Current Affairs: A New Beginning

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1688780238335.pngChilek Graphvehgon Fanosotra

Location: Mogby's Dock N Hub​
The reaction of the newly created crew had her covering her mouth with her gloved hands to cover the smile. It was a victory for her especially with her chimera friend frowning. Aconite did not show much but his aura was more or less of displeasure. She even clapped her hands in delight when Sir Tyler went ahead and joined, even eying the position of first mate.

Icy was not very fond of hierarchy or any position in the ship. She was satisfied to just go on an adventure. If the human wanted to be first mate, she will not deny him but it would be amusing for her to watch him 'earn' the position as he said. She would be placing some problems into his lap along the way.

Their captain was boisterous and quite entertaining. Even with her injuries, she still moved as if her face was not punched in. Miss Salia - Captain Salia. Let's see where this will take them.

Red eyes watched each of the crew, a cacophony of personalities with strengths and weaknesses. Who would she really prioritize to protect and disgruntle? Who she could tease and argue with and even try to hurt in any case. Looking down at the child, she saw the faint redness on Miss Risk's face. Cute. They again stood where they were not really noticed by the pub, just watching and commenting.

"That was dangerous," Aconite murmured leaning towards her, ears lightly resting on her head. "We could have caused a fight. Do you want your face smashed like your captain?" he teased.

"Knowing you," she smirked. "I do not think I am in any sort of danger."

"Well you won't have to worry about me fighting for the place, at least. I'm not interested. I'm better at a cannon or with a gun in my hands," Sir Fyrus declared.

Icy chuckled and again winked at the male. "Guns?" she mused teasingly. She has read about the double meaning of those. And quite heard a lot of the ladies in the alleyway talk about how marvelous the 'guns' of their patrons were. "What is your opinion of the saying 'The bigger the gun, the better the experience'?" she asked, genuinely curious.

Achish Ga

The hangover he was feelin' was not as intense as his rage on that little wench. How dare she take all his shells and slither away like a snake she was. This part of the island was small and he knew he will find Salia sooner or later. Ga is going to take back his shells from Salia with any means necessary. He was also going to make sure the woman would learn her lesson. Maybe a missing limb body part would teach her.

He had previously sent his crew to search for the rat but none came back. "Lazy lot," he stated, knowing that they would have spent the day drinking before they set sail to sell the bird-man to the highest bidder. Half-animals were a trend in the other seas. They were usually used as slaves - a spell making sure they would be forever bound to their owners until death.

Achish Ga was famous for his heists and ship. And infamous for the activities he does around the isles. Those who do not know him were either living under a rock or from a foreign island. Ga holds this part of the island as his own.

Walking around the docks, he could not help but hear the loud voice of his target. Off course that rapscallion would be in a pub. Cracking his neck and knuckles, he moved towards the source of the noise, people stepping aside knowing they would be killed if they would not move their asses. Slamming the pub's door open, Ga took the attention of the patriots of the place as his eyes scanned for his target. And much like what he expected, Salia was yelling nonsense among a bunch idiots. "You little whore," he growled out, unsheathing his weapon.

He moved slowly, having a sick satisfaction of watching the other costumers move aside or moving them himself by grabbing their faces and pushing them aside. He then towered before the table where Salia was, ignoring the small fries around her. "Cough them shells up. You owe me a lot."


Aconite Bane

Location: Mogby's Dock N Hub

Off course Icy would take this opportunity to convince people to join the poor captain. He growled as she once again stood next to him. Later in the day, once they dispersed, he was going to try and talk her out of joining. One: He did not want to have a commission where he has to track them down and take their heads. Two: He knew his priorities and would regret his actions for the rest of his life.

Gathrealite. A legend. Only told in whispers much like all the things they could not explain. Like the creatures of the deep. Be it real or not, the dangers of this adventure was much too high for Icy. "Tell me you really are not going to find something that does not exist."

His ears perked up then, the sudden entrance of another loud ass entered. The face and build looked familiar but for now, he could not put his finger on it. Pulling Icy behind him, he readied.

"Something wrong?" the lady asked as the man approached.

"Keep low," he warned those who could hear him. His eyes stayed on the male, searching through his memories of all the wanted posters. Achish Ga. If ever he was wrong about his guess, he could just report to the guild that this person was terrorizing the innocent people in the area.

His ear twitched in irritation when a weapon was drawn. All the other guests in the pub also started pulling out their weapons, assuming the worst. Everyone was waiting.

Renard Greenblight

"D...d-die?" Renard stuttered. He wasn't so sure about this... He was joining this crew originally to simply earn some coin and have a roof over his head, or sails he suppose, yet now there was talk of dying for the sense of adventure.

Why did everything have to be so complicated? Was it so much to ask for to have somewhere that was safe? He suppose it was. It seemed like the upper world had its own dangers and obstacles to overcome. He couldn't back out now. What else was he supposed to do and where else was he supposed to go? No one else would have him and people were bound to cheat him or sell him. He would have to take his chance with this crew.

Besides, everyone here seemed fairly confident in their skills and the bunny man seemed like a safe guy to be around. Renard was rather fond of the ears. It made him feel less odd or out of place. After all, if a human-looking man could have such long bunny ears, then what was wrong with a rat person hanging around? He had a nice smell to him, too, as did this Icy person. They didn't seem like bad folk. Risk had a pretty okay scent on her as well, though he could tell that she had been sleeping on the streets or under bridges a lot. As for the others...he couldn't be quite sure yet.

His ears twitched beneath his hood at the sound of the door opening but that wasn't what drew his attention. It was the silence that followed...along with the overwhelming sense of danger.

Small beady black eyes turned toward the door at the large figure that loomed before it. There wasn't a single pause in his step. He walked with purpose and the aura he carried was heavy with threat. The fur all along Renard's body began to rise and he tensed in his seat. Everyone in the man's path immediately began to step out of the way if they weren't shoved instead. The man was coming right for their table. This wasn't good.

Renard's seat had its back facing the door so the man came up close to him yet he didn't even seem to know that Renard was there. It didn't matter. His heart was racing in his chest and every sense was on high alert. Right now Renard was only trying to look as small as possible. If ne didn't notice him then-

The sword came out...and Renard didn't know what happened next.

Whatever the man said next was lost to him as he lunged. His big front buck teeth sank into the man's calf, biting down as hard as he could. He knew the guy would make a grab for him so Renard would make an attempt to release his bite and attempt to slip passed his legs to get out of his reach.

Tyson Dirge

Was he making the right decision here? What did he think he was doing, exactly? He was supposed to be keeping a low profile but this was doing the exact opposite of that. It was too dangerous for them to know what he was because then who knew what they would do? He would be trapped in a middle of a pirate crew that would likely use him to get more coin or the rat boy might even possibly use his parts for his strange alchemy.

No. No... It would be fine. They would be in the middle of the ocean. All he would have to do is jump into the water and swim away. Simple. In the vast wide sea, he would be able to lose them fairly easily. Especially with this bruised eye female as a captain.

