The Evrensel Conflict: Act 1 -- Chapter 1, Mission 2: Dragonborn

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Valoren Alorathan, the Nerevarine

Valoren nodded with a polite smile on his face and proceeded to walk around, gathering the scattered fragments. In order for the proper magic to work, he'd require at least half the pieces, although more of them would make the process easier.

Once he and Nero accumulated a satisfactory amount, Valoren told him to put the pieces into a neat pile and step back.

Waving his spear a little, Valoren spoke a couple of words in a strange flowery language that didn't sound like anything Nero would've ever heard before. The shards of the Overture vibrated and rumbled, then snapped to each other as if magnetized, assuming an outline that resembled the previous arm, but with various fractures and missing pieces. The shard-clump started to grow new bits of plastic and matter on them where required, and filled in the fractures with a discolored mottled featureless metal; to someone with no experience in such magic, it would have been a fascinating sight, like watching moss sprout from within a cracked boulder in a timelapse.

And in seconds, the completed work floated up and hovered in the air. With a smile, Valoren nodded and said, "Good as new. Well, for the most part - like I said, Restoration Magic isn't my forte, so it could be a tad more fragile than you're used to. If you require it later, I may be able to craft more such artifice for you. I'm a proficient enchanter and whatnot."

Valoren took a single glance at Wraithguard, the polished ancient Dwemer gauntlet on his arm. It would have been a fascinating thought experiment to transform it into a prosthetic.

"Well, I believe we should talk to the others, now. And I want to study that dragon." Valoren looked to where its carcass had landed.

A dragon's scale, bone, and sinew could make for the most exquisite weapons, armor, and mechanisms; its flesh boiled into a soup would give strength to a hundred men, its blood transformed into a potion could yield a dozen mystical effects, and its eyes and internal organs had a robust list of uses ranging from the chemical to industrial. In his time, Nerevar had never seen ingredients of such scarce rarity, but he knew better than anyone that a dragon's body was a pile of immeasurable wealth and power.

Well, to mortals, at least. To him, it was more like a curio with a slight amount of potential, but that did not dispel its wonder at all.

There was also an odd man in strange clothing standing right next to it, identifiably the one who'd put out the fires all over the city.
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Location: The city of whiterun, near the gildergreen

The enemy forces were soon retreating, and a gigantic lizard had plunged its way downwards into the city. Things seemed to be dying down both figuratively and hypothetically for the moment. There were people within the city that hadn't come with them on the tardis, but Dusk didn't take much notice of them. They all seemed to be safe for the moment.

Dusk turned to see that the city was being extinguished by a hose from the tardis. It was an odd sight, and Dusk got drenched as it made its pass over his area. He didn't mind it, in fact, it had calmed his nerves somewhat. He wasn't as nervous as he would have been walking up to the partially burnt dragonsreach to check in on his comrades. They seemed to have incapacitated the golden man, and Dusk promptly set to getting him actually restrained. Without a word, Dusk grabbed the man by the foot and dragged him behind him as the ones who had gotten him unconscious took a moment to breathe.

Once he made it out of dragonsreach, Dusk walked up to a guard nearby and asked him for his sword. The guard seemed a little intimidated by the fact Dusk was dragging a man in armor, so he gave a sword to him without a fuss. With his own sword and the guard's sword, Dusk walked up to a nearby house and proceeded to stab through the man's open hands and into the building. The golden man's arms were spread wide so he couldn't release himself. Dusk then turned to anyone that had followed him and simply said, "I fixed his speed."
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- Sivraks, Housebane -

Azula had evaded both his and another's own lightning bolt attack, with both she and the mighty Dragon from before dancing away in the skies above the city, both disappearing from Sivraks's sight soon after. Whatever happened to the pair didn't concern Sivraks anymore as they were too fast for him to follow, so he tried finding more of the invaders to fend off until the most...peculiar sight caught his eye.

A blue box, flying through the skies of a city that definitely does not match its aesthetic, dumping tons of water to put out the flames the Dragon and the invaders had ignited through their many cruel deeds. For a fair few moments and what felt like ages, Sivraks stood, utterly dumbfounded by what he was looking at. It took a shake of his head to bring him back to his senses and decide to help as best he could. Using Stasis, he would produce ice-cold mists to blow out any flames that were nearby that weren't quite put out by the water or other Frost Mages.

When the fires had finally ceased, Sivraks chose to head in the direction of where he saw the blue box descending after its duty was done and the invaders were in retreat. Knowing the humans would find Sivraks potentially frightening, when he finally caught sight of the blue box and presumably its pilot, surrounded by many different people, some grateful and some just as out of place as he was, Sivraks approached the large gathering with his hands up.

