OPEN SIGNUPS A Cruise Ship Experiment ( IC thread)

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Lehna made here way to the lounge where she always sang and looked around confused. Where was everyone? Not even Hank, her piano player was there. No bartender, no one. Was her clock wrong? no, it didn't matter...this lounge usually had people in it around the clock. "HELLO!?!" she called out as she moved around the room, "Where is everyone?"

She approached the bar and a head popped up. " just about scared the life outta me!"

Darren reddened, "Sorry...I'm Darren...been trying to figure out what's going on...can't find anybody...well 'cept you a course." He set a bottle of gin on the bar, "I'm figurin' a drink might help me ... can I get you somethin?"

Lehna nodded, "If you can make a Tom Collins..."

Darren nodded, "I might could manage..." He grinned as he poured syrup, lemon juice, seltzer water and gin into a shaker and then poured it our for her. "I worked as a tender when I was at college studyin' agriculture..." he explained. "Farmin is my workin outdoors and bein my own master." He made himself the same drink and then held up his glass to hers, "To finding out what's goin on here...and new friends..."

Lehna smiled as he made the drink and took a sip after he poured it, "Oh yum...that's very good." She grinned, "You must have been a good one...." he told her about being a farmer and her eyes went wide, "I don't think I've ever met a farmer before..thank you for it. I love corn." She took another sip of her drink, "Well..I work here. I'm the singer that usually entertains in here, but I don't appear to be needed tonight." A pretty pout formed on her lips and then she shrugged, "Weird that Hank isn't here though...he's never late."

"Who's Hank?"

"My piano player."

"Oh...I see. I can play a the music over there/"

"Should be, but it's not necessary..."

"Well, I'm a passenger and I'd like ta hear the pretty lady sing..."

Lehna blushed and followed him with her drink in hand, "If you insist..." He played a few of her songs and proved to be just as good as Hank. "You play very well..."

The quiet that surrounded them was broken by a sudden loud slamming sound and a series of metallic clicks. "What was that?"

"NO idea..." he said but got up and went to check it out. All the doors were now closed and locked. Odd. "We're locked in...."
She had no clue what the fuck he was doing, but she could only guess it was something bad. What sort of fucking cruise did her brother run for? One for magic users?

She tried to quietly go back to her corner box, but she knocked over and tripped over one of the bodies into his circle.

" Well, this certainly isn't the mess hall. .. Uh hi, stranger," she said. Please don't be too crazy and murderous.

"-NOT THE...Circle." Charles said weakly as the stupid girl seemed to go out of her way to throw a body into his summoning. In the process, dislodging the sanskrit runes that would keep the Beast bound. His nose would bleed from the feedback, his head would feel funny and something invisible would be snatching up the corpse, tearing it to pieces in midair.

Charles wouldn't even bother to stick around, turning to run like hell as he called over his shoulder.


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Ari looked at her, not really registering the words for a moment. She had to get herself back together, and more importantly, get something in her stomach. It took a little bit, but she looked to Fiona, hoping for a sandwich. "I'd like a sandwich, she said, trying to shake off the fear and panic that came from remembering her own death. Not like that was traumatic or anything.
Taking a bite of the turkey sandwich seemed to help her calm down a little more, and soon, she looked a little bit better after silently eating half of a sandwich and downing a bottle of water. Realistically, the ship had to be stocked with food. It would make no sense to starve everyone on the ship.
"I remember someone standing over me, and they were choking me, and there was pain, and...not that much." It was as if someone had tampered with her before all of this had happened. From what she knew, the captain had the most memory out of all the dead people
She turned to Constance, zeroing in on her as an unaccustomed rage rose up inside of her. "You know who's in on this and who's not. Say something. The jig's already up. You know stuff about us. You knew that we were dead. You owe us that much." It was as if her brain had switched over to anger, probably as a coping mechanism for all of this. Anger was easier to deal with, and in this circumstance it was 100% justified. She had to know who was in on it, and this woman knew more than she let on. "You knew we were dead and said nothing. Now, I know something else is at play here, and maybe you're being manipulated as well. So redeem yourself. You might need allies in the end. You could possibly end up like one of us." Instead of manifesting in firey passion, her rage was icy cold, and Constance would feel all of it, as it was directed at her.

Jeremy grabbed a bottle of water for himself, looking at Dan and Michael not in the least helping his paranoia. Dan was the type of man who fueled the inner conspiracy theorist inside of him. Whomever Dan worked for (he would bet everything he had that Dan was in on it. Probably Mike as well but he had less obvious answers for that one.) had terrible training in terms of how not to be extra obvious. Either way, he went back to the fridge, raiding it for food before munching on it with an efficiency that would rival almost anyone.

"Well, we have to bunk for the night. I don't care what you guys do, but I'm going to see if I can relax. We do have to live with each other for a night." Which wasn't possible at the moment-he was wide awake, and had just finished eating enough to feel comfortable. At least he had some headphones in his pocket and a fully charged phone. It had no wifi, but there was always something to listen to. Approaching Peter once the other man was done feeding his pets and eating, he offered the man an earbud. "You want to listen to music, maybe watch a video, play a game, or even listen to a podcast?"

Idly, he thought about Peter, as the other man gave an answer to his question, and the fact that people came to life around him. It wasn't like Peter was a necromancer or anything......Balls. It was if the realization hit him like a truck, as the pieces seemed to fit together. Peter was the necromancer, he brought people back from the dead, and....he knew about it already. Somehow. He knew Peter, and...Peter didn't know him at all, something that made his stomach sink among the other emotions that seemed to plague him at the internal revelation. He let himself focus on Peter, hoping his thoughts weren't too obvious.

A figure walked out from the lounge at the sound of a click. Well, she did have to interact with others after all, and conversing with other passengers helped stave off unpleasant thoughts about how they were locked in.

She walked up to the bar and sat down at one of the stools, close enough so that the woman and man could talk to her if they wanted, far enough away to not feel that she was too close to them. "Excuse me, can I get a Sangria please, if you have it? I would like it to be red, but I don't mind if it's not." Astrid asked politely, when the woman and the bartender paused naturally in their conversation, trying to be polite. The games had began, and it was almost a matter of time before everyone was brought together. Which meant interacting with the necromancer and her "coworkers," something she wasn't sure if she wanted to do yet. Either way, she could afford to have one drink, now that they were trapped here for the night.
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Darren smiled at the woman who'd joined them, "Sorry didn't see ya or I'da offered to git ya something." He was acting like an employee of the ship but he was really just another passenger like them. He rummaged around behind the bar and finally found what he was looking for and set her red Sangria on the bar in front of her. "Name's Darren," his hand extended in friendly greeting, "don't think we met before...that there is Lehna...she sings pretty..."

Lehna blushed a bit, and nodded to the woman. "I didn't think anyone else was in here...seems we're trapped for the night." She offered an apologetic smile, "Probably not going to get much sleep in here...nothing comfortable to lay on unless you can sleep on the floor." She made a distasteful expression as she said that which indicated her own thoughts about doing so. She'd bet farm boy here could do it, but also doubted he would.

Darren shrugged, "One all nighter never hurt a body..." he leaned against the bar, "So...what brought you ladies to this cruise? My brother wanted me to get away from the farm fer a bit and have a life...whatever that means. I have a good life.."

Lehna smiled, "That was nice of him...This is my full time job...still trying to catch my big break but this pays the bills. It's a pretty fun work place really."
Constance watched everyone. Well they had normal appetites. That was worth noting, so she did and then blinked at Ari's rage filled words. "Threatening me isn't going to change anything," she replied calmly, "I don't actually know the people in charge, I was hired but a Mr. Franks, but I have not seen anyone by that name here. She made a few more notes in her journal and glanced up and down a few times to get Joe's attention, or anyone else's for that matter. She was hoping someone would come over and read what she'd written, so she set the open journal down and went to the kitchenette.

She made a sandwich and wrote 'they watch' in mustard on her bread, hoping again someone would see it and understand that she couldn't just start talking about things. Glancing at Ari, "So you believe you were murdered then...can you remember the face of the person?"
Fiona ate and watched Ari explode all over Constance. She understood her anger, and her target, but it seemed to her that Constance was more afraid than they were. "Listen...I get your personal tiff with the professor there, but that's not going to do us any good.."

She slide over to the bed and sat down where Constance had been and saw what she wrote. They are watching us. Who was? The people who hired her? And why was that an issue? Was she afraid of them? She grabbed the pencil and jotted a reply. 'Are we in danger? Are you? Who can we trust?' And then she flipped a few pages acting like she was looking for something. "She doesn't have any notes on us from before...maybe she doesn't know anything about our pasts..."

She watched as Constance moved back to her bed and flipped back to the last page to make more notes. Noting that she wrote more down, Fiona went back and sat with her, "I feel better knowing someone who at least knows something is with us. She glanced down and saw the three little words Constance ha'd scribbled in reply. Yes. yes. and Peter. Interesting. She reached over and gave Constance's hand a squeeze and then stood. "Potty break..." she said and then made her way to the bathroom, hoping there weren't observational things in there. She wrote on the mirror with lipstick. 'We are being watched. We are in danger. Trust no one but Peter.' She left the bathroom and smiled at the others. "I don't know what it is about the sea but it really makes me have to use the bathroom a lot...or..maybe it's being recently dead? Wow...that is so weird."

