ALWAYS OPEN PARTNER REQUEST F x F F x M one x one partner search

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plushie fanatic
Original poster
Invitation Status
  1. Looking for partners
Posting Speed
  1. Multiple posts per day
Online Availability
Around for chatting most of the day
Writing Levels
  1. Advanced
Hi hi! :heartbeat:

- My name is Sophie and I have been roleplaying for around nearly a decade now but am a complete newbie to this site, so forgive me if not the most up to date on how things work on here just yet! Like so many others on here it seems, I am a Quotev refugee thanks to their purging of the site (great idea people) so am looking to find new rolplay partners and friends I hope! I love writing and chatting with both friends and roleplay partners alike about all manner of things from personal interests to just life in general. Some little facts about me to just to get to know me are:
- massive gamer
- been into kpop since 2016
- collect plushies
- winter>>>summer
- I have two cats who are very oversized little in the way of braincells, but make up for it in cuteness

How I Roleplay:
- First and foremost I ONLY roleplay with people who are 18+ so minors dni please! I will say now I don't use script, descriptive being the only form of writing I do as that's the style I'm more used to and comfortable with. Going off of that, I only double up for roleplays as 1x1 is generally not something I find very enjoyable as tends to get a bit on the boring side quickly. I prefer more descriptive/lengthy replies.I don't have a word count as such, but I will say tend to lean more on the chunkier paragraph side of things with twenty lines per side being a minimum norm for me, with the ability to go much higher depending on the roleplay itself and what have work with. However at the same time, always quality over quantity as no point in long replies if they don't go anywhere/move things along!

Plotting & Headcannons:
- Absolutely obsessed with plotting and talking through hc ideas for the roleplay with my partners, as makes it so much fun and helps to get a scope where want things to go etc! Plus it's often super chaotic and fun to imagine the scenarios our ocs and love interests will get up to! If there is a canon plot then will generally follow that, with maybe some changes and additions to accommodate our ocs. AUs are also super fun to do so always up for that too! If doing an original roleplay of some kind then will happily come up with storylines and ideas we can use to guide the roleplay as having nothing to go off of can be a tad off putting.

- Personally I have no real triggers but there are what I'd say are fairly obvious no no topics I will not write for at all. Things such as: p*dophilia, i*cest, s*icide and things like that etc. I don't mind heavier topics being mentioned in a characters background in a form etc, but will not actively roleplay these things.

What I Look for in Partners:
- Honestly I would just love to find people who I can make friends with as well as finding people to have fun and enjoyable roleplays with. I love being able to chat to people about both the roleplay and things irl too, as well as our interests etc. Please put as much effort into my side as you do for your own. Nothing is more disheartening when I put loads of effort into plotting, coming up with ideas and writing etc for other people's ocs and their love interests, to not get that same energy back. Also very short/dry responses lean into this, like if just written a whole paragraph of stuff we can do for your side and just get a 'yeah sounds good' back imma be sat here like 😭 Also please feel to say if ever want to change things up, whether by changing your love interests, plot ideas or even the whole roleplay in general if want to do something different for your side as more than happy to accommodate!

bolded = fandom name, love interests listed below
:heart: = the more hearts (out of five) the more interested I am

- kpop! :heart::heart::heart::heart::heart:
(^^ not listed in any particular order! Also, know a very wide range of groups so odds are I'll know your choices but if I don't I can research them!)

- original :heart::heart::heart::heart::heart:
obviously no crushes here but topics I LOVE to roleplay are:
love tropes
slice of life
greek mythology

- video games :heart::heart::heart:
detriot become human
last of us 1/2
assassins creed

- harry potter :heart::heart::heart:
fred weasley
george weasley
cedric diggory

- lord of the rings/the hobbit :heart::heart::heart::heart:

- twilight :heart::heart::heart:
jasper hale
demitri volturi

- marvel mcu :heart::heart:
peter parker/spiderman

If any of this interests anyone please feel free to reply here or to drop me a pm any time! I also have discord and use that regularly if anyone prefers to use that instead! 🩷🩷
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  • Love
Reactions: captaindanger
Omg hii!! Your interests seem really cool and I just joined so I know I may not be your top choice but im here and I'd love to rp! I have some characters in mind already of mine and I also love the same topics!!! Especially Royal, Apocalypse, Historical, Mafia, Fantasy and Supernatural!! I have discord if you'd like to do it there!

Thank you for reading this!
Omg hii!! Your interests seem really cool and I just joined so I know I may not be your top choice but im here and I'd love to rp! I have some characters in mind already of mine and I also love the same topics!!! Especially Royal, Apocalypse, Historical, Mafia, Fantasy and Supernatural!! I have discord if you'd like to do it there!

Thank you for reading this!
Hi! Thank you so much! I would love to rp any of those topics with you so please send me a pm to get started! :heart: