The Evrensel Conflict: Act 1 -- Paralogue 1: The Lost World

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Chum Teeth
Pondering and Plans

Chum had to admit they were disappointed that no magic existed here, but on the whole, that did make this place less dangerous. Additionally, the boys' plans made sense… Buuuuut Chum had an important addition.

"F'give me if this is stupid, but… Won't we do better if most of the merc army is distracted? Maybe drawn into the jungle by… I dunno, the kinda big boom you get when you manage to light a room fulla black powder barrels on fire? I know y'all got Giffy bangs, so you had a place you kept the powder an' the balls, right? Dunno if we oughta blow it to cover our scouts or leave a long fuse so it covers the stealing part'o'this, but…"

said Chum, still not fully aware of how modern firearms or ammunition worked, or how to store them. But if that ship had anything highly explosive aboard… Well. That sure would get a lot of attention.
Kassandra of Sparta

A good night's sleep had done wonders for Kassandra. Even if she'd slept with her back to the rough bark of a tree, she had nonetheless gotten a few vital hours of sleep. Throughout the explanation for the sake of the newcomers, Kassandra had stood against one wall, stretching her limbs as much as the space and others would allow starting with her neck, arms, back and so on. Her weapons and helmet were still set on her perch outside.

Their host, Pete, warns of these mercenaries as a reason they should not return to the ship to retrieve the Doctor's device. Nolan offers his support for going to the ship, and Ryder a reason to go after a ship instead.

What nobody seems to understand, it seems to her, that they can do both.

Then, the one named Ziv notices this. Offers the exact solution she was about to propose.

"Ziv is right!" Kassandra steps out and pumps her fist in Ziv's direction.

"We can do both! We are too many to all gather as one to achieve only one objective. We would be seen and forced to make our last stand before we could prepare! One group steals a ship, while the other gets the stick to summon the Doctor. Their Tortoise is faster than any ship they have. It will gather and carry all of us to the safety of the Pathfinder." Kassandra explains with more bravado to her voice to try and inspire the others.

"I volunteer for the mission back to our ship. With four keen eyes between myself and Ziv, and Nolan's golden woman-" She gestures at Vaudeville "-they will have a better chance catching smoke in their hands."
"That all sounds good, but stealing the ship without all of you is gonna be difficult," Pete explained. "There's only one place on this planet where we can get a ship, and it's 150 meters deep below the ground, with one way we can get in; the front door." As he spoke, he moved over to one of the desks next to Kassandra, pulling open a drawer and grabbing a folded map of the region. He then placed it on the coffee table in the middle of the room, with the map taking up the whole thing when unfolded and parts hanging off the sides that were touching the floor.

"Now, we're here," He told everyone, pointing where the treehouse was only a few meters away from the river they crossed last night. "You were all found around this area," he pointed to across the river, then made a circle of the general area they were in, "And all the way over here," he then dragged his finger across the paper, which was triple the size of distance between them and where Pete found them, to the upper left corner of the map, "is where we'll find out ship. Because the terrain is unstable on the surface, and they need some place on the planet to refuel ships, or there's some medical emergencies that need to be taken care off on planet, they built a station under the ground here," he tapped his finger on the exact point on the map, which looked to be a giant hole.

"In the Esa'Milne Cave. The largest cave on this planet. The structure of it is so dense, an earthquake would barely affect it, and deep enough that it won't affect any ecological system, nor could any animal on the planet could reach it. All we need to do is get inside, contact an emergency rescue ship that can get us out of orbit, and take it before they know what's going on."

"Is there no other way in?" Alec asked.

"Outside of some unexplored caves beyond the base, the massive hole in the ground is the only way in I could find," Pete answered. "To do both at the same time means getting your 'device' before we have the ship, then waiting around for us to get you while dodging dinos and mercs, or we die before we've even gotten inside the base."
Ziv looked to Kassandra when she spoke up, giving a smile and a nod. Ah, someone agreed with him. He appreciated her spirit in it, too. He glanced to Chum for a moment and shook his head. "We could, but I don't see that working. It would be no different than this tiny group going back to our wrecked landing site. A few scouts to see what the mess is, the bigger portion of the soldiers would wait for word about it. It wouldn't help much in the end." He commented. He didn't see them truly all going to investigate something like that.