She sat down on the bed closest to Constance and tried to think about how she died. Nothing came to memory. "What if I don't remember anything about dying? Does that mean I'm alive? Wait that's stupid..of course I'm alive, but does that mean I wasn't dead before I got here?" That didn't sound any better, but she didn't rephrase it that time. She didn't think there was a good way to put any of this.
Dan sulked a bit and went to the furthest away place from the others. He wasn't happy about this, and he wasn't making any effort to show otherwise. being locked in grated on him in so many ways. he watched Jeremy and was pretty sure that guy was going to be a problem. The larger issue , of course, was that his normal way of eliminating problems was not going to be effective with peter walking around. Anyone he killed was just going to return to life and be able to identify him as their killer. Luckily Captain Christopher hadn't seen him, or he'd be in trouble even now.

He sat on a sofa brooding as he watched Jeremy trying to interact with the necromancer. So far the guy seemed confused and that was good. they'd wanted to isolate him from his past so that there would be no loose ends or attachments for when they were going to use his abilities for their future purposes. Maybe Jeremy would have to tragically fall overboard....with any luck he'd wash up on an unpopulated island somewhere...

He let the thought warm him a bit and a cruel smile lit his face for the briefest of moments. he needed to slip away and contact his bosses to ask for permission to off the sidekick. Seven hours and fifteen minutes until they were free.
She would do anything and everything for this little girl, but letting her play in the toilet wasn't one of them. "Sweetie.." Her eyes gazing upon the little girl who was splashing in the toilet like there was no tomorrow, the toliet was clean but it was principal of the matter. The little girl would turn around immediately when she heard the sound of her mother's voice, she knew that her mother's words were final and speaking otherwise is frightening to say the least. Amaranth knelt down to the level of her little girl, "You're going to get toilet water all over your cute pink jammies.." She warned softly before picking her up tenderly much to the surprise and relief of her child that she wasn't in trouble. She took her to the sink, holding her so she could wash her dirty palms. She let her do it by herself and although Velliza struggled with this small bit of freedom, she got the hang of it..sloppily- Amaranth had to dodge some of the splashing that her daughter was doing while washing her hands,she lifted her up further on the edge of the sink, knowing that she could catch her without worry if she slipped but the counter was pretty big for her to crawl on and babble at the mirror. Meanwhile Amaranth would think to herself now that she had a moment of her own freedom, she thought hard but every time her head would hurt. How did she get here? She gazed across the bathroom for any signs or hints, it was bugging her out but she had to stay calm for the little one. Did someone drug her on the ship? Did her ex husband plan all of this and was just waiting for the correct moment to strike? She had been so worried about this that she didn't put on regular clothes, still in her pajamas that consisted of a big cream colored t-shirt and boxer shorts with hearts upon them, her hair wasn't done and had gone into an a huge curly afro like state. She wasn't wearing shoes either. Amaranth managed to get Velliza's hair together before they left though because that's all she wanted. "I'm doooone!" Her thoughts were interrupted by her daughter squealing about her successful 'big girl' wash, but her clothes were utterly soaked. Amaranth stared for a moment at her, not able to disguise her worry but once she saw the confusion and worry in her daughters eyes, she would snap out of it. She smiled, for her, and picked her up- "Good job, sweetie! I'm so proud of you." She would go and carry her out of the bathroom, to grab her some new clothes. The room she walked into being the lounge, she would looking down, her daughter making weird kid sounds as she was thinking to herself what was going on. She could come up with all.
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Chrissie Fletcher ( Fargothia)

Chrissie seemed to be right about one thing. This guy was a crazy old kook. It was so sad that he was insane at like thirty, but now a days, thirty was the new fifty. She had no clue why he cared that some rocks were moved. She hadn't accidently hit him. The invisble thing had snatched up the corpse of the child and Chrissie had no clue what the fuck was going on, but she knew it wasn't good.

She ran after him and then remembered. "The door is locked!" she shouted after him. She noticed out of the corner of her eye, a black kitten, peeking out of a secret passageway, but staying out of the room.

Well, it couldn't be worse than the invisible thing. She grabbed Charles's arm and pulled him towards the secret passage.

" Hey, senor crazy, there's a passage out of here. Look at the small kitten. It seems to be showing the way out," she said. The kitten licked its paws and if the creature got near it, it would throw a hairball in its direction. Once the two would get into the passage, the door would close. " Okay, now that, we are out of peril. Two things. What the fuck were you doing and what's your name? I'm Chrissie."


Joe the Ghost

Joe wondered if the women would understand why most of the people were so upset. The ghost looked around and had to wonder if there would be a way to calm them down. Joe knew that it was shocking to discover you were dead as the ghost had gone through some denial when Peter had initially revived her back in the catacombs and that was the honest truth.

God, it had felt like a lifetime ago, Joe had been revived from the dead, even if it had only been two years. But then again, in some ways it was a really long time. Being a ghost from before the French Revolution meant that Joe was from a different time period than the others. The ghost had adjusted to the different things that happened, even if it had taken a while to adjust. Of course, there were some things Joe didn't need. Being a ghost, Joe didn't need to shower or eat, though the ghost had realized that she could which was interesting. But, Joe had to wonder. Was all of this purposeful?

Joe had a feeling that Constance wanted to tell them things, but if there was someone on the ship playing puppet master, the ghost could understand why she wouldn't want to say anything. If there was a being that could kill them, well it meant the others could get hurt and nobody wanted to do that. The ghost looked over at Constance and wondered if she thought the exact same conclusion Joe had come to months ago. Joe was a unique case. Despite Peter being a necromancer, Joe hadn't been revived properly, still keeping some of her ghost-like qualities. Joe could walk through walls and was less alive than others. A living dead was the term Joe had called them over. The ghost could only assume that it had something to do with the fact of the time of their death. It was much before Peter had found Joe and the body couldn't be restored.

Joe didn't want to tell the others this, but the ghost actually didn't know what had been the cause of the death that had ended its life. The ghost bit down on their lip and looked over at the group. " I can honestly say that is the truth of the matter. I have seen that happen with some of the animals that Peter had and they always seemed to eventually remember how they died. Joe looked over at Constance and could understand why the professor would be interested in necromancy. Nobody had ever studied it before. " I am not surprised that you don't know about the locks and the other strange things, I feel that whoever is doing this hasn't told everyone everything. It would make sense to keep some secrets to themselves.

Joe had to wonder how come some people took the fact that they were dead better than others. Was it the way they were brought up or was it the fact that nobody wanted to believe that they had a very limited second chance on life? Should Joe tell them what she knew about the living dead from spending time around Peter?

Joe looked over at the other woman and had to wonder why she didn't. The ghost had walked through doors and helped to get help. Why was being dead such a strange concept to her or was it something else the ghost had missed. " When Peter revives people, it's just a few minutes before death and you must act as if you are alive. But there are some rules to what he can do and they aren't exactly the fairest ones either."

Joe had to wonder if Fiona was starting to put the pieces together in the situation that they were. It was possible that she hadn't, but hopefully she had. Joe wasn't surprised that Constance wasn't amongst the living dead. She had seen more alive and curious than most of the people on the ship, the living dead included.

The ghost looked over at Fiona and knew what that felt like. " Most of the things Peter revive need to eat, but I don't need any. But however, I wouldn't mind having some turkey on wheat myself or something else of the nature," Joe replied, walking over to the fridge and looking through the different food. Joe settle on a cheese stick for now, not really needing to eat and saving the food for the others.

Joe would chew on the cheese stick, debating how to mention the rules and what order the group should tell them. It was a lot to swallow and it seemed to be a bad time to tell them about it. But on the other hand, if the ghost didn't tell them, they might just leave Peter's side and... the ghost didn't want to think what happened after that. It wasn't very pretty to think about honestly.

As Joe looked at Ari and Fiona, the ghost considered what it felt like knowing they had died. Did it hurt to remember how they died and was it something Joe would ever know? The ghost continued to chew on the cheese stick, before finally swallowing once Ari started to talk about how she felt.

" That must have been horrible to die like that. I can honestly say that the pain doesn't go away, but once the memory fades, it should be easier. Well, in theory. I don't actually know because I have never remembered how I was killed and it's been so long. Nearly 200 years or so."

Joe looked over at the ground and bit down on the cheese stick and had to wonder if there was something that Constance wanted to tell them. Maybe it wasn't a good thing to directly tell them what the ghost knew about Peter's revival and instead write it down. The ghost took a deep breath and could see why Ari was angry. Finding out you were dead and that someone else knew was a terrible thing to know. The ghost had been so mad when theyhad first come back, but Joe had to learn to adjust and that was a lesson she held to heart. Joe wanted to believe that Constance wanted to redeem herself, she had been making effort to give them information. Joe didn't think it was a pure accident the journal had been left out and read. If she had wanted to keep it a secret, she easily could have hidden from them. She hadn't done that.

