88 Finger's Character Repertoire!

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88 Fingers Edward

A monster? No, my dear, I'm a demon
Original poster
Invitation Status
  1. Look for groups
  2. Looking for partners
Posting Speed
  1. Multiple posts per day
  2. 1-3 posts per day
  3. One post per day
  4. Multiple posts per week
  5. 1-3 posts per week
  6. One post per week
Online Availability
on most of the day
Writing Levels
  1. Give-No-Fucks
  2. Beginner
  3. Elementary
  4. Intermediate
  5. Adept
  6. Adaptable
Preferred Character Gender
  1. Male
  2. Female
  3. Futanari
Scifi, Modern, Fantasy, Magical (think Legend of Korra or Legend of Zelda BOTW.)
{Name: Morathol (nicknamed Mora)
Age: 26
Race: Saiyan
Appearance: See Attached Image

History: once under the employ of the ginyu force, but never officially in it, Morathol found himself often being sent on missions that were deemed "too stupid" or "not important enough" for anyone of the ginyu squad. One day, he had hoped to join the Force, but was often shooed away by them. Most of his missions were standard, if that. This planet needed help, pirates in the sector, the usual stuff. He called himself a "galactic peacekeeper" but apparently that name was 1 already taken and 2 not appropriate for a saiyan whos job was to babysit. This didn't stop him from flaunting the title, however. Made him feel good.

The flaunting was not in vain, however, as this lead to Morathol bbecoming one of the de facto trainer for new recruits, one reason being he was adept in fighting and ki usage, and the other to give the ginyu force a reason to keep him far away from them. It wasn't a major promotion, but it was better than where he was before. Just one more step before entering the Force! In order to keep up, he decided to fight in space so he had to hold his breath and fight against the crushing weight of the planet below. This turned his skin purple from the radiation and made his ki a more purplish color. He didn't know wether this was a new discovery or a result of the abuse on his body. Hard to tell.

Morathol's story begins after one such sparring match with a new recruit that showed a lot of promise. Fists were flying, beams were bursting, and Morathol taught the new student how to use their ki in more ways than just throwing beams at the enemy. Unfortunately, this lead to the student hitting Morathol with a fully powered ki beam without warning, landing Morathol in a healing chamber.While inside, morathol caught wind of a new mission: the conquering of earth. It was supposed to be a huge mission as well a lot of high value saiyan royalty was being sent, according to rumors.

This was the perfect chance to prove he was the saiyan to join the Ginyu force!

Entering his own ship, he set out for earth. He was prepared, he had food, supplies, he had just given all of his techniques cool new names, he brushed his hair and tail, this was going to be easy. The Ginyu force position was as good as his!

And perhaps, even a spot next to Frieza one day, right next to Dadoria. Oh, he had hoped.

What he did not prepare for, however, was the meteorite that took out his ship mere moments from entering earth's atmosphere.

He fell to earth, being flung out of his ship upon impact. The last thing he had remembered before blacking out and being placed in another healing chamber was something about combining his DNA with that of the vacuum of space. The hell does that mean?

Energy Charge (Can raise his ki level by focusing, but has to remain still while it happens)
After Image (creates a decoy of him while teleporting away. The decoy cannot attack and mimics the last movement of Morathol. Dissapates after one hit)

-Fighting Moves:

Lunar Eclipse Cannon: Morathol fires a beam of Ki straight ahead from the palm of his hand, A La Kamehameha. Not entirely powerful, but can be used quickly and doesn't take as long to charge.

Solar Eclipse Shot: Fires a ball of Ki energy out that explodes into a blinding light.

Constellation Assault: Fires a barrage of tiny ki blasts from his fingertips like a machine gun.

Meteorite Skin: Coats his body with Ki to absorb attacks. he cannot move while this is active, but he can project it a few inches to form a shield in front of him.

Total Eclipse Canon: Morathol Combines two techniques into one, then amplifies them. After taking a stance, he fires a beam from one hand while rapidly firing tiny shots from his other.

