tips and tricks

  • So many newbies lately! Here is a very important PSA about one of our most vital content policies! Read it even if you are an ancient member!

    A site made for roleplay is way cooler we promise <3
  1. P

    Links to Useful Resources

    I have been in the position before of needing some kind of information for a character but not knowing where to look. Sometimes people just need inspiration and that's where I can help! I have compiled links to other resources across the web that can be useful in creating your character. All...
  2. Esthalia

    It's the little things...

    Ok, I'm taking an honest approach to this one: We're trying our hardest to not come off as a bunch of elitist assholes, but there really is a place for everything. The staff and community have worked very hard to organize and spruce up the place, which makes me think we should follow up and...
  3. Zen

    Resource: Encouragement

    This thread is meant to bolster your spirits. So whenever that voice in your head says that you aren't a good writer or you should just give up, come here to make yourself feel better. You can also find some well needed advice and wisdom about life as a writer here. Speech by Neil Gaiman...
  4. R

    Five Inconvenient RP Truths

    Five Inconvenient RP Truths As roleplayers, we revel in the written word. It is what carries us in a scene, gives us our background and details our motivation. We are writers, one and all. Even those RPers who just do tabletop and never pick up a pen are creating, and thus suffer the...
  5. R

    Twenty-one Things I Wish I'd Known as a Newbie

    Twenty-one Things I Wish I'd Known as a Newbie I started roleplaying at age fourteen in a crowded chatroom filled with so many people that you usually had to wait for space to get in. Most of the chatters were just chatters, most of the RP was silly, and the serious RP was something far...