A Long Time Ago in a Galaxy Far, Far Away...

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Vi Veri Veniversum Vivus Vici
Original poster
Invitation Status
Posting Speed
  1. 1-3 posts per day
  2. One post per day
  3. 1-3 posts per week
  4. One post per week
Writing Levels
  1. Intermediate
  2. Adept
  3. Advanced
  4. Adaptable
Preferred Character Gender
  1. Male
  2. Primarily Prefer Male

A long time ago in a galaxy far, far away…


It was an age of peace for the NEW REPUBLIC until a mysterious Dark Lord of Sith- Darth Magnus- emerged from the UNKNOWN REGIONS. Armed with a massive fleet and an army of Sith Lords, the Republic was defeated as Luke Skywalker's Jedi Order was forced to scatter across the galaxy after their temple on Yavin IV was destroyed.

For almost two hundred years after their victory, the SITH CONFEDERATION has ruled unchallenged as the remnants of the Jedi remain hunted through the galaxy. As the planet Mandalore entered into open revolt, high-ranking individuals across the galaxy sought out the remaining Jedi Knights to form a new movement, an ENLIGHTENMENT, to restore peace to the galaxy.

With deals being made in secret, the Enlightenment begins to build an army from the shadows. Seeking out old bases and supply caches from the OLD REPUBLIC and the REBELLION, a group of Jedi Knights and Enlightenment agents on the frost-world of Ithal in the Outer Rim discover a centuries-old secret that could give them an advantage in the coming war...

Thank you for your interest! Now, about this idea...

- The starting date is ~290 ABY (After the Battle of Yavin)
- We would begin on the planet Ithal, an Outer Rim world that:
-- Is sparsely populated and covered in snowfall​
-- Was used as an Old Republic settlement and secret base, then later as an Imperial junkyard maintenance station​
- The players initially search the planet after hearing rumors of an ancient Jedi archive and safehouse. Instead, they soon find a somewhat active wing of the Old Republic base, containing a legion of clones cared for by barely-active caretaker droids, unaware of the state of the galaxy in the modern day.
- After inadvertently awakening the clones, the group is forced to try and get one of the old ships on Ithal operational before the next cold wave kills them all. With no more than a week before they're incapable of surviving, time is of the essence as they try to get off-world and somehow avoid the eye of the Confederation until the time was right.

A few upkeeping notes:
- My Co-GMs for this adventure will be @BlueFlameNikku and @Dipper . Players will need approval from two of the three GMs for any submitted player characters and NPCs.
- The story will be largely player-driven, similar to a D&D campaign, with a chance to explore many different worlds and undertake a variety of deadly and dangerous missions.
- Players will be able to play as any species in the Star Wars universe, within reason, as well as clones and droids.
- Not all characters need to be attuned to the Force- characters who are "deaf" to it can be even deadlier than Jedi!
- The Sequel Trilogy (which is comprised of Episodes VII, VIII, & IX) will not be considered canon for this roleplay due to its incomplete status. Instead, much of the inspiration for events that place beyond Return of the Jedi will be taken from the "Legends" continuity.
- The current maximum number of participants will be eight total.
- We're anticipating a posting rate of once per week once this gets rolling.
- The OOC will be housed on Discord- instructions for accessing it will be on the Lore page when it is put up.
- This roleplay is likely to be intermediate/advanced.
Please leave a comment if you're interested, have questions, or wish to make a suggestion!
Alright, I'll bite. How do jedi live? I imagine by themselves or in small groups. Would the Jedi Code be different? Variations of the same school of thought.
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Alright, I'll bite. How do jedi live? I imagine by themselves or in small groups. Would the Jedi Code be different? Variations of the same school of thought.
The Jedi live far-flung across the corners of the galaxy, attempting to keep their presence in the Force as small or nonexistent as possible to keep them from drawing the Sith's attention. Most of the time, they can be found in groups of three to eight, and any large groups gather or direct meetings between even the leading members of the order are exceedingly rare due to the dangers they pose. The Jedi in our story would be one such standard group, albeit one working closely with an Enlightenment cell.

The Jedi Code taught by the preceding Jedi Order is nonexistent- it remains as a piece of history and a lesson against blind dogmatism. The Jedi of our story follow the Jedi Code penned by the Luke Skywalker for the New Jedi Order of the Legends continuity. As one can imagine, the mew Jedi Code has many different interpretations and teachings vary wildly due to the various groups of Jedi being largely isolated. As such, the Initiate Trials and Trials of Knighthood have a far greater importance compared to before since they also serve to ensure that there are no harmful deviations in what a student has learned from their masters.
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@Dante behold, the future.
@Fyrra take a dive off of the deep end.
Sure, count me in. I've been mulling over a few character concepts, but I'm leaning toward a non-jedi Nautolan pilot / scattergun-wielder / "occasionally beats people/robots up with a staff." She's gonna be a little bit numb and miserable with the cold. :)
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Reactions: AceSorcerer
This looks super damn interesting, and it's pretty clear all three of you guys have given this some serious thought. Consider me very interested!

