IC Black City

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Irene had a feeling he wouldn't like that very much, but she also had the very naive idea that maybe she could change his mind. Eventually, she could melt him down and they could be good friends.

"I have peanut butter and oatmeal chocolate chip," Irene stood up and dusted off her dress skirt and apron. "Baked them this morning."

" This is my shop, so I don't have a problem closing early so we can hang out." She stated warmly, swaying her way towards the front door to flip the sign. "I can order takeout too, if you don't have any dinner plans."

Code by Jenamos
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Aha, Syd had called it. She seemed like the type who baked cookies. "Options and everything," he mused. Oatmeal cookies weren't really his thing, but he'd try them anyway, just in case. Peanut butter cookies were more his style, although still a bit off from his preferred tastes. He'd probably enjoy those more, though. Either way, he felt he owed her at least that. And he was feeling peckish.

"So young and your own shop. What's a guy gotta do to get set like that?" He teased, but Syd was grateful the woman was willing to close up her shop to keep him company, which was kind of hilarious. Who did that? Irene sure was strange, going so far for a stranger.

"Now you're speaking my language," he said in response to the mention of takeout. "I haven't the faintest of plans for the evening." He'd sobered up a bit from the experience and he hated that, but Syd was still rather drunk. He hoped he wouldn't ruin this woman's evening with his lack of tact and general shitty behaviour. He'd made it through the reading fine, but he hadn't had to do much beyond sit in a chair and listen for that. He was going to break something that night, wasn't he?

"What kind of food are you thinkin'?"
Code by wren.
  • Haha
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It is extremely satisfying to see those icy eyes widen in shock, even if only for a brief moment. He's braced himself to look out for a knife coming toward his stomach or throat, but Vince doesn't make a move for the one he undoubtedly has on him. Is that because Vince doesn't view him as a threat, or because he trusts him enough to know that he wouldn't actually harm him?

Regardless, Vince's bruising grip on his wrist (and his characteristically sassy retorts) is enough to make him grimace, his grip slackening a bit but remaining around Vince's pale throat. There's a dark freckle below his jaw visible when Vince tilts his head back. There are more along his cheeks, faintly, obscured slightly by the shadow of his unfairly long lashes. Vince doesn't look frightened in the slightest, he almost looks coy. It really is like a reversal of the position they'd just found themselves in minutes ago. Perhaps he's getting a taste of his own medicine.

"Oh, please, you're hardly low; you're one of the most powerful men in the city. So I expected better from you." Faced with the fizzling ember of his rage, Isiah has no choice but to release Vince with an irritated huff. "I'm also a powerful man in this city, so you'd do well not to threaten me and break my property in my own home."

He steps aside to allow Vince access to the door. "Always a pleasure, Abbott. I hope you find who you're looking for," he smiles with derision.
code by wren.
  • According to Plan
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"Like I said, better you than me." She shrugged with a laugh. Penny couldn't even begin to imagine running a cult. Her shop and being a "boss" was enough in itself.

She only nodded as Aurelia explained what Penny knew was only a small part of her philosophy. "I was thinking the Phoenix cuz no matter how much the cops and everyone try to trip you up, y'all always come back again with a fiery vengeance." Penny tosses the stencil with the bird over her shoulder nonchalantly with another shrug. "Your body, your rules,"

After prepping her needles and ink, she turns back towards Aurelia to get started. With gloved hands Ava concentration in her eyes, Penny places the stencil on her arm. "If that placement is good with you, let's get first to business." Penny said with a smile, beaming at the buzz of the tattoo machine.


With a swift wipe of a paper towel Penelope was done with another work of art. She could only hope Aurelia felt the same way about the piece, or else she'd be covering it up with something else. "You did awesome, not like I expected anything different." Penny smiled. "What do you think?"
code by wren.
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Breathing came easier when Isiah unwrapped his fingers from his neck and lifted his palm off of his throat. There was absolute truth to Isiah's Redblood heritage. Vince was a Silverblood, albeit mildly weaker than the average Silverblood, but he still had strength that outmatched most of the species in their country. But never that of a Red Blood, and a noble one at that, it may not have been as apparent and exceptional to Isiah when it was as natural as breathing for him even as he threatened him with his status and power. And Vince would never tell him how strong he was.

