessness. Perhaps it would be better described as ensnaring than astonishing.
As a renowned hunter amidst the merfolk of his community, Atlantis has developed musculature befitting the title with capable broad shoulders and impressive arms. Many state his presence to be a reassuring, rock-solid anchor in a sea of uncertainty and predation of creatures apart from the marine inhabitants. Although his chiseled physique is the object of admiration for many fair mermaids, Atlas seems indifferent to it all.

Atlantis can easily be summed up as a stoic. He keeps his cool even in the direst of situations and prefers to logically solve issues whenever possible. He is not fond of meandering interactions, finding it to be meaningless and tedious. If it is not concerning his interests, Atlas is slow to action and unmotivated. It would seem that such traits should work opposingly to his reputation and yet, he finds himself continuously being stopped by mermaids and mermen alike to be their mate. What's more incredulous is that even despite his brisk rejections, they would simply go away to come back another time to tempt him with another new proposal promising even more pleasures and joy. Perhaps it may be caused by the siren blood coursing coldly through his vessels in what little amounts are still left from aeons past.
However, Atlas is a straightforward person who treats all he meets fairly without prejudice. He seeks to form opinions of them after personally interacting with them and is not influenced by the thoughts of others.

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Shizu's Request Thread

  • Hello, all who have been intrigued enough to visit my request thread! I'm revamping my utterly plain jumble of a request thread and updating it with new information to hopefully attract more interesting people.

    That said, hi! You can call me shizuu. I'm a 24 year old female though, I don't care what gender you are as long as you can write. I've been writing for about half a decade now and don't plan to stop anytime soon! I love flowers and the spring/summer weather, but only because of the rainy days, haha. I'm not keen on revealing personal details and would prefer to have that bit of anonymity online. However, that doesn't mean I won't shut you down and berate you for talking about your family and pets, if you so wish. My favorite animals are butterflies and sheeps. I love reading manhwa/manga and danmei, although I'm just getting into the latter so my knowledge isn't as extensive yet. I've read SVSSS, MXTX and on the last vol. of TGCF. If titles like Shutline, 19 Days, The Pizza Deliveryman and The Gold Palace and Codename Anastasia are familiar to you, we have to roleplay something based off those!! I'm aware BL manhwa tend to get a bad rep for romanticizing abuse and toxic top/frail bottom dynamics, but I assure you I am no fan of those. Looking at you, Jinx.

    I usually just browse the request threads on different sites to find a partner but I figured I'm probably missing out on really good writers who also have that habit so I'm making this request thread to hopefully interest some of my fellow lurkers!

    • As it is currently summer, I do have more time to devote to my hobbies such as roleplaying but I also will go out and have fun with IRL friends. Depending on my muse, I can reply everyday or it may take a couple days to get to it, but I'll always let you know that I'm working on it if it's taking a while. I will rarely leave you hanging.
    • I typically write between 500-2k words. In a relatively engaging roleplay, I would hover around 800-1k words but with the right partner, I presume I can write even more than 1k words on a regular basis; although I haven't been as lucky yet, haha. I will always try to match what I'm given unless I've got more to say. I do tend to write fatter starters with my most recent being 2.7k words.
    • Carefully considered responses with good grammar. Typos may occur, albeit rarely.
    • Third-person perspective. Past tense.
    • Frequent OOC chatter. I'm always trying to make this experience as smooth as possible without any miscommunication. Admittedly, I'm not the best at coming up with unexpected but perfectly executed ideas on the spot so I may be querying you about various things. Really, I don't bite! Come at me with how you saw our characters in the most random way possible in this oddly specific dynamic. I will eat it up.
    • Discord or PMs for OOC. If you're fine with either, PMs for initial, serious plotting and Discord for more lighthearted messages and random blabber about our characters.
    • Pinterest boards and playlists! This is one of my favorite things about starting new roleplays. Being able to expand on our characters and their world before reaching such points in the roleplay is very important to me.
    • GMT+8 time zone.
    • Ghost-friendly. Being completely transparent, I also have such tendencies so it's only natural I am tolerant of it in other people as well.
    • Illustrated FCs only. If you use realistic FCs and don't like illustrations, I'd be willing to settle on just writing up a description without any images attached.
    • I usually create characters beforehand for roleplays, i.e., when I reach out to people, I'm usually hoping to use a specific character I've written before. If you reach out to me, I'll offer you one of my characters, but I'm open to writing up one if you've got a specific pairing in mind. Do keep in mind that it'll take some time for me to write a new character because there's a whole bunch of stuff I have to consider and understand about the character first before actually using them.
    A tidbit about me that's kind of annoying and picky, but I should be upfront about it beforehand to avoid any issues:
    I really love the characters I create. I'm sure everyone else feels the same because why would you write a character you don't like?? However, what that means for me is that I'm selective about the characters my character is paired up with. While my characters are certainly not self-inserts, I relate to them in some way or I admire something about them deeply, which means I won't pair up Jay with Jane just because you think it would be cute when they don't have a lot of chemistry to begin with. If I don't think the character you're pitching me will suit the dynamic I envisioned for my character, I might reject that idea. HOWEVER, that doesn't mean I'll only write this very specific dynamic because I'm interested in exploring a lot of things! You may find more of what I like in the 'Preferences' tab.

