A multi-fandom search! Craving Bleach, OHSHC, and Berserk

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Original poster
Invitation Status
  1. Looking for partners
Writing Levels
  1. Adept
  2. Advanced
  3. Adaptable
Preferred Character Gender
  1. Female
  2. Primarily Prefer Female
About me:

21+ year old woman

10+ years rp/writing experience

Recent college grad

About you:

18+, preferably 21+

Female or nonbinary (I don't feel comfortable roleplaying with men)

Not terminally online, don't take things too seriously

RP preferences:

I RP over discord only!

NSFW-friendly, my preference is a good balance of plot and smut

I only do canon/OC pairings and I double!
I don't mind self-inserts either

Pairings on my side will be F/M or F/F and I'm fine with doing either of those for your side as well

I'm also a huge fan of love triangles and linear poly so let me know if that's something you're interested in

I do not write M/M, as a woman it feels fetishistic

I don't have many limits, so please communicate yours with me

I do generally like dark themes and plots though, so please keep that in mind. If you don't like dark topics and have many triggers that's fine, but I might not be the right partner for you

Please be willing to plot with me! Especially if both of our sides are part of one plot

I'm pretty flexible with length, usually writing in a range of semi-lit to novella
Please be willing to write at least multi-para replies though

For writing style, I can provide a sample if needed; feel free to provide your own
I try to reply minimum once a week, more if I'm able–I've been trying to increase my productivity and write more, so I should hopefully be getting more replies out

Please communicate if you're unable to reply for an extended period. I'll do the same

I love OOC chatter! Not required, but it's always nice to fangirl about things together too


‼️ - High priority
✍️ - I have potential plots (at least for my side, but can be discussed further for yours)
🤔 - Tentative

‼️‼️✍️ Bleach -

Character(s) I'd like written for me: Uryu Ishida, Sosuke Aizen

Who I can write: Almost any other character besides Shinji and Urahara

‼️ Berserk -

Character(s) I'd like written for me: Casca

Who I can write: Anyone else

Notes: I'm actively reading the manga but have only read up to the eclipse

‼️ Ouran High School Host Club -

Character(s) I'd like written for me: Kyoya Ootori

Who I can write: Any character except Honey

Notes: I have watched the anime but haven't read the manga

✍️ One Punch Man -

Character(s) I'd like written for me: Satoru

Who I can write: Any other character except Sonic

Notes: I've watched both seasons and have started the manga

✍️ Danganronpa -

Who I'd like written for me: Kokichi Ouma, Kaito Momota, Nagito Komaeda

Who I can write: Almost any other character except Hiyoko and Himiko

Notes: Familiar with the main three games, watched the End of Hope's Peak anime, have not played Ultra Despair Girls

🤔 True Blood -

Character(s) I'd like written for me: Sam Merlotte

Who I can write: Anyone else

Notes: I've watched the entire series once, currently rewatching


Thank you for reading, and I hope to be hearing from some of you soon! Please message me with a short introduction to yourself, what fandom/characters/plots you might be interested in, any limits you might have, and anything else I should know about you. Please be sure to read this ad thoroughly. I can usually tell when someone hasn't, and in those cases I will not respond to avoid wasting my and your time.