OPEN SIGNUPS A Cruise Ship Experiment ( IC thread)

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Fiona smiled and watched him drink the water. He seemed to be regaining his faculties, that was a good thing. "Mike it is then," she nodded and smirked a bit, "But Mr.FBI sounds...exciting and mysterious. But ok You can be plain old Mike if you want." there was a playful glint in her eyes as she spoke and then stood up straight to look over the room. "I wonder if there might be something in know that might help figure out why this happened."

She heard Constance from the other room and chuckled softly, "OR...maybe it's out there..." She looked at Jeremy and made meaningful eye contact before she leaned in and whispered, "Keep an eye on Constance...she's ...a little off...ya know?"

She looked at Mike then, "Feeling ready to stand yet?" she asked offering a hand to help him up. She braced her foot on his shoe just in case he took her up on it. She needed leverage.
All Jeremy knew was that this was all starting to be beyond him. Joe was acting weird, Constance was acting weird, and the FBI guy was entirely too fishy for his tastes. He looked to Fiona and nodded his assent. "Peter, I'm pretty sure your statement is full of shit, but I'm going to go with it. I found something on the Captain. Constance, Joe, come over here! I think it's a code for something." For now, if he got Constance's head in the game, she could eventually slip up and help them leave this boat, or eventually find help. Keep your enemies close was something he did somewhat subscribe to, even if Constance wasn't really an enemy. At least that was what he hoped.

Eventually, he spotted the lock-box and the mirror next to it. "Alright, this paper in the Captain's pockets has a code on it. Now, it might be 02, 90, 69, but if not then we can try putting in the numbers backwards. I saw it in a movie once. IF not, then maybe switch around the orders. Otherwise I got nothing." He spoke aloud to whoever of the four people next to him actually came when he had called them. IT had probably been a movie-or a book. IT could have been either, as he was a dork who loved movies and books.

Approaching the locked box, he attempted to put the code as he saw it on the paper. IF that didn't work, then he would try to put in the code backwards, otherwise known as 96, 09, 20. Now, if that didn't work, he would sit back and look to Peter, Constance and Joe for answers. IF he actually made it into the safe, he would peer inside the safe first, making sure it wasn't dangerous (he had seen that Saw movie where the girl's hands get stuck, and that had only traumatized him a little bit) and then stick his hand inside to grab whatever was inside the box.
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The last thing you remembered was being at the Captain's Ball eating food with all the other guests. When you wake up- you have found yourself in your bedroom on the cruise ship in the middle of the ocean. After a few moments, you realize that you are not the only one left on the ship who experienced. There are a few other people, but besides them, no one seems to be around. Welcome to the S.S Living Dead.

When most people woke up, they tended to go through a convoluted mental process not unlike starting up a car on a cold day. This is perfectly natural and is rather like checking off a mental clipboard, ensuring that you are in fact, the same person you were when you laid your head down last night. In a haze of sleep, you start asking yourself the following.

Who am I, where am I, what happened last night, why is this goat in my bed?

Charlie got up to the third step, realized suddenly he couldn't remember the third and went from bleary to full wakefulness in a finger snaps length.

It wasn't paranoia if it was true and he exhaled once, eyes bulging.

Setting aside the goat plushie he recalled buying somewhere on his bed, he rose to his feet and began to retrace his steps as well as remember who he was.

To the world at large, he was Dr. Charlie P. Durwen. An anthropologist who threw away his bright future as a smuggler of artifacts and all-around desecrator.

To those in the know, he was Dr. Charlie P. Durwen.

And he was a Magi of the Dark Tapestry. A tradition with roots worldwide, in varying degenerate forms from the bayou of Louisiana to the frozen reaches of Alaska. That sort of thing tended to get a reaction from most, but in his line of work you couldn't afford to be picky. That and it tended to mostly work, at the cost of pain.

But what was life without pain? Maybe someday he'd go insane, but for now? He had a new mystery to solve. He headed for his shower, entering his suite bathroom as he cleaned himself up. As those who shower are wont to do, he began to think about the following. What had happened last night? And how had he come to this point?

He remembered buying a ticket. Cruise ships with their numbers and the fact they didn't tend to leave borders made them great red herrings for security forces. He remembered dinner as well, a particularly delightful steak paired with a red wine to set it off right.

Then darkness and him waking up. He turned off his shower, moved to dry and dress himself. Once finished in his typical 'work clothing', he moved to his suitcase and popped it open.

In a false compartment, unlocked by a hidden switch he took out the following.

First was his personal grimoire. A simple leatherbound journal, full of his notes and annotations. This went into his inner jacket pocket. Second, he slipped out a silver ring with mercury-inlaid runes onto his finger. Finally, he added to these mystic codes with that magical thing known to the ancients as a .9mm Doubletap pistol. Small and concealable, it was a fairly recent purchase to replace the one he had lost in the fire that prompted his current situation. He had been sold by the double barrel that gave the weapon its name, and took it with the fairly solid idea in mind.

If whatever he faces didn't go down by two simultaneous shots, than its likely his magic would do little to affect it either.

In which case as always, he'd beat feet and run the opposite direction. A good, solid plan that had served him well in many capacities. These items slipped onto his person, he bounced on his heels briefly and let out a deep sigh. Alright. Prepared for the day.

Hopefully, all this meant was that he drank too much and the moment he walked out, the cruise would be in full force and wouldn't he feel silly?

