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heart of gold, dumb of ass
Original poster
Invitation Status
  1. Looking for partners
Posting Speed
  1. 1-3 posts per day
  2. 1-3 posts per week
  3. One post per week
  4. Slow As Molasses
Writing Levels
  1. Intermediate
  2. Adept
  3. Advanced
  4. Adaptable
Preferred Character Gender
  1. No Preferences
Romance, Horror, Fantasy, Modern, Angst (with a happy ending)
𝐃𝐄𝐀𝐓𝐇 & 𝐓𝐇𝐄 πŒπ€πˆπƒπ„π.

  • name:
    serenity price

    ren || pretty self-explanatory; it's the "ren" in serenity. it's a nickname that's been given to her since she was very little, so she allows everyone to default to this.
    demon brat || a nickname leona comes up with for her during the octavinelle incident, one that spreads like wildfire among the general populous of nrc. she becomes colloquially known as "the demon brat of ramshackle." she embraces this title with a little too much glee.
    mademoiselle biche || rook's nickname for her, in reference to her large, doe-like eyes. translates to "miss doe" in french.
    canon-typical nicknames ("shrimpy" from floyd, "prefect", etc.)

    18 years old

    march 3 || pisces

    birth place:

    montreal, canada

    cis woman, she/her

    dominant hand:

    blood type:

    voice type:
    sweet, slightly high-pitched. she's naturally more on the soft-spoken side, but has practiced a lot throughout her life at imbuing more volume when she speaks. it just takes a conscious effort for her to do so. (think nyanners on youtube, or voice actor kana hanazawa.)

    school / occupation:

    first year half-student at night raven college. magic photographer. often takes on odd jobs around school to support herself & grim. seemingly the closest thing nrc has to a guidance counselor.

    current residence:
    ramshackle dorm, night raven college

    romantic / sexual orientation:
    panromantic / pansexual

    monogamous or polyamorous:
    can be either. it depends on what her potential partner(s) are comfortable with.

    physical appearance:

    you've likely read the phrase "doll-like" before, but there really is no better description for serenity. she's always been notoriously small, standing at a height of only 4'11" (or 150 cm) & weighs 119 lbs (or 54 kgs) generally, her body shape is pretty small, too. her figure is a little filled out, but only just-so. her thighs are probably the thickest part of her body, but even that's not saying much -- she's just generally a petite thing. her bust size is a b cup. she has a soft heart-shaped face with a patch of freckles along her nose -- which is a small button shape in the center of her face, but noticeably crooked due to an injury she got as a child. her eyes are round and doe-like, a pale cornflower blue in color, & framed by long, delicate eyelashes. her hair is a long, straight, inky black that goes a couple inches past her waist. her fringe grows diagonally down from the left side of her head, where the part is. she has a lot of scars across her body; some from her father's abuse, some from self harm, some from normal, mundane accidents. she only starts wearing makeup when vil takes it upon himself to teach her how to do it. as much as she doesn't seem to see it herself, she's aware enough of her own appearance to use it as a weapon (which comes in handy at an all boys' school.)
  • personality:

    serenity is, quite frankly, a complicated individual.
    when she's at her best, serenity is an overflowing fountain of empathy & compassion. she's everything that embodies a mediator: a sensitive, poetic soul that values deep connections with those she grows close to. having inherited her mother's talent for nurturing others, she's a calm, reassuring presence for those around her; she understands that people are more inclined to open up if they don't feel pressured to do so, & this is evident in the way she supports those around her. while she can occasionally get lost in her own mind & drift out of touch with the people in her life if she's not careful, she's always 100% present when people confide in her & never judgemental or dismissive. she's fully aware of her habit of being "a fixer" & feels responsible for smoothing over conflict between loved ones (a habit that can be particularly troublesome in a place like night raven college), she knows when to prioritize empathy over guidance. of course, she also knows when someone might just need a distraction or some cheering up, & is perfectly capable of being fun & jovial during those times. she is soft, but by no means weak, & will prove this time & time again.
    generally, this all allows her to be excellent with people. even the most closed off warm up to her eventually, if she puts in the effort to make them. fortunately, she also has the patience of a saint, especially with those she deems worthy of her time. she seemingly has the ability to connect with anyone, from all walks of life. even if she can only find the tiniest shred of commonality, she latches onto it. some may see this part of her & think it's not possible, that it must mean she's disingenuous or fake -- jamil definitely feels this way, at first -- but in time, they'd be proven wrong. surprisingly, none of this detracts from her ability to be the most authentic version of herself at all times. she really is just the kind of girl to contain multitudes in her personality. overall, she has an open mind & a warm heart, generally very soft for those she loves. though she has the tendency to lean towards idealism, she's certainly not naive or dense; she's been through too much for that. she knows when to take off the rose-colored glasses & acknowledge the worst parts of people (even if she finds herself loving those things, more often than not.) she's got a very unconventional way of looking at the world, & enjoys being challenged as much as she enjoys challenging. she enjoys intellectual debates, never shying away from contradicting others & providing a different perspective. she's a firm believer in forging one's own path; that there's nothing in life you can't define for yourself. independence & free-thinking are two of the things she values most in life, for both herself & others. being able to forge her own path & make her own choices is paramount, & she doesn't take too kindly to people who attempt to infringe on that.
    she's shockingly adaptable -- while she deeply hates conflict, she learns right away that attempting to avoid it in a place like nrc is a fruitless endeavor, & adjusts herself accordingly. she's also clever, intelligent, & courageous, which often helps when in a bind. fiercely loyal to her friends & loved ones, she's more than willing to sacrifice herself, putting her safety & comfort on the line for them with zero hesitation. she's certainly no goody two-shoes; she believes in the ends justifying the means & doesn't care about following rules to the letter (a trait that can lead her & riddle to butt heads at times.) she can be surprisingly bold when it comes down to it, which no one ever seems to expect, given her quiet disposition. she's very good at self-control, able to keep her head cool in tense or frightening situations, unless she's in a state of extreme emotional distress. in spite of her emotionalism, she's not quick to anger & rarely ever holds grudges; thanks to her startling sense of empathy, she's able to understand the points of view of those who do wrong by her, even if she can't necessarily forgive the actions that were taken as a result.
    her worst, however, is another beast entirely. for one thing, serenity holds within her a burning inferno of carefully concealed rage as a result of her own traumatic upbringing, one that occasionally rises to the surface towards people who she feels have earned her ire. unlike riddle, however, she almost never seems to lose herself to this feeling or resort to sudden outbursts; she's usually controlled & calculated in the way she releases her anger, making her mildly terrifying for those on her bad side. emphasis on almost, though; she can let the mask slip & become emotionally volatile at times, mostly if she's too low on energy to bother with self control. she's capable of being cold & cruel, withholding or even weaponizing the best parts of herself if she deems necessary -- she feels no remorse in strong-arming leona into helping her settle things with the octavinelle boys, or using her silver tongue to cut others down to size as she so often does. as far as manipulation goes, she's just about on par with both azul & jamil, though she generally avoids using this skill unless she deems it necessary. she's perceptive, able to sense & understand the feelings of those around her -- but that doesn't mean she can't use them to her advantage. she is open & honest with her loved ones regarding most things, but there are extremely rare instances where she will use deception or manipulation against them; she always carefully neglects to mention a word about her death when discussing the circumstances that brought her to twisted wonderland.