Joe wondered if she was still observing them for whoever was in charge, or if it was more so that she wanted to eat anything in the immediate area. She was surprised that she had stayed so calm in the face of all of this anger, but it was a good thing. Joe couldn't consider that and had caught on that she had wanted to get the ghost's attention. Joe approached Constance and would look at the notes that she had written and nodded gently to show that the ghost understood why she had written it down. The ghost followed after looking over at the journal and then back over at the woman who had made mistakes.

Joe looked at the sandwich and noticed that she had written they watch in her bread. Did that mean they were being watched right now and how were they doing that? Was it all throughout the ship and could anything slip by? She looked over at Ari to see if she remembered who had murdered her.

Joe was happy to see that Fiona was becoming more sensible in her approach and wasn't as furious with the professor as Ari was at her. The ghost imagined that she wasn't really happy with her, but arguing wasn't going to get them anywhere in the long run as well.

Joe took note of the different approach that Constance and Fiona were exchanging in the journal and the ghost did flip through the book, wondering the exact same questions as Fiona. Joe would move away from the journal and would go over to the desk. There was paper and a pencil here. Should the ghost write the rules that seemed to be the same about Peter's revivals or was it safer to use the journal that the women were currently exchanging their notes in. Joe was uncertain.

Joe would go over to the journal and read the notes before adding something else to the journal. ' I know the rules of Peter's revivals. I'm not saying you shouldn't trust me, but I think it's important to note why they picked this place in particular. Peter can revive people from the dead, but he has to be in a very specific range which is the exact length of the cruise ship. If we go off the boat.... it doesn't end well. He's seem to be the way that we remain alive. I can't answer what happens when he dies. If we also die, or if there is something else that has to be considered. I do know that I trust him and I don't trust Dan. The other passenger from earlier, Charles, I'm worried that he is going to do something dumb, he didn't take the news that their was a necromancer on board well and ran off.' She would hand the notebook back to Constance, leaving it open.

Joe looked over at Fiona, Ari and Constance. God, it w as so weird to think that before today, things had been normal. " No, it doesn't mean that at all. It just means that the body wasn't recovered. I don't remember how I died either and I don't know where my body is. Maybe you were very hurt, but if it was a brutal death, Peter's necromancy tries to surpress the memories form making us fall apart or at least I think that. I don't have proof of that."


Peter Destin, Christopher Fletcher, Michael Ross

Michael looked over at Dan and was happy that he had glanced at his watch. Despite not knowing it fofr certain, he could see the way Dan was acting. Suspicious as all hell. Yes, it wasn't their job to make friends with the people here, but it also wasn't their mission to make them suspicious of every action that they took. That was just as damaging. Of course, someone as simple minded as Dan couldn't possibly understand being more nuanced in what he did and didn't do. There was a reason to be afraid of the necromancer, it was why they had put him here. He was too good at what he did and the truly scary part was that he didn't even realize it. He was oblivious to the fact that he could revive humans from the dead, or at least he acted that way.

Michael hoped that his signals were still getting his attention and not drawing unwanted attention to him. While Peter trusted him a little, he couldn't say the same thing for a person like Jeremy. He was probably suspicious of his every mood. He knew that Dan was a stubborn person who wanted no part in the grand plan, but he was here now and that meant that the rules of the game had changed once again. And honestly, that kind of terrified him more than anything else in the world. He probably planned to leave as soon as the doors opened, but Mike knew that wasn't what the superior wanted. All hands on deck was the exact phrasing.

Michael looked over at Dan and then back at the captain. He seemed to be zoning out at the moment. He did also want to know what was in the fridge and looked in. It seemed stocked with a ton of beer, some junk food, some healthy food and a lot of water.

Peter looked over at the two other men. He wanted to at least trust the FBI agent, but then he had this nagging feeling again that wasn't a smart idea. Actually, it seemed to be an incredibly stupid one. Though, he had to wonder how he knew that it was a bad idea, but the answers didn't seem to come to him. He looked over at the fridge and grabbed some food. God, why did he feel so drained today of all nutrients? He could hold his pets just fine with little problem. It wasn't like the captain had been dead... right? No, that didn't sound right at all.

"Well, we have to bunk for the night. I don't care what you guys do, but I'm going to see if I can relax. We do have to live with each other for a night." Which wasn't possible at the moment-he was wide awake, and had just finished eating enough to feel comfortable. At least he had some headphones in his pocket and a fully charged phone. It had no wifi, but there was always something to listen to. Approaching Peter once the other man was done feeding his pets and eating, he offered the man an earbud. "You want to listen to music, maybe watch a video, play a game, or even listen to a podcast?"

" I think it might be a smart idea to bunk for the night. If we don't get some rest, it might come back to bite us tomorrow. We got to figure out what is going on this cruise ship and where the other passengers are. Hopefully, we can find a few more people tomorrow," he said, looking over at Jeremy. God, why was it every time that he saw him his heart thumped just a little bit faster. It couldn't be that he was in love with him, he barely knew him. He looked over at him offering him his earbud and he felt like he had done this before and looked over at him. " I wouldn't mind listening to music with you," he awkwardly replied to him.

Peter looked over at his squirrel who seemed very happy by his choice to talk with Jeremy. Just great, even his most fateful friend liked him and the other man together. Which was weird since the squirrel was usually the first to push him away from any romance options. Like he actively remember that the pet had thrown nuts at the first guy and first girl he tried to date. But then again, his squirrel was a good judge of character and both of those people had turned out to be evil sociopaths who believed Peter could revive their dead loves who had been killed by police. He couldn't do that. He pushed that thought far out of his head.

Christopher had lost himself briefly in the moment. He had heard Dan the man ask for a beer, but he had gotten lost in his own thoughts. Why did he feel so attached to Peter? He couldn't explain it, but being close to him made him feel better. That being said, he was extremely hungry and made himself a sandwich out of the food in the fridge. He wasn't sure why, but he felt that he hadn't eaten in a while. He took a bit of his sandwich and then felt bad that he had forgotten to get Dan his beer. He looked over at the man sulking on the couch and went to make him a sandwich from what he remembered he liked.

He took a deep breath and walked over to him. " Sorry that I didn't bring you the beer sooner. Got a little lost in my own thoughts. I also made you a sandwich. Probably be a good idea to not have too much to drink without something to eat," he said with an awkward smile. It felt good to try to cheer Dan up. He wondered if he was happy he had finally gotten his beer. It probably was that. It wasn't like the man could be thinking of anything else right now.

Chris left the food by Dan and took a moment to lean against the wall.... or well, he would have had he not fallen backwards. Michael looked as confused as the others. He knew these were adjoining rooms, but a secret passageway.... that had never been mentioned. He pulled open the adjoining room for the girls. " I think we found a way out of these rooms...."

Peter had to wonder how Mike knew it was a adjoining room, but yet the secret passageway. " Maybe we should all see where this goes," he said, knowing that they weren't going to find answers sitting around.

@PoetLore @slifer
Zale Lawerence


Cold. That was the first thing that Zale felt as he woke up at the bottom of the ocean. Extremely fucking cold. He wasn't sure how he had gotten here and he wasn't sure if he wanted to know. Most people who woke on the bottom of the ocean probably angered some powerful people. He wasn't chained to anything, so maybe he hadn't angered someone too powerful or dangerous.

Of course, it was also very powerful that he had just fallen overboard on a ship. It didn't matter though.

He was at the bottom of the ocean and that couldn't be good. He didn't know how long he had been there for and he certainly didn't know how much energy he had, but he knew one thing for certain. He didn't want to drown.

And more importantly, he didn't want to die at the bottom of the ocean.

He started to struggle up, not knowing how far below the water he was and how long he had been there for. God, what if he died of hypothermia before he reached the top of the ocean? What if nobody found him? God, the what ifs terrified him more than anything else. The uncertain nature of everything had him extremely worried, but he couldn't dwell on that fact for too long or he was as good as dead. That much was a fact.

Everything burned though. Each stroke he took towards the surface was more and more painful than the last. He couldn't give up that. If he gave up, he would be as good as dead. Actually, speaking of things, how was he alive? If he had collapsed that far below the sea, how did he make it to a state where he was awake and alive? What if he was already dead and the struggle was pointless? No, he couldn't think like that. He couldn't think that he was dead already because then he certainly would be very dead indeed.

Just keep swimming.

Where was the light?

Why hadn't he reached the surface yet? How far underwater had he been?

Focus. Make it to the surface. Don't overthink it.

He finally broke through the surface, his entire body drenched and cold.

God, he was still in the middle of the ocean. He needed to get to a place where he wasn't at risk of dying. He needed to find a safe place to figure things out as well.

He was pretty sure that his effort was all for naught, until he noticed a giant cruise ship just floating, unmoving in the middle of this fog.

He swam as quickly as he could and looked for the nearest ladder and used it to parkour himself onto the ship deck and landed with a thud.