His attention was immediately brought to the door of the pub when a figure walked in. He lifted his eyebrows in surprise. Ga. He didn't know the guy per say but he had been to plenty of harbors and towns to hear whispers of the name. It was the name he could hear being whispered through the whole pub now as people moved quickly out of the way and hid in corners to avoid gaining the man's attention. Tyson narrowed his eyes but it was the only reaction he made. His body was a tight coil...ready to spring but he wasn't about to give this guy the satisfaction of showing how much of a threat Tyson believed him to be.

It became clear pretty quickly that Ga was going right for their new captain. Well shit. Only two minutes into his recruitment and he was already beginning to regret his decision. Here he was, trying to keep a low profile yet this Captain somehow managed to piss off one of the most powerful people in Eudora. Just what did she do to gain this guy's attention?

The reason became pretty clear when he mentioned money. Oh. So that was it. Tyson gave Captain Saila a 'look' as he began to put pieces together.

Well, regardless, this was his captain now. He had to protect her. He couldn't just abandon her after joining her crew. To him, that meant he had made an oath. An oath to see this out to the end(unless they tried to sell his hide)so if that meant making powerful enemies to protect her sorry ass, then so be it.

But before he could react...the rat suddenly attacked. It was so sudden and quick that he had trouble processing what just happened. Out of all of them...he had expected the rat boy to be one of the last people to attack the guy. As it was, Tyson could only sit there with his mouth gaped open. Renard looked...savage. The cute beady black eyes had turned red, the soft smooth fur was now ruffled and wild, and blood was seeping out of his mouth as he bit into the man's leg. The prim and proper Renard had become like a wild animal, even hissing through the flesh he currently had in his mouth, before attempting to make a dash passed the man's legs.

Tyson was dumbfounded but he didn't want Renard hurt. If Renard managed to successfully bite the man and flee, Tyson would then kick a chair quickly in Ga's path if the man attempted to go after Renard in an attempt to trip him up. He had simply acted in the moment in an effort to protect one of his now crew mate and it might be safe to assume that they were past talking their way out of this.

Eli Flynn

The Engineer was in the midst of moving out of his ramshackle home that no better than the attic to a butchery, a stay he had secured by making a special device to assist the butcher with his business. A basic machine, meant to slice the meat automatically just cranking a lever and pushing the meat through. Not an invention as that'd insinuate that others had not done the same, but something he made so he didn't have to pay too much in rent. There was the device to assist with bones being removed so the meat wasn't ruined. Whatever was needed.

But eventually, Eli grew tired of the meat smell and the thick aroma from the rejected meat as the two was beginning to cloud his thoughts, making his ideas muddled and his inventions were benign and boring. Recreations of others and useless. So with a slightly not-so-heavy heart, he gave the butcher a nice farewell before departing, his tools and equipment in a nice bag he had made, segmented so his tools were in one part and his helmet was in another with his prized belongings in another section. Done this way purely for effectiveness and function so he could at any point, reach into a specific section to find exactly what he needed.

It was one of these sections that he had put a flier that had flown into his face and was about to be tossed aside like garbage before he had stopped to read it. The doodle was beyond baffling as did the corresponding information about the request listed. 'Pirate' was an ugly word and brought about the mental image of rugged sailors and ne'er-do-wells. The types that'd potentially as hygienic as a pig or have the mental prowess of a thick block of cheese that has gone soft on the verge of going bad.

But it'd also mean that he could potentially find new inspiration for inventions and without the usual stigma about untested devices. And it could mean that he could earn a bit more money to get proper and well-made items than the scrap metal he's had to fiddle with to make devices with. At least compared to his current gear, that had been made with materials he had bought with the money from his family and it showed.

It was why he got peculiar looks from the passerby as he waltzed into the section of town that held the pub he was supposed to meet the captain in. Reaching into the bag, he grabbed the flier and held it in his hand as he entered the pub.

"Mogby's Dock n Hub"

The name didn't impress Eli but he didn't get much of a chance to make any further judgements as he locked his eyes on the group of misfits gathered around a woman who looked like she had taken a beating lately. He spotted a Ratkin, a brief tilt of his head in surprise. An unimpressed look into the eyes of the bunny-eared man and the woman he followed like a shadow, He had seen too much of the same class of people at Father's parties that the spectacle had lost all its glamour. He saw a small redheaded girl that looked like she was starving, a strange woman in clothing that reminded Eli of silk, a man who looked like a woman and required a second glance before he would mistake the man for one. Another man that fit the profile of an experienced person who had seen the sea.

It was a crew of misfits but one that perhaps wouldn't mind his antics nor his inventions. Certainly, colorful as the other groups looked plain in comparison, hence why Eli immediately guessed they were part of the crew. He would unfortunately not be able to introduce himself as someone shoved past him and Eli barely caught himself on a table. Spilling the drinks of all at it and immediate confusion and indignance flooded his mind. The man was tall and had someone in mind for whatever anger he had in mind.

And judging by the sudden bite on the leg and chair knocked the man's way, Eli figured that things were going to escalate with this strange man and wanting to help out, he would grab a bowl of mashed up food that was sitting and waiting to be served and throw it at the man. Intending to either disorient the man or at least get his attention if the bowl even hits at all.

@Lyrikai @ArgonianScum @DekuNightFury @Rads @Ai-in Ayan @Noble Scion

Location: Sigvid Isles
Mentions: @Ai-in Ayan
Setting: Mogby's Dock n Pub

Looking around at the table she sat at, she could believe her shoddy work would lead her to this: People actually giving a shit about something she wanted. Sure, they didn't know all of the details, but that was a bridge that she would cross once she got to it. For now, she would enjoy herself in other people's company. It wasn't everyday that she was around people who didn't want to gut her, steal from her, or beat her to the cobble stone-

Just then the pub doors swung open, and a familiar figure walked through the doors, having to lower his head to fit his tall frame inside the building that felt just a tad bit too small for his large size. Saila's wounds began to ache as she was reminded of her beating she had received just a day before she had came her. She could feel her cuts burning, her bruises aching, her eye throbbing. She wasn't one to succumb to her fear andn freeze, rather taking the back way out and running from her problems, but the booth had placed her into a corner, and she was no animal that would suddenly become rabid and lash out. No, she was helpless as Ga approached her for the second time within a 24-hour period.

Just was she was beginning to form some excuse on her lips, Renard reacted first, and spun to draw his weapon. Saila was going to warn him of Ga's strength, but the Ratkin was first to act, lashing out and sinking his teeth into the leg of the one he would now count as a threat. "Shit Renard," Saila called as she leapt over the table to pull him off. She could only hope that Ga was in a forgiving mood to potentially losing a leg to a rabid animal's bite. Just as she reached him, she was suddenly plowed in the face with what tasted like porridge. Stumbling back, she fell onto the table, ruining everyone's meal and making just about the whole crew a part of the fight. At least who cared to fight over spilled food.
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Risk would bristle, sensing something bad was about to happen, and it would appear she wasn't the only one as the soft rings of metal quietly being pulled from sheathes would hum in the air as a gravelly voice would appear behind her.

The thief's soft, gloomy expression turned colder, frozen to the spot, as she'd be directly stuck between who she could only assume was the Achish Ga and their captain, her breathing shallow and her body tense as she'd quietly shift her hands together, focusing her concentration on her hands as she'd prepare for what she assumed was a fight as he'd take his time to throw threats.

