CHARACTERS The Character Archive

  • So many newbies lately! Here is a very important PSA about one of our most vital content policies! Read it even if you are an ancient member!


Original poster
Invitation Status
  1. Looking for partners
Posting Speed
  1. 1-3 posts per week
  2. One post per week
Writing Levels
  1. Intermediate
  2. Adept
  3. Advanced
Preferred Character Gender
  1. Male
  2. Female
  3. Primarily Prefer Female
horror, modern, supernatural


  • "Come back into the good life, Lose these hazy love lies"

    LOOKING FOR ROLEPLAYS: OPEN! Please PM me if you want to rp

    • NAME: Altair
    • PRONOUNS: She/her
    • AGE: 24 years old
    • LGBTQ+ Friendly

    • EXPERIENCE: Long time roleplayer, for around 10+ years. I'm also a Quotev refugee!
    • POST LENGTH: 450+ words
    • TIMEFRAME: Most commonly every other day. If irl responsibilities get in the way, it may take to 1-3 weeks to get back to you. But I'm generally good at responding back and will give you a head's up when I can!
    • RPG RATING: 3-3-3

    • COMMUNICATION: I enjoy plotting, sharing headcanons and chatting! If you prefer just writing, I'm also fine with that <3
    • FC PREFERENCE: Perfectly fine with both realistic face claims and anime! I generally use realistic fcs.

    • Red star partners preferred!
    • Double-ups or single. If single, I prefer playing the female/sub male role.
    • 3rd person.
    • Multi-para, I prefer 3 paragraphs tops, but I'll try to match your lines!
    • Long-term roleplays
    • Plots! I prefer having a storyline we can follow to help set the pace.
    • I'm open to smut with red star partners!

    • I prefer being told if you're no longer interested in the rp, but I'm also ghost friendly <3

    • The name you go by
    • Preferred pronouns
    • The plot you want to roleplay, this can include your own storylines!
    • Your character(s) you want to use, if already made.

  • For my side of the roleplay, I prefer these pairings. However, I'm absolutely willing to do any pairing for you, or change mine if we're doing a single rp <3

    I also prefer dark storylines! I'll usually also mix/match some story ideas together, and obv you're free to do the same if you can't pick one. I'd also love to see your own storylines or ideas you want to bring to the table! I'm very flexible with anything.

    Most interested in: *
    Least interested in: x
    No stars/x: Open to discuss!

    • Alpha / Beta / Omega **

    • Superhero / civilian x Supervillain *

    • Supernatural x Human *

    • Kidnapper x Kidnapped *

    • Killer x Victim *

    • Vampire x Human

    • Royal x servant / civilian

    • Werewolf x Human

    • Bad Boy x Innocent Girl

    • Soulmates *

  • Most interested in: *
    Least interested in: x
    No stars/x: Open to discuss!

    • EXPERIENCE: High! I've roleplayed in this fandom for years, I know a lot of aspects of it
    • I don't roleplay Slendermansion, but I'm open to it for your side. I'm also open to discussing headcanon/lore concepts of the characters!

    • I'm not comfortable roleplaying Laughing Jack or Slenderman as a love interest, sorry
    • My love interests are Masky, Hoodie, Eyeless Jack or Ticci Toby

    • EXPERIENCE: Low! I haven't roleplayed it, but I've watched the movie and know the characters.

    • I'm fine roleplaying any love interest
    • My love interest is Billy Loomis. I can also roleplay him for you, our rps will just be set in different realities.

    • EXPERIENCE: Moderate! I've roleplayed it once, but I've watched the game and read the general lore of the characters and villains.

    • I'm not comfortable roleplaying The Clown and Twins
    • My love interests are Danny Johnson, Frank, Ji-Woon Hak or Leon.

    • EXPERIENCE: High! I haven't roleplayed it, but I've watched all the movies and know the lore.

    • This is a special case where I want this fandom roleplay to be oc x oc! I enjoy this fandom's lore and would love to roleplay in the setting.

    • EXPERIENCE: High! I've roleplayed it once, but I know the lore and feel confident roleplaying it.

    • This is another special case where I want this fandom roleplay to be oc x oc! I enjoy this fandom's lore and would love to roleplay in the setting.

    POKEMON: **
    • EXPERIENCE: High! I've roleplayed it a few times, know the lore and played almost every game (including side games like Pokemon Ranger/Conquest!)

    • This is another special case where I want this fandom roleplay to be oc x oc! I enjoy this fandom's lore and would love to roleplay in the setting.

  • If there's things I might've missed on this tab that you want to include in the roleplay, please ask me about it! <3

    • Drama
    • Toxic relationships / Yandere
    • Angst
    • Romance
    • Side characters
    • Enemies to lovers
    • Gore
    • Trauma
    • Slow burn
    • Size difference

    • Pet play
    • Fast burn
    • Pregnancy
    • Historical
    • Age gaps
    • Demihumans (half human species. This also includes mermaids/merfolk, nagas)
    • Mary/Gary sue (ie Isekai-type tropes that are blatantly obvious)
    • Fade to black (if you're not comfortable with smut I'm fully open to this <3)
    • Anal (mxm / threesomes / not as interested for fxm)

    • Vore
    • Watersports
    • Self-Harm / Suicide (I'm fine with past mentions, but nothing actively roleplayed)
    • Incest
    • Furry
    • Cheating
    • Big age gaps
    • Food play
    • Tickle torture
    • Body mutilation (you can badly hurt my character, but pls don't chop their arm off. Totally okay if you want to chop an arm off a side-character, though!)
    • Feet fetish
    • Tickle fetish
    • Necrophilia
    • Age regression
    • Harems
    • Bestiality

    • Breeding
    • Foreplay / multiple orgasms / overstimulation
    • Biting / Marking / Claiming
    • Toy play
    • Dom / sub play
    • Dub-con, Non-con
    • Bondage
    • Threesome
    • Praise kink
    • Daddy kink
    • Degradation

  • Here's some of my plot ideas! Feel free to use them if you don't have your own plot idea for the roleplay. I'm always open to discussion if you have something else in mind, too <3

    1) Stoke my flames until this fever turns to ash: Omegaverse
    [Character A] is an alpha and [Character B] is an omega. It can be employer/employee x employee, strangers to lovers, partners in crime, x victim, etc.

    Maybe [Character B]'s heat suppressants and scent blockers stop working and [Character A] catches their scent, [Character B] goes into heat naturally.

    Or maybe [Character A] and [Character B] are just dealing with the current events of their lives. Anything is game.

    (I'm open to interpretation on the omegaverse lore! If omegas are rare/ common place in society, how said society treats the different castes, etc)

    2) If I take these wings, will you stay?: Yandere / Obsession
    [Character A] is the yandere and [Character B] is their object of fascination. [Character A] refuses to let [Character B] to have anyone but them.

    Maybe this comes in the form of killing the competition, kidnapping [Character B], manipulating [Character B], using their power to suppress [Character B], etc.

    3) I'll cover us in silver leaves: Reincarnation / Obsession
    [Character A] and [Character B] were lovers in their past life. Transitioning to their new one, [Character A] kept their memories while [Character B] forgot everything. [Character A] searched everywhere for their former lover, and ultimately does find them.

    Maybe [Character A] is a supernatural that terrifies [Character B], [Character B] already has a lover that [Character A] needs to get rid of, etc.

credits | inspired by MaryGold
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Reactions: Reverie

  • "I'll believe it all, There's nothing I won't understand"

    NAME: Alex Hayes
    • Alex (preferred over full name)
    • Al
    • Ally

    AGE : 28 yrs

    SEXUALITY: Bisexual

    BIRTH DATE: March 26th

    ZODIAC: Aries

    CURRENT RESIDENCE: New York, usa

    OCCUPATION: Superhero, Barista as civilian job

    FACE CLAIM: Jenna Coleman

    HEIGHT: 5'5 ft

    EYE COLOR: Amber

    HAIR COLOR: Brown

    • Dogs
    • Being underneath a bundle of blankets while relaxing on a sofa
    • Dancing
    • Cuddling or any display of affection
    • Sweets
    • Plush toys
    • Praise
    • Watching movies

    • A pitch black room
    • Dirt in her house
    • Arguments
    • Being alone


    Alex has always been a bright and bubbly girl, described as a golden retriever personality. She's optimistic to a fault and is a people-pleaser, much to the detriment of her own health. She's an ambivert, capable of engaging in conversations with new people but also enjoys times to herself.

    She's the type to endure ridicule and negativity with a smile and keep her thoughts to herself. This frequently leads to people walking over her while she endures the treatment.

    Despite this, there's always a glimmer of innocence and positivity in her eyes and smile. She's usually the comforter and listener in any friend group she's in, taking the venting and anything else her friends say without having an outlet for herself to let loose her emotions. This compliant nature tends to stress Alex when behind closed doors where she can be herself, often falling under the pressure to be a complacent doormat for others to use.

    If she becomes comfortable with someone, Alex shows more of her real self as an energetic bundle of joy that loves physical touch and speaking her mind for once. She becomes a lot more animated, a contrast to her meek and stiff posture when in public with people she's uncomfortable with. Her innocence comes at a cost to herself, leading her to be more gullible to lies and deceit.

    It's easy for individuals to make Alex do something they want, whether it's taking extra hours from work or taking harsher jobs as a superhero in hopes she'll receive recognition for her hard work and be looked at in a positive light.


    As a child, her parents instilled high expectations of her. With her parents none other than the great Apollo and Artemis, titled as heroes of the sun and moon, she was expected to be born a child of the stars. Her father and mother's abilities should've given her something extraordinary in light powers to compliment their theme. Instead, during Alex's childhood when she first manifested her powers, they came in the form of shadows. Rather than a star, she was an eclipse, her parent's perfect shadow of their union.

    Cyrus and Callisto were devastated upon seeing her powers, and the love Alex once received was immediately cut off. Her parents became standoffish, always nitpicking and showing disappointment in anything she did. Despite Alex's perfect grades in school and extracurricular activities, it was never enough to gain her parent's affections and approval.

    This continued to spiral through Alex's life as she grew older, ultimately leading to a crash where she lost all motivation to attend college. She instead took a job at a cafe as a barista, much to the further disappointment of her parents. Since then, it's been a constant struggle of people using and discouraging her progress in life, and any compliments she did receive were never enough.

    As a superhero, it didn't get better. Her power over shadows made the public distrust her capability of being a hero. When it became public knowledge that Eclipse was Apollo and Artemis' daughter, even under their superhero guise, her parents made it a point to act as though they weren't related. It completely crushed her to see this, and struggled to show them her powers are a force of good.

    Her superhero journey hasn't been easy, with the villains and tasks she faces played to her disadvantages. Nevertheless, she still tries to be the daughter her parents always wanted, and a worthy superhero in the eyes of civilians.

    Alex's life started to take a turn when she saved a civilian from a villain in an alley, bringing the man to her old apartment to patch him up. She doesn't think much of that moment, to her it was just another day of saving someone who needed help.

    It can only go downhill from here...


    CYRUS HAYES ( FATHER ) Known as Apollo, the superhero of the sun by citizens. His and Alex's relationship is incredibly tense. Alex never feels at ease in the presence of her father, and his gaze is one of disappointment and regret. He wanted a daughter of the stars, not the offspring of shadows cast by the sun. They're not on the best speaking terms, and when they do talk, it's often Cyrus downplaying Alex's accomplishments.

    Cyrus was always a standoffish, strict and cold parent who purposefully avoided interacting with his daughter. Alex deeply wants to impress her father, and continuously overworks herself in the goal she'll one day do something he's proud of.
    CYRUS POWERS- Possesses superhuman strength, flight and pyrokinesis.

    CALLISTO HAYES ( MOTHER ) Known as Artemis, the superheroine of the moon by citizens. Unlike Alex's father, Callisto shows her disappointment in Alex by nitpicking and questioning if Alex could've done better in any work she does. While Cyrus is more outspoken in his dislike of their daughter, Callisto is more subdued, being polite but not open to her daughter. She also wanted a daughter of the stars, not a shadow the moon pushes away its light. Callisto would motivate her daughter when she was a child, but didn't hide how she'll talk behind Alex's back with other adults.

