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Cat Lady of Questionable Sanity
Original poster
Posting Speed
  1. One post per day
  2. Multiple posts per week
  3. 1-3 posts per week
  4. One post per week
  5. Slow As Molasses
Writing Levels
  1. Adept
  2. Advanced
  3. Adaptable
Preferred Character Gender
  1. Male
  2. Primarily Prefer Female
Action-adventure, adult characters, alternate universe, anime, crime drama, cyberpunk, darker themes, drama, dystopia, eastern, edo, epic quest, fairy tale, fantasy, feudal, futuristic, grimdark, heian, high fantasy, low fantasy, magic, modern, modern fantasy, modern scifi, paranormal, psychological, romance, scifi, supernatural, urban fantasy.
Arianthe de Canta is a role play I made with a friend once, way back when. It was based on the idea of a caravan of traveling performers, traveling the fantasy world of Arianthe - called the Arianthe de Canta. We went as far in-depth as we could think to go at the time; although, we didn't think of things such as races of people or species of animals. I finally found all of this and wanted to put it somewhere. This was the best place I could think of, since it is too lengthy and involved to put in my blog. Feel free to rate my content, but please don't post here.
The World of Arianthe

Arianthe (AR - EE - AN - TH) is made of eight key countries, not withstanding the many smaller countries that make up the surrounding areas. Each country is kind of its own region or biome: the Desert, the Forests, the Mountains, the Grasslands (also known as the "Savanna," "Plains," or "Prairie"), the Wastes, the Grove Swamps, and the East and West Coasts. Each of the regions differ in climate, culture, and language.

The Key Countries and their Key Cities:

Andella (Ahn - Day - Ah) ~ the desert country
• Arash (Ah - Rah - sh)
• Hasad (Ah - Sahd)
• Sema (Say - Ma)

Damir (Dah - Meer) ~ the forest country
• Xylia (Zil - EE- Ah)
• Callia (Cah - LEE - Ah)
• Galatea (Gah - La - Tay - Ah)

Irenna (EE - Ren - Ah) ~ the mountain country
• Jael (Yale)
• Alexei (Ah - Lex - Ay)
• Seneca (Seh - Nehk - Ah)

Emmanelle (Eh - Man - Yehl) ~ open country, the grasslands
• Illias (Ill - EE - Ahs)
• Lux (Looz)
• Tanis (Tuhn - EE - S)

Merel (Meh - RR - Ehl) ~ the wastes
• Aysel (I - Yehl)
• Ghayth
• Raviv (Rah - VEEV)

Lundy (Lon - Die) ~ the groves, swamp country
• Arooj (Ah - Roo)
• Tamarix (Tam - Ar - EEZ)
• Shyam (Shy - Ahm)

Leinae (Leh - Ny) ~ ocean-front, the country at the west coast
• Amadahy (Ah - Ma - Die)
• Dalit (Dah - LEE)
• Nein (Nay - EEN)

Sevan (Say - Vahn) ~ ocean-front, the country at the east coast
• Kuval (Koo - Vahl)
• Llayda (Yay - Dah)
• Naida (Nah - ee - Dah)
The Desert Country

Arash is the capital city of the desert country of Andella, the fifth richest land in the world, which makes Arash the fifth largest capital city. Andella's military resides directly in Arash, as the city is surrounded by open desert. Arash has a very small shopping center, but much of Andella's finer cloths and silks can be found here.

Sema is the country's merchant capital. It has a vast array of marketing and trade. The streets are crowded with vendors and shoppers alike; small shops can be found on almost every corner. While it's very good with marketing, few of the products are actually made in Sema. Most of the products sold are imported from other regions and cities in Andella, most typically Hasad.

Hasad is the industrial capital of Andella. It has a large amount of product output and high numbers of employment. Much of the city is made of a multitude of different crafts, such as leather and iron works. Most everything sold in Andella is made in this city; however, due to the city's small market, much of Hasad's products are found in Sema and Arash.

Spring - High 95 degrees; Low 70 degrees
Summer - High 110 degrees; Low 87 degrees
Fall - High 80 degrees; Low 70 degrees
Winter - High 75 degrees; Low 65 degrees

Annual Precipitation:
There is around 1 inch of precipitation annually (per year). Spring is hot and humid, and lasts only about two months out of the year. Summer is extremely hot, humid, and dry and lasts about eight months out of the year. Autumn is warm, and not as humid, but extremely dry. There are a few clouds so the land can cool off a bit. Autumn is the shortest season, lasting less than a month. Winter is humid, but decent and only lasts about one month. Night time is below freezing no matter what season.