The first thing that he noticed upon arriving on the ship was that it was empty. Well, if that was terrifying, he wasn't sure what was. He took a deep breath, considering what other options he had to take There weren't many.

It wasn't like he was going to find any other source of shelter in this thick and dark foggy ocean. If he didn't find a place to warm up though, he would certainly die of hypothermia. Of course, it was still surprising that he had made it this far without encountering another single living creature. Maybe if he found a cabin, he would be okay and things wouldn't be getting any worse. He noticed one not too far from him and he tried to pull it open. Locked. Well, that was going to be a problem. He wasn't skilled at picking locks and he knew that if he didn't find a place to get warm or to just be out of this cold air, he was as good as dead. Hell, he should have been dead already and he knew that as well as anyone else. That was the honest truth.

Zale was so low on energy, that he might just collapse on the floor of the cruise ship. However, out of the corner of his eye, he spotted a small white mouse. It squeaked and scampered towards an open door. He wasn't sure what was crazier, the fact that he had missed the door when he had looked earlier or the fact that he was putting his fate in a small white mouse to lead him to warmth. God, he was seriously fucked that he was trusting a rodent, but he needed warmth.

As he entered the room, he felt a rush of warm air. It seemed to be a lounge of some sort. He couldn't really make out the details, both from exhaustion and the fact that things were still slightly blurred from keeping his eyes open underwater, not his brightest idea in the world. He walked over to a couch and threw himself onto it. Well, more like, he flung himself forward and missed the couch entirely, landing behind it with a mighty thud.

It was so exhausting and he was so tired that he didn't care where he was. It was warm and he was so ready to be done with everything. If he were to die, at least it would be on a warm cruise ship far away from his family who annoyed him a whole lot.

That was his very last thought before he collapsed of sheer exhaustion, both from the blinding cold of the ocean and the struggle he made to the surface of the water.


Light hit his eyes as he woke up to the sound of voices. So, this cruise ship wasn't entirely empty. That was at least good news to him. He thought he was going to be on this creepy cruise ship in the middle of the ocean. He noticed that the mouse was literally on top of him. He was happy to know that he hadn't hallucinated the mouse and that the cruise ship was real as well. He bit down on his lower lip and wondered if it was a good idea to reveal himself. It was for a two fold reason.

Reason 1 was that he was technically a stowaway on this ship and hadn't paid or even been invited like the rest of the people. The second reason was a bit more personal. He was known as a famous swimmer that was an Olympic contender back. He was so used to people wanting his autograph and wanting to get to know him. But on the other hand, maybe he had been missing and this was the only time he would be able to find answers. But where the answers worth the risk? He wasn't entirely certain, but he decided it was the best reason to reveal himself. He took a deep breath and parkoured himself over the couch, thankful that the mouse was smart enough to move before he did that as well.

He looked at the others and considered the best approach to talk with them. God, what if he fucked this up or they didn't know who he was after all?

Zale landed with a thud on the floor. When you would turn in his direction, he was immediately recognizable as Zale Lawerence. Though, it was strange to see him on the cruise ship for two very distinctive reason. Reason 1, he had not initially been on the cruise ship and it was kind of hard to forget when a celebrity was on board a cruise. They make sure that you never forget that they are. The second and more concerning reason was that he had been missing for three years and had been declared dead by most people. He had actually gone missing on a cruise ship and nobody had been able to recover the body as well. It was strange to say the least for sure.

Zale awkwardly looked around the room at everyone here. " Uh-hi, everyone. Sorry if I startled anyone here. I'm Zale Lawerence and well, I was curious if anyone knows what is going on here. I kind of just swam up from the bottom of the ocean and collapsed behind the couch," he gestured behind the couch and looked at the others, before he decided to continue on. " So, uhh…. what are your names and stuff?" He asked, missing them doing their introductions as he had been collapsed behind the couch. He hoped that he hadn't found some dangerous government ship that would try to kill him and he awkwardly looked at the ground as well too.

@CherryRoseLotus @slifer @PoetLore

An employee looked at the feed from the lounge and then turned to Sapphire Voidstone. " Ms. Voidstone, we have a problem in the lounge. I'll unlock the passage there. Don't kill the swimmer, but this is your best opportunity to join with the group as everyone should arrive there soon."

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Chrissie Fletcher ( Fargothia)

Chrissie seemed to be right about one thing. This guy was a crazy old kook. It was so sad that he was insane at like thirty, but now a days, thirty was the new fifty. She had no clue why he cared that some rocks were moved. She hadn't accidently hit him. The invisble thing had snatched up the corpse of the child and Chrissie had no clue what the fuck was going on, but she knew it wasn't good.

She ran after him and then remembered. "The door is locked!" she shouted after him. She noticed out of the corner of her eye, a black kitten, peeking out of a secret passageway, but staying out of the room.

Well, it couldn't be worse than the invisible thing. She grabbed Charles's arm and pulled him towards the secret passage.

" Hey, senor crazy, there's a passage out of here. Look at the small kitten. It seems to be showing the way out," she said. The kitten licked its paws and if the creature got near it, it would throw a hairball in its direction. Once the two would get into the passage, the door would close. " Okay, now that, we are out of peril. Two things. What the fuck were you doing and what's your name? I'm Chrissie."


Joe the Ghost

Joe wondered if the women would understand why most of the people were so upset. The ghost looked around and had to wonder if there would be a way to calm them down. Joe knew that it was shocking to discover you were dead as the ghost had gone through some denial when Peter had initially revived her back in the catacombs and that was the honest truth.

God, it had felt like a lifetime ago, Joe had been revived from the dead, even if it had only been two years. But then again, in some ways it was a really long time. Being a ghost from before the French Revolution meant that Joe was from a different time period than the others. The ghost had adjusted to the different things that happened, even if it had taken a while to adjust. Of course, there were some things Joe didn't need. Being a ghost, Joe didn't need to shower or eat, though the ghost had realized that she could which was interesting. But, Joe had to wonder. Was all of this purposeful?

Joe had a feeling that Constance wanted to tell them things, but if there was someone on the ship playing puppet master, the ghost could understand why she wouldn't want to say anything. If there was a being that could kill them, well it meant the others could get hurt and nobody wanted to do that. The ghost looked over at Constance and wondered if she thought the exact same conclusion Joe had come to months ago. Joe was a unique case. Despite Peter being a necromancer, Joe hadn't been revived properly, still keeping some of her ghost-like qualities. Joe could walk through walls and was less alive than others. A living dead was the term Joe had called them over. The ghost could only assume that it had something to do with the fact of the time of their death. It was much before Peter had found Joe and the body couldn't be restored.

Joe didn't want to tell the others this, but the ghost actually didn't know what had been the cause of the death that had ended its life. The ghost bit down on their lip and looked over at the group. " I can honestly say that is the truth of the matter. I have seen that happen with some of the animals that Peter had and they always seemed to eventually remember how they died. Joe looked over at Constance and could understand why the professor would be interested in necromancy. Nobody had ever studied it before. " I am not surprised that you don't know about the locks and the other strange things, I feel that whoever is doing this hasn't told everyone everything. It would make sense to keep some secrets to themselves.

Joe had to wonder how come some people took the fact that they were dead better than others. Was it the way they were brought up or was it the fact that nobody wanted to believe that they had a very limited second chance on life? Should Joe tell them what she knew about the living dead from spending time around Peter?

Joe looked over at the other woman and had to wonder why she didn't. The ghost had walked through doors and helped to get help. Why was being dead such a strange concept to her or was it something else the ghost had missed. " When Peter revives people, it's just a few minutes before death and you must act as if you are alive. But there are some rules to what he can do and they aren't exactly the fairest ones either."

Joe had to wonder if Fiona was starting to put the pieces together in the situation that they were. It was possible that she hadn't, but hopefully she had. Joe wasn't surprised that Constance wasn't amongst the living dead. She had seen more alive and curious than most of the people on the ship, the living dead included.

The ghost looked over at Fiona and knew what that felt like. " Most of the things Peter revive need to eat, but I don't need any. But however, I wouldn't mind having some turkey on wheat myself or something else of the nature," Joe replied, walking over to the fridge and looking through the different food. Joe settle on a cheese stick for now, not really needing to eat and saving the food for the others.

Joe would chew on the cheese stick, debating how to mention the rules and what order the group should tell them. It was a lot to swallow and it seemed to be a bad time to tell them about it. But on the other hand, if the ghost didn't tell them, they might just leave Peter's side and... the ghost didn't want to think what happened after that. It wasn't very pretty to think about honestly.

As Joe looked at Ari and Fiona, the ghost considered what it felt like knowing they had died. Did it hurt to remember how they died and was it something Joe would ever know? The ghost continued to chew on the cheese stick, before finally swallowing once Ari started to talk about how she felt.

" That must have been horrible to die like that. I can honestly say that the pain doesn't go away, but once the memory fades, it should be easier. Well, in theory. I don't actually know because I have never remembered how I was killed and it's been so long. Nearly 200 years or so."

