The Evrensel Conflict -- Prologue, Chapter 3, Mission 3: New Butyrka

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When she broke through the wall, she was at the edge of the newly made crater. The complex was three miles deep, and all the debris reached to the seven floor where the bottom was. She would be on the fourth, and her gun was right under all that rusted metal scrap. A straight shot down, right where Jack, Terry and Chief were. The scientist on his shoulder was still alive, though his legs were completely shot up, and his breathing was quite slowed. He needed medical attention before he completely died out, otherwise when he woke up again, the shock might just stop his heart for good
The Queen-Baron

With a grunt, Vaarsiks jumped off the fourth floor, the air rushing past her while she dug her claws into the walls to slow her descent. One of her arms secured the scientist to keep him from slipping of her grasp.

With SIVA directing her, she traced her weapons right down to the bottom, landing with a heavy thud that seemed to shake the ground. Ignoring any distractions, Vaarsiks released the human and put him down before she started digging with her bare claws. Turning over decrepit metal walls was a child's play with her strength, but even so, she had to leverage some pieces as they became too big to handle, at times smashing them into more manageable shards.

Her work rewarded her with a familiar stock sticking out of the rubble. Grabbing it, Vaarsiks grinned as she pulled out the Vex Mythoclast, pulsating with a red Aura, almost as if it was alive.

She relished the feeling as they connected once again, SIVA nanites bonded into a harmonious symbiosis with those that flowed through her veins. Soon enough she had re-armed herself, returning her swords into their scabbards, alongside her prize handcannons from the Black Armory.

Finally, the Queen-Baron felt whole again.

And perhaps it was time to see what she could do for the human...
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Terry McGinnis

Shock evident on his face when Jack was revealed to be injured that the second he fell over, Terry was over by his side trying to find a way to stop the bleeding and deal with the injury.

At least until Jack died. At this, Terry bowed his head in some form of respect for the man. Didn't know the guy much, but no one deserved to die such a way. Up until Jack sprung to life, his injury healed up, giving Terry the literal fright of his life. "Whoa, you okay?" Terry helped Jack to his feet, eyes locked onto where the injury was, only seeing blood soaked clothes.

In response to Jack's words, he'd say. "Oh this is gonna be a conversation. Not now, but definitely later." He went back to digging, shoving aside rusted metal and pieces of meat that he hoped to God was food from the cafeteria, but the burnt textures and such prevented proper identification. At least this is what Terry told himself to help himself in not vomiting. After making a decent amount of headway in clearing debris, he was about to give up when he found a container with a 'BS' on the side. And taking a chance with it, Terry opened it up to see the contents, and he was stunned that he didn't notice Jack's shout to someone else.

Inside was Terry's suit. Which he didn't waste much time before he reached for the belt, placing his thumb on the red circle on it. The suit's bio-failsafe was disabled as it scanned and recognized his finger prints. Taking the belt buckle off, he'd press and hold on said buckle, revealing an additional function. Miniature buzz-saw, which was used to cut through his cuffs' chains, so that he could better cut at the cuffs themselves. His hands freed, he began to suit up, slipping on the Batsuit as easily as one could when used to doing such an action for a year despite the somewhat difficult manner in putting it on as a onesie.

Flipping on the cowl, Terry turned to his cellmate, holding the buckle-saw out to cut the cuffs off Jack so the man could better be of assistance.

Which was when they heard someone call out to them, a man with blue hair and odd clothes, and then fate decided that the situation needed more stuff when another newcomer literally come down from above, standing at a tall height of probably ten or more feet. Terry's mind immediately labelled as alien or robot from the armor. Said newcomer dug through the rubble same he had a few moments ago when they pulled out a rifle and other such items.

"Familiar face?" He said to Jack, as he palmed a Batarang. The scientist that the thing had dropped off looked to be injured, so one of two things was possible. They had saved that scientist, or was holding them captive. Due to the size of the newcomer, he was hoping it was the first option.

@Wade Von Doom @Vulthurmir @LenxKaitoYaoi

Hearing a voice from below, John spotted two people near what looked like a cell that had fallen from above, one of them calling to him.

"Guess we should introduce ourselves, let me do the talking." Cortana said, in a rather joking tone to which John gave a small sigh as a response, prepping himself for potential jokes that'd be made on his behalf, and to talk to civilians.

Dropping down, the impact making a dent in a rusted wall that had fallen. One of the civilians was in some goofy get-up and cutting off the cuffs that the one in the bloody rags was still confined in, and Cortana was about to speak through the speakers of the armor when something had dropped from high above, and dropping a scientist off and beginning to dig through the debris.

John merely said to the two. "Take cover." In his usual gravelly voice, as he looked for something to arm himself in case things went south as he went on over to the scientist, keeping an eye on the giant thing as it dug. He could handle himself with no weapons, but something that big would require a lot more than just fists and the punching power of a Spartan II.