    Callisto is also nervous of her daughter's powers, believing it to be a villain-type ability and displays obvious mistrust in her child. Alex hopes to make her mother proud and prove her powers isn't something to be feared.
    CALLISTO POWERS- Possesses superhuman speed, healing touch that can mend injuries, and the ability to form energy beams out of light.


    JENNIFER LAWRENCE ( FRIEND ) Coworker at the cafe they work at. Jennifer is the snobby gossiper who talks Alex's ears off whenever they're on the same shift together. Alex thinks of Jennifer as a good friend, while Jennifer just wants to hear some juicy info from Alex so she can later gossip to her other friends about it. Jennifer likes trying to tempt Damien with her presence whenever he comes by the cafe for Alex, but Damien has never given into her advances.

    ALYSON HAWKES ( FRIENDS ) Younger coworker at the cafe they both work at. Alyson is a true friend of Alex, and the duo love to sit down and chat during their off time. Alyson is kind and attentive, often encouraging Alex to continue pursuing her goals.

    EMMA GLADESDALE ( FRIENDS ) A friend Alex made while in a park. The two hit it off well during their first meeting and have since hung out with each other. Emma is stubborn and acts like a mother to Alex. She's very attentive, and isn't afraid to tell people off from using Alex or convince her to get out of a bad relationship. Emma does not like Damien, and gets a bad vibe from him.

  • HERO NAME: Eclipse

    SUPERHERO SUIT: 01, comes with a hood

    - Umbrakinesis, also known as the power to control shadows. She can use her own shadow to summon for fights. She can control shadows belonging to other people and objects. However, the larger the shadow, the more difficult and draining it is to use. Any shadow she controls is only as large as the shadow it comes from.

    (ie a human shadow would remain that size or smaller, never bigger). She can make the shadows take different limited shapes, such as a shield or spikes that rise from the ground

    • The more she needs to use multiple shadows, the quicker her energy drains
    • She's an incredibly fair fighter. Alex can easily fall for a trick if the opposing individual pretends to give up or acts like they're gravely injured, allowing them to strike when her guard is lowered
    • Light. If there's no shadows she can't control them, and if there's small shadows they can't do as much things

    - Civilians are weary of Eclipse. They believe her powers to be an inclination that Eclipse is evil. Despite her attempts to prove them otherwise, there is still caution among the crowd whenever Eclipse draws near.

  • - Alex is self-conscious over her superhero name, Eclipse. She feels it encompasses everything her parents dislike about her

    - Apartment complex Interior | Exterior

    - Her job at the cafe doesn't pay well, and without her parent's support, she had to live in a cheap apartment.

    - Alex doesn't like to admit it, but she's terrified of the dark. It's everything her parents hated with her shadow powers, and being in darkness only reminds her of it

    - Alex tends to hum to herself while busying herself with something

  • Hello! This is a little about me for you to look at in case you need a quick refresher <3
    • ABOUT ME:
      • NAME: Altair
      • PRONOUNS: She/her
      • AGE: 24 years old
      • LGBTQ+ Friendly
      • EXPERIENCE: Long time roleplayer, for around 10+ years. I'm also a Quotev refugee!
      • POST LENGTH: 450+ words
      • TIMEFRAME: Most commonly every other day. If irl responsibilities get in the way, it may take to 1-3 weeks to get back to you. But I'm generally good at responding back and will give you a head's up when I can!
      • RPG RATING: 3-3-3

    My Do's and Dont's

    • Drama
    • Toxic relationships / Yandere
    • Angst
    • Romance
    • Side characters
    • Enemies to lovers
    • Gore
    • Trauma
    • Slow burn
    • Size difference

    • Pet play
    • Fast burn
    • Pregnancy
    • Historical
    • Age gaps
    • Demihumans (half human species. This also includes mermaids/merfolk, nagas)
    • Mary/Gary sue (ie Isekai-type tropes that are blatantly obvious)
    • Fade to black (if you're not comfortable with smut I'm fully open to this <3)

    • Vore
    • Watersports
    • Self-Harm / Suicide (I'm fine with past mentions, but nothing actively roleplayed)
    • Incest
    • Furry
    • Cheating
    • Big age gaps
    • Food play
    • Tickle torture
    • Body mutilation (you can badly hurt my character, but pls don't chop their arm off. Totally okay if you want to chop an arm off a side-character, though!)
    • Feet fetish
    • Tickle fetish
    • Necrophilia
    • Age regression
    • Harems
    • Bestiality

    • Breeding
    • Foreplay / multiple orgasms / overstimulation
    • Biting / Marking / Claiming
    • Toy play
    • Dom / sub play
    • Dub-con, Non-con
    • Bondage
    • Threesome
    • Praise kink
    • Daddy kink
    • Degradation

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  • " 'Cause you do, what you're told, but inside your heart it is black and it's hollow and it's cold"

    NAME: Damien Whitlocke
    • Damie
    • Danny

    AGE : 30 yrs

    SEXUALITY: Heterosexual

    BIRTH DATE: August 21st

    ZODIAC: Leo

    CURRENT RESIDENCE: New York, usa

    OCCUPATION: Supervillain, Crime Ring Operator

    FACE CLAIM: Jensen Ackles

    HEIGHT: 6'2 ft

    EYE COLOR: Green

    HAIR COLOR: Brown

    • Teasing his significant other
    • Savory meals

    • Disrespect
    • Superheroes


    Damien is a charming and confident person who managed to worm his way into the position of a police officer to keep the police on other cases rather than his own. To the public he's standoffish, a man of few words and a dry sense of humor. However, he knows how to lay the charm on a person he's interested in using for a later time. He can act as an outgoing person who lends an ear to any information offered, but with the purpose of using this info for later should the need arise. Overall, while not the most talkative person, he has a positive social record. In truth, Damien is a sadistic and egocentric man who sees people as chess pieces for him to use. He has a strong hatred for superheroes, after the death of his parents and their flimsy morals. After he received enough reputation in the police force, he eventually quit, but maintained his connections should he need to use them.

    Damien is not one to lose his composure, even when angered. He is methodical in his approach, choosing to prolong the person's suffering for angering him to such an extent and reveling in their pain with a cold, gleeful composure. He holds an air of authority to him and ensures others know their place beneath him, whether it's using his mind control, black mail or connection with the police to catch someone in a crime they didn't commit.


    Damien's home life was normal, even with villainous parents. They were wealthy but laid low. He was encouraged to be a villain like his parents, and given stories of how heroes aren't the saviors of civilians they make themselves out to be. Heroes were still human, and held faults and held to a higher standard of what they could get away with than the average civilian. Damien was smart, and learned everything his parents had to offer. He got a glimpse of how terrible superheroes really could be when his parents were murdered by their arch nemesis at the time, leaving a teenager Damien to scramble with what money was left in his name as the crime organization his father built was taken down by the police.

    Slowly as an adult, Damien has grown a new crime ring to build his wealth while also taking the job of a police officer. As an officer, the department, like his civilian life, are unaware of his super powers. He lives a relatively good life, his crimes unknown while keeping the cops busy with leads on opposing crime organizations and villains. Damien has a mixed relationship with other villains. He only keeps neutral to positive relations with villains he can either use for the future or if they're a potential threat. If the villain is neither, he uses them as bait for the police to track in this dog-eat-dog world.

    However, after he quit the police force, he rarely goes in public, often preferring to stay in his lair working in his crime ring, where his group sells illegal firearms and drugs. The only reason he keeps a connection to the police is to lead them off his crime ring's trail and, with the right money, have the police under his thumb to falsely convict people he wants put down.

    While Damien had a good run, the same arch nemesis of his parents, called by their superhero name of Tempest, ultimately tracked him down after Damien originally first set out to find him for revenge. Despite Tempest's experience, their constant fights were even. It came to a head when during one night Damien was caught by surprise while in a civilian persona. They fought in an alley, where Damien was soon cornered and badly injured with Tempest ready to kill him. It would have been the end, had it not been for a woman knocking Tempest out after believing Tempest to be a villain and Damien a civilian. It was like love at first sight for Damien, to witness this stranger not only defend him, but help seal the hero's fate that plagued his life for so long.

    The woman had guided Damien to her home so she could heal his injuries, and it was during their interaction his love grew into an obsession. When Damien left her house, he ensured his buddies captured an unconscious Tempest for him to torture and kill when he returned. As satisfying as it was, he never forgot the woman, Alex, and made it a mission to make her his.


    SAMAEL WHITLOCKE ( FATHER ) Known as Titan, a supervillain by citizens. Samael was a wealthy man who owned an underground ring for ammunitions and various illegal items. He was a caring and supportive father, and was the driving force aside from Lilith to teach Damien the truth of superheroes. He taught Damien how to use his powers and hide his true identity in public. Unfortunately, Samael was killed by his superhero arch nemesis that brought an end to his crime organization when Damien was a teen. Damien respects and loves his father, but has come to accept his passing and moved on.

    SAMAEL POWERS- Superhuman strength and ferrokinesis, or known as the ability to mentally manipulate metal.

    LILITH WHITLOCKE ( MOTHER ) Known as Arsenic, a supervillain by citizens. She was the epitome of beauty and deception. She could worm her way into the highest ranks of society and murder people of high prestige. Despite her villainy, she was an adoring mother. She taught Damien how to manipulate others for his benefit and the way to act around civilians versus when he is in a position of power, making those lower than him obey. Unfortunately, Lilith was killed in the battle between Samael and an unknown superhero while protecting Damien's father. Damien respects and loves his mother, but has come to accept her passing and moved on.

    LILITH POWERS- Durability against physical damage and a gaseous poison she can spew from her mouth, capable of knocking out people who breathe it in and killing them if exposed for a long period of time.


    LEVI GONZALES ( CLOSE FRIEND ) An older subordinate who worked for Damien's family for years. He's the smug bastard type, but generally means well. He works under Damien when he made his own crime ring, and is trusted to take control when Damien is off doing other things. Levi is one of few people that Damien trusts, both for his companionship and usefulness.

    LUCAS PARKER Younger subordinate of Damien's crime ring who is energetic and loves to chat. Lucas handles the electronics, ensuring packages and payment go through without being caught by the police. He is highly proficient in hacking, capable of getting black mail and any information Damien needs on a person. So long as Lucas remains useful, Damien doesn't see a point in killing him.

    ELIJAH WOODS Police coworker who acts arrogant and cocky in public, but during work behaves seriously and seems to know more than he lets on. Elijah sees Damien as a friend and frequently hangs out with him outside of his job. Damien doesn't particularly care about Elijah, but pretends to be his friend. Damien would kill or frame Elijah for a crime if it ever came down to it.


    ALEXANDRA HAYES ( GIRLFRIEND) To Damien's fortune, it was easy to find and make Alex his. She was a gentle, practically innocent soul who only wanted love and praise. With a little manipulation using his mind control powers, he eased Alex into being comfortable with him and she soon became his girlfriend. It was during this time Alex told him of her secret identity and her superhero parents, along with the troubles that came with being their daughter. Damien is enraged at her parents, as poor excuses for superheroes and their dismissal of the beauty in Alex's dark powers. But that wasn't enough to make him consider her joining him as a villain. Not yet. He still kept his villainous ways hidden to her, only letting her know of his fake job as a freelance worker in the manual labor industry. Until that fateful day occurred.

    Damien had been fighting a weak superhero in a public street. As he was going to finish the hero off, Alex stepped in to defend the hero. Damien couldn't back down, so he fought her. At some point in the fight his electrical powers fused with her shadows. The electrical currents broke the shadows apart, forming a mockery of a thundercloud in the air. It was uncontrollable on both sides, leading to both Alex and Damien getting injured from the fusion. Damien fled the scene thereafter to think over this discovery. It was rare for powers to have synergy between them, especially unconsciously fusing together during a fight. It was then Damien decided having Alex as his girlfriend wasn't enough.

    She didn't need to be a superhero for less than appreciative civilians, or to get her unworthy parent's admiration. She could be a villain by his side, and truly embrace the dark powers she's been gifted. Their power's synergy proved they're the perfect match, and if their powers fused unconsciously, it could only be stronger if they did it side by side. If that means forcing her to embrace the dark side and leave everything she's built just for him, so be it. It's all for her in the end, isn't it? She'll be much happier with him, than the life of an unappreciated hero.