"Stay your weapons! I am not one of the invaders, I mean no harm. If someone could tell me where I am, I would be grateful." Sivraks would call out just in case his presence incited the guardsmen and protectors of the city to draw their weapons. These people had just come down off of an invasion of their lands and the others were clearly not home anymore, like Sivraks, so they're likely agitated and he had to respect that, lest more destruction follow.

@Wade Von Doom @Birdsie @The Wanderer
Ryan Zokkendov

Ryan sighed. He had missed most of the chaos. Taking a quick look around, the invaders were either gone or dead. And the fires that were started at some point were put out with... Salt water? The source of said fires was quite obvious, a dead dragon. Ryan felt a chill ran down his spine. He hoped it was a provoked attack and not him being among a bunch of dragon haters.
The swordsman then noticed Dusk dragging around the armored man. Intrigued, Ryan walked over slowly and observed. Interesting. The fellow hybrid pinned the golden man to a wall with a couple of swords, one of those being his own. Ryan nodded in approval as Dusk commented on it. "Good job. But just in case..." Ryan said, as he summoned his straight sword, and a slightly aggressive aura emanated from his words. He quickly made the sword shine with heat, and stabbed the man in the gut, all the way through. For some reason, Ryan felt like it was a pleasing thing to do... which was odd, but he wasn't sure why.

The corpse was still smoldering from the neck as the Doctor analyzed it. This thing certainly was a dragon, the spitting image of one you could find in any fantasy novel. Well, in any normal earth world at least. His screwdriver scans showed no signs it was from another universe, so it definitely seemed to be from around here. The wound certainly peaked his interest, as the scales were hard enough to absorb an intense amount of heat, yet whatever did this didn't melt through, it was pushed through. Like a flamethrower in a wind tube going five times as fast. He'd have his answer of what happened from the two approaching him, catching notice of both Nero and Valoren. "'Ello there!" 10 said, giving them a wave and a big smile, while putting away his screwdriver.

"Looks like we have some more scattered on our hands!" He walked around the dragon to greet them up close, offering a hand to Nero first. "Let me guess: Flash of green light, followed by an intense fall?" He asked Nero, his clothes still wet and strong with the aroma of salt water.

"Halt!" A guard yelled, summoning his sword from the other side of the dragon.

"Stay your weapons! I am not one of the invaders, I mean no harm. If someone could tell me where I am, I would be grateful."

"It's alright!" The Doctor shouted to the guard, signaling him to stand down. "He's with me!.... I think." He did look.... Very scary looking. "What's your name?" The Doctor then asked.

Unfortunately, the Doctor was too far away to see what Dusk and Ryan had done. While Luatrec was barely conscious as Dusk dragged him, he certainly awoke again when he felt the first blade be stabbed through his hand. "AHHHHH!" Lautrec yelled; screaming out again soon after when the second blade pierced his other hand. His feet were inches off the ground as he was crucified, while civilians and guards who witnessed this were shocked by it. Even for an invader, this seemed barbaric. There hadn't been executions in Whiterun for years, unlike the other cities, but not even Windhelm or Solitude would make such a display.

Not helped by Dusk being so emotionless and cold about it. Ryan didn't help either. As he warmed up his blade, Lautrec looked into his eyes. He wasn't scared. Even with his helmet, Ryan would be able to tell. "Keh heh heh heh..." He chuckled before the blade entered his stomach. When it did, he again shouted out in pain, but just as quickly returned to laughing. "Keh heh heh heh!... Enjoy it, did you?" Lautrec asked, never breaking his stare into Ryan's eyes.

"Careful. Such pleasures can ruin a man. Turns them mad." As he spoke, Ryan would notice Lautrec pressing his feet against the wall. Slowly, he moved his stomach forward, pushing more of the blade through his body. "And I doubt your 'Doctor' would take kindly to that. Or your undead friend. But don't worry. It'll be our secret." As he moved more, the blood spilled from the wound onto the blade and down his legs. The golden knight could feel the blade had gone through a major artery. Ryan just did Lautrec a big favor.

Before long, as the blood puddled under his feet, his arms began to fade. They were turning to dust. Along with the rest of his body, crumbling away into powder. He slowly moved his hands trapped by Dusk's blades away and simply gave Ryan a,


"See you soon." His body fell off Ryan's sword, and when he landed on the ground, Lautrec vanished in a puff of ash. The Jarl came down the stairs of Dragonsreach a few minutes later, coughing up the smoke that entered his lungs. "What happened?" Before a guard could even answer him, he immediately saw both the pile of ash at Ryan's feet, and the corpse of the dragon. Along with the new travelers that were looked upon in awe by the crowds for their heroic deed today.