A soft glow would discreetly encompass her thin hands, slowly dancing its way through colours as it would become more vibrant each second. Yellow.. Orange.. Red.., the swirling bundle of magic growing brighter as she'd wait, beads of sweat suddenly forming on her face, partially from the anxiety of having a sword-wielding man standing behind her, but mainly from the exertions of her willing energy to her hands.

She didn't know who moved first, Renard latched onto the man's leg, their captain took a bowl to her already injured face, Tyson kicked a chair at their assailant, and finally, it came to her turn.

Spinning around, Risk would throw the bundle of energy at his face, a small explosion of fire encompassing his head as she'd leap off the chair and scurry past, attempting to follow in the rat's footsteps. It was far from lethal, but enough to rattle and blind him, she hoped. She just wished he hadn't seen her face.

Insert what you imagine him to be here

This is what I imaging him to be

Achish Ga

Towering over the table, he reached out grab Saila. "Yah still dun know what's good for yah, lass," he stated before pain shot through his leg. Looking down, he tried to get the large rat to let go by kicking the large cretin towards the leg of the heavy table. Achish was no stranger to bites but hell does it still stung. "Yah fuckin'~!" He missed. He did not know if the rat jumped off or he hit the table inaccurately.

The loud crunch of wood started it all, everyone knew that. His crew, who were already there, moved to help their captain. The others... they all just wanted to cause chaos.

Then a chair came towards him. Unlike the bite, this was child's play. Grabbing hold off the furniture, the pirate captain swung it back towards the person who kicked it, not caring who he actually hit. Then came a small explosion on his face. He roared in anger then, seeing only white and a second of his ears ringing. "Yah ain't gettin' away, vermin!" he yelled out to Saila. "You and de lot you call friends are dead!"

Everything happened to fast that he did not register anything aside from the people around the table and Saila. He only saw a blur of reds, blacks, browns, and whites. As his vision started to come back, he heard something that had his heart pumping.

A siren's laughter.

Years of experience out in the dreaded sea had trained his ears to filter out that tingling sound even through rough conditions. They were known to be the bane of all seafarers. And that wicked thing was close. As his vision came back, Achish's eyes darted from bloody person to person to look for split mouth, taunt face or scaly skin. No one fitted the description. "Kill all the women here!" he roared out, commanding all those who will listen to do as he ordered. He then pointed at a red head then, looking innocent and frail, thinking it was the one who laughed. "Especially that thing!"

Getting back to his priority in trying to strangle Saila, he was forced to the side by a powerful kick to the side of his chest. The first thing he noticed about his assailant was the long ears then those red eyes.

"Prey. Bounty," the stranger stated.


First was the rat Saila taking off with his money. Next was a literal rat biting him for some damn reason. Another was most of his facial hair along with his brows were singed. A siren was in their bloody midst. And now, the hunter's guild sent him.

This fuckin' day would be one of his worst if he actually escaped and survives...


Chilek Graphvehgon Fanosotra

Location: Mogby's Dock N Hub
Chilek was surprised by what the fluffy rodent became upon the arrival of a foul-smelling man. It was an automatic response for her to cover her mouth from the ridiculousness off it all. "S-sir Renard," she tried to call out, her gloved hands open for the rat to come to no avail. He ran somewhere else.

There was then a soft glow beside her and she could sense magic. Looking down at Miss Risk, her eyes widened as the child threw whatever she gathered towards the perpetrator.

The loud crunch of wood and the yell from the large man started it all. It was like a gunshot - a trigger for the whole area to be plunged in chaos. She looked up towards the group for help only to witness her captain stumbling to the table with a bowl on her face. Bursting into laughter, she grabbed the edge of the table and took a chunk out of it. "Who did that?" she demanded, grinning and turning to the crowd.

Throwing the chunk of wood towards the first person she saw who took out a gun, she laughed once more as blood sprayed from her target. "Should I give you all a perform~!" She found herself sitting on the floor then, a hand on her mouth.

"Do not," Aconite warned before removing his hands off of her. "Just look after the ratkin and the brat. Do not try opening your mouth and singing," he warned. "I have sensitive ears, Icy."

"You are no fun," she huffed before nodding, understanding what her friend was implying. Watching as Acon jumped away to take on his target, she looked around the floor for sir Renard."Sir Renard," she cooed out. "Please come to me. I hope you are not squished"


Looking up, she saw a man holding a chair and ready to smash it on her head. Catching the said object, she yanked it off from the perpetrator and extracted vengeance. The chair broke out and she felt a bit of sting on her face, later realizing that she had splinters embedding on her skin. She burst into unhinged laughter then, quite starting to enjoy the fight.


Aconite Bane

Location: Mogby's Dock N Hub

"Prey. Bounty," Acon muttered, moving towards Ga after kicking him away from the group. Better off to make sure that he would not traumatize the new group for what he was about to do.

"You, Dirge," Ga called out as he moved away from Acon. "You are experienced in the seas, right? Help a brotha out." Acon merely tilted his head, dodging an axe coming his way but did not stop his advance towards his target.

"You have ten seconds," Acon finally called out, summoning his scythe out to give them space and to stop the others from getting near. It was an act of mercy - or rather, it was just giving him time to try to escape. Usually, he would just take his target's head off. This gave Ga a chance to hide somewhere where there was less people so Acon had an easier time taking his bounty.
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Kwaku Kikari
Location: Ga's Ship; Brig


The count of days that had passed since Kwaku had last breathed the open air was lost to him. Below the deck of the pirate Ga's ship, he lumbered, helpless in confinement, as the vessel bobbed in the harbor. The large avian coo'd softly, reminiscing of spreading his wings and soaring across the seas back home.

Perhaps a week or two had passed since the musket shot had clipped his left wing... that had been enough for the swashbucklers to haul him in the end. The wing had healed, though the wounded spirit of a proud Chircaw sustained across the waves to whereever the ship now docked. He really couldn't remember.

Driving his beak against the ship's hull, he pecked away in futility. Contrary to legends, Chircaw beaks couldn't pierce through iron and stone... the grounded tribes on the inland plains were able to break the bones of larger animals with their kicks... the emukin and ostrichfolk were a weird lot though; or so Kwaku had heard.

Eventually he tired of his fruitless pecking, and made his way to tge front of his jail cell. His frame dropped into the iron bars of his cell. As if a jailed convict, he hung his arms out from the space between bars, catching what little sense of respite he could from imprisonment. Listening carefully, he could still hear the waves, and the gentle breeze over the sea. The salty scent of the waters still carried into the ship from up above. "Damn you, Guh." A soft curse trilled out from Kwaku's beak just as footsteps came down from the deck above.

"Ha! Looks like the pigeon's finally lost his fight!" One crewmate quipped, speaking to his friend, but pointedly speaking in the Chircaw's direction.

Kwaku's feathers ruffled. Pigeon!? If not for the lack of morale and energy, his pride would have had him lash out at the pirates. Instead, he backed away from the outside of the cell, digging his talons into a low perch he had clawed out of the wooden floor.

"Yeah." The other joined into the sneering. "And they said the Captain wouldn't stand chance catching the thing."