He looked to Pete and crossed his arms, raising a brow. "I didn't say to steal it without us." He stated simply. In fact, his words were pretty indicative of waiting for them to regroup before doing that. All he suggested was a few to scout a ship to steal, not to actually do it yet. He looked to the map now though- oh that would have been helpful before. He nodded to himself afterwards though. "Our crash landing isn't that far, we will not be long to go back and grab the damn thing. Just wait here if you're that determined, but I do think we have to go back and get it, whether you want to wait for us or not." They sort of need it, after all.

Besides, if they did it the way Pete seemed to misunderstand him the first time, it still wouldn't be that bad since the tiny group of four no doubt would be at least halfway back to the rest of the group by the time they even get to the hole in the ground, from the way Pete is talking. So they wouldn't be waiting long for their ride anyway.
Vivian Cain

The vampire would be interrupted from her sulking by the mute vampirefrom before, apparently concerned for her, like Emma probably would've done if she were around.

Vivian's sad ruby eyes would peer Reta's for a moment, before she'd let out a sigh and a soft smile. Understanding the question, she'd frown, trying to find the words.

"... Where I'm from.. I'm just a walking terror. I don't mind it really, you grow used to it after a few years of stares. I more just feel bad about lying to all of you after how kind you all were." Vivianne would admit honestly with a hint of embarrassment, her voice barely a whisper as she'd speak as she'd get the words off her chest.

"I don't know if it's the same where you're from, but.. I hope you forgive me." she'd continue, shifting her gaze back to the floor, before realising with a awkward chuckle that the person she was talking to couldn't talk, and looking back.

"... Not being able to talk sure must be frustrating, huh?"
Location: chatting with Vivian while the group plans

Reta wasn't too concerned with the plans that were being made at the moment, since most of the ideas has gone over her head. The most planning she had done before heading into a dangerous zone was using her gifts to increase her other abilities, but other than that, she didn't make plans to attack too often. The heat of battle and trying to predict how things would occur was just too chaotic in her opinion to make a really solid plan.

The girl instead chose to listen to Vivian, intently watching her expression as she spoke. She understood the pain that Vivian felt, trying to hide that burden from others in order to have some semblance of normalcy. Few rarely had that chance, and Vivian must have felt like her dreams had been shattered in some way. Reta had gotten used to the terrified gaze that humans gave her when she rarely saw them, but it never made the pain any less.

Her mouth opened to speak on instinct, but then stopped for a moment as Vivian mentioned how it was difficult not to speak. Reta chuckled quietly, she had gotten told that quite a bit by those who didn't know Japanese sign language. She instead chose to reach out a hand and calmly pat Vivian on the shoulder with a shrug. It was hard sometimes, but even then she had still gotten friends because of it, and she hoped that Vivian could also be one of those friends. Reta gave the vampire a gentle smile, hoping it was sufficient for calming words.

Having spent most of the night talking with Master, Lancer felt fantastic. Master is such a wonderful, yet troubled person. He hoped that as her Servant, he would make her happier, if anything, at least as an useful tool. As Master drifted off to sleep, Lancer went into his spirit form to not take much magical energy from her.

Daytime came and Master headed outside. Phasing through the door, Lancer noticed the room was quite busy, so in a small burst of blue particles he materialized. People seemed to be going on about a plan to steal a ship to get out of this planet. He managed to hear some of the ideas thrown around. He took notice of the small green individual. Not wanting to intervene much in the plot that was already being discussed, he simply made a comment based on the explosive suggestion "Well, if you do need a distraction at some point, I can help out with that. I... Excel at battles with multiple opponents facing me"
Nolan Madison
Discussing plans in the treehouse

Nolan listened as the others mulled over the two different plans, noting how Ziv wanted to combine the two ideas, or rather they instead do them one at a time rather than only one plan. Nolan felt a little bit of confidence followed immediately by hidden embarrassment at Ziv's next comment about Nolan never going alone. Thoughts of his foolish adventure to try and save someone ending in not only failure, but Nolan being also separated, and the loss of his rifle and near-death experience flooded back to him, the ordeal would no doubt come up again in discussion.

Pete's words didn't help either, Nolan subconsciously stepping a bit behind Vaudeville as the discussion continued. Seemed Pete wanted to take a ship first, but that would not end well. Sure, they could do such a thing, but the Doctor would no doubt be annoyed with the group having lost a piece of his technology and they end up leading someone nefarious back to them. However, Nolan kept quiet and his gaze low to the ground.

