ALWAYS OPEN M x M shrouded wisteria of shizu's

  • So many newbies lately! Here is a very important PSA about one of our most vital content policies! Read it even if you are an ancient member!


glacial waltz
Original poster
Invitation Status
  1. Looking for partners
Posting Speed
  1. 1-3 posts per week
  2. One post per week
  3. Slow As Molasses
Writing Levels
  1. Adept
  2. Advanced
Preferred Character Gender
  1. Male
  2. Female

Shizu's Request Thread

  • Hello, all who have been intrigued enough to visit my request thread! I'm revamping my utterly plain jumble of a request thread and updating it with new information to hopefully attract more interesting people.

    That said, hi! You can call me shizuu. I'm a 24 year old female though, I don't care what gender you are as long as you can write. I've been writing for about half a decade now and don't plan to stop anytime soon! I love flowers and the spring/summer weather, but only because of the rainy days, haha. I'm not keen on revealing personal details and would prefer to have that bit of anonymity online. However, that doesn't mean I won't shut you down and berate you for talking about your family and pets, if you so wish. My favorite animals are butterflies and sheeps. I love reading manhwa/manga and danmei, although I'm just getting into the latter so my knowledge isn't as extensive yet. I've read SVSSS, MDZS and on the last vol. of TGCF. If titles like Shutline, 19 Days, The Pizza Deliveryman and The Gold Palace and Codename Anastasia are familiar to you, we have to roleplay something based off those!! I'm aware BL manhwa tend to get a bad rep for romanticizing abuse and toxic top/frail bottom dynamics, but I assure you I am no fan of those. Looking at you, Jinx.

    I usually just browse the request threads on different sites to find a partner but I figured I'm probably missing out on really good writers who also have that habit so I'm making this request thread to hopefully interest some of my fellow lurkers!

    • As it is currently summer, I do have more time to devote to my hobbies such as roleplaying but I also will go out and have fun with IRL friends. Depending on my muse, I can reply everyday or it may take a couple days to get to it, but I'll always let you know that I'm working on it if it's taking a while. I will rarely leave you hanging.
    • I typically write between 500-2k words. In a relatively engaging roleplay, I would hover around 800-1k words but with the right partner, I presume I can write even more than 1k words on a regular basis; although I haven't been as lucky yet, haha. I will always try to match what I'm given unless I've got more to say. I do tend to write fatter starters with my most recent being 2.7k words.
    • Carefully considered responses with good grammar. Typos may occur, albeit rarely.
    • Third-person perspective. Past tense.
    • Frequent OOC chatter. I'm always trying to make this experience as smooth as possible without any miscommunication. Admittedly, I'm not the best at coming up with unexpected but perfectly executed ideas on the spot so I may be querying you about various things. Really, I don't bite! Come at me with how you saw our characters in the most random way possible in this oddly specific dynamic. I will eat it up.
    • Discord or PMs for OOC. If you're fine with either, PMs for initial, serious plotting and Discord for more lighthearted messages and random blabber about our characters.
    • Pinterest boards and playlists! This is one of my favorite things about starting new roleplays. Being able to expand on our characters and their world before reaching such points in the roleplay is very important to me.
    • GMT+8 time zone.
    • Ghost-friendly. Being completely transparent, I also have such tendencies so it's only natural I am tolerant of it in other people as well.
    • Illustrated FCs only. If you use realistic FCs and don't like illustrations, I'd be willing to settle on just writing up a description without any images attached.
    • I usually create characters beforehand for roleplays, i.e., when I reach out to people, I'm usually hoping to use a specific character I've written before. If you reach out to me, I'll offer you one of my characters, but I'm open to writing up one if you've got a specific pairing in mind. Do keep in mind that it'll take some time for me to write a new character because there's a whole bunch of stuff I have to consider and understand about the character first before actually using them.
    A tidbit about me that's kind of annoying and picky, but I should be upfront about it beforehand to avoid any issues:
    I really love the characters I create. I'm sure everyone else feels the same because why would you write a character you don't like?? However, what that means for me is that I'm selective about the characters my character is paired up with. While my characters are certainly not self-inserts, I relate to them in some way or I admire something about them deeply, which means I won't pair up Jay with Jane just because you think it would be cute when they don't have a lot of chemistry to begin with. If I don't think the character you're pitching me will suit the dynamic I envisioned for my character, I might reject that idea. HOWEVER, that doesn't mean I'll only write this very specific dynamic because I'm interested in exploring a lot of things! You may find more of what I like in the 'Preferences' tab.

    I know that makes me sound like a douche but I would much prefer to have only a couple, mutually meaningful roleplays than many, mundane ones that I'm not 100% invested in. I don't write just for the sake of writing or to give some small bit of entertainment before I go do other stuff. I want to create worlds to be wrapped up in fully, immersed intensely. I want to write stories full of life and nuance and I want you to also feel the same about this. You don't have to be bawling reading my replies and feeling as if you're our characters, but I want you to be just as intrigued as I am and willing to show this love.