He opened his door and stepped out.


The more Charlie walked, the more quieter his footfall became as he unconsciously entered fight-or-flight mode. Where was everyone? Where were the running kids, the belligerent baby sitters? Where were the staff, the sailors?

What happened to everyone?

He scowled as he realized he made one of three classic blunders as he headed for the Bridge of the ship.

The first being never get involved in a land war with Asia, never enter a battle with a Sicilian when death is on the line and never, ever, ever sleep in a place you hadn't warded against mystical intrusion.

It isn't paranoia if its true after all.
@LuckycoolHawk9 @slifer @PoetLore @Nicole Birdy

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Dan emerged from the shower in a rush to answer his room phone. Most of the communications on the ship had been disabled, thanks to his personal technical expertise, but a few rooms still could communicate. He dried his hand and lifted the receiver, "Yeah?"

He listened to a string of angry commands with stoic silence. "Understood."

He replaced the receiver gently and dried himself and dressed in casual attire of a common cruise passenger. he had attended the dinner last night, so that the people would recognize him as one of them, he did not however partake of the food that was served toward the end of the evening. Nor did he have anything alcoholic to drink, as he was instructed ahead of time.

He opened a suitcase and tapped the screen to life. His tablet, and the system in the lower level were the only ones not being jammed by his scrambler. He pulled up the ship's image and tapped on the eye at the right upper corner of the screen. Little red dots appeared wherever anyone was moving. Seemed most of the ones who were awake, were congregated on the bridge. That was unfortunate but inevitable.

He made note of the one person below deck, but decided to greet the others and try to 'guide' them away from the captain. The captain was his idea. A test. He was expendable anyway.

He tucked his gun, a small glock into the pocket of his tote bag where he could access it easily but where no one would notice or see it. He also had a few other things that could take care of Dr. Fairhaven if she forgot who was in charge.

He added a towel and some sun screen and slipped on some sun glasses and out the door he went. he was a tall man, standing over six feet four inches, but he was lean of build. He wore khaki shorts that fell to his knees and a tank top with the words, "I brake for barstools" in bright blue letters across the chest.

He made his way to the bridge and put on his best confused face. "Hey...what's going on? Where is everyone?"
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He added a towel and some sun screen and slipped on some sun glasses and out the door he went. he was a tall man, standing over six feet four inches, but he was lean of build. He wore khaki shorts that fell to his knees and a tank top with the words, "I brake for barstools" in bright blue letters across the chest.

He made his way to the bridge and put on his best confused face. "Hey...what's going on? Where is everyone?"

"You and me both wise guy."

Charlie had made it to the bridge, his relief at seeing a fellow passenger mitigated only by his sense of paranoia, which all Call of Cthulhu players folks in his unique circumstances may appreciate. Whatever kept you alive after all, and he tensed before openly relaxing as he approached to extend his hand to shake.

"Hey. Phillips, nice to meet you. You noticed the weird shit too?"

@PoetLore @LuckycoolHawk9
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A face peed out from her room, wondering why it was so darn quiet outside. She strolled outside in shorts, a t-shirt, sneakers, and a bag full of random things she found in her room, looking around at the complete lack of people. That got her thinking about how she even got to her room...well, there was still a nope on that. She had almost nothing from the past left to access, which sucked. It was all jus a hazy mess. It was amazing that she could remember things like her name and her age. While she had been in her room she had thought about what she remebered. Sure, she remebered things about herself, like what she liked and disliked, but in terms of having a family...she couldn't even remeber that. In the end, coming out of her room seemed to be the best option for now. If she wanted anything close to an answer, she would have to leave her room.

Ari spotted two dudes talking to each other, making her speed up from a quiet walk to a light jog. As soon as she was close enough, she called out to them. "Hey, you guys! What's going on? Did something happen? It's way too quiet out here.Where is everyone?" Ari asked, waving her hand so she could try and get their attention. The men looked older than her by far, but she hasn't spotted anyone else so far, which meant talking to them for information first. She would have to keep an eye out for any suspicious behavior from them, but for now, she would be friendly with them. Sure, they were both dudes who could probably kill her, but it was this or nothing.
Joe the Ghost, Michael Ross/ Samuel Hope and Peter Destin

Joe shrugged, not noticing the frown when Constance talked. Joe wondered if the woman wasn't paying attention to the fact that Grace had disappeared and that the family who had been with them at dinner hadn't been found either. The ghost simply shrugged. " It's okay, sometimes, you have to get used to all the weirdness that is happening. I don't mind chatting with people and you seemed to be a very nervous wreck who needed some cheering up too."

Joe turned back to see that a box had been knocked over. Joe leaned to help pick the papers up and shrugged. The ghost wasn't sure how the FBI agent was going to help them right now. It was paper in a box, not some sort of code or anything. The ghost picked up a paper and shrugged. " It looks like this is a bunch of nonsense numbers and letters that don't make any sense. Though it looked like someone ripped off the last piece and took it with them. How strange," Joe replied. Joe shrugged and was about to go and get the others when the ghost noticed something strange. The box had a small little safe in it too.

" This keeps getting stranger and stranger. We have disappearing families and girls, missing passengers, a dead captain, a bunch of garbled nonsense that is ripped and a safe that looks like it belongs more as a children's toy than anything important," Joe replied, not making sense of it, walking over to the others, bringing all the strange papers with them.

