ALWAYS OPEN ThunderMoon's Apocalypse RP

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Ariel Lukens - 25 - Loner - Location: Near Hidalgo's Factory - Nio
"A gardener? Would he even want that...I thought for sure he was going to kill me. I mean I could certainly do the job, my family and I lived off the land pretty much. So if he is growing food and whatnot I've done that before. But if it's herbs I've never seen before I'd have to read up on them." She said thinking about the possibility of staying with others again.

Hailey Coles - 28 - Loner - Location: House near Hidalgo's Factory - Lilith, Hidalgo
She laughed slightly, "More so I take what's placed before me and do my best to make it work for me and whoever has hired me. I also don't take kindly to those who lie and use me for their own gain. Though I know I can be rather oblivious to such things at times." She pauses as they arrive at their rooms and Lilith darts in without question. "She really must have been tired...geez not so much as a thank you. As you are now my boss, I'll make sure to keep an eye on her movements. If it's what you wish." Hailey's stomach growled and she blushed.

Lilith Rave - 29 - Loner - Location: House near Hidalgo's Factory - Hailey, Hidalgo
Lilith dart passed them as they arrived at the rooms without glancing back. She had things she needed to make note of. Plans to set up and things to conquer.

Helen River - 29 - Fighter - Location: Base(Medic Room) - Emma, Clare
Helen glanced over at Grady, if that would be allowed she really would prefer to stay with Emma for the time being. Her attention turned to Emma fully as she started to panic, "I won't go anywhere for right now...just ty to" Clare frowned slightly, "Hopefully she won't have too many panic attacks. For now, we should keep and eye on her and try to keep her in a semi-unpopulated room. You know as well as I do the medic room can get rather busy. Perhaps taking her to your room is better." "If she wants to go there then sure..." She glanced at Emma, "Do you want to head to my room or would you like your own room?"

James Hathorn - 19 - Runner - Location: Base - Helen, Clare, Grady, Emma-->Adam-->Open
"Well if Gardy were to come with us, then finding medical supplies and possible herbs would certainly be easier. Helen if you want to stay here with her I can let you know what my father says." He glanced at Emma as she seemed to be panicking. "I'll take my leave, Gardy if you want to head for the main meeting hall, the meeting is going to happen as soon as possible. I just have to find Adam and Olenn." He said before leaving the room.

Adam Torren - 21 - Runner - Location: Base - James-->Open
Adam turns heading back into the base with a small smile, he wouldn't mind going on a long run. There was also Shifter....a marketplace ran by a wolf that meant business. Though Adam had never actually met the man who runs the place he had heard things from another who had come across the man set up. "I wonder...If I remember correctly he mentioned something about medicines...I'll mention it and see if it rings a bell for anyone else." He hadn't gotten far before he almost ran into James, "Oh hey just the guy I was looking for!" "Oh?" Adam asks with a small smirk, "Yeah, my father is having a meeting about a run, it'll be a long one, well part of it will be." Adam's smirk grew, "How fantastic!!! I was actually thinking about mentioning a place we can check out." James nodded, "Sounds good, hey have you seen Olenn?" Adam shook his head, "I'd check his room he might still be sleeping." "Awesome, thanks!" Adam watched as James almost jogged through the place.

Kelly Triven - 36 - Loner - Location: Random House in Redfall near FrozenMoon - Sheena, Erik
Kelly was happy to see her daughter awake, at least more awake than she had been in the last several days. "Not anyone you need to worry about sweetie, simply someone else looking for a place to stay away from the zombies..." Sheena's growled and she laughed softly, "How about I make something for all of us to eat? There is some beef-flavoured instant ramen. I know it's not a super filling meal, but it's better than a candy bar."
@ShyTexanGamer @perytonfeathers
Ariel Lukens - 25 - Loner - Location: Near Hidalgo's Factory - Nio
"A gardener? Would he even want that...I thought for sure he was going to kill me. I mean I could certainly do the job, my family and I lived off the land pretty much. So if he is growing food and whatnot I've done that before. But if it's herbs I've never seen before I'd have to read up on them." She said thinking about the possibility of staying with others again.

Hailey Coles - 28 - Loner - Location: House near Hidalgo's Factory - Lilith, Hidalgo
She laughed slightly, "More so I take what's placed before me and do my best to make it work for me and whoever has hired me. I also don't take kindly to those who lie and use me for their own gain. Though I know I can be rather oblivious to such things at times." She pauses as they arrive at their rooms and Lilith darts in without question. "She really must have been tired...geez not so much as a thank you. As you are now my boss, I'll make sure to keep an eye on her movements. If it's what you wish." Hailey's stomach growled and she blushed.