He simply lifted himself from the wall and moved his hands to straighten his shirt collar and tie. "Now you know what to expect from me," Vince remarked. He reached for his coat and slipped his arms through the sleeves. As he fixed it over his shoulders, he smiled a little too pleased with himself to see the irritation still rolling off of Isiah in clear waves. "The pleasure as all mine, Mr. Fisher."

Vince stepped through the front door, shutting the heavy door behind him, and walked through the icy rain in the yard. As he slipped his gloves back onto his hands, the smile on his face fell slightly. He could find a way to pull evidence out to support his case against Isiah. But would it be worth going through all the work when it was one measly police check-up that lasted shortly?

Absolutely. Especially if it meant seeing his all too confident face and plea of innocence fall apart. The little snake. He would make arrangements for it immediately.

Vince dropped into the backseat of his car and released a long exhale. He relaxed into the warmth of the seat and rubbed at the soreness around his neck. It better not bruise. Anabelle would never let him live it down.

"The club, sir?" His driver asked, looking at him through the rearview mirror.

"Yes, but let's stop by a pharmacy first." Vince sighed and strapped on his seatbelt. His fingers still rubbed at the sore spot on his neck. It was going to bruise.

Isiah really was a bastard.

@wren. 」​

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If there was ever anyone she could count on, it was Cosimo. Even if he never knew just exactly what was going on in her head, he knew what to say. And it was clear he felt similarly about catching the killer out on the loose putting their city in danger. They both had a sense of duty that was more than just their job, and he didn't have to be a hybrid as well to care as much as he did. That was just another one of his traits that made him him and a trustworthy ally.

Lenore leaned over the table, somehow in a better than she had been just a few moments ago. "We could go as zombie cops." A costume in uniform. Only she would come up with something so practical but fitting of the holiday theme. "Or animal cops, like Nick and Judy from Zootopia."

The waiter was at their table with their food not a moment too long after her suggestions. Aside from the solid, the food was steaming out and colorful. It looked better than it did in the picture and against all her bodily control, her mouth was salivating.

"Let's eat."

Tonight they would enjoy themselves, and tomorrow they would work on saving the city.

@peach 」​

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Akira's response isn't all that surprising; he's quite a softie. In the best sense, of course. He cares about things deeply and seems to always have the best of intentions, both qualities that Edmund admires greatly in others. He has spent his life surrounded by people who have put more stock in ambition than gratefulness, so it's refreshing when he gets to interact with those who can appreciate the small comforts of life.

Akira's flattery is predictable at this point, no doubt fueled by the attraction he has to him, but it's genuine and that's why Edmund can't help but succumb to it a little bit. That's becoming a pattern, fearfully. Akira is far too endearing and it's beginning to possess his sensibilities. Since it isn't interfering with either of their work, though, it's a problem he can put off.

"You're sweet. I hope you're right," he sighs, attention drifting back to the stagehands and crew bustling around the set. "If you enjoy it, then the show must have more merit than I'm giving it credit for," he adds, and he means it. He trusts Akira's tastes.

He flashes his friend a grin. "Of course you'll get a ticket, you don't even have to ask. Just let me know when you'd like to come and I'll save you the best seat in —"

"Sir, the prop team is requesting you," a shaggy-haired young man calls as he climbs his way up the rows of crimson velvet seats.

He sighs, lifting the bowl of soup to his lips and slurping it down with as much grace as he can muster. He licks his lips when he's done and hands the bowl to Akira with an apologetic smile. "I'll be right back. Thank you for the food, I'll have to treat you soon."
code by wren.
  • Bucket of Rainbows
Reactions: MaryGold



The interruption was disappointing, but Akira understood it and by now used to it. This wasn't any of their private meetings, and Edmund had a busy schedule. He was a Fisher and ran the most prominent theater in the city.

"Don't rush," Akira assured Edmund, taking the bowl from his hand with the same smile he offered him not a moment ago. And just for a second, his fingers felt ticklish from the brush against Edmund's hand. He exhaled slowly and placed the top back on the bowl before setting it back in the bag it originally came from.