More than likely he was going to need a shotgun or a turret to get the job done...
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The Queen-Baron

The humans were skittish, much to her amusement.

Vaarsiks had taken note of them only halfway when she was rummaging through the pile of rubble, though seeing that they were content to stay away and leave her unbothered, she gave them the same courtesy - Well, at least until they began moving again.

The fact that they seemed frozen, either in fear, awe, or simple caution, it mattered little to the Kell, simply relishing the feeling of being whole again - Connected to her weapon once more.

Turning around, she noticed that the armored one, noticeably taller than the rest, had moved. He reminded her of a Guardian, a puppet of the Great Machine, responsible for slayinf thousands of her kind.

Yet he lacked a presence, something that made most Eliksni quake in their boots. Vaarsiks didn't doubt that while this new... thing, could crush most opposition, he likely fall short against her.
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- Artis Solum, Twilight Warrior -

By some cruel twist of fate, the Rust Plague continued its ravenous consumption of the Prison and ate away at the ground Artis was running upon, allowing the Warden to escape, putting Artis at the mercy of gravity. Now in freefall, Artis knew he had to act fast, lest be become a red paste. In desperation, he frantically looked around, trying to find something, anything, that wasn't already rusting away. As the Prison's entire structure had been compromised, even if Artis survived this fall, he'd have to get out fast or be crushed by falling debris.

Just as he had hit high speed, Artis caught sight of the adjacent wall, or walls rather, that had yet to rust but were vulnerable enough for his Keyblade to pierce it and hopefully cause him to slow down and eventually stop. With a sharp breath, he jammed his blade into the wall as hard as he could and gripped onto the hilt with both hands, still falling at high speeds in spite of his blade, hoping and praying to whatever higher power was listening that his Keyblade would catch on something sturdy enough within this wall, to stop his descent entirely.
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"See...thirtytwo..bee." Morgan repeats his name. Was it a name? There were two letters but also a number. Certainly like no name she has heard before.

"Well nice to meet you anyway. And thank you for your…help." She pauses as she watches the mysterious man carry Brigid and look around. The reason does not dawn on her until Brigid gives her orders to Dusk and herself while she and the man go off to look for friendly survivors.

"Oh! Good idea! We will get on that!" Morgan looks around for the best materials to build something to get up to the next levels. Besides the bodies which would be just gruesome to use, there are the vehicles, some boxes, and large crates that had been seen moving around before the attack. On the farm Doctor DuBois had shown her how to make basic structures such as lean-tos for the animals, and ramps. Everything here was not ideal for a ramp, but something could be made of it all.

"Okay! Dusk! Let's push the vehicles to this side first. Build a strong base, stack the crates high as we can on top." Morgan takes some charge of the task and starts with pushing the first vehicle to that one side. Her strength makes this an easy task.

She is pushing a second vehicle when several noises come from above. Crashing, and the sudden rush of air as if some large bird were flapping its wings.

"What's happening now?" Morgan asks. The answer literally falls on her as the debris of the control room comes crashing down.

"Okay. That.Hurt.Very.Much." Morgan crawls out from the pile of debris on her elbows. Her entire body had not been crushed; She'd been cut in half at the stomach. The Daemon spies a dead soldier and rises to her feet to run at him and start taking his pants off, as her pants are not regenerated along with the rest of her lower body.

"Sorry. I need this more than you." Morgan apologizes to the nameless corpse as she takes his pants and puts them on. They are not a perfect fit and sag slightly on her hips.

"Is um...everyone okay?!" Morgan yells out for a general call to anyone listening after that last fall.
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Brigid Mahoney

"Interesting name. Must be some kind of android or just a trained soldier. Bacrum, huh? Good stuff. Would like to be able to walk, but atill feel like a puppet." Brigid tries to lift her arms fully, but stops as she feels a slight tearing sensation in both shoulders and at her wrists. She chuckles and lets her head hang.

"Tell it to me straight, Doc. Will I ever play the piano again?" She asks in a joking manner. Not wanting to be useless Brigid surmises the guy who has only a serial number for a name is looking for a way out. Only one to be seen was to get up into the intact halls one level above. She also sees Dusk off to the side looking distressed.

"Hey buddy, when you feel up to it, help Morgan stack up stuff so we can get up there." She instructs him indicating the next floor with an upward sway of her head.

"And while that's going on, uh....Seehthree and I will look for more friendly survivors." Brigid says to Dusk and Morgan. Seehthree would be her name for the guy.

"Come on Seethree. There has to be more down here." Brigid gives him a light tap and points down a path away from their alcove.

"See...thirtytwo..bee." Morgan repeats his name. Was it a name? There were two letters but also a number. Certainly like no name she has heard before.

