IC Elyria City

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Nolan didn't want the car ride to end, if only it meant holding his brother's hand a little longer and finally, truly, sitting in comfortable quiet. The quiet he used to hate so much, but now, he didn't mind so much. He welcomed it. It could easily have been the meds he took before leaving the center, but whatever it was, he liked it.

But the car ride was over in a matter of minutes. regardless of how much he wanted it time didn't stop nor did it slow, and he stepped out of the vehicle and into the cabin. It wasn't his own home, but he still remembered the layout. The only change was that the pots of plants had lost their blossoms since had last seen them. It was a wonder that Wendell had not filled the rooms with his pottery. Even in rehab, he kept up with his brother's career as much as possible and knew he was making a name for himself.

"That's okay, I know where it is." Nolan assured his brother, peeling his bag from his fingers and slinging it over his shoulder. "I think I'm gonna lay down for a bit."

He stood for a moment until he remembered where he was and that dismissal wasn't needed. "I'll see you for dinner." Slowly, walked into the guest room and shut the door behind him. Immediately he crashed onto the mattress and heaved out a sigh. He had to get better, he had to be normal, and he had to remember the vibrant self that he was if he was going to make it out there again.

@wren. 」​

  • Sympathy & Compassion
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The first official time skip. There has been a fast-forward of two days later and the city falls on the day of Halloween.


DATE: October 31st, 2035. Sunday.

TIME: Up to the players for their scenes.

WEATHER: 51.7°F (10.9°C). Chilly with a mild wind.


They are no exception to the rule and a Halloween parade is taking place amongst all the parties and trick or treating.

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Ezra had not known Lune long. They had met only a month prior, when the two had got stuck in an elevator together. It was a frustrating and discomforting experience, but perhaps it had actually been a fortunate thing. During that awkwardness, the two had talked, which was equally awkward, but as time had stretched on the fumbling had vanished into an (almost) comfortable conversation. They got along well, which was something rare for Ezra. He had few friends, and it felt impossible for him to make more. But he liked Lune. He felt they were similar. They had only interacted in person twice since their initial meeting, but had kept in contact through other means, and it was going well. Lune's birthday had been the previous day, and when Ezra learned she would be in Elyria, he had suggested that they do something for the occasion. He couldn't believe he'd done that. It felt out of character for him. He didn't regret it, but he did find his nerves acting up.

Usually, Ezra did not go out. Aside from his job, he spent most of his time at home in his apartment. Writing. Alone. He'd been told many times that he needed to get out more. Maybe they were right, but comments like that had the opposite effect. Ezra dressed much as he usually did. Neatly clothed head-to-toe in dark grey and black, his hair done up in a bun. He'd checked his appearance in the mirror once more than usual, and decided to coat his nails in matte black polish.

The Vampir arrived at the hotel precisely when he said he would be there. It was a nice hotel, far nicer than anywhere he would've stayed. But that made sense. Lune was classy. And he was not the richest man, despite his talent for managing money, he could only get so far with his salary. But Ezra enjoyed fine things, which was part of why he had picked the restaurant he had. He much preferred quality outings to frequent ones. Ezra stood outside the hotel, enough to the left to be out of the way. The man stood as close to the wall as he could without touching it. He pulled out his phone, and typed a short message out for Lune before hitting send.

I'm here. I'm waiting outside.
Code by wren.
  • Sweet
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Her birthday had come and gone. Life did not feel much different. She'd spent her minimum of one hour per day practising the morning of, of course, as well as treating herself to brunch with a few choice friends and a slice of pie with a glass of pricey wine before bed. It had never been much of a big deal. Her parents had never fussed much about it, so she didn't either. In fact, she felt as though she made a larger spectacle of Lycan's birthday yearly after he'd been born, though she supposed that tradition had died with Cleo. She stared out the window blankly, staring at the swanky neighbourhood outside of her hotel, the street lined with luxury boutiques and imported espresso cafés. She wondered if Quim was with Lycan, or if he was with a nanny. She wondered if he remembered Cleo. The reminder was one that itched rather than ached, still yearning to have the scab ripped off of a wound that had closed over the years.