Michael took a sip of the water, trying to gather his bearings and try to figure out what happened to bring him here. He shouldn't be like that and smirked. " Mr. FBI sounds so exciting and mysterious, but I was supposed to be off-duty for this cruise and just be plain old Mike and I prefer to keep it that way. I imagine that if the murderer was sloppy, they would have left some evidence behind to who the heck they were. I hope that they were stupid in that regard honestly."

Mike had missed Constance calling for him and was silent, trying to figure out his best approach that would make it so that more people would trust him. He knew that he was probably suspicious for being found near the dead captain, but hopefully, their doubts would eventually be quelled.

She looked at Mike then, "Feeling ready to stand yet?" she asked offering a hand to help him up. She braced her foot on his shoe just in case he took her up on it. She needed leverage.

Mike looked over at her and took her hand, using her to help himself up. He was thankful that she had helped him up, even if it was just because she didn't trust him in the slightest though. As he was helped up, the door slammed behind them.

Peter was surprised by the door slamming behind them, especially when it had been wide open before, but he chalked it up to the wind. The wind could slam a door shut. He walked over to the door to see if it was okay. He tugged and tugged at the door and found that it wasn't budging. He examined the door and saw that it had no key hole." Apparently, this door locks from the inside of it and somebody locked it before we came in. So.... we are going to need to find a key if we want to get out of here.....though how we are going to open the door from the other side.... is a separate problem entirely. It seems that leaving here is going to take finding that key..... perhaps the captain had it on him."

As Peter went over to the body, he was blocked by Michael. " I mean, if there was a key, Jeremy would have found it already and he already found the code in his pocket. I doubt that he isn't through in his search. I imagine that you won't find a key," Michael replied.

" Listen, Mike, there might be some secret pockets and stuff and he only looked for three seconds. So please excuse me," he said, pushing Mike aside, touching the body.

Approaching the locked box, he attempted to put the code as he saw it on the paper. IF that didn't work, then he would try to put in the code backwards, otherwise known as 96, 09, 20. Now, if that didn't work, he would sit back and look to Peter, Constance and Joe for answers. IF he actually made it into the safe, he would peer inside the safe first, making sure it wasn't dangerous (he had seen that Saw movie where the girl's hands get stuck, and that had only traumatized him a little bit) and then stick his hand inside to grab whatever was inside the box.

Peter was surprised when the body of the captain gasped, almost as if it hadn't been dead in the first place. Had he just revived a human? Maybe the captain wasn't dead..... no, he was dead. He was dead as a doorknob. And now he was breathing. Peter didn't know what to say about this. Thankfully, he wouldn't have to reply. The lockbox had opened and had a second code in it of 70 40 37. It was simple and was literally labelled small safe. " I think that might be a code for the small safe Joe has. Maybe we should use it for the small safe." The captain finally rose up, so everybody could fully notice that he was ALIVE again.

Joe the ghost looked at the others. " Here is the small safe. I'm going to see if I can get any help. I think I can phase through this wall," the ghost said, doing such. It seemed that the others in the room could either question the now not dead captain, do the code or wait for Joe to come back with help. It also might be good to talk with Peter.

@PoetLore @slifer

Joe the ghost

Joe walked through the wall and hurried over to the bridge. The ghost was thankful when there were other people who were encountered. Joe looked over at Dan, Charlie and Ari. " Hi, I'm Joe. I need some help..... I found others, but they got trapped in the captain quarters, the door locked behind us and well, the captain was dead and now he isn't and I need some help getting them up once they found the key." Maybe it might be a good idea to question how the ghost had escaped... or you know ask how the heck something dead came alive again.

@Ringmaster @slifer @PoetLore
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Ari spotted two dudes talking to each other, making her speed up from a quiet walk to a light jog. As soon as she was close enough, she called out to them. "Hey, you guys! What's going on? Did something happen? It's way too quiet out here.Where is everyone?" Ari asked, waving her hand so she could try and get their attention. The men looked older than her by far, but she hasn't spotted anyone else so far, which meant talking to them for information first. She would have to keep an eye out for any suspicious behavior from them, but for now, she would be friendly with them. Sure, they were both dudes who could probably kill her, but it was this or nothing.

It seems others besides him were coming out of the woodwork. All with the same idea he had in mind, namely to check out the bridge for the captain or records. With that in mind, he merely waved once at Ari and didn't bother to get the response of the guy who braked for bar stools.

....How does one brake for bar stools? He thought about that, idly as he searched back and forth for the logs detailing the course of the ship that maritime law required.

Or whatever, he wasn't a sailor. He saw Titanic once though. Did that count? Probably not.

Joe walked through the wall and hurried over to the bridge. The ghost was thankful when there were other people who were encountered. Joe looked over at Dan, Charlie and Ari. " Hi, I'm Joe. I need some help..... I found others, but they got trapped in the captain quarters, the door locked behind us and well, the captain was dead and now he isn't and I need some help getting them up once they found the key."

For those who saw Charlie for the first time, he radiated a sense of bounciness. Never in one spot long enough, there was always something moving about him. A finger, his glance, his foot tapping. It was as though the man was incapable of being still and he needed to be constantly active. At the moment, he was staring at a login screen for whatever instrument this was here when Joe entered.

He checked the sextant, examined the compass and then leaped to the wheel, giving it an experimental turn. A moment later, he turned to those present and smiled brightly as he announced his findings.