"Well nice to meet you anyway. And thank you for your…help." She pauses as she watches the mysterious man carry Brigid and look around. The reason does not dawn on her until Brigid gives her orders to Dusk and herself while she and the man go off to look for friendly survivors.

"Oh! Good idea! We will get on that!" Morgan looks around for the best materials to build something to get up to the next levels. Besides the bodies which would be just gruesome to use, there are the vehicles, some boxes, and large crates that had been seen moving around before the attack. On the farm Doctor DuBois had shown her how to make basic structures such as lean-tos for the animals, and ramps. Everything here was not ideal for a ramp, but something could be made of it all.

"Okay! Dusk! Let's push the vehicles to this side first. Build a strong base, stack the crates high as we can on top." Morgan takes some charge of the task and starts with pushing the first vehicle to that one side. Her strength makes this an easy task.

She is pushing a second vehicle when several noises come from above. Crashing, and the sudden rush of air as if some large bird were flapping its wings.

"What's happening now?" Morgan asks. The answer literally falls on her as the debris of the control room comes crashing down.

"Okay. That.Hurt.Very.Much." Morgan crawls out from the pile of debris on her elbows. Her entire body had not been crushed; She'd been cut in half at the stomach. The Daemon spies a dead soldier and rises to her feet to run at him and start taking his pants off, as her pants are not regenerated along with the rest of her lower body.

"Sorry. I need this more than you." Morgan apologizes to the nameless corpse as she takes his pants and puts them on. They are not a perfect fit and sag slightly on her hips.

"Is um...everyone okay?!" Morgan yells out for a general call to anyone listening after that last fall.

C3 looked to Dusk after his thanks, and unfortunately, thought it was for him. He just nodded back, unsure of what else to do. 'Thanks.' A rare word to hear from another for him. Brigid, however, would get no such warmth from C3, as he looked to where she pointed, and turned in the opposite direction. "We must leave." He told her, looking for a way to climb up instead of waiting for Morgan to finish building makeshift steps. "The structure is unstable, and there is unnatural erosion surrounding us. We cannot search for survivors." As he was searching, Morgan got crushed by the debris, which made him quickly run over to where she was. He saw her crawling without a lower half of her body, and thinking fast, he pulled out the canister full of Bacrum. Yet, she began to regrow her legs back, slowly, but surely. He watched with surprise, putting the canister away.
When she broke through the wall, she was at the edge of the newly made crater. The complex was three miles deep, and all the debris reached to the seven floor where the bottom was. She would be on the fourth, and her gun was right under all that rusted metal scrap. A straight shot down, right where Jack, Terry and Chief were. The scientist on his shoulder was still alive, though his legs were completely shot up, and his breathing was quite slowed. He needed medical attention before he completely died out, otherwise when he woke up again, the shock might just stop his heart for good
The Queen-Baron

With a grunt, Vaarsiks jumped off the fourth floor, the air rushing past her while she dug her claws into the walls to slow her descent. One of her arms secured the scientist to keep him from slipping of her grasp.

With SIVA directing her, she traced her weapons right down to the bottom, landing with a heavy thud that seemed to shake the ground. Ignoring any distractions, Vaarsiks released the human and put him down before she started digging with her bare claws. Turning over decrepit metal walls was a child's play with her strength, but even so, she had to leverage some pieces as they became too big to handle, at times smashing them into more manageable shards.

Her work rewarded her with a familiar stock sticking out of the rubble. Grabbing it, Vaarsiks grinned as she pulled out the Vex Mythoclast, pulsating with a red Aura, almost as if it was alive.

She relished the feeling as they connected once again, SIVA nanites bonded into a harmonious symbiosis with those that flowed through her veins. Soon enough she had re-armed herself, returning her swords into their scabbards, alongside her prize handcannons from the Black Armory.

Finally, the Queen-Baron felt whole again.

And perhaps it was time to see what she could do for the human...
Terry McGinnis

Shock evident on his face when Jack was revealed to be injured that the second he fell over, Terry was over by his side trying to find a way to stop the bleeding and deal with the injury.

At least until Jack died. At this, Terry bowed his head in some form of respect for the man. Didn't know the guy much, but no one deserved to die such a way. Up until Jack sprung to life, his injury healed up, giving Terry the literal fright of his life. "Whoa, you okay?" Terry helped Jack to his feet, eyes locked onto where the injury was, only seeing blood soaked clothes.

In response to Jack's words, he'd say. "Oh this is gonna be a conversation. Not now, but definitely later." He went back to digging, shoving aside rusted metal and pieces of meat that he hoped to God was food from the cafeteria, but the burnt textures and such prevented proper identification. At least this is what Terry told himself to help himself in not vomiting. After making a decent amount of headway in clearing debris, he was about to give up when he found a container with a 'BS' on the side. And taking a chance with it, Terry opened it up to see the contents, and he was stunned that he didn't notice Jack's shout to someone else.

