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romance. angst. drama. modern. fantasy. supernatural. adventure. crime. period pieces.


    The year is 1788, Orian Period.
    Vampir are immortal.
    Orion Blacke is king.

    During the rule of Orion Blacke, the world of Cervia is not what it is in 2035. The country is young, only in its 50s, and still recovering from a horrifying war. Securing the rule of the vampir and the Blacke family as monarchs calls for a firm and cruel hand. One that the sovereign has no issue with wielding. Those who questioned the rules set in place are harshly dealt with, and those who knew better live quietly.

    Black City is the dazzling jewel of the country, but by no means a play place for the weak of heart. Speciesism is worst in the city of the monarch than in the small towns of Fae and Were. The danger is daily for the lower class, and the higher class only keeps rising. And the upper members of society would like to keep it that way.

    However, it is said the most dangerous place of all is inside the palace walls. Plotting, betrayal, romance, murder, and politics, are all brewing in the Imperial palace and it has worsened when a murder took place during the search for the next bride of the Crown Prince. The whispering in the walls grow louder and the atmosphere grows thicker. Who can anyone trust in these treacherous walls?

    Welcome to Orion's Court.


    Orion's Court is a roleplay that will be focusing on -- you guessed it! The Court of Orion. This anachronistic RP will not be as free and is more story-focused than the general roleplay threads as there are plenty of points set in place and story angles to explore. All characters must be a member of the palace as they are the focus of this RP. That said, you can play almost anyone from noble to low class. Servants, cooks, courtiers, bureaucrats, etc. You may ask me to play a character who may be royalty or an ambassador or anything you are unsure will be okay.

    The story is starting off tense with a murder taking place in the palace that is only further shaking issues up after rumors of the palace being cursed due to all the blood spilled by Orion. Since the country is still very young, recovering from the harsh war, and the rule of the Blacke family is being challenged by other powerful vampire families, and the search for the Crown Prince to find a wife, things are very unstable.

    On top of that, while the country is not at war, Orion is still sending soldiers overseas to assist in the battle of Neu Kingdom to complete the fight for their country. Orion's rule was not a kind one and his court was even less forgiving.

    Follow these Steps!
    1. If you are a new member to this realm, please go through the Applying to Citizenship thread to familiarize yourself with the world.
    2. Express interest in this roleplay by posting in this thread! This roleplay will have a limited amount of players and once it is reached, I will be closing it until further notice.
    3. Read the lore for this RP in the other tabs of this post. As it is an anachronistic RP, things are not the same as it is in the current world.
    4. Join the Discord if you have not already, and join the members of this RP in its channel. OOC chatter will take place both in the channel and this thread, but members are generally more active in Discord.
    5. All players will be allowed to make 3 characters max. When you add these characters to your character channel, please add to the top of their post what Roleplay they are meant for.
    6. I will add any additional information to this thread. And if you have any questions, drop them below in this thread or the appropriate Discord channel!

  • Particulars

    Orion Augustus Blacke. First King of Cervia.
    • Crowned in 1735 when he formed this noble country.
    • He has 7 children that are officially recognized as princes and princesses.
    • A widower, but not without lovers.​

    Julian Orpheus Blacke. Crown Prince.
    • The oldest prince.
    • A widower with 3 children.​

    Six other princes and princesses. 4 of them are open to be played.


    The noble class and otherwise known as the House of Lords. Most of these men and women are veterans of the war or descendants of said veterans. While the monarch is absolute, their main duty remains to debate legislation, amend and reject bills, and advise the monarch. Though the king may have up to six main advisors from the House. Each of these is traditionally meant to be of a different species so that all voices will be heard.

    They may also serve as courtiers to the princes/princess as well, not just the monarch. And if the prince/princess the worked with was to raise in power, they would also gain power and be raised in the eye of the court. As well as gain more responsibilities and influence.

    Position Status Address+Spouses Eldest Sons Younger Sons Daughters (-Husbands)
    Duke/Duchess Peer Your Grace My Lord/Lady My Lord/Lady My Lady
    Marquess/Marchioness Peer My Lord/Lady My Lord/Lady My Lord/Lady My Lady
    Earl/Countess Peer My Lord/Lady My Lord/Lady Sir/Madam or Mr/s. My Lady
    Viscount/ess Peer My Lord/Lady My Lord/Lady Sir/Madam or Mr/s. Madam or Miss/Mrs.
    Baron/ess Peer My Lord/Lady My Lord/Lady Sir/Madam or Mr/s. Madam or Miss/Mrs.
    Baronet Minor Nobility Sir/My Lady Mr/s. Mr/s. Miss
    Baronetess (own right) Minor Nobility Madam or Dame Mr/s. Mr/s. Miss
    Knight Landed Gentry Sir/My Lady Mr/s. Mr/s. Miss