The invaders would successfully make it to the tree line near Whiterun, with not a guard in sight following them. While they suffered casualties, they achieved their goal. The kidnapping of the Dragonborn. "You have done well." One of the few cultists remaining complimented. "Our lord will surely reward you well for this great triumph."
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Luer was right behind the Jarl, giving the man a gentle rub to the back as he coughed. For some reason the smoke did not seem to affect him much, though for now he was going to pass it off as an effect of being undead. They were safe, alive, that was the important thing. It seemed the fight with Lautrec was also done and the others were alive as well. What a relief.

His attention settled on Ryan and the pile of ash at his feet as well. He was glad to see the dragon unharmed, but the ashes did tell of a problem. "Y-You killed him??" He asked with some concern. Oh no, that was a bad idea. They basically just let him go by doing that. He stared at the ashes for a moment, a thought or realization coming to him as he did. He was no different than Lautrec… This is what happens when he dies now, too… He shook his head of it. Not right now.

He took a deep breath and instead moved to check on Ryan. He thought he saw him get hurt before he left. "Are you alright?" He vaguely got a glimpse of Ryan falling to the floor out of the corner of his eye at the time, though he really just wanted to go check on him then he could not. He did not want to say it out loud, but he was worried about him.
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Fists fly and hit Dusk, then Ryan in their jaws hard and fast, fast enough neither could dodge. The blows are meant to shock, stagger at worst.

"What brutes and idiots are you?!" Morgan yells at both with nostrils flared and fists clenched.

"He was our prisoner! I had him! I could have pinned him at any moment!" She yells more and winds up to hit either or both of them again, but she lets her fists drop and she growls deep instead through bared teeth. "I should not have let anyone else take him…" She says regretfully and grabs her own hair with both hands. The Daemon does her best to calm down, assure herself that she had no idea Dusk and Ryan or anyone else would have harmed him, so she was not to blame for his demise and apparent escape.

Morgan sits with her back against the wall adjacent to the pile of ashes, slams her head back against it and utters a growl of frustration.
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Luer gasped, having barely managed to miss that punch himself when Ryan was hit. He looked to the cause to find what probably would have been him, had Lautrec been anyone else— had he not been undead. His brows creased as he watched Morgan seem to punish herself for letting the two take off with the man. He shook his head, taking another small deep breath. She could not have known they would do that, and he would be lying if he said he was not upset they did kill him. He got away because of it, after all.

He turned to Ryan and gave a quiet mumble to heal the punch on his face before leaning in. "Not a word. Let me talk to her." He whispered quietly, though there was a small sternness in them that was out of place in the archer's voice. If it were him in Morgan's position, any one word from these two right now would just piss him off more.

With that, he moved over to Morgan and knelt down beside her. "Hey, try not to blame yourself for this. None of us could have known they would do this." He commented gently, flashing a look Ryan's way briefly. He still believed in what he said before, Ryan was much more than he gave himself credit for. He would probably be more upset had Lautrec not been undead. "Let us just try to focus on the fact that everyone else is still alive. Okay?" He offered with a small smile. Yes, they let the golden man escape, but their team was still together and that was more important.

He glanced to Ryan and Dusk again for a moment and mentally nodded to himself. "And let this be a lesson to you both; by choosing to kill first and ask questions later, you just let our only lead get away." They could have interrogated him, got some answers maybe, but not anymore.
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Location: off to the side of whiterun's main square next to a house

Dusk was content to wait for others to arrive, Ryan's first action toward the golden man was a surprise to him. Why did he put a third sword into the man's stomach? The golden man was in a good placement and didn't need to be fastened to the wall anymore, so what was the purpose? The previously neutral expression Dusk held on his face turned to confusion. Did Ryan have the same type of hunger for death that Dusk had?

Dusk watched, stunned and speechless, as the golden man began to disappear into a pile of ashes. "I had… he was… why…?" Dusk muttered, eventually looking at Ryan. He then turned back to the ash pile, picking up a pile with his hand. He was searching for something, but for what, he did not know.

For a moment Dusk sat with his thoughts, but turned to see Morgan's approach. He felt he should have said something, anything, but couldn't think of a single word to utter. Morgan then hit him squarely on the nose. Something seemed to move inside of Dusk's face as she did so, making pain radiate throughout his whole face. Dusk took a few steps back and cradled his face, his nose now dripping the black liquid that was his blood. He looked down at the black liquid on his fingers as he took them away from his face and let it drain from his nose. "But I did not…" Dusk said, turning back to the ash pile, "how did…" He said again, looking back at the city around them, "I wanted to…" He then tried to finish, but only looked back down at his hands. He couldn't process why he was being punished. To him, He had just stopped the golden man from moving in the only way he really could think of. Was it the only way he knew of? Thoughts continued to ping pong through his mind, leaving him in a state of confusion.
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Ryan Zokkendov