Inside was Terry's suit. Which he didn't waste much time before he reached for the belt, placing his thumb on the red circle on it. The suit's bio-failsafe was disabled as it scanned and recognized his finger prints. Taking the belt buckle off, he'd press and hold on said buckle, revealing an additional function. Miniature buzz-saw, which was used to cut through his cuffs' chains, so that he could better cut at the cuffs themselves. His hands freed, he began to suit up, slipping on the Batsuit as easily as one could when used to doing such an action for a year despite the somewhat difficult manner in putting it on as a onesie.

Flipping on the cowl, Terry turned to his cellmate, holding the buckle-saw out to cut the cuffs off Jack so the man could better be of assistance.

Which was when they heard someone call out to them, a man with blue hair and odd clothes, and then fate decided that the situation needed more stuff when another newcomer literally come down from above, standing at a tall height of probably ten or more feet. Terry's mind immediately labelled as alien or robot from the armor. Said newcomer dug through the rubble same he had a few moments ago when they pulled out a rifle and other such items.

"Familiar face?" He said to Jack, as he palmed a Batarang. The scientist that the thing had dropped off looked to be injured, so one of two things was possible. They had saved that scientist, or was holding them captive. Due to the size of the newcomer, he was hoping it was the first option.

@Wade Von Doom @Vulthurmir @LenxKaitoYaoi

Hearing a voice from below, John spotted two people near what looked like a cell that had fallen from above, one of them calling to him.

"Guess we should introduce ourselves, let me do the talking." Cortana said, in a rather joking tone to which John gave a small sigh as a response, prepping himself for potential jokes that'd be made on his behalf, and to talk to civilians.

Dropping down, the impact making a dent in a rusted wall that had fallen. One of the civilians was in some goofy get-up and cutting off the cuffs that the one in the bloody rags was still confined in, and Cortana was about to speak through the speakers of the armor when something had dropped from high above, and dropping a scientist off and beginning to dig through the debris.

John merely said to the two. "Take cover." In his usual gravelly voice, as he looked for something to arm himself in case things went south as he went on over to the scientist, keeping an eye on the giant thing as it dug. He could handle himself with no weapons, but something that big would require a lot more than just fists and the punching power of a Spartan II.

More than likely he was going to need a shotgun or a turret to get the job done...
The Queen-Baron

The humans were skittish, much to her amusement.

Vaarsiks had taken note of them only halfway when she was rummaging through the pile of rubble, though seeing that they were content to stay away and leave her unbothered, she gave them the same courtesy - Well, at least until they began moving again.

The fact that they seemed frozen, either in fear, awe, or simple caution, it mattered little to the Kell, simply relishing the feeling of being whole again - Connected to her weapon once more.

Turning around, she noticed that the armored one, noticeably taller than the rest, had moved. He reminded her of a Guardian, a puppet of the Great Machine, responsible for slayinf thousands of her kind.

Yet he lacked a presence, something that made most Eliksni quake in their boots. Vaarsiks didn't doubt that while this new... thing, could crush most opposition, he likely fall short against her.

"Ooooh~ Kinky." Jack told Terry, holding his hands out so he could cut through. "Nice getup. What is that, kevlar biwave with reinforced joints attached to an exosuit?" In what seemed like a day FULL of interruptions with conversations, a fucking giant goddamn alien with four arms, a half-dead scientist, and looking really pissed, suddenly dropped down near Terry and Jack, close enough that she almost crushed them both. Jack staggered back by the wind her landing kicked up, but kept Terry back as she dug through the debris. When she picked up her weapon, and saw Chief tell them to take cover, Jack knew this was not the time to start fighting each other, especially with the sounds of debris hitting the ground so close by.

"Whoa whoa whoa!" Jack yelled out, getting between both Vaars and Chief. "Hold on, hold on! We're not gonna get anywhere fighting each other, so let's just take a breath, alright?" Jack argued. "Blue-boy," he shouted to Luer, "If you can, help him out, he needs some bandages over those wounds." He then looked back to Vaars. "You a prisoner here too?"

Ryan Zokkendov

Ryan wobbled when the floor of the room shook, desummoning his sword to prioritize balance. Wade clung to a panel, from where he warned the others in the room to take it easy. The soldiers started to try and go away. They weren't his priority, however. He racked his head for ways to get himself and his two partners in the room... It took him a hot moment, but it came to him. "Wade, Shirou, jump towards me and hold on tight when I give the signal... Worry not, you'll have something to grab" he advised. Then, he waited for them to approve before springing into action. A fiery blaze consumed him and his figure enlarged showing a big, red tail. "Now!" he said with a deeper and echoey voice, as his body finished transforming. By then, the structure holding them most likely collapsed, if he didn't feel the weight on his tail, a quick swipe would sweep them off the platform before they fell, if they didn't managed to jump on the dragon. He hovered away from the collapsing platform, and then in a circle, trying to size up their next move. With his voice still deep and echoey "I was thinking of going for Artis, any other suggestion?" he said as he flew in the general direction he last saw the fellow swordsman.
If he were to find him, he'd say "Artis, it's Ryan, hop on in!" lowering his hover for him to climb through his static wing.