    Until then, he acts very protective over Alex. He's controlling and isn't above using his mind control power on her if he feels the need to.

  • VILLAIN NAME: Capacitator


    Because of his long ancestry of superhumans, Damien possesses a mix of different abilities.

    - Electrokinesis, or known as the ability to control electricity

    - Superhuman strength

    - A mild form of mind control. It's strongest when he looks the victim in the eyes and issues the command, as well as how much power he places in it. The more power in his words to break the victim's mind into following his command, the more energy it takes. If the victim breaks eye contact with him, they have a higher chance of resisting the control. Works better with minds more willing to obey his chosen demand than those opposed


    - His electrical powers can't travel through surfaces that aren't conductive (ie concrete, rocks)

    - Mind control only works on victims who are within the range they can see each other's eyes. Additionally, it works best when it's used on one person at a time. Mind controlling multiple people makes it weaker and takes more energy to use

  • ⇢ Damien smokes semi-frequently

    ⇢ Damien lives in a one story house and convinced Alex to live with him instead of her old, crappy apartment

    ⇢ House: Interior | Exterior


    ⇢ Despite being in a relationship with Alex, they haven't gotten intimate in bed beyond kisses and cuddling. The main reason for this is because Alex is unsure and nervous to try.

    ⇢ Damien has had lovers in the past, but they were purely physical in nature. It's a blur at this point, and he's forgotten their names.


    Super Psycho Love - Simon Curtis

    The Hand That Feeds - Nine Inch Nails

    Right Here Waiting - Chase Holfelder

  • Hello! This is a little about me for you to look at in case you need a quick refresher <3
    • ABOUT ME:
      • NAME: Altair
      • PRONOUNS: She/her
      • AGE: 24 years old
      • LGBTQ+ Friendly
      • EXPERIENCE: Long time roleplayer, for around 10+ years. I'm also a Quotev refugee!
      • POST LENGTH: 450+ words
      • TIMEFRAME: Most commonly every other day. If irl responsibilities get in the way, it may take to 1-3 weeks to get back to you. But I'm generally good at responding back and will give you a head's up when I can!
      • RPG RATING: 3-3-3

    My Do's and Dont's

    • Drama
    • Toxic relationships / Yandere
    • Angst
    • Romance
    • Side characters
    • Enemies to lovers
    • Gore
    • Trauma
    • Slow burn
    • Size difference

    • Pet play
    • Fast burn
    • Pregnancy
    • Historical
    • Age gaps
    • Demihumans (half human species. This also includes mermaids/merfolk, nagas)
    • Mary/Gary sue (ie Isekai-type tropes that are blatantly obvious)
    • Fade to black (if you're not comfortable with smut I'm fully open to this <3)

    • Vore
    • Watersports
    • Self-Harm / Suicide (I'm fine with past mentions, but nothing actively roleplayed)
    • Incest
    • Furry
    • Cheating
    • Big age gaps
    • Food play
    • Tickle torture
    • Body mutilation (you can badly hurt my character, but pls don't chop their arm off. Totally okay if you want to chop an arm off a side-character, though!)
    • Feet fetish
    • Tickle fetish
    • Necrophilia
    • Age regression
    • Harems
    • Bestiality

    • Breeding
    • Foreplay / multiple orgasms / overstimulation
    • Biting / Marking / Claiming
    • Toy play
    • Dom / sub play
    • Dub-con, Non-con
    • Bondage
    • Threesome
    • Praise kink
    • Daddy kink
    • Degradation

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"to the show!"
Bunny, Vixen

Creepypasta / Horror Roleplay

birthday - May 21st
age - 26 years
gender - Female
sexuality - Bisexual
occupation - Red room live streamer

"did you get"
"what you wanted?"

height -
5'5 ft
eye color - blue
scars -
Couple on inner thighs, back and a scar on the bottom of her right foot.

height - 5'8 ft
eye color - green
scars -
Couple on the back, chest, a scar across his right cheek, scars on his legs and a scar on his left shoulder.

Bonnie's face claim -
(Grace Phipps)
link1 link2 link3 link4 link5
Has shoulder length hair featured in first three gifs
Christopher face claim -
(Alex Pettyfer)
link1 link2 link3 link4 link5

Bonnie casual outfits -
link1 link2 link3 link4
Chris casual outfits -
link1 link2 link3

Bonnie red room outfit - link1 link2 link3 link4
Chris red room outfit -
link1 link2 link3 link4

Bonnie weapons -
link1 hatchet link2 switchblade

Chris weapons -
link1 bat link2 hunting knife

"smile for"
"the camera!"

personality - Manipulative, demanding, witty, attention-seeking, selfish and sadistic.
Bonnie is the worst version of herself in every sense of the way. Her murderous lifestyle is a part of her now, and she embraces the change in herself. Only the time spent alone with her brother and their victims are where she reveals her true personality. She's conceited, needing the attention on her and becomes irritable when it isn't, even willing to enact violence to get eyes back on her.
In the public eye, she's the sweetest as can be. Bonnie wears her emotions on her sleeve, appearing as a kind woman who likes helping others and is a wonderful member of the community despite the tragedy she's endured. This is all an act, further encouraging the thought Bonnie could never be possible for the string of disappearances of people in the community and newcomers.

treasures -
♥ The switchblade she owns. It previously belonged to her parents, but after their deaths she kept it for herself.
likes -
✧Horror movies/red rooms - She enjoys the new inspiration she gains from watching other creators of the deep web and shows.
✧The night - The view from her house is beautiful, with fireflies and the stars easily visible.
✧Blood - Loves watching it flow and getting it on herself
✧Spicy meals - Enjoys the burn on her tongue
✧Cigarettes - Good for destressing, and using on victims when she's done with it
✧Goober - She loves her and Chris' dog, often relaxes in her bed with the dog laying beside/ on top of her stomach as they watch tv. Bonnie is jealous Goober loves Chris more, and tends to take Goober away to spend time with her.
✧Livestreaming - Bonnie enjoys the attention she gets for her red room live stream on the dark web, alongside the money her generous audience gives her.
dislikes -
✦Being ignored - Hungry for attention, she hates when people don't pay attention to her, and often acts out as a result.
✦Being bested/defeated - Absolutely loathes when she's overpowered or taken advantage of. She wants to be on top, and being demeaned in such a way irks her.
✦Talking about the past - She hates remembering the night of her parent's deaths. Although she's taken the path like her tormentors, she still holds a place in her heart for her mom and dad.
fears -
✯Death - For one who embraces killing others, she fears meeting death herself.
✯Losing control - She hates the idea of no longer being in control of her own life and someone else holding the reigns.

"we're on live"
"say something to the audience!"

Bonnie was a sweet, albeit spoiled girl who was doted on by her parents. She was joined at the hip to her older brother, Christopher, and often played together in the open expanse of grass surrounding home. As they grew into teens, the siblings were still inseparable, and went to the same high school their parents could afford. Bonnie was needy, hungry for attention from her peers and loved to gossip with her friends and be the 'popular' kid in school. Chris, meanwhile, joined the school's soccer team and was respected for his cool personality and helpful demeanor towards students falling behind on grades.

Their life would take a turn for the worst as, during one night, their family experienced a break-in by a group of men who stalked them. Their parents were killed, and the siblings taken into the men's basement to be tortured for a week. During that week, it was clear to the siblings their torment was being broadcast to an audience with the camera in watching them and the men's discussion on how much money they would make from the livestreams. As fate would have it, the police raided the men's house and found their basement, rescuing the siblings and beginning the long road to recovery.

Their parent's house was handed down to them, and Christopher convinced the court to grant him guardianship of Bonnie, allowing the two to live on their own. While Christopher took odd jobs here and there to support them, Bonnie stayed mostly at home, rarely going out unless the siblings were headed to their therapy sessions. Bonnie became withdrawn, rarely talking unless it was with her brother.

Then, something changed. Bonnie knew some of her old 'friend' group was talking behind her back since her dramatic change, and she started to speak with them again. Eventually, Bonnie convinced Stacy, one of those friends, to come by her house to chat while her brother was away. When her friend arrived, Bonnie confronted her about the gossip. At some point in the argument Bonnie attacked Stacy, leading to a fight where Bonnie slammed the girl's head against the kitchen table. Stacy was killed. Panicked, Bonnie immediately called Chris for help, claiming it was an accident. When Chris arrived, he saw the aftermath- and came up with a plan. Together, they buried Stacy's body in the neighboring forest and destroyed her phone, scattering the pieces deep in the soil as well. The event was never spoken of, and given the sibling's tragic background and Bonnie's fake waterworks, the police didn't suspect them among the possible suspects.

Bonnie, after feeling so powerless ever since the tragic night, felt powerful for once. She longed for that rush, and targeted another of her former friends, Miley. This time, she let out her pent-up anger on her friend, beating Miley to death. Unsure of what to do with the body, Bonnie once more called her brother, panicked and claimed she couldn't control herself. Once again, Chris returned to the house, and helped Bonnie burn the body in the fireplace. To avoid evidence leading back to them, Chris and Bonnie wore gloves. Bonnie would text the people Miley notified where she was going that night, telling them she was leaving. Afterwards, Chris took the phone and drove away, tossing it far away from the house. Despite this murder, while Chris was upset, he wanted to believe his sister truly meant she lost control.

The third victim was what changed everything. A man dropped by at the sibling's doorstep, claiming his car broke down and asked how far the nearest town was. Seeing this opportunity while Chris was away, Bonnie guided the man in and spoke with them. While the man was getting comfortable on the couch, Bonnie knocked him out using her brother's bat. She would tie the man up and torture him, relishing in the feeling of power. She would continue until Chris returned home, seeing the spectacle in the living room. Chris would interrogate Bonnie, and as the siblings fought, the man would break free from the sloppily done knots on his binds and try to escape. At Bonnie's alert, Chris would stop the man from leaving. To keep them safe, Chris would kill the man by strangulation. While getting rid of the body like Miley's in the fireplace, Bonnie would convince Chris that he must've secretly enjoyed killing the man for the taste of power. Chris would later heavily cover himself before fixing the man's car, then drive it far away with Bonnie following in their own car. Chris would leave the vehicle in a ditch before riding with Bonnie in their car back home.

The event showed Bonnie that Chris would do anything for her. So, through time, Bonnie would find more people to bring to their home to kill, with Chris growing desensitized and even participating at Bonnie's insistence. To keep their home free of evidence, they'd utilize their basement, setting up the room for the perfect experience. Bonnie would grow fascinated in the concept of livestreaming their murders, and learned how to utilize the deep web and form her own red room. It made her feel powerful to become the monster herself.

While Chris would carry on at his odd jobs, Bonnie would focus on her red room for funding. Her setup would become popular in the dark web and she's enjoyed the attention and power it provided. While she would be the main star against her victims, her brother would be the cameraman, getting all the shots and ensuring she looked good. Chris would join the action occasionally. At first, it was a coping mechanism for Bonnie to have control over the violence enacted, but now it's changed to something she loves doing without an excuse.

The siblings have lived this lifestyle for a few years, now, and can't see themselves going back to their old ways. They've changed for the worst.

family members-
Father - Elijah Thatcher - 42 -
A loving father. Elijah brought money into the family working as a mechanic and hunter, decorating their house with the kills he's acquired in the woodland neighboring their house. Bonnie loves her father, but doesn't think about him anymore. Chris gets his looks from his father.
Mother - Beatrice Thatcher - 38 -
A loving mother. Beatrice was a stay at home mom who took care of the kids while her husband worked. Bonnie gets her looks from her mother.
Brother - Christopher Thatcher - 28 -
Chris for short. Quiet, outgoing, cunning and charming. He's the ice to Bonnie's fiery personality. While originally unnerved at his sister's descent into murder, blood runs thicker than water and he'll remain at her side. She's the only one he has left of their family, the one who endured the same torture as him on that night, and he isn't willing to lose his sister.
Naturally, this doesn't stop them from having sibling fights, but they knew to draw the line at anything physical and instead release that pent-up aggression on their latest victim. Chris took longer to adjust to the murderous lifestyle, but has come to enjoy the depravity while maintaining his charming soft boy act in public.
Chris enjoys calling for Goober to get the dog to follow after him and leave Bonnie to annoy her.

pets -
Goober - Beagle - Adopted by Chris a few years back as a gift for him and Bonnie. Goober is the beloved house pet that also functions as good waste disposal of their victims by feeding them to their dog. Goober also acts as a guard dog of sorts, his loud barking enough to alert the siblings if a visitor is coming to their home. Goober knows basic commands and tends to follow Chris more.
friends -
Friend - Avery Miller - 24 - The two met at the grocery store and hit it off. Bonnie finds it boring to have no friends, so she keeps Avery around, but doesn't particularly feel any strong way about her.