He flexed his hand, balling up his fist and releasing it. He needed to get back to taking his notes, whatever helpful thought came to mind, but instead, his eyes followed the blond and his directing. Akira couldn't help but wonder exactly when he would treat him. It was apparent he wasn't going to get very much work done.

@wren. 」​

  • Sweet
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Leon purses his lips and cocks an eyebrow at the proposition. It's a clever manipulation tactic, though it's highly unlikely that Isaac actually would stop smoking if Leon were to join him. The well-practiced pout is a commendable addition; it's undeniably cute, helped by the fact that Isaac is objectively very handsome and knows it. The man is as sneaky as his fox counterpart is stereotyped.

Then again, is there really any harm in attending the party? He's made it abundantly clear to Isaac that nothing will ever happen between them because it simply can't, and Isaac doesn't strike him as the type to do him any actual harm. He's more of a boundary tapper than a boundary pusher. Also, if it's a party, that means there will be plenty of other people around, which means the redhead is less likely to do anything stupid.

He's always thinking about how needs to get out of the house more, anyway.

"If you give me the address, I might stop by."
code by wren.
  • According to Plan
Reactions: MaryGold
"Mm, well that I can appreciate," she snickers, wiggling in the chair to get more comfortable, head rolling back toward the tiled ceiling. "I suppose it's fortunate that the police here are so stupid. I swear they're worse than the bastards in Turner. Anyway, I still say skip the phoenix for now."

After being burned with fire over and over, the sting of the needle in her skin feels like nothing. She's able to largely ignore it, almost to the point of irritating Penny because she starts to move her arm without thinking, making idle chit chat with her and anyone else that wanders over. It's... weird. It's been a while since she's spent so long doing something "normal" and not commanding groups of delinquents or coming up with a new company to burn and loot. She feels awkward, a bit like a fish out of water ironically.

The end result is worth it, though, once she gets a good look at it in the mirror. She grins madly at Penny. "It's excellent work; very realistic. If I ever decide to get another one, I'll let you know," she praises, digging out her wallet to hand over the appropriate cash with a generous tip. It's not like money is much of an object to her. Even though she steals it, the money isn't actually the point at all.
code by wren.
Cian is crafty but Simon is craftier. It's impressive how quickly Simon recovers from Cian's clear dismissal of the attempted flirtation, and although the way he turned the conversation back in his favor wasn't exactly flawlessly smooth, it was effective enough to fluster Cian noticeably. He can see the pink in his cheeks even from his perch on the counter. Neither man is paying him any attention at this point, so he takes the opportunity to steal one of the chocolate and peanut butter candy bars from the glass display case, stuffing the wrapped into his pocket and munching on it while Cian flees and Simon pursues. As usual.

Simon is beginning to flounder in his seduction, sounding a bit more petulant than suave. Even if all three of them are aware of his intentions and feelings, he shouldn't make it so obvious.

"Why would I seduce you into buying things when you're already buying things?" Cian deadpans, gesturing to the two candles in Simon's hands. Speaking of, he's going to need to talk to Simon about how many candles he's purchasing just for his little flirtation game. They're going to break the bank, and if they go bankrupt, it shouldn't be because of fucking candles, it should at least be on coke and whores. Maybe then Simon will stop breaking his heart over Cian.

"Well, since we've officially acquired our candles, I call this mission a success," he interrupts, jumping down from the counter with a grin. "Do you have Halloween plans, Cian?" he inquires, totally innocently.

"Obviously. A friend of mine is hosting a party." Despite the response, Cian still seems to be ignoring him as he rings up the candles, and oof, why are candles so fucking expensive?

"What are you going as?" Completely innocent.

"A cat. What are you?"

"To be determined, but we'll be sure to send you pictures," he smiles, saluting as he walks backward toward the exit. He grabs Simon's wrist and drags him away with him. "Have a good night, Cian~" he sings.

Once the door has swung shut behind them and they've walked out of sight, he turns to Simon with a grin. "Now we determine which friend is hosting the party and crash it," he explains.

The first official time skip. There has been a fast-forward of two days later and the city falls on the day of Halloween.


DATE: October 31st, 2035. Sunday.

TIME: Time is up to the players for their scenes.

