INFO Help Desk: Rules and Info

  • Before posting a thread, please take a look at the Iwaku FAQs to see if your question has already been answered there!

  • So many newbies lately! Here is a very important PSA about one of our most vital content policies! Read it even if you are an ancient member!

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The Help Desk is the primary hub for the asking and answering of site-related questions. You can get help here for difficulties with features and functions of the site, and even offer suggestions. Please remember to check the FAQs linked at the top to see if your question has been answered there already!

Staff and sometimes just knowledgeable and helpful members frequent this section and do their best to help where they can. If you have a question or problem that is something that the staff have difficulty answering or need more information about, it might take a little longer to get to your thread. Never fear! It will receive an answer; sometimes you just need to be a little patient. Please don't spam the thread or the staff members with messages--we know you want to get it fixed but having too many people trying to assist without knowing what everyone else is doing can lead to an even more confusing mess.

If you need help with a coding or style issue, you can ask in the BBCode Help thread in the Coding Lab. A redirect leading to that thread is also available in this forum.

Threads in the Help Desk are reviewed regularly and staff may also apply "Solved" prefixes to questions which have received satisfactory replies. Solved threads and suggestions are archived after 90 days since the last post.

Thread prefixes are colorful tags displayed at the beginning of a thread title. They can be chosen when creating a thread and more than one can be applied. These prefixes show what a thread is for. You can also click on them from the thread listing to display all the threads with that prefix within that forum. Each section has its own prefixes, so make sure to check the info sticky to make sure you're picking the right prefixes and to learn what they mean!

This is the prefix to use if you're running into some kind of error or issue using the site.

Are you unsure how to do something, where to find it, or have some questions? Use this prefix!

Do you have a really cool idea for Iwaku? This is the prefix to let us know about it.

This prefix is reserved for guides that address at length fairly common questions or issues and offer solutions or guidance.

When your bug has been fixed or your question answered, this prefix lets everyone know that things are all right now and you don't need more assistance. It's good to update threads with this if you get a reply that answers your question!
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