Plants and Animals:
Wild-life in Andella consists of mostly reptiles like the Gila Monster, bobcats, coyotes, big horn sheep, a few breeds of camels and horses suited to the desert, and birds of prey such as hawks or owls. Plant life consists of various dry grasses, brittle bushes, yucca trees, palms, and cacti.

Andella is in tense state of affairs. Its emperor, Mahjad, is a ruler who elicits mixed feelings amongst those in Andella. Some are loyal to him; others are not so loyal, but don't ever let their disloyalty be heard. He has soldiers dispersed amongst his various cities, quelling the subtle rebellions rising up and quieting those who speak of opposition. Travel in and out of the capital has been limited for fear of mutiny.
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The Forest Country

Xylia is the capital city of the forest country of Damir. This city is famous for its architecture; the buildings are literally part of the trees. Damir is the third richest country in the world, making Xylia the third largest capital city. Much of Damir's exports are made from things gathered directly out of the forests, making them very popular. The forests provide a wonderful array of different types of plants and animals and activities.

Callia is the industrial capital of the forest country and is renowned for its wonderful blacksmiths and wide collection of weapons and tools.

Galatea is the merchant capital of Damir, which is what makes it the third richest country in Arianthe. Galatea's market is very vast; a place where one can truly find a little bit of everything. Its best sellers are its luxurious Au-naturale style furs and fabrics.

Spring - High 75-60 degrees; Low 60-55 degrees
Summer - High 105 degrees; Low 75 degrees
Fall - High 65 degrees; Low 55 degrees
Winter - High 40 degrees; Low 30-20 degrees

Annual Precipitation:
There is about 32 inches or more of precipitation annually (per year), most of the precipitation occurring in the summer and winter seasons. Springs are warm with few showers and cool breezes. Summers are typically mild and dry, but can be extremely hot and humid after a rain. Autumns are cool and a little chilly, leaves start changing colors. Winters are typically very cold with ice and snow likely.

Plants and Animals:
Wild-life in Damir consists of birds of prey such as eagles, song birds, chipmunks, squirrels, deer, moose, and larger predatory animals like the puma, bobcats, black and brown bears, wolves, and foxes. Plant life includes different types of grasses, shrubs, mosses, flowers, and trees.

Damir is ruled by the Council of Twelve, a group of Elders who are elected, or chosen, by predecessors. Any issues or laws are voted on by these twelve for the good of the people. It is quite the successful method, as there hasn't been even a whisper of rebellion since the Council first came to power centuries ago; however, the Council is strict, which may very well be the reason for its success. The only complaint is that the people aren't involved in the decisions concerning their welfare.
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The Mountain Country

Jael is the capital city of the mountainous country of Irenna. This land is famous for its vast mountain ranges and its year-round cool temperatures. Irenna is a wealthy land for one so isolated. Jael is the fourth largest capital city, Damir's Xylia coming in third and the coastal capitals taking first and second. It's known well for its palace built into the mountain side, a wonder that people come from all over to witness. Jael is also famous for its moon flowers of which are planted in the many gardens in the Ruins.

Seneca is the industrial capital of Irenna. It's known well for its vast array of armors and weapons and jewelry made from the many rocks and stones found in the mountains, as well as clothes made from the furs of the llamas and alpacas, many of which are sold in the merchant capital of Alexei. The city provides an excellent number of jobs, as many men are needed in the mines and black smith shops.

Spring - High 50 degrees; Low 30 degrees
Summer - High 60-55 degrees; Low 40-35 degrees
Fall - High 50 degrees; Low 30 degrees
Winter - High 35 degrees; Low is below freezing

Annual Precipitation:
There is about 10 to 12 inches of precipitation annually (per year), with temperatures almost always freezing in the higher altitudes. Spring is a warm season, small flowers growing around this time until the end of summer. Summer is the warmest it gets in Irenna all year, the flowers only live till the end of the season. Autumn is the shortest season, not lasting but maybe two or three months. Winter is the longest season, temperatures rarely rising above freezing.

Plants and Animals:
Wild-life in Irenna consists animals like moose, deer, elk, big horn sheep, mountain goats, black and brown bears, mountain lions, wolves, coyotes, snow leopards, and birds of prey. Plant life includes broad-leaf and cone-bearing trees, sparse grasses, and low-growing alpine flowers.