    I know that makes me sound like a douche but I would much prefer to have only a couple, mutually meaningful roleplays than many, mundane ones that I'm not 100% invested in. I don't write just for the sake of writing or to give some small bit of entertainment before I go do other stuff. I want to create worlds to be wrapped up in fully, immersed intensely. I want to write stories full of life and nuance and I want you to also feel the same about this. You don't have to be bawling reading my replies and feeling as if you're our characters, but I want you to be just as intrigued as I am and willing to show this love.

    What I expect from you:
    • A thought-out roleplay request with either your own plots, pairing ideas or one of my plots/pairings as well as your own queries about the plot ideas. As I've mentioned, I always like to keep things well-clarified and pre-established. Please do not message me with a "Hey, saw your post. Wanna RP?" for the sake of saving both of our times. Let's be efficient with our requests, yeah? Although, if you really don't have any ideas but still really eager to start, please do mention that and brainstorm with me! Tell me what you like and we can take it from there.
    • PATIENCE for my replies!!
    • You may also post infrequently but please don't leave me hanging for like a month.
    • Similar in length to my responses, but absolutely add more if you've been struck with ideas. Or alternatively, tell me when you can't think of anything more. I will try my best to help you.
    • Willing to engage in lots of OOC talk with clear enthusiasm.
    • Warns me about delays/disinterest. If it's an enjoyable roleplay, I am willing to wait for months until things settle down on your end but please warn me and give accurate estimates. My biggest pet peeve is when people give me false estimates and just keep saying 'soon' with no clear idea of when 'soon' is. If stuff keeps piling up beyond your control, tell me and I'll understand.
    • Good spelling and grammar.

  • Preferences:
    I love building up relationships slowly and agonizingly until they're at the point where there's so much deep pining that they haven't even realized. I also like to have characters initially be inexplicably attracted to each other but these two things would preferably not be happening for the same characters. It's one or the other.

    I adore the dynamic between two dark, brooding characters and the way they shed their cool exteriors solely for the other. Not the biggest fan of Grumpy x Sunshine. I know, hang me because that's like one of the most popular dynamics out there. Basically, anything that has the characters butt heads are usually a yes in my books. I don't like to write against really cutesy, sensitive, frail etc. characters, even for females and especially for males. I want to see the characters have that spark in them and isn't afraid to stand up for themselves if need be. This doesn't mean they have to be really tough and burly all the time and I do like seeing people be vulnerable to their loved ones. For MxM, I don't write against twinks, sorry.

