posting speed: semidaily

  • So many newbies lately! Here is a very important PSA about one of our most vital content policies! Read it even if you are an ancient member!

    A site made for roleplay is way cooler we promise <3
Indicating that the author expects or requires more than one post per day.
  1. C

    Roleplays w/ plots~

    Heya~ its Karma here again! I know I have a lot of people roleplaying with me right now, but I take a lot to keep from being bored, lol. This time, I have pairings with plots. I also have a few requirements. ~ I would like to roleplay with people with good writing or at least very...
  2. K

    Siblings in War

    Heyo! I'm looking for a partner to take part in a rp that I've been really wanting to do for some time. I would prefer a male counterpart. I'm looking for someone willing to at least post 2-3 times a day, but I understand life happens. If you should disappear for a days at a time just let me...
  3. H

    Heffy's Shenanigans Shack! Open to many scenario types!

    Hey! Brand new member, here, but long-time roleplayer - for around 12 years now! Been having an itch that I've been eager to scratch. I'm open to many potential scenarios and ideas, even regarding only one given character of mine. So, the tags for this thread and suggestions listed below are...
  4. PavellumPendulum

    [hiatus] let's write something beautiful together [mxm]

    I'm Audrey, and my favorite color is green. If that isn't enough to get you excited about roleplaying with me, I dunno what will. Except maybe some basic information about me. Pffft. (Sorry if some of this doesn't make sense here, I basically copy pasted an rp search thread that I made before on...
  5. Sidhe

    Kidnap Me (mxm, possibly fxf, adventure/steampunk)

    This won't be romance focused, but I'm placing the request here in Redstar Connections due to the likelihood of romance/sex occurring. That and I just prefer to roleplay with people over the age of 18! This would be a lore heavy/world building focused plot, taking place in a steampunk-esque...
  6. C

    Heya its Karma here, looking for some roleplay partners

    Hello it's Karma here. I'm looking for new roleplay partners. Here are a few things about me: -I am okay with most genres as I am not too experienced. In saying which, please don't be too picky with me, as I am not too picky either. -I am okay with mxm, fxf, fxm, mxf, or whatever else...
  7. Sidhe

    some kinda pokemon thing [mxm]

    I am too lazy to make this fancy I dunno man, I've just really wanted to start something related to Pokemon for a while now. I have roughly zero concrete ideas, but I would happily brainstorm something with you (or listen to any ideas you might already have)! Can be something lighthearted, or...
  8. Yanaike

    Looking for an Adventure!

    Hello there! My name is Yanaike and I’m craavvving for adventure! I’m looking for a RP-partner to go on an epic quest or explore the unknown. I love surprises, secrets, going all-in with our imagination, weird worlds… I hope you get the idea! I believe a plot is much more successful if we both...
  9. C

    Searching for: Serial Killers, Angels and Demons, Dragons

    About Me: Hello, I'm Sara. I'm 23 and have been role playing on and off for 10 years. Currently, I work 12 hour midnight shifts 3 nights a week. When I get a stretch of days off I like to will be reply several times a day. If I'm working a stretch it's about one reply a day. I'll let you know...
  10. R

    I want to go on an adventure

    This one is basically what it says on the tin. I'd like to play out some kind of journey or adventure through an unknown land. I don't particularly mind the bigger and more meta details, like how many characters we have or what genre it is (though this would definitely work best with high...
  11. F

    FILLED REQUEST 1x1s Adventure Awaits

    Anyone wanna cook up some RPs with me 8D? *Rolls away* About Fox Hey there! So I just graduated a few days ago and school's officially ended for me. I've got a bunch of free time on my hands right now (while I wait for some papers to get processed), and I'm growing somewhat restless and...
  12. M

    PARTNER REQUEST Light <3'd Fantasy

    So, I'm looking for a light hearted [fantasy] romance. The kind of posting length where more is better, but every couple days is fine really; at the moment I am scrambled, and unable to promise a set time to post or even that I will be a long term partner, I just want one thing, there, for when...
  13. Rika

    Some Plots! ~ヾ(^∇^)

    Hope this brightened up your day (if you're a cat person). c: I just love kitties. I couldn't resist. Btw, all of the plots listed are supernatural plots. I intend to add realistic plots later. Hey, everyone! I had this random spur of creativity and lack of things to do, so I thought I'd come...
  14. Rika

    Short Anime Fandom List ー( ´ ▽ ` )ノ

    I know this is random, but I really love cats. Just... thought I'd put this here. :closedeyessmile: Any who, after taking a tiny hiatus, I've returned and would very much like to give some fandoms a try. Now, my list of fandoms is quite limited, but hopefully RPers out there will have enjoyed...
  15. Rika

    Zatch Bell Anyone?

    "Every one thousand years, one hundred mamodos (demons/mamono, in japanese) descend upon earth to conduct the ultimate battle. The winning mamodo becomes the mighty king of the mamodo world. There is only one problem - in order for the mamodo to use their powerful spell books, they need a human...
  16. E

    Etrenelle's Partner Search

    Okay some little things about me ~ I play females, sorry I don't play males ~ Personally I prefer to have a male as my counterpart just because I am more comfortable with it. But if you would like to still try for an fxf pairing comment below ~ Post lengths, I personally prefer a couple of...
  17. C


    Hey! You can call me Star! I’m a 20 year old female who loves playing video games and music, but you’re not here for me. Like everyone here, I’m searching for roleplays! A specific roleplay, actually. I’m looking for someone to roleplay Suicide Squad/DCEU with! I’m specifiacally looking for...
  18. Vee

    One[x]One Male characters needed

    Hello there wonderful people! My name is Veronica , but everyone calls meVee ^.^ I may be new to Iwaku, but I consider myself experienced as I have been roleplaying for about six years and I absolutely love it. I don't usually create threads, but summer is here, college is over and I have...
  19. J

    Fandom and Original Plots Sought my over-caffeinated interest check where everything is delightfully garish and pink.I am new to this particular site but not at all new to roleplaying. I've got 15+ years of experience. I am over the age of majority and require that my partners be as well. I anticipate pretty much all...
  20. mammon.

    A Pretty Little Search [Fandoms, Pairings, Harems, and Plots]||❀

    Introduction time!Hello all, I am the Smol Queen! If you believe we’ve met before, chances are we probably have—I deleted my old account on here and decided to start fresh after dealing with more inconsiderate partners while I dealt with RL issues. But now I’m here to stay! So, here’s some...