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  • So many newbies lately! Here is a very important PSA about one of our most vital content policies! Read it even if you are an ancient member!

    A site made for roleplay is way cooler we promise <3
Aah--I still haven't rewatched Digimon ;-;
I haven't had time--so I prolly won't understand the rp...Sorry!!
- Fox

I'm still here, and interested. Apologies for the silence, I've just been busy with work and a new schedule has messed me up bad over the last few weeks lol

I'm still here, and interested. Apologies for the silence, I've just been busy with work and a new schedule has messed me up bad over the last few weeks lol
It's ok. No worries. I hope your still interested I got super busy myself and kind of fell of the bandwagon for running this but things are a lot more put together for me now so I can definitely get this up and running again if everyone is still interested. Though we definitely need to get a few more people signed up for this..

@Nightwing95 @Jessica Stansell
If It's not to Late Can I Join
Is this still open?