
  • So many newbies lately! Here is a very important PSA about one of our most vital content policies! Read it even if you are an ancient member!

    A site made for roleplay is way cooler we promise <3
Taking place during a catastrophe or cataclysmic event which has eradicated modern society as we understand it.
  1. Black_Swallow

    Fandom stuff but actually whatever cause i am desperate at this point

    I only use discord to rp. I'm mostly looking for a Witcher rp, but tbh Im fine with whatever at this point. I've got a plot all set up and to be fair I am mostly either looking for an annoying bard like Jaskier from the show or Dandelion, or anything really as I got a nice little mysterious...
  2. Legens Legentis

    The Eternal Fortress

    The Eternal Fortress, known to the tongues of man as Moj, has stood for 1,000 years. Now, it is the last hope for a slowly-dying race. In one year, the final bastion of humanity will endure the greatest battle in all of history. This RP is meant to be hardcore. In all likelihood, characters...
  3. T


    "Providence, the greatest of the three cities left standing in this part of the Earth. Ran by a radical-cult that worships the portals that spits out monsters and storms. For whatever reason they deem those that die as unjust, evil and corrupt. Casualties from Gods wrath. They worship the reason...
  4. Willow Rue

    Original RP Prompts & Pairings | Master Thread (1/4 OPEN)

    Original RP Prompts | Master Thread Last Updated: 12/12/18 I'm back and I'm ready for some roleplays! Don't forget to check my rules, I've added some updates. MERAKI (A.) | Greek The soul, creativity or love put into something; The essence of yourself that is put into your work...
  5. Wryneck

    quod ratio humana natura

    quod ratio humana natura "For the wages of sin is death..." -Romans 6:23 It happened almost instantaneously. The entire city of Las Vegas, decimated. The cause? Mysterious creatures, black as night, suddenly appearing from thin air, acting on instincts that could only be telling them to...
  6. Wryneck

    quod ratio humana natura

    quod ratio humana natura It happened almost instantaneously. The entire city of Las Vegas, decimated. The cause? Mysterious creatures, black as night, suddenly appearing from thin air, acting on instincts that could only be telling them to destroy all in sight. This wouldn't be an isolated...
  7. Jays

    Shattered Realm: Atonement

    In Character || Lore || Signups || Interest Check || Discord 41st day of Enu, 237th Cycle Post-Apocalypse The sandstorm raged outside but the cave was quiet. Seven men and women sat in a circle, surrounding a single lone figure. Their faces were gaunt, skeletal, full of hard lines and...
  8. Sketching101

    Map and Compass - Chapter I [Apocalyptic/Fantasy]

    || Roster || IC || Character Index || Expanded Lore Index || OOC || Welcome, vessels of the Creator! Credit to merl1ncz What is “Map and Compass”? Map and Compass is a fantasy-adventure RP where the characters are thrust in journeys to unravel the mystery surrounding the world of Plateau...
  9. conman2163

    SCP Containment Breached

    (For those interested in joining, you can find the OOC here: OPEN SIGNUPS - SCP Containment Breached (OOC/Signups)) O5-1 Fellow members of the foundation, I will be frank. We have failed. Throughout time our goal has been to secure anomalies, contain them, and protect the human race. We...
  10. L

    Lulu's Search for a Partner

    Hello~ I'm Lulunopia though you can call me Lulu or Lu if you would like. First off I'd like to say thank you for looking at this thread and I hope that after reading through this you would like to rp with me. Now onto a little about me. I turned 18 slightly recently and am so happy to finally...
  11. T

    Getting back into serious roleplaying! Plots inside, planning welcome

    Heyo! This is just gonna be a copy/paste of a mishmash of plots I've had on other sites, all collated into one place. If you're interested, please message, as I'm always down to discuss. I prefer to plan through Discord, where my username is Torterrable#7427. Before we get to the plots, a...
  12. conman2163

    SCP Containment Breached (OOC/Signups)

    quote (Ex. "My Father used to say...") Name: Nickname: Gender: Age and date of birth: Length and build: Weight: Nationality: Birthplace: Rank: (Is your character a scientist? MTF? Class D? So long as the role exists within the foundation and is filled by staff from the foundation, you...
  13. H


    ALWAYS OPEN - Radioactivity - Sign up ---------------------------------------------------------- Esther wasn't a fan of dark places at all, they always reminded him of the stories his mother used to tell him. About when "it" happened. He wasn't born when it happened, the explosion, devestating...
  14. H

    Radioactivity - Sign up

    ---------------------------------------------------------- Synopsis: 'Project Atmosphere' was the latest in nuclear technology in the city of Dolton. Excelling farther than any other nuclear power plant, Dolton was the cleanest city in the world. Then everything went south, a tired employee...
  15. Jays

    Shattered Realm: Atonement

    In Character || Lore || Interest Check || Discord "The greatest wonder of all is a seed sprouting from barren soil." - Faeru Proverb Welcome to the broken world of Aeon, a land devoured by destruction and the darkest pit of humanity. First and foremost, there are things that you MUST know...
  16. conman2163

    SCP Containment Breached

    http://stuffpoint.com/the-scp-foundation/image/8045-the-scp-foundation-scp-banner.png The Classification of all information inside this document has been revoked as a result of the final order of the O-5 council. Briefing Alpha-Sigma-Thaumiel-240 Date: 8/1/2025 Time: 8:25 a.m. Briefing...
  17. T

    Seeking Invites/ Help Running and RP!

    Hello anyone and everyone reading this! I've recently started my own RP. insert shameless plug Alias: Cyberpunk Superhumans However I'm still wanting to get more practice writing and honing my skills, and while I have a few ideas on other Rp's I want to start, but to much on my plate to handle...
  18. H

    post-apocalyptic shenanigans {detailed}

    OPEN UNLESS NOTED OTHERWISE. ●▬▬▬▬๑۩۩๑▬▬▬▬▬● After a health hiatus, I'm back in business and seeking 1-3 partners to engage me in a roleplay revolving around post-apocalyptic or dystopic worlds. Platonic is fine, but for romance, I prefer m//. I consider myself literate to advanced, subjective...
  19. -Kuroko-

    Alpha Z ~Zombie apocalypse RP~ Revival

    I had a lot of interest in this once before and I ended up falling off the face of the planet due to a LOT of personal things, but I would like to revive this once again and get a lot of interest in it too. I'd be looking for one or two people to help me run this thing since I do have a job...
  20. Cheek

      * summertime searching | plots & fandom galore

    * status: 0/? * craving: fandom * updated: 7/2/18 * summertime searching.Hello there, my name is Cheek and I am a twenty-two-year-old loser with a non-existent sleeping schedule and a severe gaming addiction. I have been in the role-playing business for about twelve years now so it is safe to...