Kassandra voiced her opinion and sided with Ziv, who commented on Pete's choice of words and plan, disagreeing with it and explaining further about what he thought. Nolan agreed but he couldn't get his words out, his lips remaining still and even glued together against his will. So, he was unfortunately left mute and just stood there, behind Vaudeville. That familiar weight of pressure in his chest made his heart beat faster as anxiety threatened to bubble over.

He hoped they could perhaps come to an agreement.

@Wade Von Doom @Amber Franklin @Grehstone @Wiggin @Valkan @Noble Scion @Jenhal
Ziv looked to Kassandra when she spoke up, giving a smile and a nod. Ah, someone agreed with him. He appreciated her spirit in it, too. He glanced to Chum for a moment and shook his head. "We could, but I don't see that working. It would be no different than this tiny group going back to our wrecked landing site. A few scouts to see what the mess is, the bigger portion of the soldiers would wait for word about it. It wouldn't help much in the end." He commented. He didn't see them truly all going to investigate something like that.

He looked to Pete and crossed his arms, raising a brow. "I didn't say to steal it without us." He stated simply. In fact, his words were pretty indicative of waiting for them to regroup before doing that. All he suggested was a few to scout a ship to steal, not to actually do it yet. He looked to the map now though- oh that would have been helpful before. He nodded to himself afterwards though. "Our crash landing isn't that far, we will not be long to go back and grab the damn thing. Just wait here if you're that determined, but I do think we have to go back and get it, whether you want to wait for us or not." They sort of need it, after all.

Besides, if they did it the way Pete seemed to misunderstand him the first time, it still wouldn't be that bad since the tiny group of four no doubt would be at least halfway back to the rest of the group by the time they even get to the hole in the ground, from the way Pete is talking. So they wouldn't be waiting long for their ride anyway.
Pete sarcastically laughed to Ziv's suggestion of waiting, "And have Hayagen's mercs come knocking down my door? Your 'device' may be important, but you're forgetting you set a damned forest on fire, every goddamn ship from the atmosphere could probably see the smoke. You go back there, you'll have to traverse a still burning forest, more mercs than what you fought last night, or worst case scenario, artillery strikes from space if they decide you're better off dead and making a new crater on this planet is worth it."

"Then we'll get the ship first." Another voice spoke up behind Pete. The man dressed in a bat suit had finally emerged once more out of nowhere, addressing everyone with that same cold, emotionless tone of voice. "What's the likelihood of your ship being discovered by the mercs?"

"Uhhhh, pretty likely, I guess? It was near a river." Alec answered.

"When the mercenaries kill liabilities, what do they do with their equipment?" He asked Pete next.

"Keep it. I imagine Hayagen would want to see if they can reverse engineer it, I've seen them load crates of stuff onto ships whenever they find it." Pete answered.

"And the ships themselves, do they have any gunships?"

"Few here and there, mostly dropships."

"Do the gunships land in the base to refuel?"

"Of course."

"Then we head to the base first. If they have found your ship, then we can check the base to see if the device is there. If not, we go to wherever your ship crash landed." That is if the ship didn't get even more destroyed by the T-Rex that attacked it, or burn in the fire, or even if some smaller dino found its way inside and took it. "But we can't afford to go back, either in a larger group or split in half. Those mercenaries will try to track us down after last night, and going bask only risks it without better protection from them, like a ship. For now, we go forward and try our luck. Otherwise, none of us will get off this planet." Batman told everyone. Right now, they needed to be together, and while a device to travel between universes was important, finding a ship to use it on was more important.

Alec wasn't gonna argue against it. As long as they got moving. "Alright then. Let's go jump down a giant hole." Alec remarked jokefully, standing up from his seat. "Pete, you have any more guns?"

Pete gave a genuine snicker, before putting his empty can of beans down, and walking into one of the other rooms in his house. There were several shotguns and assault rifles laid out on the floors, with plenty of ammo clips, magazines and bullets on a spare bed. "Take your pick. Since we're not coming back, grab as much as you can, because we'll probably be in for a hell of a fight." He grabbed a double barreled shotgun, opened it to check both barrels, closed it, then chucked it to Kassandra to catch, since her little spear would probably be stupid against fully armed mercs.

