PLOTS CHARACTERS The Creations of My Mind

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Forger of Words
Original poster
Invitation Status
  1. Not accepting invites at this time
Posting Speed
  1. 1-3 posts per week
  2. One post per week
  3. Slow As Molasses
Online Availability
Going to be varying with changes at work.
Writing Levels
  1. Adept
  2. Advanced
  3. Prestige
  4. Adaptable
Preferred Character Gender
  1. Primarily Prefer Male
  2. No Preferences
Fantasy, Science Fiction, Magical Realism, and Post Apocalyptic.
Name: Richi Diau
Nickname: Ri Du (Pronounced Redo)
Height: 5' 9"
Weight: 175 lbs.
Age: 22
Birthday: February 22nd
Ethnicity: CyberTron Multinational – Japanese
Classification: Merc.
Sub-Classification: Technomancer.
Pronouns: He/Him/They/Them
Weapons: Hand-mounted Retractable Vibroclaws, Mk 12 Stun baton, Twin Hawk Auto-pistols .
Relatives: The company provides all on needs.
Romance: Hopeless romantic, but he doesn't let it show.
Ri Du.jpg
  1. In public: Quiet, unassuming, and fearful of crowds.
  2. Behind closed doors: Calm and confident, but with a sense of immaturity

Sexual Preference: Pan - Undetermined (virgin)

  1. Silco-mancer - Upon touching any piece of technology, Ri Du can access its programs without the use of a computer. This allows him to take control of anything he touches.
  2. Havern Bluetooth Hacking Program - This system, though not as reliable as his magic, allows him to attempt to gain control over technology he can't touch. The more impressive the software the more likely this ability it to fail.
  3. Pyschon Mk. IV Sonic Ears - Born with damaged ears isn't a setback in the year 2050. Cybernetic ears are often implanted in children. Not only does the bearer have excellent hearing, they can detect radio signals, but feedback jammers can be a serious problem.
  4. Firearms Training - Like all Mercs, Ri Di underwent combat training, earning the rank of Passable marksmen with firearms, including pistols and rifles
  5. Defensive Training - In addition to his standard training regiments, Ri Du showed considered skill with vibro-claws, receiving the rank of Master with the weapon.

The World:
In the year 2035, CyberTron Industries rose to power. All at once the world changed. Humans no longer needed to dream about the future it was upon them. Over the next fifteen years, several other great Megacorporations rose, and rather than people calling nations their homelands they began to rally under the corporations. Now, a war, fought in the shadows, is raging between them. Small bands of mercenaries make their living trying to win the Corporation Wars, as well as acting in the name of countless other parties. (This world is loosely based on that of Shadowrun. It's cyber punk, but there are no other fantasy races, but there is a heavily draining magic system, similar to 'the Force,' as well as wireless digital technology.)​

The Gist
Ri Du is a newly minted "Merc," who has been paired with your character by the CyberTron. (You character can be male, female, non-binary or an automaton). As YC shows him the ropes of the life, they get a job that leaves them without a country code. In order to survive, they sink into the seedy underbelly of an urban sprawl where they are trying to lay low.​
One of Ri Du's former associates, also a Shadow Merc, send him an encrypted message after her death. A young woman (19), the first-born physic (a magic user who can access her powers without harming herself) has been kidnapped and is being held by a gang in a compound that used to be a university. All they need to do is break the girl out and get her to the river.​
Apart from all the gangbangers who made the university their compound, three Corps have sent teams after the girl. This offer comes from their girl's natural parents. Rescuing her and getting her, ALIVE, to the port will net them a seven-figure reward, which is enough to for our character to buy new lives, outfit themselves properly and rejoin the Corp of their choice, or perhaps a new player that has yet to reveal themselves in the raging wars.​
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  • This Gives Me Plot Bunnies
Reactions: Firestarter_95
Name: Cassian Highwater
Alternate Names: Cassian the Queller, Captain
Ship: Saltrunner
Height: 6'2"
Weight: 215 lbs.
Age: 307 (Appears 30)
Birthday: The 3rd Crest of the Emerald Sea
Ethnicity: Half-elf
Classification: Pirate.
Sub-Classification: Ex-Free Captain.
Pronouns: He/Him
Weapons: Bitterbrine Cutlass, Cat 'o Ninetails, Countless Daggers.
Relatives: The only family he knows is his crew.
Romance: A love of the sea, a love of freedom, and a night's fling (multiple if he is lucky.

  1. In public: Bold, daring, controlling, he acts in accordance to his own morals
  2. Behind closed doors: Bold, daring, and controlling, what belongs to him is HIS.