WEATHER: 45.9°F (7.7°C). Cool, slightly crispy, grey clouds. Dry and not a sight of rain but predicted to snow.


The city is officially in party mode. Most shops are closing early but clubs and parties are just getting started!


Snow is on the way!
It is predicted to snow by midnight!


Halloween Party at Dionysus!
Black City's notorious nightclub is throwing its annual Halloween party, and many will be sure to show up!

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It was Halloween, and Stella was excited. She loved holidays, and Halloween was one of the best ones. Parties — costume parties — were her favourite flavour of Halloween celebration. Most years she attended a friend's party, but that year she was trying her hand at one of her own, having recently moved into a larger apartment. It wasn't like she hadn't had parties before, but it was her first Halloween party, and that was special. Stella had gone all out, she'd decorated her place top to bottom. Jack-o-Lanterns were tucked into every corner beneath orange string lights, and plastic spiders clung to fake webs. It was more spooky than genuinely scary or anything, but that was the vibe she wanted. Stella had purchased an ungodly amount of candy for the event, and there were half a dozen festive plastic bowls with wrapped treats inside of them. Beyond that, guests had been bringing their own snacks and treats, and there was barely any counter space left for anything more. All of it wrapped up with dance mixes of songs playing in the background.

And it was going to be a great night. Stella hadn't doubted she'd get a good turnout, but it was even better than expected, and the night was only getting started. It had started off great, with Bella arriving early to help out. There hadn't been a whole lot that needed to be done, because Stella had largely decorated her room up prior to Halloween (she liked the festivity of it), but it was fun to have some extra time to hang out and goof off before the other guests started to arrive. And the night was only set to get better, as Percy was coming! She had texted her brother excitedly about his arrival.

Bella had shown up in the skeleton costume they'd miraculously managed to find despite the last minute nature of it, and Stella was delighted at the match. Stella knew she was going to get questions about her costume all night. Archaeologists didn't actually look one specific way, but she'd done her best, which was probably why she leaned into looking more like Indiana Jones than she intended. Stella donned a tan shirt and pants, thick work boots, and a sun hat, she also wore a pair of light leather gloves. She'd put her hair in a braid, which she thought looked weird on her, but had already committed. A satchel slung over her shoulder, and stuck inside were a dusting brush and notepad, for that touch of authenticity. It was hella comfortable.

Stella was the host, so she wasn't going to get smashed or anything, but that didn't mean she wasn't going to drink at all. She'd made herself a vodka cranberry, which she occasionally sipped at, planning to make it last a good hour. It was deliciously tart. Stella scanned the growing group for her date — who she spotted across the room. She looked adorable, and Stella grinned to herself. She bounced over to the other woman and lightly tapped her shoulder to get her attention.

"Hey, how's it going?" She asked with a grin. "You got a moment?"
Code by Jenamos

'Ooh goddamn it.' Ruby thought as she anxiously knocked on the door of Skadi's apartment with a bundle of red roses (because she never asked Skadi her favorite flower and roses were always a great go to) in hand. Tonight was their fifth or sixth real date, and they decided to keep it cool and comfy with a nice night inside. It made it a little bit harder to plan something boisterous and extravagant like she wanted to when it came to finally asking Skadi to be her girlfriend.

Bee hadn't had much in her brain in terms of ideas either. Pinterest and Facebook came to no avail; it seemed like every idea she saw on a video or article was too bland or overdone for her tastes.

She did, however, think it would be adorable if the two of them played rock paper scissors or something to decide on what to do, eat, watch and the like. Maybe they could go to the store and blindly pick out movies and snacks to eat. Okay, Ruby could admit that some of the ideas she saw were actually pretty cute! Hopefully Skadi wouldn't think she was lame. It was just nice for the two of them to get out of the swing of work and into the swing of chill together.

Thinking about it they could do anything. It was a holiday, so there was bound to be a party or two somewhere they could crash. Bee remembered Skadi mentioning a party at her job, so maybe they'd check that out?
code by wren.

Halloween was Bella's ultimate favorite holiday! Free candy and dressing up in cool costumes was always a good time, especially when she was around chill people. Stella included.

Her past few Halloweens were spent looking after her "girlfriend" as she party hopped and drunkenly left her to go party with her friends; and of course, throw in an argument or two where her ex gaslit her into everything being her fault.