Lilith Rave - 29 - Loner - Location: House near Hidalgo's Factory - Hailey, Hidalgo
Lilith dart passed them as they arrived at the rooms without glancing back. She had things she needed to make note of. Plans to set up and things to conquer.

Helen River - 29 - Fighter - Location: Base(Medic Room) - Emma, Clare
Helen glanced over at Grady, if that would be allowed she really would prefer to stay with Emma for the time being. Her attention turned to Emma fully as she started to panic, "I won't go anywhere for right now...just ty to" Clare frowned slightly, "Hopefully she won't have too many panic attacks. For now, we should keep and eye on her and try to keep her in a semi-unpopulated room. You know as well as I do the medic room can get rather busy. Perhaps taking her to your room is better." "If she wants to go there then sure..." She glanced at Emma, "Do you want to head to my room or would you like your own room?"

James Hathorn - 19 - Runner - Location: Base - Helen, Clare, Grady, Emma-->Adam-->Open
"Well if Gardy were to come with us, then finding medical supplies and possible herbs would certainly be easier. Helen if you want to stay here with her I can let you know what my father says." He glanced at Emma as she seemed to be panicking. "I'll take my leave, Gardy if you want to head for the main meeting hall, the meeting is going to happen as soon as possible. I just have to find Adam and Olenn." He said before leaving the room.

Adam Torren - 21 - Runner - Location: Base - James-->Open
Adam turns heading back into the base with a small smile, he wouldn't mind going on a long run. There was also Shifter....a marketplace ran by a wolf that meant business. Though Adam had never actually met the man who runs the place he had heard things from another who had come across the man set up. "I wonder...If I remember correctly he mentioned something about medicines...I'll mention it and see if it rings a bell for anyone else." He hadn't gotten far before he almost ran into James, "Oh hey just the guy I was looking for!" "Oh?" Adam asks with a small smirk, "Yeah, my father is having a meeting about a run, it'll be a long one, well part of it will be." Adam's smirk grew, "How fantastic!!! I was actually thinking about mentioning a place we can check out." James nodded, "Sounds good, hey have you seen Olenn?" Adam shook his head, "I'd check his room he might still be sleeping." "Awesome, thanks!" Adam watched as James almost jogged through the place.

Kelly Triven - 36 - Loner - Location: Random House in Redfall near FrozenMoon - Sheena, Erik
Kelly was happy to see her daughter awake, at least more awake than she had been in the last several days. "Not anyone you need to worry about sweetie, simply someone else looking for a place to stay away from the zombies..." Sheena's growled and she laughed softly, "How about I make something for all of us to eat? There is some beef-flavoured instant ramen. I know it's not a super filling meal, but it's better than a candy bar."
@ShyTexanGamer @perytonfeathers
Hidalgo grins then goes over farts near lilith to mess with her then walks out of the room. He thinks for a few moments then says" we have most things here I can whip you an albeata if you don't mind some chillis".
" When I set up this place many people needed places to keep their sheep and so on so I set up pens and other places to keep and grow food".
He pauses for a minute then says" yes to your earlier question about my needs I don't trust her at all".

Nio chuckles then says" most don't know this but the factor is massive and has several floors, the herb and vegetable garden and green house is on the top floor". " As for your inquiry to why he needed a gardener is he has a lot on his plate and you helping would take some of that stress away".
Nio pauses for a minute then says" yeah sorry about that he was attacked so he's been really edgy, he doesn't get like that often".
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Emma 9 Medic- Location Base (medic Room) Helen, Clara

Emma was watching everyone in the room the only one she knew was her aunt she just lay back down and yawned a little "Aunty if you need to go to the meeting it's okay" she said yawning as she was breathing in and out her aunt had said to control her panicking she bites her lip as her aunt had said to if she had wanted to stay with her or she could get her own room she just smiled" can I stay with you Auntie I don't know about staying in my own room yet but I do want my own room" she told her looking at her as she saw some people leaving the room

Sheena 16 Location Random house in Redfall

Sheena just looked at her mom she smiled "Okay if you say so Mom oh he wanted a place to stay too" she said" How long was I asleep" she asked as she looked at her she was happy to see her mom she wanted to eat something she was really hungry" oh I like ramen it's my favorite" she say to her mom she just leaned on her mom she wasn't tired but she just wanted to lean on her for maybe some attention " are we gonna stay here" she asked her mother as she heard her stomach was growling she just rubbed her stomach @DarkMoon
Grady nodded in a confident and determined manner, brushing his shoulders a bit and readjusting the dark jacket over his frame. "I'll do just that. Thank you James." Be turned to glance over at Emma, feeling sorry for the little girl. He could tell she was terrified, especially at the idea of being alone again. He would do his best to convince the leader to let Helen stay. He wandered out of the medical bay and over to the meeting hall, pondering quietly to himself as he entered. He scanned around for signs of his leader, hating being caught off guard.

