The Evrensel Conflict: Act 1 -- Chapter 2, Mission: Essence of Shade

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Location: An old Alleyway

Before Dusk could attack one of the people who were trying to kill the two children a blast went off. Dust and smoke billowed throughout the alley, masking their escape in the span of a couple of seconds. Amidst the smoke was a metallic figure, who grabbed one of the children and disappeared instantly, uttering one word. "Obey" it said, its voice echoing through its sturdy body and making the word pang with a deep coldness.

During the explosion, Dusk felt like a bright light had been flashed in his face and in his eyes, yet there was no such light that appeared in the alleyway. It was odd, but it blended in with the explosion. It was then that Dusk noticed he had been flung upwards into the air along with Bem, although Bem had gone much higher. The geodian took out his sword and quickly stabbed it into the wall, scraping downwards to slow his descent to the ground.

Dusk then turned to see a man bowing before Ryan, the draconic man asking if everyone was safe. Why was the man bowing? It didn't matter really, Dusk was more concerned with the others and what had happened during the explosion. He glanced over to see a hole in the wall where Moire previously was, but for the most part, everyone seemed to be fine. "Does anyone know where the small boy went?" he asked, looking around and noticing that the sibling of the child who was kidnapped was nowhere to be found. "And… should we check on Moire or should we bow?" he then continued after a moment of thought, the idea that the giant soldier could've been injured by being blasted back so far. While others situated themselves, he sheathed his sword on the back of his hip and waited for answers.
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It was almost strange to fight with allies, given Wolf's experiences. As a shinobi he often worked alone, prioritizing stealth and swift travel over the strength numbers may provide. Even on the mission from Lord Kuro, his only allies filled a distant support role more than anything. The last time he fought alongside another must have been all those years ago at the Hirata Estate, with Nogami Gensai against the massive leader of the bandits pillaging his Lord's land. Though even that capable samurai could not quite compare to the level of ability these combatants possessed.

With the last of the apes dealt with, Wolf had intended to turn his once again mundane blade on the two warriors it seemed had orchestrated the attack. At least, he had before the city went up in flames. With a sudden feeling of impending doom, the likes of which he often felt immediately before powerful attacks he could not hope to defend against, the shinobi flung himself away from a nearby wall just before it exploded.

Despite the chaos, he still had more than enough awareness of his surroundings to notice something new enter the battlefield. It was a being clad in thick, dark grey armour glowing dangerously with red light. Unfortunately for the young fighter it had chosen to target, a lone girl whom the two older warriors seemed to be after, Wolf was not close enough to intercept the foreign entity before it grasped her face and leaned in.

For a moment she was replaced in his vision with Kuro, taken by Genichiro once more right before his eyes. As soon as the vision abated his body was already moving, tearing across the scorched earth faster than lesser men could even react. It was not enough. The figure and the girl were gone before he'd crossed more than half the distance, barely a swirl of smoke to mark their disappearance.

Once more, Wolf cursed his own failure as a guardian. Admittedly, the girl was not his responsibility to protect, nor was he the only one who had failed to stop her abduction. Nonetheless, it was a bitter reminder of what had already occurred thrice before. He could still be too slow and too weak, no matter the heights of strength he had reached.

As an assembly of the local soldiery marched into the area, he was reminded uncomfortably of the way he'd left Ashina Castle last, consumed by flame and utterly ruined. His lord had been taken once again, the men of Ashina and the Interior Ministry clashed with blade and gun, his mentors and few frie- allies dead except Lady Emma. Though he had defeated the last of the immediate threats to Kuro, the wounded Divine Heir now lay unattended on that field, accompanied only by the defeated Sword Saint.

Could Isshin survive despite his wounds? Could he be trusted to watch over the young Lord, despite his intention to see Genichiro's last wish through? Wolf was uncertain. Though he had faith in Isshin's honour, as well as his ability to take on any of the Ministry's soldiers, he ultimately did not know how Kuro fit into the goal of reclaiming Ashina. He only hoped it would not require that his Lord suffered any further.

For a moment, Wolf prayed. Stranded so far from them, it was the only thing he could do.

The moment passed and Wolf focused himself. He was still in unknown territory with unknown peoples, it would not do to let his guard down yet. He approached the red-haired swordsman that seemed to command the respect of the locals and kneeled deferentially, still prepared to spring into action while enacting a show of reverence he felt adequately mimicked what the guards and civilians displayed. The man's confusion might indicate it to be unnecessary, but the lead watchman's demeanour gave a worrying significance to the draconic warrior that Wolf, as an outsider would be unwise to ignore.

For now he would blend in, a simple traveller who merely sought to assist this mighty figure and his entourage. Now that their assailants had fled, he was simply acting as any other would. There was no need to reveal his peculiar circumstances just yet.