"And why would the captain keep such a prize in a cage, kya?" Kwaku had spoken up, startling the pair. Rare was the knowledge that Chircaw could speak common tongue.

"Mind yourself, chicken!"

Kwaku ruffled again, and snapped his beak. Chicken!? "You should have minded your selves, kya!"

"Shut it bird!" One of the sailors had pulled his pistol. "Captain Ga'll deal with ye when he gets back. Ye'll fetch a good price at the market!"

The pirates laughed among themselves and left for the top deck.

Kwaku huffed and screeched at the pair as they left, and then sunk back into his cell. "If I could just get free of this wretched cage, kya! My wings won't stand the space much more! Kyoo." He began idly preening his feathers, thinking that as soon as his cell was opened, he'd break the crew and find his way home; no self-respecting Chircaw would allow the affront of a cage go unpunished.
Location: Sigvid Isles
Posted in: @Everyone
Location: Mogby's Dock & Pub.

Ria's body starts to glow white and yellow. Before starting to heal the captain, she throws up a wall of light to shield her. I do not know your two histories, but this person seems like an asshole and a bully, she continues. Soon, soft rays of golden and white started to appear from her hands. To be honest, it has been a difficult day, and there have been a lot of problems. I really wanted to avoid a fight. "When I was younger, my grandmother used to say, Keep a hot heart but a cool head." She stops for a moment before continuing. "I am happy I paid attention to her. "Since you're in better condition, I'll cover your escape route and fight off anyone that tries to attack you". "While I prefer not to kill, I won't hold back in this case". "Back home, bandits and such were the least of our problems; we had wild monsters and such to fight off, so for me, this is nothing new".
"I dance because I want people to be happy, and it soothes my soul in this world full of monsters; the money is just an added bonus for me".
Ria pauses for a few moments, then says, " I hate to be rude but you'll need more than the weapons you have now, i'll make you some while were on the ship, think of it as a token of our soon to be friendship".
  • Thank You
Reactions: ArgonianScum
Eyes wide, Fyrus briefly coughed into his mug, nearly choking on his ale. He honestly would have loved to chat about the size of his gun, but a brief sense of dread filled the air a half a beat before the tavern door opened and a sudden silence stretched across the room. He'd swore you could have heard a pin drop in the room. People cleared out of the way as the man approached, looking like pure rage and hate. He came right for Saila, right for Fyrus's new captain, and that was his first official test of loyalty, right?

The ratkin struck first before this bastard could, lunging and sinking teeth into the man without a moment's hesitation. Fyrus was on his feet as well in an instant, drink and food forgotten in favor of drawing a pistol. This wasn't the most ideal weapon to be having in such a cramped space, but it sure as hell had the advantage of aim if he could clear himself away from some of the obstacles of furniture and other people that could too easily get into the crossfire.

The whole damned tavern was in chaos and this wasn't exactly what he had been hoping for, but it came with the territory honestly. One couldn't have a drink in a tavern full of rowdy pirates and sea scums without at least one of them trying to start a fight. He sort of felt bad wondering how many times the owners had to replace broken windows and busted furniture. It was probably such a regular occurrence that they had a protocol for it... maybe even a safe room under a trap door behind the bar where they could immediately dip into the second someone got too drunk or too pissed.

This bastard must have been the one that brutalized the captain, his captain. Well that just wouldn't do. They were throwing weapons, throwing fire, even throwing food, and Fyrus scrunched up his nose at that last one. Okay blood and burns he was used to, but that was just such a waste!

"Captain!" he called, oooooh really liking how that sounded. If he was going to get his ass kicked, so be it, but he'd be a lousy crewmate if he didn't protect his captain. He stood himself best he could in front of her, between her and Ga, firearm ready if he needed it. "Bastard," he growled, "Ruining a perfectly good gathering." He was sure getting an eyeful of everyone around, however, and exactly who and what he was going to get be getting himself into. Seeing that scythe drawn, his eyebrows shot up, impressed and a little bit terrified. "You heard him, eh? Ten seconds! Buddy, please promise me you won't turn that on me..."

Renard Greenblight

Run. Run. Don't let them catch you.

"Sir Renard. Please come to me. I hope you are not squished."

Oh gods, they knew his name.

He knew only to run from the danger that threatened to get him. His mind was lost to the dark depths of hell where things crawled and flashed their horrid teeth. Where shadows moved and made you into one of them. No where was safe. How could he ever believe that he would be safe?

He shoved himself underneath another table as trembling paws reached into his cloak. It had to be here. It must! Then-yes! His claws curled around a small sphere strapped to one of his many belts and he plucked it carefully-yet quickly-off of his person before throwing it toward the ground with all his strength.

The little orb burst, and smoke filled the pub in an instant. Now he had more cover to get away and he had a small moment to regain his composure. He remembered where he was: Alcohol. Sweat. Iron. Shame. He was back in the pub. There was only one person who was a danger. The one he had bitten. The one whose blood he could still taste.

Oh, but wait, then who was it that was following him?

Renard perked his ears and listened hard and could now recognize the sound of his companions, whether they were coughing or-more than likely-cursing. He believed he recognized the sound of Risk, the one who had been following right behind him before and he had mistaken to be a monster. A shadow from his past. Oh dear. He had hindered his now companions in the attempt to save his own skin. That was not very helpful or team-ly of him.

He scurried back on all four paws toward the sound of Risk and came to a stop beside her, lifting himself back on his hind paws as he slipped his paw into her own hand. "This way!" He called to her over the sounds of the pub, attempting to lead her toward the exit where he could hear the hustle and bustle of the street outside. As well as attempting to avoid anyone that might be in their way.

Tyson Dirge

He had just enough time to think, Well, I really hope I don't get a splinter, before the chair smashed back in Tyson's face and he fell back onto the floor.

That had not gone at all what he planned though he should have known right away that Ga was not the typical run of the mill thug he was used to handling. He was dangerous and he knew his fights well. Had Tyson been any normal human being, he likely would have passed out and received a concussion. As it was...the chair barely dazed him.

He stood back up on his two feet, crackling his neck and loosening his shoulders as he bounced from foot to foot, getting his blood nice and pumped. A single trail of blood ran down from his forehead and down to his cheek where the force of the chair struck him. He was definitely going to feel that tomorrow. The chair in questioned was currently in pieces at his feet.

Fyrus, he could see, was up in arms and placing himself between Ga and their captain. He had the right idea. Tyson turned his attention to see their competent captain sprawled elegantly on the floor with flood blessing her face to showcase her glory. So capable was she that she had time for a quick snack before she would throw herself up in arms to defend her honor and her new crew.

"You can get a snack later," he said, reaching over to grip Captain Saila's hand and haul her to her feet before tossing her a rag to clean her face. "Right now, we need to fight for our lives." He drew out his own swords, twirling them in his hands before gripping the hilts to steady them.

Yet his name caught his attention as it flew from Ga's mouth and Tyson wasn't entirely sure if he was talking to him. How did he know his name? Tyson had always been careful giving it out, always keeping his head low and moving from port to port. This guy was good. Far better than he gave him credit for to find out information such as that.

"I'm really tempted," he called to Ga, "I really am, brotha, and might have taken you up on your offer but... You threw a chair at my face. I'm kind of pissed about that."

