ALWAYS OPEN PARTNER REQUEST A x A 〔 roleplay partner search .... mostly fandoms ... 1x1 doubling 〕

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somethings here
Original poster
Invitation Status
  1. Look for groups
  2. Looking for partners
Posting Speed
  1. Multiple posts per day
  2. Multiple posts per week
Writing Levels
  1. Adaptable
Preferred Character Gender
  1. Female
  2. Primarily Prefer Male
Fantasy (high fantasy and modern fantasy), sci-fi, modern, and fandom
heyo! the name is andie (they/them/theirs). I am 21 years old so with that I only rp with those who are 18+ regardless of the content of the rp. I'm an rper with more than a decade of experience across various sites (quotev, tumblr, discord) my roleplay length can vary and honestly depends on what my partner is more interested in, though I tend to mostly lean towards descriptive types of rp. In regards to mature topics, they will come up but I always discuss things with partners prior to mentioning certain subjects, however, if something is common in the canon material then I automatically assume that you as my partner are okay with the mention of it.

Primarily I do fandom or fandom-based roleplays, though I also occasionally do original rps as well (though I will be honest completely original rps are a long shot, but if you want to play within a universe with only ocs that's more my speed). That being said I am into world building and intense plotting, I like to keep up sort of constant plotting or sharing of ideas to keep my interest in the roleplay and also enjoy plotting out or sharing headcanons for a bit before starting the rp because in my experience it's made the rp much more enjoyable and in line with both of us want.

I typically tend to write male characters and my side usually ends up mxm, so it's basically a must that you are okay with writing that. As for me, I'm okay with writing bxg, gxg, nbxb/g.. whatever sort of arrangement you've got going on! Im a bit hesitant towards writing poly unless both are sides are poly.

Below is a list of my fandoms, per usual the more hearts the more interested I am in them! Message me on here or comment if you're interested in anything!

Formula 1 ❤❤❤❤

Star Wars* ❤
SEAL team ❤❤❤❤
Top Gun & Top Gun: Maverick ❤❤❤
⸻ * for these fandoms specifically, I tend to prefer rps that exist within the universe but don't necessarily involve all the canon characters

Death Note

COD: MW (preference for reboot but can do original) ❤❤
Pokemon (Scarlet/Violet, Sword/Shield, maybe something inspired by the journeys tv shows) ❤❤❤

Fantasy (high or modern)
for these I am open to taking heavy inspiration from pre-existing media (GOT/HOTD, etc)

I'm also into aus for most of the fandoms.