Bella was glad she didn't have to deal with any of that now. Her skeleton costume was perfected with the cutest T-Rex candy bucket she was able to find, and she was more than elated to be in the presence of good company, spooky decorations and awesome music. She couldn't help the smile on her face and the little bouncy dance she did with her NY Sour in hand.

Jarred from her thoughts with a tap on her shoulder, Bella startles with a gasp. "Oh, you scared me," she chuckles, a hand resting over her chest, "It's going great, I'm having a lot of fun!" Bella smiles, taking another sip of her drink. "Yeah, what's up? Is everything alright?"
code by wren.
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Bella jumped, and Stella frowned, she hadn't meant to startle the other woman. Thankfully, Bella wasn't startled enough for any of the drink in her cup to spill out. There were definitely going to be messes for Stella to clean up as the night rolled on, but starting the night with one was a poor sign. Nobody was even drunk yet. Plus, if it got on Bella's costume, the Stella would've felt terrible. They had searched high and low to find it, and Stella was still a bit impressed they had found it.

"My bad," Stella said, smiling in an effort to calm the other woman. She took a small sip of her own drink.

"Everything's fine," she added, quick to assure her friend. "It's better than fine, really, 'cause Percy's coming." Stella had talked at length about her brother before — how could she not? Bella knew how much she adored him, and how much she wished she could see him more. But Bella and her brother had never met before. Stella was excited to have two of her absolute favourite people in the world together, but she was a tiny bit nervous. Not that they wouldn't get along — how could Percy not like Bella? And if he was mean to her, well, Stella would have some choice words for him. What Stella was most worried about was that it would make Bella anxious. She bit the inside of her lip, and waited to see how the other girl would react.
Code by wren.
upper class redblood
son of a blood moon
confident, optimistic

A Letter Addressed To Theodore Vasilliou - University of Washington, Black City

Did you know -
I still remember your favorite espresso order at Holy Grounds. No coffee shop has bested our old haunt across all of these miles and years. We haven't spoken in some time - has it nearly been a year since our last check in? I'd look to teasingly lay blame on your over-studious doorstep, but realistically, we both have become wrapped up in our own fields. However, there IS a reason that this letter was addressed to your office rather than your home, and also why it was a physical correspondence rather than a call.

I've looked up your work periodically. It seems you've found success chasing that dream you spoke about all that time ago. As for me, I've completed my medical training, and happily, I'll be returning to Black City in the near future. I've secured a physician's job at a clinic called BETTERHEALTH there, under a Dr. Leon. I'll work on location and with taking home visits - I look forward to finally, truly, plying my trade.

My hope is that you're well, and not only successful. I say that because I've seen people in my own field excel but wither on personal levels. I feel fortunate to say that I'm quite happy, more so with a hopeful future continuing to open ahead of me. I know I've always had good luck in life, though I continue to be grateful about that.

Before Black City, I'll first go to Julian City to visit my brother, Dorian. We weren't close whatsoever in my youth, but since I've been away (and likely because I'm not a tedious child anymore - I didn't understand that well back then, but I do now), that's changed. His life hasn't been easy, nor his opportunities paved before him like mine. He made his own way, and he's brilliant for it. If I looked up to him as a boy, I certainly still do now. He's commissioner in his city, and he's exceeded everything our parents ever expected (or didn't) of him.

It'll be Halloween by the time I arrive in Julian City - I'm thinking about going as a sun god, that should be frightening enough, right? I think all I'll need is a toga, sandals, and a lot of gold metallic paint. Promise me that you'll get out of your office and go to a party, too. Dionysus's is undoubtedly hosting something, go be Van Helsing or a garlic clove.

After Julian City, I head to Black City. Let's properly catch up when I'm there? It's easier to express in a letter than in person. If when we meet, hopefully at Holy Grounds, I pray you offer me the same kind leniency you once did back when we first met. I won't try any icebreakers with cringefully bad jokes this time. Maybe. You know how old habits can be.