He stood by his captain, readying himself for anyone else that might try to make a go at her. "Well Captain? Orders? Fight or flight?"

Then it was as though the gods answered for her. There was complete chaos in the pub but then, suddenly, smoke filled the entire area. Quickly blinding Tyson in an instant. He began to cough but his secondary eye lids slid close over his eyes to protect them from the smoke's sting. Still, he couldn't see very far at all.

"Captain! Orders!"


Location: Sigvid Isles
Mentions: @DekuNightFury
Setting: Mogby's Dock n Pub

With her vison taken from her, Saila struggle to find her footing as he laid atop the broken table. She could hear Mogby in the background crying about how long it took to prepare the meal and how much it was going to cost him to fix the table. None of his bickering mattered to her. She was currently in a fight for her life, and if it was up to her she'd use the entire building to save her skin.

Suddenly she felt a hand grasping hers and pulling her to her feet. "You can get a snack later. Right now, we need to fight for our lives." She spat some of the food from her mouth before taking the towel and wiping what she could from her face. As she could see now, the pub was in absolute chaos from the few seconds it took for Renard to take a bite out of Ga's leg. The pub erupted in a free for all, except most of the fighters were coming for them. "Well Captain? Orders? Fight or flight?" This was her first call to orders, and it had to be an actual fight that required her screaming words that could potentially get someone of hers killed. She wasn't quite ready to be a captain yet. Maybe after a meal and a few more drinks. Things were happening so fast! Could she back out and run for the exit??

It was then that her vision was once again obscured, but this time it was smoke that seemingly came from nowhere. This was her chance. She could leave and forget about this whole day. Return to her old life of stealing and sleeping on the street. As hard as the life was, it was all she knew. Was she ready to change it for a life at sea with a bunch of strangers?

Pulling a dagger from her belt, she gripped it tight in her hands. Her eyes stung, her heart pounded, her head ached. "We fucking fight! Swing wild! If ya hit somethin' call it a win!"

Location: Sigvid Isles
Mentions: @The Wanderer
Setting: Mogby's Dock n Pub

"Purru Purru~ It is time for us to feast!" Captain Rr'Amchi Mashalla of Kattacachat sat at their booth with a few of their crewmates as they all sat down for an evening meal at the pub. Rr'Amchi couldn't remember whose idea it was to stop at the Sigvid Ilse to dine, but they were not opposed to a lovely meal after such a long day.

"Scrumptious! Savory! Salivating! Purru Purru~!" The clique of kats happily dinned upon their meal, but son that was finished, and it was time for dessert. Browsing the menu, nothing captured their eyes. Chocolate cake? Apple pie? Vanilla ice cream? Nothing seemed perfect for the Captain. They were ready to give up, but something had caught their eye, something that brought them back to their youth. "Rice pudding!" They chirped as the server returned. "I would like to enjoy myself a bowl of your sweetest rice pudding!" Their comrades purred in agreement, echoing the same order, making three bowls of the delicious, cold, dish.

It didn't take long before their dishes were made as Rr'Amchi examined. They could see the kitchen from where they sat, and they could smell the cinnamon as it was being added to each of their dishes. The three kats watched closely as the server gathered their bowls onto a tray and made her way over to them. The three purred in excitement as they could practically taste the cool, creamy dish that was making its way over to them. Closer, Closer it came-

They paid no mind as Ga entered the pub. They were only interested in their dessert, but their server did pause in her approach as she stood in fear of the giant man's approach. So badly Rr'Amchi wanted to call to her, or at least take the tray from her hands and serve their comrades. It was then that a young man entered the pub. The kats paid no attention to him until he grabbed a bowl from the server's tray, the captain's bowl, and hurled it into the face of a young woman. Rr'Amchi was ready to flip the table at this moment, but before they could act on their rage, the entire pub was plunged into chaos as the building filled with smoke.

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A chill of fear would ripple through the thief as their captain's adversary would point at her, worry showing on her glum face as she'd pursue her rat-friend to freedom, before she'd see him crawl under a table, throwing a small ball that would turn into an explosion of smoke that would encase her, as surprising as it was helpful, she'd inhale a lungful of the stuff and break into a fit of shallow coughs.

Initially pulling away as a furry paw would grab at her hand on pure instinct, she'd realise he was trying to help her, allowing him to lead her, though it wasn't much of a choice given how little she could see.

She couldn't help but be a little bitter towards the rat after he'd smoke-bombed her.

Never one to miss an opportunity, Risk's free-hand would slip and sneak into preoccupied pockets, laying claim to their contents in a feat of sheer experience as they'd bump and push through the numerous angry pirates, happy for once at being so small. Bullets, coins, and notes would all disappear into the red-haired girl's tatters, bumping into both a strange, angry cat-person, then a ginger-haired man, a soft "Sorry-" whistling through her lips before she'd disappear after her rat-friend, leaving their pockets feeling a little lighter..
Eli Flynn

With totally impeccable aim and stature being that of someone who was woefully lacking in skill pertaining to that of throwing. Eli watched with slowly dawning horror at the bowl of rice pudding flew right into the face of the person who was going to be his captain. He realized that would possibly hamper his joining of the crew. Granted in the confusion of the chaotic pub, maybe his failed throw and hit to his future captain would maybe go unnoticed and he could just fly under the radar on that.

Eli watched as the Ratkin dove under a table and threw down an orb of some kind and suddenly smoke filled the room. Obscuring everyone in the thick haze. His vision was reduced to maybe a foot or less than half of that, making it near impossible to really orient himself and properly help the future crew he was joining. He could risk aiming a gun but blindly firing would no doubt lead to possible injury of unwilling participants in the fight and also his future fellow crew-folk and his captain. One would get him a bounty and the other would basically make his trip here null and void.

Which is thankfully when Eli felt someone's small hands enter his pocket. Instinct made him turn his head to catch a blurry haze of red hair that flittered away, Eli's careful eyes watched as the red hair fade into the smoky void but would soon focus on the slowly-going-taut elastic band he had made for pickpockets, and he remembered amidst the crew was a small red-headed girl. Putting two and two together, he would realize that she was the same person who had just grabbed something from his pocket. He didn't care, no doubt it was something like a tool, maybe a screwdriver. He had something to follow. Walking at a careful yet fast pace to keep up with the girl as if he didn't keep up, he was sure that she'd ditch whatever she grabbed, and he'd be left to wander blindly through the pub.

Interactions: @Noble Scion @DekuNightFury

<Insert what you imagine him to be here>

1695915818741.pngThis is what I imaging him to be

Achish Ga

"You have ten seconds."

If Achish never heard of the Hunter's Guild, he would have just laughed at the bunny-man's threat and would have punched him on the face. Too bad the bunny-man was notorious within the pirates' circle.

"You heard him, eh? Ten seconds!" The woman between him and Saila yelled out and Achish had to double take. Was that person a man or a woman?

Achish did not have to be told twice. He was already up on his feet rushing towards the exit. Lucky that someone used a smoke bomb. He had the advantage. Grabbing whatever he could from the thick smoke, he threw it on the hunter and rushed away, not really knowing where the exit was.