But, Batman caught right before she did with one arm extending out from his cape. "She'll be good without one." He told Pete, before throwing it back to him and glancing over to Kassandra over his shoulder. After last night, he knew the Spartan was better off with her spear than a gun.

"Suit yourself," Pete said back after catching the shotgun. "Shall we?" He asked them all.



Hours would pass once they started trekking across the region. They ventured forth through dense woods, steep hills, and unsteady terrain. It was a long, tedious affair, but one that ended with a spectacular sight once they reached their destination. Esa'Milne Cave.



The bottom was barely visible if anyone looked down. They would have a chance to rest for a few minutes before they descended, but there was a question to that.

How would they?

Pete had one answer. Two parachutes, and climbing rope. "Now, I'll be honest, I was hoping one of you could fly." Pete said aloud as he put the stuff down. "That would've been helpful, because there's only enough rope to reach down halfway. And these," he pointed to the parachutes, "I managed to get by luck. Two pilots jumping out a craft that got hounded by pterodactyls, then eaten by a pack of raptors when they both got stuck in the trees on their way down. Shoots are in good enough condition, so those who aren't afraid of a jump can take the easy way. Otherwise, everyone else will have to try out luck by being creative with the rope once we reach the halfway point."
Ziv clicked his tongue. He could avoid being seen by people and avoid being followed easily enough. It's not hard to do when you can see someone coming a mile away in any direction. He didn't think it would be that difficult for him, which was why he volunteered to go in the first place. He sighed heavily as the man in the black skin suit spoke up and things went from there. He couldn't argue, it was his opinion against theirs and they clearly weren't willing to listen. Going back after getting the ship was likely to get them killed or captured. He gave Nolan an apologetic look before simply following the group out, there wasn't anything else he could do.

Despite his not agreeing with this plan, he kept alert in case they were followed or came up too close to anyone they didn't want to… or any thing.

Once they arrived he rose a brow, crossing his arms. How the hell were they getting down there? He looked to Pete and tilted his head. If they could fly they wouldn't have needed help into the tree house… though, how they were getting down there was a question that was left unanswered. Probably should have thought of that before we came here, genius…

He looked down the hole again before tilting his head. Come to think of it… "Actually… I think someone here does have the power to get us down there." He commented, turning to find the red hood hiding amongst them.

Voláre squeaked when he realized he was being looked at, backing away a step and hugging onto his book.

Ziv offered a small smile. "You froze the river during the fire, didn't you? I've seen powers like yours before. You can do that here, right? An ice bridge, to take us all the way down?"

Voláre kept his head down but nodded lightly. He did that, yes, and he probably could do it again.

Ziv nodded, looking to the others then. "Well. It'll be pretty obvious we're coming, but it's a way down." He offered. Unless anyone had any other ideas.
Abigail Delano/Courier Six- Character Sheet

Dominique Moon- Character Sheet

"Well dang, that's some hole." Abby looks out across at the cave opening before them. She tries to whistle her amazement but the helmet muffles it to just a puff of silent air.

"Kinda wish I'd brought the jetpack what came with this armor. I didn't cause like Hell can I learn to fly on the fly. I barely get the gadgets that are attached to all this. Got knee rockets and tiny guns I don't know how to use." Abby says aloud but mostly just talks aloud to herself before listening to Ziv volunteer one of the new guys, the one that could make ice.

"Sure hope you can make a tube of ice or something, cause you go sliding off the edge into this-SPLAT" Abby slaps her hand onto her pod weapon.

"Ziv has a good point. Even if we get down that way, anyone down there would see us coming." Vaudeville gets herself into the conversation. She fearlessly stands at the very edge and leans forward at a forty-five degree angle to look down into the dark cavern.

"We needs a scout, is what I'm thinking." Abby adds with a nod.

"Yeah, we do, and I think I'm the most qualified. I'll get down there, have a look around, knock some heads if I got to, and come back up to let you know when the coast is clear to come down." Vaudeville springs back from the opening and makes a show of stretching her body. First her upper torso with some side-sweeping motions, then her legs by holding them one at a time fully extended upwards.

"Can you fly?" asks Abby, watching from beside Vaudeville in amazement.