Ryan's thoughts started to get cloudy, as the scream of pain he caused to the armored man made him feel excited. It was as if he had longed for this. A small, sadistic grin grew on Ryan's face as the man asked if he enjoyed what he just did. He didn't answer, instead, he observed the subtle signs of suffering the armored man's body was showing. Even as the pinned down crucified man started to injure himself further, all while taunting him, Ryan scoffed, staring back at him, unfazed. The blood though, all that blood. So much blood. What is with the blood? Why is he so... Excited? Rather than being provoked, the man's death made him feel satisfied. He didn't quite process that it may actually have some method of resuscitation, he chalked it off as him being dramatic and loyal to his lord or whatever.
Ryan took a couple of steps back, to admire what was left of his work. It was mere seconds after he desummoned his sword when a brand new rush of adrenaline hit him in the face, quite literally. His head jerked back, and some blood spurted out of his mouth. More blood, HIS blood. Blood. Blood. One of his hands reached for his face to wipe some of it and admire it. So this is how things must be, huh? He did register who the person who punched him was. Who was she? Does it matter? His vision focused on just her, not even the man who healed him was a concern. A low tone chuckle came out of him. And without further warning, Ryan cut the distance between him and Morgan in an instant. Flying at full speed, Ryan grabbed her by the neck and put her through two walls of the house, before violently and gracelessly slamming her to the ground, still choking her. A fight was for sure to ensue, and he couldn't be happier.
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Collaboration Post with Valkan

Ryan Zokkendov VS Morgan

Morgan, momentarily stunned by the rushed attack, looks into Ryan's eyes and sees someone else. A rabid animal, almost. He would choke her to death, if it were possible, she sees that.

Morgan grabs Ryan's arm with both hands, and with one leg for leverage kicks Ryan in the chest repeatedly and with great force.

Wonderful, it wouldn't be over that easy. Even though he was still armored from the neck down, the blunt impacts of Morgan's kicks were quite something. He didn't consider letting go, instead, he removed the footing off of Morgan. Flying while holding her to the ground. Using his free hand to pummel her face, responding in kind to the kicks.

Morgan takes a few hits to the face. Lets both hands leave his arm, and uses a moment his fist is pulled back to clap. Her necklace glows blue as her Spell of Thunder amplifies the clap into a sonic boom that hits Ryan full in the face.

Ryan wasn't able to react to the shockwave slamming him straight in the face. Letting go of the now somewhat buried in rubble and dirt Morgan. His face felt numb from the impact, and his ears were ringing, but it would take more than that to stop him. Ryan's body flew a couple of meters upwards, before he reacted, and another blast of flames rocketed him down towards Morgan, where he attempted to crush her chest with a punch of his right fist.

Morgan catches his right arm at the elbow and wrist and using her strength and his momentum, slams him onto his back. She flips onto him and strikes him in the neck with the point of her elbow.

Ryan grunts as he meets the ground. Seeing Morgan climb on top of him too late, he deflects the incoming strike with a palm strike from the side to said elbow, accompanied with an explosive shockwave.

The explosive force severs her arm at the elbow, causing Morgan to cry out, but more in rage than pain. The Daemon brings her head down onto Ryan's with force enough to crack the floor beneath him. She presses down onto his chest to pin him as she repeats this two more times in rapid succession.

A dark grin appeared on Ryan when she heard Morgan feel that pain. But this was far from over. As she brought her head close, Ryan used a flame blast to propel his own elbow onto her approaching face, attempting to knock her off of him.

His elbow hits her full in the face, but Morgan keeps him pinned with her knees on his stomach. The other arm regenerated now, moves with her other to clap both her hands on either side of his head. The Spell of Thunder is not invoked, only her great strength comes down on his ears and head.

Seeing as this was starting to get a little stale, Ryan decided to put a finishing touch on it. He decided to not counter the attacks to the head. Instead, he pinned the arms of Morgan in place, as he gritted his teeth in pain, still somewhat smiling through it. Allowing her not time to think, Ryan let out what sounded like an infuriated roar. As if on cue, a flash of light enveloped Morgan. Followed by an extremely powerful explosion.

A smoldering, black husk of flesh falls to the side of Ryan. Morgan is barely recognizable, and only Morgan's necklace sits unharmed on her entire body. She stirs, opens her eyes as they regenerate and the rest of her burned body glows with an inner orange light. In short time her body regenerates, but she remains on the ground motionless and naked, as the device that housed her reforming clothing had been destroyed.

Ryan found himself quite wounded. The clap before the Nova went off left him with completely destroyed ears, bleeding profusely. His armor had dispersed at some point, ANNA, wanting to prevent the suit from overcharging did so. Showing that Ryan's skin was filled with black, vein like, wounds, also bleeding. And although it wasn't particularly harmful to him, his body was extremely hot, vapor coming off the black cracks on him. The pain he was feeling was quite something, and still, he mustered the strength to turn to Morgan. Charred to a crisp. "... hehe... hahaha... HAHAHAHAHAHAHAhagh-" His laugh filled with a disturbing joy was cut off by his body giving up and fainting from the shock.