Just one quick question: how familiar would one need to be with the Legends/extended continuity to get by in this RP? I'm a total pleb who's only really seen the movies and the Clone Wars tv series, would I struggle to keep up?
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Reactions: AceSorcerer
This looks super damn interesting, and it's pretty clear all three of you guys have given this some serious thought. Consider me very interested!

Just one quick question: how familiar would one need to be with the Legends/extended continuity to get by in this RP? I'm a total pleb who's only really seen the movies and the Clone Wars tv series, would I struggle to keep up?

We're including an extensive lore page that'll be up soon! The page in question will serve to introduce all the players involved to the custom lore of our setting and some of the background lore that's been borrowed from the Legends continuity. Most of what we're incorporating from Legends takes place before the Clone Wars as well as a healthy dose after Return of the Jedi, and we'd be more than happy to answer any specific questions as they arise!
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I like Star Wars >.>

I guess I already have a question. So like, Regarding Mandos. Does their open revolt mean against the Confederation? And does that make being a Mando almost a form of "outlaw" with consideration to the Sith Confederacy?
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Reactions: AceSorcerer
I like Star Wars >.>

I guess I already have a question. So like, Regarding Mandos. Does their open revolt mean against the Confederation? And does that make being a Mando almost a form of "outlaw" with consideration to the Sith Confederacy?

You've very much got the idea! While there are various planets and small regions independent from the Confederation due to diplomatic means, the Mandalorians have essentially done what Mandalorians have done best in Legends by declaring war and beginning to beat up a galactic power much larger and stronger than they are. For the time being, Mandalore itself is the only planet in open rebellion against the Confederation while other Enlightenment allies are waiting for a more opportune time to show their true colors. And while one can't quite call for a bounty on every living Mandalorian, the Mandalore and most Mandalorian officials do have high prices on their heads to be brought in alive, half that if dead. No disintegrations, of course.
I like Star Wars as well, but I've never been an uber fanboy of anything so I am not well versed. I watched all the movies before the new stuff -- several times actually -- and played the games. Though I couldn't really tell you much about the world beyond what I saw in the movies. Is it alright if someone like me joined?
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Reactions: AceSorcerer
I like Star Wars as well, but I've never been an uber fanboy of anything so I am not well versed. I watched all the movies before the new stuff -- several times actually -- and played the games. Though I couldn't really tell you much about the world beyond what I saw in the movies. Is it alright if someone like me joined?

That's absolutely fine. Like Ace said-- we've been working on a page for lore for this particular setting, so basic knowledge is a-okay. If you have any questions about the deeper lore, we're happy to help.
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Reactions: AceSorcerer
I like Star Wars as well, but I've never been an uber fanboy of anything so I am not well versed. I watched all the movies before the new stuff -- several times actually -- and played the games. Though I couldn't really tell you much about the world beyond what I saw in the movies. Is it alright if someone like me joined?
You should watch the clone wars series. It's worth it and mlut might help with lore and getting a feel for the SW universe. Just a suggestion.
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Reactions: AceSorcerer
@AceSorcerer Am i allowed to play a character who has interest in the Sith approach to the force. Not that wishes to join them but understand it.
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YES! How could one with the almighty Ahsoka in his signature, not be interested in such an RP?!?
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@AceSorcerer Am i allowed to play a character who has interest in the Sith approach to the force. Not that wishes to join them but understand it.
I actually did watch that. On cartoon network. I liked it a lot and it really was the thing that made me go, "Ah, so they are actually clones. Clever." 14 year old me thought.
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@AceSorcerer Am i allowed to play a character who has interest in the Sith approach to the force. Not that wishes to join them but understand it.
There's nothing wrong with a character that has a curiosity about it, and in this setting it's likely that they would have learned about the Sith approach from a young age due to the enforcement of Sith doctrine.
I'm extremely interested as a star wars fanboy. I approve of the reasoning of not using the sequel because of the lack of completion rather than the hate and want to join this thread anymore. I'm just wondering what your basis for droids are? I'd like to be an HK unit much similar to HK-47 from Knights of the Old Republic or Star Wars Galaxies but major changes in personality and insults. Just wondering if EU is applied here.
I'm extremely interested as a star wars fanboy. I approve of the reasoning of not using the sequel because of the lack of completion rather than the hate and want to join this thread anymore. I'm just wondering what your basis for droids are? I'd like to be an HK unit much similar to HK-47 from Knights of the Old Republic or Star Wars Galaxies but major changes in personality and insults. Just wondering if EU is applied here.

Intrigued Statement: This could prove to be most interesting, meatbag. If you can make it work when you post your sheet, we'll most likely approve it.