
  • So many newbies lately! Here is a very important PSA about one of our most vital content policies! Read it even if you are an ancient member!

    A site made for roleplay is way cooler we promise <3
Taking place in the real world, set more than 25 years before the current date.
  1. M

    Any Historical Time-Periods Will Do (F looking M)

    Hey loves... I'm back (sort of) and I'm just looking for a couple of partners (maybe 2-3?) hopefully to write with, but I will say that I have been down on myself for these past couple of months due to some personal issues affecting my life right now. But please don't be worried, it's nothing...
  2. moffnat

    Clocks and Violet Eyes || Sansa Stark & Lillian Gr

    PLAYED BY SANSA STARK [slide] [slide] [slide] PLAYED BY LILLIAN GRAY [slide] [slide] [slide]
  3. Trainbrain16

    The Destroyermen

    They were running. There was no other word for it, no comforting euphemism to make the sting less sharp. In fact, it seemed impossible to wring the slightest sense of purpose from the confusion, privation, terror, and bone-numbing weariness they’d endured since the very day the war began on...