Morgan lifts her head from the floor and watches Ryan laugh like a madman before fainting. There is no rage in her face, only exhaustion and concern. She covers herself with an arm across her chest, and crossed legs, but is too exhausted to rise or move further. That had been a brief but taxing fight, as it had come right after her bout with the golden warrior. She'd also not been so nearly obliterated before. Had the explosion been worse, she'd have lost her vessel and returned to Tartarus.
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There was no time, and Luer took far too long to realize it. Ryan did not even seem to notice he was there. He had no time or chance to do anything other than gasp when the dragon got a hold of Morgan and tore her away from him in an instant. "Ryan no-!" His call, of course, fell on deaf ears as the two were gone before he could even really get it out. What just happened?

He chased after the two, but having to follow behind the mess they left took longer than he would have liked it to, and caught up just in time to it seemed. He was greeted with the sight of a charred and maimed Morgan falling to Ryan's side. "M-Morgan!?" He called after, at the moment more concerned for her safety. He will get to Ryan in a moment. Though as he approached Morgan seemed to recover on her own rather quickly, if naked. He shed his jacket to lay over her, making sure she was alright at least.

With knowing Morgan was alive he finally turned to Ryan, prepared right now for the dragon to still be raging. He did not expect him to be so hurt himself, much less to fall unconscious too. He gasped, moving over to try healing him, starting with his ears as they seemed to be the worst of it. Dammit… What made you snap? On top of two people he cared for fighting to this degree, they were on the same team and he feared the repercussions it would have if anyone found out. Maybe he could convince the others to keep this a secret.

Ryan did not even react to him, to his words earlier. He realized it too late, but it was as if he was not even there. My voice can't reach you yet… can it?
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Robin sucked a breath in through his teeth as he looked upon the scene before him. After the surprisingly exhausting battle, he left custody of the prisoner to the others and stayed to help the survivors in Dragonsreach. When he went to catch up with them, he found this. Though the danger had passed, the fires doused and an actual dragon lay dead, he also found Ryan and Morgan looking like they went ten rounds with- well, each other! Worst of all, that golden dastard was gone, which probably meant he was somehow responsible.

Quickly, he rushed over to Luer to ask the obvious question, "What in the world happened here!?" After which he fished a Vulnerary out of his coat and brought it up to Ryan's lips. Given the circumstances behind his displacement from Ylisse, Robin only had the one on him and would rather use it sparingly. Nevertheless, he still poured all of the small vial's contents, seeing that no one else was even remotely as injured. While not as potent as the stronger remedies out there, the medicinal liquid would provide more than enough healing to help.

"Actually, if your healing magic takes focus just tell me afterwards. It's probably more precise than this anyway, so keep it up." He continues, lightly shaking the now empty glass container.

Turning to look at the loosely covered Morgan, he frowned deeper and wondered just how this could have happened.

Triumph. Azula's being is full to the brim with triumph when she stands atop the corpse of the Dragon she had struck down from the sky. Her mouth stretched ear to ear; eyes wide; body shaking.

As a young child, she had heard the tales of Fire Nation warriors earning the honorific of 'The Dragon' over a dead Dragon and felt "That will be me, I will be Azula the Dragon!"

The dreams of that child were dashed unfairly when she learned that her uncle Iroh, already heir to the throne of the Fire Nation, had robbed her of that dream when he slew the last of the Dragons. That glory would never be her own. Time and her own family had denied her that destiny.

Yet a force beyond comprehension had brought her to stand here. Here with her boots on the skull of a Dragon with rain beating down and a city on fire. She had done it. The glory was hers at last. She stands in the moment she had resigned to be an impossible triumph, and a laugh bubbles up from her chest. Azula laughs at Time and Iroh for their mutual failure.

"Behold!" Azula stops laughing to declare and punch her fists into the air; making twin plumes of blue flame, which also causes plumes of steam as it vaporizes the rain.

"I. am. Azula the Dragon!" She declares and inhales deeply before exhaling a large plume of blue fire from her mouth. This city was now at her mercy. It was already on fire even with the storm conjured by the Dragonborn abating it somewhat.

She could burn it all down herself now. First she would dismiss these lowly warriors around her. Turn them to ash before the rest of the city was also ash.

"We have what we came for," Vader said placidly. "Retreat."

The words of Lord Vader break her out from this revelry. She snaps to him, sees her has the Dragonborn over his shoulder in spite of the visible damage he has sustained, and remembers their mission. They had not come to burn this city to the ground. Their true goal was in hand, and Lord Vader was more vulnerable now even for how powerful she knows he is.