Stardust Bomber: Morathol fires a ball of pitch black Ki that encases an area in a dome of energy. Blinding light floods the inside of the dome, and ki sense/power is distorted.

Other: His scouter is a combination of 2 other scouters welded together in the middle.


New Character below:
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Meet the androids!

-Name: Nikola
-Age: 23
-Race: Caucasian/appears human
-sex: male
-sexuality: any

-Biography: Nikola is series one in the android placement program done on planet Fontane. He was placed into a loving home, having their real child abducted and discarded of, leaving him to believe that he is the real and only child of his family. This lead him to become kind and have an innate sense of protection over others, especially his best friend Coolatta, whom he had met in middle school. He felt her abrasive attitude was a cry for help, so despite the beatings and insults he stuck around until she eventually caved and became his friend.

This new generation of android was nearly indistinguishable from normal humans, only being revealed when their power starts to overload or their circuits start to malfunction. These androids need to eat, sleep, love, and have real human emotions. This is made possible by using a Real human brain as the basis of their intelligence. Ai is kept to a minimum, being saved for combat needs and requirements. As such, these androids can train, learn, love and fight just as well as any other race.

Nikola grew up never suspecting himself of being anything other than a biological Fontanite. He had found a love of robotics early on and decided to shift his studies from programming to physical media. He enjoys playing video games and sparring with his childhood friend Coolatta, learning that he could control his energy {ki} at will. A little bit of training here and fighting there, and he was soon learning how to fly and project his ki outward. He enjoyed this newfound power, but grew increasingly worried about the strain it placed on him at his friends. Especially Coolatta, who shares his same powers.

Appearance: Nikola stands 5'10 with brown long hair that he often keeps up in a ponytail. He has a slender, currently untoned framed that held his long legs and stout arms. He's been referenced to as a mountain man because of his stature before, but he never saw himself as such. His face is boxy, his jawline easily visible when he shaves, but when he doesn't his beard grows in patchy and rough. His eyes are a piercing blue/green color.
-Name: Coolatta
-Sex: female
-Sexuality: unknown

-Biography: Coolatta is series two in the android placement program on planet Fontane. She was placed in foster care, going unadopted until she reached legal maturity of age 20. This lead her to become slightly bitter at the world, choosing to keep her self safe from others by being brash and rude to newcomers, except for Nikola who she met in middle school and quickly became attached to him, to her dismay and confusion.

These androids were created as a way to defend the planet. The idea that other aliens may try to conquer Fontane for it resources is not new, so precautions had to have been made. A sort of "minutemen" situation. In order to hide their powers, the androids were wiped of all memories of their creation or bio engineering, as a normal human brain would be used as the central processor of this metal exoskeleton. In case this never happened, however, these androids can still breed, bleed, age, and die just like mortals, albeit a bit slower and their fertility rates are much lower, yeilding non powered children.

Growing up in foster care, Coolatta found herself looking out for only two people; herself, and Nikola, since nobody else could be damned to do so. As such, she was more drawn to sports and fighting, taking a love of baseball and boxing to heart. Her boxing prowess made her more adept at sparring with Nikola, often landing her the win by either KO (which lead to many trips to the hospital) or mercy ruling. That was, until Nikolai discovered his power over his Ki. He was on winning their matches, until she learned how to control as well, leading things back to the way they were before. She was determined to do more than fly and shoot fireworks, however, curious to see how powerful she could become.

Appearance: Coolatta has long, floofy, blue/green hair that curls around her shoulders but comes down a little further than that. She stands at 6" tall, and her eyes are a dark purple behind sharp and almost intimidating almond shaped eyes. Her frame is slim with a size C bust, and her arms and legs make up most of her height by being long and lanky. Her face is typically a sharp scowl for everyone except for Nikola. Her hands are unusually large, but her arms more than make up for it by being thick and toned from her workouts. Her torso is equally toned, but no muscle as of yet.