"I have no idea what to do with these!"

"-and well, the captain was dead and now he isn't and I need some help getting them up once they found the key."


"-the captain was dead and now he isn't."

That got his attention and suddenly he was very still. The change was astounding as he looked at Joe, giving him his full attention before moving to slip on shades. The act looking like that of a total ponce, which was what he wanted folks to think.

Who would even believe what he was doing now?

Under his breath, he muttered the following.

"N'ghft zhro."

It was a harsh, twisted language utterly gibberish to any who might here. Regardless, even the words themselves seemed ugly in and of themselves. The works of the Dark Tapestry, where Nameless things dwelled and hungered were not used lightly, the risk akin to sleeping with venomous snakes. Someday, the snake would bite.

But not today. He felt the sudden shift as the world twisted on itself, reality asserting as the tug on his willpower was endured. Had he not worn the shades, he might have been blinded in the light for a moment, enough for folks to look at him closely. Cat eye iris had replaced his usual orbs, cats having the natural ability to see in the dark. At least, that was the original purpose when he crafted the spell.

It was entirely a bonus that he managed to create something else as well. Cats were notoriously difficult to fool, the reason being they were more sensitive to matters arcane. Seeing through disguise and glamour, many a tale existed where a hero or heroine was rescued by a cat who intervened at the last minute. With this spell, he could see a little past the planes that the Seen and Unseen dwelt and avoid trouble.

He would look at the people with him now, seeking to understand a bit of who or what they were, before getting involved in necromancy.

"What did you say about the captain again?"
@LuckycoolHawk9 @slifer @PoetLore
Constance went with Joe into the other room where the dead captain was, and was staring the the pages as Joe handed over the box. they were a series of numbers, but numbers in such a format meant something. They were bank routing numbers, or map locations, or codes, but hey were something. No one had things like this without a reason. What on earth was going on here? Definitely more than she was led to believe.

She noted the Mike was standing and was glad of it. "I'm glad to see you are doing a bit better Mike." She said wondering if his being smashed over the head would affect his ability to remember what he knew about the ship and the captain. She wasn't going to ask him anything pointed to find out, but she did wonder. She was startled from her thoughts by the door slamming and gasped in surprise. Her shaking hand lifted to her throat as she turned to see that they were trapped inside. Why? She glanced around the room for the camera that the rest of the 'team' was no doubt watching through but she could not see it. Honestly though, you couldn't see most of them. Whoever had done all the electronic work for this was a flipping genius in her book.

She forgot to look shocked when the Captain suddenly stood and began talking. Instead she began scribbling notes on the a pad she pulled out of her bag. Time, exposure, level of consciousness upon raising and a few others. She watched him carefully, more than a little fascinated. Then she glanced furtively at Peter to see if he'd realize what he had just done.
Fiona smiled and pulled him to stand using her toe on his as leverage, as well as all her body weight. She grunted but he got up, and she was rightly proud of her efforts. "You ok? Any dizziness?" She asked and then jumped and clung to his side for a second before she recovered herself and stepped away, "Sorry...that scared the bejeebus out of me." She blushed a bit at having treated him like a human wall of some sort, but she couldn't help it. He was the most capable looking man in the room, as far a physical protection was concerned, and she'd learned to trust training. FBI agents were highly trained.

She looked at the small box curiously and then jumped back to Mike's side again when the captain suddenly was alive. "Ohhhh....I oh..." She said with her hands on Mike's sides and standing slightly behind him but peeking around him to see. She was scared but she was also ridiculously curious as well. "Um...did we miss something? he's not could we not realize that?" She asked and then tucked her head behind Mike's back and rested her forehead against his back. "If I'm dreaming I'm ready to wake up now. Like seriously..someone pinch me."
Dan nodded to the man and the woman who approached, "Seems like everyone is in here...maybe they know something." He knew something but he wasn't about to say as much.

He was a bit surprised to see someone he didn't know. She wasn't on the passenger list and he had no file on her. THAT bothered him. "Wait...did you say you were in the room with them and they are trapped? Why weren't YOU trapped?" he asked trying to figure out who she was.

He did note the odd language used by Charlie, and remembering his file he figured it was some hocus pocus mumbo jumbo and summarily dismissed it. Turning back to the one who was in need of help, "I'm Dan...and you are??" He asked as he moved to the door, though she hadn't said WHICH door he knew already. He gave the handle a jiggle but ti was locked. "Hmm...maybe there's a hatchet or crow bar around somewhere we could pry it open with. And hey...did you say the captain was dead...but now he isn't?" he asked, "Are you SURE he was dead? That sounds a little crazy honestly."

He knew it wasn't but he didn't want anyone else to know that. He needed to keep them in the dark about who he was for as long as possible. He started looking around the room for something he could use to pry the door when he noticed the box, and that the majority of the pages were gone. Well hell, that was not good. No doubt...NO DOUBT...he'd get a call about that once he was back at his room. he casually stacked the boxes back up and kept looking.
Jeremy took out the second code, grasping it in his hands. He went over to the safe, and attempted to open it. As soon as the code was put in, and the door opened, he noticed the sight of the dead captain coming back to life. Grabbing whatever was in there, he followed his instincts and started walking towards the Captain. He stopped, standing before the man to give him something to focus on, still holding onto whatever was in the safe. "Hello, I'm Jeremy. How are you feeling? Do you need water or anything?" Normally, he would have been afraid that the man was a zombie, but he was used to it, almost like he had been doing this already, had been used to being the guy that calmed down dead people. Which was absolutely nuts by the way, because people didn't just come back from the dead. IT wasn't possible. Either way, his goal now was to check on this man who had come back from the dead, as he wasn't moaning and seemed to have most of his faculties at the moment. Necromancy was like waking up from a deep sleep. How he knew that....he had no idea. Someone had told him that, he was sure of it. He could deal with the clearly suspicious Mike after he oriented the Captain to where they were without making the man crack under the pressure of the situation.