    I prefer plot over smut and any smut should be tasteful and well-suited for the development of their relationship. It should be at a pivotal moment or at the end when they've finally earned it after their immense pining. I'm not currently looking for lots of smut right now but if that changes, I'll update this thread to match. If I had to apply a number, around 90:10 plot-to-smut ratio or 80:20. Also, another somewhat big preface: I don't have a lot of experience with smut. Due to some mysterious, unknown force, all of my smutty roleplays have never developed to the point of me fully completing a smut scene which, when you say it out loud, is kind of crazy, but that's how it is with me. Please don't expect me to fluidly write smut scenes because I can't, but I'm really willing to learn! If you're okay with me being a bit amateur on that side, I'd love to write and learn along the way.

    I'll admit and say that I'm a vanilla writer. I'm not particularly interested in truly rough sex with themes such as gangbang/pain (like actually hurting past arousal)/BDSM etc. (Again, ask and we'll see if it would suit our characters and plot.) Of course, it won't be all boring sex though. I might add my f-list later.

    No toilet play or anything pertaining to the toilet.
    No excessive gore.
    No underage stuff or things alluding to that nature.
    No non-con/dub-con.
    No incest (includes stepsibling/stepmother/stepfather etc.).
    No necrophilia.
    No furries.
    No vore.
    No filthy sex. Not "Oh, you're so naughty." but rather "Oh my god, this is so gross." That includes smelly/filthy body parts and any kind of play surrounding them. For example, in the event that our RP is at the point where the characters are in a forest and have to do it, they would have at least bathed in a river.

    Most things that are considered extreme are just not my forte. Please do query what you have in mind because I might be willing to do it.

    Word bank:
    rivalry. playboys. wealth. partying. delinquent x teacher's pet. high-profile x bodyguard. forbidden love. syndicates. yakuza. mafia. ancient japan. ancient china. ancient korea. ancient middle-east. ancient rome. ancient greece. ancient egypt. aristocracy. historical. fantasy. mermaids/mermen. romance. drama. mystery. worship. angels. demons. pirates. vampires. enemies-to-lovers. teasing. power differences. aphrodisiacs. sun x moon. badasses. power couples.

    If these words/phrases line up with what you like, please don't hesitate to reach out! These are a jumble of stuff I like, including certain tropes, dynamics, settings and themes. If it's struck-through, then it means I've already started up something that focuses on those but, once those RPs finish, I'd be open to playing them again!

  • Will add soon!!

  • Will fill out soon with more info. I don't have any active, original plots at the moment so I might grab some from various sources.

credits | inspired by MaryGold
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Atlas, Valor

Alias; Atlas, Valor
Age; 90, physically late-twenties human male
Height; 9ft 6 as a merman, 6ft 4 as a human
Race; Merman
The long dark waves cascading off Atlas' toned back are soft and fine, reminiscent of the sleek, flowing tentacles of a deep-sea squid. The scales adorning his tail are laid rather smooth, appearing almost as if they are absent. The deep-sapphire tail is long and serpentine with a darkening hue developing near its end that add to the dark mystique of his form. In the darkness of his dwelling, only his slightly luminescent ivory skin tinged with cobalt is visible as his tail is obscured amidst the shadows of the depth where the light does not shine.
He has a set of dark navy ear fins which can be retracted to hide in his hair.
The light powdering of lapis and amaranth around his eyes are adaptations of his ancient siren heritage that has long turned obsolete over the many generations past. Atlas' gaze can be described as a numbing yet hypnotic look, the aegean blue of his eyes captivating onlookers into senselessness. Perhaps it would be better described as ensnaring than astonishing.
As a renowned hunter amidst the merfolk of his community, Atlantis has developed musculature befitting the title with capable broad shoulders and impressive arms. Many state his presence to be a reassuring, rock-solid anchor in a sea of uncertainty and predation of creatures apart from the marine inhabitants. Although his chiseled physique is the object of admiration for many fair mermaids, Atlas seems indifferent to it all.