He needed to get away. He needed to gather his crew and fight the hunter off. If they could overpower that damn hunter, it would be worth shells, gold, and fame. Grabbing one of his officer from the chaos, he growled. "Get everyone assembled. We have some fish to take and this one actually bites," he stated before ducking in time when the scythe came whirling towards his neck. "Fuck!" Pushing his officer away, he rushed for one of the doors. "Hurry and call them!"

"We fucking fight! Swing wild! If ya hit somethin' call it a win!"

Saila's voice had Achish want to turn back and charge through the smoke once more just to strangle the wench. Not only had she have Dirge to back her up but the hunter was also by her side. Right now, it was his skin on the line.

He did not know if that was the exit or not. He just needed to get away for the time being. He did not carry any weapons when he first got out, only thinking of using his fists to teach Saila a lesson. Now, he was regretting not grabbing anything to defend himself.

Shoving and throwing people around, Ashich grabbed a red headed brat and tried to throw it at the hunter, too late to realize a large rat was attached to her. Not thinking about the consequences, he rushed off out of the entrance.

Stumbling towards the street, he looked back one last time before dashing towards his ship. He had a few crew there at the moment.

Chilek Graphvehgon Fanosotra

Location: Mogby's Dock N Hub
It was sensory overload but in the most pleasant way possible. She had received scratched and cuts as well as splinters but no deep wounds that she needed to get back to the sea to heal up. Her cap was already lost and part of her skirt was ripped out. It was like exploring caves - getting a bit bruises but still enjoyed the journey out.

"Sir Renard! Miss Risk!" she called out as white started to creep around the room. This was troublesome. Looking back at the direction of their captain, she prayed that the adults with her would keep her safe. "If the captain dies, I am hunting you!" she threatened. Well, she did not have to worry as it looks like they had their priorities straight upon hearing the voice of their captain.

"Oh dear," she gasped out as she tried looking around. This was not ideal. Grabbing a man by the throat when he tried to come at him with another chair, she ripped through his voice box, not caring if she was drenched in blood. "You stay there," she stated before rushing to the second floor to try and see what was happening. There were less people there - those who were to cowardly to actually fight.

Throwing another man off the balcony, she looked down. She smiled in delight upon seeing silhouettes coming at each other. Screams of pain chorused with the clash of steel and wood as well as the thunder of guns. A stray bullet nicked her arm then, Chilek flinching and hissing in pain.

There were breaks in the thick smoke - enough to see where fights and where the crew were. Seeing the large man - Ga was his name - run towards the exit, he shoving everyone and everything, even throwing a familiar red head.

Miss Risk! Ga was throwing Miss Risk like a sack of potatoes!

The action had her blood boil. "I am going to make sure the fishes would have a delightful lunch from your dying body," she muttered, eyes going all black. She hopping on the ledge, ready to jump back in the fight.

Aconite Bane

Location: Mogby's Dock N Hub

Ga was smart enough to not fight. With weapons drawn at him, he was stumbled away. Acon merely stood there, ears and tail twitching as he counted to ten. It was the pretty boy that got his attention for the time being.

"You heard him, eh? Ten seconds! Buddy, please promise me you won't turn that on me..."

He smiled, showing his serrated teeth. "For now," he hummed. "You are not my target right now," he stated, watching something like a small explosion and then smoke covering everything. He could barely see but that would not stop him from tracking down Ga. There were other senses he could use to track the man down. Getting back to the Forus guy, he slapped his shoulder for a second. "Don't die." Upon his statement, he dodged a bowl of something coming out of the smoke before heading to find the pirate captain.

"Don't kill anyone, don't kill anyone, don't kill anyone," he stated like a mantra, dodging and parrying off as much as he can. He tried his best. He really did but when someone jumped from the smoke with a sword, the tip of Acon's blade found it's way on the attacker's chest. Seeing blood leak out of the wound, he gritted his teeth. "Fuck! I said to not kill anyone!" he yelled at himself.

Slowly moving towards the smell of his target, he was ready to slice another object coming towards him. His eyes widened when the object thrown at him was not, in fact, an object but a person. He did catch the brat but he was late in bracing himself, thus him just being a landing cushion for Risk. They stumbled towards a table and kept Risk in his arms. "I did not know humans could fly," he groaned out before looking at Risk. "Aren't you supposed to be with Icy right now?" he demanded before turning to shield her from a gunshot.

Renard Greenblight

The exit was there. It was so close. Renard's little nose twitched at the smell of sea air among the sweat and grime of the city. It couldn't have been more than five feet away. If they could just-

He squeaked as something lifted him up. Well, not exactly him per say but someone had lifted up Miss Risk whose hand he was still attached to. His ears flicked toward the gruff sound of the man's voice and recognized him as the very same that he had bitten. Oh dear. Ohdearohdearohdear.

Renard's mouth opened but what was to come out, he had no idea. A squeak of terror? Some form of apology? A stream of excuses of what lead to such terrible behavior that had his teeth sink into the man's flesh? He would never know because, in the next instant, he was being thrown.

His acrobatics kicked in. Instinctively he released Miss Risk's hand so that she went sailing on while he flipped himself backward and landed on all four paws. He surprised even himself. Was he part cat, perhaps?

The man, Ga, thankfully wasn't after revenge. Not now, anyway. He was running away from the chaos within the pub and fled to the streets. The current threat avoided, Renard turned quickly to find Miss Risk. It was difficult to see through his blindfold on top of all the smoke and there were too many smells going around. Gunshot powder, metal, rum, blood, screams, darkness, terror... He could feel his little heart begin to pound and his fur was rising once again. The gunshots sounded like thunder. The smells were overwhelming. He was becoming disoriented.

"Miss Risk?" He called, searching blindly through the smoke. His plan had certainly backfired. "Miss Risk? Where are you?"

His little paws touched cloth and he could see through his blindfold that it was someone's leg. "Hello?" He sniffed it. It was the scary bunny man! "Mr. Bunny? Is that you? I am in search of Miss-" Then a gun shot, one that would have certainly penetrated through his body had the Bunny Man not blocked it. "O-oh my!" He quickly hid behind the Bunny Man's legs and crouched low to take cover.

Tyson Dirge

"We fucking fight! Swing wild! If ya hit somethin' call it a win!"

Well. Those were orders.

"Whatever you say, Captain." Tyson grinned. It was time for bloodshed.

Then Tyson Dirge dove into the fray.

His swords moved like hurricanes, nothing but silver blurs in the air before becoming red as they sliced through flesh, Tyson nothing but a phantom in the flog as he came down on unexpected victims. He went only for Ga's men and the occasional lowlife because why not? He caught one such lowlife try to take a helpless woman by hauling her over his shoulder so the man suddenly found himself on his knees after Tyson cut the tendons just behind his knees before spinning around the man and sliced his head clean off. In the same fluent motion, he delicately caught the woman with the curve of his arm to avoid cutting her as well and set her back on her feet, urging her toward the direction of the back door. The poor thing only screaming and running away before thanking him.

Tyson's eyes roamed the room as he cut down one foe after the other before he found his target: Ga. He was running away. Tyson was feeling exhilarated. Oh how he missed this. A hunt. His prey running frightened. He was sure that was mostly to do with Rabbit Ears but prey was still prey. The scent of blood had Tyson's body rippling with anticipation. He thought he had left this all behind. He thought the stench had sickened him.