Joe looked over at the ground and bit down on the cheese stick and had to wonder if there was something that Constance wanted to tell them. Maybe it wasn't a good thing to directly tell them what the ghost knew about Peter's revival and instead write it down. The ghost took a deep breath and could see why Ari was angry. Finding out you were dead and that someone else knew was a terrible thing to know. The ghost had been so mad when theyhad first come back, but Joe had to learn to adjust and that was a lesson she held to heart. Joe wanted to believe that Constance wanted to redeem herself, she had been making effort to give them information. Joe didn't think it was a pure accident the journal had been left out and read. If she had wanted to keep it a secret, she easily could have hidden from them. She hadn't done that.

Joe wondered if she was still observing them for whoever was in charge, or if it was more so that she wanted to eat anything in the immediate area. She was surprised that she had stayed so calm in the face of all of this anger, but it was a good thing. Joe couldn't consider that and had caught on that she had wanted to get the ghost's attention. Joe approached Constance and would look at the notes that she had written and nodded gently to show that the ghost understood why she had written it down. The ghost followed after looking over at the journal and then back over at the woman who had made mistakes.

Joe looked at the sandwich and noticed that she had written they watch in her bread. Did that mean they were being watched right now and how were they doing that? Was it all throughout the ship and could anything slip by? She looked over at Ari to see if she remembered who had murdered her.

Joe was happy to see that Fiona was becoming more sensible in her approach and wasn't as furious with the professor as Ari was at her. The ghost imagined that she wasn't really happy with her, but arguing wasn't going to get them anywhere in the long run as well.

Joe took note of the different approach that Constance and Fiona were exchanging in the journal and the ghost did flip through the book, wondering the exact same questions as Fiona. Joe would move away from the journal and would go over to the desk. There was paper and a pencil here. Should the ghost write the rules that seemed to be the same about Peter's revivals or was it safer to use the journal that the women were currently exchanging their notes in. Joe was uncertain.

Joe would go over to the journal and read the notes before adding something else to the journal. ' I know the rules of Peter's revivals. I'm not saying you shouldn't trust me, but I think it's important to note why they picked this place in particular. Peter can revive people from the dead, but he has to be in a very specific range which is the exact length of the cruise ship. If we go off the boat.... it doesn't end well. He's seem to be the way that we remain alive. I can't answer what happens when he dies. If we also die, or if there is something else that has to be considered. I do know that I trust him and I don't trust Dan. The other passenger from earlier, Charles, I'm worried that he is going to do something dumb, he didn't take the news that their was a necromancer on board well and ran off.' She would hand the notebook back to Constance, leaving it open.

Joe looked over at Fiona, Ari and Constance. God, it w as so weird to think that before today, things had been normal. " No, it doesn't mean that at all. It just means that the body wasn't recovered. I don't remember how I died either and I don't know where my body is. Maybe you were very hurt, but if it was a brutal death, Peter's necromancy tries to surpress the memories form making us fall apart or at least I think that. I don't have proof of that."


Peter Destin, Christopher Fletcher, Michael Ross

Michael looked over at Dan and was happy that he had glanced at his watch. Despite not knowing it fofr certain, he could see the way Dan was acting. Suspicious as all hell. Yes, it wasn't their job to make friends with the people here, but it also wasn't their mission to make them suspicious of every action that they took. That was just as damaging. Of course, someone as simple minded as Dan couldn't possibly understand being more nuanced in what he did and didn't do. There was a reason to be afraid of the necromancer, it was why they had put him here. He was too good at what he did and the truly scary part was that he didn't even realize it. He was oblivious to the fact that he could revive humans from the dead, or at least he acted that way.

Michael hoped that his signals were still getting his attention and not drawing unwanted attention to him. While Peter trusted him a little, he couldn't say the same thing for a person like Jeremy. He was probably suspicious of his every mood. He knew that Dan was a stubborn person who wanted no part in the grand plan, but he was here now and that meant that the rules of the game had changed once again. And honestly, that kind of terrified him more than anything else in the world. He probably planned to leave as soon as the doors opened, but Mike knew that wasn't what the superior wanted. All hands on deck was the exact phrasing.

Michael looked over at Dan and then back at the captain. He seemed to be zoning out at the moment. He did also want to know what was in the fridge and looked in. It seemed stocked with a ton of beer, some junk food, some healthy food and a lot of water.

Peter looked over at the two other men. He wanted to at least trust the FBI agent, but then he had this nagging feeling again that wasn't a smart idea. Actually, it seemed to be an incredibly stupid one. Though, he had to wonder how he knew that it was a bad idea, but the answers didn't seem to come to him. He looked over at the fridge and grabbed some food. God, why did he feel so drained today of all nutrients? He could hold his pets just fine with little problem. It wasn't like the captain had been dead... right? No, that didn't sound right at all.

"Well, we have to bunk for the night. I don't care what you guys do, but I'm going to see if I can relax. We do have to live with each other for a night." Which wasn't possible at the moment-he was wide awake, and had just finished eating enough to feel comfortable. At least he had some headphones in his pocket and a fully charged phone. It had no wifi, but there was always something to listen to. Approaching Peter once the other man was done feeding his pets and eating, he offered the man an earbud. "You want to listen to music, maybe watch a video, play a game, or even listen to a podcast?"

" I think it might be a smart idea to bunk for the night. If we don't get some rest, it might come back to bite us tomorrow. We got to figure out what is going on this cruise ship and where the other passengers are. Hopefully, we can find a few more people tomorrow," he said, looking over at Jeremy. God, why was it every time that he saw him his heart thumped just a little bit faster. It couldn't be that he was in love with him, he barely knew him. He looked over at him offering him his earbud and he felt like he had done this before and looked over at him. " I wouldn't mind listening to music with you," he awkwardly replied to him.

Peter looked over at his squirrel who seemed very happy by his choice to talk with Jeremy. Just great, even his most fateful friend liked him and the other man together. Which was weird since the squirrel was usually the first to push him away from any romance options. Like he actively remember that the pet had thrown nuts at the first guy and first girl he tried to date. But then again, his squirrel was a good judge of character and both of those people had turned out to be evil sociopaths who believed Peter could revive their dead loves who had been killed by police. He couldn't do that. He pushed that thought far out of his head.

Christopher had lost himself briefly in the moment. He had heard Dan the man ask for a beer, but he had gotten lost in his own thoughts. Why did he feel so attached to Peter? He couldn't explain it, but being close to him made him feel better. That being said, he was extremely hungry and made himself a sandwich out of the food in the fridge. He wasn't sure why, but he felt that he hadn't eaten in a while. He took a bit of his sandwich and then felt bad that he had forgotten to get Dan his beer. He looked over at the man sulking on the couch and went to make him a sandwich from what he remembered he liked.

He took a deep breath and walked over to him. " Sorry that I didn't bring you the beer sooner. Got a little lost in my own thoughts. I also made you a sandwich. Probably be a good idea to not have too much to drink without something to eat," he said with an awkward smile. It felt good to try to cheer Dan up. He wondered if he was happy he had finally gotten his beer. It probably was that. It wasn't like the man could be thinking of anything else right now.

Chris left the food by Dan and took a moment to lean against the wall.... or well, he would have had he not fallen backwards. Michael looked as confused as the others. He knew these were adjoining rooms, but a secret passageway.... that had never been mentioned. He pulled open the adjoining room for the girls. " I think we found a way out of these rooms...."

Peter had to wonder how Mike knew it was a adjoining room, but yet the secret passageway. " Maybe we should all see where this goes," he said, knowing that they weren't going to find answers sitting around.

@PoetLore @slifer
Zale Lawerence


Cold. That was the first thing that Zale felt as he woke up at the bottom of the ocean. Extremely fucking cold. He wasn't sure how he had gotten here and he wasn't sure if he wanted to know. Most people who woke on the bottom of the ocean probably angered some powerful people. He wasn't chained to anything, so maybe he hadn't angered someone too powerful or dangerous.

Of course, it was also very powerful that he had just fallen overboard on a ship. It didn't matter though.

He was at the bottom of the ocean and that couldn't be good. He didn't know how long he had been there for and he certainly didn't know how much energy he had, but he knew one thing for certain. He didn't want to drown.

And more importantly, he didn't want to die at the bottom of the ocean.

He started to struggle up, not knowing how far below the water he was and how long he had been there for. God, what if he died of hypothermia before he reached the top of the ocean? What if nobody found him? God, the what ifs terrified him more than anything else. The uncertain nature of everything had him extremely worried, but he couldn't dwell on that fact for too long or he was as good as dead. That much was a fact.

Everything burned though. Each stroke he took towards the surface was more and more painful than the last. He couldn't give up that. If he gave up, he would be as good as dead. Actually, speaking of things, how was he alive? If he had collapsed that far below the sea, how did he make it to a state where he was awake and alive? What if he was already dead and the struggle was pointless? No, he couldn't think like that. He couldn't think that he was dead already because then he certainly would be very dead indeed.

Just keep swimming.

Where was the light?

Why hadn't he reached the surface yet? How far underwater had he been?

Focus. Make it to the surface. Don't overthink it.