She leaps after Vader, propelling herself with a quick jet of flames. The armored Lord is hit with a magical attack and avoids another before continuing with their retreat. Azula jets herself even further along with more fire to avoid the wall entirely until she lands on her feet outside. To cover their retreat as they go, Azula sets fire to the fields and structures around them until it appears they have made enough chaos to not be pursued.

The beings summoned by Ysmir give chase to them in a single-minded manner. As they clear the walls however, each is cut down swiftly. First at the legs to bring them down, then

They all reach the rally point.

Azula looks back at Whiterun, and is somewhat disappointed to see instead of the inferno she'd left behind, a cloud of smoldering smoke.

"Inventive and annoying." She comments before one of the cultists praises their success. Azula smirks as she looks around and does not see the golden warrior.

"Lautrec has failed." What made her victory sweeter was knowing how many others had lost.

"He did not." A cultist corrects her, earning him a glare from the former Princess.

"Then why don't we see him here with the Jarl's blood on his blade?" asks Azula.

"His mission was a distraction for yours. It would do well to remember when you are only one pawn in a grand strategy." The cultist stands his ground against the glare.

"How dare you…" She huffs "I am no pawn!" exclaims Azula with a sudden punch that spouts a fireball aimed right for the cultist. It hits him, sending him back into a large tree with the force behind it then setting him alight. Azula looks on with satisfaction as the man cries out in pain for a few seconds before he falls dead silent. She feels her muscles spasm, tire as the damage from the lightning strike and strain of the attack catches up to her, but she keeps herself standing out of sheer willpower.
Darth Vader

It was with faintly-writ amusement that the Dark Lord observed as Azula lashed out at the foolish cultist, murdering him with the beautiful poise of a casual killer; a tigress, or perhaps, a dragonness, for whom lesser mortals were a trifle below consideration.

He didn't find himself caring quite as much for being called a pawn.

With a similar level of disregard, Vader threw down the slumbering body of Ysmir onto the earth. The unconscious man turned and mumbled slightly, and feeling a pang of sadistic hate, Vader flared the Dark Side; Ysmir hissed sharply and grimaced, as his dreams took an unexpected turn towards the nightmarish. As much as one could have courage, all men had fear in their hearts, and the Dragonborn was no different.

"Bind him. And ensure he cannot vocalize," he commanded imperiously, and the cultists snapped into motion at once. "His vile sorceries are troublesome enough on their own - his Shouts are more than irritating. After that, regroup - we're moving out in five minutes." He turned around and strode into a small copse between several large stones, where he could have a moment of relative privacy to himself.

The life-supports of Vader's suit were failing, in slow agonizing increments, but with the sureness of fate itself.

Sitting down on a rock in a cross-legged position, he drew in a slow breath - not to calm himself, but to inflame his passions and emotions.

His desire for survival, his fear of death, his overwhelming, black, spiteful hatred of his own accursed teacher. And his greatest emotion, the spark of zeal remaining - transformed by darkness, but originated long ago, when he thought himself invincible, the would-be master of the galaxy. It was the deep conviction that he would prove the stronger of them all in the end; the Chosen One. It was the conviction that drove him towards the ambitious prospect of eventual rule - not as pawn or lieutenant, but Emperor Ascendant.

Slowly, as those emotions flowed in an invisible but forceful aura surrounding Vader's body, and the Dark Side amplified them like a kneaded mass of dark-red strings, exacerbated them into dangerous razorwire sharpness, and elevated them to arcane greatness scarcely imaginable with a human mind, the broken parts of his suit began to creak. The alchemic metal dented itself outward and repaired, and the wiring in his suit re-fused under immense force and heat; the nagging twisted and broken copper and gold electronics weren't so much repaired, as forced to work, for the Dark Side would not permit anything less than adequacy from such a thing. Vader's HUD beeped once, the status of his life-support network returning to 'stable.'

It was a temporary solution at best; a jury-rigged technique. Impermanent and somewhat inelegant, requiring a constant if small investiture of his power and a mote of his focus to maintain.

But it would do.
Valoren Alorathan

"A Doctor?" Valoren smiled from ear to ear, pleasantly, like morning dew sprinkled on flowers. He approached the strangely-dressed man. "How interesting! You know, I'm something of a Doctor myself."


Unfortunately, before further acquaintances could be made - or the dragon bones analyzed alchemically to any degree of satisfaction - they were rudely interrupted through the interference of a guard, who accused some very tall fellow who looked a bit suspect.