Ryan's transformation immediately made the room slowly fall off its hinges, and start careening towards the bottom. "AAAAAHHHHHHHH!!!" Deadpool shouted, as he grabbed for the fiery tail of Ryan's new dragon bod. The room spun and spun, until Ryan would break out of the collapsing room. As the prison soldiers shouted in fear while they fell, Deadpool clung onto Ryan's tail as best he could while he flew him and Shirou around the cavern. "Whoooooooaaaa, what in the hell happened?!" Deadpool shouted, as he wrapped his legs around Ryan's tail. "Ohhhh, you have smooth scales!" They felt silky.

Maybe that compliment wasn't the right time. They'd see Artis below, successfully clinging to a wall with his keyblade, and when passing by, Deadpool yelled out to also get his attention. "........ aaaaaaaaaAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAARTIS!" His voice echoed, starting off quiet, then becoming very loud as Ryan passed by. However Artis would get on, they all wouldn't have time to discuss the next plan, as something crashed through the ceiling and dropped down to the ground below; carrying flames with it like it had been dropped from the atmosphere, and nearly hitting Ryan.

It would land near Brigid, Dusk, Morgan and C3, kicking up dust from the shockwave of its landing. When it cleared, the group would have a clear visual of what it was that landed. Something big. Around 15-16 feet tall.


It slowly stood up straight from its landing position, and eyed the four. It didn't take long before it started firing its machine gun hand at them. C3 pulled up his shield just in time before the bullets it, and the gunfire was close by for Vaars, Chief, Jack, Terry and Luer to hear.
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Of all the things Morgan could think about a giant mechanism shooting at her, she thinks first Why am I even bothering with clothes today? A
as if the pattern holds, by the time this thing was down she would need to find more clothing again.

To try and bring this thing down quickly Morgan charges it in a zig-zag pattern. She jumps into the air and transforms. Morgan bears down on the mech with both paws hitting it square in its center. Whether it's toppled or not, Morgan takes its bullets as she closes her jaws around one gun arm joint and shakes violently side-to-side to tear it off.

Just as John went to go about taking the half-dead scientist and see just what the alien before him had in store when one of the prisoners interjected, saying they shouldn't fight. Which John had a feeling that their alien friend wouldn't be exactly open to the idea.

And just as he would search for a weapon just in case things turned south, gunshots rung out from far off in the distance. Thoughts of more soldiers coming got John on edge, as he dug around the debris for a gun. Lifting debris and after sifting through a pile of gore under a large metal panel, gave John a rifle that looked someone had attempted to recreate a belt fed machine gun. Looking like a mix of old guns like the RPD and the M60, outdated but still a gun nonetheless.

Having to pick flesh out of the barrel, John shoulder the weapon to test the weight and feel of the weapon. Armed, John basically gave the alien a look before continuing on to basically scope the area out for a way up, perhaps even a vehicle of sorts so they could get to the surface.

@Wade Von Doom @Vulthurmir @LenxKaitoYaoi
Terry McGinnis

"If you say so." Terry responded to Jack's bit of not fighting, though Terry did still palm a Batarang as the tension grew, at least until gunfire could be heard some distance away.

Recognizing the sound from an all too familiar mech, Terry could guess that it wasn't just firing for the fun of it. So deciding to go and check out what the mech was firing at before Terry would dare to intervene. "Duty calls." He said to Jack as he ran off towards the gunfire. The action basically taking a fair bit of time as Terry had to haul ass around debris to properly get to the present scene of a giant dog fucking up a mech.

And not too far from them were some other people that didn't look familiar or wore symbols of the prison guards. So putting two and two together, Terry could guess that they were enemies of the guards, and thus could be part of the old saying. "The enemy of my enemy is my friend." So arching an arm back, Terry let loose a Batarang or two at the legs of the mech so the giant dog thing could down the thing easier, the two embedded themselves in the back of the knee of the mech's legs, beeping before exploding with decent about of force to hopefully deal some damage to the mech.

@Wade Von Doom @Amber Franklin @Wiggin @Jenhal
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The task of trying to create a ramp out of fallen objects had helped to stop Dusk's bloodlust, but even then he still had to take breaks every now and then to sit and seethe. Morgan would catch glances of him pacing back and forth with one of his hands either over his mouth or on his head. There was then a sudden gust of wind, followed by the sound of something crashing through the floors above.