He was wrong.

He followed Ga to the door, cutting down foes from left to right and dancing around them. He ducked beneath a swing to his head and grabbed a mug from a table, took a swig, then slammed it against the side of the fellow's head before moving on.

"Run Ga run!" He called, striking his swords together in a twirl. "The reaper is on your heels and so is his hound."

He paused and pointed his sword toward Aconite. "That's you, by the way. The reaper. You know. Because of the scythe and all. And he seems pretty terrified of you." It was then that he noticed a redhaired girl and a furry rat at his feet. "Oh you found the little ones!"

His sword deflected a bullet that was aimed right for his head and he snapped his eyes on the one who shot it. He moved forward, deflecting the other shots before cutting the man down in two swings, the guy nothing but a bloody heap on the floor. Tyson stared down at him, pushing down a growl that threatened to rise in his throat. He felt something warm on his cheek and a slight sting.

"Ah..." He lifted his arm, wiping the spot on his cheek with his wrist before seeing the blood smeared there. A bullet had crazed his cheek. "Damn... Guess I'm a bit out of practice."

He noticed now that the pub had gone quiet. The smoke was still a bit heavy but was slowly draining out from the Pub and from what he could see, Ga's men seemed to have finally fled. The fight had lasted all but a few minutes.

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Location: Sigvid Isles
Mentions: @DekuNightFury
Setting: Mogby's Dock n Pub

As soon as Tyson leapt into action, Saila followed suit. Brandishing her twin daggers, she ducked and rolled past the legs of her enemies, swiping at their knees and ankles, severing tendon and muscle and leaving them crippled and defenseless for her crew to finish off. Dodging one woman welding a heavy blade- how did Mogby let this bitch in- she whipped around took a blade to the woman's wrist, and while she was gripping her hand in pain, Saila leapt into the air and sunk her weapon into the back of her head.

So this is what killing felt like...

Saila was used to being prey, the underdog, the piece of dog shit scuffed into the curb, smothered beneath people's boots. She was used to being taken advantage of, and living afraid, but in that moment where her blades disappeared into the eye sockets of an old patron who roofied her drink years ago, she felt alive, She felt like a true predator swimming in the deep, hunting for its next meal, it's next source of pleasure and fun. Quick whips of silver cut through the smoke, followed by red, and then followed by pained cries. Was it possible to get high off of the smell of blood, or was it just pure adrenaline and the need to survive giving her a euphoric feeling? Gods she could do this for hours, but they didn't have hours to spend jumping about a tub of smoke looking for her next victim. The high would where off, the fun would stop, and she would be back where she started, looking for a way to survive the night.

The smoke began to clear as Saila repeatedly plumbed a man's face with the hilt of her dagger, she looked about the room and witnessed the chaos her a her crew created by just existing. Broken furniture, broken windows, broken bodies, and possibly broken hearts. Bodies in varies conditions and states of consciousness lie of the stain wooden floors. Some of the patrons where still fighting amongst themselves, and others were using the opportunity to steal from or take advantage of some folk who had no business in the brawl. She could see staff hiding beneath tables or view the commotion from the second floor. The place was a mess, and among all of it stood Mogby himself red faced and fist clenched. She could see the horror and tears in his eyes as this was the worst he had ever seen his place of business. No one had ever died beneath his roof, no one had ever been injured under his watch, and no one who was done poorly would leave the pub without some form of compensation, but for all this to be broken within a matter of minutes sent the large man over the edge. This was his breaking point.

"G...get out..,' the large man whimpered. "Get the hell out.." Saila paused her bludgeoning to stand and raise her hand in defense.

"Hey- you saw what had happened we had nothing to do with-"


In his state of disgust and anger, the man began to physically change. His red face began to pale to a sickly white, and his body began to swell. What little chin he had disappeared into his neck, and his clothes stretched to accommodate his growing size. His clenched fingers fused into white fins and his short hair fell from his head. His now black eyes glared at everyone in the room before he bowed his white head, brandishing a hole in the middle of his cranium. "EVERYBODY GET OOOOOOUT!!" With a great huff, a gust of water erupted from his blowhole, filling the entire first floor with salty water. The pub doors burst open, and out spilled patrons and staff who were unlucky enough to get caught in the great wave

Location: Sigvid Isles
Mentions: @The Wanderer
Setting: Mogby's Dock n Pub

"Disgusting! Devilish! Dastardly! My rice pudding is ruined!"
The meal was over. Not because everyone's view was that obscured by the mysterious smoke, but because their dessert was ruined by the likes of some random hobo man. Rr'Amchi was furious, and nothing was going to stop them from getting their revenge on this dinner ruining stranger. "That bastard! I'll rrrip his guts out and hang his innards frrrom my chandelier!!" With that, they unsheathed their saber and plunged into the crowd of fighting bodies in order to find the culprit responsible for ruining a wonderful dish.

With their kat crew close behind, they slipped, dipped, and dodged with their lean and limber body, avoiding swords, knives, chairs, and the likes. They had no trouble blocking and dodging about their terrain, the only issue was their lack of sight so they had to rely on their nose to assist them in the navigation, but the issue with that was they didn't have a clear scent of the man. How dearly they wished their Aster was with them. He would have never allowed a peasant to ruin a wonderful evening like this.
While sniffing and dashing about, a smell caught their nose. "Is that-" They patted their pockets. Damn! They had been picked like a shrimp out of a cocktail! Their nip had been stolen from them, and they could smell the small pouch that contained their goods. The stranger would have to wait. Rr'Amchi had more important matters to tend to than a ruined dinner. They needed their drugs back in order to at least enjoy what could be a ruined day damn it! "What a slimey, sneaky little thief," they hissed as they continued through the crowd. When they got their hands on thief, there would be hell to pay.

As if the gods had heard their thoughts, the smoke began to clear, revealing the terrible condition the pub was in. Before they could process the damage, they heard a booming voice that shook the floor boards and rattled the walls. ""EVERYBODY GET OOOOOOUT!!" Before Rr'Amchi could react, they turned towards the voice before being bombarded by a wall of water and flushed out of the pub,

... ... ...

Lying on the ground surrounded by wet bodies and broken furniture, Rr'Amchi finally had enough. "ASTERRRRR," they cried. "I'D LIKE TO LEAVE NOW!!"

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Feeling a pair of strong, callused hands grab her, the thief would let out a yelp, followed by a scream as she'd suddenly find herself sailing through the smoke, covering her head with her free arm to brace for the incoming painful landing as Renard would let go, only to thump into a person instead, a friend pair of arms propping her up by her knees and back.

Looking up at the bunny-man, her mouth would gape in surprise, before a soft blush would creep onto her features as her heart would thump, the assassin suddenly not seeming as scary as he'd make his quirky remark.

"Th-thanks-" she'd manage out before he'd suddenly turn, another gunshot ringing out before her rat companion would reappear, her name in his mouth, though she'd be much more distracted by their captain suddenly going berserk, then the sudden loud screaming of their pub's owner.