"thank you"
"for watching :)"

home -
link1 link2
link1 link2 link3 link4 link5
Top floor
link1 link2 link3 link4
- Chris lives on the bottom floor bedroom while Bonnie lives in the second upper floor bedroom with the bathroom/shower.
- The entrance to the basement is a wooden hatch hidden beneath a carpet in the center of the living room. The basement is made of walls of cement, big enough for a bed in the corner of the room, a chair in the center, and a table on the side with the torture tools and rope. The camera is stationed at the wall overlooking the bed and chair.

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"lead me"
"to the ark"
Skully, Sel

Marble Hornets / Creepypasta Roleplay

birthday - January 26th
age - 25 years
gender - Female
sexuality - Bisexual
occupation - Waitress at a place called Minnie's Breakfast Diner

"one day you"
"will understand"
➤ basics

height - 5'4 ft
weight - 125 lbs
eye color - brown
build - slight hourglass leaning towards rectangle

human claim -
(Alicia Vikander)
link1 link2 link3 link4
link 1
- Has a piercing on her tongue and black, round earrings
- Skeleton arm/hand tattoo on her left hand only

casual outfits - link1 link2 link3 link4
skully outfit - link1 link2 link3 link4
weapons -
link 1

"look closely and"
"you will know"
➤ personality

personality - Quick-witted, sarcastic, persistent, thoughtful, attentive, reserved and impatient. Before the events that transpired in Marble Hornets, Selene was optimistic and never focused on the negatives of life- she was carefree and was often the light in the room. During the events, however, her spirit hardened and her outlook on life changed, turning her into the woman she is now.
Her personality can be difficult to get along with, but once you get past that layer, she is an attentive and caring companion who will do anything to help those she cares for.

treasures -
♥ The Skully outfit. It's a reminder of what she once stood for alongside her companions- fighting against the Operator.
likes -
✧Horror movies. Her favorites are It, Hellraiser and The Blair Witch Project.
✧Lo-fi and other soothing music, she frequently listens to it to fall asleep or fill the silence.
✧Dogs. She loves huskies and hopes to adopt one day.
✧Curling up on a couch with a blanket and hot chocolate while watching movies. It's the simple thing in life to relax after a rough day.
✧Rain. She loves listening to the rain pouring outside of her home.
✧She values honesty and typically warms up to others faster if they are more likely to tell the truth.
✧Cigarettes. They help to calm her when she's stressed.
dislikes -
✦Cigarettes. It's a love-hate relationship. They remind her of the bad times during the events of Marble Hornets, when she'd down cigarettes to calm down.
✦Taunts. They can easily rile Selene up when she's demeaned and teased in a mocking manner.
✦The Operator. While she rarely tries to stand in its way, she hates what it's done to her friends- if they're even still out there.
fears -
✯Selene fears her past will catch up with her and she'll be forced to endure more traumatic events should the Operator decide to hunt her down.

"secrets everywhere"
"liars everywhere"
➤ background

Selene was always a bright and sunny kid. She wore her heart on her sleeve and always saw the good in her friends, even if they didn't think so. With her parents always busy with work, Selene rarely interacted with them. Due to this, Selene often left home to play in the backyard or spend time with friends. As she aged, her parents constantly pressured her to maintain good grades with the threat they'd kick her out of the house if she never got to college. While Selene would pass high school with average grades across the board, she grew tired of the pressure from her parents, and ran from home once she came of age.
After living with a few of her friends at the time, she eventually found a job at the supermarket and earned just enough to find an apartment. At some point in her job, she'd cross paths with a future friend- Brian Thomas. He introduced her to Tim and his friend group and it's been history since.

When production of Marble Hornets began, Selene volunteered to be the lookout for Alex while he filmed at private locations, and also acted as the prop handler.

Everything would change when Alex became more volatile and their friend group got involved with an eldritch abomination they couldn't handle. When Alex began to hunt his former friends down and the Operator breathing down their backs, Selene would be approached by Brian for a plan- one she was eager to accept.

So, donning the new persona of Skully, she worked alongside Hoodie and Masky in an effort to keep their friends safe- as convoluted as their schemes were. She had a simple role in the group as the observer and planner- keeping tabs of their friends and Alex so they knew when they needed to act. It almost worked, but mistakes were bound to happen.
The plan to kidnap Jessica from the motel before Alex could find her failed.
Masky had separated from them, with Tim moving on and drowning himself in pills.
It would continue to go downhill as, while Selene was out, Alex had managed to track her down and shot her. While Selene managed to escape, she had to be hospitalized- she would withhold any information about the incident, but it still came at a heavy cost.
Brian had to boot her out of the team, seeing she could only be a liability with her injury and it became clear Alex was out to get her next.

She hated it, but understood. The moment she was released from the hospital, she quickly packed what belongings she had and fled to another town, far away from the events that would transpire after her departure.
She never said goodbye.

Ever since, Selene has set up her new life at the different town, working at a diner and living a normal life. She made new friends. She never forgot what happened, though, a part of her still wondering what happened to Brian, Tim and Jay- but never daring to return to the town to see them for herself.

family members-
Father - Gale Elsher - 40 -
Selene doesn't a strong connection with her father. He was constantly working and taking long business trips that she rarely got to see him, and the times she did he would rarely talk to her. This all came to a head when he placed constant pressure for her to do good at school and go to college. Upset by his lack of care for her and only for her grades, Selene left home once she became eighteen and never spoke with him again.
Mother - Marina Elsher - 37 -
Selene doesn't a strong connection with her mother. Like her father, Marina was also always constantly busy and barely had any time left for Selene. When Selene left after the constant pressure of getting good grades, she never spoke to her mother again and never looked back.

Best Friend - Amy Baker -
The new friend Selene found from working at Minnie's Breakfast Diner. The two were both waiters and Amy showed her the ropes. Amy is light hearted and very honest, which managed to slowly open Selene up to their blooming friendship.
Friend - Liam Soyer -
Liam is a frequent visitor to the diner and eventually wormed his way into Selene's heart after constantly talking to her every time she took his order. He was surprisingly polite and charming, but held a sense of honesty about him that also lowered Selene's guard enough to form a friendship with him.
Friend - Ivanna Frostwoods - 24 - The two were High School friends who mostly spent time together in and outside of classes. Selene liked how outspoken Ivanna was on just about anything and valued her honesty. When they graduated they still kept in touch. However when Ivanna left with her other friends on a hiking expedition, the two lost touch and Selene hasn't seen her since.

"see you"
➤ other

home -
link1 link2
Lives in a small apartment room on the bottom floor.
Minnie's Breakfast Diner link1 link2
- Keeps her old Skully outfit in a suitcase underneath her bed alongside her mask.
- Always has the windows covered with curtains. She also keeps the doors and windows always locked.
- Works at the diner in the evening and occasionally morning if there's a shift available or she needs to fill in for another coworker.
- The Slender sickness isn't as brutal to her system anymore, and has become manageable.
- Always keeps her trusty pocket knife in her pocket, Selene never goes anywhere without it.

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I'm sorry I didn't kiss you, but it's obvious I wanted to
Bubble Gum

Roleplay response code

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  • Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Donec faucibus tincidunt neque, eget venenatis nisi consectetur at. Aliquam in velit ut erat placerat volutpat a sed augue. Curabitur et ante consectetur, lacinia odio at, ullamcorper ipsum. Duis a ligula diam. Aliquam tempus erat sollicitudin, consequat arcu rutrum, facilisis nisi. Nulla ut auctor ligula, ut congue sapien. Quisque eleifend rutrum tempus. Aenean sed leo ac eros porttitor hendrerit nec ut nunc.

    Proin pharetra mi id massa mattis, vitae sagittis neque hendrerit. Nam blandit finibus lectus. Sed luctus quam justo, et ultricies mi pretium ut. Cras ut odio pulvinar, auctor nunc et, efficitur diam. Aenean a lacus arcu. Ut tincidunt ante ut massa feugiat scelerisque. Nunc ultrices nisl at rutrum elementum. Maecenas iaculis laoreet elit a efficitur. Praesent posuere vehicula varius. Donec id enim id lacus pellentesque tempus. Mauris vitae orci suscipit ex blandit suscipit. Sed metus nisi, sagittis quis congue at, volutpat nec ipsum. Fusce ac eleifend lectus.

    Praesent mollis eleifend velit id elementum. Suspendisse quam metus, finibus tincidunt euismod at, dapibus at libero. In laoreet urna at risus pulvinar scelerisque. Ut sollicitudin nec velit in facilisis. Mauris efficitur ex in tristique ultrices. Pellentesque placerat justo ut odio gravida, non iaculis est congue. Sed tellus dui, sagittis eget semper sit amet, dictum a ligula. Sed vitae nisi ornare, accumsan nisl eu, lobortis nisi. Suspendisse eu nisl et lectus pharetra convallis ut sed urna. Donec id accumsan ex. Nulla aliquam nulla quis nibh faucibus porta sed a magna. Vestibulum fermentum venenatis tincidunt. Nulla facilisi.

    Phasellus bibendum ipsum metus, sit amet sagittis tellus ultricies a. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia curae; Duis vel aliquam turpis, nec tristique diam. Praesent a tincidunt libero. Morbi et pellentesque nulla. Donec suscipit quam tincidunt elit congue malesuada non a nulla. Nullam eu varius erat. Morbi arcu neque, laoreet pulvinar hendrerit ac, dignissim ac ante. Curabitur bibendum pellentesque turpis, a blandit sapien sagittis vel. Nullam et aliquet odio. Sed auctor, ligula in elementum efficitur, mi dui euismod tellus, in ullamcorper leo sem et diam. Nullam felis tellus, blandit eget hendrerit at, gravida quis massa. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Mauris at tempus neque. Etiam varius urna non lorem rutrum fermentum.

    Nunc est nunc, mattis a volutpat id, volutpat eget purus. Aliquam vitae leo ornare, ullamcorper sem a, dapibus lacus. Proin at ex non ipsum blandit suscipit. Mauris ligula magna, varius maximus tortor ac, posuere volutpat mi. Orci varius natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Etiam rhoncus eros et quam elementum, quis mattis metus bibendum. Aenean consectetur porttitor nisi ac iaculis. Pellentesque consectetur lobortis consectetur. Suspendisse venenatis ligula non libero tempor, id pharetra tortor lacinia. Suspendisse potenti. Ut ultricies, elit vel dignissim tristique, nisl arcu aliquet ex, in dapibus quam libero id odio.
  • Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Donec faucibus tincidunt neque, eget venenatis nisi consectetur at. Aliquam in velit ut erat placerat volutpat a sed augue. Curabitur et ante consectetur, lacinia odio at, ullamcorper ipsum. Duis a ligula diam. Aliquam tempus erat sollicitudin, consequat arcu rutrum, facilisis nisi. Nulla ut auctor ligula, ut congue sapien. Quisque eleifend rutrum tempus. Aenean sed leo ac eros porttitor hendrerit nec ut nunc.

    Proin pharetra mi id massa mattis, vitae sagittis neque hendrerit. Nam blandit finibus lectus. Sed luctus quam justo, et ultricies mi pretium ut. Cras ut odio pulvinar, auctor nunc et, efficitur diam. Aenean a lacus arcu. Ut tincidunt ante ut massa feugiat scelerisque. Nunc ultrices nisl at rutrum elementum. Maecenas iaculis laoreet elit a efficitur. Praesent posuere vehicula varius. Donec id enim id lacus pellentesque tempus. Mauris vitae orci suscipit ex blandit suscipit. Sed metus nisi, sagittis quis congue at, volutpat nec ipsum. Fusce ac eleifend lectus.