Sexual Preference: Hetro - Dominant

  1. Beguiling Tongue: Though not magically inclined, Cassian has learned to control his manners to gain what he wants and when he wants it. His ability to turn a phrase as quickly as shift his mood are both present in the manners in which he speaks, making him a terror and a pleasure in polite society.
  2. Swordsmanship, Lord of the Lash: Cassian is skilled with blades, whips, and cat o' nine tails. His flexible form gives him the ability to dodge blows as easily as turn them aside and he can deal heavy damage with his weapons of choice.
  3. Sailing Master: Cassian has walked the decks of countless ships over the centuries and has learned every job on a ship, all of which he can do with ease. His love, however, is commanding a crew and steering a ship.

The World:
It is a golden age of piracy, with Three Mighty Empires locked in war while free captains pillage and plunder the contested lands. There are no clear paths for any one empire to gain complete dominance, but a powerful fourth party, known as The Seekers, have emerged with their eye turned toward destroying all pirates. In order to survive, Cassian will do the unthinkable…​

The Gist:
Jared, a high ranking and feared free captain, who is attempting to rally the pirates into a Federation of Freedom; a country that calls the sea home. Your character is an amenable free captain, who joins their power to his own, but when they seek out a lost treasure that is rumored to house enough gold to make their dreams come true, the Seekers attack. The two are the only ones left alive after the attack, but they find the lost treasure, and a small boat to take them back into the world. However, they find their status lost and must rebuild their reputation, starting with a ship, then a port to call home, a seat among the Free Captains, and King and Queenship of the Thirteen Seas.​
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  • Nice Execution!
Reactions: Firestarter_95
Give Name: Redacted!
Chosen Name: Faust
Height: 6'2"
Weight: 215 lbs.
Age: 23
Classification: Evolved Human.
Sub Classification: Hunter.
Previous Occupation:
Student, Faust was only sixteen when the apocalypse struck.
His survival has made him resilient, but he learned most of his knowledge from books, both fiction and non-fiction.
Abilities: Control of the shadows.
Weapons: Fists, silver blade, the shadows.
Relatives: His mother and father are deceased.
Romance: Hopeful, but not expecting.
  1. In public: Cocky, confident, daring, and sure of himself.
  2. Behind closed doors: Hopeful and spirited.

Sexual Preference
: Straight - Undetermined (virgin), but confident in his dominance

  1. Shadow Control – Like others of his kind, Evolved Humans, Faust has control of the power of his inner demon. Having defeated the creature in his mind, he gained the ability to manipulate shadows into any form he chooses.
  2. Blood Magic – The strange tattoos on his arms, allows Faust to tap into his very life essence and dump the raw power he finds there into his powers. Though this power drains him, and extended use might even claim his life (this is his theory) he uses excessicvely hoping to build up a tolerance to what he calls, 'the Burn.'

The World:
A cataclysm rocked the world, opening rifts that allowed hell to spill into the world. While those rifts were closed, the damage was done. Cities that once houses human life are no teaming with half breed demons and the forces of darkness. Only the few who still fight live within their limits. The Resistance protects those who live outside the cities while they try to rebuild what was lost. The Hunters stand as a bulwark to keep the darkness from spilling out of the cities.​

Where to View:
You can read my roleplay with @DarkMoon Here
You can view our story thread Here
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Give Name: Igleon, Son of Arlyn
Other Names: Third Sword of the Lady, Commander, Paladin, and Callista's Chosen.
Height: 6'1"
Weight: 225 lbs.
Age: 27
Birthday: Unknown
Ethnicity: Human
Classification: Paladin.
Sub-Classification: Third Brother of the Order of the Flesh.
Pronouns: He/Him
Weapons: Bastard Sword, Dagger, and Divine Magic
Relatives: He knowns none of his family, as he was raised at the Temple of Callista.

  1. In public: Stalwart and clam, but also the grim shadow of vengeance.
  2. Behind closed doors: Revenant

Sexual Preference
: Straight - Switch, but with a lean toward the submissive.

  1. Swordsmanship – As a Sword of the Lady, Igleon (Last Name) is skilled with swords of all makes, preferring a hand and a half sword, allowing him to wield it in two hands, or pair it with a long-bladed dagger.
  2. Vengeance Strike – Igleon can channel his divine energy into his blade, enhancing the destructive power of his attacks.
  3. Laying on of Hands – Igleon can channel his divine energy into his hands upon touching a friendly being. As wounds of their begin to lessen, they are transferred to Igleon. However, he must be careful in his use of this ability, as it could possibly mean his doom.
  4. Cleansing Reverence – In his sleep, the healing powers of the Goddess visit his being. This divine power increases his healing factor, allowing him to shed even the most serious of wounds with just a few hours of undisturbed rest.
  5. Aroused Exploitation – Like all members of the Order of the Flesh, the guardians of Callista and her flock, Igleon has access to far strong powers when his blood boils with excitement.

The World:
This is a High Fantasy utilizing the Pantheon found in the TTRPG: Pathfinder

Where to View:
You can read my roleplay with @Calum_LunaNatura Here
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