Lune turned her back on the window, pressing her wrists together and taking care to dab her perfume along the nape of her neck. She smelled of honey and fresh, spring blossoms, her makeup set and evening gown tumbling down over her body with the smooth grace of an uninhibited stream of freshwater, all the way down to her ankles. The black satin glimmered under the lights of her hotel room with every shift of her figure underneath.

Her phone vibrated on the bedside table. She slotted it into her clutch without looking. Ezra.

The ghost of a smile passed across her lips, something softer and warmer than what she normally let rest there. The elevator, empty and fitted from top to bottom with reflective surfaces, kept her company until she made it to the ground floor. Ezra was what Lune could consider to be a kindred soul of hers, in a way that pleased her. Though most of their interactions had been brief up to this point, they had been consistent in making her desire another, a continuation.

She met him outside of the hotel, his dark clothing and hair clean and crisp. She'd forgone her golden evening gown this time, knowing his wardrobe. They matched. Lune met his gaze with a look of levelled appreciation and a soft greeting, "Ezra."

As she always did, she allowed him a moment to look at her. Conversations with her always began with a pause. "I appreciated the invitation."
code by wren.
  • Love
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The first thing Ezra caught of Lune was her scent. She smelled of spring, a sharp contrast to the surrounding autumn. His eyes were upon her only a moment later. She looked fantastic, dressed in a long black gown which contrasted beautifully against her fair hair, as did her dark makeup. Ezra tucked his phone into his pocket. He noted the two of them made a fine pair, dressed as they were.

"Hello," he responded politely to her greeting. "I'm glad you accepted," he admitted frankly. "I wasn't sure if you had better things to do."

"You look…" Ezra hesitated for a brief second, "Nice."

The Vampir took several steps toward the woman. He felt like he ought to offer her his arm, but wondered if that was too forward. He hesitated for what felt a moment too long before taking one final step closer and stopping. With one arm, Ezra gestured for her to precede him.

"I have a cab waiting for us," he said. Unfortunately, Ezra did not own a car. He relied on public transportation to get to most places, and cabs when that wasn't sufficient. It was only a small walk to the taxi. Ezra opened the door for Lune when they got there before walking around to the other side to take his own seat. Inside the car, he gave the driver the directions before returning his attention to Lune, not that it had truly ever left her.

"It's not far," he said.

Ezra had asked Lune if she enjoyed Italian food. She said that she did, although she mentioned she liked French cuisine more. Ezra wanted to find a place like that for her, but he didn't know of a French place he could vouch for, and he wanted the dinner to be somewhere nice. Somewhere he was sure was nice. He felt as if it was his responsibility to find somewhere pleasant for them.

"Was your birthday nice?" He asked, leaning back into his chair and folding his hands together in his lap as the car pulled out onto the street.
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It was hard to read him sometimes.

Lune would admit that she herself wasn't the most expressive person in the world, especially in public, where her appearance and mannerisms would be studied down to each and every atom by any sort of press that cared for ballet, but she wasn't used to this. Cleo and Quim had always been pretty forthcoming and enthusiastic about how they felt in any given moment, but Ezra seemed uncomfortable in his own skin at times, for reasons that Lune still had yet to properly uncover. She arched a sharp eyebrow up at him briefly, assessing his words in silence. Her simple response was meant to smooth over his mention of better things to do, "I enjoy your company, Ezra."

With a polite nod, Lune accepted the compliment, even striding forward elegantly when motioned to, since Ezra seemed to be battling with something in his head. Though she did like him, it was tiresome sometimes to intervene at every moment. Whatever he was thinking about, he would eventually have to spit out.

Appreciatively, she slid into the comfortable seat when Ezra pulled open the cab door for her, drawing her hair into a cascade over her shoulder so that it would not be pressed into a bland sheet against her back during the ride. "Wonderful." she responded when told that it wouldn't be a long ride, though she paused when asked about her birthday, "Ballet, brunch and wine. It was how I'd expected it to be, which was pleasant enough for me. I don't typically do much to celebrate."