Like the forest country of Damir, Irenna too is ruled by a Council; however, their council is not as commanding or demanding. They seem to have a sort of omnipresence throughout the country, perhaps due to the fact that the council is made of the leading elders from each individual village and city throughout Irenna, each elder being chosen by the people of said individual village or city. The Council proposes ideas and regulations, then agree on how to do go about them. Depending upon the importance of the decision to be made, the citizens may get to vote. They meet at the beginning of each season. The Council meets four times a year.
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The Grasslands

Illias is the capital city of the grassy country of Emmanelle. This land is famous for its vast landscape and beautiful meadows. Emmanelle is not a rich country, but not a poor one either, as it does very well for itself with grain harvests. Illias is the biggest of the small prairie towns, offering the widest variety of culture the grasslands have to offer. The grasslands boast a strong army, as the towns are out in the open of the grassy fields instead of hidden in trees like the cities in Damir.

Tanis is the industrial capital of the grasslands. It is one of the smallest industrial cities, as the grasslands don't have as much material to use or make things with as Damir or Irenna. They do have very popular buffalo skin coats that do excellent jobs at keeping people warm during the winter, the bones of which also make excellent tools and interesting jewelry, which is sent to the merchant capital of Lux. The sod harvest is where the majority of their income comes from.

Spring - High 70-60 degrees; Low 60-55 degrees
Summer - High 80-70 degrees; Low 65 degrees
Fall - High 65 degrees; Low 55 degrees
Winter - High 50 degrees; Low is below freezing

Annual Precipitation:
There is about 10 to 30 inches or more of precipitation annually (per year), most occurring during the spring and winter. Spring is typically warm and rainy, the rain keeps things cool. Summers are warm and dry, temperatures can feel much hotter due to lack of trees for shade. Autumns are cool and breezy with a few clouds, the best time to harvest grains from the fields. Winters are cold and snowy with hardly any sun light.

Plants and Animals:
Wild-life in Emmanelle consists of birds of prey such as hawks, song birds, prairie dogs, burrowing owls, buffalo, wild horses, coyotes, bobcats, foxes, and different rodents. Plant life includes different types of tall grasses and some flowers. There are few trees, if any.

Emmanelle has a militaristic government. Each town, village, or city is like a small territory with a military commander supervising of each one. They have a military set-up for protection due to constant fear of invasion from the surrounding open landscape. Usually, the band of military commanders selects a single man to supervise a territory, in order to keep all of the territories united and protected.
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The Wastes

Aysel is the capital city of the wastelands of Merel. Merel is the poorest of the countries and Aysel the smallest capital city in the world. The wastes are wide and the towns are scattered with few resources, resulting in little trade and business leaving the country. The industrial capital of Raviv produces very little in the way of products or jobs, leaving the merchant capital Ghayth with little to nothing to sell. Without much product output, Merel requires the imports from other countries to keep it going.

Spring - High 65 degrees; Low 40 degrees
Summer - High 70 degrees; Low 60 degrees
Fall - High 60 degrees; Low 45 degrees
Winter - High 40 degrees; Low is below freezing

Annual Precipitation:
There is about 15 to 30 inches of precipitation annually (per year), most of the precipitation occurring during the spring, summer, and winter seasons.

Plants and Animals:
Wild-life in Merel are animals like beavers, otters, crocodiles, wood ducks and other water fowl, owls, rodents, frogs, and fish. Plant life includes swamp dog woods, cypress trees, willows, and an assortment of grasses, reeds, and water plants.

Merel is run by a select, small group who controls everything. After a long-winded rebellion, the former monarch was overthrown and these new leaders came into power. The people of Merel are still a little uncertain on how this "Equal Share" principle operates.
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The Grove Swamps

Arooj is the capital city of the grove swamps of Lundy. Lundy boasts beautiful scenery in the groves and architecture similar to that of the forests of Damir, with establishments built into the trees. Arooj is known well for its modes of transportation: either walking in the treetops or rowing in boats on the waters. There is dry land, but not a lot of it, as it is flooded during high tide or when the river rises after a long rain.

Shyam is the industrial capital of Lundy. It, along with the merchant capital of Tamarix, is quite similar to the coastal capitals, offering jobs such as fishing and loading boats. Lundy has among the most exotic merchant capitals, offering goods such as leather and high quality fishing supplies.

Spring - High 65 degrees; Low 40 degrees
Summer - High 80-70 degrees; Low 60 degrees
Fall - High 60 degrees; Low 50-45 degrees
Winter - High 40 degrees; Low is below freezing

Annual Precipitation:
There is about 15 to 30 inches of precipitation annually (per year), most of the precipitation occurring during the summer and winter seasons. Springs are cool, perfect for flowers to start growing. Summers don't get terribly hot, but they are humid. Autumns are typically chilly with snippy winds and colored leaves. Winters are cold, but it's rare that the swamp waters freeze over.