    Praesent mollis eleifend velit id elementum. Suspendisse quam metus, finibus tincidunt euismod at, dapibus at libero. In laoreet urna at risus pulvinar scelerisque. Ut sollicitudin nec velit in facilisis. Mauris efficitur ex in tristique ultrices. Pellentesque placerat justo ut odio gravida, non iaculis est congue. Sed tellus dui, sagittis eget semper sit amet, dictum a ligula. Sed vitae nisi ornare, accumsan nisl eu, lobortis nisi. Suspendisse eu nisl et lectus pharetra convallis ut sed urna. Donec id accumsan ex. Nulla aliquam nulla quis nibh faucibus porta sed a magna. Vestibulum fermentum venenatis tincidunt. Nulla facilisi.

    Phasellus bibendum ipsum metus, sit amet sagittis tellus ultricies a. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia curae; Duis vel aliquam turpis, nec tristique diam. Praesent a tincidunt libero. Morbi et pellentesque nulla. Donec suscipit quam tincidunt elit congue malesuada non a nulla. Nullam eu varius erat. Morbi arcu neque, laoreet pulvinar hendrerit ac, dignissim ac ante. Curabitur bibendum pellentesque turpis, a blandit sapien sagittis vel. Nullam et aliquet odio. Sed auctor, ligula in elementum efficitur, mi dui euismod tellus, in ullamcorper leo sem et diam. Nullam felis tellus, blandit eget hendrerit at, gravida quis massa. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Mauris at tempus neque. Etiam varius urna non lorem rutrum fermentum.

    Nunc est nunc, mattis a volutpat id, volutpat eget purus. Aliquam vitae leo ornare, ullamcorper sem a, dapibus lacus. Proin at ex non ipsum blandit suscipit. Mauris ligula magna, varius maximus tortor ac, posuere volutpat mi. Orci varius natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Etiam rhoncus eros et quam elementum, quis mattis metus bibendum. Aenean consectetur porttitor nisi ac iaculis. Pellentesque consectetur lobortis consectetur. Suspendisse venenatis ligula non libero tempor, id pharetra tortor lacinia. Suspendisse potenti. Ut ultricies, elit vel dignissim tristique, nisl arcu aliquet ex, in dapibus quam libero id odio.
  • Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Donec faucibus tincidunt neque, eget venenatis nisi consectetur at. Aliquam in velit ut erat placerat volutpat a sed augue. Curabitur et ante consectetur, lacinia odio at, ullamcorper ipsum. Duis a ligula diam. Aliquam tempus erat sollicitudin, consequat arcu rutrum, facilisis nisi. Nulla ut auctor ligula, ut congue sapien. Quisque eleifend rutrum tempus. Aenean sed leo ac eros porttitor hendrerit nec ut nunc.

    Proin pharetra mi id massa mattis, vitae sagittis neque hendrerit. Nam blandit finibus lectus. Sed luctus quam justo, et ultricies mi pretium ut. Cras ut odio pulvinar, auctor nunc et, efficitur diam. Aenean a lacus arcu. Ut tincidunt ante ut massa feugiat scelerisque. Nunc ultrices nisl at rutrum elementum. Maecenas iaculis laoreet elit a efficitur. Praesent posuere vehicula varius. Donec id enim id lacus pellentesque tempus. Mauris vitae orci suscipit ex blandit suscipit. Sed metus nisi, sagittis quis congue at, volutpat nec ipsum. Fusce ac eleifend lectus.

    Praesent mollis eleifend velit id elementum. Suspendisse quam metus, finibus tincidunt euismod at, dapibus at libero. In laoreet urna at risus pulvinar scelerisque. Ut sollicitudin nec velit in facilisis. Mauris efficitur ex in tristique ultrices. Pellentesque placerat justo ut odio gravida, non iaculis est congue. Sed tellus dui, sagittis eget semper sit amet, dictum a ligula. Sed vitae nisi ornare, accumsan nisl eu, lobortis nisi. Suspendisse eu nisl et lectus pharetra convallis ut sed urna. Donec id accumsan ex. Nulla aliquam nulla quis nibh faucibus porta sed a magna. Vestibulum fermentum venenatis tincidunt. Nulla facilisi.

    Phasellus bibendum ipsum metus, sit amet sagittis tellus ultricies a. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia curae; Duis vel aliquam turpis, nec tristique diam. Praesent a tincidunt libero. Morbi et pellentesque nulla. Donec suscipit quam tincidunt elit congue malesuada non a nulla. Nullam eu varius erat. Morbi arcu neque, laoreet pulvinar hendrerit ac, dignissim ac ante. Curabitur bibendum pellentesque turpis, a blandit sapien sagittis vel. Nullam et aliquet odio. Sed auctor, ligula in elementum efficitur, mi dui euismod tellus, in ullamcorper leo sem et diam. Nullam felis tellus, blandit eget hendrerit at, gravida quis massa. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Mauris at tempus neque. Etiam varius urna non lorem rutrum fermentum.

    Nunc est nunc, mattis a volutpat id, volutpat eget purus. Aliquam vitae leo ornare, ullamcorper sem a, dapibus lacus. Proin at ex non ipsum blandit suscipit. Mauris ligula magna, varius maximus tortor ac, posuere volutpat mi. Orci varius natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Etiam rhoncus eros et quam elementum, quis mattis metus bibendum. Aenean consectetur porttitor nisi ac iaculis. Pellentesque consectetur lobortis consectetur. Suspendisse venenatis ligula non libero tempor, id pharetra tortor lacinia. Suspendisse potenti. Ut ultricies, elit vel dignissim tristique, nisl arcu aliquet ex, in dapibus quam libero id odio.
  • Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Donec faucibus tincidunt neque, eget venenatis nisi consectetur at. Aliquam in velit ut erat placerat volutpat a sed augue. Curabitur et ante consectetur, lacinia odio at, ullamcorper ipsum. Duis a ligula diam. Aliquam tempus erat sollicitudin, consequat arcu rutrum, facilisis nisi. Nulla ut auctor ligula, ut congue sapien. Quisque eleifend rutrum tempus. Aenean sed leo ac eros porttitor hendrerit nec ut nunc.

    Proin pharetra mi id massa mattis, vitae sagittis neque hendrerit. Nam blandit finibus lectus. Sed luctus quam justo, et ultricies mi pretium ut. Cras ut odio pulvinar, auctor nunc et, efficitur diam. Aenean a lacus arcu. Ut tincidunt ante ut massa feugiat scelerisque. Nunc ultrices nisl at rutrum elementum. Maecenas iaculis laoreet elit a efficitur. Praesent posuere vehicula varius. Donec id enim id lacus pellentesque tempus. Mauris vitae orci suscipit ex blandit suscipit. Sed metus nisi, sagittis quis congue at, volutpat nec ipsum. Fusce ac eleifend lectus.

    Praesent mollis eleifend velit id elementum. Suspendisse quam metus, finibus tincidunt euismod at, dapibus at libero. In laoreet urna at risus pulvinar scelerisque. Ut sollicitudin nec velit in facilisis. Mauris efficitur ex in tristique ultrices. Pellentesque placerat justo ut odio gravida, non iaculis est congue. Sed tellus dui, sagittis eget semper sit amet, dictum a ligula. Sed vitae nisi ornare, accumsan nisl eu, lobortis nisi. Suspendisse eu nisl et lectus pharetra convallis ut sed urna. Donec id accumsan ex. Nulla aliquam nulla quis nibh faucibus porta sed a magna. Vestibulum fermentum venenatis tincidunt. Nulla facilisi.

    Phasellus bibendum ipsum metus, sit amet sagittis tellus ultricies a. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia curae; Duis vel aliquam turpis, nec tristique diam. Praesent a tincidunt libero. Morbi et pellentesque nulla. Donec suscipit quam tincidunt elit congue malesuada non a nulla. Nullam eu varius erat. Morbi arcu neque, laoreet pulvinar hendrerit ac, dignissim ac ante. Curabitur bibendum pellentesque turpis, a blandit sapien sagittis vel. Nullam et aliquet odio. Sed auctor, ligula in elementum efficitur, mi dui euismod tellus, in ullamcorper leo sem et diam. Nullam felis tellus, blandit eget hendrerit at, gravida quis massa. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Mauris at tempus neque. Etiam varius urna non lorem rutrum fermentum.

    Nunc est nunc, mattis a volutpat id, volutpat eget purus. Aliquam vitae leo ornare, ullamcorper sem a, dapibus lacus. Proin at ex non ipsum blandit suscipit. Mauris ligula magna, varius maximus tortor ac, posuere volutpat mi. Orci varius natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Etiam rhoncus eros et quam elementum, quis mattis metus bibendum. Aenean consectetur porttitor nisi ac iaculis. Pellentesque consectetur lobortis consectetur. Suspendisse venenatis ligula non libero tempor, id pharetra tortor lacinia. Suspendisse potenti. Ut ultricies, elit vel dignissim tristique, nisl arcu aliquet ex, in dapibus quam libero id odio.

  • Basics

    name: Alice Blanche

    height: 5'4 ft

    build: slight hourglass leaning towards rectangle

    formal dress: intricate white dress


    - sweets and desserts

    - loose/baggy outfits

    - reading

    - wine

    - sitting by the fireplace

    - attention


    - commands / being told what to do

    - spicy food

    - dirt and filth

    - competition

  • Personality

    Calm, Jealous, Playful, Confident, Demanding and Stubborn

    Alice was always a temperamental kid inside the closed walls of her parent's estate. This changed as she grew up, reigning her temperament in, leaving only traces that come out when she's ordering the servants to her beck and call.

    Outside the estate's walls, she's a respectable lady and very well-mannered, just as she's meant to appear. Hints of her true personality peak through when she's chatting among like-minded individuals, or those she feels comfortable to let her guard down around.

  • Short bio

    Alice was born in the arranged marriage between Beatrice and Edward Blanche. She received lessons in sewing, needlework, art and music, of which most her lessons comprised of learning how to please her future husband, as was expected during her time. Additionally to this, she was given reading and dancing lessons to further increase her potential and attract potential partners with her intellect and skills.

    Alice handled every lesson excellently and with grace. She understood what her life dealt her and accepted it, however, she doesn't uphold the lady-like qualities every second of the day. When she could, Alice enjoyed reading a book, and was known among the servants of her parent's estate for her temper and annoyance for lessons.

    In truth, Alice could care less to find a husband, but knows it's inevitable given her position in the family. She only hopes the man will leave her alone outside of typical duties, so that she may enjoy her spare time by herself.

  • Extras

    - Has a soft spot for children

    - Alice's favorite story is Bram Stoker's Carmilla, a book about a vampire

    - When her day is free, Alice prefers to relax in her white sleep gown and read a book

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I read you for some kind of poem
  • NAME
    In a veil of great surprises, I wonder, did you love me at all?
    - Click the image to return to the original page
    - When a tab is 'pulled,' it is meant to disappear. Since I used an image underneath the tabs, I couldn't make them transparent, so I made them the color of the backdrop that I use, which is the dusk setting
    - I suggest you don't put an image underneath so that you can just make the 'pulled' tab transparent, otherwise, use a color that matches your backdrop, although it won't look transparent for people not using the same settings

    Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Proin condimentum, diam vel vestibulum posuere, eros lectus semper dui, eget pretium augue urna at augue. Nulla arcu dolor, viverra pellentesque ante vel, tempus condimentum felis. Maecenas eu pulvinar purus. Ut convallis consequat nisi non tempor. Morbi pellentesque, nibh ac dictum tempus, tortor dolor rhoncus eros, non tincidunt augue sem gravida massa. Aliquam nec facilisis ligula. Vivamus consectetur neque pulvinar turpis rhoncus convallis. Curabitur quis consectetur dolor.

    Vestibulum ut leo ac urna dapibus lobortis in id massa. Proin vel ipsum non nisi hendrerit posuere ac sit amet nibh. Praesent nec semper ante, eu tincidunt nulla. Etiam sodales massa non nisi sagittis congue. Duis venenatis pharetra quam, eu eleifend erat sollicitudin ut. Proin interdum tellus mauris, at semper ipsum cursus egestas. Etiam posuere elit id orci vehicula dictum. Aenean tincidunt, dui nec elementum condimentum, mauris est egestas turpis, quis varius tellus massa vestibulum lectus. Fusce auctor eros nisl, eget hendrerit odio tincidunt in. Mauris vehicula felis nec ultrices convallis. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Integer nec interdum sem, in consectetur quam. Curabitur ac tortor venenatis, ultricies augue ac, euismod elit. In lorem nisl, tincidunt nec nibh ac, auctor fringilla urna. Morbi et ligula urna.