Everything happened so quick, and before she knew it, she was blasted with a jet of armour and painfully tossed out, her dirty clothes turned damp as she'd get an impromptu power-wash before sliding out into the streets outdoor with a pain groaned.
Eli Flynn

Following the band was like chasing an erratic fly that buzzed back and forth. If he didn't have quick reflexes, he was sure that a tumble then a fall would await him as chairs and upturned tables threatened to cause his blind albeit guided chase to be fruitless. Although he saw as the line went slack before suddenly going taut and poor Eli mid fast walk was unfortunately his undoing as the momentum he was carrying, though not as significant was still enough to cause him to stumble into a table before falling completely to the ground as the line pulled him forward and he bumped directly into someone's back that honestly felt as if Eli had ran into a brick wall.

Wind was knocked out of him as he fell backward onto his back, though at least the smoke cleared and he could see who he had bumped into. Bunny ears stood out immediately. The elastic band that led from his waist to the girl was slack as she was in his arms. Though no one was quite able to get words out before the pub owner began to transform, and torrent of water sent everyone sprawling out onto the street. Coughing up water as his throat burned, Eli would stand up. An expression of discomfort as his clothes and gear were soaked, irritating his skin as he bent down to grab what the band was attached to only to find the band had become disconnected. It was his monocular. Essentially a very tiny telescope.

It had some copper parts and looked worn, it had the initials 'E.F' on them. A small hole where the broken piece of a band was stuck to it. The proud new owner would be Risk. It would be a tad difficult to determine the value at a glance but it would possibly earn some currency.

But back to Eli, he undid the band as it was ruined and ditched it. Walking over to the lady who was to be his captain, he'd offer a hand out to her. "Eli Flynn. Do you have need of a navigator?" He said rather bluntly to her, his other hand reaching into his pocket to grab the now ruined drawing ad she had made, the water making the decals run and poor Eli accidentally broke the flyer pulling it out. The fact made Eli grimace as he could practically feel the soggy paper through the glove. "I saw your ad."

@Noble Scion @Ai-in Ayan @Lyrikai @DekuNightFury @ArgonianScum
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1688780238335.pngChilek Graphvehgon Fanosotra

Location: Mogby's Dock N Hub

A relieved sigh escaped Chilek's lips when Acon caught the young lady and the Sir Renard clinging by his side. She looked down, temporarily distracted by the bloody trail that Sir Tyson and their lovely captain was creating.

Basing from the movements, Sir Tyson was quite competent with his weapon. Their captain? No so much. She did not have any technique while wielding her swords . A little bit of training and she can be as agile as the male before him. "Quite a lively pair," she mused out, perching on the railings to also join in the fray but someone yelled to get out.

There was a rumbled and Chilek had to hold unto the railings as she watched the first floor get engulfed by water. When the initial shock finally receded, she burst out laughing as the whole first story, along with the furniture, was cleared. She thanked the stars above for keeping her dry. It would not be a very good first impression for her new crewmates if they saw a monster flopping helplessly in the streets.

Getting her eyes back to normal and making sure she was presentable, she rushed out to check on her companions. The first she saw was Miss Saila. She found someone talking to her and, on instincts, had her barbs out. The ginger brought something out - a napkin maybe? Would that really be helpful in a situation like this? From his way of carrying himself, he was not from the streets nor does he have the savagery of the adventurers. A city person perhaps?

"Eli Flynn. Do you have need of a navigator? I saw your Ad."

Tilting her head, Chilek moved closer. "My, my," she murmured, getting down to help Saila to either sit or to her feet. "You really have attracted an array of characters," she chuckled lightly. Nodding to Eli, she gave one of her plastic smile before turning back to their captain. "To even attract one of the members of the famous family of shipbuilders. I commend you, captain."


Turning to where the noise came from, she saw a hairless cat on the wet ground. All different kinds of cat people then came to his aid. She smiled at that, remembering a cat she had taken care of back then.

"Too bad the fun ended," she pouted, finding Acon shaking the excess water from himself and rushing off to follow his target. "Or not," she grinned. "Sir Fyrus? Sir Tyson?" she called out. "Can you help our captain here. I should go and help my companion in hunting. And maybe extract revenge for the actions he has brought upon the pub."

Aconite Bane

Location: Mogby's Dock N Hub

His shoulder was throbbing and he could only growl. He was a bit dizzy from that but he had more pressing matters to attend to.

"Run Ga run! The reaper is on your heels and so is his hound."

He turned up, looking at the owner of the voice as he raised a brow. His hair raised at the weapon pointed at him.

"That's you, by the way. The reaper. You know. Because of the scythe and all. And he seems pretty terrified of you." Tyson then stared at the two "Oh you found the little ones!"

"You my hound, now?" he smirked. "I did not know you wanted to be my dog. I do not swing like that," he joked before wincing. Icy was rubbing off on him. "You heard nothing."

Shaking his head, he checked on the red haired brat and also the ratkin beside her. He could not help but place a hand on Risk's head when she started blushing. "Glad both of you are okay," he muttered before his eyes widened at the rush of water came to them.

Much like everything, he was caught in surprise, grabbing Risk and Renard by the waist, dismissing his scythe as they got flushed off the room. Coughing the water off his lungs, he brushed his wet hair off his face and shook. "Get to safety," he stated, scythe once again in his arms as he sniffed the air.

Ga was close but was running away. Lucky bastard was not caught in the large wave. He did not see where the brat and ratkin went but prayed they actually listened to him. He does not want to be blamed for any injuries once he meets Icy again.

He quickly tracked Ga to his ship. A few of his crew was also present, asking what has happened before looking at his direction. Acon stopped for a bit, assessing the area. He cannot fight a whole crew alone especially when his shoulder was injured. He knew that he will need back up.

Grinning, he held his scythe tighter. He could smell fear among his opponents. This might be easier than he anticipated.

"What are you doing? Kill him! Prepare the cannons!" Ga yelled out, snapping most of his crew while Acon rushed towards them.


The first mate of Rr'Amchi Mashalla was finally released from their medical bay after having his medicine. He could have woken up and followed their captain to where he going but the doctor and medical staff thought otherwise.

"Is zhis really necessary?" he asked, flexing his paws as he felt the icy feeling of the medicine. "Vhill I not start staggering about?"

"No, sir. After the incident, it is best that you go back to your meds. We cannot have our first mate killing off the crew because they made a mistake."

Rolling his eyes, Aster sighed and proceeded to walk out of the ship. Walking through the streets, he was nearing a pub when a rumbled was heard and a large amount of water came out from the entrance. It was comedic how everyone from inside were thrown out like that. He could not even hide his smirk when he saw a few of his comrades.


Ahh, there they were. Lazily strolling towards his very wet and very angry captain, he crouched close, tail lazily swishing around, ignoring the cries and the others in the background. "Vhell, vhe actually could," he mused as a purr escape his mouth. "Vhat happened here, anyvhays?" he asked as he helped Rr'Amchi to his feet to look around.

He saw a giant rat and a rabbit with a red-haired lady. He saw a ginger holding unto a wet piece of paper to a tanned woman on the ground. He then witnessed the giant rabbit run somewhere followed by a woman who clearly was not from that land.

"Zhe hell happened?" he repeated, curious of what was going on and why there was an array of other creatures here aside from them kats.
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