Plants and Animals:
Wild-life in Lundy consists of beavers, otters, crocodiles, wood ducks and other water fowl, owls, rodents, frogs, and fish. Plant life includes swamp dog woods, cypress trees, willows, and an assortment of grasses, reeds, and water plants.

The country of Lundy is under the rule of a monarchy; however, these monarchs are not the typical sort. The royal family rules on a personal level with their kingdom, working with their people to solve problems. It has worked peacefully and efficiently for the most part, but the future is uncertain when the princess refuses to marry and make peace with a neighboring enemy.
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The Country at the West Coast

Amadahy is the capital city of the western coastal country of Leinae. Amadahy is the second largest capital city in the world, famous for its beautiful beaches and large variety of shopping. Leinae is the second richest land, Sevan coming in first, and Damir in third. Much trade is done overseas and in all sorts of businesses, providing an excellent number of jobs. There is lots of work to be found here.

Nein is the industrial capital of Leinae. Most available jobs are for fishermen, deckhands for ships, crew members for loading supplies and products, and shop helpers. The employment rate is rather high here, and the export rate is outstanding. The merchant capital of Dalit has, by far, one of the most diverse markets, right behind the markets of Sevan and Damir.

Spring - High 70-60 degrees; Low 60-50 degrees
Summer - High 90-70 degrees; Low 70-65 degrees
Fall - High 65 degrees; Low 50-40 degrees
Winter - High 55 degrees; Low 30 degrees

Annual Precipitation:
There is around 10 to 30 inches of precipitation annually (per year), most occurring during the summer and winter seasons. Springs are warm, moist, and a bit humid due to rain. Summers are rather dry with low humidity, breezes off the sea keeping the land cool. Autumn is typically cool and dry with very low humidity and the occasional cold snap. Winters are cold with the occasional hard freeze.

Plants and Animals:
Wild-life on the coasts of Leinae consists of sea creatures, sea otters, sea lions, and the occasional salt water crocodile. In-land animals consist of black bears, bobcats, coyotes, wolves, foxes, small rodents, song birds, and birds of prey such as hawks. Plant life includes palm trees, kelp, giant ferns, and flowers and deciduous trees of different sorts.

The aristocracy of Leinae is the main ruling body on the west coast. Laissez-faire is the motto of the people from these prestigious families with strict class separation. Though it is possible to climb the ladder, the mannerisms and behaviors of each class and interactions between them are strictly enforced. No duchess shall run off with a merchant's son without disgrace. Perhaps the "old money" is a little frightened by the growing "new money?"
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The Country at the East Coast

Kuval is the capital city of the eastern coastal country of Sevan. It is the largest capital city in the world, famous for its golden architecture, beautiful beaches, and vast array of shopping. Sevan is the richest land in Arianthe, with its sister coastal country of Leinae in second, and the forests of Damir in third. Sevan and Leinae are similar in many ways, such as how both have a market based on fishing. The industrial and merchant capitals, Llayda and Naida respectively, rival the capitals of Leinae in nearly every way. Arguably, the only real differences between the two coastal countries are the fish in their markets, the countries they do business with, and their governments.

Spring - High 70-60 degrees; Low 60-50 degrees
Summer - High 90-70 degrees; Low 70-65 degrees
Fall - High 65 degrees; Low 50-40 degrees
Winter - High 55 degrees; Low 30 degrees

Annual Precipitation:
There is around 10 to 30 inches of precipitation annually (per year), most occurring during the summer and winter seasons. Springs are warm, moist, and a bit humid due to rain. Summers are rather dry with low humidity, breezes off the sea keeping the land cool. Autumn is typically cool and dry with very low humidity and the occasional cold snap. Winters are cold with the occasional hard freeze.

Plants and Animals:
Wild-life on the coasts of Sevan consists of sea creatures, sea otters, sea lions, and the occasional salt water crocodile. In-land animals consist of black bears, bobcats, coyotes, wolves, foxes, small rodents, song birds, and birds of prey such as hawks. Plant life includes palm trees, kelp, giant ferns, and flowers and deciduous trees of different sorts.

Democracy reigns in this country. Any person that is twenty-five years of age and has property can vote for politicians to represent their district in the capital. There is a Council of Laws and a Council of Regulation. The Council of Laws suggests and votes on general laws, as well as policies and taxes. The Council of Regulations then votes on specific guidelines to those suggestions, having the Council of Laws review for any objections or changes. Two Heads are elected for each of these two councils and make the final judgement in operations.
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