    • Inherited title.
    • Highest rank in the nobility, below princess/prince
    • Can be a member of the royal family or nobility alone
    • May hold land/estates
    • May have political/military influence and power
    • Inherited title.
    • Below a Duke and above an Earl.
    • Defender and often ruler of country frontiers.
    • Inherited title.
    • Below Marquess and above Viscount.
    • Governors or viceroys, keeping the peace, dispensing justice, and raising armies
    • Inherited title.
    • Below Earl and above Baron.
    • Roles may vary but all are community-wise. Most often is administering justice and assignments given by the monarch.
    • Inherited title.
    • Below Viscount and above Baronet.
    • Given land to look over and rule in the name of the monarch.
    • A title given to high knights and later inherited by their first child.
    • Above knight but below the rest of the peerage.
    • Involved in business and politics.
    • Given title, but not nobility.
    • All nobility can have the additional title of knight if they were granted it.
    • Many of groups of knights may serve directly under a Lord/Lady or the monarch.


    An order of knights created to protect the Blacke family and the crown. The knights formed not long after Orion sat on the thrown, kissing his hand and swearing fealty. They answer to the royal family and the royal family only.

    Their assignments are rarely known to the rest of the court. They may openly serve the King but have secret missions and do more than just fight, gather information, investigate, acquire goods, and more if ordered. The Knights are both intelligent and strong.


    During Orion's reign, there are many contracts of servitude made.

    As the war that led to the creation of Cervia was an all out one, many people fought against vampir. And those who came from families who were imprisoned when the war reached an end had to pay copious amounts to retrieve their family back or see them executed. To solve this problem, the contracts were made to pay off that money and imprisoned people also signed these contracts.

    These contracts expanded beyond prisoners and families of prisoners and to people who had significant debts they would not pay otherwise. If they did nit sign themselves into these contracts, they signed off family members who they had guardianships over into them. Most servants work in Vampir homes, but it has become quite popular for other species who can afford it or really need the help of another for business or house help to contract servants as well.


    The law against feeding on others in 2035 is not yet present. However, there is a law banning hunting others to feed on. A vampir is only allowed to get their blood from a certified Blood House where they can feed on live people but only to an extent and not near death's door, or get their blood to go.

    However, there is a push to ban the feeding of other species in general. In spite of the ban on hunting, it still goes on in secret and people are fed on without consenting to it. The punishment for those caught is mild.


    There has been no war in the country of Cervia since its forming, however, that does not mean the people are free war entirely. Just across the ocean, a war has been taking place for the last two years in Europe. One that started hoping to form a new rule and new country. It is a war of more than beast against the beast, but brother against brother to put the cousins of the Blacke family on the throne.

    While only active on-duty members of the military are sent away, there has been talk of drafting and recruitment to help. The people are openly opposed to the idea. But if the king says yes, it will be.


    Black magic is not yet banned in Cervia.

    In many ways, and in more ways than one, it has made people nearly as afraid of Magi as they are of Vampir. There is more discourse than in 2035 between the magi, and especially between houses. They are known to each other more as adversaries than rivals, though rivals are more cordial they use it despite the trickery, violence, and even bloodshed between members.

    And when black magic is brought into the mix, they groups split up even more. Some see it as useful and forfeiting what it means to be a magi to ban black magic, while others see it as far too dangerous.


    The biggest contenders to Vampir during the war and natural enemies were the Were. And more specifically Werewolves. This fact alone has gathered many hateful views and treatment from the higher-ranked species. Though even the king has a potent distaste for the Were he conceals behind a mask, they are still creatures too powerful to put down. The higher members of their packs have made agreements with the crown and kneeled gaining them more social power and placements in the palace, though still closely watched.

    The feeling, however, is mutual for the majority of Weres. There are rebel groups formed by Were said to be forming in towns and suspicion has led to believe even in the capital. It has put people in the palace more on edge and watching the Weres a little harder.


    Silvers have always been lower Vampir and usually serve as personal servants and staff to Red Blood Vampir. They exist to serve them, or so that has been the belief for centuries. As Vampir raise in power, they are beginning to seek higher positions in life. Though the Red Bloods are not so keen to stand neck to neck with their lesser counterparts.


    Still new to this way of living, Fae have been struggling to adapt to an organized society and one as restricting as Cervia. Their opportunities are low and many are forced into servant contracts unable to find other ways to survive. And as their Merfolk cousins, many are sick due to the pollution of the homelands they hailed from. It isn't uncommon for them to see any of their family members grow more ill as they age and die or have a permanent cough and illness.

    Merfolk, despite being in nearly the same boat as the fae, have more unity through their Eurihin leaders. They stick together and work with one another to provide all their needs. It has gathered them an eye from the court who seek to keep control of all creatures.

    The palace is not the only location of this RP, Black City is as well. However, the palace is the main setting. Therefore I plan to list special and/or notable palace locations and NPCs.


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