Even from looking at the man, Ari could feel that the man had powers, even when hearing the dark and guttural language of...whatever that was. IT clearly had done something. It was a mystery to her how she knew that he did something magical, but it was obvious. Whatever Charlie had done, only time would tell. The bouncing fellow seemed to be all over the place, it seemed to be less from ADHD and more from...somewhere else. The exact words were escaping her, much like her memories. The little child's words were confusing her as she actually listened to what the girl said. "How did you escape if the door locked behind you, and what do you mean that the Captain is alive? You mean that someone used CPR on the captain? Show us where the room is." Her words were softer, as to not frighten off the child before her. Naturally, she didn't know about the necromancy. Well, she knew that Necromancy was magic, and it was real, but from what she knew, she couldn't quite make the connection from actual necromancy to a Captain coming back from the dead. Though...the other non-magical fellow was suspicious. She may be friendly, but she wasn't stupid. How had Dan figured out which door the others were locked in? IT had been too precise for sheer luck. That was a thought she would hide until it was absolutely necessary.
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Joe the Ghost

Joe awkwardly stared at the rest of the group and wondered how this was going to be explained. Explaining Peter was kind of like trying to explain an enigma wrapped in a box, wrapped in brightly colored Christmas paper done by a five year old boy.

In layman terms, he was complicated and messy and sometimes made no sense.

The ghost raised an eyebrow and looked over at the magic user.

When trying to get an understanding of Joe, all Charlie would get was a very confusing reading. It couldn't tell if it was a boy, girl, alive or dead in the slightest. Joe seemed to be somewhere between the two.

" Well, he was killed and then revived, so it's kind of hard to explain without seeing."

Joe tried not to roll its eyes when Dan mentioned that everyone was in here. No duh, the ghost had just said that. Sometimes mortals and their need to point out the obvious was something else.

Joe looked over at him and sighed. " Well, the long answer is that I can walk through walls. I'm kind of a ghost and kind of not. It's complicated. I have been dead for long enough to know I'm dead and that I was partially revived, but I still can walk through walls on occasion. This was one of the few times I could," the ghost honestly replied to him.

Joe had noticed the odd language, but decided to ignore it because the ghost didn't understand it. The ghostly being looked over at Dan. " Well, Dan, I'm Joe Beaumont, a dead being walking," Joe replied, looking over at him going to the door, before the words of which door it was could be uttered. Well, that was certainly suspicious, and the ghost had noticed it for the future. " I did mention it was locked, didn't it? From what I understand, there is a key inside, and once they figure out where it was, they can slide it over to us. " I'm positive that he was dead. As positive as I am, that I was dead."

Joe looked over at him and waited to see if the others had anything at all. The ghost noticed the empty box amongst other things in the room. Sadly for the others, they would find nothing to pry the door open with. Not a crowbar, not a wench, nothing that could be used against the door. It was kind of weird to say the least that the ship didn't have one, but perhaps whoever had knocked them out, had taken all the crowbars away to not ruin their puzzle by cheating.

Joe wondered if the people liked to ask the same questions that was already answered or if it was just a mortal thing. " No, I mean, he was dead and was brought back to life by necromancy. I am very versed in understanding that things aren't as simple as people like to think they are. Also, I would, but it seems our friend Dan hear took a lucky guess on which door it was. I mean, a very lucky guess," Joe drawled, eyeing him with an even more skeptical eyebrow. Joe was already dead, so it didn't matter if Dan wanted to kill the ghost, he couldn't. Hopefully, the others had figured it out to say the least, otherwise, this would become a very awkward conversation.

Peter Destin, Michael Ross and Christopher Fletcher

Peter had noticed that Constance had come back with papers and wondered what was on them, but was still trying to process how he had revived a dead person. It was one thing to revive an animal from the dead, but it was another to revive a person. A person had complicated emotions and were tricky to figure out. A person could freak out from being revive.... and most importantly to him, a person could betray you. There was no loyalty in a person like there as in an animal. Still, he wondered if he was more than he had thought he been. Could he revive animals and humans? Where were limits?

Mike looked over at Constance and he didn't quite glare, though he wanted too. He hadn't ben faking getting smashed on the head. He did know a lot about the ship and the captain, but due to the knock to the head, bits and pieces were missing. He took a deep breath, trying to find a rational reason why he had reacted how he had reacted. If he didn't come up with one soon, he would lose the little trust that he gained from the others. But perhaps, there was a simple solution to his problem. He could pretend that he hadn't known why he acted the way if he did. He played the part of the fool well, then nobody would know that he was acting. They could have their misgivings, but without the proof, there was no changing it to solid proof. He took a deep breath.