Olenn slowly willed himself out of bed, stumbling a bit as he wandered over to a bucket of water. He splashed a bit of water into his face, drying it off with his shirt as he tried to get his bearings about him. He could hear his packmates outside kf the barracks, wondering what they were doing. He figured they were probably looking for him. He felt exhausted and distressed, but knew he had to pull himself together or nothing would get done. He managed to slip on some clean clothes, hoping he looked less groggy than he felt. He slowly made his way out of his room. He saw Adam and James not far off, making his way over toward them.

Ariel Lukens - 25 - Loner - Location: Near Hidalgo's Factory - Nio
She nodded, after having been running from zombies for so long she did feel exhausted. Besides what she had seen so far, he ran the place with a stern, but good head on his shoulders. "Well, then should we turn around and go talk to him about it? Or should I wait to get a summons from him?" She asked unsure as to how it would work.

Lilith Rave - 29 - Loner - Location: Hidalgo's Factory - Hailey, Hidalgo
Lilith had already thrown herself onto one of the beds, not paying much mind when someone walked in and out until there was a bit of foul stench. She scrunched up her nose in distaste, surely Hailey hadn't walked in here, farted, and then walked back out.... She growled low in her throat out of irritation. But still didn't speak up, she had just arrived, and testing the waters was fine...pushing the limits...with this guy probably wasn't the greatest idea.

Hailey Coles - 28 - Loner - Location: Hidalgo's Factory - Lilith, Hidalgo
"I have no clue what that is but it sounds good, and throw in as many chillis in as you'd like. I enjoy spicy foods!" She sighed, "I had a few eerie feeling moments with her, like she was watching me like I was some specimen she could dissect...but she'd always brush it off telling me I was paranoid. I have a feeling I wasn't simply paranoid now. She was far too eager to get her hands on a lab and then instantly wanted to toy with one of your hounds?" She shivered slightly, "That reaction of hers wasn't normal at all."

Helen River - 29 - Fighter - Location: Base(Medic Room) - Emma, Clare
Helen nodded, "Then we will stay in my room and once you feel more comfortable we can pick a room close to mine. As for the meeting you heard Grady, he said he'd go in my place to talk to the leader about it. So don't worry too much. If I have to go in the end then you can trust Clare, here." Clare nodded, "Yup, I've been keeping watch over you since you arrived. Now that you're awake you probably feel hungry right? If anything I'll got make something light for your stomach while the two of you talk things out." "Sounds good to me...what do you think Emma?"

Adam Torren - 21 - Runner - Location: Base - James, Olenn
"Speak of the man and he shall appear, looks like you won't have to hunt him down after all." Adam said with a small smirk as James came to an abrupt stop. "He's always in such a rush when his father gives him a mission." Before he headed in the same direction James had just jogged a few paces through, "Good morning Olenn, the boss man has summoned us."

James Hathorn - 19 - Runner - Location: Base - Adam, Olenn
He hadn't gotten very far when Olenn appeared, heading in their direction and making him stop abruptly so he didn't run over the poor man. "What Adam said, my father has plans to send us out on a bigger mission this time."

Alexander Hathorn - 52 - Leader - Location: Base - Preston, Gardy
Alexander and Preston had made their way to the meeting room and he was now sitting at the meeting table looking over a few of the maps laid out before him. He was half tempted to send Amy out with the group as well just so she'd be able to inform them of how many more zombies were in the surrounding areas. But he also felt this mission might be a bit too dangerous. They'd be moving on foot since they had just used the remaining fuel they had for the generator. He sighed, "I really miss the old days..." Though he was pulled from his thoughts when he noticed Gardy, "Hello Gardy, what can I do for you? I take it you heard mention of the mission I plan to explain to everyone?"

Kelly Triven - 36 - Loner - Location: Random House in Redfall near FrozenMoon - Sheena, Erik
Kelly sighed with a sad smile, "You've been in and out of a sleep-like coma for weeks now...I was worried you would never wake up fully again. As for staying here...trying to stay in one place for too long would be dangerous. Esciapply if the place doesn't have any form of protection to fully keep the zombies out."
Location: Hidalgo's Factory

Hidalgo grins once they are far enough, then says, "I lied before. I wanted to test all my pets. They love me; I just wanted to test her. He pauses for a few moments, then says, "I do know of a guy who is a half zombie; rumour has it he killed a bunch of hired help then vanished into the night.". "As for zombification, sadly, it's needed right now, so I will find some suitable test subjects.". "Always trust your gut; it's the reason I'm still alive today, and this place runs so well.". He pauses for a minute, then says, "Let's whip you up the food first, then we can do the rest after."

He guides her down the hall and into the kitchen area and then says" what drink would you like while i'm making your food"?