    Quisque sed fringilla neque. Proin ligula orci, blandit nec fringilla ac, gravida at elit. Sed a massa eu lorem elementum ultricies. Suspendisse orci dui, sagittis quis gravida vel, accumsan vitae orci. Nullam mollis, elit non sagittis pellentesque, quam libero auctor augue, eu semper est libero non ligula. Proin sodales luctus molestie. Sed sed venenatis odio, eu pellentesque diam. Phasellus nisi tellus, vehicula eu elementum sed, aliquet non nulla. Phasellus ullamcorper sit amet diam ut cursus. Proin facilisis pharetra consectetur. Aenean in leo felis. In rhoncus ligula in commodo eleifend. Cras risus lorem, imperdiet non luctus in, posuere ac arcu.

    Sed vel nisl eget diam consectetur blandit eget nec purus. Quisque suscipit lobortis erat vel varius. Morbi bibendum sed mi eu tempus. Sed lectus libero, pretium nec tellus sit amet, venenatis venenatis arcu. Proin nibh magna, placerat vitae posuere non, hendrerit ut lacus. Praesent rutrum eget sem et vehicula. Phasellus pretium tellus dapibus magna vehicula aliquam. Fusce vestibulum ante a odio consequat congue. Praesent consectetur, velit at vulputate viverra, velit tellus posuere lacus, quis semper mi sem sit amet sapien. Class aptent taciti sociosqu ad litora torquent per conubia nostra, per inceptos himenaeos. Ut consequat dolor ut enim venenatis iaculis nec at eros. Donec sit amet dapibus felis, vitae rhoncus magna. In maximus venenatis odio quis rhoncus. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia curae; Phasellus interdum dolor in eleifend dignissim. Proin porttitor, risus sit amet mattis gravida, nulla turpis eleifend sapien, in molestie libero arcu eget massa.

    Nulla faucibus nibh ac sapien tristique, non feugiat mi euismod. Phasellus eu ipsum massa. Vivamus quis mollis eros. Etiam sed purus vel metus hendrerit placerat et vitae elit. Cras aliquam elementum neque, ut molestie quam. Aenean facilisis dignissim libero eget sollicitudin. Fusce malesuada, neque vitae vulputate accumsan, eros mauris lacinia massa, vitae porttitor nibh purus sit amet ex. Donec sodales luctus lorem quis posuere. Proin id placerat turpis. Sed ut nulla non massa porta feugiat et nec purus. Ut vestibulum vehicula eleifend. Fusce ex eros, posuere eget arcu non, placerat euismod nisi. Nunc convallis sagittis diam, ac porta ante. Fusce efficitur mollis mi. Curabitur vel nulla odio. Nam erat nibh, semper nec tincidunt nec, ullamcorper at tortor.
  • NAME
    I'm the champion of repression
    Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Proin condimentum, diam vel vestibulum posuere, eros lectus semper dui, eget pretium augue urna at augue. Nulla arcu dolor, viverra pellentesque ante vel, tempus condimentum felis. Maecenas eu pulvinar purus. Ut convallis consequat nisi non tempor. Morbi pellentesque, nibh ac dictum tempus, tortor dolor rhoncus eros, non tincidunt augue sem gravida massa. Aliquam nec facilisis ligula. Vivamus consectetur neque pulvinar turpis rhoncus convallis. Curabitur quis consectetur dolor.

    Vestibulum ut leo ac urna dapibus lobortis in id massa. Proin vel ipsum non nisi hendrerit posuere ac sit amet nibh. Praesent nec semper ante, eu tincidunt nulla. Etiam sodales massa non nisi sagittis congue. Duis venenatis pharetra quam, eu eleifend erat sollicitudin ut. Proin interdum tellus mauris, at semper ipsum cursus egestas. Etiam posuere elit id orci vehicula dictum. Aenean tincidunt, dui nec elementum condimentum, mauris est egestas turpis, quis varius tellus massa vestibulum lectus. Fusce auctor eros nisl, eget hendrerit odio tincidunt in. Mauris vehicula felis nec ultrices convallis. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Integer nec interdum sem, in consectetur quam. Curabitur ac tortor venenatis, ultricies augue ac, euismod elit. In lorem nisl, tincidunt nec nibh ac, auctor fringilla urna. Morbi et ligula urna.

    Quisque sed fringilla neque. Proin ligula orci, blandit nec fringilla ac, gravida at elit. Sed a massa eu lorem elementum ultricies. Suspendisse orci dui, sagittis quis gravida vel, accumsan vitae orci. Nullam mollis, elit non sagittis pellentesque, quam libero auctor augue, eu semper est libero non ligula. Proin sodales luctus molestie. Sed sed venenatis odio, eu pellentesque diam. Phasellus nisi tellus, vehicula eu elementum sed, aliquet non nulla. Phasellus ullamcorper sit amet diam ut cursus. Proin facilisis pharetra consectetur. Aenean in leo felis. In rhoncus ligula in commodo eleifend. Cras risus lorem, imperdiet non luctus in, posuere ac arcu.

    Sed vel nisl eget diam consectetur blandit eget nec purus. Quisque suscipit lobortis erat vel varius. Morbi bibendum sed mi eu tempus. Sed lectus libero, pretium nec tellus sit amet, venenatis venenatis arcu. Proin nibh magna, placerat vitae posuere non, hendrerit ut lacus. Praesent rutrum eget sem et vehicula. Phasellus pretium tellus dapibus magna vehicula aliquam. Fusce vestibulum ante a odio consequat congue. Praesent consectetur, velit at vulputate viverra, velit tellus posuere lacus, quis semper mi sem sit amet sapien. Class aptent taciti sociosqu ad litora torquent per conubia nostra, per inceptos himenaeos. Ut consequat dolor ut enim venenatis iaculis nec at eros. Donec sit amet dapibus felis, vitae rhoncus magna. In maximus venenatis odio quis rhoncus. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia curae; Phasellus interdum dolor in eleifend dignissim. Proin porttitor, risus sit amet mattis gravida, nulla turpis eleifend sapien, in molestie libero arcu eget massa.

    Nulla faucibus nibh ac sapien tristique, non feugiat mi euismod. Phasellus eu ipsum massa. Vivamus quis mollis eros. Etiam sed purus vel metus hendrerit placerat et vitae elit. Cras aliquam elementum neque, ut molestie quam. Aenean facilisis dignissim libero eget sollicitudin. Fusce malesuada, neque vitae vulputate accumsan, eros mauris lacinia massa, vitae porttitor nibh purus sit amet ex. Donec sodales luctus lorem quis posuere. Proin id placerat turpis. Sed ut nulla non massa porta feugiat et nec purus. Ut vestibulum vehicula eleifend. Fusce ex eros, posuere eget arcu non, placerat euismod nisi. Nunc convallis sagittis diam, ac porta ante. Fusce efficitur mollis mi. Curabitur vel nulla odio. Nam erat nibh, semper nec tincidunt nec, ullamcorper at tortor.
  • NAME
    I see the signal searchlight strike me in the window of my room
    Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Proin condimentum, diam vel vestibulum posuere, eros lectus semper dui, eget pretium augue urna at augue. Nulla arcu dolor, viverra pellentesque ante vel, tempus condimentum felis. Maecenas eu pulvinar purus. Ut convallis consequat nisi non tempor. Morbi pellentesque, nibh ac dictum tempus, tortor dolor rhoncus eros, non tincidunt augue sem gravida massa. Aliquam nec facilisis ligula. Vivamus consectetur neque pulvinar turpis rhoncus convallis. Curabitur quis consectetur dolor.

    Vestibulum ut leo ac urna dapibus lobortis in id massa. Proin vel ipsum non nisi hendrerit posuere ac sit amet nibh. Praesent nec semper ante, eu tincidunt nulla. Etiam sodales massa non nisi sagittis congue. Duis venenatis pharetra quam, eu eleifend erat sollicitudin ut. Proin interdum tellus mauris, at semper ipsum cursus egestas. Etiam posuere elit id orci vehicula dictum. Aenean tincidunt, dui nec elementum condimentum, mauris est egestas turpis, quis varius tellus massa vestibulum lectus. Fusce auctor eros nisl, eget hendrerit odio tincidunt in. Mauris vehicula felis nec ultrices convallis. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Integer nec interdum sem, in consectetur quam. Curabitur ac tortor venenatis, ultricies augue ac, euismod elit. In lorem nisl, tincidunt nec nibh ac, auctor fringilla urna. Morbi et ligula urna.

    Quisque sed fringilla neque. Proin ligula orci, blandit nec fringilla ac, gravida at elit. Sed a massa eu lorem elementum ultricies. Suspendisse orci dui, sagittis quis gravida vel, accumsan vitae orci. Nullam mollis, elit non sagittis pellentesque, quam libero auctor augue, eu semper est libero non ligula. Proin sodales luctus molestie. Sed sed venenatis odio, eu pellentesque diam. Phasellus nisi tellus, vehicula eu elementum sed, aliquet non nulla. Phasellus ullamcorper sit amet diam ut cursus. Proin facilisis pharetra consectetur. Aenean in leo felis. In rhoncus ligula in commodo eleifend. Cras risus lorem, imperdiet non luctus in, posuere ac arcu.

    Sed vel nisl eget diam consectetur blandit eget nec purus. Quisque suscipit lobortis erat vel varius. Morbi bibendum sed mi eu tempus. Sed lectus libero, pretium nec tellus sit amet, venenatis venenatis arcu. Proin nibh magna, placerat vitae posuere non, hendrerit ut lacus. Praesent rutrum eget sem et vehicula. Phasellus pretium tellus dapibus magna vehicula aliquam. Fusce vestibulum ante a odio consequat congue. Praesent consectetur, velit at vulputate viverra, velit tellus posuere lacus, quis semper mi sem sit amet sapien. Class aptent taciti sociosqu ad litora torquent per conubia nostra, per inceptos himenaeos. Ut consequat dolor ut enim venenatis iaculis nec at eros. Donec sit amet dapibus felis, vitae rhoncus magna. In maximus venenatis odio quis rhoncus. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia curae; Phasellus interdum dolor in eleifend dignissim. Proin porttitor, risus sit amet mattis gravida, nulla turpis eleifend sapien, in molestie libero arcu eget massa.

    Nulla faucibus nibh ac sapien tristique, non feugiat mi euismod. Phasellus eu ipsum massa. Vivamus quis mollis eros. Etiam sed purus vel metus hendrerit placerat et vitae elit. Cras aliquam elementum neque, ut molestie quam. Aenean facilisis dignissim libero eget sollicitudin. Fusce malesuada, neque vitae vulputate accumsan, eros mauris lacinia massa, vitae porttitor nibh purus sit amet ex. Donec sodales luctus lorem quis posuere. Proin id placerat turpis. Sed ut nulla non massa porta feugiat et nec purus. Ut vestibulum vehicula eleifend. Fusce ex eros, posuere eget arcu non, placerat euismod nisi. Nunc convallis sagittis diam, ac porta ante. Fusce efficitur mollis mi. Curabitur vel nulla odio. Nam erat nibh, semper nec tincidunt nec, ullamcorper at tortor.
  • NAME
    I never trust my feelings, I waited for the remedy
    Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Proin condimentum, diam vel vestibulum posuere, eros lectus semper dui, eget pretium augue urna at augue. Nulla arcu dolor, viverra pellentesque ante vel, tempus condimentum felis. Maecenas eu pulvinar purus. Ut convallis consequat nisi non tempor. Morbi pellentesque, nibh ac dictum tempus, tortor dolor rhoncus eros, non tincidunt augue sem gravida massa. Aliquam nec facilisis ligula. Vivamus consectetur neque pulvinar turpis rhoncus convallis. Curabitur quis consectetur dolor.