    overall, she has a strong sense of morality; those morals have just been slightly warped by her life experience & low opinion of herself. despite her excellent people skills, she can tend to be a little on the shy/socially anxious side of things -- not necessarily of the uwu sweet bean variety, though she can be easily flustered at times, which both resulted from & helped fuel her struggle making friends as a child. she's a quiet type, not speaking too much unless she's comfortable. she's also gone through phases of being completely mute in the past -- usually in the wake of her most extreme traumatic experiences. she can't seem to rely on others without feeling like a burden.
    this may also be a side-effect of her issues with self loathing. speaking of which, her mental & emotional state can be heavily volatile due to her c-ptsd & mental health issues -- & due to these aforementioned issues, she tends to isolate herself when experiencing anxiety attacks or mental breakdowns. (suffering from hyper-empathy is a bitch when everyone around you also needs therapy & your school is run by a selfish, incompetent dickhead who loves to cut corners, so this doesn't help. #fuckcrowley2023.) she often struggles to open up to others regarding her emotions, hesitant to truly let anyone in. this side of her tends to clash with many of the best aspects of her personality; not only her efforts to be open & honest with those she loves as much as possible, but also with her authenticity & ability to express empathy. after all, how can someone avoid a certain level of falsehood if they're constantly masking her own emotions? can one truly be considered honest when they're still masking parts of themselves? it's a hypocrisy that serenity finds herself compartmentalizing more often than not -- her preferred method of dealing with things that trouble or inconvenience her. finding the will to trust her friends with her heart is something she'll need to work on, moving forward.
    considering the circumstances that led her to arriving in twisted wonderland, she has always struggled with suicidal ideation, among other things. it doesn't take long after arriving in twisted wonderland for her to conclude that maybe she belongs among the villains, in spite of her desire to be good. this is probably due to the fact that she, on some level, sees herself as a monster for her lack of guilt towards killing her father. due to this & her overall self-image, she believes that there isn't anything innocent left in her; that it died long ago. she can be sweet with those she cares for, but abhors the idea that anyone would associate her with innocence. despite this, she knows that it's pointless to attempt to control the way others perceive her, so she doesn't really go out of her way to correct this assumption. even so, it does make her feel sick to her stomach when anyone claims to have this opinion of her (as rare as it is -- she only acts the part of a cute little angel when attempting to manipulate someone, so anyone even remotely close to her already knows better.) of course, at least some of this is based solely on her perception of herself. she can be strangely obsessed with this perception, as well as the way she's perceived by those around her.
    speaking of which, a large part of her selflessness & devotion to her friends stems from her utter lack of self-worth, & a desperation to be useful to those around her. those jokes & snide comments about her lack of magical abilities making her "useless" affect her more than she'll ever willingly admit, & this could easily spiral into a full-blown martyr complex (or typical self-destruction) under the right circumstances. she's more than willing to hurt herself for the sake of others, but with her penchant for self-harm, it's just as much a means to that end. she hides it well, but serenity is a ticking time bomb of all her past traumas. she may distract herself with the plights of others, or with the simple joys of being surrounded by people she's grown to love, but all she's doing is putting band-aids over stab wounds. one day, everything she tries so desperately to hide will explode into the light. still, maybe she'll manage to get through it, with the help of all the people she's earned the support of.
    tl;dr: overall, serenity is a messy, complicated person. she's a kind, empathetic, & compassionate sort, always intensely loyal & devoted to her friends & loved ones. that said, she's nowhere near as innocent as she looks. she's intelligent & cunning, & not above scheming, lying, or manipulating to meet her own ends. her altruistic ways don't always extend to people she doesn't have a deep emotional attachment to, but her ability to form bonds with just about anyone helps balance this out. her morals & general worldview are somewhat warped by her trauma -- she sees herself as a monster for her lack of guilt towards her father's death, & her regrets don't always come from the right place -- & her gentle heart doesn't render her completely incapable of coldness or even cruelty. even so, she's the type to always prioritize those she holds dear, & works hard to maintain the trust between herself & her loved ones. those who understand her see this, it's how she's managed to earn the respect & loyalty of the many students who come to occupy her immediate circle.