"I can do a lot of things. Never tried to fly before, but, literally no skin off my nose if I fail and have a bad landing." answers Vaudeville, flicking the spot where a nose would be on her face.

"What are you, anyway?" asks Abby and watches Vaudeville take a few steps backwards.

"I've been called a menace to society. Hero. Vigilante. Donut thief." Vaudeville stops and crouches down, knees bent and arms out.

" I can only agree I'm a showoff with a lot to show off!" She smiles up at the sky and takes off from the ground with a leap like a rocket.

"Whoa!" Abby looks up at Vaudeville as she gains altitude, and the moment she starts to fall, forms webbing between her arms and legs to catch the air and control her descent down into the cavern in a spiral that gets smaller the closer she gets to being lost in the darkness.
Alec looked out down the hole a moment after Abby made her comment, staring down to a few seconds before mentioning, "Yeah, sure is, hun." It was slightly sarcastic, on account that..... well, did you need to know why?

"Tell you what, I'm fine just parachuting down into this thing, or at the very least keepin' one on while I slide down, cause not to say I don't believe in your skills, but better to be safe than sorry. Though I don't know if it'll hold your weight with all the armor on." he then said to Volare about his ice tubing abilities, then to Abby, because that armor she wore was heavy. "How were you gonna get down there without anyone noticing?" He asked Pete next, who was setting up the climbing rope along the edge of the hole.

"Well, the ships going up and down are easy, just stay close to the rock if they're passing by, or just wait until they're gone before jumping in. But the bottom part I hadn't figured out yet, because I can't exactly see down there, even with binoculars, so I was going to recruit first, then scout out, but then someone started a goddamn forest fire. So I'm not exactly working under the best conditions to do this the right way." He sounded annoyed, having to do all this on the fly, because they were right that anyone down at the bottom could see us, and he didn't know how well guarded the base below was. There was a lot of variables they don't know, but time was of the essence, and they needed to get going now.

Thankfully though, someone volunteered to scout ahead. Then jumped down the hole. "WHOA!" Alec nearly rushed after her as Vaud jumped, shocked she did it without a parachute on, only to then watch as she glided around the edges of the hole with a web made glider along her arms. The Scotsman just watch in surprise as she shrunk in size from descending further down.

The further down Vaud went, the more the light above faded, as the hole's depth was immense. Even with her golden skin, the darkness could obscure her even from those at the bottom trying to look up.

In fact, she couldn't even see the bottom. Whenever she got close to it, unless she had a source of light, the whole bottom was completely flooded with water, with a small island along the southern ridge poking above to stand on. But there was no sign that there even was a base from the surface.
Chum Teeth

As a pirate and a goblin, Chum had been in a lot of places that people referred to as holes. Hole in the wall bars, hidey holes, prison holes… None of that prepared Chum for the deep dark hole that looked like it could swallow a whole ship. She'd only been in a few caves before, and they were all pretty small. So it was understandable that she spent so long just staring down into the chasm before her.

"Damn…" was all she needed to say.

However, when the yellow-black ooze girl hurtled into the deep, gliding on stretched rubber skin, the shock popped Chum back into the moment and all the people asking about Flying registered. So, loosing a few feet of chain from her magic flail and securing her foot in the hand loop, she commanded the flail to get lighter and pushed off towards the hole, drifting up as though carried by a balloon, handhold secure on the chain…

"S'not flyin', but it's close! Lessee how deep this really is."

She said, the flail head 'anchoring' on thin air, the chain well within arm's reach of those by the edge before she commanded the handle to start releasing chain. She had at least a hundred feet of it, and descending at a quick but not over-hurried pace, she wondered if she'd 'fall' fast enough to pass the bright-colored slime with the spooky teeth… probably not, but still. The real wonder was if her chain would reach the bottom or if the others would need to get some ropes involved, too.
Ziv watched Vaudeville jump into the hole with a raised brow. He gave a whistle as she did though. "That's one impressive jump." He commented. He shook it off though and focused on Alec for a moment before looking to Chum as the goblin made an attempt. Somehow he didn't see that ending well. He nodded to himself, turning to Alec. "A few inches of ice can hold a bear, I think it will be fine." He stated.

He looked to Voláre now. "Go for it, if you don't mind. The rest of us I can't say have the legs our friend does."