"Now, now, I believe the enemies are away. We've all seen them fleeing with a tail between their legs, hm?" Valoren approached the guard, soothing him with a calm voice. The charisma of the Nerevarine all but disarmed the Nord and kept him from pursuing further accusations or aggression. "Let us take care of this good fellow. As Nerevar Indoril is my witness, I swear to you that nothing untowards will happen to the citizens or ourselves as a result."
"It's alright!" The Doctor shouted to the guard, signaling him to stand down. "He's with me!.... I think." He did look.... Very scary looking. "What's your name?" The Doctor then asked.
- Sivraks, Housebane -

Sivraks would look in the direction of a reassuring voice, coming from a rather lanky looking man with a fancy coat and suit, who was understandably put off by Sivraks's size and appearance, yet still he vouched for the Eliksni. Regardless, he kept his hands up until the guardsmen relaxed, doing a quick scan with his eyes of the many others who seemed to have also been displaced. "Scattered" as someone called from nearby, was presumably the term for his kind. Afterwards, he would look upon the Doctor again and reply:

"I am Sivraks. And I am grateful for your assistance. Who might you be? And where am I?"

@Wade Von Doom
Nero Sparda
On the streets of Whiterun, meeting the Doctor

"Yeah.......How'd you know?" Nero replied to the Doctor, a look of someone becoming suspicious of another on Nero's face. Their dialogue rudely interrupted by a Guard. Valoren quickly talking to said guard with the ease of a master-talker. A trait that wasn't exactly well-known to Nero as the young man was more into action than talking.

The sounds of a commotion, as one of their other new arrivals showed up, the tall alien from earlier. Who had just started talking to the Doctor, so Nero merely stood by as the two talked, still holding the parts from his previous arms. Interjecting when questioned, and simply standing with a metaphorical thumb up his ass. At least until there was sounds of a scuffle somewhere else in the city. To which, Nero immediately said. "What the hell was that?" Point of concern drifting away from the questions to what was the source of the disturbance.

@Wade Von Doom @Nero Kunivas @Birdsie
Lucas Brightstone

After the battle had died down and the remaining hostiles were either slain or had retreated, Lucas spent the next ten minutes or so helping the wounded as best he could, mostly carrying them to safety and assisting with triage. He provided some of his mega potions to the seriously wounded who could still be saved, but there were only so many that he had on hand. He would need to try and find ingredients to make more...assuming that similar enough herbs even existed in this world.

The sight of a blue box flying through the sky and dumping water to put out the fires in the city was incredible. He definitely wanted to learn more about it, but for now he decided to focus on tasks that he himself had some expertise in. Especially since keeping busy was helping keep from dwelling on the memory of witnessing people indiscriminately killing other people.

There was a dull sense of horror that lingered in the back of his mind at having experienced such malice and the death and suffering it had wrought. But he couldn't let himself fall to pieces right now. He resolved to deal with it later.

Soon enough, he and Toby made his way over to the section of the city where the dragon's corpse had fallen. The creature definitely didn't match with any flying wyvern that he had seen or studied. As others gathered around, he heard one of them mention wanting to study the creature, and he even indicated that he was a doctor. The man almost looked like a Wyverian, but his ear shape were subtly different, and he had five fingers on each hand instead of four. Might be another native race of this world, or perhaps another stranger spirited away like himself.

"Excuse me sir, if you're wanting to study the dragon, I think I can be of assistance," Lucas spoke up as he walked up to Valoren. "The name's Lucas Brightstone, and this is my partner Toby. I'm not from this world, but I make a living hunting and capturing creatures like this, and I've had a lot of experience with dissection and taking notes and sketches. Mind if I lend a hand?"

"Also, do you happen to have knowledge of potion-making or other medicine creation in this world? I know how to mix some of my own, but I'm all but certain that none of the herbs I'm familiar with exist here."

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Valoren Alorathan

"A Doctor?" Valoren smiled from ear to ear, pleasantly, like morning dew sprinkled on flowers. He approached the strangely-dressed man. "How interesting! You know, I'm something of a Doctor myself."


Unfortunately, before further acquaintances could be made - or the dragon bones analyzed alchemically to any degree of satisfaction - they were rudely interrupted through the interference of a guard, who accused some very tall fellow who looked a bit suspect.

"Now, now, I believe the enemies are away. We've all seen them fleeing with a tail between their legs, hm?" Valoren approached the guard, soothing him with a calm voice. The charisma of the Nerevarine all but disarmed the Nord and kept him from pursuing further accusations or aggression. "Let us take care of this good fellow. As Nerevar Indoril is my witness, I swear to you that nothing untowards will happen to the citizens or ourselves as a result."
"Oh, really?" The Doctor said back, smiling widely as well. "That's wonderful to hear. I am The Doctor though, not to sound egotistical about it, but my name is just 'The Doctor.' Just to, you know... clarify things, but still, lovely to see another doctor!" That was just The Doctor being The Doctor there. Being slightly rude without realizing it. As Valoren calmed the guard down who drew his sword to the fallen lad coming up their way, The Doctor was quite happy to hear he was doing a good job of keeping the peace, as indeed, the guard lowered his sword.