Though, he would have to remind Constance to act normal when they got a chance. By the fact that she had switched to investigator and jotting stuff down, she was shattering the little trust they could have her in him. He glanced over at Peter. He seemed to have just realized what he had done for a long time. Reviving other human beings from the dead.

Mike took a deep breath, not immediately realizing that Fiona had wanted to know how he was. He took a deep breath. " I can honestly say that I am adjusting. It's going to take full control of myself. If I ever seem to do anything out of character, the concussion I had is making me remember horrible things from my past. I can however control them, but sometimes, these things seem to get a little out of my control. Hence my reaction to our good friend Peter," he replied. If he wasn't on a mission, he would have liked the strong paternal protection that Fiona had in him, but for him, it seemed to be a distraction.

Mike turned to her when she jumped back and took a deep breath trying to process everything that was happening, though he knew what was happening. " I am not certain if we did, but perhaps someone just made him appear to be dead, I am sure that such things have been used in the past. I don't think you are dreaming. I think someone is playing with us," he replied, though it was said which such a strange calmness. He wondered if any of the others were going to try to talk to the captain of the ship. He expected at least one of them to at least try too.

When Jeremy opened the safe and attempted to get it open, he would be successful in obtaining in the item inside, a key, though not for the door outside. This key was different and seemed to go somewhere else in the room. If Jeremy looked by the captain, he noticed that it went into the wheel of the ship. Of course, there were more pressing issues at the moment like the poor confused dead captain. He had been watching everything that was happening, but he couldn't process anything. He knew he had been stabbed and bleed, but when he looked down, the wound wasn't gone, but healed, almost as if he was taken into an hospital, but he knew he hadn't. He looked over at him. " Hi Jeremy. I'm Christopher Fletcher, the captain of the ship....." he trailed off, not sure how to follow up after that. It wasn't like he had could just ask why he wasn't dead. He was too busy processing everything to notice that there were so many people here, but he recognized Mike and Constance. Who had killed him? He tried to breath regularly, but he was slowing panicking. Peter, having finally snapped out of his funk, looked over at him and placed a hand on his shoulder.

" It's okay. Everything is fine. Jeremy, maybe we should use that key on the wheel and see what we can get from it," he replied. Chris wasn't sure why, but he was calming down. At this point, the others could hear the voices of the others near the door. Joe had arrived with back-up. It looks like it was almost time to finally see the end of this puzzle, the only things being left after the wheel being the coded lockbox ( the one that the safe code hadn't work on.) ... and the code page.

@PoetLore @Ringmaster @slifer
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Constance had caught a glance from Mike and looked at her pad and the light went on bright and clear in her mind. She put the pad away and touched the record button on her cassette player. At least she'd have audio to remind her what happened. She'd brought it along as a last minute thing, and now she was grateful for her forethought. It didn't need external power, it wasn't connected to the devices she had which were all connected to their system. She wasn't sure who to trust now, if they'd killed the captain what was to prevent them from killing her? Would they do so once all the research was complete anyway?

Worry lined her features, but she forced herself to engage with the others and try to figure out how to get out of the room. Jeremy had found the key easily enough, but now there was some kind of code. "Captain? Do you know the code by chance?" She asked figuring he would know everything about the ship. Though, with the organization on board there was no telling what had been changed without his knowledge. She had no idea how much they had told the captain beyond who she and Mike were.

Jeremy wouldn't have any way of knowing he was indeed very used to this kind of occurrence, but it was interesting to watch him interact so easily with a newly revived man. The organization's memory wipe wasn't as thorough as they wanted to believe it would seem.

She heard people outside the door and wondered who else was revived. Would everyone revive? or only some? If not...why? So many questions without answers, and to a researcher that was the thing that drove them on and kept them going in the face of this kind of possible personal danger.
Fiona let go of Mike when the Captain seemed to be behaving normally, which was crazy but somehow comforting. "I'm gad to see you ... alive... Captain. We met at Dinner last night, Fiona MacGreggor." She said extending her hand in an attempt to put some normalcy into this nutfarm of an experience.

She glanced up at Mike, "Sorry....I didn't mean to use you as a human shield." She scrunched up her face a bit and exhaled loudly, "Well ok that's a lie, but I shouldn't have. Sorry."

She looked at the box Constance had come in with just before the door locked them in. "Maybe there's something in those papers? I know I jot things down everywhere...."
Dan glanced over at Joe, who noticed that he went to the correct door before she showed him. He cursed his own impetuousness. "I took a tour of the ship with the captain first day aboard, and he showed me where his cabin was. Lucky guess that he was there..." He shrugged and hoped that came off as a good explanation.

"So you expect us to believe you are dead...but not dead?" he asked her with a lot of sarcasm, "How do we know you didn't shut everyone in there?" If someone casts blame or shade on you, turn it right around on them and cast it right back. He needed people to be confused and distrustful of everyone, and he was good at it.