He finally broke through the surface, his entire body drenched and cold.

God, he was still in the middle of the ocean. He needed to get to a place where he wasn't at risk of dying. He needed to find a safe place to figure things out as well.

He was pretty sure that his effort was all for naught, until he noticed a giant cruise ship just floating, unmoving in the middle of this fog.

He swam as quickly as he could and looked for the nearest ladder and used it to parkour himself onto the ship deck and landed with a thud.

The first thing that he noticed upon arriving on the ship was that it was empty. Well, if that was terrifying, he wasn't sure what was. He took a deep breath, considering what other options he had to take There weren't many.

It wasn't like he was going to find any other source of shelter in this thick and dark foggy ocean. If he didn't find a place to warm up though, he would certainly die of hypothermia. Of course, it was still surprising that he had made it this far without encountering another single living creature. Maybe if he found a cabin, he would be okay and things wouldn't be getting any worse. He noticed one not too far from him and he tried to pull it open. Locked. Well, that was going to be a problem. He wasn't skilled at picking locks and he knew that if he didn't find a place to get warm or to just be out of this cold air, he was as good as dead. Hell, he should have been dead already and he knew that as well as anyone else. That was the honest truth.

Zale was so low on energy, that he might just collapse on the floor of the cruise ship. However, out of the corner of his eye, he spotted a small white mouse. It squeaked and scampered towards an open door. He wasn't sure what was crazier, the fact that he had missed the door when he had looked earlier or the fact that he was putting his fate in a small white mouse to lead him to warmth. God, he was seriously fucked that he was trusting a rodent, but he needed warmth.

As he entered the room, he felt a rush of warm air. It seemed to be a lounge of some sort. He couldn't really make out the details, both from exhaustion and the fact that things were still slightly blurred from keeping his eyes open underwater, not his brightest idea in the world. He walked over to a couch and threw himself onto it. Well, more like, he flung himself forward and missed the couch entirely, landing behind it with a mighty thud.

It was so exhausting and he was so tired that he didn't care where he was. It was warm and he was so ready to be done with everything. If he were to die, at least it would be on a warm cruise ship far away from his family who annoyed him a whole lot.

That was his very last thought before he collapsed of sheer exhaustion, both from the blinding cold of the ocean and the struggle he made to the surface of the water.


Light hit his eyes as he woke up to the sound of voices. So, this cruise ship wasn't entirely empty. That was at least good news to him. He thought he was going to be on this creepy cruise ship in the middle of the ocean. He noticed that the mouse was literally on top of him. He was happy to know that he hadn't hallucinated the mouse and that the cruise ship was real as well. He bit down on his lower lip and wondered if it was a good idea to reveal himself. It was for a two fold reason.

Reason 1 was that he was technically a stowaway on this ship and hadn't paid or even been invited like the rest of the people. The second reason was a bit more personal. He was known as a famous swimmer that was an Olympic contender back. He was so used to people wanting his autograph and wanting to get to know him. But on the other hand, maybe he had been missing and this was the only time he would be able to find answers. But where the answers worth the risk? He wasn't entirely certain, but he decided it was the best reason to reveal himself. He took a deep breath and parkoured himself over the couch, thankful that the mouse was smart enough to move before he did that as well.

He looked at the others and considered the best approach to talk with them. God, what if he fucked this up or they didn't know who he was after all?

Zale landed with a thud on the floor. When you would turn in his direction, he was immediately recognizable as Zale Lawerence. Though, it was strange to see him on the cruise ship for two very distinctive reason. Reason 1, he had not initially been on the cruise ship and it was kind of hard to forget when a celebrity was on board a cruise. They make sure that you never forget that they are. The second and more concerning reason was that he had been missing for three years and had been declared dead by most people. He had actually gone missing on a cruise ship and nobody had been able to recover the body as well. It was strange to say the least for sure.

Zale awkwardly looked around the room at everyone here. " Uh-hi, everyone. Sorry if I startled anyone here. I'm Zale Lawerence and well, I was curious if anyone knows what is going on here. I kind of just swam up from the bottom of the ocean and collapsed behind the couch," he gestured behind the couch and looked at the others, before he decided to continue on. " So, uhh…. what are your names and stuff?" He asked, missing them doing their introductions as he had been collapsed behind the couch. He hoped that he hadn't found some dangerous government ship that would try to kill him and he awkwardly looked at the ground as well too.

@CherryRoseLotus @slifer @PoetLore

An employee looked at the feed from the lounge and then turned to Sapphire Voidstone. " Ms. Voidstone, we have a problem in the lounge. I'll unlock the passage there. Don't kill the swimmer, but this is your best opportunity to join with the group as everyone should arrive there soon."

Sapphire gently smiles and says" Kill him that won't be happening unless my hand is forced, and this will be a good exercise to find out what makes them who they are, humans are complex creatures this they interest me in a number of ways". " By the ways, I also have an interest in the necromancer guys like him are even more complex and like a very good wine name i want to find out all i can". She pauses for a minute then says" Oh i almost forget to ask what kind of problem are we dealing with, because i hate pointless work it really puts me in a bad mood".
The employer rolled their eyes and looked at Sapphire with a seriously look. " Swimmer was missing at sea for three years, declared dead, appears on the ship and in the lounge with people who may know he is. The swimmer is the problem. He's an unknown variable in this situation. At least with the people who we hired, we knew them. The one who Peter revived and their families who didn't know, we have files on them. So, you need to make it seem less suspicious to the lounge people that a missing swimmer is back from the dead. Make sure he doesn't reveal too much. He's an unknown living dead. Gather data... just keep an eye on him., now take the passage up.

The employer rolled their eyes and looked at Sapphire with a seriously look. " Swimmer was missing at sea for three years, declared dead, appears on the ship and in the lounge with people who may know he is. The swimmer is the problem. He's an unknown variable in this situation. At least with the people who we hired, we knew them. The one who Peter revived and their families who didn't know, we have files on them. So, you need to make it seem less suspicious to the lounge people that a missing swimmer is back from the dead. Make sure he doesn't reveal too much. He's an unknown living dead. Gather data... just keep an eye on him., now take the passage up.

Sapphire begrudgingly agrees then says" This is so not cool, soon as I'm able to trade with someone else, I will because I'm far more than just a mere glorified watchdog". She then walks to the passage up and starts heading up once there, in her mind' How in the hell did i end up with this bollocks role i didn't come here for this crap if i wanted boring i could have stayed at home in voidland'. Once she gets to where she needs to be she slyly watches the swimming a quick void shock would be just enough to inflict some pain to the right places making it much harder to think.
Constance was grateful that Joe seemed to be giving her a chance. She didn't exactly blame the others for their distrust, but knowing who she was didn't change their situation at all. Knowing she'd kept things from them that were obviously upsetting didn't seem like a great thing either, so hopefully they'll all cut her a bit of slack.

Returning to her bed she saw Joe leafing through her journal. There were a lot of things about Joe that were interesting to her on a professional level. She could eat. that was not something she was aware that a ghost could do. She wanted to question her further but now was not the time to fulfill scientific curiosities. She ate her sandwich and jotting more thing in the notebook. Anyone who wanted to read it could. She wasn't hiding it. She didn't know how any of them died. She'd wanted to be able to observe without any bias inside knowledge to taint her observations. Now, she could see how that played into the hands of whoever was running this show. She'd stupidly put herself at a disadvantage by choosing that path. "I wish I had some way to help you all, or that I knew more. I am just observing..."

The adjoining door flew open and the FBI guy poked his head in and said they had found a way out, "Out of the room? did you figure out the door?"

She was confused. She knew the FBI guy was someone that was aware of what was going on, at least to some extent. She had no idea if he was a revived recently dead man or not, but she'd met him before she'd met Peter and the others. She could give him up as one of them, but she also knew these people needed someone to trust, and believe was on their side. Most of them seemed to have chosen the agent as that man and she wasn't ready to yank that hope from them just yet. Not until he proved himself to be against them, which thus far, he hadn't.

She looked around the room and shrugged, "Shall we go see what they found?"
Fiona was reading through the journal and didn't see anything helpful at all. She listened to Joe and tipped her head, "'re saying I must have had a violent death because I don't remember anything yet?" she asked skeptically. "Why don't I FEEL dead? Why do I remember coming onto this cruise and that my dad had wanted me to get away for a bit because of tensions..." her voice trailed off and her browns knit together slightly. There had been tension within the ambassador's corps. Children and wives had been kidnapped and held, many killed by terrorist trying to gain attention on a grander scale. Sometimes the family members were traded for imprisoned compatriots, but usually they were slaughtered on camera for al the world to see. Had that been her fate? had she not actually made it to the ship that morning?

Michael poked his head into the room and she hopped up, even though she was now wearing only her undies and a long t shirt. When Constance asked if they wanted to go she realized her state of undress and ran over to her bag and pulled on a pair of jeans. "I'm not staying cooped up if I don't have to..." Plus..maybe there were places that the ones watching couldn't see and they could actually plot and talk about what was really going on and how they were going to deal with it all.