She thought about Lycan again. Had he liked the expensive toy train set she'd sent for his birthday? Quim never sent news back. Though Lune did not care to be inundated with it, it would be nice to hear a word or two every few months.

Her lips pressed into a line briefly, her eyes elsewhere, before they slid back to Ezra, "And you? Have you been well?"

Lune wondered if he would say nice again. She wasn't sure if it was her influence or the fact that he had something on his mind, but for a writer, he seemed to sometimes forget his vocabulary.
code by wren.
I enjoy your company, Ezra.

It made perfect sense to be pleased with those words. Who didn't want to be enjoyable company? Even Ezra wanted that, despite his reclusive nature. That must've been why he felt the slight flutter in his stomach — because he liked Lune, and he wanted her to like him, too. He wasn't familiar with the feeling, and he wondered if he had felt that way before. Ezra felt almost childlike. It had been a long time since he'd made a new friend.

"That seems like you," he said when she told him how she spent her birthday. He didn't really know her, not much, but it felt like the truth. He wondered if he should feel peculiar for saying something like that so early into their relationship, but he didn't. Ezra's gaze met hers for a moment, before shifting to her lips. He did not wish to appear inattentive, as he was anything but, however, he found prolonged eye contact to be a bit strange.

Ezra did not observe himself often, nor did he consider himself often. He just was, without condition. And that was where he often placed himself. Being well wasn't a state to him, it was what happened to him and what he did.

"I have," he replied after a moment. "Excellent, even." The Vampir shifted mildly in his seat. His eyes drifted ahead. The road was busy, but the traffic moved at a comfortable pace. "I have made exceptional progress on my latest work. Only last night, I finished an entire chapter." He turned his head back to her, and smiled slightly. Ezra was proud of the progress he had made, and he did not consider it boasting to celebrate that.

As promised, it did not take them long to arrive at their destination. The cab came to a stop, and Ezra paid the driver — tipping generously. He then slipped quickly from the car, to once more get Lune's door.

La Delizia was an elegant restaurant, with cushioned chairs, sleek decor and candlelit tables. A pianist filled the air with soft melodies, an underscore to the hum of conversation. Lune was not the only guest in a gown, and Ezra, even in his pressed pants and sleek single-buttoned jacket, was barely underdressed. The host greeted them graciously, and escorted them to a table. Their waiter arrived shortly thereafter, introduced himself, and asked if he could get them anything to drink.

"Wine?" Ezra asked, his questioned directed at Lune. Otherwise, the Vampir ordered a coffee, and the waiter was gone shortly thereafter, to retrieve their drinks and complimentary bread.

Ezra was fond of Italian food, and perhaps he should've been bored by it, but the food at La Delizia was far from the middling quality of food at the restaurant where he worked. But perhaps it made sense, as he did not eat the food at his place of work often. Ezra examined the laminated menu with intention. He would likely stick to a familiar dish, however, there was always the chance something else would catch his eye.
Code by wren.
His dark eyes found hers. Then they broke away for her lips.

Sometimes, she wondered if this was his way of flirting with her. There was obviously interest in her there as a person, since he continued to reach out to her and even invited her out for times like these, but was it romantic? Her blue-green eyes, framed by fanned out lashes, trained on him briefly, her head tilting ever so slightly as she searched his expression, but it remained closed as his eyes drifted ahead. She mimicked him, only briefly, until he was looking at her again, only giving him as much direct attention as he seemed to be alright with. He reminded her somewhat of a skittish cat.

"Have you now?" her voice was smooth in tone but warmer than it usually was, her expression somewhat fond, "That's wonderful news. I haven't finished the book you lent me last time, but I do like it. Perhaps I can read what you've been working on when I've finished, if you're feeling generous about sharing." Admittedly, the book was currently on her dresser, with only a few chapters tucked past her bookmark, since she never had much extra time to read, but she wasn't so cruel that she'd brush off what an achievement it was for him to finish a chapter in a single sitting. That was certainly worth some praise.