Atlantis can easily be summed up as a stoic. He keeps his cool even in the direst of situations and prefers to logically solve issues whenever possible. He is not fond of meandering interactions, finding it to be meaningless and tedious. If it is not concerning his interests, Atlas is slow to action and unmotivated. Where most heroes would be keen to spring to action and intervene in situations of conflict, Atlantis behaves rather indifferently and may step in only when he feels it would harm him later on somehow.

It would seem that such traits should work opposingly to his reputation and yet, he finds himself continuously being stopped by mermaids and mermen alike to be their mate. What's more incredulous is that even despite his brisk rejections, they would simply go away to come back another time to tempt him with another new proposal promising even more pleasures and joy. Perhaps it may be caused by the siren blood coursing coldly through his vessels in what little amounts are still left from aeons past.

Currently owns a lavender octopus that's about 2m in length. He will occasionally bring her out to hunt with him.

Atlantis rides a male orca on his hunts whose name is Aeneas. He tightly grabs hold of the orca's dorsal fin as it races through the waters, directing it to attack and if need be, uses his silver five-pronged trident to pierce the prey in their vital organs.

AQUATIC COMMUNICATION⠀•⠀Atlantis can telepathically communicate with aquatic animals and form emotional bonds with them. He can request them to do his bidding, as seen in his mounting of the orcas.

BIOLUMINESCENCE⠀•⠀As mentioned before, his skin naturally emits a light source in the dark. His scales, however, do not.

ENHANCED VISION⠀•⠀Sirens are naturally creatures that dwell amid deep depths after having caught their prey. Thus, they evolved to have exceptional vision to navigate the dark waters. As Atlantis has some parts of siren heritage, he has inherited a fraction of their visual prowess. It merely allows him to have improved sight as well as some night vision in the dim light.

Atlantis' father had always held Atlantis to a high standard. Ephesus had also been a hunter and thus, believed his son should be just like him if not, better. When Atlantis was a young child, his father had taken him out on one of his own hunts to introduce him to the outer bounds of their communal space and to the predators he may face if he were to become a hunter as well. The trip had been going quite well; Ephesus demonstrated his might against fierce creatures and had proven himself an exemplary role model to Atlantis. His son should seemingly adore him forever, right? That had been true up until the moment where while Atlantis was crouched touching a vibrant starfish Ephesus had gone and left the young boy with only a small steel trident that could scarcely be called a weapon. He was alone in unknown land with the tiniest clue of how he could return home.
After being chased by sharks and juvenile orcas the entire way home before a surveying guard near the outposts had spotted him and fended the predators off, young Atlantis could hardly keep himself from collapsing at his father's feet when he finally reached his dwelling. When the injured and exhausted Atlantis had entered, his mother seemed deeply disturbed but not quite shocked while his father bore a disappointed look. He'd wanted to ask and demand why Ephesus had simply abandoned him but could only let out big beads of tears from his lapis eyes and choked sobs while Seraphina held him and mended his wounds.
In the end, all Ephesus had said was "Why weren't you quicker getting back? My father hadn't left me with anything and still I came back far more smoothly and faster." Later that night as Seraphina was tucking him into bed, she'd revealed to him that this was a test undertaken by all men of the Aegeus line when they were youths. She'd pleaded with Ephesus to excuse Atlantis for just a couple more years until he'd matured a little before subjecting him to this but all he'd cared about was striking the iron while it is hot and teaching Atlantis a lesson before he starts believing life is all sea lilies and starfish.
Following this event, Ephesus would begin to take him out on more hunts to train him and Atlantis found himself enjoying the activity and the thrill of seizing his prey after a fiery chase. Still, he could only feel fulfilled for a short while before he'd start to consider if he'd dragged out the battle for too long and whether his father seemed satisfied with his technique. Additionally, Ephesus' lack of emotions when he did well did not help in alleviating Atlantis' doubts. At the very most, Ephesus may remove the scowl from his face and crack a small smile, nodding in approval.
From then on, Atlantis would constantly strive to improve himself in hopes of having his father approve of him and express genuine, unadulterated pride at his only son.

