OPEN A Multiverse of Love -- Evrensel Love Fest 2024

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Wade Von Doom

All Caps when you spell the Man's name
Original poster
Posting Speed
  1. Speed of Light
  2. Multiple posts per day
Writing Levels
  1. Advanced
Preferred Character Gender
  1. Male
  2. Female
Sci-fi, modern, horror, a bit of dark romance stories.

Need mail from across galaxies? At IPS, (Interdimensional Parcel Services,) we post from all corners of the multiverse! From letters to packages, we guarantee no matter how far from home you are, you'll always get your mail on time!

We're Built to Serve!

Valentine's day is approaching, and with it, the newly created IPS is preparing to trek across the multiverse for delivery and pickup. Which means a chance to let loved ones know how you're doing and feeling. Take this time to write to your friends, family or loved ones to express your feelings for them, as who knows when you'll have the chance to do so again in this crazy conflict.

Channel your characters emotions in this writing challenge, and write out a letter they would write to someone they love. Could funny, could be sad, could be both! Either way, it's the time of the season, when love runs high!
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"Dear Sonic,

Hi, this is Amy Rose again! Just writing in to let you know how wonderful you are. I always appreciate how kind-hearted and willing to help out others you are, so I included a good three dozen love poems in this package for you."

There's a single trail of ink across the paper, along with the crinkling of paper.

Jeez, finally. Hey dumb-dumb, this is Knuckles, if you couldn't tell from my elegant handwriting. I'd expect a lot of mail this year, if you can get any - turns out merging a bunch of universes is a really bad idea, because you've got like six thousand girlfriends here. It's actually kind of embarrassing how much they're bickering about you. I could probably settle the ladies down myself, but I kinda just want to watch you try to handle all this.

I for one have the perfect girlfriend, and only one of them, so there's no issues on my part - I keep a clean house, myself. Just, uhh...I don't really know why Rouge keeps glaring at me like that. Also, I'm not the only echidna anymore! Also, I never was. Man, this is confusing - can you just fix whatever you did? I know it's your fault. If you had me with you when you caused this mess, we would've probably avoided all this, which is why you should invite always make sure I'm with you to stop you from doing dumb things.

Your friend (and best rival),

P.S. - I included a drawing of you from Cream with Amy's love poems, in case you need a little something wholesome after reading all the crap she wrote. I'm betting they're going to be extra gushy this year, given all the competition now.

P.P.S. - Hey! Don't not fix our timeline just you can have fun with your million girlfriends! Besides, if you try that, I bet they'd all kick your butt collectively."


"From, Sonic.

Thanks for the heads up, Knux. And no, I wasn't going to try that last idea, don't worry. Really busy though - I wish you were here. To be honest, I don't really know how things got jumbled up. Hey, I want you and Shadow and G.U.N., all our friends and allies, and look around to make sure there's no alien robot guys on Mobius or Earth or whatever. Just trust me, there's some real bad guys roaming around. Don't want any of you guys hurt in the process."


Jeremy sat in the secluded area of the Pathfinder's bar, its many dour patrons drinking their woes away. Turns out, it was Valentine's Day, and a lot of these people came from the Old World, or close enough. The holiday existed in the NCR, most old American traditions did, along with plenty of new world holidays, but some things just got less notable in the time between 2077 and 2281. After all, lives tended to be short outside the NCR - and love was a simple thing made simpler. If you didn't take a chance, and ask that boy or girl out as soon as possible, you might not live to get another try.

Every day was Valentine's Day too, mostly because family was the only thing you could rely on in the wasteland, that and danger. Things were safer in the NCR, but the wasteland and the end of the world still left its mark on the collective human psyche, so most people still just lived like tomorrow could be the day God decided to get the spots he missed on Earth.

He hadn't loved in a long while, but he was just like the rest of these poor sods. Staring into a glass of whiskey, hoping to ignore the pain and let the liquor drown it away.
Except, he couldn't bring himself to drink the glass. It sat in front of him, that amazing burning mixture sitting in a nice glass in front of him, but he dared not bring it to his lips, because he knew he'd be a drunken wreck not worth a damn before long. It wasn't a path he wished to re-tread.

All these people outside, those who weren't with their old or new partners, or crying happily at letters, Jeremy couldn't help but envy them. He knew he wasn't going to get any letters from home, though. Nor did he have anything to write up.

"I got spurs," Jeremy started, getting up from his chair as he sung in perfect pitch, "that jingle, jangle, jingle." The bar didn't recognize the tune, and quite honestly all thought the ranger was drunk out his mind. "As I go ridin' merrily along..."

One of the guys in the bar, some old man who'd seen better days, smiled and breathed haggardly, "Oh, ain't you glad you're single..." He had missed a piece, but Jeremy didn't care.
"And that song ain't so very far from wrong." He extended his hand to the old man, who took it, and the two began to do an appropriately old fashioned jig.
The piano man, used to the tune, began to provide his particular playing to the ad hoc band. One of the nearby men, clearly a wizard of some sort, conjured a few floating brass instruments to follow the tune.

"Oh, Lillie Belle,"
"Oh, Lillie Belle,"
"Though I may have done some foolin', this is why I never fell..."