The car stopped and Ezra soon escorted her out the door, La Delizia welcoming them with warm, waving candles and soft jazz on a piano. A certain air of pleasant approval exuded from Lune, gracefully seating herself across from Ezra, a black diamond in her dress, looking as though she'd been born and raised to fit right in amongst the fine dining elite. With an easy nod to the waiter, her gaze moving from Ezra, she gave her order without needing to think, "A glass of Sauvignon blanc."

Soon, they were left with the menus, all written in tiny, intricate cursive, Italian names and all. Despite it all, she still found her eyes drawn to the charcuterie platter over any pasta dish, as it had always been a favourite of hers, typically included on the menu even when it was traditionally French. Her charred fingertips and nails tapped against the table idly, before she flicked her eyes back to Ezra, having already made her decision. "Have you ever had charcuterie before? I'll be ordering, but it's quite large for a single person. If you would like to try it, you'd be more than welcome."
code by wren.
  • Love
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She liked it! Lune liked the book he'd lent her. Ezra was used to professionals who scoffed at the contents and friends who did their best to avoid saying they hated it. He was used to all the tricks people employed to skirt around simply saying they didn't enjoy it. Reactions like that made him somewhat hesitant to share, but art was to be shared, and Lune had asked. And she liked it, at least so far. Of course, she could've been lying. That had happened to him before as well, but Ezra believed her. It was small, but a smile briefly crossed his lips.

"Of course," he said in response to her inquiry about further reading of his work. He was emboldened by the compliment. "I'm sure I'll have a lot more done by then."

In the restaurant, Lune ordered her wine.

"Primitivo," Ezra added. He was always more for red wine. The waiter nodded, and was gone only a moment later. The Vampir's gaze drifted back to Lune. She fit perfectly into the surrounding scene, but it did not envelop her. She was the perfect centrepiece, and the room almost seemed to exist to enhance her.

"I haven't," Ezra responded to her question. He knew charcuterie was a type of platter, but he didn't know if there was anything special to it beyond that. The dark-haired man set his menu down on the table and leaned back into his chair, folding his hands together before resting them barely on the edge. "I'd love to try it." Ezra would, of course, order something else in addition.

"I usually order a pasta dish with some kind of meat sauce," he said. "Tonight I am thinking spaghetti with soppressata." The dark-haired man would be happy to let her try some, if she wanted.

"How far have you gotten through my book?" He asked, unable to resist steering the conversation back in that direction. The book Ezra had chosen to lend Lune had been one that his friends had deemed as the one with the greatest mass appeal. It was also the one he considered to be the least unique. The tale was an combination of thriller, mystery, and intrigue as a queen attempted to solve her own murder after coming back from the dead, as well as figuring out how she was alive again. It was the most straightforward of his pieces, and Ezra had experimented with tense, perspective, and atmosphere far less.
  • Creative
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His brief smile was sweet. Lune, who in turn, was pleased with his reaction, shared that momentary smile with him. Ezra's writings were sometimes somewhat eclectic in her eyes, at times strange and surreal in ways that she did not always understand, in truth, but that was not necessarily a bad thing, not to her, at least. There was heart in it, a genuineness that she found reflected in her own art. She'd seen a few reviews of his works online, seeking them out of pure curiosity, always focusing on what she was sure Ezra did not want them to, valuing what was far from the point of the work. If he was anything like her, the way that she felt critics spoke of her performances, it would drive the both of them mad in time. Her ballet was more than her, more than the apparent political statement her appearance or reputation was, but no one ever seemed to understand that.

She hoped that she understood what little that she'd read of his the way that he wanted it to be interpreted, at least.

In the restaurant, they briefly discussed their choices in meal for the evening. She read the description for Ezra's order to be briefly after he mentioned it, looking somewhat approving, though instead of responding, she let him steer the conversation back to his book. "To the end of the fourth chapter." she told him honestly, though was quite clear in her tone that she was not ashamed of not having gotten to reading more, "So far, I'm a fan of the protagonist, to a certain extent. I certainly like how you lay out her thought process."

Lune paused, tilting her head slightly, her eyes momentarily adrift. "I'm not one to read much, much less write anything myself. I'm no qualified critic, so take my interest as you like."
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