Atlantis always seeks for Ephesus' approval on anything he does, hoping to impress him beyond belief. Although a little foolish in that regard, it is a genuine wish of his. Ephesus, on the other hand, doesn't seem to give such things up easily. What could he be anticipating from Atlantis?

A gentle, caring mother who seems the exact opposite of Ephesus. She dotes on Atlantis often and babies him whenever possible. Although he occasionally finds it to be irritating and as if she's undoing all his efforts at becoming a strong, dependable man, he would subconsciously crave her affection as well. Still, why does she rarely intervene during moments of conflict between Ephesus and Atlantis?


code by MaryGold
Ace, Armani

Ethnicity; British-French
Height; 185cm, 6'1"
Weight; 82kg, 181lbs
The lustrous locks crowning his head are a lush honey colour, seemingly made of soft streaks of glimmering gold that shine luxuriously under ritzy casino lights. Even with his hair set loose and outfitted in informal attire for his post-work parties, his sharp, amber eyes and tall frame command attention worthy of an aristocrat. His fair skin similarly oozes an innate glow of imperial topaz and regal zircon. He believes in the importance of personal fitness in mental clarity and personal image and has developed beautiful broad shoulders that are a presence in and of itself. Furthermore, being the handsome and fit CEO of Porthos Motors certainly bodes well for the company's reputation as magazine covers simply can't get enough of him.

Armand possesses a lofty collection of fragrances to match any occasion but he most prefers Baccarat Rouge 540 for its lingering impressionable scent as well as its complex sweetness. However, more formal occasions have him reaching for the deep and woodsy Oud Wood. Beneath the cologne lie Armand's personal scents of high-end champagne and aftershave mixed with the cleanliness of freshly laundered clothes.

Armand has two separate closets filled with clothes matching his double life. One closet full of formal attire and tuxedos and the other full of party and club outfits closely following the latest trends in fashion. It is rare to see clothes any older than a year or two in either wardrobe but he does occasionally don vintage suits when going to speak with CEOs from the older generations. Such a choice, he believes, helps the negotiation go more smoothly and allows the men to have a common topic they could bond over. He will also clean up quite nicely with a sophisticated slick back, a Patek Philippe Annual Calendar and a couple Versace statement rings. It's essential to him that he doesn't come off too modest nor an arrogant show-off - something he learned from repeated trial-and-error experiences.

However, on nights out, Armand is a fan of designer labels to flaunt and impress. He changes his style often depending on his mood but never declines a fair amount of accessorising using jewellery from Bvlgari, Casablanca or even Chrome Hearts.

Wherever Armand is spotted, he always sports a smile of any degree - a smirk or a hearty laugh, the man constantly seems to be having a grand time. However, gaze too deep into his eyes and one may almost drown in the sea of monotonous melancholy ebbing and rushing behind his pensive stare. What could be the waters troubling the shores of his mind?

Armand is often perceived as a reckless playboy with a love for overindulgence in life's pleasures. You may find him at high-end clubs and casinos nearly every night save for a couple days out of the month. He enjoys meeting new people and tires of routine and rules easily. Many of his acquaintances note that the party doesn't start until Armand has arrived. He carries an air of ease and charisma that draws the interest of many to him and yet, he handles such immense attention quite fluently. He rarely comes off strong but is far from being aloof.

Notwithstanding all those traits, perhaps the most interesting is his personality switch during the day. The consequences of Armand's wild party habits are never shown at work and his newer employees are often surprised to find out that the man had been downing shots like water eight hours ago. He's alert and sharp and is quick on his feet to respond to work requests and queries. However, he's prone to slacking off and procrastinating on tasks if they prove to be too tedious and long-winded. In important negotiations with foreign company representatives, he displays the persona of an upstanding and knowledgeable businessman with a great sense of responsibility. Although there are a couple individuals acquainted with his true style of life, they are commanded not to comment on it thanks to his handsome compensations. Indeed, he usually goes about solving most of his issues in such a manner. What else is he to do with such wealth?

