ALWAYS OPEN Roleplay Partner Search ! [ original roleplays, 1 x 1 - doubling up ]

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Original poster
Invitation Status
  1. Look for groups
Posting Speed
  1. Multiple posts per day
  2. Multiple posts per week
Online Availability
online for multiple hours after 2 July
Writing Levels
  1. Intermediate
  2. Adept
  3. Advanced
Preferred Character Gender
  1. Male
  2. Female
dark romance, romance, mafia based tropes, serial killers, horror
i'm a sucker for morally grey characters <3 dark, brooding and intimidating? sign me up! i prefer dark themes, but fluff is a need, yes.
bloodthirsty vampires and grumpy alpha werewolves who're willing to burn the world for their mate? mafia men who're only soft for their beloved? a serial killer bathing in the blood of innocents but would hate for a drop of their lover's blood to be spilled? definitely what i'm into.
so if it isn't obvious already, i'm looking for people who'd roleplay the same or similar plots with me. i can't write down something good if your plot doesn't interest me, which is why i've laid out my interests so clearly.

so, in short, original storylines revolving around these elements:
  • Werewolves
  • Vampires
  • Royal core
  • Dark romance
  • Mafia
of course, can't forget my books:
  • Rina verse
  • Cora Reilley
  • Devil's night series
i also roleplay everything and anything yandere.

the only rules I have and ask you abide by are:

  • we double up (if not, then I prefer playing the female side)
  • preferable if you're of legal age
  • plotting is a must
  • since i prefer quality over quantity, the range will be a five to fifteen desktop lines.
Hi!! So, I was watching this movie the other day for my political science class, and the main character was a congressman who was known for only hiring beautiful women to work in his office. So that started giving me this idea of Muse A being a mafia boss type of guy who only hires beautiful women (although that's just what he wants people to think, he really hires them for their unique qualities), and Muse B being one of his newer hires, who also happens to be his favorite employee. Muse B's coworkers keep trying to drop the hint that "hey, the boss really likes you, he just doesn't know how to come right out and say it, that's why he keeps asking you out for coffee", and Muse B is in denial about it, thinking he's just being nice.

However, one day, Muse A and Muse B are walking back from one of their infamous coffee dates, when all of the sudden a guy jumps out of an alley and demands all their money. At first, Muse B isn't too non-plussed, she has a good chunk of cash she can spare, but things take a turn when the guy pulls a gun on them. Turns out this guy isn't just a random mugger, he's a hitman from a rival mafia, but considering Muse A is always prepared for stuff like this, he easily takes the guy out.

Meanwhile, Muse B is now in somewhat of a state of shock because she just watched a guy get killed right in front of her, and she knew her boss was into some shady business, but she didn't realize just how shady. So, Muse A takes her back to where she's staying, apologizing that she had to see that, and he's about to leave, but she asks him to stay because she really doesn't want to be alone right now; cue confessions of feelings, cuddles, possibly making out, whatever.
hiya! i'm eleanor, i am twenty-two and use she/her pronouns.
while i do not have a specific plot in mind, i would love to role-play something royal and/or vampire/werewolf themed!
maybe something involving heirs to different kingdoms? but if you have specific plots in mind i'd love to hear!