    mbti type:
    infp-t: the mediator.
    mediators are poetic, kind & altruistic people, always eager to help a good cause. although they may seem quiet or unassuming, mediators have passionate inner lives. creative & imaginative, they happily lose themselves in daydreams, inventing all sorts of stories and conversations in their minds. these personalities are known for their sensitivity -- mediators can have profound emotional responses to art, music, nature, & the people around them.

    positive traits:
    empathetic || open-minded || || warm-hearted || sweet-tempered || unique || playful || nurturing || brilliant || creative || poetic || intuitive || loyal || perceptive || selfless || patient || clever || strong in her convictions

    negative traits:
    moody || pessimistic || hypersensitive || unstable || stubborn || manipulative || hypocritical || sharp-tongued || distrustful || insecure || lacks self worth || overly altruistic|| hyper independent || mildly paranoid || occasionally cruel

    writing || reading || creating (art, music, writing, etc.) || stargazing || spending time with friends || learning new things

    her friends & loved ones || spring || music || literature || sweets & spicy foods || animals || helping others || pastel & dark colors || the rain || art || flowers || the art of creation (in pretty much any form)

    crowley || math || winter || herself || anger || violence || unnecessary attention || socializing (to an extent) || bitter foods & beverages, like coffee

    centipedes (but not spiders or other insects, strangely enough) || heights || crowds & tight spaces || failure || mannequins || intimacy || rejection || loneliness || public speaking || pregnancy/childbirth || hospitals || fire || being a disappointment || quite a few associated with her trauma (men who remind her too much of her father, the sounds of doors slamming/the shattering of glass, being followed around, etc.)

    introvert, extrovert, or ambivert:
    introvert, 100%. she enjoys quality time with those she's built a strong emotional connection with, but sometimes she needs time to herself to recharge. unfortunate, since she's almost never allotted this opportunity. she's been running in a near constant state of burnout since arriving in twisted wonderland -- another thing that begins to corrode at her mental stability.
  • past:
    &&. MASSIVE CW: discussions of abuse (physical, emotional, brief mentions of sexual), trauma, stalking, mental illness & suicide. will include a tl:dr that only briefly mentions these triggering subjects at the bottom, so skip ahead if you'd rather not read about these things in any detail.

    serenity jane price was born alongside her twin sister felicity, in the early morning of march 3rd, as who would eventually be the second youngest child of michael & stephanie price. felicity dies when the pair are just two years old, & serenity never learns her cause of death. after that, she becomes the only girl among her siblings -- raised alongside her are her brothers, the older one, jeremy & the younger one, noah. for the first eight years of her life, she and the rest of her family lived under the cruel, abusive and controlling thumb of her father. his violence didn't seem limited by age; a lot of serenity's earliest memories involve his violent outbursts towards her, her mother, or one of her siblings. he also resorted to emotional & mental abuse, manipulating & threatening his family -- his most frequent one being that he'd kill them if they ever left. her entire early life is a hazy blur of violence & trauma that serenity doesn't fully remember & never wants to.
    one day she remembers quite vividly, however, is the day michael went too far with his violence & put her brother jeremy in the hospital. though it was a horrendous incident, it offered her mother the courage to finally divorce him & free her family of this suffering. though michael was supposed to be arrested for the crime he inflicted on his son, he spends the next six years evading the law, all while stalking and threatening serenity and the rest of her family. stephanie never remarries, instead deciding to try & make do as a single mother with only the help of her parents & close friends. truly believing he'd make true on his promise to kill them if he got the chance, this caused stephanie to become constantly vigilant & paranoid. anytime she'd receive word that he was sighted in their area, she'd pack up serenity & her brothers immediately, take them all to her parents' house, & start searching for apartment listings in a new city. naturally, this frequent moving around made it difficult for serenity to make & maintain friendships. as a result, serenity became socially anxious, shy & withdrawn from her peers.
    all of this comes to a head when, after six years, michael finally tracks them down before they get the chance to escape. her mother being at work and her brothers having after school activities that day, serenity arrives at their apartment alone to find him there, having broken in. stephanie's fears are legitimized as he instantly attempts to follow through with his promise, but serenity manages to kill him in self defense. his death comes mostly as a relief, but serenity is also left with an underlying fear towards her lack of feeling guilt over ending a human life, as well as the trauma of being subjected to his violence one final time. overall, though, she's just happy to be free of his influence once & for all.
    this newfound peace doesn't seem to last very long, as stephanie is diagnosed with a rare terminal illness a couple months later, & dies later that year. noah and serenity move in with their aunt caitlyn sometime later -- their dad's sister, who cut him & their mother off years before but kept in touch with stephanie after the divorce. this arrangement only lasts about 3 months, before she dies by suicide. jeremy, being 19 at the time, decides to drop out of college to begin working full time to help support them. the moment she turns 16, serenity also gets a job at a local coffee shop to help with their financial situation.
    a year passes, and slowly, the price siblings begin treading down the path towards healing. things take another turn, however, when serenity finds herself once again becoming the target of a stalker -- this time a random patron of the coffee shop who seems to instantly develop an obsession with her. for months, she deals with harassment, everything from unnerving "love notes" to being followed to & from home several nights a week. one night, he gets bold enough to pull her into an alleyway after a shift at work & attempts to assault her. fortunately, some men were coming out of a nearby bar & just managed to see what happened, so they scared him off. since every person involved managed to get a good look at him, he was arrested before too long & put on trial for his attempted assault. she testifies against him, offering every piece of evidence she's held onto to highlight the depth of his tormenting of her. this, unfortunately, ends up being all for nothing; the man that stalked & tormented her happened to be from a very rich & influential family, so he manages to pay off law enforcement to evade consequences for his actions. this ends up being the straw that broke the camel's back, & after a lifetime of near-constant torment, she dies by suicide.
    what should have been the end only becomes a new beginning, however. soon after, she wakes up in twisted wonderland, with no knowledge of how or why. from there, she settles into her role as the ramshackle prefect, resolving overblots & developing close relationships with those around her as a result. under all that, though, the results of her trauma never truly go away. whether or not she finds the resolve to heal will depend entirely on her own strength, as well as the strength of her bonds with those she's grown to love at nrc.
    tl;dr: serenity lives a very turbulent 18 years of life in the dimension she was born in. after surviving a childhood plagued by her father's abuse & causing his subsequent death at 14, her mother dying of a rare blood disease a year later, & being the victim of a stalker, she dies, only to wake up in twisted wonderland. there, she aims to start anew, & finds a new home among the friends she's found at nrc, but also learns the past can't be abandoned so easily. she will struggle on the path towards healing, face challenges, all while working to help those around her.