Voláre gave an unsure look but nodded, walking up to the edge and opening his book. He took a deep breath to calm himself before whispering as he cast the spell, the bracelet on his wrist glowing as he did. He would need help if he was making something this big. Since he couldn't see the bottom, he just had to base it off of what they were given earlier. The bridge was a good 5 inches thick, and spiraled down as far as the eye could see. Voláre even made sure to put handrails on the sides, and the surface rough so it wasn't as slippery.

Ziv nodded to the outcome, giving Voláre a pat on the shoulder. "Nicely done. Down we go then."
Location: About to slide into a giant cave

When all was said and done, the group set off to this strange area where they could find a ship. It wasn't a long trek through the forest, only a couple of minutes or so until they reached a gigantic cavern in the middle of the forest. A few bats announced their arrival, flying out with the sounds of squeaking. They weren't enough to make it seem like the group was at the top, merely just a normal occurrence. Reta whistled quietly as she glanced in with the group, not even able to see the bottom due to it being covered in darkness.

For a moment the crew discussed how they were going to descend, Pete simply believing he could use a rope to descend to the bottom. A select few in the group were not quite patient with that idea, however, with Vaudville leaping into the air and gliding downwards into the darkness. Reta swallowed hard at the thought of gliding into such a tight space.

Vaud wasn't the only one in the crew to attempt to descend. The goblin known as Chum also chose to leap in, trying to use her flail in the same way as Pete's rope. Reta questioned if the goblin had enough chain to descend downwards, but hopefully, they'd find a way to get her down.

As for those who could do neither of those things, the fellow mute in their group was tasked with creating a bridge of ice that stretched downwards into the depths. When finished, the entire thing was surrounded by small particles of snow falling lightly before dissipating into nothingness. Reta decided it was best for her to go first, considering if it did break, she'd be able to reappear somewhere else, albeit, she'd have fewer memories than before. It was an undesirable thing, but it was better than someone dying permanently. She held a hand up to the group as she moved ahead to step on the bridge, she hoped they understood her reasoning but then remember that none of them actually knew that she could die and return. Whatever, she was going first anyway.

The revenant didn't get down the ramp too far, only making it a third of the way down before her foot slipped. Given how massive a feat it was to create this bridge, it made sense why there were a few smoother parts that would make it hard to go down the bridge. Reta attempted to save herself by grabbing at one of the nearby railings, only to miss it completely and fall backward. At least she wasn't falling off the bridge itself, only risking her back scraping against the ramp. It was going to hurt nevertheless. Her face squeezed inward with a cringe, prepared for the oncoming pain that was going to ensue from slamming into the icy ground.
Nolan Madison
Getting a little push

The young survivor watched as Dominique hopped into the hole, Nolan almost calling out until he saw weird wing looking things forming around her arms. The icey pit that had formed in his chest from the shock gradually dissipated as he saw her glide down.

Which brought about the question of how they were going to follow her, Pete had parachutes and a rope but the item only reached a certain limit before they ran out of rope. Not an ideal situation but thankfully they made do as the one called Volare made an ice ramp leading down into the giant hole, hand holds on the side and sloped just right that folks wouldn't go flying off or get hurt.

Poor Nolan was unfortunately looking at the parachute when the man known as Ryder walked over. "You ever used one before?"

"No..." He said as he basically looked to the other man to continue, the parachute being passed along to the man. Wasn't long before Nolan was thoroughly given instructions as he was dressed up in the parachute's straps and how to avoid gliding into the walls or pulling the wrong thing.

And finally he was looking over the edge, quickly about to consider taking the slide when he felt a hand on his shoulder. "Remember, pull this first." A hand guided one of his own to his lifeline before he was given a gentle push.

In freefall for a couple seconds as he was frozen stiff as he panicked before remembering to pull at the string and suddenly the extreme stop caused nausea to set in instantly and the urge to vomit came, barely held back as he barely maneuvered to avoid hitting the cave's walls as he slowly glided down, almost joining up with Dominique in height. He was sure the second he landed, he was going to be emptying his stomach.

He only prayed that he would have enough time to recover before completely embarrassing himself.

@Wade Von Doom @Amber Franklin @Wiggin @Valkan @Noble Scion @Grehstone @LenxKaitoYaoi

In the end, one of the masked persons in the group took the lead and formulated the base for an actual way of moving forward and out this planet. Lancer turned into his spirit form and followed the group for a short trip leading them to a massive cave entrance.

