evil characters

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Focusing on/seeking characters who are sadistic, murderous, or abusive.
  1. Astrometry

    Dark Fantasy :0?

    Heyo, I'm a girl from the internet who likes role-playing. I usually am a very aggressive plotter, I like to construct stories around our character. I have a world and many characters. I play male and female along with many npcs to drive the plot. I do like for my partners to add to the...
  2. Astrometry

    Take my heart <3? MxF

    Hi there! I am looking for a roleplay where my character is controlled by your character. We would achieve this by a magic used from Once Upon a Time, holding one's heart. My character is a valuable asset to your character for leverage in gaining more territory of his kingdom, I would say...
  3. BlueFlameNikku

    SWTOR: The Way of the Sith

    The Gage-class transport starship known simply as the "Dark Revenant" has been the temporary home for it's decently precious cargo the crew has been tasked with transporting to Korriban, a sacred planet of the Sith which has been the starting point for all those with potential in the dark...
  4. K

    ARLO: A Sci-Fi Roleplay

    It is present day, alternate universe. The United States is falling behind and has been for a long time. With every generation, our education system fails us a little more, lets the future sink farther down the rabbit hole. To combat this significant slip, private programs have begun accepting...
  5. BlueFlameNikku

    Star Wars The Old Republic: The Way of the Sith

    Peace is a lie, there is only passion. Through passion, I gain strength. Through strength, I gain power. Through power I gain victory. Through victory, my chains are broken. The force shall free me. I'll be truthful I've been craving some juicy Sith Role-Play so much so that I've taken it upon...
  6. Astrometry

    Gimmie them characters ;2!

    Hey there, I'm Evermore(or whatever, lol.) and I am totally in need of amazing, very real characters in my roleplays. I have various characters that I am interested in roleplaying, I have ideas for most of them. I also have my world made, but I'm open to world-building what I already have...
  7. T


    There is eleven of you. "You must find the Scorpio. There is an evil rising. Protect the kingdom and villages around it. PS I'm always scorpio
  8. L

    New Age: Fairy Tail

    Life as a wizard in Fiore is a dream - a dream few get to experience in their lives. As a wizard, you find it your duty to learn and gain more magical knowledge, while helping those around you with task a human might find difficult to complete themselves. Up until this moment, you were a...
  9. Greenie

    Graceful Dancing, Flaming Rocks

    Young Hinata arrived at Miraculum, following in her big brother's footsteps. She had always wished to be a warrior and thought coming to this school would further her goals. She made a few friends when she arrived and headed on a quest to kill a snake that was after her and her friend Julius for...
  10. Rebornfan120

    1x1 RWBY rp or final fantasy rp - Partner Search

    Hi my name is Darnell and i am looking for these two fandoms 1x1 in particular. A RWBY 1x1 and a 1x1 Final Fantasy roleplay but i am looking more towards X/X-2. I like M/F pairings and i generally use my OC for it. Romance is a great part for the roleplay but other things mixed with it is...
  11. mr_pibbs

    Kareyoris: War for The Ancient Realm (Mass-Crossover RP Idea, See Inside for Details)

    Kareyoris (pronounced Kar-Ray-Oris), as it once existed, was a beautiful world blessed by the powers that watch over the universe. The denizens of the land, comprised of numerous races and species who had reached sentience, were prosperous and had no understanding of the concept of fear, hatred...
  12. Astrometry

    Villians, heroes, fantasy and adventure! 1x1!

    Hi, I'm Neejeeha. I've been on this site for a while and I've lost most of my RP partners and I had school, so that ruined my ability to RP for months or find her partners. I am back to find some partners, if possible. I had a few great storylines that had amazing partners that were not only...
  13. L

    Fairy Tail: New Age

    Info Thread | OOC | Character Index This rp is based around the world of Fairy Tail but, will contain none of the original plot and characters. Life as a wizard in Fiore is a dream. As a wizard, you find it your duty to learn and gain more magical knowledge, while helping those around you with...
  14. M

    hero/villain RP, MxM or FxM

    I'd like to do a serious Super hero roleplay, something with a lot more of a realistic theme to it and where there is an entirely seperate system of laws between hero's and villians. The roleplay could be possibly set after a great war between hero's and villians, the city is still in repair and...