Dusk wasn't fully able to process what had just happened until he saw the bottom half of Morgan's body regenerate. The control rooms from above had fallen, crushing and slicing Morgan in half. The sight made Dusk want to gag, but his body salivated instead. The pain in his stomach grew painful and Dusk raised his hand to throw C3 away from Morgan but stopped himself. He hadn't even noticed that Deadpool's group had joined them in the pit, his vision was beginning to turn red again.

Then there was the whirring noise… oh the whirring! It was so loud and pierced Dusk's very body with how high pitched it was. Dusk could feel little pin pricks all over his body as the whirring continued, his flesh rebounding away from the noise like jelly. He cradled his head in both of his hands. The noise hurt! It hurt! It hurt! It hurt! Dusk let out a loud scream as bullets hit him in the back, not piercing the skin, but merely bruising it. He wanted it to stop, it NEEDED to stop.

Dusk turned to see that a strange furry creature had pounced the metallic force. A nuisance that was in his way. Everything around him was a nuisance. Dusk gripped the hilt of the sword on his hip, unsheathing it in all its glory. The black blade resembled obsidian, and it looked like it was vibrating in his hands. It hungered for blood as Dusk ran it across the ground in the pools of the red liquid. By the time Dusk got to the mech, Morgan was wrestling with one of its mechanical arms.

A swift movement later, and Dusk had grabbed a handful of Morgan's fur and attempted to push her to the side. Even if it wasn't fully successful, the creature would be out of his way. Dusk then pounced on the mech's main compartment, stabbing his blade deep into it. In and out his blade went in a desperate attempt to stop that incessant noise. "STOP IT! STOP IT! STOP IT!" He shouted out, his voice hoarse from the abrupt change in tone.
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Reinhard Van Astrea

Reinhard prepared for combat, but before the battle could even begin the very building around him started to break down. The ceiling was the first to give out, damaging his assailants only moderately but being followed shortly by even more weight as a colossal amount of debris came down after. The machines were swiftly crushed and he would certainly have been next had he done nothing. As loose material and objects descended upon him he lightly stepped out of the way in a manner reminiscent to what he'd heard Subaru describe as 'Danmaku' before, batting anything he couldn't avoid away with a fist. In short order the amount became too much and they stacked on top of other pieces that had already fallen. Though this meant he was no longer in immediate danger, it also meant he was swiftly being buried under literal tons of rubble.

The Knight sighed and waited patiently for the thundering impacts to abate. Digging his way out now would only expose him to more, which would then result in the same situation in which he'd be covered again. At the very least while idle he could determine a point to target for when he was to leave. Much like just before when his Divine Protections aided him in avoiding being struck by the mass danger from above, he was able to use them to detect the weaknesses in his target. While the haphazardly piled metal could hardly be called a single target, it was still something he could categorize as a larger target in his mind, which thankfully seemed to be enough.

A short time later the worst of the event had passed and he readied himself to strike, but as he drew back his fist and aimed at the most fragile part of his makeshift prison, he faintly heard the sound of voices and people moving around. His luck really did keep getting worse today... It seemed he'd have to commit to a far slower method of freeing himself, as anything too forceful could harm those within range. Resigned to his tedious fate, Reinhard began to carefully dig his way out.

———————— ——— ——————

A couple boring minutes later he noticed an alarming sound. As he'd gotten closer to the surface his ability to hear had grown clearer, which meant that as soon as the incredibly fast echoes of a booming sound reached him, he knew something had happened. A few stray projectiles pierced through the remaining distance of junk and narrowly flew by. Though they weren't impossible to track with his eyes, he was well aware most people would only need to be hit by one of those to suffer a mortal wound. At the rate he could hear them firing he knew the people out there were under attack from some terribly powerful weapon and as a Knight he could not stand by while lives were at stake.

Unwilling to waste time continuing his previous method of cautious movement, he channeled some of the mana that he'd been passively absorbing up into a kick meant to obliterate the last of what blocked his path. As the explosive force shook the rusted pile and freed his path, he saw what lay ahead of him: Several individuals of many different appearances under assault by a machine little different from the two he'd nearly had to face after his awakening.

Aware that any imprecise attack could hit those already engaged in melee combat with it, he leaped up to catch a metal pole from where it and a few other smaller pieces had been sent into the air. It briefly glowed with arcane power before he threw it at the steel giant and kicked the other stray bits around him after it as a follow up attack. But that alone would not be enough. Wasting no movement he angled his landing to shatter the ground beneath him and as the fragments of floor rose up he rapidly punched them in his opponent's direction to finish his opening move. While each component of his projectile volley apart from the magically charged pole was of an abysmal quality, unlikely to so much as dent the hard armour of the automaton, the sheer speed and precision with which they would impact it's most vulnerable points was formidable on it's own.