Lancer materialized and looked around. They were short on resources to get down, there were a few individuals who went ahead and used either parachutes or their own resources to get down. That's when the quiet boy was nudged along to make an ice ramp down. Lancer saw Master and knew something was coming.

Dashing as she made her way down, he saw clearly what was needed to be done. As Reta slipped, Lancer had already caught up with her and caught her, using the momentum from the sprint, he leaped off over the handrail cleanly. Lancer then started to use small bursts of fire to leap down to the bottom along the edge of the pit with Master in his arms. "Are you alright, Master? I'll take us the rest of the way down." He commented, as he located their most likely landing spot.
Abigail Delano/Courier Six- Character Sheet

Abby peers over the edge of the hole watching Vaudeville descend in a circle into the cave. She puts her hand over her stomach and steps back, unsteady on her feet for a few moments before righting herself.

"Maybe flying ain't for me. I just watched her and..huggggh." Abby pulls off her helmet and heaves once, but does not vomit as she fears in the moment.

"I'm okay….I'm good." She tells Alec who would be concerned for her(she assumes if he is a good boyfriend) and puts her helmet back on.

Hearing Pete gripe about 'someone' starting a forest fire, Abby shakes her head.

"Come on…fire can just…happen ya know? Don't got to be that somebody set the fire on purpose or accident." She argues lightly.

Chum uses her flail to float down after Vaudeville, earning a "Huh, that's nice." from Abby before she goes "Wow" at Volare making an ice that would take them down. People started going down right away, either with the ice ramp or in the case of Nolan, a parachute.

"Hey hey now, weren't we waiting for golden girl?" Abby asks of the others. Abby was not the brightest bulb in the house, but she was a good listener, and she was certain Vaudeville had said to wait for her before going down. She watches Lancer and Reta go down, and shrugs.

"Well, guess that ain't what we're doing." Abby says and steps onto the ice ramp. Her boots grip the surface of the ice with each careful step, and she holds tight to the rail of the ramp with her left hand while her right holds her Death Pod, ready for action at any moment.

Dominique Moon- Character Sheet

Circling and gliding down, Vaudeville is aware that at a certain point the sunlight does not follow her even as she knows the cave goes straight down with no turn or curve. When fully enveloped in darkness, she clings to the sides of the cave and crawls down. To aid this, she forms four tendrils to act as extra limbs in her climb.

With eight limbs working in concert, Vaudeville reaches the bottom quickly and is immersed in cold water. Oxygen is filtered from the water allowing her to keep going without slowing down. Her hands and tendrils feel things in the cave wall that are not rock, but smooth glass.

Lights. Now we're getting somewhere

Her hands touch the bottom of the cave, and it is smooth metal.

Could force this one open. Huh. Maybe hijacking one of their ships first would have made this much easier…oh well we're here. Now to tell the others.

Vaudeville skitters up out of the water and ascends the cave.

Sure hope nothing crazy happened while I was down here. Like the Indominus and her posse showing up. I'd really rather not have to fight that thing off. Then again between just Batman and Kassandra are they really a threat? That would be cool to see. And the chick with the ZF-1. And the wizards. Yeah they'll be fine. Wait. Is that Nolan?"

This last thought happens as she reaches light again, and sees someone coming down in a parachute that yes, is Nolan, and the ice ramp coming into view.

Seriously?! Did nobody listen to me?!

Vaudeville leaps off from the cave wall to intercept Nolan in mid-air, ripping off the parachute and hugging him to her chest as she reaches the other side of the cave wall and clings to it with her tendrils.

"Nolan, sweety, did you not hear me about scouting the bottom first?" Vaudeville asks, exasperated as she holds him to her chest and keeps skittering up the cave.

"Hey! You all got gunk in your ears?! I said to wait dammit!" Vaudeville yells up at the others as she comes into view for all, red eyes narrowed.

"Anyway! There's a door…gate…whatever at the bottom I could maybe get open, but you can't see anything down there. No way we're getting everyone down and in quietly without one of their ships. So be ready for a fight when I get back down, wait for you all to reach it, then force it open. Got that? Sure hope so because here I go." She tells all of them quickly and descends again with Nolan in tow.
When Abby looked over to her boyfriend, in need of some comfort for the long trip down an endless black hole, she would find that he was not a great boyfriend in this situation, because he was by the ramp Volare had made; staring down it with contemplation.

