PROMPT EXERCISE Science Fiction Exercises

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Memento Mori
Original poster
Posting Speed
  1. 1-3 posts per week
  2. One post per week
Online Availability
My timezone is PST
Writing Levels
  1. Intermediate
  2. Adept
  3. Advanced
  4. Adaptable
Preferred Character Gender
  1. Male
  2. Female
  3. Futanari
Homosexual, Romance, Fantasy, Scifi, Magic, Vampire, Werewolf, Supernatural, Angels/Demons, Superhero, Zombies


Greeting Travelers!

In honor of Science Fiction Day, we have found three writing exercises curated by Author Monica Valentinelli to help get you thinking about science fiction story ideas. Create an alien, destroy the world, and create a fantastical invention.

Don't put too much pressure on yourself. These exercises are to help get your creative juices flowing. Instead of focusing on a plot or a character, here are a few elements you can develop that might exist within your story. Post below the exercises that you complete.

Create an Alien:
Whether you create something humanoid or the size of an amoeba, designing an alien can be a lot of fun and help spark a few story ideas. After you have your creation in hand, you can explore several options to flesh out your alien. You could determine how they reproduce, if there are any other types of aliens within that species, what type of pets they might have or food they might eat, etc.

Predict the End of the World:
Several post-apocalyptic settings are based upon an event that either destroyed or irrevocably altered an entire society. What type of event would change the world forever? When and where would this event occur? How would the event start? By attempting to predict the world's end, your imagination can travel in interesting directions and naturally explore the causes and effects of the event you're predicting. Once you have the event figured out, your mind will attempt to combine the pieces to logically create the before, during, and after of a post-apocalyptic sequence you could create a setting around.

Design an Invention:
In many areas of science fiction, you'll often find interesting inventions that tie back into the plot in some fashion. Some of these "inventions" are organically based; others might employ nanotechnology. What sorts of inventions would you design that currently don't exist in modern technology? After you've created an invention, it can lead to a good brainstorming session about where, when, and how it might be used in your setting.

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