He pounded on the door, " ok in there??" he called, though he was pretty sure they wouldn't be able to hear him through that door. No one had heard him murder the Captain or deck that Spy.
Jeremy kept his focus on Christopher Fletcher, knowing that he had to keep an eye on the man that had been brought back to life. For the man's own safety. That and the fact that he looked almost as nice as Peter did. Internally, Jeremy cursed at his own libido for deciding to distract him from his task, blinking carefully to clear his head. First thing first, the key. He led Christopher to the wheel of the ship, carefully leading the man to the area like a mother would to a confused child. It was helpful to orient the dead to where they were, involving the dead with the living world asap. Still, something he wasn't sure how he knew it, but it was useful at the moment. "Alright Captain Fletcher, I'm going to open whatever the wheel is hiding. Right now, we are locked in the control room of the ship." Jeremy explained to the man, letting Christopher acclimate himself to the situation, using a calm voice that hid a soothing tone to it. Only someone like Peter would be able to tell what he was doing, which was akin to soothing a wild animal. Sometimes, people became extremely upset after realizing that they had died, and he hoped to avoid that as best as he could with Christopher. It was another thing that he knew from ingrained experience, giving himself the impression that he had done this time and time again for....yeah, he still had no idea why he knew how to do this, and why he wasn't even fazed by a man coming back from the dead. But there was one thing for certain....his mother had told him to trust his instincts. Peter was a necromancer, and he was too good at being around dead people for it to be a coincidence. Those thoughts were connected somehow. He could make them stick. All he had to do was stay with Peter and Captain Fletcher, and his brain would eventually work it out. Hopefully.

Before the let the weird inconsistencies involved with caring for revived people that somehow came naturally to him pile up in his head, he went to work on the wheel. Quickly, he opened the box and found a key inside. Using Peter's advice, which was usually a reasonable thing he had done in the past, he took the key to the wheel, soon finding the keyhole. With that, he opened the locked wheel, hoping that he wouldn't reveal anything too horrible before he went back to tending to the most recently resurrected person on the ship. At the moment, he trusted Peter, Fiona, and Captain Fletcher. Mike's presence was fishy, and Constance...he didn't trust her, but at this point, he trusted her over Mike. Which was kind of depressing, once he really thought about it.

Ari let the information slide through her, not reacting to the fact that actual necromancy had happened, apparently. "Oh, ok. That makes sense, I suppose." There were hints of a necromancer being out in the world, but it had mostly been a rumor. Until now.
"It's simple. Why the hell would she go back and get help if she locked them in there?" Ari shot back, instantly sided with the ghostly child named Joe. Dan made her hackles rise, especially at how he had led the four of them to the locked room almost instantly. Sure, it was only suspicion at this point, but Joe was making more sense than the Dan fellow was. Besides, she was less of an asshole than Dan was, and Dan seemed overtly assholish, something she did mind. Then, it smacked her in the face. Joe was dead already. She was a ghost. At this point, Joe couldn't help her own case more if she tried. If she wanted someone on her side from the group, then she had Ari, even if Charlie and Dan weren't on her side. At least the people inside the door could see them now. Maybe they could coordinate things so that everyone could make it out of there in one piece.
Necromancy. Oh dear. Oh dear, oh dear, oh dear.

He lessened the charge in his eyes, reverting them to human. Once he was sure that they were fine, he removed his shades and smiled.

"Ok. The dead are walking. That's just fine."

He knew exactly how to handle this and with an about face, he beat feet for the exit as he sought to find the lifeboats.

If there was a Necromancer experimenting on this ship, then he wished him well. But he'd rather not become a zombie anytime soon, especially if someone in the know was aware of who he truly is. There was a reason he worked alone, because Necromancy like meddling with Eldritch Horrors tended to produce a certain type of magi.

And he wanted no part of it.

@slifer @PoetLore @LuckycoolHawk9
Peter Destin, Chris Fletcher,Michael Ross and Joe the Ghost

Mike had caught the glance and had been careful to ignore it. He knew that she was recording them for clarity and research and knew better than to interfere with her work. He could make himself more trusted if he chose to not see or know anything about what was happening. He looked over at her and was wondering what had killed the power himself. It wasn't like he could move too far without things going horribly wrong and he needed them to trust him. What exactly was presenting them from killing him was also a nagging thought that he kept in the back of his mind, uncertain if he would like the answer to the question.

Chris paused and thought for a second, trying his hardest to remember the code. " For the lockbox? I know it was a number sequence that had something to do with something personal or rather something personal to everyone, but I can't remember what it is in all honesty. I wish I can be more help, but maybe there is something else around here that can help us figure out," he said, not sure what else to say to the other people, worrying that he had screwed up by dying in some way, even though he couldn't have.

Chris wondered if he could make things better, but he highly doubted that would be the case. If he had learned anything from his past, it was that things rarely got better before they worst. Dying was bad, but there were still worse things than death that these people could do to him.

Chris noticed that there were people by the door and he wondered who he was. Maybe if he talked with the others, it would make him feel better about his prospects of surviving. Of course, the opposite could also be true and he could make things so much worse than it could be. There was no telling.

Chris turned over to her and smiled. " I vaguely remember you from dinner last night. I mean as a captain, it would be bad if I didn't remember someone I met less than a night again. It's nice to talk again, Fiona," he said, offering his hand to shake her. Even if this wasn't normal, he could at least pretend it was normal.

Michael shrugged it off. He didn't mind at all, especially since it meant that she trust him. It was a good thing that someone trusted him. " It's fine, I'm more trained than you and it was a reflex."

Michael looked over at the boxes and started to riffle through them. " It looks like most of these are just ships logs... well, expect this mess of number and letters. It almost looks like it could read like a letter if it wasn't gibberish."

Joe looked over at him and raised a skeptical eyebrow, not believing him in the slightest. " Well, I am sure that you did, I imagine that you would remember exactly where it was." Joe didn't honestly believe Dan, but the ghost could fake it with the best of them when Joe the ghost needed too. It sounded believable, Joe had to give him that.