Deep inside, however, is an insecure child with a fear of isolation and deprivation. He wants to experience everything in the world and to live without regrets of not having fulfilled his wishes. On deep contemplative nights, Armand frequently wonders when those closest to him will abandon him and overthink their actions or manner of speech for the day. As a result, he does not commit to projects or relationships, much to the dismay of his coworkers and past lovers. Such thoughts rarely pop up, however, as Armand ensures, with his daily schedule, that he will never have time to sit down and think and is forced to be on the go 24/7 with only the bare minimum time to sleep.

LIKES⠀ ⠀Partying, sports car drag racing, gambling
DISLIKES⠀ ⠀Boredom, isolation, body odor
FEARS⠀ ⠀Abandonment, betrayal

⟶ Parents gifted him a leopard cub during his senior year of high school to give him something interesting to look after so that he doesn't spend all day in his room. They had built a specialized enclosure for the leopard on their family property with a special trainer that helped Armand and the cub bond together. He named the male cub Athos.
⟶ Owing to his parents' company, he developed a great interest in the collection and racing of sports cars. He has about forty models but his favorite is the LaFerrari.
⟶ Speaks fluent French and English.
⟶ Occasionally smokes Arturo Fuente Opus X cigars.
⟶ Often taps his fingers idly.

Mr. and Mrs. Devereux were both wealthy businessmen managing a shared sports car producing company. In an effort to be as efficient as possible, the couple had decided on producing a sole heir to the company before they'd grown too old. mand's life up until he was 10 years old and had left thereafter to fully devote themselves to the expansion of their business. They had left Armand with a nanny and a hired assistant to not only keep him company but also sort out his daily schedules and duties. That assistant was a boy his age, Hugo Cavalier Du Maurier, whom he'd grown to become deeply attached to. They'd gotten along quite nicely with the more mellow Hugo accompanying Armand for whatever adventures he wished to go on that day and advising him on potential dangers and risks.

Perhaps it was the absence of his parents' affection but Armand found himself craving Hugo's attention even though they were practically attached at the hip. He looked to him for approval and frequently depended on him for many things, both physically and emotionally. However, little did he know, Hugo had grown to despise how attached Armand was. As they began to grow up and enter high school, Hugo found Armand's complete lack of awareness for others' struggles and seemingly selfish behaviour unbearable. He also despised the idea of being reduced to 'Armand's little assistant' and being unable to establish his own identity in school.

The straw that broke the camel's back was when Armand had tried to kiss Hugo, believing they shared a mutual romantic interest in each other. Consequently, Hugo completely lashed out on Armand and revealed his true feelings to him, detailing all of Armand's vices and the nasty thoughts he harboured in his mind about him. He had quit his job and disappeared from Armand's life with no way for him to contact him again. All of this was an indescribable shock to Armand who believed wholeheartedly like a little child that he and Hugo were inseparable. It was a terrible period in his life; he'd had to complete his senior year of high school at home and his parents had bribed the school to forge his final grade report and hand him the diploma without protest despite him never attending school that year. He spent his days pouring over his actions and sincerely regretting that he'd gotten so attached to Hugo when it was entirely unrequited. It was only thanks to the work of elite therapists and a reckless amount of antidepressants that he'd been able to re-enter society again and start attending university. There, he'd been introduced to the life of partying to numb his pains and has never looked back ever since.

Being inexperienced in how to appropriately party with respect to his reputation, Armand had once gotten involved in a drug scandal so severe that it had even garnered the attention of the eternally busy Mr. and Mrs. Devereux, who had shown him a dreadful punishment that had him completely avoid going near it ever again. Additionally, he was quite sure they'd hired a private investigator to trail him and ensure that he was obeying their warning during his college years.

During college, his father had also kept him from partying too hard by having Armand shadow him at meetings and learning about how the trade works. Having studied Business Administration at university, he had also become decently knowledgeable on leadership roles and succeeded his father with fluency.



champagne glamour

code by MaryGold