Best Regards,
Dr. Leland Stoll

Tag: @ikaroa Mentions: @MaryGold @wren. Location: N/A
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upper class redblood
animal science professor
researching animal & human

Golden streams of dawn's first breaths parted the curtains drawn over the single octagon shaped window in the attic of one Professor Vasilliou's two-story Victorian home. Hunched at the mahogany desk, the prized possession and epicenter of the furniture that cluttered the loft-turned bedroom suite, the curly-haired vampir sifted through the monstrous mountain working to become the eighth wonder of the world across the leather-topped desk. Lounging amidst the scattered papers, a pitch black mainecoon currently worked to clean the spaces between her pink little toes.

Passing off another completed document with a trilling sigh, Theodore hardly felt as if he'd made a dent in the paper-mountain: one less was better than one more, he supposed. When he'd gone into education, he'd failed to consider all the reports, all the homework - all the things that would likely leave him with crooked wrists by the time he hit forty. A smile price to pay, he surmised, to have found himself in a line of work he could truly say he loved. Theodore was a fortunate man for more reasons than one, though not loathing his job, sat quite high on his list.

Examining the next parcel in need of his attention, the professor's jade eyes lit up with a stroke of excitement. Leaning forward, his brows skating high to hide behind a spray of unruly bangs, his mouth parted to let a barely audible gasp free. After a few more moments of staring at the name scrawled in delicate script over the envelope's face, his cheeks lit up like a rosy beacon, heralding the ship who'd sent him this letter to a shore where they could meet again. With reckless abandon, he tore open the letter from Leland.

"I didn't know that…" he muttered to himself, a creaky grin revealing the edge of a pearly-toothed fang. Theo muttered to the man who'd authored the tale in his hands. "Did you know that I hoped you might, though?"

He wasted no time responding - and the letter was stuck into his mailbox that very night.

Did you know…
I've wandered around this entire city and still have yet to find a cup of coffee that can compare to our blessed Holy Grounds. I've taken to the habit of ordering what I recall you to have enjoyed yourself when I'm particularly missing your company. I've been going to the same place now for close to two years. The employees there seem to always know when I'd prefer my own coffee, or when I could use a sip of something warm in the same colors as you.

It brings me great joy to hear that you've found this new venture in life. I've always known you were meant for something extraordinary, of any sort of phenomenality you may seek. BETTERHEALTH will not have been able to know how it survived, let alone thrived, before it acquired you as one of its steadfast physicians. Go with lightness, Leland - your research and practiced, caring hand will take you far: your soul, though, will carry you into the stars past the moon where you belong. A sun God will be perfect for your Halloween costume. I myself am considering going as a vampire slayer. Ironic, no? Just for you, I'll make a necklace of garlic to complete my costume.

As for my endeavors, I cannot wait to show you what I have learned. You see, I somehow ended up adopting a cat. Her name is Minerva. She is the bane of my existence, but she is the reason I keep doing what I do. I'll save the most intriguing details for when we may speak in person, but I'll leave you now with a little crumb of intrigue: my dearest Minerva can talk to me - and you, too!

When you have finished your visit with your brother, do come find me. You know where I lurk, where I roam, and where I reside when the day's work is done. I've so much to tell you - and it seems as if you've much to tell me, too. If your letter has brought such a broad grin to my face then I cannot wait to smile as I will when I see you in person again.

Safe travels - I will be waiting for you, in this life and the next.
- Theodore.

PS. If you want to have a lengthy conversation with my cat, it is best to bring her an incentive. Food usually gets you everywhere.

Tags: @sele



If there was someone who never dressed less for Halloween, it was Perseus Altair.

He may not have been a spirit magi, but like many other magi, he was greatly endeared to the holiday and the magic in the air tingled against his skin. Every year he would make his costume himself. A quick set from the store would never cut it and now that he had money, he didn't need to thrift several articles of clothing to stitch them together into the style and shape he sought. Now, he had the means to buy the fabric and pieces he needed to sew from scratch for himself. The pictures he took after and uploaded socials was an advertisement for his work in itself.

The only issue with his growing name was that with all the more orders from the socialites, celebrities, and wealthier folks, he had less and less time to make his own personal outfits. He had nearly decided to wear an older costume with small alterations. It was Stella announcing she was holding very first Halloween party that made him stop in his tracks. If he was to attend, and of course he would, he would have to make something fresh. He hated being lazy, and he would hate himself more if he showed up to her party in a recycled costume, no matter how fabulous.