    Vestibulum ut leo ac urna dapibus lobortis in id massa. Proin vel ipsum non nisi hendrerit posuere ac sit amet nibh. Praesent nec semper ante, eu tincidunt nulla. Etiam sodales massa non nisi sagittis congue. Duis venenatis pharetra quam, eu eleifend erat sollicitudin ut. Proin interdum tellus mauris, at semper ipsum cursus egestas. Etiam posuere elit id orci vehicula dictum. Aenean tincidunt, dui nec elementum condimentum, mauris est egestas turpis, quis varius tellus massa vestibulum lectus. Fusce auctor eros nisl, eget hendrerit odio tincidunt in. Mauris vehicula felis nec ultrices convallis. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Integer nec interdum sem, in consectetur quam. Curabitur ac tortor venenatis, ultricies augue ac, euismod elit. In lorem nisl, tincidunt nec nibh ac, auctor fringilla urna. Morbi et ligula urna.

    Quisque sed fringilla neque. Proin ligula orci, blandit nec fringilla ac, gravida at elit. Sed a massa eu lorem elementum ultricies. Suspendisse orci dui, sagittis quis gravida vel, accumsan vitae orci. Nullam mollis, elit non sagittis pellentesque, quam libero auctor augue, eu semper est libero non ligula. Proin sodales luctus molestie. Sed sed venenatis odio, eu pellentesque diam. Phasellus nisi tellus, vehicula eu elementum sed, aliquet non nulla. Phasellus ullamcorper sit amet diam ut cursus. Proin facilisis pharetra consectetur. Aenean in leo felis. In rhoncus ligula in commodo eleifend. Cras risus lorem, imperdiet non luctus in, posuere ac arcu.

    Sed vel nisl eget diam consectetur blandit eget nec purus. Quisque suscipit lobortis erat vel varius. Morbi bibendum sed mi eu tempus. Sed lectus libero, pretium nec tellus sit amet, venenatis venenatis arcu. Proin nibh magna, placerat vitae posuere non, hendrerit ut lacus. Praesent rutrum eget sem et vehicula. Phasellus pretium tellus dapibus magna vehicula aliquam. Fusce vestibulum ante a odio consequat congue. Praesent consectetur, velit at vulputate viverra, velit tellus posuere lacus, quis semper mi sem sit amet sapien. Class aptent taciti sociosqu ad litora torquent per conubia nostra, per inceptos himenaeos. Ut consequat dolor ut enim venenatis iaculis nec at eros. Donec sit amet dapibus felis, vitae rhoncus magna. In maximus venenatis odio quis rhoncus. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia curae; Phasellus interdum dolor in eleifend dignissim. Proin porttitor, risus sit amet mattis gravida, nulla turpis eleifend sapien, in molestie libero arcu eget massa.

    Nulla faucibus nibh ac sapien tristique, non feugiat mi euismod. Phasellus eu ipsum massa. Vivamus quis mollis eros. Etiam sed purus vel metus hendrerit placerat et vitae elit. Cras aliquam elementum neque, ut molestie quam. Aenean facilisis dignissim libero eget sollicitudin. Fusce malesuada, neque vitae vulputate accumsan, eros mauris lacinia massa, vitae porttitor nibh purus sit amet ex. Donec sodales luctus lorem quis posuere. Proin id placerat turpis. Sed ut nulla non massa porta feugiat et nec purus. Ut vestibulum vehicula eleifend. Fusce ex eros, posuere eget arcu non, placerat euismod nisi. Nunc convallis sagittis diam, ac porta ante. Fusce efficitur mollis mi. Curabitur vel nulla odio. Nam erat nibh, semper nec tincidunt nec, ullamcorper at tortor.
  • NAME
    Terrible sting and terrible storm
    Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Proin condimentum, diam vel vestibulum posuere, eros lectus semper dui, eget pretium augue urna at augue. Nulla arcu dolor, viverra pellentesque ante vel, tempus condimentum felis. Maecenas eu pulvinar purus. Ut convallis consequat nisi non tempor. Morbi pellentesque, nibh ac dictum tempus, tortor dolor rhoncus eros, non tincidunt augue sem gravida massa. Aliquam nec facilisis ligula. Vivamus consectetur neque pulvinar turpis rhoncus convallis. Curabitur quis consectetur dolor.

    Vestibulum ut leo ac urna dapibus lobortis in id massa. Proin vel ipsum non nisi hendrerit posuere ac sit amet nibh. Praesent nec semper ante, eu tincidunt nulla. Etiam sodales massa non nisi sagittis congue. Duis venenatis pharetra quam, eu eleifend erat sollicitudin ut. Proin interdum tellus mauris, at semper ipsum cursus egestas. Etiam posuere elit id orci vehicula dictum. Aenean tincidunt, dui nec elementum condimentum, mauris est egestas turpis, quis varius tellus massa vestibulum lectus. Fusce auctor eros nisl, eget hendrerit odio tincidunt in. Mauris vehicula felis nec ultrices convallis. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Integer nec interdum sem, in consectetur quam. Curabitur ac tortor venenatis, ultricies augue ac, euismod elit. In lorem nisl, tincidunt nec nibh ac, auctor fringilla urna. Morbi et ligula urna.

    Quisque sed fringilla neque. Proin ligula orci, blandit nec fringilla ac, gravida at elit. Sed a massa eu lorem elementum ultricies. Suspendisse orci dui, sagittis quis gravida vel, accumsan vitae orci. Nullam mollis, elit non sagittis pellentesque, quam libero auctor augue, eu semper est libero non ligula. Proin sodales luctus molestie. Sed sed venenatis odio, eu pellentesque diam. Phasellus nisi tellus, vehicula eu elementum sed, aliquet non nulla. Phasellus ullamcorper sit amet diam ut cursus. Proin facilisis pharetra consectetur. Aenean in leo felis. In rhoncus ligula in commodo eleifend. Cras risus lorem, imperdiet non luctus in, posuere ac arcu.

    Sed vel nisl eget diam consectetur blandit eget nec purus. Quisque suscipit lobortis erat vel varius. Morbi bibendum sed mi eu tempus. Sed lectus libero, pretium nec tellus sit amet, venenatis venenatis arcu. Proin nibh magna, placerat vitae posuere non, hendrerit ut lacus. Praesent rutrum eget sem et vehicula. Phasellus pretium tellus dapibus magna vehicula aliquam. Fusce vestibulum ante a odio consequat congue. Praesent consectetur, velit at vulputate viverra, velit tellus posuere lacus, quis semper mi sem sit amet sapien. Class aptent taciti sociosqu ad litora torquent per conubia nostra, per inceptos himenaeos. Ut consequat dolor ut enim venenatis iaculis nec at eros. Donec sit amet dapibus felis, vitae rhoncus magna. In maximus venenatis odio quis rhoncus. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia curae; Phasellus interdum dolor in eleifend dignissim. Proin porttitor, risus sit amet mattis gravida, nulla turpis eleifend sapien, in molestie libero arcu eget massa.

    Nulla faucibus nibh ac sapien tristique, non feugiat mi euismod. Phasellus eu ipsum massa. Vivamus quis mollis eros. Etiam sed purus vel metus hendrerit placerat et vitae elit. Cras aliquam elementum neque, ut molestie quam. Aenean facilisis dignissim libero eget sollicitudin. Fusce malesuada, neque vitae vulputate accumsan, eros mauris lacinia massa, vitae porttitor nibh purus sit amet ex. Donec sodales luctus lorem quis posuere. Proin id placerat turpis. Sed ut nulla non massa porta feugiat et nec purus. Ut vestibulum vehicula eleifend. Fusce ex eros, posuere eget arcu non, placerat euismod nisi. Nunc convallis sagittis diam, ac porta ante. Fusce efficitur mollis mi. Curabitur vel nulla odio. Nam erat nibh, semper nec tincidunt nec, ullamcorper at tortor.
  • NAME
    You gave your body to the lonely
    Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Proin condimentum, diam vel vestibulum posuere, eros lectus semper dui, eget pretium augue urna at augue. Nulla arcu dolor, viverra pellentesque ante vel, tempus condimentum felis. Maecenas eu pulvinar purus. Ut convallis consequat nisi non tempor. Morbi pellentesque, nibh ac dictum tempus, tortor dolor rhoncus eros, non tincidunt augue sem gravida massa. Aliquam nec facilisis ligula. Vivamus consectetur neque pulvinar turpis rhoncus convallis. Curabitur quis consectetur dolor.

    Vestibulum ut leo ac urna dapibus lobortis in id massa. Proin vel ipsum non nisi hendrerit posuere ac sit amet nibh. Praesent nec semper ante, eu tincidunt nulla. Etiam sodales massa non nisi sagittis congue. Duis venenatis pharetra quam, eu eleifend erat sollicitudin ut. Proin interdum tellus mauris, at semper ipsum cursus egestas. Etiam posuere elit id orci vehicula dictum. Aenean tincidunt, dui nec elementum condimentum, mauris est egestas turpis, quis varius tellus massa vestibulum lectus. Fusce auctor eros nisl, eget hendrerit odio tincidunt in. Mauris vehicula felis nec ultrices convallis. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Integer nec interdum sem, in consectetur quam. Curabitur ac tortor venenatis, ultricies augue ac, euismod elit. In lorem nisl, tincidunt nec nibh ac, auctor fringilla urna. Morbi et ligula urna.

    Quisque sed fringilla neque. Proin ligula orci, blandit nec fringilla ac, gravida at elit. Sed a massa eu lorem elementum ultricies. Suspendisse orci dui, sagittis quis gravida vel, accumsan vitae orci. Nullam mollis, elit non sagittis pellentesque, quam libero auctor augue, eu semper est libero non ligula. Proin sodales luctus molestie. Sed sed venenatis odio, eu pellentesque diam. Phasellus nisi tellus, vehicula eu elementum sed, aliquet non nulla. Phasellus ullamcorper sit amet diam ut cursus. Proin facilisis pharetra consectetur. Aenean in leo felis. In rhoncus ligula in commodo eleifend. Cras risus lorem, imperdiet non luctus in, posuere ac arcu.

    Sed vel nisl eget diam consectetur blandit eget nec purus. Quisque suscipit lobortis erat vel varius. Morbi bibendum sed mi eu tempus. Sed lectus libero, pretium nec tellus sit amet, venenatis venenatis arcu. Proin nibh magna, placerat vitae posuere non, hendrerit ut lacus. Praesent rutrum eget sem et vehicula. Phasellus pretium tellus dapibus magna vehicula aliquam. Fusce vestibulum ante a odio consequat congue. Praesent consectetur, velit at vulputate viverra, velit tellus posuere lacus, quis semper mi sem sit amet sapien. Class aptent taciti sociosqu ad litora torquent per conubia nostra, per inceptos himenaeos. Ut consequat dolor ut enim venenatis iaculis nec at eros. Donec sit amet dapibus felis, vitae rhoncus magna. In maximus venenatis odio quis rhoncus. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia curae; Phasellus interdum dolor in eleifend dignissim. Proin porttitor, risus sit amet mattis gravida, nulla turpis eleifend sapien, in molestie libero arcu eget massa.

    Nulla faucibus nibh ac sapien tristique, non feugiat mi euismod. Phasellus eu ipsum massa. Vivamus quis mollis eros. Etiam sed purus vel metus hendrerit placerat et vitae elit. Cras aliquam elementum neque, ut molestie quam. Aenean facilisis dignissim libero eget sollicitudin. Fusce malesuada, neque vitae vulputate accumsan, eros mauris lacinia massa, vitae porttitor nibh purus sit amet ex. Donec sodales luctus lorem quis posuere. Proin id placerat turpis. Sed ut nulla non massa porta feugiat et nec purus. Ut vestibulum vehicula eleifend. Fusce ex eros, posuere eget arcu non, placerat euismod nisi. Nunc convallis sagittis diam, ac porta ante. Fusce efficitur mollis mi. Curabitur vel nulla odio. Nam erat nibh, semper nec tincidunt nec, ullamcorper at tortor.
  • NAME
    I am a man with a heart that offends with its lonely and greedy demands
    Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Proin condimentum, diam vel vestibulum posuere, eros lectus semper dui, eget pretium augue urna at augue. Nulla arcu dolor, viverra pellentesque ante vel, tempus condimentum felis. Maecenas eu pulvinar purus. Ut convallis consequat nisi non tempor. Morbi pellentesque, nibh ac dictum tempus, tortor dolor rhoncus eros, non tincidunt augue sem gravida massa. Aliquam nec facilisis ligula. Vivamus consectetur neque pulvinar turpis rhoncus convallis. Curabitur quis consectetur dolor.