Though he had no weapon other than the ever stubborn Reid to engage in melee combat with, Reinhard nonetheless charged forward fully intent on aiding those already battling. He only hoped his meagre unarmed skill would be enough to make a difference.
The mech threw its left arm in Morgan's way, as her teeth would scrape across the metal, barely making an imprint. With its other hand, it shoved the barrel of its gun right into her stomach, and fired away; trying to blast off her entire lower body with a barrage of thermal gunfire. Dusk's own attack didn't doo much, as when he pulled Morgan away, his blade merely chipped away small pieces of its armor. The arm Morgan bit transformed into a massive and wide orange blade, with teeth revolving around it like a chainsaw, and tried cutting across Dusk's abdomen. Even Terry's batarang's didn't do much, as while they landed behind the mech's legs, it barely moved an inch from their explosions. Scanning him flying above, several rockets fired out from its back, flying directly towards him.

C3 stayed away, keeping Brigid on his shoulders as he backed up to one of the collapsed walls. The thing was much bigger and obviously more powerful than him, and with the others showing they were brave enough to fight it, he could make his way out. He started jogging along the sides, looking for another way out on their level, away from the mech. Whether Brigid objected or not didn't matter to him.

The mech's armor would be broken, however, by the fast moving pole Reinhard threw. It smashed through the plating just inches about its upper right eye. The debris didn't do as much damage, breaking away into pieces as it smashed against its body, but only scratching its armor. A quick scanned showed it was a high priority target. A very powerful one.

Without a second to lose, it fired its main hand gun, the chain gun attached to its side, and a laser beam weapon to its other side, directly at the approaching Reinhard, with several more missiles firing off at him.

"Yo!" Jack yelled to Chief before he could get away. "Mind giving us a hand? Not sure I could leave this place without looking for survivors, but that's just me." He explained, before running after Terry, climbing over the debris to reach where the fight was happening.

"We would be better off in a group." Cortana explained. "Least we can do is keep with them as well look for a way no. No telling if this place won't collapse at any minute. Might not have a chance to find them again if we have our exit located."
Terry McGinnis

Watching as the Batarangs did nothing to the knees of the mech, Terry cursed as it turned to him, firing missiles at him. Activating his jetboots and wings in the Batsuit, Terry flew into the air, missiles close on his tracks.

Equipping a device from his belt, Terry activated what was essentially a signal jammer to disrupt the missiles that required a laser-lock on to function as he continued to go upward through the large hole in the ground, hopefully the missiles that had locked onto him via heat-seeking would run out of fuel long before they ever catch up to him.

Nearly reaching the top of said hole, Terry began to drop back down. Using gravity to act as his acceleration, he fell back down. Diving bombing the mech so when the fuel in said missiles ran out, they would essentially fall back onto the mech with devastating effect. At least hopefully, and to avoid splattering on the ground, Terry activated the jetboots to continue flying around the area.

@Wade Von Doom

John stopped in his tracks as Jack called for his assistance. Speaking to Cortana inside the helmet.

"You're the first priority. I was entrusted to keep you safe." Was all he said, still watching as Jack ran off after the individual wearing the bat costume. Part of him wanting to uphold the mission assigned to him by Catherine Halsey, another wanting to go and help the others. Conflicted until with an inaudible sigh as he turned around. The alien was still here, so while he was still wary of them. John would begin to follow after Jack, speaking to the alien as he passed by.

"Help us get out of here and we'll owe you." It was a longshot, but maybe when they were done, the alien would have found a way out and would at least have the decency to help them out.

Turning the corner, watching as the combat with what looked like a mech and other presumably prisoners. Literally having missiles dumped onto the mech, the source of which John didn't know. John pulled Jack back as he proceeded forward. "Advice?" He said to Jack as he personally didn't quite know what to do to join in on the fight without drawing attention or getting caught in the crossfire.

@Wade Von Doom
Ryan Zokkendov

Ryan successfully got his partners, that he could see that is, out of harms way. Now all hanging on top of him, he headed upwards, towards the source of gunfire and explosions. It didn't take long for the dragon to find himself on the side of a battle. Most of his team, along with some new faces, confronting a tough looking robot. Ryan hovered around the robot, to allow his passengers to land on the floor behind it. "The floor seems more stable here, I'll help with the robot". Just as the freshest batch of explosions hit, Ryan would pounce at the robot from behind while airborne, taking advantage of his superior size to attempt to knock the robot down. "Stand back, everyone!" He warned in Ryan's deeper and somewhat echoed voice, as a torrent of dragon flames showered the robot's body. While his frontal right claws attempted to burrow into the machine by aggressively slashing and jabbing into it, taking advantage of its exoskeleton being softened by his flames, while the other limbs made an effort to keep the robot pinned down, or at least immobilized if the pounce didn't work.
Artis Solum, Twilight Warrior

Well, at least his plan worked out, but now Artis was stuck on a wall that could rust away at any moment, if the Rust Plague was still spreading that is. Though before he could ponder his next move, Artis would hear a familiar voice echoing across the ravaged prison; Dear old Deadpool...upon a Dragon.