"Hm?..... Oh, yeah-yeah, it'll... it'll be fine." He half assed assured her as he went from looking at her, to back down the ramp and his voice trailing off by the end of his sentence. "..... I.... Don't know when this'll happen again, but I refuse to wait for another time to do it,"

Honestly, this seemed way too fun not to try. Backing up for a running start, he bolted to the ramp down the hole, and right as he touched the ice, fell to his back to slide all the way down. Even letting out a, "Weeeeee!~" raising his hands in the air like a child going down a waterslide or snowy hill.

His armor would make for a good sled, but because of how rough the ice was so people wouldn't slip, to say he was even sledding would be not entirely accurate. More like gently floating, going fast enough to pass everyone else, but not so fast that they couldn't see or hear him in time to move.

He tried staying on the side where he wouldn't run into people, but everyone would hear him before he even came close to them. Whenever they looked, his expression went from joy to disappointment that this had not gone his way, but didn't stop himself, so he just kept on going until he reached the bottom, using his hands to give himself extra momentum if he slowed down too much.

Pete, following what Vaud has asked, which was to wait until she scouted ahead, couldn't help but sigh in frustration at everything happening. You got soldiers acting like a child, one team member pushing another into the goddamn hole even with a parachute on, the ogre jumping down after Vaud and everyone following after her. These were the people he was putting his faith in to get him off this planet alive. At least there was a way down, following everyone else AFTER Vaud gave the go ahead.

Drake and Batman would have their own ways of getting down. The Dark Knight would simply jump off the edge like a cave jumper, before his cape turned into a glider that allowed him to gently breeze down along the sides of the cave. Drake, however, did almost the same thing, but with a noticeable difference. With his large hoodie cloak still wrapped around his body, and believing he didn't need to be on the ramp with the others, Drake a took a moment to concentrate on himself.

He shut his eyes and took deep breaths, as a purple aura formed around his body. Along his back were four translucent dragon wings taking shape, slowly extending outwards to stretch, before he also took a running leap off the ledge and flew across the air. He followed along behind Batman, leaving a small trail of purple light that gently faded like smoke.

Once reaching the bottom, Drake's wings and purple aura vanished into the darkness, and Batman pulled out several small glowsticks from his belt to illuminate the darkness of the cave. Alec reached the bottom with an anti-climatic thud on the rock once the ice ended, and simply sat there feeling like a bit of a fool for everyone to look at. "..... Didn't go how I thought it would." He simply said, with Pete passing by him to comment,

"Figured that out now or halfway down?" His tone was unimpressed annoyance.
Kassandra of Sparta

The Eagle Bearer is the last of the group to descend the ice ramp. Others may attempt to persuade her to go before them, but the warrior would give them a nod and thanks for their consideration, but remain standing with her bow and arrow ready, turning slowly around. Kassandra had been on the alert since leaving the treehouse, expecting the forest fire would have driven great and hungry beasts their way by now; or that one of their enemies could be on them any moment. She had also been a silent sentinel while the others discussed how to descend. For her part Kassandra had taken one look down and knew that while her ability to climb was considerable, to attempt it down this pit was too great a feat for her. Yet she also had no other options on her own.

When the second to last of their group was gone, Kassandra put away her weapon to begin the walk down. With tough boots, agile and strong legs, this ramp of ice did not scare her in the least even as it took them down into the darkness. Fully enveloped in said darkness, Kassandra focused on her other senses to stay only steps behind the person in front of her without getting too close. She could hear their voices, for those who could not refrain from talking, or hear them moving with the crunch of ice under their feet. Or in the case of Alec, the ice being scraped from his armor.

Batman's glow sticks were a welcome aid when he reached the bottom and ignited them. Using them as a guide, when she reached a point she knew she could do so, she jumped over the ramp railing and landed on her feet on the island to one side of the cave.

"Everyone made it. Now get this door open. It's cold down here." Kassandra says to Vaudeville, the one who seemed confident she could just force the door she could not see open. Kassandra's armor made her mostly fire-resistant, but offered no protection from the cold air of this cavern.
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