Another man, roughly middle-aged and dressed in a long coat and tie, merrily joined in best he could. "I got spurs that jingle, jangle, jingle."
Jeremy gave him a smile and a nod, "As I go ridin' merrily along."
And the crowd sang, "Oh, ain't you glad you're single~"

Jeremy hardly stopped himself from laughing as he continued, "and that song ain't so very far from wrong."
"Oh, Mary Ann," the old regular started.
"Oh, Mary Ann," the coated man continued,
"Though we done some moonlight walkin'," Jeremy finished. "This is why I up and ran."
And the crowd sang, "I got spurs that jingle, jangle, jingle!"
"As I go ridin' merrily along..."
And the crowd sang, "Oh, ain't you glad you're single!"
Jeremy added, "And that song ain't so very far from wrong."
"So I'll jingle on along..."
Dear mom,

Hello! So I know this might seem really soon to hear from me. I've been gone a week, apparently, but it has felt MUCH longer than that. It's hard to explain why, but needless to say, shit's going down. And I might just need to actually go talk with the Alliance about it. Or even the Council! Like, it's big the thing I'm involved with, and we need all the help we can get.

But, it's not all so gloomy with me right now. I found someone. Someone I think you'll love if we ever get the chance to come down your way. Her name's Abigail. She is something else, and she's wonderful for it. Comes from the States, and she's got this wild, chaotic energy about her that's infectious, and frankly, I'm still not quite sure how I even landed her into a relationship. Did involve a practical joke I was playing on her, which ended with me being pushed into a pool and almost drowning, but thankfully I didn't need to be resuscitated.

Also did quite a bit of traveling with her too. Went to places I didn't even think existed. Like, I went to a place that was populated by dinosaurs. Not like alien dinosaurs, proper Earth dinosaurs! Again, it's a long story, and I was almost eaten by a T-Rex, but I also went to a planet populated by giants, and even got to meet an old fashion knight. Again... very long story.

Ones I promise to share one we see each other again. Hopefully soon! For now, I gotta get back to work, but I hope you're doing well. I love you very much.

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Operations Report, Top Indigo Clearance, Delta
Field Agent: Dr. Vera
Location: Pathfinder

The first thing you must do is immediately initiate Cloud Cutter Protocol on the replicant of this letter, should you know of their approximate location on Seacrest. Once you have done this, proceed with the privatization protocol and continue reading..

To begin with, I wish to set the rest of you and the group at ease. I am alive.

Authorisation Granted, certain artifacts require manual translation.

I was kidnapped by a malicious Artificial Intelligence organization with goals of multiversal conquest and have since managed to escape captivity. Given the plenitude of resources within a single universe, it is safe to say that whatever motivations the Artificial Intelligence has is beyond desires for manpower, power, or other typical motivations. Annihilation is unlikely as a motivator, though should not be ruled out.

I have joined an organization whose goal is to defeat the previously mentioned Artificial Intelligence's. This has unfortunately meant that I have been forced to associate with unsavory individuals who would operate outside of standard parameters for our reality. Given the motivations of the AI, this is within mutual means of operations. I will submit to debriefing as soon as I am successful in restoring the proper boundaries and getting everything back in order as it ought to be.

Given protocol for the current situation is not established, I have set the following plans for immediate use:

  • Minimal contact, apart from one I have authorized, is to come to the Seacrest area and the surrounding areas. Contact that is authorized will be within Standard Parameters and will be available for hire. I have taken great lengths to ensure this message is sent properly through standard parameters. If for whatever reason I am able to visit in person I will do so covertly or at the head of a group.
  • Contact outside to the Pathfinder should come in bulk through the IPS, at once. It is of utmost importance that the standard parameters be maintained. As such, this information is your eyes only. Those with a 'need to know' should contact me through the means seen in attached document #2.
  • Inform our superiors that I am alive and well, and that It is not recommended to even attempt sending retrieval teams. If they demand more information from me, defer to the Guilds judgment.
  • Inform the Guild, and only the guild, that there have been compromises by malevolent entities from outside Seacrest's surrounding areas. Stress the importance of secrecy. This is their job and specialty. All further queries should come to me. It is not recommended to even attempt sending retrieval teams. Inform them of the IPS and how to send information.
  • If information on this incident becomes impossible to maintain, emphasize the following point: Anyone cooperating with ANY parties that I have not approved of should be treated as a Riptide.
  • Please see attached document #1 for known capabilities of this threat. This should be sent to the Guild as is.
  • Use your best judgment on everything I've said. If circumstances change drastically, I trust each of you to know what to do.
  • Destroy this letter after ensuring all information in this letter is memorized and instructions are followed. The acquisition of this letter's contents by Undertow or worse, Riptide, is absolutely unacceptable and will drastically destabilize our operations. Neither have been spotted among the organization I'm in (if you're curious).
I hope that you are all doing well. I regret that I cannot help reinforce the home front. I have little doubt that my presence has been missed. Adam, do not worry. Remember what I taught you and you will do fine as a doctor for the team. Eric, your lessons have already proven invaluable. Ethan and Susan, congratulations. I never did get the chance to say so. You are the best colleagues I could have ever possibly asked for, know that I think of each of you often and look forward to my return. Please send me an update whenever possible on how things are going in Seacrest. It is difficult to work and conduct scientific operations, let alone field work, when I think of it so often.

It's been and will be a pleasure,
Dr. Alande Vera.

(Will do Davids when I'm not tired, that one will be significantly more normal:tm:)