PARTNER REQUEST F x F F x M Trying to come back from a long hiatus! Looking for long-term or short-term.

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Feeding the wolves, don't you know better?
Original poster
Invitation Status
  1. Looking for partners
Posting Speed
  1. 1-3 posts per week
  2. One post per week
  3. Slow As Molasses
Writing Levels
  1. Elementary
  2. Intermediate
  3. Adept
  4. Advanced
  5. Adaptable
Preferred Character Gender
  1. Primarily Prefer Female
Fantasy, Supernatural, Sci-Fi, Modern, Horror, Mystery and Romance
Hello there everyone!

Huntress here, long-time member of iwaku and long-time RPer who has been on a long ass hiatus.

I'm looking and hoping to try and start casually easing into this again.

A little bit about me here.

So I've been forum based RPing for probably just over 15 years at this point, and I've recently started doing some TTRPGs as well. My pronouns are she/her and I am in the EST time-zone.

I'm a casual gamer and love watching movies and shows. I used to read books and comics a whole lot as well. I play a bit of music, enjoy photography and find it very zen to build and paint miniatures, for wargames, gundams and scale models.

I like to think I'm a pretty friendly gal and easy to chat with. I don't mind casual conversation with my writing partners and I love brainstorming plots, concepts and world building with my co-writers.

In the past I've been a multi-paragraph/multi-response in a day type of RPer, but I'm not sure I can keep up with that anymore haha. I'm looking to start off with perhaps a minimum of like one post a week and see what happens from there.

My life can get very chaotic in random bursts which is why I'm trying to set a lower posting requirement to start.

I do like to be informed if you've lost interest in a plot, at least for the sake of knowing/understanding how to better myself as a writing partner and storyteller. But honestly I won't be too upset if you ditch me. I will probably poke for a bit, but I am understanding of silence. I would also expect to be poked if I've entered a chaos era and have forgotten about our RP.

When it comes to do's and don'ts, I do have some that I like to abide by. Please feel free to ask me about those if we are plotting together.

Aside from that I'm pretty open to discussing things with my partners and taking it from there. I will say that I am not a big fan of doubling, but I have no issues playing multiple npc's or background characters, I don't really like playing cannon characters or Slice-of-life plots. I enjoy adventuring and overarching plotlines that tie into OC's and the world too much, haha. That being said I don't mind writing in a pre-existing universe with OC's, I just can't guarantee doing justice to pre-existing things within those worlds so you may have to carry me through that.

When it comes to settings I'll take it all to be honest, from historical to modern, fantasy realms, futuristic or sci-fi/space, count me in.

FINALLY I am saddened to say that I unfortunately don't have any plotlines I'm seriously craving right now. I have old concepts and characters I can dust off but for the most part I'm looking to build something with my partner.

AND WITH THAT I guess I should say, thank you for reading this, if you're interested in working on something with me feel free to PM me, I'm more likely to see that over a response to this thread BUT either works.

ALSO as a p.s. I prefer to do the story writing in a thread or PM's instead of discord.

Thanks again y'all! I look forward to hearing from you!

P.P.S I do have a werewolf OC that I'm looking to explore some more plots and settings with if that is something people may be interested in!

If romance is involved in the plot then FxF is they way to go with her but if people are interested in just some action/adventure shenanigans then any pairing works! Also she is intended to be played in a modern setting!
Hi! I'm interested in roleplaying with you i would love to talk more in a DM about this so I hope you see this so we can move the conversation to a DM