    Vestibulum ut leo ac urna dapibus lobortis in id massa. Proin vel ipsum non nisi hendrerit posuere ac sit amet nibh. Praesent nec semper ante, eu tincidunt nulla. Etiam sodales massa non nisi sagittis congue. Duis venenatis pharetra quam, eu eleifend erat sollicitudin ut. Proin interdum tellus mauris, at semper ipsum cursus egestas. Etiam posuere elit id orci vehicula dictum. Aenean tincidunt, dui nec elementum condimentum, mauris est egestas turpis, quis varius tellus massa vestibulum lectus. Fusce auctor eros nisl, eget hendrerit odio tincidunt in. Mauris vehicula felis nec ultrices convallis. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Integer nec interdum sem, in consectetur quam. Curabitur ac tortor venenatis, ultricies augue ac, euismod elit. In lorem nisl, tincidunt nec nibh ac, auctor fringilla urna. Morbi et ligula urna.

    Quisque sed fringilla neque. Proin ligula orci, blandit nec fringilla ac, gravida at elit. Sed a massa eu lorem elementum ultricies. Suspendisse orci dui, sagittis quis gravida vel, accumsan vitae orci. Nullam mollis, elit non sagittis pellentesque, quam libero auctor augue, eu semper est libero non ligula. Proin sodales luctus molestie. Sed sed venenatis odio, eu pellentesque diam. Phasellus nisi tellus, vehicula eu elementum sed, aliquet non nulla. Phasellus ullamcorper sit amet diam ut cursus. Proin facilisis pharetra consectetur. Aenean in leo felis. In rhoncus ligula in commodo eleifend. Cras risus lorem, imperdiet non luctus in, posuere ac arcu.

    Sed vel nisl eget diam consectetur blandit eget nec purus. Quisque suscipit lobortis erat vel varius. Morbi bibendum sed mi eu tempus. Sed lectus libero, pretium nec tellus sit amet, venenatis venenatis arcu. Proin nibh magna, placerat vitae posuere non, hendrerit ut lacus. Praesent rutrum eget sem et vehicula. Phasellus pretium tellus dapibus magna vehicula aliquam. Fusce vestibulum ante a odio consequat congue. Praesent consectetur, velit at vulputate viverra, velit tellus posuere lacus, quis semper mi sem sit amet sapien. Class aptent taciti sociosqu ad litora torquent per conubia nostra, per inceptos himenaeos. Ut consequat dolor ut enim venenatis iaculis nec at eros. Donec sit amet dapibus felis, vitae rhoncus magna. In maximus venenatis odio quis rhoncus. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia curae; Phasellus interdum dolor in eleifend dignissim. Proin porttitor, risus sit amet mattis gravida, nulla turpis eleifend sapien, in molestie libero arcu eget massa.

    Nulla faucibus nibh ac sapien tristique, non feugiat mi euismod. Phasellus eu ipsum massa. Vivamus quis mollis eros. Etiam sed purus vel metus hendrerit placerat et vitae elit. Cras aliquam elementum neque, ut molestie quam. Aenean facilisis dignissim libero eget sollicitudin. Fusce malesuada, neque vitae vulputate accumsan, eros mauris lacinia massa, vitae porttitor nibh purus sit amet ex. Donec sodales luctus lorem quis posuere. Proin id placerat turpis. Sed ut nulla non massa porta feugiat et nec purus. Ut vestibulum vehicula eleifend. Fusce ex eros, posuere eget arcu non, placerat euismod nisi. Nunc convallis sagittis diam, ac porta ante. Fusce efficitur mollis mi. Curabitur vel nulla odio. Nam erat nibh, semper nec tincidunt nec, ullamcorper at tortor.
  • NAME
    I built your walls around me
    Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Proin condimentum, diam vel vestibulum posuere, eros lectus semper dui, eget pretium augue urna at augue. Nulla arcu dolor, viverra pellentesque ante vel, tempus condimentum felis. Maecenas eu pulvinar purus. Ut convallis consequat nisi non tempor. Morbi pellentesque, nibh ac dictum tempus, tortor dolor rhoncus eros, non tincidunt augue sem gravida massa. Aliquam nec facilisis ligula. Vivamus consectetur neque pulvinar turpis rhoncus convallis. Curabitur quis consectetur dolor.

    Vestibulum ut leo ac urna dapibus lobortis in id massa. Proin vel ipsum non nisi hendrerit posuere ac sit amet nibh. Praesent nec semper ante, eu tincidunt nulla. Etiam sodales massa non nisi sagittis congue. Duis venenatis pharetra quam, eu eleifend erat sollicitudin ut. Proin interdum tellus mauris, at semper ipsum cursus egestas. Etiam posuere elit id orci vehicula dictum. Aenean tincidunt, dui nec elementum condimentum, mauris est egestas turpis, quis varius tellus massa vestibulum lectus. Fusce auctor eros nisl, eget hendrerit odio tincidunt in. Mauris vehicula felis nec ultrices convallis. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Integer nec interdum sem, in consectetur quam. Curabitur ac tortor venenatis, ultricies augue ac, euismod elit. In lorem nisl, tincidunt nec nibh ac, auctor fringilla urna. Morbi et ligula urna.

    Quisque sed fringilla neque. Proin ligula orci, blandit nec fringilla ac, gravida at elit. Sed a massa eu lorem elementum ultricies. Suspendisse orci dui, sagittis quis gravida vel, accumsan vitae orci. Nullam mollis, elit non sagittis pellentesque, quam libero auctor augue, eu semper est libero non ligula. Proin sodales luctus molestie. Sed sed venenatis odio, eu pellentesque diam. Phasellus nisi tellus, vehicula eu elementum sed, aliquet non nulla. Phasellus ullamcorper sit amet diam ut cursus. Proin facilisis pharetra consectetur. Aenean in leo felis. In rhoncus ligula in commodo eleifend. Cras risus lorem, imperdiet non luctus in, posuere ac arcu.

    Sed vel nisl eget diam consectetur blandit eget nec purus. Quisque suscipit lobortis erat vel varius. Morbi bibendum sed mi eu tempus. Sed lectus libero, pretium nec tellus sit amet, venenatis venenatis arcu. Proin nibh magna, placerat vitae posuere non, hendrerit ut lacus. Praesent rutrum eget sem et vehicula. Phasellus pretium tellus dapibus magna vehicula aliquam. Fusce vestibulum ante a odio consequat congue. Praesent consectetur, velit at vulputate viverra, velit tellus posuere lacus, quis semper mi sem sit amet sapien. Class aptent taciti sociosqu ad litora torquent per conubia nostra, per inceptos himenaeos. Ut consequat dolor ut enim venenatis iaculis nec at eros. Donec sit amet dapibus felis, vitae rhoncus magna. In maximus venenatis odio quis rhoncus. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia curae; Phasellus interdum dolor in eleifend dignissim. Proin porttitor, risus sit amet mattis gravida, nulla turpis eleifend sapien, in molestie libero arcu eget massa.

    Nulla faucibus nibh ac sapien tristique, non feugiat mi euismod. Phasellus eu ipsum massa. Vivamus quis mollis eros. Etiam sed purus vel metus hendrerit placerat et vitae elit. Cras aliquam elementum neque, ut molestie quam. Aenean facilisis dignissim libero eget sollicitudin. Fusce malesuada, neque vitae vulputate accumsan, eros mauris lacinia massa, vitae porttitor nibh purus sit amet ex. Donec sodales luctus lorem quis posuere. Proin id placerat turpis. Sed ut nulla non massa porta feugiat et nec purus. Ut vestibulum vehicula eleifend. Fusce ex eros, posuere eget arcu non, placerat euismod nisi. Nunc convallis sagittis diam, ac porta ante. Fusce efficitur mollis mi. Curabitur vel nulla odio. Nam erat nibh, semper nec tincidunt nec, ullamcorper at tortor.
  • NAME
    I have loved you for the last time
    Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Proin condimentum, diam vel vestibulum posuere, eros lectus semper dui, eget pretium augue urna at augue. Nulla arcu dolor, viverra pellentesque ante vel, tempus condimentum felis. Maecenas eu pulvinar purus. Ut convallis consequat nisi non tempor. Morbi pellentesque, nibh ac dictum tempus, tortor dolor rhoncus eros, non tincidunt augue sem gravida massa. Aliquam nec facilisis ligula. Vivamus consectetur neque pulvinar turpis rhoncus convallis. Curabitur quis consectetur dolor.

    Vestibulum ut leo ac urna dapibus lobortis in id massa. Proin vel ipsum non nisi hendrerit posuere ac sit amet nibh. Praesent nec semper ante, eu tincidunt nulla. Etiam sodales massa non nisi sagittis congue. Duis venenatis pharetra quam, eu eleifend erat sollicitudin ut. Proin interdum tellus mauris, at semper ipsum cursus egestas. Etiam posuere elit id orci vehicula dictum. Aenean tincidunt, dui nec elementum condimentum, mauris est egestas turpis, quis varius tellus massa vestibulum lectus. Fusce auctor eros nisl, eget hendrerit odio tincidunt in. Mauris vehicula felis nec ultrices convallis. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Integer nec interdum sem, in consectetur quam. Curabitur ac tortor venenatis, ultricies augue ac, euismod elit. In lorem nisl, tincidunt nec nibh ac, auctor fringilla urna. Morbi et ligula urna.

    Quisque sed fringilla neque. Proin ligula orci, blandit nec fringilla ac, gravida at elit. Sed a massa eu lorem elementum ultricies. Suspendisse orci dui, sagittis quis gravida vel, accumsan vitae orci. Nullam mollis, elit non sagittis pellentesque, quam libero auctor augue, eu semper est libero non ligula. Proin sodales luctus molestie. Sed sed venenatis odio, eu pellentesque diam. Phasellus nisi tellus, vehicula eu elementum sed, aliquet non nulla. Phasellus ullamcorper sit amet diam ut cursus. Proin facilisis pharetra consectetur. Aenean in leo felis. In rhoncus ligula in commodo eleifend. Cras risus lorem, imperdiet non luctus in, posuere ac arcu.

    Sed vel nisl eget diam consectetur blandit eget nec purus. Quisque suscipit lobortis erat vel varius. Morbi bibendum sed mi eu tempus. Sed lectus libero, pretium nec tellus sit amet, venenatis venenatis arcu. Proin nibh magna, placerat vitae posuere non, hendrerit ut lacus. Praesent rutrum eget sem et vehicula. Phasellus pretium tellus dapibus magna vehicula aliquam. Fusce vestibulum ante a odio consequat congue. Praesent consectetur, velit at vulputate viverra, velit tellus posuere lacus, quis semper mi sem sit amet sapien. Class aptent taciti sociosqu ad litora torquent per conubia nostra, per inceptos himenaeos. Ut consequat dolor ut enim venenatis iaculis nec at eros. Donec sit amet dapibus felis, vitae rhoncus magna. In maximus venenatis odio quis rhoncus. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia curae; Phasellus interdum dolor in eleifend dignissim. Proin porttitor, risus sit amet mattis gravida, nulla turpis eleifend sapien, in molestie libero arcu eget massa.

    Nulla faucibus nibh ac sapien tristique, non feugiat mi euismod. Phasellus eu ipsum massa. Vivamus quis mollis eros. Etiam sed purus vel metus hendrerit placerat et vitae elit. Cras aliquam elementum neque, ut molestie quam. Aenean facilisis dignissim libero eget sollicitudin. Fusce malesuada, neque vitae vulputate accumsan, eros mauris lacinia massa, vitae porttitor nibh purus sit amet ex. Donec sodales luctus lorem quis posuere. Proin id placerat turpis. Sed ut nulla non massa porta feugiat et nec purus. Ut vestibulum vehicula eleifend. Fusce ex eros, posuere eget arcu non, placerat euismod nisi. Nunc convallis sagittis diam, ac porta ante. Fusce efficitur mollis mi. Curabitur vel nulla odio. Nam erat nibh, semper nec tincidunt nec, ullamcorper at tortor.
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