"That told him." He retorted to Val, giving a quick point of his finger to the dark elf. "I'm the Doctor, Sivraks! This is my new friend, uuuhhh..." He waited for Val to give his name. "And we have no clue where we are, but I'm sure we'll find out together, ey?"

Nero Sparda
On the streets of Whiterun, meeting the Doctor

"Yeah.......How'd you know?" Nero replied to the Doctor, a look of someone becoming suspicious of another on Nero's face. Their dialogue rudely interrupted by a Guard. Valoren quickly talking to said guard with the ease of a master-talker. A trait that wasn't exactly well-known to Nero as the young man was more into action than talking.

The sounds of a commotion, as one of their other new arrivals showed up, the tall alien from earlier. Who had just started talking to the Doctor, so Nero merely stood by as the two talked, still holding the parts from his previous arms. Interjecting when questioned, and simply standing with a metaphorical thumb up his ass. At least until there was sounds of a scuffle somewhere else in the city. To which, Nero immediately said. "What the hell was that?" Point of concern drifting away from the questions to what was the source of the disturbance.

@Wade Von Doom @Nero Kunivas @Birdsie

"Oh, just... call it a guess." He commented, looking down at Nero's robo-hand. "Same thing happened to me and the rest of my crew just up the hill from here. I can explain it later, but first, I want to know what happened here first. We were busy stopping a gang of brutes from murdering these people's jarl, and judging on the aftermath out here," he pointed to the burned buildings and remains of the cultists, "you dealt with more than we did."

Lucas Brightstone

After the battle had died down and the remaining hostiles were either slain or had retreated, Lucas spent the next ten minutes or so helping the wounded as best he could, mostly carrying them to safety and assisting with triage. He provided some of his mega potions to the seriously wounded who could still be saved, but there were only so many that he had on hand. He would need to try and find ingredients to make more...assuming that similar enough herbs even existed in this world.

The sight of a blue box flying through the sky and dumping water to put out the fires in the city was incredible. He definitely wanted to learn more about it, but for now he decided to focus on tasks that he himself had some expertise in. Especially since keeping busy was helping keep from dwelling on the memory of witnessing people indiscriminately killing other people.

There was a dull sense of horror that lingered in the back of his mind at having experienced such malice and the death and suffering it had wrought. But he couldn't let himself fall to pieces right now. He resolved to deal with it later.

Soon enough, he and Toby made his way over to the section of the city where the dragon's corpse had fallen. The creature definitely didn't match with any flying wyvern that he had seen or studied. As others gathered around, he heard one of them mention wanting to study the creature, and he even indicated that he was a doctor. The man almost looked like a Wyverian, but his ear shape were subtly different, and he had five fingers on each hand instead of four. Might be another native race of this world, or perhaps another stranger spirited away like himself.

"Excuse me sir, if you're wanting to study the dragon, I think I can be of assistance," Lucas spoke up as he walked up to Valoren. "The name's Lucas Brightstone, and this is my partner Toby. I'm not from this world, but I make a living hunting and capturing creatures like this, and I've had a lot of experience with dissection and taking notes and sketches. Mind if I lend a hand?"

"Also, do you happen to have knowledge of potion-making or other medicine creation in this world? I know how to mix some of my own, but I'm all but certain that none of the herbs I'm familiar with exist here."


"Pleasure to meet you Lucas!" The Doctor shook his hand, ten looked down to Toby. "Aww, isn't he adorable~" It was a cute little intelligent cat person. "Nice to meet you too." He bent down to also give Toby a small handshake, before giving him a little pet on the head with a big smile on his face. "I'd welcome the help. If the rest of you could lend a hand to the guards, make sure everyone inside the houses are safe, the rest of my group can fill you in on how you got here, while me and Lucas can figure out--" A rumble and sound of crashing walls interrupted his speech.

When The Doctor turned around to see what was going on, the large cloud of dust and ash lifting off the ground where Morgan and the others were suddenly worried him. "Oh no." He muttered, before running back up the stairs to stop whatever was happening. He was too late though, witnessing the explosion that nearly killed Morgan, and Ryan laughing like a madman, before he passed out. "Nononono!" He shouted, running over to Morgan's side and scanning her body with his screwdriver.

"She's alright." He told Robin, though with worry in his voice. "But she's weak right now. Is there something you can do for her? She needs energy, something that can jolt her." He explained to the mage.

He scanned the area quickly, seeing that no one else was hurt besides these two, and that golden knight was now gone, then joined Luer by Ryan. "What happened?" The Doctor asked, scanning Ryan.