To make sure he looked his best, he spent the days before Halloween speeding through his work. Sewing on a button to that shirt the son of the Were commissioner wanted, embroidering birds onto the dress the fae singer Layla ask for, pinning his next design onto the mannequin before he forgot, answering calls when high end customers were desperate to speak to him, and sleeping when he had time in between. With the other holidays so close by, there were just so many orders and while he had the help of his employees, he had a small staff, all handpicked by him. And only three of them were allowed to touch the clothes.

Perhaps the waitlist and the small team is what drew those upper class and nobles to his door. Second to his quite literally magical designs. A sprinkle of stardust and it was good to go.

But during the small pockets of time to himself, he worked bit by bit on his costume, so when he was finally free on Hallow's Eve, he prepared himself an hour or two before the party. He was focused on doing his makeup, using bright colors of pink, red, and blues, drawing a star on to his left eye and other smaller ones on his face like a splatter of freckles. He was distinct in styling his curls, fixing his ringlets into smaller bang like designs against his forehead.

The final step was to slip into his costume. With the black wide legged pants with a metal star belt tied through the loops, a colorful flower patterned lace bralette underneath a ruffled white shirt and long black coat, and black heeled boots, he was a standout and glam rock star. He slipped rings onto his fingers, careful not to ruin the shimmering coat of black and blue nail polish he painted on, and wrapped a small black scarf around his neck.

He was conflicted on whether or not to add the newsboy cap, but decided to let his hair be free. He worked too hard to perfect his hair to hide it. So, he threw on his round rose-colored glasses , blew himself a kiss and walked out the door. First stop, the bakery.

He hadn't enough time to prepare anything himself for her party. Which meant he was going to do the next best thing, buying her the best baked desserts their big city had to offer: Just Desserts. He had ordered the boxes of cupcakes days ahead, so he was in and out within five minutes and on his spooky way to Stella's.

The party had already started. He could hear the music spilling out from underneath the door as he approached it. As he reached for the door knob it was opened by an excited couple with dopey grins. He smiled at them and slipped through, holding the boxes of cupcakes close. "Stay out of trouble you two," he joked as the door closed behind him. He beelined for the table to find it covered with snacks and drinks already. To the kitchen then.

Percy was surprisingly quick in heels, and recalled just enough of the floorplans to remember where her kitchen was amongst all the spooky decor. He set the boxes onto the counter with a huff once he made it. He was half tempted to have one now to reward himself. But he was determined to find Stella. So, he got a drink first and danced around the room and to her when he caught that colorful hair of hers.

"Starling!" He wrapped his arm around her shoulders, hugging his closer. "Or should I call you Miss Milo Thatcher?" He took her hand, raising it above her head and looked her custom up and down. He couldn't help but appreciate the work put into it. "Any new discoveries made tonight, professor?" He kissed her cheek.

Percy almost, missed the red haired girl beside her. "Hello," he waved to the skeleton.

@Dusk @Ghostie 」​

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Reactions: Ghostie and Dusk

Genji stood just inside the front door, watching duos and trios converse and shift around the party. He blinked.

Turning towards the kitchen with two Pyrex dishes of brownies. One with a taped labeled "special :)" and one without. Shane had made fudge brownies for him to bring along. She had also made his costume for him, Howl Pendragon. They had spent many hours together watching Studio Ghibli as children, so it was a bit nostalgic for him to see the costume laid out for him on his bed. Maybe it was a good idea to give her a key after all.

Genji was a tall man, so he spotted Stella and Bella quite quickly, thankfully. They seemed to be having a conversation, so Genji slowly crept over to the wall nearby them and waited, holding the tubs in his hands.

If he approached, it could startle them, right? Plus he didn't want to interrupt their conversation, that was rude! Standing in the corner was normal. He made an effort to smile, remembering how often he and his sister were accused of resting bitch face, and he definitely didn't want anyone to think he was in a sour mood. Just a tall guy, chilling in the corner with a smile. Nothing bizarre or attention grabbing about that, right?

@Dusk @Ghostie
Code by Jenamos
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Reactions: Ghostie