The Lost Soul

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He quickly put the food away, probably not to her standards, but oh well. He put the lids on each container then put them in the fridge.
Raine didn't comment on the way he put the things away if it did bother her.
"Alright, ready when you are," he replied, moving to stand by the door.
Alicia finished up and moved to join him. "Alright, lead the way since you're the one who's most eager."
He shrugged and opened the door, moving out into the world. "Thought you said you were in charge?" He teased, looking around to decide which way he wanted to go.
Raine shrugged. "I still am. I just don't feel like making decisions."
"Mmmmmmhmm. I'll believe it when I see it." He started heading to the outskirts of town. Last time he had been in town, he had gotten in trouble, so…outskirts first.
Raine shrugged as she followed. "What you believe doesn't change facts."
"I could say the same for you," he replied, glancing over his shoulder. "Just cause you think you're in charge doesn't mean you are."
Raine hummed. "Who's the one who could kill the other without lifting a finger, again?"
"Who's the one who hasn't done that despite the chances they've had?" he retorted.
Raine shrugged. "What was it you said? Spoiling the surprise ruins the fun?"
"Are you using my own words against me because you have no better comeback or am I just that awesome?" He walked backwards for a few strides, winking, before turning back around.
Raine hummed. "Probably not because you're awesome. Because that's just you being cocky."
"There's a difference between cocky and confident. Of course, you wouldn't know, because your confidence is yet to be seen in most cases."
Raine tilted her head slightly. "Has it? Or is it just better placed than yours?"
"Please," he replied, and it was possible to hear the smile in his voice. "There is no confidence better placed than mine."
Raine chuckled a little. "Yeah, you're definitely not cocky at all."
"Nope," he said. "Not even a little bit."
Raine shook her head. "Honestly…"