PARTNER REQUEST A x A Partner search (a shocking sequel/remake)

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Kinda busy for 3-4 July bc finishing writing smth
Original poster
Invitation Status
  1. Looking for partners
Posting Speed
  1. 1-3 posts per week
  2. One post per week
  3. Slow As Molasses
Online Availability
Seeing as it's summer, I'm gonna try reply at least once every two weeks, but I tend to go through bouts of highs and lows, so can't guarantee anything. (Note, I am in bst)
Writing Levels
  1. Elementary
  2. Intermediate
  3. Adept
  4. Advanced
  5. Adaptable
Preferred Character Gender
  1. Nonbinary
  2. Agender
  3. No Preferences
Fantasy, superpowers, slice-of-life, horror (←picky with that), retro vibes
(remaking this bc I heavily dislike the look of my "old" one-)

Okay! Hello! I'm Theseus! I prefer they/xe/pyro pronouns and am 15. I've been rping for about 10 months now, but I've been writing in general since I learnt to do so. (And yes, I am from Quotev originally)
My only rp partner guidelines is that you're 14 or over, and you let me know right away if you're over 20 (Bluestar stuff is only with 15-17 year olds), you can write at least a paragraph, you write descriptive (please no script) and won't ghost me oorp (not replying to the rp for a while is fine!!) I would also like to have long-term partners.
I have a preference for just 1x1 stuff, but if you have someone that you want to do the rp with is well, then I won't say no! Most of these plots can easily be turned into poly/platonic ones anyways! ^^

For more in-depth info for what I do/don't do in rps, triggers + info on bluestar stuff, please ask me in pms! ^^ (used to have an ao3 thingy but that got taken down)
Also!! Please don't reply here, please pm me if you're interested! ^^

Now, onto plots! (Note, a lot of these are either fantasy, or superhero/villain plots. Why? Because I say so.) (and yes, a lot of these are also inspired by fanfics I've read. Sue me/j)

Quick key:
‼️ = Really wanna rp.
▓ = Possible chances for bluestar stuff.
💐 = Plot needs to be fleshed out more/want to work on it more in-depth with rp partners.
nb = non-binary.
Ng/Nb = not a girl/not a boy.

Wanting to use my oc: Judy Eloise Brown. (She/her, 20, freelance videogame designer & artist) (WIP!!)

Two friends set out on a cross-country roadtrip as to celebrate their graduation, in a slightly rundown van. Including lots of diners, staying up late and pining, will these two dorks ever confess their feelings for one another before their little trip comes to an end?

Wanting to use my oc: Mosaic Elderflower. (They/he, 30, coffeeshop worker)

One rainy morning, a supervillain walks into a coffeeshop. What for? Well to get a drink obviously! And seeing as they don't hurt anyone and actually paid, Mosaic decides that there's nothing wrong with serving them. Over time, an unlikely bond forms between the two. That is, until the heroes begin to catch wind of the supervillain going to the coffeeshop, and it only goes down hill from there.

Wanting to use my oc: Jo "Joy" Ashdown. (She/they/he, 28, superhero/vigilante, known as "AshRain")

Saying that the hero agency was corrupt was one thing. Experiencing it first hand was another. AshRain having her license revoked because they ignored an order and went to save people who actually needed it, definitely counts. He ends up becoming a vigilante, and after a while, a well known villain gets in contact with them, urging her to get some revenge. Working together, the pair find that the hero agency is much worse than they originally thought, and plan to put an end to it, one way or another.

Wanting to use my oc: Ques Geld. (He/they, 24, royal guard/knight)

In order to strengthen alliances, the Ivy empire needs to marry off one of its own, but Wilda (the queen), being unwilling to send of one of her daughters, instead sends her most loyal knight. Who is not informed of this arraignment until he has already been sent there. The prince does not take kindly to learning this information.

Wanting to use my oc: Amaranthine Pierce. (She/her, 26, lighthouse keeper) (WIP!!)

"Take the lighthouse job!" They had said. "It'll be easy!" They said. It really was not, but here she was, on a small island, the only person on it, tasked to man the lighthouse, a job which takes every waking moment to do. It really does not help that there's sirens swimming close by, and one seems to have taken a liking to her.

Wanting to use my oc: Advery Bloodthorn. (He/him, 17, student)

Two idiots, who just so happen to be smartest people in their classes, keep butting heads. Their teachers, finally fed up with them constantly fighting, force them to work together on a project for the local newspaper. After doing a whole lot of digging, the two stumble upon something that they were never supposed to know. Now, they have to work together to beat a ticking time bomb to figure out just what is happening.

Wanting to use my oc: Tara Ivory. (She/xer, 23, guitarist/singer & part-time cafe worker) (WIP!!)

A pair of roommates, one, who is a completely normal person just trying to make it through life without any major issues, the other, a notoriously well known villain, who needed a roommate to get the apartment. Following the shenanigans that these two get up to, as they try to navigate being roommates, while being vastly different.
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Boost bc I am irresponsible and am requesting more rp partners bc I don't think anyone has seen these ;-;