    michael price || father || 36 years old (at time of death)
    tw: abuse mentions
    serenity can count the positive memories she has with her father on one hand & still have plenty to spare. for her entire life, michael was the textbook definition of an abusive father; a bitter, spiteful monster with a need for total control over all things in his life, including his family, & had no issues with resorting to violence when he didn't get his way. he had made life hell for serenity & her family for as long as she's known him, even after the divorce. in some small way, her father's shadow will be with her for the rest of her life.

    stephanie winters || mother || 35 (at time of death)
    previously stephanie price, she changed back to her maiden name after divorcing her husband. her mother was -- & in a lot of ways still is -- a huge influence on her life. while she was a very caring, nurturing & loving woman, she had her own flaws, but serenity will never be convinced of that. her memory is put up on this pedestal in her mind, which only got worse after her death. her memory of stephanie is sacred, something that she won't allow anything or anyone to tarnish, & she will furiously defend it against even the smallest of criticisms. so much of serenity's self worth is tied to what her mother might think of her, & she works tirelessly in hopes that she can be someone her mother would be proud of.

    jeremy price || older brother || 22 years old
    serenity's older brother, jeremy had spent much of his childhood protecting his younger siblings from their abusive father alongside their mother. anytime he would get physical, jeremy was receiving the worst of it. the incident that led him to the hospital had been the result of him protecting her, so serenity still heavily blames herself for this. when their mom died, jeremy dropped out of college immediately to take in his younger siblings, which she also feels immense guilt over to this day. because of all of this, she was hesitant to allow herself to rely on him too much. much like the rest of her family (minus her father), serenity deeply loves & cherishes jeremy & her memories of him. this tends to only fuel her furious self-loathing, however -- she deeply resents herself for choosing to leave them the way she did. the weight of this regret coupled with the fact that she still wants to die causes a lot of internal conflict within her, & will continue to be something she struggles with moving forward.