Joe simply replied, by placing its hand through the floor and then pulling it out and then proceeding to punch a post and make contact. " As I said, dead but not dead. Some things I can interact with and other things I can't. It's just a fluke that I could fit through the walls and escape without getting hurt," Joe honestly replied. The ghost hoped it was enough proof.

It seemed that the walls were thick enough where nobody could hear him on the other side unless they were trying to listen. Nobody responded to Dan, exactly as he expected as nobody heard him speak.

Christopher tilted his heading, noticing that Jeremy was staring at him and he wasn't sure why he was. He felt calm and okay.... even thought it had been freaking out a second ago, but it seemed that when Peter told him to calm down, he felt the weight of the world lifted from his shoulders, uncertain of what to say. He wondered how he could help anymore than he already was. There had to be a way he could help the others. He tried his hardest to remember what had happened and he looked over at the other man as he led him to the wheel. There was some blood there, but there was no way it was his blood. He was perfectly fine and not dead somehow.

Chris nodded, as he listened to what he had to say. He had wondered why there were so many people in the room of the ship he was in. It made sense if they were all locked in with them and he looked around, wondering if everything was going to be okay. He wondered why his voice calmed him down so much better, but he felt better around him then he normally did. He looked around the room and back to the lock box and then at the gibberish as Michael had called it. What sort of person wrote gibberish on a paper though?

Chris looked between Peter and Jeremy, feeling the safest around them and believing whatever he was going to tell them. He was about to see what else was happen and then he remembered dying.... and the blood and he started to panic a little. Thankfully, a calm reassuring hand was placed on his shoulder and calmed him down. He looked over at Peter who was smiling and it made him feel better at his prospective of being stuck in here. it seemed nice that everything was going so well and he couldn't remember why he had been panicking a few minutes again, but he was sure that it wasn't important and he didn't need to remember it.

Peter looked over at Jeremy and felt that it was good that he had listened to him and he looked at him with a smile as he opened the box of the wheel and the key had fit inside of it. There was something good about everything going their way for once, it felt like it was a rare oddity that happened. He took a deep breath and offered a smile as he looked over at Jeremy and when he opened it, Peter saw that there was a paper sticking out of it. " I'll take that for us, in case that it is a clever trap." He pulled out the paper and examined it and then walked over and took the jibberish that Michael had called nothing and started to compare them. " Both of these are the same page, expect for one key difference. One of these are ripped and the other isn't. When you place them over each other, you can see that the missing piece goes with this paper and spells Home.... Home.... hmmm....." Peter walked over to the coded lock box and started to play with the numbers for a bit and nodded, wondering if he was right. " If we translate the letters to numbers, it could possibly be 40, some other number, 3, but if we go by the logic the mirror plays a key role, it could also be 3, some other number that represents m, and 04. I'm not sure which it is, but I imagine that either way, this box has our key."

Joe nodded in agreement with the girl. Why in the world would the guilty party would come back? It almost seemed like the other man was wanting them to not trust her and Joe didn't appreciate it. There was something fishy going on in this ship and Joe wondered if Dan knew something about it. Joe paused and had a billion thoughts pass through their mind, looking over at Dan. " I have a question for you. You mentioned that the captain gave you a tour? What time did that happen?" Joe asked, curious to how the man was going to respond back. Joe sighed and walked over to the others and through the wall " I got some others, nice girl, fishy as fuck guy...

" Language."

" Fine, shady as hell guy and a random guy. You guys got the key?" Joe asked. Peter shook his head and pointed to the locked box and Joe nodded, heading back to the others.

Joe had been barely paying any attention to Charlie.

As he had done whatever he had done, nobody was really paying attention to him and it seemed that he could just leave without them even noticing.

Joe hadn't even caught what he had said either.

Charlie would be able to find where the lifeboats were easily, there was only one slight problem with the lifeboats when he found them.

And by slight problem with the lifeboats, it was actually a huge problem for Charlie. It seemed that where the lifeboats should have been, there were none and even worse, there was a cryptic warning carved into the side of the boat that read: THERE'S NO ESCAPE FOR YE. ABANDON ALL HOPE OF LEAVING THIS SHIP, YOU ARE HERE UNTIL WE ARE DONE.

It seemed that Charlie was left little choice on where he would be going.

@PoetLore @slifer @Ringmaster
Charlie would be able to find where the lifeboats were easily, there was only one slight problem with the lifeboats when he found them.

And by slight problem with the lifeboats, it was actually a huge problem for Charlie. It seemed that where the lifeboats should have been, there were none and even worse, there was a cryptic warning carved into the side of the boat that read: THERE'S NO ESCAPE FOR YE. ABANDON ALL HOPE OF LEAVING THIS SHIP, YOU ARE HERE UNTIL WE ARE DONE.

It seemed that Charlie was left little choice on where he would be going.

Now that was interesting. In the whole, 'cliché'd, Saturday morning cartoon' kind of way. Also, just a little bit amateurish. Whoever was responsible was either new to this sort of thing or just naturally inclined to show off.

Boats vanished all the time, but one's as blatant in their address like this would trigger an investigation. So....A new magi? Or maybe someone with an artifact? At least he knew how to deal with those.

He walked calmly off, free to investigate alone as he went for the direction of the cargo hold.

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