She grabbed hold of Ari's arm, "Come on....let's get out of here."
Dan was glowering at the lot of them. He noted that Michael was casting him looks but he didn't care. He didn't sign on to babysit the test subjects, he signed on to keep the electronics up and running. When the captain brought over a sandwich and a beer he was shocked but then nodded, "Thanks man." He ate the sandwich and took a long drink of the beer before Christopher fell through the wall. Well hell...why didn't he know about that? And more importantly, why did Michael seem to know? He didn't like it that someone in the room knew more than he did. Not one little bitty bit. He stood and helped Christopher up, "You ok?" he asked, though honestly he didn't care. he was trying to get Michael to stop giving him the stink eye.

He saw Michael then inform the ladies that they had a way out and he couldn't suppress the groan he felt. "Why?" he asked aloud before he thought better of it. Women were nothing but trouble, especially that do goodie professor. He'd warned the bosses about her, that she wouldn't stay with the program once things got rolling, but would they listen? NOooooo. He had no doubt that the women were already aware of their condition. Maybe Michael hadn't realized that...he lifted his head in a gloating manner at that thought.

Seeing the woman enter their room he watched them closely. Oh they knew, no doubt about it. "Now what Mister FBI?"
Lehna was startled by the thump and almost fell off her stool when she whirled around to see what it was. "'re ...soaking wet..aren't you cold?" She asked and then went to the area behind the stage and returned with a blanket and wrapped it around him. "Sorry I don't ahve any clothes to offer..just gowns and feather boas in there....not thinking that would be a good look for you." She chuckled and winked and then slid back onto her stool.

It wasn't until she sat back down that what he said actually registered in her mind, "Wait...Zane was it?...did you say you were on the bottom of the ocean and swam up to the boat...just now? As in now?"

(She has no idea who he is...isn't someone who follows such things))
Darren nodded to lehna when she said this was her full time job. "I bet it is a fun place to work..lots of rich folks prob'ly tip well too ..." He heard the thump but he was already looking in the direction of the noise and saw the man that had caused it, so he wasn't startled like Lehna had been. The man began speaking and his eyes narrowed and he took in the guy's appearance and words.

He watched Lehna rush off and come back with blankets. Nice lady. He however was an avid sports fan and was something of a trivia nut about weird facts. He listened to Lehna, "No he said Zale lawrence...Olympic swimmer...disappeared on a cruise three years ago..." he slid a whiskey onto the bar, "that'll warm you up...ya know ...everyone thinks yer your family will be right relieved to know yer alive."
Chrissie Fletcher ( Fargothia)

Chrissie seemed to be right about one thing. This guy was a crazy old kook. It was so sad that he was insane at like thirty, but now a days, thirty was the new fifty. She had no clue why he cared that some rocks were moved. She hadn't accidently hit him. The invisble thing had snatched up the corpse of the child and Chrissie had no clue what the fuck was going on, but she knew it wasn't good.

She ran after him and then remembered. "The door is locked!" she shouted after him. She noticed out of the corner of her eye, a black kitten, peeking out of a secret passageway, but staying out of the room.

Well, it couldn't be worse than the invisible thing. She grabbed Charles's arm and pulled him towards the secret passage.

" Hey, senor crazy, there's a passage out of here. Look at the small kitten. It seems to be showing the way out," she said. The kitten licked its paws and if the creature got near it, it would throw a hairball in its direction. Once the two would get into the passage, the door would close. " Okay, now that, we are out of peril. Two things. What the fuck were you doing and what's your name? I'm Chrissie."

There were things worse than the undead and older than Hells legions. Unspoken, imprisoned they whispered from behind the bars of their prison and twisted were their machinates. For the cat, one of the few creatures to see through the Veil, the following was seen.

Currently as large as a Silverback Gorilla. Twisted, in vaguely humanoid form with black, festering boils the creature howled. Beneath it's main appendages, two little withered arms, blasphemously humanoid clutched to its chest. It's legs were that of a hound, patches of oily fur sticking as a serpents tail with barbs like a hornet flicked back and forth. It's mouth resembled that of an octopus, a maw with serrated teeth and tentacles ripping apart the corpse as it devoured the whole thing piece by piece. Bones snapped loudly in the cargo hold, as the world itself seemed to recoil looking upon it.


Those who looked upon its form, blessed with intellect would find a sudden pain in their brainpan-like a hot knife driven into the soft flesh, as their very psyche sought to erase all memory of it from their mind. This was the creature that Charles had been attempting to summon, while keeping his vision(wisely) cleared. This was what the idiot had set free, ruining the circle before the sealing pact had finished.

This was the creature currently smashing holes through the secret passageway door, the smell of molten metal and plastic wafting. Charles didn't even bother to talk to her, fleeing head on save to say one thing.


He wasn't joking. There was only one chance for this to work, but he was going to need at least forty meters and some kind of liquid medium.

And maybe some moron who wouldn't ruin his circles as an introduction after waiting four hours in the same place, instead of just saying hi.

"Next time, I'm taking the bloody Love Boat!"

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Astrid looked shocked, a real emotion that didn't have to be faked, even as she drank the alcohol that was placed in front of her. This man had come in and was throwing a wrench in someone else's carefully laid plans. She glanced at Sapphire, clearly knowing of what the other woman could do. She looked at her when no one was looking, giving her a soft nod of dissent that only the other woman could understand. She had to be more careful- even with her mythical Voidpowers, if she was too obvious she could have the whole ship turned on her, and she would have to perform her own duties on the girl- and whomever stood in her way. She decided that she would contact her other "ally" named Dan, telling him about the problem. She barely trusted Dan, but she trusted Sapphire even less, and she felt that the man would rather ally with her, the devil he knew verses the devil he didn't. "Should we find the man clothes or a towel?" Astrid asked, hoping that this whole experiment wouldn't go south. Even though the man was stupid and would do something rash, like mess with the necromancer. They couldn't kill anyone who had previously been close to the man in case the necromancer remembered everything.


Ari followed behind Fiona meekly, finding that following the girl made her feel immensely better. That and not being trapped in the room, which had only served to make things worse. Something about outside from the moment she stepped out of the door being towed by Fiona. She had been around magic all of her life, and definitely enough to know that the off feeling from before was back, but instead of it being soft like it had been before, it was like a slap in the face now. "Fiona, something's wrong." Ari said, gently shaking the other girl's shoulder. "I feel it. It's magic. Something dangerous is on the boat with us." All her anger at Constance was gone, replaced by fear at the impending doom that she could feel in the air. "It's powerful. A mage had released something on board, and it's going to kill. No soft magic feels like this." Now most normal people wouldn't feel it, but growing up with the magic made her sensitive to it, like she could feel the changing winds, as if a storm was coming. Fear helped her to focus, to rebuild her enough to keep her moving.


Jeremy stuck to Peter's side, feeling the joy within him that the man was actually accepting him-- somehow accepting him even more than he had before all of this.
"You're right." Jeremy agreeed, feeling like he was sliding back into the role of Peter's protector, the role that felt oddly right to him. It was easier to hide the crush on this man that was as alien as it was powerful. Though...this had to be about Peter. It only made sense,, as his power was otherworldly. Though...there were presumably others who could beat Peter's powers, taking his memories. Which made the most sense, as Peter's powers improved with experience. Jeremy had to work to keep still, his feelings in check. First things first, they had to go and see what would happen. While this was happening, he would find a short object to make into a shiv. Then he would find out how their memories had evaporated like dust...and who he could trust, because this would never work without people on the inside.
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Chrissie Fletcher ( Fargothia)

The cat was one of the few who could see the thing that was chasing both Chrissie and Charles and boy, that thing was as ugly as it cold be. He wasn't sure if the other humans could see it or if it was just something that only it could see. The cat however wasn't phased by it.

Maybe it was due to the fact that despite how ungodly unnatural the creature appeared to be, the small black kitten was just as unnatural. The cat knew that it was not supposed to be alive at all. If it wasn't for the necromancer who had become its master, the cat would have been buried six feet underground. So, the creature was ugly and a monster, but the cat just would keep up with the humans, not because it was scared, but because it needed to make sure that the two idiot hairless ones didn't go to one of the forbidden places and would go back to the rest of the group of people who needed their help.

Chrissie wasn't able to see whatever they were running from, but it seemed like a good idea to get as far away from it as possible as it was destroying things and frightened the man. She may not understand how the circle worked or what had caused this mess, but she also knew that it was things like this that caused problems for other people. She wondered what it looked like, but also didn't want to know.

It also helped not wanting to see its face in the fact that it was destroying the secret passageway with them. Yeah, that didn't seem like the kind of thing that she wanted to bring home to her brother or her parents.

" You don't have to tell me twice to get our of here. This thing is kind of terrifying."

Chrissie would keep running ahead and notice that it was exactly forty members from where Charles was and the cat had followed her to there. It meowed.

And maybe some moron who wouldn't ruin his circles as an introduction after waiting four hours in the same place, instead of just saying hi.

She would notice that the passageway seemed to go into some sort of lounge that had a group of people. Thank god, she wasn't stuck with just mr. Crazy.