    felicity price || twin sister || age 2 (at time of death)
    serenity's identical twin sister, older than her by 4 minutes. she died when they were toddlers, so she doesn't remember her, but remembers the impact it had on their mother. as previously stated, serenity never learns her cause of death. it'd be easy to assume her father was involved, but a major flaw in that theory is that her mother would have divorced him much sooner if that were the case. she has vague memories of her grandma on her mom's side mentioning a drowning accident, but she has no way of knowing the answer for certain, so she tries not to dwell on it.

    noah price || younger brother || 15 years old
    serenity's younger brother. as the baby of the family, serenity was sure to protect him from their father when their mom or jeremy couldn't, although no one in her family ever escaped being the target of his violence on occasion. while she has a very close relationship with both of her brothers, as her only younger sibling, she naturally takes on the role of the big sister with him. she's nurturing towards them both in a way, especially after their mother's death, but it manifests differently when directed towards noah.

    grim || pseudo-sibling
    grim, despite making her life a living hell since the moment they met, is someone she considers the closest thing she has to family in twisted wonderland. she does grow a soft spot for him, especially after learning of his past. they both have nothing & are going nowhere & find a home with each other, despite grim's insistence that she's merely his henchman. he's still frustrating as all hell most of the time, but he's still family. she couldn't walk away from him if she wanted to.

    close friends:
    considering the nature of her role at night raven college, it's no exaggeration to say serenity has gathered quite a vast circle of friends since arriving. it's difficult to think of someone among the main cast she doesn't consider a friend, in some small way. still, some people she's closer to than others.
    the heartslabyul boys || like?? duh. serenity hangs out with them literally all the time. ace & deuce were her first real friends. hell, ace practically lives with her at ramshackle when he does something to get himself kicked out of heartslabyul. why would she put up with half the shit they put her through if she didn't care deeply for them? riddle, trey, & cater, too... she loves all of them, with every fiber of her being. it's unclear whether or not she'd ever tell them -- ace
    would probably be a dick & make fun of her for it -- but it's evident in her actions how much she cherishes them. she has their back just as much as they have hers, & her loyalty lies with them, first & foremost.
    malleus draconia & lilia vanrouge || serenity doesn't grow incredibly close to any of the diasomina boys until she discovers tsunotarou's true identity, but after that? malleus & lilia almost become like a second ace/deuce, her "partners in crime" in a sense. through them, she also becomes close to silver & sebek. also much like adeuce & the rest of her friends, she loves the two dearly.
    rook hunt || while this seems like a strange friendship to outsiders, it makes sense if you really understand these two -- they have a lot more in common than most would think. they're both generally friendly towards those around them (unless provoked), but rather esoteric figures with their own unique quirks. after their first meeting & during their time living together during the sdc training, they're quick to grow fascinated with one another, & see the other as delightful company to have. one key difference is that rook has a talent for appearing more open than he really is & deflecting comments without making it too obvious -- something serenity notices about him immediately, but could never hope to emulate. no matter how good she is at hiding certain aspects of herself, rook is much better. not that she feels the need to pry, anyway. she's hardly the most open person herself, after all.
    [more tba]
  • !! headcanons coming soon !!
    also, just a side note: the characters listed below are just my favorites, but this isn't an all-inclusive list. the only characters i wouldn't ever consider using as a love interest are orthro & the faculty (naturally.) so if you think she could have an interesting dynamic with someone not listed here, feel free to suggest them!

    ❧ || riddle rosehearts.
    ❧ || ace trappola.
    ❧ || deuce spade.
    ❧ || leona kingscholar.
    ❧ || jack howl.
    ❧ || azul ashengrotto.
    ❧ || jamil viper.
    ❧ || vil schoenheit.
    ❧ || epel felmier.
    ❧ || idia shroud.
    ❧ || malleus draconia.
    ❧ || silver.
    ❧ || lilia vanrouge.
    ❧ || artemiy artemiyevich pinker / "chenya."
    ❧ || rollo flamme.
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