"Wade?! Oh whatever--" Pushing himself off the wall and his Keyblade, with a bit of help from the darkness to give a bit more momentum, Artis would barely land on the Dragon's back. He would then call his Keyblade back to him, causing it to vanish from the wall it was embedded in. "If I never see another prison facility like this again, it'll be too soon." Artis spoke aloud to no one in particular, then would descend off of the Dragon, now revealed to be Ryan, much to Artis's surprise, once they were positioned behind a giant robot.

Ryan would savage the infernal machine and Artis would follow up by resummoning Oblivion, twirling it around and charging up a large Dark Firaga ball and launching it at the robot. The slow orb would split into several, fast moving Firaga's that would impact vulnerable spots of the robot that Ryan wasn't yet attacking, then follow up with Dark Thundara spells to attack the same spots again. While his magic was primarily Dark-aspected, it was sure to leave a mark even on a machine...hopefully.

@Valkan @Wade Von Doom
"Help us get out of here and we'll owe you." It was a longshot, but maybe when they were done, the alien would have found a way out and would at least have the decency to help them out.

Turning the corner, watching as the combat with what looked like a mech and other presumably prisoners. Literally having missiles dumped onto the mech, the source of which John didn't know. John pulled Jack back as he proceeded forward. "Advice?" He said to Jack as he personally didn't quite know what to do to join in on the fight without drawing attention or getting caught in the crossfire.
Vaarsiks, Queen-Baron

Vaarsiks simply gave a short scoff, peering at the assembled group with disdain as they cowered behind cover.

Letting out a guttural snarl, she unsheathed her swords with her lower hands while leaping into combat.

The mech had some semblance to the Brigs employed by Eramis and her House, but it differed greatly in size and utility, as well as lacking any distinguishing features that the Fallen were known for.

So it was safe to say it was clearly a new type of foe.

Teleporting behind it, she entered melee range, using her shoulder as a battering ram to unstable the machine and drive it into the ground. Whether it fell or not, she would then use her swords to pierce it's hull, likely causing several shocks to spread throughout it's internal systems.


Vaas 'Kadam, Judge-Queen

The sudden drop came as a surprise, yet instincts honed by a hundred assassination attempts had made Vaas recognize the situation she was in, and the fact that she would die were she to leave herself flying through the air without a way to slow her fall.

Using the energy dagger installed into her vambrace, as well as her sword, the Judge-Queen pierced the walls closest to her with the blade laid flat, using the resistance gained from it to soon peter out the descent to such an extent that she would be able to survive. With the bottom now in sights, the Sangheili grabbed an incoming piece of metal - Possibly a rod used to stabilize or reinforce a wall - and managed to swing around it a few times before eventually landing on her feet with a grunt.

To be honest, she never imagined that she would have survived that.

Looking around, Vaas tried to spot any of the group, pointing her carbine around while staying aware of the shadows.
Luer stepped back at the apparent scuffle going on, at least until he was called by someone. He turned his attention to the aforementioned injured man, giving a concerned look as he rushed over before Jack could even finish. Bandages? He did not have any such thing on him, he did not need it. Moving to focus on the scientist's more serious injuries, hovering his hands over them one by one as he chanted quietly.

He gasped, jolting in shock when gunfire sounded. He turned with a quiet curse back to focus on healing as fast as he could. This was bad. That thing was massive! For the moment he was better off focusing on healing this poor man. Once he was done he could try to help…

He paused for a moment after a couple minutes before looking to the scientist. "Okay… I have stopped the bleeding… that is the most I can do. Will you be okay?"

Dusk's sword didn't seem to be doing much, this thing was very tough it looked like. He didn't care, he just needed the noise to stop. He needed everything to stop. A sharp pain hit him in the stomach as he attacked the metal beast, it was like a chain had whipped him in the stomach. The hit launched him into the nearest wall away from the battle. The skin where he had been hit would turn purple, but that was hard to notice since it was under his clothes. Dusk was slumped up against the wall and looked up to see a bright heat engulf the beast, along with several more annoyances. A sudden thought occurred to him, if his sword didn't work, why not just tear the thing apart with his bare hands? He sheathed the blade, still in his hand, back onto his hip and charged at the mech. His plan was to either grip the thing's leg and try and tear it off, or if that didn't work he was going to throw it at the nearest wall. It didn't matter, it just needed to die.