"Hey once you seal tall, dark and terrifying, you might want to see the lounge ahead of us with people."

Zale Lawerence

Zale was surprised by the fact that the mouse had also reacted, crawling into his pocket, hiding from the view of the other passengers. " I am actually freezing, pretty much why I collasped from the fact that I was too cold," he said, feeling relieved when she had managed to wrap a blanket around him. He had a feeling that it was a good thing he had found people. He didn't mind that she didn't have any clothes to offer him, as it would make little sense for her to have clothes for him. She did seem to be nice enough, even though he didn't mind that at all. She hadn't regarded him as crazy.

He wondered if she had not understood what he had intentionally said as it was entirely possible it had been missed when he had spoken. "Zale, ma'am. I did just say that exactly. As in now, well, probably a few hours earlier actually.... though not by much, I figure."

Zale wasn't exactly sure himself of how long it had taken him to get to the top of the boat from the bottom of the ocean. It could have been a few hours and then he definitely didn't know how long the swim had been. It had been recent, but he couldn't exactly put a precise time on it. He noticed the way the other man was eyeing him, but he figured that he was just a fan. He had a lot of those.

Zale had a feeling that he had a bigger fan when he had gotten a ton more blankets and he offered a great pause, as the words processed through his brain. The man had said he had disappeared three years ago. How was he alive here if the place he had awakened was the bottom of the ocean? " Uh, thanks man for that. I'm not a big drinker, but if the whiskey is going to warm me up, I guess I'll give it a go though."

Zale had take a look over at the other woman at the bar, not sure what to make of her expression. She seemed shocked, though, he wasn't sure why. Then again, maybe it was the story that he had told everyone that had happened.

He just noticed that there was a new woman who was in the area. He wondered where she had come from. He noticed her approach him, but he didn't think too much of it. Maybe it was just a strange coincidence that she had appeared in the area and he was overthinking things again. Most likely, that was the case. It seemed more likely than the fact that she had been someone who had only plans to hurt him. He felt a strange electric shock and felt a sudden headache come on, trying his best to focus on the whiskey that was sitting in front of him. It was a good idea for now

Zale would close his eyes and try to focus, not sure what else he could do. However, despite the fact that he was someone who had been hurt, he felt that something was connecting him to someone else on the ship. He didn't know what he was doing, but he would let the shock stay in his mind, holding it. Though, he felt a lot of pain, he would do his best to remain a neutral face, not allowing anyone to know that he was in pain. The small mouse would attempt to crawl out his pocket and angrily squeak at Sapphire. It seemed that it knew that she was not playing fairly when it came to the man. He would cover the mouse mouth's and take it back down and took a deep breath. " Looks like I picked a slightly faulty stool here, squeaks and all. I would feel very grateful if any of you could find me some clothes or even a towel to dry myself out," he said, as he heard a rumbling. He noticed that the walls were opening. This was certainly a strange sight to see. What was going on here after all?

Peter Destin, Christopher Fletcher, Michael Ross and Joe the Ghost

Joe had always been the type to forgive others. The ghost had to, there was a lifetime of people who Joe had never gotten to forgive, family members who had never been apologized things. Of course, that was before the ghost had passed away in the catacombs. Joe still didn't understand how Peter had revived them and give them second life.

There was a lot of Joe that the ghost didn't understand about itself either. For a ghost, Joe was more alive than most. The ghost had learned that they had been able to feel pain by accident and still had to eat and hunger. While Joe didn't need to sleep, it was better for the ghost when sleep was found. Joe had a feeling that they were not the only being with questions about what happened here. It felt that there was a mystery that lingered in the air, unspoken words by everyone involved. As Joe leafed through the journal, the ghost wondered how many people were like Constance, people who had some clues or understanding of the situation they were in. " It is very obvious to me now that someone else is in control, but I don't understand how everything is connected. I feel like we are all missing something."

Joe hated to be the one who had to tell the woman that she was most likely right about the fact that she had forgotten about her death. " I think the way everyone who I have talked to who had been helped by Peter had put it, it's the mind natural defense to make it so you don't remember your own death. It's to make sure that you don't go insane or start to act irrationally towards everything that is happening. Of course, I think it has more to do with the fact that the mind doesn't realize that you were dead. It just sees your previous state as asleep and woken up by a touch, of course, I can't know this for a fact," Joe admitted with a shrug. The ghost had theories since it had been Peter for a while, but even the ghost wasn't certain if their theories were accurate. Of course, it always sucked to be the person to be right though when it came to circumstances involving death.

Michael hadn't intended to bang the door so loudly when he had entered. " Not exactly, we found something else to get out of the room though."

Michael would wait for the woman to get ready, knowing that it was the best approach since most of them hadn't expected for them to find an exit. Michael himself hadn't expected the rumor of secret passageways hidden throughout the boat to be true, but it seemed that they were. Of course, he hadn't fully known where this led, but he imagined that it connected to a different part of the ship and it was currently the only out he would have to make sure that Dan or someone else wouldn't doing something dumb,

Joe noticed the confusion on Constance's face and wondered if she didn't know about what the man had discovered. The ghost wondered how many secrets and tricks existed on this ship. It seemed that every time they had found a place of rest, it had turned out to be some sort of trap or had some secret to it. Joe wondered if the FBI guy was trustworthy, but the last thing the ghost wanted to do was cause discourse. Dan had already put the doubt of the others in the ghost, the last thing Joe wanted to think that the ghost was working against them, when it was fartherest from the truth.

Joe offered a smile and would offer a simple nod. That seemed to be the best approach.

Joe looked over at them. " I couldn't have put it better myself."

Christopher wasn't able to understand how come Dan was glowering at everyone. Had they done something to make the man angry or was it just his natural state to look like he wanted to strangle people. The captain decided a sandwich and beer was a good choice and offered a smile. "You are most welcome," he said, before he would uncermoniously fall through the wall and land on his back. Wel, that was certainly a weird thing that he didn't know about his ship. He wondered if anyone else knew about it, but he also knew that he was going to need some help up. He was very grateful when Dan would come to help him up. " I have had a lot worse landing on my back in the past, so I'm ok-" He would lose his footing. " Might need some supporting through the passage if we go through it."

Christopher wondered why Dan didn't wanted to inform the woman, but he guessed that the man just wanted a break from the larger group. Of course, he had other thoughts that he didn't like them, but he kept the words to himself. He wondered if Michael had decided it was the best to do because he genuinely wanted the woman to know or if he wanted to keep his heroic complexion that the group was holding to him due to his profession of an FBI agent. There was something unnatural about it- but Christopher couldn't place a finger on it.

Michael rolled his eyes at Dan's comment, deciding to make a point that was a dumb question. "Now we see where this passage goes."

Peter had taken a moment to process the fact that there was a secret passageway out of nowhere that the group had found. He had to wonder how many secrets this ship had and how many more passages they would be encountering here. Their group had always seemed rather small compared to the actual scope of the ship. Maybe if they followed this passageway, they would find the others who were on the boat. Joe had mentioned there had been some sort of weird anti-social guy who had gone away from the group. Peter had to wonder if that person was doing okay or if they had found trouble here. There was ths sense that there was something else unnatural on the ship, like there was a person he had possibly brought back from the dead ( he still didn't believe that was what had happened with the captain) or if it was something else that he couldn't understand. He wondered what wrong thing Ari was feeling, but he felt that it was a dumb question to ask her as it semeed she didn't understand what was the magic, just that she didn't like the feeling of it.

Peter still felt that it was better to be with Jeremy, feeling that he was more trustworthy than the rest of the group, though he felt their connection was deeper than that.

As the group would most likely agree to descend into the passageway, they would notice that it was a very straight forward path to wherever it was connected to. There were no branching passages, just one long dimly lit passage that seemed to last for a long time. Peter wasn't sure why, but the more they descended into the passage, the more he felt that unnatural connection that was him. Likewise, the closer they got to the end of the passageway, the stronger it would seem Ari's sense for unnatural magic to go through. After what would feel like an hour ( when actuality, it was two minutes,) the group would find themselves in a new location, the lounge. It seemed that there was a large gathering of people here already, some looking slightly worse off than others, but all mostly recognizable as passengers or crew members, outside of two of them.

" Chrissie, what the fuck are you doing on this cruise ship?"

" Well, I was stowing away in the cargo hold and then people vanished and there was a ton of deade bodies there and then some crazy guy summoned a monster and made it so you couldn't revive dead bodies in the cargo hold and a secret passage led us here.... you know..." she said.

Peter was about to ask for more details. "I would love to-" But before the sentence could be finished, he would collapse. And like a game of dominos, all of the living dead outside of Michael would feel weaker. It seemed that he had exhausted all of his energy, hopefully nothing bad was going to happen now. ... and then the lights went out,

When the lights came back on, Peter was gone. That didn't seem good for anyone.

Over the coms of Sapphire and the other in the know, they would seem one simple message ' It wasn't us.'

@Rads @slifer @PoetLore @Ringmaster
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