    What I expect from you:
    • A thought-out roleplay request with either your own plots, pairing ideas or one of my plots/pairings as well as your own queries about the plot ideas. As I've mentioned, I always like to keep things well-clarified and pre-established. Please do not message me with a "Hey, saw your post. Wanna RP?" for the sake of saving both of our times. Let's be efficient with our requests, yeah? Although, if you really don't have any ideas but still really eager to start, please do mention that and brainstorm with me! Tell me what you like and we can take it from there.
    • PATIENCE for my replies!!
    • You may also post infrequently but please don't leave me hanging for like a month.
    • Similar in length to my responses, but absolutely add more if you've been struck with ideas. Or alternatively, tell me when you can't think of anything more. I will try my best to help you.
    • Willing to engage in lots of OOC talk with clear enthusiasm.
    • Warns me about delays/disinterest. If it's an enjoyable roleplay, I am willing to wait for months until things settle down on your end but please warn me and give accurate estimates. My biggest pet peeve is when people give me false estimates and just keep saying 'soon' with no clear idea of when 'soon' is. If stuff keeps piling up beyond your control, tell me and I'll understand.
    • Good spelling and grammar.

  • Preferences:
    I love building up relationships slowly and agonizingly until they're at the point where there's so much deep pining that they haven't even realized. I also like to have characters initially be inexplicably attracted to each other but these two things would preferably not be happening for the same characters. It's one or the other.

    I adore the dynamic between two dark, brooding characters and the way they shed their cool exteriors solely for the other. Not the biggest fan of Grumpy x Sunshine. I know, hang me because that's like one of the most popular dynamics out there. Basically, anything that has the characters butt heads are usually a yes in my books. I don't like to write against really cutesy, sensitive, frail etc. characters, even for females and especially for males. I want to see the characters have that spark in them and isn't afraid to stand up for themselves if need be. This doesn't mean they have to be really tough and burly all the time and I do like seeing people be vulnerable to their loved ones. For MxM, I don't write against twinks, sorry.

    BIPOC OCs welcome! Although my current character roster is quite Euro-Centric at the moment, I'm definitely planning to create more POC characters. You may also approach with settings that are not centered in the US or Europe! I'm open to exploring various cultures, but be warned it'll take a bit of time for me to research and understand the history if I'm not well-acquainted in order to represent truthfully.

    I prefer plot over smut and any smut should be tasteful and well-suited for the development of their relationship. It should be at a pivotal moment or at the end when they've finally earned it after their immense pining. I'm not currently looking for lots of smut right now but if that changes, I'll update this thread to match. If I had to apply a number, around 90:10 plot-to-smut ratio or 80:20. Also, another somewhat big preface: I don't have a lot of experience with smut. Due to some mysterious, unknown force, all of my smutty roleplays have never developed to the point of me fully completing a smut scene which, when you say it out loud, is kind of crazy, but that's just how it is. Please don't expect me to fluidly write smut scenes because I can't, but I'm really willing to learn! If you're okay with me being a bit amateur on that side, I'd love to write and learn along the way.

    I'll admit and say that I'm a vanilla writer. I'm not particularly interested in truly rough sex with themes such as gangbang/pain (like actually hurting past arousal)/BDSM etc. (Again, ask and we'll see if it would suit our characters and plot.) Of course, it won't be all boring sex though. I might add my f-list later.

    No toilet play or anything pertaining to the toilet.
    No excessive gore.
    No underage stuff or things alluding to that nature.
    No non-con/dub-con.
    No incest (includes stepsibling/stepmother/stepfather etc.).
    No necrophilia.
    No furries.
    No vore.
    No filthy sex. Not "Oh, you're so naughty." but rather "Oh my god, this is so gross." That includes smelly/filthy body parts and any kind of play surrounding them. For example, in the event that our RP is at the point where the characters are in a forest and have to do it, they would have at least bathed in a river.

    Most things that are considered extreme are just not my forte. Please do query what you have in mind because I might be willing to do it.

    Word bank:
    rivalry. playboys. wealth. partying. delinquent x teacher's pet. high-profile x bodyguard. forbidden love. syndicates. yakuza. mafia. ancient japan. ancient china. ancient korea. ancient middle-east. ancient rome. ancient greece. ancient egypt. aristocracy. historical. fantasy. mermaids/mermen. romance. drama. mystery. worship. angels. demons. pirates. vampires. enemies-to-lovers. teasing. power differences. aphrodisiacs. sun x moon. badasses. power couples.

    If these words/phrases line up with what you like, please don't hesitate to reach out! These are a jumble of stuff I like, including certain tropes, dynamics, settings and themes. If it's struck-through, then it means I've already started up something that focuses on those but, once those RPs finish, I'd be open to playing them again!

  • Armand Porthos Devereux - CEO of car manufacturing company (Occupied)

    Atlantis Valor Aegeus - Merman (Occupied)

    Elynas Seraphim - High Elf

    Out of the three here, Elynas is the only one not actively involved in any roleplays at the moment. I'd prefer not to have multiple romantic roleplays with one single character at a time as that can kind of break the immersion so I've only got Elynas as a pre-made character available. However, as said before, I'm absolutely open to writing up new characters tailor-made for the roleplay idea you had in mind.

  • Will fill out soon with more info. I don't have any active, original plots at the moment so I might grab some from various sources.

credits | inspired by MaryGold
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  • Bucket of Rainbows
Reactions: nagisa
hi, i would love to roleplay with you!

i'm over eighteen and prefer animated faceclaims with the roleplays . . however, i'm wondering if i can portray as the female seeing as i don't have the brain capacity atm to roleplay two ocs?? unless they're side ocs??
Major revamp. Trashed the old formatting and included new info about myself.